Exeter Advocate, 1905-06-22, Page 3RHEUMATIC PAINS. TOO REMINISCENT. Driven Out of the System by Dr, A Tramp Who Was Made to Think Williams' Pink Pills. of Home. ••My life was absolutely made Mrs. Bagley was not timid. still, tramps were scarce in that neighbor- -- nmiserablu by rheumatism. Saye Mr* hood, and the ono approaching the Geo. F. llilpert, of !lest River, £+heelinuusu did nut present a nussuring WELLAND MERCHANT RE- llarbor, N.S. "I ant employed every appearance. The old lady glanced STORED TO HEALTH BY spring us a river driver, and in urn- toward the bairn and clown the lane, Sequence amp exposed h to all sorts of reflecting uneasily on her ,i::band'8 DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. W'cnitlier and exposure in the cold wu- habit of being late fur meals. ter. A few years ago while engu(;e•1 The tramp, also, had reconnoitered -- at my work 1 was seize,) loth the the barnyard and noted the absence Doctors and Medicine Failed— must acute pains in my buck and of a man. Ile Slouched confidently Dodd's Kidney Pills Succeeded— juiuts, 1 became almost a cripple round to the kitchen dour, stetted and could scarcely move about. I himself on the step, peering innpu- Other Cases They Just Seem to had ne•dicul aid, but it did not help (neatly from under his scraggly brows Suit. are. 'Yuen I began taking it remtcdy at the neat, motherly woman. and ' alleged to be a cure for nceuucuts"n sniffed at the agreeable odors from !Selland, Ont., June 12.—(Spacial) end I used ten dollars worth, but the slut(,, —.J. J. Yokom, a prominent mcr- derived absolutely nu benefit. The "I--1 s'puse you're hungry," said chant of this city, is telling his old friend—Su you're suing to co11stant s offering I wus in began to Airs. Bagley. bravely breaking the friends of his remarkable cure of a (wild a fifty thousand dollar house, tell on ray hitherto strong cuustitu- embarrassing sileuco and going terrible Kidney Disease by liodd's What kind of a library are you go- tell and 1 became so badly run downstraight to what she hoped was the Kidney !'ills. Mr. ),idioms State- ing to have in it? that 1 despaired of ever being in only point. Intent is as follows: ( Airs. Newrox—A Carnegie, I think. good health aguin. '!'hen a friend "Guess I ant," drawled the vaga "leer more than a year 1 had been, called my attention to lh•. Williams' bond. "Got a big thirst, too. Guess'; ailing with Kidney '!'rouble in all its"aouehtmyllte+orthlrty-tlweenle' Pink !'ills, and although somewhat you inil:ht's well Onuue suthin to wor:st symaptoms. I had a dietre.:sed' —'!'his was one man's way of nutting skeptical 1 decided to try them. 1 drink until you git dinner ready." I feeling in my head, little or 110 up al,h,liron, chronic rem ad iimdvspegoria.nc''1ttnwas had only used it few boxes when 1, Mrs. ltagley hastily took the coffee; petite, and a feeling of languor. 1 began to recd better, and after 1 had1 b b a living death to Inc until 1 tried Dr. pot from the stove, poured out a became greatly reduced in weigh(. Von titan's Uinta am 'Tablets. Thanks used something over a do en boxes I. cup of the steaming beverage land "Doctors lord medicines failing to io n llitfrirndsto-day 1 boughtwen, life rlfor tab wild again in good health. Etery 1 hande<I it to her self -invited guest, give me any benefit 1 became (lespon- cents.** eu in a be. -80 twingu of the trouble had left me.! praying that Hiramwould appear • deet, when by good luck 1 chanced to -- and although 1 h abo been subject to; before anything worse developed. ; try Dodd's Kidney Pills, and from The preacher who has something to much exposures since, 1 have not; The tramp greedily gulped clown the first they seemed to suit my stay always knows when he has said had a twinge of the old pain. I tun: the greater port of the contents of case. After taking five boxes the old it. honestly say that Ur. Williams' Fink the cup; them he started up violently, trouble had gradually disappeared. Pills cured me after other expensive rolling his eyes wildly. Next ins and I was feeling better than I had Lever's Y-7 (Wise Head) Disinfect - had failed." JUST SEEMED TO SUIT HIS CASE Unless the soap you use has this brand you are not getting the best £a Sir Um *elegem Bar. Hs 7111 % FAO. treatment Ithcuu was rooted in M(r., gazed into the cup, stented to recol-i in many years." ant Soap Powder is better than Ilea something, and then trade al Dodd's Kidney Pills suit the case other powders, as it is both soap and 1(ilpert's blood. The cold, and the ct horrible face at his quaking hostess. I of every (nun, woman or child who disinfectant. wet and the exposure only startodi ..Same ez ma uster do," he re-! has any tome of Kidney Disease., the plain suing. Dr. Williams' fink marked, in a changed and chastened ; 'I'hP always cure and cu:'u merman-. Charitybegins bya sub - Pills cured because they drove the b Y y I 6e Cher , t Atter another trif;httul face, he � eptly, scriptioc out of the other fellow. --+ poisonous uric acid out of the blood; <Jtc' and filled the veins with that new, I forced himself to finish the cup. rich blood that no disease can re-, "Ma uster put in merlasses," he sist. These pills actually make new, went on in the intervals of continued blued, and that is why they euro ' ' facial contortions. "But this is the cotninon ailments like rheuncatismn.l crect thing, all right, sante ez ma sciatica, lumbago, anaemia, indiges-' made. i'll bet anything it came from tion, headaches and backaches,kid- the no'th side o' the tree!" i , Oh, you poor man!" gasped Mrs. troubles and liver troubles, and nervous Na ley, for the last words had dance lcand paralysis. neuralgia, nd it.St isVt} is thrown light on the matter. Tho PERSONALLY CONDUCTED coffee-ppot was really there on the sante way that they cure the irregu- TOUR larities and secret troubles of women stove, sending out its delicious frag- _-- and growing girls. No other inedi- ranee; but in her haste and pertur To California and Lewis and cine can do this, and ailing people bation she had seized the old coffee - will save money and speedily get Pot. Her grandson over in Brussel- Clarke Exposition, Port - good health by inking 1)r. Williams" ville was ailing with spring fever, land, Oregon. Pink l'ills at once. But you roust and in "tho old coffee -put" was personally conducted excursion get the genuine with the full name, brewing one of those old-time con- p' Y Dr. Williams' fink Pills for Pate coctions made from the hark of wild to the Pacific coast via the (rand People, on the wrapper around each cherry, dogwood and yellow sweet- 'Trunk Railway System tad connect. - box. Sold by all medicine dealers apple, cut religiously, of course, from ing lines loaves Quebec .lady 5, and or sent by mail at 50 cents we box I the "north side of the tree." Montreal and Toronto July G. The or six boxes for $2.50, by writing "How did I ever conte to make routo will tee via Chicago, thence such a mistake. cried the kindly through Council Bluff's to Omaha. old lady, her fear lost in remorseful Denver and Colorado Springs. Stops sympathy. "Just you wait n minute will be made at each of these places and T'll fix up something to take out and side trips taken to Manitou, the taste, you poor—boy, you!" Cripple Creek, Garden of the Gods, The "boy," strangely subdued, etc. From there the party will con - meekly accepted the coffee and plate. tinuo through tho famous scenic Ile hastily disposed of the quarter route of the Denver and Ilio Grande. of apple pie; then thrusting the through the Rotel Gorge to Salt doughnuts into his pockets, he rose. Lake City. thence to Los Angeles. "Guess 1'11 be goin', Good day, San Francisco, Mt. Shasta, Port - ma'am!" land. Oregon. Seattle, Spokane, and "Now have some more coffee," home through St. Paul and Minnea- urged the motherly woman, "end polis. The trip will occupy about you better sit and rest a while." days, tete days being spent on "No, guess I'll be goin'." The the Pacific coast. tramp grinned sheepishly. "I The Trico for the round trip, in - shouldn't he s'prised if next thing eluding railroad fare, Pullman tour - you'd be takin' me [crest your knee 1st sleeping cars. all meals in the an' layin' it on good an' plenty— dining car, hotels, side trips, etc., is same ez nun uster do. Guess I'll be $165.50 iron( Quebec, or /160.50 movin' on." from Mont real and $150.00 from Toronto. This first trip is designed SEA SHORE f;XCI'ItSTONS. as a vacation trip for teachers, al. Tf you are going to Asbury Park, though many who are not teachers the Lackawanna will sell tickets nt will improve the opportunity of tak- greatly reduced rates July 1, 2, 3, ing the trip at the remarkably low via New York. Choice of routes. price afforded. Finest scenery. Full particulars and For full pnrticulnrs address E. C. booklets can be obtnined at 1.ac•ka- howler, General Agent and Concluc- ttnnnn Tourist. Bureau, 289 Main tor, Itoom 308, Unicn Station, To- PItOP1I1.7T1C, Pat—"Did ye hear that old Hogan was deed, Mrs. Ryan"" Mrs. It.—"]s he, thin, poor man? Sarre. I n1ways knew that would be the end of him. the 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. IIOW I1I; KNEW. A well-known judge dined at a resentment where the man who takes care of the hats is celebrated for his memory about the ownership of headgear. "How do you know that this is my hat?" the judge asked, ns his a -ilk lintwas presented to him. "I don't know it, sir," said the man. "Then why do you give it to nuc?" replied the bewildered judge. "Because you gave it to me, sir," reified the roan without moving a muscle of his face. —4 SA'T'ISFIED, Visitor --What, toil got a life sen- tence? Prison r-1'es, thank heaven! I hate moving: A MOTHER'S PRAISE. in every part of Canada you will find mothers oho speak in the high - ..t praise of Baby's Own Tablets. Among these is Mrs. Jas. 11. Konkle, lieatusville, Ontario, who says:—"I have ailed itaby's (awn Tablets for over three years and I would not be without them. They hate done more for gay children then any medicine I hate ever used. My little girl, now four years old was n1wn.•s troubled with indigestion end constipation, And although other medicines helped her temporarily, Baby's Own Tablets were the thing Heeded to cure her. 1 also gave the tablets to my baby from time to time since she was two days old. and they always worked like charm. She is now two years old and a more healthy child would he hard to end. The 'Tablets nre cer- tainly it life-saver." '!'hese 'Tablets cure all minor ailments of Infants and young children. They contain no poisoning soothing stuff, Aud there Is no danger of giving an Derr -dose aq there is with liquid medicine. Sold by all druggists or tont t.y ninil at '25 cents n hoc by writing The 11r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • ANIMAL.'! THAT DEFY COLO. A 1.arned professor of the Academie des Sciences has been snaking experi- ments t%hich have resulted in con- sincing hien that the rnbhit 1s of all taken to the more barracks. 'I he lit ing things the must capable of venae Interrogatory, she was taken I in my muscles. and nervousnesse wIthstnnliac n very low tempera- to t he private official cabinet of nmol Nag charged on suspicion with; ••i tried lu 1111• tell in its stead, but the puliremastel. and there foully hatirp; Stolen the nnimnl. found its affect s even worse than f?tces: S c tCetrs&Cn. hl lure. Enclosed all night in n block Ile gave his name as "Herbert (bust 1 uortcrrd from coffee. Then Lk stK.11 Leer y, N.Y., torooto,can. "Ern not so sure," send Aunt of Ice it rabbit was found next dap i i _ ' Ann, "that the way to a names abused by him. It vine on this cont-' getting on very comfortably, nal evi- Ing to the knowledge of the prisoner, MlnndevillP. Annan (castle, Kilsheelnn.• for n lung; once i drank milk alone ___ -- ----___�__ — then living In IMrditchefT, that he Clonrnel," and stated that he got the. at my meals, but it never helper TOO LATE.heart is through his Sluninr'h. I'm dentiv not aware of Anything very resolved to avenge his cousin's horse from Miiss Marsh, t'lond,alkin,1 me physicality. and nt last it palled' inclined to think it's the other any, peculiar In its cireumst,pwtnea. In this honor.- County Dublin, and ens training the on ace. A friend came to (he rescue An experienced telegraph operator 'Manly. The way to his stomach is regard the rabbit leaves far behind .ei'he friende of Solman env. animal for the lady. The horse Is tt with the suggestion that 1 try I'os-' can, from merely listening to the through his heart. So long as he our faithful friend the dost, and, ac- sworn to kill Col. (plot in, and they highly -freed animal. It showed signs tum Coffee. founds. understand a message on one lovers you he'll ent anything you cording; to the learned i,rofessor,w111 in all probability do so. After of rough usage abort the legs, which, "I did An. only to find at fust. kindof telegraph instrument. without cook." ehcep, goats, and pigs take Koocl receiving sante fitly threntrrting= let --were cut and hacked as if It jumiie-le that f didn't fon•y H. Itut 1 had seeing it nt all. One day nn lnspPe- second, third and fourth placesares the I'olicemneter left Odessa on through a barbed-wire fence. 1 heard of so many persons who had for walked into an office and began Easter eve on it telegrndthicnlly ole- Mandeville stated that the animal been benefited by its use that I Per- to question the clerk in charge. Sud- tnined leave of two months' eh- hail won two rade recently. 'Thee towered. and niten 1 had it brewed d.niv n rrrrssrtge began to arrive, and settee. Previous to his del•nrture he. rider worn gond clothes, and appear- right found it grateful In flavor andthe clerk Oat dater to write it. The hail not ventured to show himself In ed to be a well-elicated man. 1(e soothing and strengthening to my r,iem.Z,ge was as follow•s••- the public streets for about carrell n quantity of provisionsstomach. 1 can find nu wordy to Look out fur squalls; the intern Rix wre•ke. A fear weeks ;err slung steels the Animal's thoukier in: express my fooling, of what I awe to tor Is somewhere on the line, and vious to the attempt on his li,'.•, front of the saddle in a quaint pro-. Post um Food Coffee! trill 1•e poking his nolo in every - (701. Golovin hnd five young girl vision bag. The hag consented of a; In nanny respeel it hnq worked n where...prisoners, political suspects—four pair of trousers with the two legs, wonderful Improvement—the head- I hr inspector smiled as he listcneel ('hristinns and one Jewess --stripped sewn up. In it were found bread, headnrhes. nenuusnesc. the pains In tea. sugar. onts.nnd n large dagger! my side and hack. all the distresvin to the rreisege, whilst the poor clerk nnked in his preserve and brutally wrapped 1 in paper. g 66 I it !coked finite helpless. ilia euperior, B I r p I symptoms yielded to the magic power of Poelum. 'try brain seems hrttwrvlr. went to the invtrurnrnt and St.. Buffalo. ionto. ♦— WHY RUSSIA REVOLTS. A Light Upon the - Accursed Police System. PEACEF• UL. Irate Wife (giving him a shake)— .lohn, I wish von wouldn't snore so! 'The Daily Graphic. one of the most part laity Awlikened Husband—All reputable papers of London, publishes ni', M1'ria. 1'11 snore any catty y' the following from its own corres- want rno to. pendent nt Sebast opol:The healthy glow disappearing from "Birt you used to Ray you thought 'Tho youth Stillman, who, some rho cheek and moaning and revel Charlie Kanoodle was such a rad''" three ptontha ago, attempted the life at night aro sure syn,pteme of worms "Oh, yes, I know: but he asked me, of Col. Golovin, l'oliccrnaster of in children. Do not fall to get a bot- tle hastho of klotlier Graves' Worn 1?xtermina- the other night. to be his wife." tor; it is an effectual medicine. -f4.---_ Military Tribunal in that city to be hanged. The sentence remains to be .—..--..4 '-� FEED YOUNG GIRLS, ti g AN IRISH JOHN GILPIN. confirmed by the Commander-In-Chlet Must Have Right Food While of the Province. who is just new on Rider and itis Ste- ed Startle An Growing. a tour of inspection in the 'Pamela. Irish Village. Minty—"And she had to give up "The object of obtaining it capital (creat rare should he taken at the u d ?" sentence against Stl'.man was to An Irish John Gilpin, who came critical period wI rti the }' g girl the dog?" she gate up :corbel prevent the exposure of one of (hose galloping at full speed through tho is Just merging Into womanhood that abominable scandals in which Rus- village of Aughrim, County Wicklow, the dict Shall contain all that 1s up- and the pug died next day." Linn policcmasters and chief inapec- ns the villagers were returning front building, and nothing harmful. tors are everywhere so thickly in- mass one Sunday morning, was lilac- At that age the structure is being ...mime' volved. Before the 'jnge il'instruc- ell under• arrest. itis ,teed has also formed and if formed of a healthy, tion' the prisoner deelite•d to say been detained. sturdy character, health nod happi Neglect a cough and contract anything, resorting his statement for The rider had a halter. ornamented news will follow; on the other hand' consumption, an open criminal court. 'To obviate with shells, round the spirited horse's unhealthy culls may be built in suand this this the venue was Illegally trans- neck. and he guided the animal a sick condition slowly pervene (erred to the Military 'Tribunal, and through the crow(Ia with a Pierre of which, if not checked. tnav ripen into. the case tried within closed doors. twig In a manner which would have a chronic disease and cause life-long�Consumption 1t is an open secret in Odesen• that done credit to a circus ierfortner. Ire suffering. the cousin of the prisoner. a pro-, made a halt at the railway station. A teeing Indy snya' The Lung p',saensing giri of eighteen. was, and was immediately surrounded by "Coffee began to have such an of-' ��e TOnit2 some ten months ago, arrested on a an admiring and ciirioun crowd. The feet on my stomach a few years ago, cures consumption, but don't trumped-up political clam -gr. Under of the pollee was called, that I was compelled to quit using leave it too long. 'Try It now. pretence of subjecting her to a pri- and both rider and mount were it. it brought on headacheu, pains I Your money back if it doesn't benefit you. sure Rego-Intone—Mandrake nal Dan- delion aro known treeexert a powerful influence on (1w IIYI..' and kidneys, it- t.lurimg them t., healthful action, induc- ing u regular flow of the secretions and imparting to the organa conip,e; power to t:erform their functions. 'Phos. valuable tiigr.tiients enter into the com- position of 1'aumehe's Vegetable Pills Scud rove to render them the ugrecnble and salutary medicine they are. 'there ate few pills so effective as they in their action. If words were wings heaven would have needed enlarging loot ago. PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. During June, .Iuly, August and The Peeeoned eprtnx.—Aa in nature September the Chicago and North so In man, pollute the spring and des' 1lestcrn Ity. will sell front Chicago, ease and waste are bound to follow round trip excursion tickets to San the stomach and nerves out of kilter Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, means poison in the spring. South Ore. (LcClarke Excursion), Se - American Nervine fs a great purifier, ante, Vw'is . ictorin, Vancouver at very cures indigestion. Dyspepsia, and tones low rates. Correspondingly cheap the nerves. The best evidence of its fares from all points in Canada. efficacy Is the unsolicited testimony of Choice of routes, hest of train ser- thuusunds of cured once. -76 trice, favorable stopovers and liberal ANCIENT I?41YI"FLAN JEWELS. ref urn limits. hates, folders and full information can be obtained Some of the most remarkable been 11. 11. Bennett, General Agent, Egyptian jewellery over discovered 2 East King St., Toronto, Out. 31 has recently been unearthed. The date assigned is as remote a.9 5,000 Mr. A.—"I presume you carry a B. C., but the workmanship In gold memento of some sort in that locket and jewels is marvellous. of yours?" Mrs. 11.—"Precisely, it is in exploring the tomb of King Zer a lock of my husband's hair." Mr. it was found that the tomb had been A.—"But your husband is still entered for robbery at some remote afro!" Mrs. R.—"Yes, air; but his period, and that the plunderers had hair Is all gone." broken oil the arm of the in y queen and hidden it in a crevice in the wall—perhaps on being discover- ed or alarmed—and had never re- turned to remove it. On taking off the t rappings, Professor Petrie found row magnificent bracelets of gold, with amethyst, turquoise, and lapislazuli in t'a'xied and elegant. ad- justments. 'l'he gold work wns pe- culiarly line and delicate. though rho metal was soft and pure, apparently with no hardening alloy. The Moneta were beautiful and very strikingly and peculiarly awninged. A number of amethyst beads of the richest art'l deepest purple. about a quarter of an inch in diameter, are in the possession of an American. Ile obtained them from Dashone. Egypt, they being frorn the treasures in the tomb of I'rincess Merit, daughter of Amu•nhotep 11., of the Twelfth Dy- nasty. e Plaaecaxi.t X z m� Colne to those who drink only PURE tea like tOwltsiatasseemelnilliNIIIIMP gain/ Avoid ordinary tea: if you care for SOUND. SWEET SLEEP, and ask for the SPECIALLV MANUFACTURED, CAREFULLY PACKED Blue Ribbon Tea. Red Label. ONLY ONE BEST --BLUE RIBBON'S IT. Al"!'lilt MiAltitiA(11:, She—"But I thought you said you had money." Ire—"Veil, I did, but I spent it all try ing to get you." Are your corns harder to remove than those that others have hnd? 'lave they nut had tho same kind? itave they not , been cured by using Ilullo- wav's Corn Cure? Try a bottle. "1 could have married either Whip- per or Snapper if ['d wanted W, and both of those men whom I refused have since got rich, while you aro still as poor as n church mouse." Ile—"01 course. 1've been support- ing you all these years; they haven't." They Wake tho Torpid Energioa.—Ma- chimcry not property supervised and left to run itself, very noun shows fault in its working. 1t 1.: the same witk the digestive organs. Unregulated from time to time they are bkely to become torpid and OA ow the whole system out of gear. Par,nelee's Vegetable Pills were made to meet such cases. They restore to the full the flagging facul} ties. and bring into order all parts of the mechanism. Mies Millon (of uncertain age)— •"lhe only thing that worries nuc is the wedding tour. It will be perfct- ly horrible to have people know—" Mies Rosebud (viciously) --"Oh. dou't worry. 'they'll think you're his mother." • My Kidneys are all Wrong! —Ilow Altai! i insure hest results in the short- est time?" It stands to reason that a liquid specific of the unquestionable merit of Soutn American Kidney Cure will go more directly and quickly to the sent of the trouble than the "pill form" treatment. and when It strikes the spot there's healing in an Instant. —78 "So your youngest daughter is having her voice cultivated?" "Well," answered Mr. ,lone, "that's the way mother and the girls express It. But between you and me I hired the professor in the hope of getting it cured." A ROYAL BOOKLET. The (:I tnd Trunk Itaileav System aro distributing a very handsome boeklet descriptive of the !teen: Mus- koka hotel, that is situated in Lak• Itcaleau, in the Muskoka Lakes, "llll,hlatide of Ontario." The public cation is cne giving a full description of the atiructorus that may be found at this popular resort, handsomely il- lustrated with colored prints of lake and island scenery, the hotel itself, and many of rho special features that may be fouud there. It is printed on fns enamelea paper, bound in a cover fi'Lig the appearance of _lleroccq leather, with a picture of the hotel end surroundings on the same, aid the crest. of the hotel embossed in high relief A glance through this booklet makes ono long for the plea- sure of Snm'rr'r and outdoor life, and copies may be secured gratuit- ously by applying to any Grand Trunk ticket office -- NEWS AGIeNCIES. "Is illigginr a well-informed man?" "He ought to nee' answered Miss Cayenne; "his wife belongs to three sewing societies and a progressive euchre club." THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Flan good openings in many places in Ontario for Agents. Tate high profit -earning power of the Company. coupled with its lower rates, rn:akes it attractive to both insurers and agents. If you have never been canvassed to insure in this Company, or 0 there is no agent in your locality, write for particulare. J. 0. MCCARTHY, Manager for Ontario, 18 Toronto St., Toronto. Lawyer—"Do you swear positively that you know more than half this jury?" Witness --"Yes, sir; and now that I have taken a good look at "em, I'll swear that I know more than all of 'em put together." Pilo Terrors Swept Away. - Dr. Agnew'a Ointment stands at the bend as a reliever, healer, and sure cure for Piles in all forms. Orae application will give comfort in a few minutes, and three to six days' application accord- ing to directions will cure chronic cases. 1t relieves all Itching and burn- ing skin diseases in a day. 35 cents.— Jlrownsou—"Ts your wife jealous of you?" Dawsons—"•Jealous is no name for it. Why, on our wedding Dip she wouldn't even let nee admire the scenery." we have no hesitation in saying that i)r. .1. U. Kcllug ••s dysentery Coid,al Is without doubt the beat medicine ever Introduced for dysentery. diarrhoea, cholera and all sanuner complaints, rest slickness. etc. It promptly Rive:. 'chef sail never fails to ellect a positive cure. 1luthete should never be without a bot- tle when their children aro teething. "Po you like a brass band?" he Greet Merticlne.—Tontl, one of the asked, as they were listening to tho pioneers of French Car:aeta, lost a hand g and wore nn iron hook ns a substitute. music in the park. "Oh, yes,!" she 111e was in the habit of boxing the earn Raid, "a brass oand is very nice, but of refractory latrans with this Iron I think I would rather have u gold Wive remarked that it wail "great mea - :gine." Pr. Thomas' I:electric Oil Is one." lain(Mat an medicine: ir ,n band and sknocks old lilt lout of the system. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT . Ifenwvea all bard eon or calloused CA USE FOR SYMiP'A'THY. lumps and blcu,i,hes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, Mabel—"Yes, I'm sorry for poor, awceney, et int s, sprains, sore and dear Helen; that horrid George said swollen throat, coughs, etc. save i50 she trust either give him up or her , by use 01 one bottle. warranted the lovely pug." ' meet 'roudnlul L1ea,ish Cure ever kuuw u. MAit1t11e1) BY A LADY. The firm instnnee on record, 1n the North of England at least. of the marriage riage ceremony being performed • by n wotrtstn has just occurred at Blackburn. Mrs. I.Pvis, the well- known temperance advocate, nos at- tr riding it wedding nt the I'nrk (toad Congregational Church of two young f..Ike connected with her Temperance Idieeion Ilett, when the latter ex- pressed a wish that the lady would marry them. Upon this the pastor. the Ret. Joseph Dugdale, incited Mirs. Lewis to tie the n•iptial ►.not, whirl she did, the pastor assisting in the ceremony. ^ Q IJ 1•:S'1' I e i N 1•:O, flogged by warders. 'There eat; no wardress or other women present at that outrage. None of the vic- tim§ hnd undergone any kind of trial. "it is scnrcely n matter for sur- prise that In rill rnrts of the coentry police-mnsters and police inspectors nre naw• fn111ng victims to popular vengeance, and their dry of reckon- ing is only beginning." ♦ -- SHOP TALK. Mr`. Nnyberbluh—Judge, 1 want yon to try tont. of 1:•y Angel cake. Jndre Sokeel (absently)-11hnt is it charged with' Keep ;•ourself sunny and the lord will take care of your saintliness. also to snare 'n the betterment 1,f my sent bock the answer: "Too late; he physicnl condition; it ',•ens keener, has already poked his nose in here." more alert and brighter. 1 nm. in Medi - short. in hettcr health now then 1 „tihr is brantiful." amid the etudi- ems girl. "hut she in not accom- plished,•' "ltv dere' an.werPd Meet ('ayenre, "there Is ne ncrornplieh- lnrnt more difficult than being beau• brut." ever was before, and T ant acre T owe it to the 1150 of your Poetum Fond Coffee." Nettie given by 1'.351 - •an Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. PROTECT YOUR F000 WILSON'S FLY PACS KILL THEM ALL itV 'Ill POOR_.1MITAYIO i T N V 188U11 NO. 114-00