HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-06-15, Page 1AIL
tillet le.
(New Reading ],latter appears In thin peace each week_)
Like A Plant
In The Spring.
V.iureatingi gess, -Abet) placed it) this Lank. A bank
a,,: ollr.t cultivates toll in. -outages the sty habits - such ss all
-u,••esadu) people hale. 11 opens a •'arow'ing.' account, to
., hi, h.ou can add when you like arta ss ithdraw when you
please 1n *ny sized amount/ we aid interest to the prin.
ipal and ••oulpound it FOUR times a year, on 31 Jan., 3'•
April, 31 July. and 31 October. Ness accounts are al•..ays
w t•I"ome.
We have the last fse•ilaties for tanking at the most reason•
able rates and tensa conaistent with consers, ti, a
We in% ite your bueluerse.
Branches in Huron County at
Oladtr.n 6i Stanbeiry,
Joseph Snell, Manager
EXETER, Ivashwood and Zan, h bran. hr,.
IMrs. Locke, of Boston, is visiting S1t11)lid
relatives here. the guest of Mrs. \\ W. p,(•s11• ---Thr tihi pka annual bet' all I
Acheson at the Central Hotel. She picnic took place nn Friday last at Big Sacrifice of Profits
1 arrived Iitat week.
ussenberr•yis Park, (;rand bend. and
1*1r.Coletnan Hogg trth, of L:trivieve.
Man., was called home last week ow•
ing to the serious illness of his mother,
.411i ting on I't•iclay.
School Reports.
following is the report of the
standing of t pupils of the tieniol
Department id S. S. N0. 1, Stephen for
the month of play, based nn 'rood con-
duct and general proficiency. V-
R. \\'inti 71111, Elva Windso!tf52, Ver-
non Wilson (114, S'ttll 11c('oy 5414, Enos
1Vi11dsor 49). • Sr IV.- Wilfrid Hud-
gins 788, Harold huplan 770, Frank
:Mitchell 7:11, 1Villie tines (140, Gladys
Essery 507. Jos. 1Vhite ilOa el. /V.
Archie Itul,inrun S1Ja, Margery Hep-
- - burn 704, Lily 1tnbinsin 7fiq, (Gifford
- -}logatth 787, Gordon Wilson 68e►, Czar
Farm for Sale Wilson 031, Murray Elliott. Jr. IV.
Haul Hicks 8t$J, Eddie Sinus 753. Aus-
The undersigns,' i.soffering for sale that valuable tits L./Uphill 631. Sr. II 1.--11aivatl Call-
fann in the Township of Cshor, e. being I a 11, Con. fes 7(11, Ross Wallis 687, John II(g:u th
cession 7, containing one hundred a -res of first -lass
trio, iP:t Essery 547, John White M.
land, well fenced and drained. There as on the prow• „
rtes a (ranee house, a gels' barn, ,he+1, and other out. 1M
:a x well Ilayllhitria 313:3, N01'111;111 Ilea-
huildir eKa; ten a.•res flrst•ctass hard,'' .1 bu+h. an 111a1L Afinnie Bet t t't'ill, teacher.
or. hand, two gotMI wells of water and other conven•
ien.(s. Possession given in fall. For particular ! J11'nor• DepHt•tlnent. Jr. 111.-E1'a
Apply to R. C. Et ANS, Baker, Earl Callfas, Roy Callfas, Ely -
474 Adelaide Well. neer %%'ilsnm,Hubels White, Edna Dav-
ey'Flossie Davey, Bessie Anderson,
\�illir• Alexander, Ilarr'y Windsor,
Flossie Iorti11tore. Sr. II.-- Elva
Brooks, Anthony %%'bite. Fred Fair -
hall, Lloyd England, Fred Essery.
Jr. 11.--11Irvan t'allfas, Everett Call-
fas, Estella Neil, \Velli. Baker. \Vinson
(?ulbeit. I't. II.-1)adeleine Haist,
Matelot England, Hubert Neil, Tabella
Hea110+n, Eddie Alexander, Mule•' El-
liott, Vera Metz, Othella %1niz. Sr.
Pa►t I. -Ethel Bowden, Ralph Wallis,
Carry Davey. Jr Pt. I.--- Elsner Wil-
son, At•thitr Robinson. George Hack-
ney, Albert t Hackney. Dora Hackney.
Maud Porter. teacher.
is alwayscat•ried in stock. %1'e have
a large assortment for you to select
Yon will be repaid if you call on us,
and see for yourself the Tooth Brushes
we are offering at prices that speak
for themselves.
This should not be neglected, or else
you will find your teeth decaying. and
si will be troubled with tooth -aches
d other ills, due to neglect of this
the duty.
We have all other Toilet Articles
tteually cat ried in a first-class store.
Howey's Drug Store,
Mr. Saxon Fitton is in Gnderich on
the jury.
Mts. Vale, of Exeter North, is visit-
ing in London.
Mrs. J. A. Munroe left \Vednesday
to visit in Sarnia.
Mrs. 'Wes. Snell has returned from
a visit in Bayfield.
Miss Cora Harness is spending a
week in Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shadd.lck were
in L)ndon on Tuesday.
Mr. Art. Wood, of London. spent
Sunday at his home here.
Miss %Vona, of London, visited
friends in town over Sunday.
Mrs. Mark Mitchell, of London, is
visiting friends in town this week.
Fred Bsw•den has bought a fine
driver from 11r•. Jae. Beattie, of K irk -
Mrs. Geo. ('ntw'ill, of Kincardine, is
visiting relatives in this neighbor-
Dr. Fred. and Mrs. Hackney, of
Ezetera ,Mich.. are visiting friends in the neigh-
borh old.
Lieense inspector Ballantyne, of
Seam th, ryas in town Tuesday on
o 1
flcis ► duty.
Mr. John hearing. i.f Flint, Mieh..is
here attending the Inne•ral of his f.tth.
er in Stephen.
Frank Taylor, w } .
tec veting
from i,uscelat rheumatism,
is visit-
ing in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lutz, of :Mont-
real, are guests at the home of Mr.
Get the old reliable P oo.
S('HOOL Reten T. -The following is
the report of S.S. No. 6, Ushorne, for
the month of May. Names in order
of merit: ---V.-- Cecil ('arum, Hazel
Hagar, Olive Ber•rvhill: Sr. IV.---
Alntena Hey meet, Vera Washburn
1Villie Elford. Jr. IV.- Lida Hey-
wood, Luna G.dhnit Mattie Hunter.
Sr. 111. (Ai -Hubert Jones, Maty Cor-
nish. ('Iarenr•t' Crete's': l Bi -Earl Johns
Ray Fletcher. Sherwood Brock,
Jr. Root. -Jr. 111. -John emery,
Alex. Bet•ryhull. I.illis Godbolt. Sr. i1.
Arnold Clerk, inn. Brock, Jennie serve nt I5-3 in favor) of the Stats.
Campbell. Jr. 11. -Emma Heywood. Morulayevening the Centralia boys
Part 1i.-AliceCreery. Part 1. -Hard. (elute back. t.nttcipating a walk over,
wick Cot nish,InezCrt'ery,DiaCornish. hat we did it s0 "brown" they'll smell
Di McDougall jj Teachers smoke fir six nom: hs. in a 5 innings
Winona Howard j game the s'oro stood 17 0 in faro• ut
the noes,' team. Dining the evening
Grand Bend the Band favored us with several fine
selections. The Levan boys are com-
The work on the new hat bor and pier ing here nn Friday night to play. Our
here Is still going ahead. %%h1•n con- boys ,u'e down to work and intend
nections are made with this already Making it good showing.
popular resort by the elects ie railways Its•:-(11'ENINo SAi.i-:.-(hir re -opening
which seems to he not far oft, there is sale has been to us a source of great
no doubt about the future success of gratification --so much so that we have
this summer home. With the advent decided to extend the time for anuther
of the new hartsu• there would no ten days. During this bargain sale we
have met hundreds of our ()Id custo-
mers and as many new ones, and we
was one of the most successful pies
ever held filen this section, nes
every ratepayer and his family be
present. .t prugrun which wits 1
pared by the teacher and others, ct
sistin({ of readings, recitations, spec
e, and singing, was remit -led on
glminds and was a el edit to the s
tion, and those who trained the chi
ren. The music of the day was in
successfully rendered by 11 r. G. 5
ton on his tpalrpipt's. The sports w
tine, the! principal feature being t
frit man's race. ►ion drew the pule a
tics I
tnKI In White Underwear.
tlie Ladies' White Cambric Drawers, that were
1,1_ =-"'• :1 pale fin* 21e. 5th.. a pair for 40e. '
ost :5e. :it L.• 71k•, 51st
tit- 45c. :i:h• 75c, •' (ill,•
ere -
Ladies' White Cambric
held it to the lit -,t j1111 -ter• when he
missed his footing :aid fell, land Pitt, j ems.' a skirt for 03
diiven by Joe, got in first The ice !„_' *IMO
create was delicious and was served 8 $1•5)
free to till, Since picnic day every one ( ------ --
is wishing Fred wind(' get up another.'
picnie, if he could do is well as the last Ladies' White
one. We hope we will all be udder his
management another year and have it
jolly good time.
Owing to the illness of Rev. 11'ndel-
5011, there tvas no service in the lfeth-
()dist (thumb un Sunday evening. -.1.
HJHoltzw:+n had the plate glass placed
in his new brick block last week. -The
Russian who has been working for R.
Brown left for London last week. -Mr.
Ane Welker, who fists seriously injur-
ed by falling thither:. in 'f,-irlpner's
barn last week, (00tinmes about the
Sante.- Mrs. H,•nt'y Mot has returned
from Bei lin. where she visited friends
for• :1 few days. -Miss Durrington, of
Exeter, visited Mr. and Mrs. CL'ulde
Hlitett on Sunday. --A union Fur ester
Picnic of Crediton, Dashwood and Ex-
eter will be held at Grand Bend on
June 22nd. All crone.--Ch:is.?.wirker's
parrot has become quite it talker and
speaks quite plainly fur a young bird.
-C. Trick's new cement walk is fin -
imbed. Conrad Kuhn did a splendid
job.-Mr•s.Taylor has returned from
Elkton, Mich., after visiting friends
for some time. -W. II. Schmalz, of
Berlin, tnansger of The Economical
Mutual Fire Ins. Co., was in the vil-
lage Friday. -J. H. Gainer, of New
Liskeard, Ont.. is on a visit to his par.
('its and other friends here.- -Our citi-
zens are getting in their• winter's sup•
ply of coal.
BASF:BALL- The past week has wit-
nessed several hall games. On Friday
thepast )nnedgaule: between the titans
:utd•i ers took piaci% resulting in a
Lutz's parents. doubt be a boat service with some
American points, The pier and break -
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wainer, of Lon- water here will be a great boom to the know we have sent them away happy,
en's Oshawa Track. do.n.•1 visited
`i'ed friends in this neighbor- fishermen and will afford them just but there are many yet we have not
met and it is to there we would like to
speak a few words. We want every-
body to share in tier re -opening bar.
ain Salt` and it is tar this reason we
Mr. and Mrs, Peter Frayne spent mer
er residents is hooked for a, soon Ms have extended the tune, Now is the
Sunday in Mit.he•11, the 'u.sts of I{ec tial ,bines nn hath sides of the time to have a bestirs to heart t+(lk with
yourself if you want to shrove our big
l+atgtains pull get value' for your mtnl-
ey. Give us a call and he convinced.
5. Bnowi.
the shelter that they have deeded tor
Fut up in first-class'Vol'knlan- Mr. ,John Evans, who with his 8011 some time past. Alre.tdv alterations
is building houses in London, spent are being made to sortie of the cottages
ship, guaranteed to give Sit! il.ty here. and hotels, and a I trge influex of stun -
entire satisfaction. b
Leave Your Order at
Chariton'ti Fair, Exeter.
ton, Nota►ie., l'onserancrr•, Cominiwiloarres.
McV...itore for 11lolaon! Rank, It-.
?gooey to Loan at lowest rat -.,.f intresst
Oflk,., ash) a;rert, Es. ter,
1. r, Cast.ua. B.A., 1, Ii. Violent'
We here a large amount of private finds to loan
to fare, and village propertlee st tow raters of ibter-
Barristers, i4 !kiton,Ifsin %t.. Exeter Ont
0,t*niat ind choir Natter rf the Trisitt Memorial
(Yeah. Teacher -Piano. Organ, Vole, Harmony.
Modern method.. Thi« -tetras
Manitoba and Northwest
Lands For Sale.
The $a•kat.'hewan Valley A tianitnta La+.d t' -r*
pe•:y, f: .1 , t.'rlre"t (And 1'nnipsnv on the• I...u, ;.oat
eontrollin, entire Canadian Ycrthrrn Rails a, Land
Two **Aloe Acre% -The rreun of the
what tends at western t'aned4 Parties tarn hat.
ing,•%, are gi.en until 1'1 June to %fleet (h, -it
Fnr terms, etc.. apply to
BRNBf3T RLLIOT, Agent. Exeter
Wanted 101,/etc Ns.
ineiels 1. al
its throughout Canada to ease/11.e
our ,i -'.'It taking up show . ail. on
fret,, ft n 'ei, t'i 1 t. aril all . nnspintnua Ila ti.
diatrih•aint ailed adverti•intr mallet (to+nntudnn
t.atary Pena year er IM v
a month and esp.na tt
'ay, Steady empinymega to .incl 'thins pi n
bbbe lav net emir work forynu. No etpetitn,•e need.
ed *rite ter tell part tee ra
SAL1'1 $(BP((fNAL Co. London• ant. Canada
Farm for Sale.
One Hundred-A,te farm, I.ea !, I r`n 7 1 .!.sine
Town•hip, second Int south or Eiin+. 1I., 11.e pr slyer.
it of the unclensi n«t. Thi she.. is a 6nttta.. im-
rro.ed farm, wen dra!re.t, with i+•nrt Tarte ?runt
',me. Neill turn. 7'n $ fest, Miring .r.M and h^a;
��.•�rrr: are Acre e>1 .'•hair, lU r'ee et swish prin. palls
hantw..utl I'ot 1,1m• an•1 ot hit Parti• elan appi' to
Jaate• He) •vd or John He' .nal,
ia.v, ilk, r 0.
and Mrs. Blown. fence.
Mr. T. %V. Hawkshaw, of London,
wits in town I''t'iday shaking hands
wit h old friends. Several front the burg and vicinity
Mrs. (1)1' ) McDowell, of l.istewell, attended the.tnnivers:uy Servi,:es at
is visiting her mother., 11ts. Welsh Freewill on Sunday.- 1f reports are
and other friends. correct the Ilallyntine Bios. Have the
:Miss %Valrond and Miss Dorrington ctnttra(-t for ..0 eying the instils 'Wain
Elim •isle
1WEnt,t:1) AT HENSALI- -On Tuesday
of last week another of tem _young men
ep .tit Satrnlity and Sunday with for the next four years. -The Town -joints] the great army of betted/cis.
ft'iends in ('r•editen, ship grittier is being osed en our toads sVe left.: to Mr. J•anlcs %Vesl('y Hod -
Miss Porterfield and Kiss Anderson. and making a Hist -.lass job. -The gins, our popular young blacksmith.1f li'..hell, were guests of 111s. Hairy Heenyw11 hits.alP offering then. tine who took, for better or forw•ot•se, Hiss
Guild over timidity. farm of 1(51 arras for sale. --Mr. and %saes• Hennisv, daughter of Mr. Thos.
11iss Taylor, who has been MI/ sing Mrs. ('oulti, arrived blunt. on Friday !tennis's et f.ucan. The young eot-
g last after a pleasant trip of nearly t wo ple drove to the Pt manse,
:at the horue of J1 r. Win, Stitt haw, weeks tip among the roe•ks north of Hensel', where the ititetest 1ng rete -
returned on Thursday to London. %Viarton. --A. E. Johns, of nor neigh- runny was perfuinted by the Rev. E.
Mr. and Mu -s. Albert Hopper, of borhood, deserves e•re'tlit for the good Mcl. Smith. The bride wore a very
(lintel]. were here this week attend- showing in his examinations at Tnron- pretty travelling suit and wits 0nat-
ing the wedding of Miss Kate Atkin• to recently. Ile succeeded in raptor. tended. After the ceremony the hap -
son. ing the 1W'rn. Muletck Scholarship In py couple drove to Exeter where a
Methernatic and Physics in the second sutnptntnle ten was served at the home
year Atte. of the gtoo11r's neither. Mrs. Hobert
McFMlle. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins ar-
rived here the same evening and have
settled dawn to the sterner realities of
lite. 't'our corr'espondent's earnest
wish is that the luring pair may lung
enjoy to the full life's inestimable bles-
sing --health. wealth and happiness.
MP. I)8 niel l'nmghlin, whose home
was destroyed Ity fire in McGillivray a
few weeks ego, has moved with leis
i family to our ba. g. We extend a hand
in ( bat ham Monday, accompanied by platewh
, hiswas pet fin toed by the "f welconu` to xuch Will citizens. -
her neither. • plata.,
W. Andre»s. This being over Mr. Pat ('uttnin, who hits been in the
i.ittle Miss Madeline Manz left Mon- and the hap}ty couple heal con- \othwest for the past few week*, re-
lay to spend a year with her :runt in g'"Illeted, the coni;:fitly icp.iireil tit torsed bonne• Tuesday, lit. Iep'Its
Buffalo. She was a(Contpanirtl by , 1he dining 1)110 whirr 14n e+petit'zina things nut% ing in the west. - Our boy's
Mr. .to t Mt s. Staub, %vhu were retort►- supper w•a. ser ved, The 1, ids• i eceived went over to ('t,- iiten ort Mlntiae .r-
ing here :a visit lieut.. M l'irge "m")14” "f of o.eful .in 1 curtly ening to play in game of hail with the
Mum. M:u'y.lane 11"1 is, ane of Out'!gifts, whi••h testify to the high esu tetrMtary of th.+t phi -e. but were defeated.
111(1 :e-i.tt•tlt*I. left F"'"Ly fpr Landes• in which she is held try her Inane Cheer 0P bey.. arid try) ant In. k again.
Rept i to tend a few Il•+)'h,pilnf t' friend'.. 'i 11•It 11 t'. atld 11r*. M111a1'd tit -illi(\ `IE ITII.—A very sudden
inlay lerng tit•. to etij.,y ,t life •.f iwace death wren herr S8tnrda morn-
to 'ars where she wi11 testae y
» ith her daughter in fel tire. i tin Proenctily is the wish of their ing last, when lir. John Cochrane sue-
{ many Mrs. Albert itis'. tot and! rainy friends.cmtnl,t'd Froin what is supposed to heir
family. 5t. angustine, \V;tevannsh; The fh'at Annun1 Sabbath School Ix•rn the' .deet 111 heart 1rnrthle. The
('onventiot of the township of Me- oil gentlrrn.tn, w'ho is alx,tlt 73 years
des wit'!Ish) spent S itnrtlsy and Sun• l Gillivray, wee held in the Presbyter• of age has item living with his laugh•
dHy with Mia. Johnston's.Pea parents, Me. I i;tn chinch, l.ietlry. The attendance ter, Mre. Andrisnn, here for about a
+nd MI s. l'hi'. Perkins, and ashes'at Iwith afternoon and eveningaessinne yeer, and was enjoying his 11ea1M1 good
was large. The delegstes were wel- health until the morning of hie death
Mr.. Isa:ti' Ititwden, of Saskntn0n. I rimed Iry the Hew. r. GI Alain of when he arose early and proceeded to
Sask., after an ahserte'e of two or three' Pat khill.• Among three who give the garden to do some light work, but
years. is renewing act Iraintences �addtes*e. were Rev. It, J. Perkins, of not feeling well he snot retnrne•d and
Mg,tin in town. at riving Wednesday. Exeter. Mr. E. A. Hardy, it. A., of went hack to Led. Some few hours
She tins been visiting Ontario (tieuds! Toronto, and Mi. F. 11. HtItbv, of later hit denghtet went to (sill him
for the past foist week*. 11.nran. The homes of the chinch when to her great Mad shocking ens -
%I r. Eli Snell retnr'nt'd from Perry 1 people of lien, v were thrown open prise she fit ind her father deal. De -
Station Seam -day to spend a week or to the vieiting iloI.•gatee end it vet y ceseed was a native of Scntlend and
two with his family herr. Mr. smell re' oil
and profltahle time was spent wes a tnen of good gnalitIeu send epnk•
pe'rts exceedingly wet weather et !het ' together. The cnrnrmitter in charge en highly •'f by oil who knew him.
plMce, en Wet, Indeed, that it it MI-, Ori. to ix' rongrstmlatesi on the sncceen Ile moved here from HFli.gi-. i, to
moat iirlpx)s'ible to operate the stave 1 of this tlrat convention which will he where his body wss taken for inter -
factory. mode Mn entitled meeting. nrent on Mnuday.
Dr. 1,. 1.. Follick and Mise Mabel
Follies, of St. Marys, spent the latter
part of Inst week with their parent*
ill town.
Mr. Bart. (lily and sister, Miss Ag- WEnntv(t. -- On Wednesd•ev bast the
Kir, who have been residing here for home of Mr, and 31r'e. %Vine it, Dixon
A, muriher of years, leave this week teas the went• of a pretty event, it lee -
for 11,tiiiilton. where they will reside' ing the marriage of their daughter.
fora time. Miss Sara Jane. to 31r. Ht•rhet•t Mol -
Mr'•. 1 Re•v.I lfalutt, tvho has been lain. s prosy, tl is young fainter of the
visiting her patents, Rev. Dr. and %Its, fit concession. The guests assenllled
Ifsnnan, here, retnt•n+d to her home • in the parlor where the eel enmity took
14:1_IS1 :a
sic. a pair for 05c.
fMk. 118c
$1.00 •• 75c
Underskirts that were
fur 8c
$L15 a skirt for DSc
Cambric Nightgowns and ('hemises
nit 42..
5(k% s gotyn
JI •.
were f i)••,
a gown for 7(k,
Ladies' corset Covers that were
25c ones for Zit: 1 31).: nncs for 25e j 35c ones for :;0
4542. " 35c ' trt)c " 4(k: dOc " 4:x2
75e ones for 60c
8c " 660
Popleatone &Gardiner
One Boor north of Post Office.
Clandebo ye.
Mr. and tits. Taylor, of Parkhill,
spent. Sunday at the home of Mrs. H.
H.x)gins,-lien, Seale, of St. Marys. is
!pending 7a few days in the village, -
Urs. Harrison. after spending several
days in the village, returned to her
home in Soo St. Marie Monday. She
was accompanied by her niece, Miss
Ella Neil, who intends making that
place her future hone,--8eseral of our
citizens are taking in the races at Lon-
don this week. -Messrs. B. Cunning-
ham, of Khiva. and H. Wing. of Ship-
ka, gave our totvri it flying visit Tues-
day evening. --Mrs. T. H.xigins, after
spending 80111e time in i,nndnn with
her brother, returned horse Tuesday,
--Mrs. Canning ie visiting friends at
Gt:tnd Bend. - Mrs. M1:askett, still con-
tinues ill. --Miss Olive Carter, of (Iran -
ton, spent Solidity in the village. -Miss
McCa imless, of !Norton, spent Snud..y
With her cost 111, L iiia Hackett.
miss Blanche Rook, accotlpnnied i,y
her father, left Friday to visit friends
in Rochester. 'They will remain two
week.,---(icor'ge (i'xlholt paid friends
in Arthur t flying visit last week.
Explanation required George. -Geo.
Miller, l er A
(' e
f.1t. 1n s
brut n.. Mich., visit-
ed his father and sister of this place, a
few days last week. -Geo. Hey W1.1141
HMI son, Wesley, left last week for
Iowa, where they intend spending a
few weeks with friends and relittivey.
--lfaster Leslie Robinson, while in
London this week purchased two new
buggies. Those requiring a nice -up -to
date buggy cannot do better than give
Leslie a call befoe purchasing else-
whee. --It. Uelbridge returned Moe -
day of last week. ;after spending a
month with his sons In Manitoba arid
locating his land which be tecently
purchased fr'nul R. Pickard. -Dr. F. J.
Hackney enol wife, of Lupton, Mich.,
called on 1). McDougall on Tuesday.
31r. Hackney is an old Hibbert boy
and has so Gar Inatle a success of med-
icine. He says that Cshorne is the
king of townships for good roads anti
cannot see how a man can be other-
wise than happy in this countt'y.
DEA nistt,-tit Stephen, on June I2th,
William Dearing, aged 74 yearn.
('s teti its t: -- in Centralia, on June 10,
John ('uchrnne, aged abnnt 70 years
HAYTI:It-in Stephen, on June 4, Min-
nie 1f. Brown, beloved wife of John
Hayter, aged 10 years, 7 months.
ISA.4l• - In Leman, on June 13, Ida Ann
Sweet, beloved wife of 1Vrn. Isaac,
aged :#3 years, 2 months. 24 days.
('Agent* -fn Tuckersmith, on June
7, Annie 51. ('arnnch.ut, wife of John
l'arnernn,,sagld 3l years, WJ months.
PALMER-- In Hewed!, tin June 4, to Mr.
and Mr's. T. Palmer, a sun.
Rosa --In Nampa, Idaho, on June 4, to
Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Ross, a daughter.
MACDJ4 NALn- in Guelph, on June f), to
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. MacDonald,a son.
WAONER-Mn Hay, Town line, on June
8, to Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Wagner, a
TORRANce-in McGillivray, con. 7, on
June 6, to %fr. and Mts. Homer Tor-
rance, a d,ulghter.
G.vt.t.Atuliitt fn 11c(.illitray, Con, 3,
on Jtute Lith, to lir, and Mrs. Daniel
Gallagher, a daughter.
Jugs•:.~ --in McGillivray, N,B., on June
10, to Mr. and Mt s. 'Wesley Jones, a
Honors.- in Iliddttlplt, Con. 2, on
Jane 11, to %1r•. and Mr•s. Chile. Hod-
gins, a son.
Fnr4TtCR.-in I'shorne, on June flth.
to Mr. and Meir. Will. Foster, a
Ctxlltn-AIItTIl—In Exeter North, nn
June 8, by Rev, Win. Mat -tin, Ed,
Ooo+nb to Miss Christina Airth,)x,th
of Exeter,
PIU IT ---A• elsesoe--in Exeter, on
June 11, by Itev. 1(. J. M. Perkins,
11r. Wm. Pr out, of Victoria, B.C..
to plias Kate Atkinson, daughter of
:Mrs. Jane .11kinson, of Exeter,
MOI.LAItn-DtxoN-At the home of the
bride's {patients, on June 7, by Rev.
J. %V. Andrews, Herbert Mallard, to
Miss Sarva ,lane, daughter of Mr. and
Mu•s. Wnt. R. Dixon, of McGillivray.
PE'rrvr'terer-1fcLg.tN-At the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Grieve, Park-
hill, on June 7, by Rev. A Graham.
Milton Pet 1%piece, of Sarnia, to :Miss
Maggie McLean, of Parkhill.
11I.111 - SHAW -in ('Basun, on June 7,
by Rev. Dr. Stewart, %V. J. Muir, of
Port Elgin. to Miss May ('., young-
est daughter of John Shaw, of Clin-
McDoru-tt.l. ('Ail.ivtl-At the home
of the bride's parents, on June 7, by
Rev. Davol. tri, Dr. McDougall, of
Harrington, to Miss Alice, second
daughter of P. (`apling, of Blake.
IIsi tt -MANSos -At the home of the
bride's mother, Goshen line, on Jttne
7, by Rev. Davidson, Allan Ester, to
Miss Katie Manson. all of Stav,ley.
Hol,rtlss - Bessie, -At the manse.
Hensall, nn June 6, by Rev. E. .McL
Smith, ,James Wesley (lodging, of
Centralia, to Miss Mary Hennisy, of
Drt:ItARMy - DisNox)x--At St. Peter's
church, Dr sail., on Tuesday, June
A, by Rev, J. A. Loiselle, Oscar Du-
charrlte,Jr.. to hiss (%elint, daughter
of 11r, and Mrs. Alex. Denonlne, of
10 pp -0
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