HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-06-08, Page 10►• $16 and $18 Or somewhere around there, i, favorite p;aiet for Summer Suit Prices. It's a sensible price to pay. too. That touch money spent here boys snits that are really good enough for anybody to wear anywhere. We have dozens of choices for you around $16 or $1s, All are correct fabrics. Will you call some day: W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. Business Locals -- Read Them For 50 cents. paid in advance, you or your friend will receive THE ADVO- CATE until the end of 1005. Keep the Masonic Excursion date in view ---July 6th, This will be the Excursion of the season. CeMrlt:. Dr. Butler, London, will he at the Central Hotel, Thursday, June :lith, all day. for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat consultations. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Salt Well Meeting. To the shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works Co., please take notice that the Annual Meeting of the above Comp umy will be held Monday, June 12. at 3 o'clock p. m., Town Hall. T. B. r'ARCING, Sec'y,-Tress. Plants! Plants!! Plants!!! Headq'.at ters for all kinds of Tom- ato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Stocks, Asters, Verbena, Pet una, Daisy. Pansy, Geranitti,, Foliage and all kinds of Bedding Plants. Call and see our stuck before purchasing else- where and let ve your orders early. - Louis DAY, M ket Gardener, Exeter. T. P. Smiths Visit Postponed. Mr. T. P. Smith, the Noted Ey e Specialist, who was billed to be here on June 2nd. w',ts unable to fulfil the engagement owing to the death of a relative. His visit has been postpon- ed till June pith, when he will be at the Commercial House for the one day only. Elocution and Physical Training. Mrs. Rhea Scott Vernon, Honor Graduate of Alma College, St. Thomas, Ont., wishes to announce that she intends to open a studio in Exeter, in Septcw!s r next, for instruction in � Miss Rolliw Married t`� �♦!. . On Wednesday last the miuringe LOCAL, DOINGS. took place. in Detroit of Miss Ella 4 Itollins, eld4,st daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rollins, former residents of Exeter, to Mr. Will Diamond, of the Detroit Postal Service. The lat- ter was formerly a re•"i,l,•nt of Lucas, The bride was well and favorable known here, having resided here with her parents for several !•eats. 114,1. many friends here will wish her and her husband tunny years of happy wedded life. House of Refuge Note,.. George Gwynne died at the House of Refuge on Saturday, aged seventy- eight years. He cause from 1Ving- haut and had leen an inmate of the House for some time. He was a pay inmate having turned over his pension from the British Government uf nine- ty dollars a year to the county. He stood over six feet high, and even though advanced in yearn carried himself in :in erect and dignified man- ner. His remains were laid away in Clinton Cemetery, Rev. C. R. Gonne conducting the services. Death of James V. Crocker. Many readers will remember James V. Crocker who resided in Exeter some twenty years ago, and with his broth- er, John V., followed his occupa- tion as carpenter. His death wok place in London on Tuesday of last week. The Free Press says: "The late James V. ('rocker, whose death occurred at his late residence, Wei Dutferin avenue, this city, on Tues- day, was a native of Devonshire, ,Eng- land, but carte to Canada while yet a youth, and located in the township of I):tt•lington for some years. Thence he moved to the village of Exeter. where he resided for about 20 years. Twenty-two years ago he carne to this city, where he had lived continuously. except for a shut t stay in Manitoba. Mr. Crocker was a carpenter and a member of the local union. About :ic9 years ago he married Miss Belinda Jury, of Exeter. Besides the widow, he leaves to mourn his loss, one son Wesley, of East London, and two daughters; Mrs. E. L. Liddicott. of Dufferin avenue, and Miss Sophie at home. Mr. Crocker was a steady ad - het ent of the Methodist Church." Hicks' Forecasts for Jure. From about the 10t1 to the 15th of June is an annual period of maximum electrical and magnetic excitement. Earth currents, seismic and volcanic disturbances, great thunder storms and downpours of rain, as a rule reach a crisis about this time. Such results should not surprise any of our readers from about the 0th to the 13th of the present month. Great warmth, at- tended by high humidity and very low barometer, will he warnings of probable danger that none can afford to despise or neglect. The blending of the .liars influence with the June solstice period indicates that thunder showers may transpire during the afternoons and evenings, up to and through the reactionary storm period covering the 1lth to the 17th. This is it time when haymakers will be under constraint in harvesting their crops. Grasses and grains that will stand without material loss until the June solstice showers subside, will be safer (meet, unless small quantities are reaped at a time and handled with great promptness and care. The bar- ometer properly understood and fol- lowed, will play no small part in the important work of harvesting during this month. Beware of bogus Ontario Bank ten duller bills, They are in circulation, The Masonic Excursion, July tith, will be the most popular of the season. Wait for it. Richard Gidley, Jr., has gone to Bay- field to accept it position in Mr. Ed• ward's store. The Union 1. 0. F. Picnic will take place to Grand Bend on Thursday, J one 22nd. Particulars given later. Miss Edythe Beer's sang a solo with excellent effect in the .Main Street Methodist Church on Sunday evening Last. "Barney" the Irish tet•rior owned by Mr. H. Spackman carne to grief on Thursday morning last from having eaten poison. The ADVex'-%TE is the proper place to secure your printed wedding invi- tations --in the very newest styles of paper, type and workmanship. Mr. Alf. Huston, Station Master at Wyoming. was a pleasant culler at the Advocate Otllce Monday. Mr. Huston was spending the day with his brothers here. The sale of Turkish Scalp Food in- creases daily. It restores grey hairs to the natural color, relieves dandruff and itching of the scalp and promotes the growth of the hair -The hest on the market. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Mr. John Crooks, accompanied by U. W. Pinner, left Clinton last week with the Seaforth Lacrosse Club to play at New York and other American cities. In New York they defeated their opponents by a score of 7-4. Rev. R. J. M. Perkins preached An- niversary Services at Kirkton on Sun- day last, while the vacancy here was tilled by Rev. Racey, of Kirkton, who preached two able and well directed sermons. Mr. M. N. Contin. of St. Joseph city fame, has purchased a large auto bus and purposes running regular trips froth Hensall to St. Joseph, Exe- ter to Grand Bend, and Parkhill to Grand Bend. during the summer months. Nothing about a boy or girl is more noticed by others than their manners. Yet many a girl frets because her hat is shabby, and never won:ies because her manners are unlovely; and many a boy thinks a better snit of clothes might help his chance in life, without dreaming of bettering his manners instead. Mr. S. Hardy, who recently dispos- ed of his butcher business here, has opened out a provision store in the premises recently vacated by Mr. J. T. O'Brien. 'We are pleased to learn that Mr. Hardy and family have de- cided to remain in town. in business Mr. Hardy has made himself general- ly popular and he will have the best wishes of his many friends in the new undertaking. Mrs. C. A. Southcott will leave to- day (Thursday) for South River, where she will visit at Mr. Thos. Kern- ic•k's for a time, and from there will go to Douglas, Man., to visit her sis- ter. Mrs. Jas. Westcott, in the hope of improving her health. In case her sojourn in the %Vest doer: not have the desired effect she intends going to California. She will he accompanied by her little son and daughter, Earl and Stella. Mrs, Southcott has been an invalid for several years from rheumatic affliction and her many t.:oCtltion. 'English L.“,ent llri anti frieudt. w-iil win h hes' the ut a; reunite rh3'sm it (,'ult're, She is also', prnp:ir'fruit) her visit which will be an extend- ed tis take Concert ergegetuents as cd one, reader. Further announcement later. The following clipped from rt Toledo Civic Monday -Proclamation. paper has reference to a former Exeter Upon the petition of F. Wood, young lady, who is making rapid pro• Carling Bros., 1t. N. Rowe, Thos. gr•ess in her professional calling and Hawkins, Samuel Martin and thirty attaining professional distinettou as a other ratepayers of the Village of nurse in Uncle Sane,. domains: "Miss Exeter, 1 tlo hereby proclaim Thurs- I oretta Gregory has accepted the po- day. the lith day of July, 11)05, a day sition of Assistant Supe! intendent of to be observed by the citizens of Exe- the City Hospital, duties conunsncing ter as a civic h elidaty. Let all good June 1st, Miss Gregory has just re - citizens govern themselves according- turned from ('hicago, where she has ly. God Save the King. taken a partial post -graduate course W. G. Besst•:rr, Reeve. and looked op hospital work in that Woman's Institute Meetings. city: she was Supt. of Noises in the Mrs. Jean .1,,v, of T,►rontu, and Miss Lucas Co. Hospital for six months, L. Shuttlew'ort11, of (Guelph, who, are which position she esigned for her rent out by the Agricultural Depart- ment to give practical demonstrations in connection with the Woman's In- stitute on "The Value and Prepara- tion of F,'d • will hold meetings it) the Town Hall. Exeter. on Sattntday, June lath. at 2.30 and it o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of the setrounding country as well as of the town to attend these meetings. S,!tiects "Meats," Vett,'• tables," •'Balanced Rations for Man." "Cool Dishes for Summer ('se." "Even- ings on the Homestead." Collection will he taken lip to help defray ex - pen st's. Mrs. %Vick wire. Mrs. Hastings, Pius. Secy. Spring Goods ! CALL '1'O SI -1.: WELL. JOHNS Loudon Conference. The conference at Listowel tante to it close on Tuesday. The following is a partial list of the last draft of atattons: - ExtaS'rrtt DISTRICT—Exeter, Vain Street, William Godwin; James Street, A. 11. Going; Parkhill, S. James Albin; Eliuitille, 11. J. Fait; ('entt•aliia, Geo. %V. Andrews; Hensall, Emmanuel Medd: Kipper, Wm. Baugh; Crediton. J. %V, :Andrews; Grand Bend, J. F. S(t -litre; Sylvan, C. E. Cousins; Ailsa Craig, Archibald McKihbon; Istvan, J. E. Holmes: (irat)ton, H, W. Mc• Miss Nellie Davidson, of London, Tavish; %Vooalhani, I. Bartlett: Kirk is visiting friends in town, the guest ton John Veale Dr. Mannon goes to of \ire %V Batman How Do You Know? How do you judge crackers ? By their crackling crispness—their snowy light- ness—their appetising delici- ousness ? That's the way to judge Moon ey's Perfection Cream Sodas Measure them by quality's standard and they score 100 per cult. If you haven't tried MOONEY'S, you've missed a treat in crackers. tion, $4; J. ('obbledick, do., 84; Fred Gillespie, freight, $1.68; Do., teaming, $5; S. Handford, do., $5; A. G. I)yet•, salary as Assessor, $65; I)o., prepaying Truant ofticer's List $5; C. Nelson, la- bor at cemetery, $4.50; Jas. Creech, constable fee, $4; J. Gill. do., $4; C. Luker, do., $2.511; Thos. Creech, labor, $1.50; Harry Statham. do., $0.37; W. Parsons, tin., $7.137; WM.Davis, do., $10.87; E. Elliott, Jr.. do., 50c.; Rich. Quante, do., $1.12; Jos. Sutton, street watering, $'Li; C. Snell, electric light- ing, $77.40; J no. Ford, part salary at cemetery, $27; per Levet t - A root song. Carried. Per J. Muir, adiourntuent to call of Iteeve. J. Senior, Clerk. If you want fancy seed we have in Stock the very best from J. A. Bruce & Co. The Pioneer House of Canada MANGLE Giant, Yellow, and Intermediate -- Mammoth, Long, and Red. SWEDE TURNIPS HALL'S \VESTRt'lt s - BRUCE'S SELECTED BRUCE'S NEW CENTURY Also a fine line of Garden Seeds. WIRES --Spring, Coil, Barb, Woven CEMENT --A Carload of Portland. T. HAWKINS & SON. (7 Mr. %V. W. Taman spent Monday night in London. Miss Mary Newcombe is visiting friends in Clinton. Miss Helen Adams returned to Guelph on Monday. Mr. I. R. Carling was in London Monday on business, Mrs. Oliver Inas gone to Toronto to live with a daughter. Rev. E. C. Currie, of Sarnia, visited friends here last week. Mr. F. E. Karn spent Thursday night here on business. Mr. John McIntosh spent Sunday with friends in London. Mr, Frank Oke was in town last week for at couple of days. Mr. John Bissett. of London. spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Rhoda Chowens spent a few days in Bl:tnshar•d last week. Mrs. J.G. St.anbury left on Saturday to visit her parents at Whitby, Mr. Joseph ('obbledick spent part of the week in Brantford with bis sort, Nelson. Mr. T. B. Carling and daughter. Winnie, spent Monday and 'Tuesday in London. i)r. Samuel Thomas, of St. Marys. is visiting his cousin, Mr. %Vilhut• Mautin, in town. • *-ss_l Good news for -77 A the newly Married. The wedding Season is at its height. People about to go housekeeping shon Id call on us as we purpose making Special Reduction in all linea of Furniture during the Month of June in order to help along those who have accepted each other, "for better or for worse." 'TWILL BE FOR BETTER," we feel assured. if our liberal offers are taken advantage of, We carry the largest stock of furniture in the County and will quote you Prices that cannot be beaten in Ontario. ROWE & ATKINSONFURNITURE Iii DEALERS , RECTORS WOMEN'S WOMEN'S SUMMER WEAR. White Skirts, Black Skirts, Corset Covers, Drawers, Night Gowns, Etc. Otte garments are large and roomy; they're made carefully and with good taste, combined with prices that please. WHITE SKIRTS I CORSET COVERS Skirts made of Fine Colton with deep 3Iade of fine Cotton with lace frillings, Florence, three rows Lace insertion seat iitsertton set in down the front, tuck - in, with deep lace frills, size fro38 to I inga, eta Regular price is 4U cos., our 41. Good value at 81.50. i special price 25c. Skirts trade of Fine Cambric, trim - Corset C n ers made of cine Cambric mings of two news lace insertion with i with four tow inset tion set in, low thirteen tows very fine tuckings and !beck, with deep lace and silk ribbon frills of very deep lace, size frciru :i0 to trimmings. Price $1.75. . Yt tees from 50 to 75c. Night (tott•ne made of Cambric. frillings of lace and embroidery, several rows tucking, size from 52 to 60. (food values. A big Special in White Waists --Fine White Swiss %Vaists, nicely trim- med with bice insertion. tuckings. etc., sizes from 32 to :38, Regular price from $1.50 to $2.00, big clearing price $1.25. Our (.'love, Hosiery and Corset Counters are decked with new s into 4,r lines now open for your inspection. lace (;!oyes, lsu+e Mitts, all the leading coletrs, Taffeta (;loves, Silk Gloves, 131:0 k, %Vhite, Tan and Brown, laterite). Mrs. T. Prior was called to tVhe:tt- (,Tryst- in slimmer weights, white and drab, in bong, short and !nediutu Coultas a Dts-rttlrr, - (sod erich, ley, nn acc..nt of the silo, ss of her lengths, at Take :1 j!rae'k :4( nils :;-5n1rice that lead. Not th st a et, Gem g4, N. Hazen, Vie: • et-teT Mrs. Hes,, tettetment of Ladies Lace Collars, They're natty. toric street, %Viliiau H. Graham: ('aunty Councillors Sparkman and present one: she is a graduate of the Ontario street, 11. .t. (,Tatham: tea- ng of City Hospital and it speaks well for forth, Alexander K. Ilii Ls: Holmes- the Council in Guderich, the institution that she is cnnsideled ville, Francis Swann: Blyth, Selborne Mr. Thomas 1)atytu:n, who is work - competent to take such a la,sitien of A, Anderson: Dungannon. John W. ing in 1l'ingh,un, spent Sunday and !responsibility in the Trxintng School Robinson: Nile, 1, C. Heid: Bcnrnillei•, Monday tit hes hniue here - from which she graduated." John G. YeILu)d::%(burn, .1. (;. Ennis: Mr. (sea. Haoper, of Landau, spent For Sale lValto,n. H. S. Baker;Londesboro, it few days in town List week. the The commodious t4, -idents of Mrs.Beuj.unin ('lenient: Hayfield. T. ,t. Wesley (-hutch, Henry M. \tanning: (,artdtne.are nttevubniK .t mee t guest of Mr. Sannii l Sanders. Caroline Battier. Enquire at premises, Ste,ulnmut; Varna. A. H. Brown. 13.1), Miss !fettle Sweet has returned from The Sick. Manitoba!, owing to the serious illness Mr. Flank 'Taylor is confined in hit H. A. Graham- Mitchell II, %%'nt. G of her sister, Mrs. Isaac, of LocateHawse!: Statfa, It(tfa)s 1.. %Isoti home through illness, ---Mr. )%'illi+u" F'ullartun, }tichxnl 1V. Knowles. �Ieltille Handfatd, of Manitoba, is Dearing, Stephen, is daily growing visiting telatives in Ont:nio, the guest weaker and the end may conte any Council Mi ante.• of his father, His hard Handford, of time. ---Mr. A. E. Fiske has !veneered The Court of heti,ion met pmrseant Centralia. front him recent illness.- Mr, ,fohn to adjoin lament in the •I ,w -n Hall, on Rowcliffe is confined to hie bed in a Mondev, at S.15 p.nt. All present. very low state of health. The Iteeve,W. (i. Bissett, ir. the chair, Veteran's Meeting Minutes of meeting held on Friday, A meeting of the %'etetxn« of 1866,May •moi, mead and:itpprnve,l. Messrs, who received land grants from the Jr"'• Taylor, for the Ross Taylor ('o.. Ontario Government, will 1a• held in Samuel Sanders and Chas. Snell ask unto Monday and will remain fit the the Town Hall, on Saturday evening, to have their nn«e•ssment reduced.h,tlidxy season. June 17th, for the purpose nuking The Court confirming their No farther appeals the Reti�ion arrangements to locate the venous "f May 28.Mr, Gen, Younis, of the 11101 of claims of the lamties interested. ('i1ott closed on nu'ton "t J. Muir, 1►itch k Hemel, of i,tin,lnn, spent seconded by W. H, Leven. Sunday in town, a guest tat the home Capt. J. \. Howard, Convener. met at the closeef he ("mitt of Mr. ,lame. I1.•et's. Off to Camp. of Revision. All present. Minutes of Miss Ronthrtet, afte•ra few days' t•is- STRATFORD DIST ltICT. - St. Mary's, Mrs. Alf. Sheers, who has been visit• ing in 'frame 'td returned last night, accompanied by Mts. Garfield Sheete rind hl1 E. J. SPACKMAN Headq(arters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford ready-to•wear clothing. 4�Arir WAIF WIVE it'ir AV sir i:� WV' 'WM'Ar'tir II FIIT iiR �li 1' Complete Dining Room Set AS32 for June only $25 1_e,ge bevelled !plate mirror. two small c(ttlery Sideboard drawer• large linen drawers and extra large cupboard, Extension Table ilexvy 4 -inch fluted leg, full extension. Dining Chairs (F3)o'Ni it'naand five srt►.tll i•hairs-T.. tris 1 to This whole outfit is ion'. 1-4 Oak tad is a genuine bargain for $25 c "' W• Ca HUSTON Mr, ,1. H. Browning attired homy One Door South Spaekmxn s ,torr frons Ti Mit). Medical College. 1.n1.•� ���aAa�aLA.neR&,La_t�nt.et.&Aka. A.& ,e, a�Ak4 :%IN,ut twenty-five "Red ('oats,"blast meeting read and approaed. ('ohm- it with herr aunts, Mr'. Collins and Mims Bonthrnn, retail to her home in 000. mi, Tor•,nto %Vetbnt•e.d;ay trot Hing. r Mi. \i• boll, of B oiss,•C;t , %Ian., who i4 en a t isit to Ootu is ft sends, !!pent a fete days in town den ing the week, the gin•eat of Mts. IC H. l'nllins. �Irs..loseph 1'ohbledick was in St. Thoma« 1.4.4 week, as a delegate to a meeting of the W en's Missionary Society. She relented Ftid:ay, members of the a3rd Regiment. under i munictetinns f14.111 lbtot n Ili os., Nur• the command of F. E. Hector, of'serynten: the Ilan. Wtii. Molock, K. Farquhar, newly appointed Sergeent- I K.C. Aitken, also that of E. Not th Co., Major, and Lieutenant, W. ,f, flea- London, and Patterson. Ellis Co.. $L (man. gave the town a slight war -like 1 1larys, re concrete tile; react acrid filed. 9 Appetit Atte.. on 'Tuesday last as they Wood -Levet) --the offer of the Queen til sit heft (p and down Main Street , City Oil Co.. to supply engine gesnitne and were put through ttL1r fat'inge. lett ilk. agenius t»•actepte.l.-('atitied. NEWLY They left in the a ft erteetitMl, go into (;4,o, ('udnmote mt fusing to accept the camp at ('arling's Heights), London. I street water sang. the -agile he giver to RECEIVED The Coast, a S. and C. E Convention.' J. Sutton. Itis tender being the next All mot kers in Sundry Schools and lowest. $11.:35 per weak: per W. 11. Le - Spring Goods % "tg People. Sucmete« should rs•1vett, pecond,•41 by,1. 1%".«td. C:itti.sI, Clairvoyant -Psychic Medical nterrabet the aonn:al Cuuntt 4'onye►,- fa vett :lmnmstortg the rontn,ixsionet tions to be held in God..tich next week be iusttucted to cut and ttnu Itees on In Tweeds and Worsteds --that of S. S. on 1eemlay„June 13th, Main street not tit, freta the Matin St. Examination free and lh4, c. E. and E. 1. on 1Vednes• chinch. - Cerned. At lust en -Wiaid 1 day, June 14th. The programs for! the Clerk procure tegister for Births, 1 Ranging in rice from I each gathering ate of a practical and Marriages and [h•ath•.-('srried. The interesting character. and sorb speak• I following account« Wt•1-e presented and ers as Mi E. A. Mattis, Provincial orders drawn on Treas(ret for sante: - T1'titling Expert, and Ileo. A. Ester, V.J.%Bissett. Express I3': i)o., salary of Tot:•nto, in addition to the county to Mess '22- $31,25; W. J. Beaman, e•a►xl Call and Examine Them. clergy, ',nd wet ket+ who are billed and rope account, $3.10; A. 3. Ford. for topic«, ens'ues discussion which (meat for lirimncombe fancily. $3 47. will well repay x visit. The people Queen CO Oil Co„ nil rind gaeohne, of Giale•t ich will ptvivide entertain. I $11,1(1: FA. McGuire. damage to boggy went for ell d'•leitates, and the «!•setonsthrough fire engine, $1.25; it. Bit k., will be held in Victoria Street Metho- fi months' rent fell Telephoe, $12,:0; tlrclsut Tailor, Enter, Ontario 1,h,t land Knox Presbyterian cbutches. I W. D. %Ve•ekes, booth provincial eters $14.00 to $20.00 W. JOHNS By DR. E. F. 1U'TTERFIELD, of Syracuse. N.Y. Believing in elairvoy- tan. e• or nor. there is nog:unc:a%ing the fact that the d.,e•tt can explain the , «.1111 -re• and t i,I.e• of von eli.aease either mental or physical and has r•etetoted to he Lith itnrl happiness many h_elplette invelide all their' live*. Send hair, name. age aril stamp to DH. E. F. I3t-TiTEI(FIELf), f L Syracuse, N. 1•• BoyWash Suita In a number of dif- ferent Styles, very pret- ty combinations of linen and blue, blue and white. PRICES 11.00 and $L25 a SUIT. SNELL & ROWE 4