HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-06-08, Page 74.
(Utter aavortxte, TWO OPEN LETTERS
publiahad e. er) Thorne) Murniug at the OAt r.
—By the —
s' I1'Tt
One Dollar per
aurum if paid in adv ante, 51.10
it not an paid.
Sdsr.rtisilary Raun ors syPltom-
No paper diy'untinued until alt arrearage* are paid
Advertisements without ..peeifiel dire -tions will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal discount made for ter orient advertisements
Inserted for long periods. Etery" description of JOB
PRINTING turned out it' the finest style, and at
moderate rates. Cheques. Money orders, kc., for
advertising, autrrript:m:a, etc., to be mad* payable
Sanders & Creech,
Proresslonal yards.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. 8..
�Ilonor graduate of Toronto Univeristy.
Teeth extrseled without any Pain, or any bad effects
Office in F.uuou'a Block, west aide Main street,
Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post
Graduate of Chicago S.•hool of Prosthetic Dentistery
(with honorable mention.)
Altuminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the
neatest manner pxsihle. A perfe•tly harmless an•
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth.
Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
HBROW , Winchelsea Llcened Aucttonerr
• for the Counties of Perth and ldiddleaex.
also for the township of Csbonte. Sales promptly
attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged
at Post Office Winchelsea
T this county and adjoining territories, to repre"
seat ami advertise the Wholesale and Educational
Departments an old established business house
of solid financial standing. Salary 83.50 per day with
expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct
fronthea.lquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when
neeeesas,; position permanent. Address BLEW
BROS., k CO., Dept. 6, Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111.
inerciints Bank of Caijatla
Mrs Mary Dtmmlck of Washington tally
How Lydia E. Ptnkham'. Vegetable
Compound Made Her Well.
It Is with great pleasure we publish
the following letters, as they convinc-
ingly prove the claim we have so many
times made in our columns that Mrs.
Pinkham, of Lyon, Mass , is fully quali-
fied togive helpful advice to sick women.
Read Mrs. Dimmick's letters.
Her first letter;
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-
" I have been a sufferer for the past eight
years with a trouble which first originated
from painful menstruation -the pains were
excruciating, with inflammation and ulcera-
tiou of the womb. The doctor says I must
have an operation or I cannot live. I do not
want to submit to an operation if I can pts
blyy avoid it. Please help me." -Mrs. Mary
Dinlmick, Washington, D. C.
Her second letter;
Dear Mrs. Piukhatn
You will remember my condition when I
last wrote you, and that the doctor said I
must have an operation or I could not live.
I received your kind letter and followed your
advice very carefully and am now entirely
well. As my case was so serious it seeress a
miracle that I am cured. I know that I owe
not only toyy health but my life to Lydia E.
Pinkhaut's Vegetable Compound and to your
advice. I can walk miles without an ache or
a pain, and I wish every suffering woman
would read this letter and realize what you
can do for then,." --Mr,,. Mary Dirnmick 59th
and East Capitol Streets, Washington, b. C.
How easy it was for Mrs. Dimmiek to
write to Mrs. l'iukham at Lynn, Maas.,
and how little it cost her -a two -cent
starnp. Vet how valuable was the reply!
As Mrs. Dimmick says -it saved her life.
Mrs. I'inkham has on file thousands
of just such letters as the above, and
offers ailing women helpful advice.
capital Paid Up - 6,000,000 •
Rest & Undivided Profits 3,218,969
Wood's fl
The (treat Riagti,ilt Remedy.
A positive cure for all forma of
interest at most tae arabic . urrent rates from iatr sexual \1 eaknese, Mental and
depositedallowed on Savings Bank accounts .:id De• woman. „ma n !Corr 1mweione. filen
posit Receipts. nsooer►Aota, Impotency F eted of Abase or
Commercial Lettere of Credit issued, available in Excess, all of which lead to Con,nmptiom,
China, Japan and other foreign countries- merit) insanity oy ant an early grave. I'wo.
Travelling Lettere of Credit issued to travellers Ir it per plod biz for j5. One will plaaase, adz will
all parts of the world, erre. idol y all aW or Write for
in plain
A general !tanking business transacted. ppeso oareuolyp,c�in ce, Wtad g .Pamphlet.Ontario.
1 Thi tiOd Medicine Coro wlad..r, Nnt•rto.
F. IIEBDEY. Seri or IIR(sCIia9 k Cuter iNArzcTOD
W. S. C1(ISHOLM, Manager.
At Exeter and Centralia
Now ready for use the hest
Cement and Lime
. That money can hay, also
for Everybody lit the lowest
Jos. Cobbledick
That Have to be Sold.
We have in stock THREE PIANOS
which have been in use for a short
time only, and wanting to make room
for new goods, we are going to sell
these Pianos ata price t hat they will
have to go.
intendinlf purchasers would do well
to call and Inspect these bargains be-
fore buying.
Violins and Violin Sund-
ries Always in Stock.
Ileadgnattels for Stationery.
• Keep them in the house.
AyersPillTake one whenyou feel bi1-ysous or dizzy. They act di-
rectly on the liver.t.Wi «r
Wast your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE
a beautiful brows or rich black? Use tint erste mesas ea.,.,latasco- Kassa a,a
rex K K K KA''t Kort, Ki.
ST NO NAMES rstD wllfnouT WRITTEN coNslall't'.
Confined to His Home for Weeks.
-heavy work, severe straining sod evil habits In youth brou'rnt
on a doub:e varicocele. Warn I worked hard the aaaing would
become revere and I was often lard up for a week at a time.
dry family physlaan told Inc an o; eratdon was my only hope -
but 1 dreaded It. I tried several sp--;laltsts. but soon fount out
wa they wanted was my money. I comm•mced to ix* upon all
doctors as rattle better than roeuea. One day my boss asked me
why I was off nark so much and 1 told him my condition. He
advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy and Keegan, as he had
taken treatment from them himself ami knew they were square
and skillful. He wrote teem •nd got the New Method Treat-
ent for me. My progress elm somewhat e: )W an 1 during the
Area month'• treatment 1 WAS somewhat dl.cou see,1 However,
continued treatment far three months longer •n.l AS rewar4.d
Ith a complete cure. I could only earn $u a week In a machine
*hep before treatment. n,,w i am earning I.1 and .fever lase •
•y ly. I wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment.
BLOOD P'a180NS are the 10 't prevalent and most serious disease.. They sap
the very life tassel of the victim and unless entirely eradicated from the systent
will cause serious compllcatlans. Reware of Mercury. It only suppresses the
sytbptoms-our NEW METHOD positively cures all blood Mae/tees forever.
TO1. Nil OR MIDULEI AGRD.MtN.-impruJent acts or Tater ezoesses have broken
down your system. You feel the symptoms st(IIla* over you. Mentally. physlcal,y
and vitally you are tot the elan you used to be or should 1>e. Will you Deed the
•!*beer slgtla:sl
READER Are law & etctitnMare are you lost bore? Are you intending
to marry. 11as )one bloat barn dlseseedt Rave you any weak.
nr•.' t'ur Ne w Methal Treatment will cure Tota. what It has done for others
t ail: do for you CONSULTATION FREE* No matter who has treated you,
write for an honest cr!e:on Fire of Charge, Books FREE -"The OoWen Moni-
tor" 'Ute:stra..dt. on Disease,' of Sten.
names on hoses or envelopes. Everything confidential. Qnestlon nit and
cost of treatment FRCR for Biome Treatment.
Core Mich. Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, Mich.
K. K K('. K K `. K K K K K
Exeter School Report
Sr. IV. --untie Collins 88°1. Lillian
Amos K5, Kathleen Stewart 85, Wiu-
itifred Huston Si, Lillie Hodgert LG3,
Ibiugghts Stewart 81, Beatrice Howey
79; Clarence :Miners 78; Lillian Junes
78; Lois 'limey 76; Mallelle 1.('11) 76:
Minnie Amy 711; Minnie ('soul 72; Eth-
el Harvey 70, Jr. I\'.- Lillian Snell
al; Viola Welsh sol; Gladys Bissett 75;
Ruth Hooper 74: Clarence Bottler 70.
Nu, un roll 40, average 38.
C. \'ospel'.
Sr, !IL -Victor Sw'eet,llei big Gardi-
ner,Gat. vey Acheson, Loney Heywood,
Edith Heideman, Aggie I3arkuer, Ell•,
Mani, Annie Bissett, Olive Wood,
Willie Bradt. Jr. 111.- Harry Sweet,
I.ily Rowe, Ida Welsh, Laura .McF,:lls.
No. on full 50, average 42.
11. E. Wallond.
Sr. II. -Cecil Pickard 70; Bella Mc -
Katy. 73; Eva Shaddock 72. Sr. 1I.-
(Istit Wood 85; Mary Acheson 83; 1{.ty
Dearing 80; Lillian Boyle 78; David
Hall 72; Lillie May Frayne and 11'il-
1 id Stewart 70. Jr. 11. -Irene Hardy
77; James Walker '75, Fred McPherson
73: Abe Jackson 71, No. on roll 52,
average 47.
A. E. Martin.
Sr. 11. -Leon Treble 72. Jr. 1I.--
Florrie Dinnie 82; Edith Davis 74; Ern•
est Neil 72, Gladys Delve 70. Sr. Part
IL --Nellie Jones 94; Agnes McKay 90;
Blanche Qnance 84; Rufus Kestle 81;
Nettie May Bowey 70. Mid. Part iL-
Maiguerite Gardiner 87: Norman Hoc-
key 83; Imo Sweet S0; Jean Selden 79.
Jr. Pt. IL -Stanley Johns 75; Labelle
Handford 73. No. on roll 411, average
:311. F. E. Carling.
Sr. U. -Madeline Carling 98'/o; Harry
Snell t)6; Viola Rowe 83, Jr, II.-Lin-
nie Ford 81, Bruce Walker 80. Sr. Pt.
IL -Ethel Day 90; Beatrice Hodgert
2;l, Lillie Collingwood 80. Middle Part
II. -Mabel Knott 80; Slaudie Elliott
79, Thomas Clark 78. Jr. Part 11.-
Hobbie Fleming 90, Willie Manson 87;
Fannie Bowey 75. No. 3. -Joey Fer-
guson 84, Anna Bell 83. No. 2. --Hilda
Westcott 78, Jack Hurdon 78, No. 1.
Many Day 80. Vera Marshall 75. No.
on roll 11, average 30.
Mary Parsons.
School Reports.
tic Huul. HFPuwtT.-The following is
the report of the Crediton Public
School for the months of April and
Slay. 00' of the marks is required for
'pass, and 75% for honor standing.
Nacres in order of merit: -Division
Iii. --Continuation Class. --Honors.
Madeleine Bertrand; Pass, Garnet
Sweitzer, Arthur Holtzman, P. Boltz-
mann, Ella Link.. Sr. INT. --Honors,
Edna Pack; Pass, Oertie Short, L. Gei-
ser. Adeline Finkbeiner, H. Kienzle,
W. Medd. Jr. IV, -Honors, Pearl (Mi-
ser, Edith Hill, Howard Meadd; Pass,
Pearl Bissett, Clarissa Hill. Average
attendance 20.
(laude Bluett, Teacher.
Division II. -iIL-Honors, Elsie Gai-
ser, Altneda Finkbeiner, Lillian Fink-
beiner, ('hum Boltzmann, Matilda
Oestreicher, Il. Trick; Pass, Geo. Bea-
ver. Willie Oestreicher; E. Appleton,
C. Anderson, Emnnery Feihuer, Ivan
Hit tzel. Jr. In. -Honors. I'eat'l Treitz.
ilnrry Mangnns, Charlie Gower, H.
1lultztuann, Alice Millin; Pass, G. Ap-
Npleton. Hoy Hrdden, Edwin Fanner,
. 11111, Isaac Sirens, Vera Holtzman.
Sr. II.- Honors, Lulu Geiser, Mabel
Wenzel, Ida Brown, Wellington Rau;
Pass, Wellington Heist, Lloyd Daman,
\\'illie Motz, Mervyn \Viper, S. Fink -
twiner. Sr. Part 1i. -Pass, 1':. Beaver,
Lulu Damm], Evelyn Bluett, Lulu Red-
den. Jr. fart i1. -Pass, 11. Shenk. G.
Benedict, Henry Finkbeiner, F. King.
Average 50. Miss Saunter, Teacher.
Division i. --Jr. iI.-Honors, Florica
Hill, Melvin Brown; Pass, Queenia
Hodgins, Lydia Oestreicher, It, Motz,
F. 11111, E. Anderson. A V -Pass,
Ilene Erb, Viola Geiser, Gertrude
Guenther. A 1V. -Honors, Lillie Win-
er, Harold Gower; Pass, Raymond Eng-
lish, Arthur Sambrook. L. Redden.
111,-11. Finkbeiner, Hoy Shenk, S.
Lawson, Irene Wolfe. A IL -Gert-
rude Erb, Eatery Geiser, Clara Oes-
streicher, Rothe King. A I. --Pass.
Mildred Guenther, Vern Eilber, Hilton
Han. Average 47.
Miss Kienzle, Teacher.
The following is the result for May
of S. S. No. 2, Stephen. Natnes are in
order of met it. The flimflams denote
percentage: -Sr. I V. --Roy Hill 82,
Stewart Mitchell 53. Eva Hirtzel 51,
Herbert Mitchell 49, Everett Situs 41,
!Aura Sims 33, Clayton Signs 20. J. 1 V.
Beryl Hill 70, Olive King 33, Mary
(lumbers 10. Jr. Iii. --Percy Lawson
05, Eli Sims 54. Tillie Edwards 43. Lil-
lian Stahls 32. James Carroll 20, Ethel
Sims 20. Jr. I i. -Viola Cornish 90,
Gordon Marshall 67. Irving Stab's 42,
Andrew Flanagan 15, Sydney Smart 7.
M. A. Robertson, Teacher.
The following is the May report
of the 1'. S. S., No. 13, Hay and Step-
hen. Sr. iV,--('harlie Dunsford 00A•
Intermediate iV. Freddie Smith 77,
Barton Ford 70, Gordon Hooper 00.
Jr. iV.-Nancy Smith 71, Clayton
Prouty 48. Clifton Prouty not present
for examination. Sr. Iii. -Nelson Sta-
cey 51: Norman McDonald 53. .Tr. 111.
Nellie Green fit, Norman Ford 76: Nel-
lie Stacey 50. Sr. 1i. -Horace i'faff i(.
Grunt Hooper 43. Jr. Ti -Annie Omen.
Sr. Pt. 11. -Ethel Smith, Emile:Smith,
Jr. fart i1. --Willie Hooper. Sr. Pt. I.
Lena Stacey. Jr. Part IL ---Freddie
Smit h.
F. B. Grahalli, Teacher
St. Marys
A very pretty thrnigb quiet we
took place at the residency of Mrs. P.
Gowans, Sr., St. Marys, on S third ly,
June Rol, when her daughter, Miss
Agnes. was united in marriage to
isane Walk•, also of St. Marys. The
ceremony which took place at high
noon was perfor•nmal by the Rev. A.
Grant in the presence of fhe immed-
iate tOat ive!, of the bride fuel groonn,
The bride was attended by her niece.,
Mia. Bella Yo.ing, of St. Marv.. who
'1ate'(1 rev Maid of Honor, and Mie Ella
1 mean*, of Thornbury, as ting hear.
•.r. After an excellent dinner the
happy couple left on at short wedding
tour to i.onll• n. On their return they
will occupy the comfortable house
near the station recently pmmhased
by the groat. The bride was the re•
cipient of many handsome presents. i
t'sborlte Couu('il,
The ("Aka n,• Slunicipaal Council met
,t theTp. Hall on June 1st, as *('111111
of Revision of the Assessments for the
Elimville ('reek 1/rain 1ulpoaed by
Bylaw No. 3, 1905. All the mleulllt'as
were present anti duly sworn. Mr.
Roger, the engineer, was also present.
A number of appeals were considered
hut no changes were made in the as-
sessments except to col'l'ect a few mis-
takes. The Court thenid•ourned
until Saturday, Jute 3rd, after• in-
structing the engineer to ascertain by
level the exact boundary of the water-
shed at a disputed point. The Court
meet On Saturday pursuant toadjoul'n-
nlent. The Engineers report on the
point referred to him was received
lend adopted and the necessary cor
rections rade in the assessments.
The amounts deducted in making
necessary COlrections were added to
the benefit assessment on the [toads
of the Municipality and the Court
Council met on Seturdav, June 3rd,
as Court of Revision of the assess-
ment Roll for 1903. All the members
were present and duly sworn. The
appeal of J. G. Jones was after consid-
eration dismissed. A few small cor-
rections were made, the Roll approved
and the Court closed,
Council met for business after Court
of Revision The minutes of last
sleeting were read and approved.
Two or three claims were presented
for sheep killed by dogs. Accounts
amounting to 8120.50 were passed and
orders issued in payment. Council
then adjourned to meet July 1st at
10 o'clock, unless a meeting is neces-
sary before that date.
Hay Council
The Council of the township of Hay
met as a Court of Revision on Satur-
day, May 27th. The members having
subscribed to the statuary oath the
Court became organized with the
Reeve in the chair. A large number
of changes were made in the assess-
ment for 1905. After .adjournment of
Court of Revision, Council met as per
adjournment. All present. Minutes
of previous meeting read and adopted.
The Council decided to close up roads
between lots 49 L.H.E., and 36, S.B.,
and between lots 35 and 36, S.B. and
in place of the road closed up a new
road will be opened up on the west
side of lot 36 S.B. Upon Application
the statute labor of the Police Villages
of Zurich and Dashwood will be abol-
ished and an amount equal to the stn-
tute labor will be levied along with
the special Police Village rate. A
number of accounts were ordered to
be paid. Council adjourned to meet
again on Saturday, June 10 at 2 p. in.
Fred Hess, Cletk.
DON'T let that little baby or yoiir
children play or creep on the carpet
with their little faces (10-0 to ilia
floor. Carpets are rer(ptacics fur
all manner of
Many a healthy child h:u, boen taken
ill on account of breathing in the im-
purities from the carpet. Keep your
rug', and carpet. purified by using
Odorless Non-poisonous
Absolutely destroys germs
Removes all dirt
Restores colors liko new
Renews tho sizing
Al: in a f..t ,notnrntr. fora fees cetea
aunt a child can du it w ith
SAP -0- REN -0
Tho Huffman & Teeter Co.
�•:: love .•:r,.. .
You can get a general education in
any school but come to the Central for l'ra• tical
Ilusinese Training. This eolla a has a continental
reputation for thoroughness. Opportunities are for
those who are preparal. Our graduates always sue•
ceed. You may enter our claws at any time.
Write for free catelosue.
Isi.i.t0'1T & lcLACHLAN,
Causes Much Distress to
Throat and Lung
Clear Frosty Morning Air Only
Stimulates Longa that ars Healthy
Observes Dr. Slocum. If a cold 1s al.
Inwed to ran, La Grippe. Pneumonia*?
Bronchitis is sure to follow If "Pa)-.
chine" 1s not taken to prevent its
Don't experiment with cheap cotgb mixtures
or pike decoctions. which at beet can only
temporarily relieves, ant11 you are forced to your
best from which you will arise(railer - the mere
easy victim for consumption This 1, the sea-
ron of the year when people are started en the
rapid road to the n,nsuruptivc's grave. declares
the eminent Lung Specialist.
will rid the system of all tnberoul'er1c poison
amt build up weak and wasted bodies with
healthy N..ue. ' P.yrhtne" i. A tonic and it
creates, strength, friveslini a ravenous appetite
and produces) healthy flesh.
in case* of oMtinatet coughs. pains In the
longs. Rare threat, headache, pains in the limb*,
extreme weakne',., you cannot afford to be
without " I' yrhlne' it lo prepared ezprew.ly
for all disesteem of the lime. and bronrhisl
tube., and if yeti have the least sign of a'oraggh,
.olden chill...hlvety feeling, enld feet or de
premien, prosure " F'sychino" from yetis
ifffour dru isthasn't " Psych ine" in stock.
write Or. T..k Slocum. l.imited, 179 Katy
street We.,. Toronto, t'Anrula, and a sample
bottle will be sent you promptly.
Red Rose
Te a
Because of Its fla%or.
Why do you buy certain varieties of fruit and
vegetables? Is it not because you like the flavor of
some better than others ?
Flavor is the special quality which stamps one
brand of food product as superior to another, and is the
quality that always commands the highest price.
The delicate, fragrant flavor of Red Rose Tea is
the result of scientific study and methods on the tea
plantations, and in the tea testing and blending rooms.
It has what might be called a fruity taste—a rich,
ripe flavor that is very pleasing to the palate—a taste
you won't forget.
The Blue Label is recommended,
T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B.
DEATII-Our little burgh has been
saddened by the death of Miss Lily
May Sawyer, daughter of the late
Aaron Sawyer. That one so your
and clever should be suddenly called
away by the Angel of death seems al-
most incredible, the sad event taking
place on Tuesday. May 30th, at the
age of 30 years, 3 months, 25 days.
For several weeks Miss Sawyer had
been suffering from pulmonary affec-
tion, but she bore all with much pa-
tience. How comforting it is when
life's dream is about to close, that
friends can resign themselves to the
hand of afltiction, when they learn
that their loved one is passing away
possessing the full hope of as risen Sav-
iour, and that with hum they are soon
to abide. Deceased was universally
liked and admired, and deep sorrow
prevails at her untimely end. Three
brothers and two sisters survive her,
and to thein we extend our heartfelt
sympathy. The funeral took place on
Thursday afternoon to the Kirkton
cemetery and was largely attemped.
(In or2)ri l be Act of Partiamei.t tz.`•5)
Head Office, - Montreal
Capital Paid Tip $3,000,000
Reserved Fund.... . • • . , , ... , $3,000,000
'FFI('E ILOCRel: 10 a. in to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a- m. to 1 p. m,
Farmer's Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Bi itain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business MCI at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
DeposSaving Bank Departments pounded )i Si and upwards receival. interen Sern-
pounded hal!•yearly and added to principal June 3(rth
and December 31st.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
l)U'KwN CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON. Manager.
The Standard -Bred Electioneer Wilkes Trotting Stallion,
No. 39,581.
Standard Rule 1. Registered in the American Trotting Register, Vol-
ume XVII. Brown colt; two white ankles, behind: foaled in 1901. Bred by
J. C. Linneman, Limn, Ohio. Now owned by Jones & Kunz, Exeter, Ont.
Sind by NORVAL 5335.
Record 2:14x4. Sire of Counteee Eve 255)t4, Flowing Tide 2.(914, 'Sorvtn 0. 2:0014. Annie Leyburn,
2:1014 Noret 2:1314, Ludy Non•etta 2:1314, Donnaugh 2:10',, Nonard t131(, and 77 others in the 220
list; his eons have sired 56 and daughters produced 10 in 2:10. Son of Electioneer 1.25, :tire of Arlon 2:071(
Sunol 2(h',,M1a(
Palo Alto 2:, and 15- others In 2:30 list. Dam Norma, a great brood mare, by Norman 28,
sire of Lula 2:15. etc.
1st dam nrrry FOSS°,
Sister toOrnament 2.14'4,
2nd darn E:LECTRESS,
Record :.5'. and dam of
ornament 2.241i.
Sal Plant LORA,
Ilam of Eire -trews 2 :Lt and
i.oraneer 2.24'4.
th dam LAURA KF.ENF-,
Third dam of Cobweb* 2:12, Amnon
2:13'i, Crafty 2:00.V, and 7 other
standard performers.
Sth dam FANNY,
nth dam MAIII'N,
7th dam,
by Ai.FONSO 9700
Record 2 2Aaj, 81re of Marie C 2:1055 and 17 other standard per.
formers. Sun of Baron wilkes t:15, sire of Bumps r931(, Ruben
stein 2tV., Oakland Baron 201ta. Baron Rogers 2:'Ok . and i'4
°there. Dam Alnia Mater dam of Alcyone 2:27, Al• anter* zrs,
Allandorf 2:11114, etc., by kambr(no I'atchen x
Sire of Arion 207t4, Sunol 211((54 Palo Alto 241%, and 1:.- others;
dams of Klatawa 3, 2:n5'4, laurel 2:1314, and over mo 0( her elan•
lard ppeeerfonners;also grandsire of Major Delmar 1:5934, The Ab•
bolt 2.(•It,,Arote 2e! ti, and over WOO other standard performer.
Record 2:17,,. Sire of Esparta Rex 4:15.4, Lirnero 2:15%, '.orite
21a14, Wanda 2:1s'i, and 21 others; and dams of Fanny Witco'
2:101:, and 25 other standard performers. Ann of Aniseed 31; data
May Ftertfuvm, a great brood mare, by Mambrino('hief II.
by IAMBi.FTONIAN 10. -
Sire of heater 2:175(, Nettie 2le, !range Girl 2:31, 37 others; sal
dams of Stamboul 2(17',. Ballona 2 ilei, Ore'•r,lander 2:11. over
199 others. and grand ire of Naw's flank. 2,4; and over 1,000
other standard performer.
by YOt180 WAVELET.
Ey 82:A GULL.
Baaensa'9 sr4.... .T. -The la 11 a model in conformation: is a eon with ,urea', " .- an.•amt has
a, too h •tile and finish a any colt 1 have ere, owned; has the very hent of feet and le:.. with little more
the : break in, 'e )rk as a two•year old, trotted a quarter In Kr!. s.••vnd.
His no is $15, to Insure.
Exeter, Ont.
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1 The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Age.
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nia and all disease simply vanish before ot
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For more chronic affections. eueh as neuralgia and rheumaC+m, my wife ha. experiena.l
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Send us your name and address and we will send you our k ,oklet Pally eaplaining 1h'
corking, of this wonderful instrument,
irir61 Fifth Street, Detroit, Mich. 2!6M St.Cetherine St.. Montreal. 0