HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-06-08, Page 5e
Made Sound and Strong by Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
If your blood is weak, if it is poor
and watery, a touch of cold or influ-
en:•a will setthe in your lungs and the
Mi1'earently harmless cough of to -day
11 become the racking consuucp-
tire. 8 .:;.)Ugh Of to -Morrow. Weak
blood :d an open invitation for con-
sumptien to lay upon you the hand
of death. The only way to avoid
consumption and to strengthen and
brace the whole system is by enrich-
ing your blood and strengthening
your lungs with 1)r. 1Villianrs' fink
Pill,.. '!'hey make new, rich, warm
blood. They add resisting power to
the lungs. They have paved scores
frau) a consumptive's gravo—not af-
ter the lungs are hopelessly diseased,
but when taken when the cough first
attacks tho enfeebled system. ilere is
positive proof. Mrs. Barry Stead,
St. ('atharines, Ont., rays: "A few
y'e'ars ago I was attacked with lung
trouble, and the doctor, after treat-
ing nie for a time, thought 1 was go-
ing into consulnption. 1 grew pale
tend emaciated, had no appetite, was
troubled with a hacking cough. and
1 felt that 1 was fast going towards
tho grave. Neither the doctor's
medicine nor other sed find that I
I took seemed to help ate. '-'hen a
gotta friend urged rue to take 1)r.
1Villiams' fink fills. Ily the time I
had used four Foxes it was plain that
they were helping me. I began to re-
cover my appetite. and in other ways
flit better. I took six boxes nx►re,
and was as well as ever, and had
gained in weight. 1 : c•lievo I)r. Wil-
ms' fink fills saved loo from a
grave, and I feel very
ow. Dr. lfillinls' fink Pills build
the strength in just. ono way—
hey actually -:take new blood. 'I'h(It
is all they do, but they do it well.
They don't act on the bowels. They
don't bother with here symptoms.
They won't cure any disease that
isn't caused by iba(1 blood. But then,
nearly all common diseases spring
front that one cause anaemia, indi-
gestion, biliousness, headaches, side -
aches. backaches, kidney trouble,
lumbago, rheumatism, sciatica, neur-
algia. nervousness, general weakness
and the special secret ailments that
growing girls and women co not like
to talk about even to their doctors.
I But you must get the genuine with
the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pnlo People," on the wrap-
' per around each box. If in doubt
I send the (rice -50 (rants a box or
$2.50 for six boxes. to the Dr. Wil -
haute' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.,
iIi•: LAND OF HORSERADISH.It. almost makes the eyes water to
end of the village of Ilaiorsdort, in
Bavaria, which is celebrated for pro-
ducing tho 11neet horseradish in
Europe. On an area of moist ground
in the valley of the river Regnitz,
covering 1,335 acres, that titillating
plant is practically the only thing
raised, and the annual yield amounts
to about 6,000,000 pounds. Horse-
lorso-radish requires a great deal of at-
tention from the cultivator, for in
midsummer tho soil must be removed
from the stents and the side roots
rubbed off with et soft cloth, after
which the sterns aro buried again.
The plants spring up in March from
the end roots, left in rho soil the
previous autumn, when the upper
stems are cut. off and packed in bar-
rels for shipment.
Mothers should never give their lit-
tle ones a medicine that they (10 not
know to be absolutoly snfe and
harmless. All so-called soothing
medicines contain poisonous opiates
that stupefy tho helpless little ono
without curing its ailments. Baby's
Own 'Tablets is the only medicine for
infants anti young children that gives
the mother a positive guarantor that
it contains no opiate or harmful
drug. Milton L. Mersey, M.Sc.. (Mc -
(;ill University). has analyzed those
Tablets and says: "I hereby certify
that 1 have 1in(te a careful nnnalysis
of Baby's Own Tablets which I per -
Premium Will Be Paid For All
Iliiants Who Live Longer
Than One Year.
1luddersli.•Id, 1?ngland, the most
progressive of Yorkshire manufac-
turing towns, is going in for u form
of municipal enterprise which is cer-
tainly uilique in Great Dritain—haby-
raising. lustily' of wasting regrets
over the Mtn -easing number of babies
that fail to get born, as most Ang-
lo-Saxon communities aro doing in
London and in America, the local
government intends devoting its ener-
gies to keeping alive and slaking
healthy babies that do succeed in
gaining an entrance into this vale of
tears. No time is to be lost in put-
ting into practice the scheme it has
It is to the mayor of Huddersfield,
Alderman Benjamin Broadbent, that
the world is indebted for this latest,
and most advanced conception of
civic duty. Ile is a brother of the
King's physician, Sir R'illiam lirond-
bent, and no donbt has profited by
his kinsman's advice on the subject.
Ile started tho campaign against the
high rate of infant c;ortality by of-
fering a reward of $20 for every child
born in his district that
This opened the eyes of the other
town authorities to the possibilities
of successful child-rearing as a means
of adding to tho wealth and prosper-
ity of the city. A live, healthy baby
has infinite possibilities before it; a
dead ono simply represents a dead
Loss to the entire community. Taking
this view of the clatter, it was re-
solved that special attention should
be paid to inducing poor parents to
take tetter care of their little ones
and that means should bo provided,
where necessary, for relieving theta
of part of that task, the municipal-
ity playing the role of a beneficent
foster mother. According to the
scheme which has just been adopted
a payment of 25 cents is to be nmdo
to the first person who shall notify
the birth of a child to the medical
outer within 48 hours of the event.
'then the machinery Is to be set in
emotion which will give the little
strange: the best chance of surviving
and waxing strong end vigorous. Tho
medical officer will send to the mo-
ther printed directions as to the
best methods of raising babies. Fem-
inine health visitors specially ap-
pointed for the purpose, will call at
each house in the poor district wlioro
births are reported) and supplement
the advice thus given with practical
instruction. They will snake frequent
calls to see that the babies aro re-
ceiving proper care. Pure milk will
bo supplied by the ntunic:pnl11y.
But perhaps tete most important
feature of the scheme is to he tho es-
tablishment of
where the babes of mothers who have
to work in the trills or elsewhere
will receive the best of attention and
tate most wholesome food. 1'or two
months this will bo experimental. but
if the results.tn any way approximate
the sanguine c' pectat.ions of the ad-
vocates of this new civic departure
proposals are to be submitted for
making municipal day nurseries per-
manent institutions in Huddersfield.
Of retiree, the scheme will be severely
criticised as tending to diminish in-
dividual independence and respensi-
'IOUS', encourage parental reckless-
ness and burden the slate with mat-
ters that belong to the domain of
[Hyatt. fanily life. It will be called
socialism In aisguise and many jokes
will be made about municipal legisla-
tors assuming the functions of nurs-
es. Ilut the Huddersfield authori-
ties defend their action on practical
and economic as well as on humani-
tnrian grounds. livery child born
into tho world in this land Is n rate-
payer in entbryn and Huddersfield
means to ser to it that no potential
contributor to km funds shall escape
to another world iefore the tine
cones for paying his municipal toll.
penally purchased in it drug store In
Montreal, and the said analysis has
ailed to detect the presence of any PUT FISH TO SLEEP.
opiate or narcotic in there." This
means that mothers can give their
little one8 these 'Tablets with an as-
surance that they will do good—that
they cannot possibly do harm. The
Table's cure indigestion, colic, con-
stipation, diarrhoea, simple fever.
teething troubles and all minor ail-
ments. Sold by druggists ists every-
where or sent by snail at 25 cents it
box by writing the 1)r. Miscasts'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The old colored deacon accosted
the 1,0l80)) on the roadside.
"Tapson." he begun. "Ah want to
ask yo' a quest ion. Who wets de most
ent man nn parr"
"Why, bruddalo•' responded the
parson, "Job wase of eose."
"No. snh! Ah tell yo' Noah was.•'
"l'n how do yo' make dat out•►..
"Nhv. Noah 11nd two sk.e•ters on
do nrk en ca:ricd dem aromas foh
forty days en nights. 1•'t he cud re -
Rist slnppin' et dem all dat time he
was de tenet patient aloe sot „art."
Hawaiian Methods Is a Very Des-
tructive Ono.
.1. M. herring is rho very appro-
priate name of the Ilsh inspector at
Milo, Hawaiian Islands. In a recent
report ho says that the food fishes
of Hawaii aro rapidly disaIpea
because of the slaughter of those
not fully grown.
ignorant natives and Japanese
laborers are responsible. Resides
using small mesh nets they have a
method of staking a catch which is
thus desctiht'd by Mr. iferring:
"Tho natives use n mixture or com-
bination of herbs known as aiih11h11
or akin, a ball of which when depos-
ited at the bottom of a pond fre-
quented by fish acts in the nature Of
chloroform, putting the fish to
sleep. When the fish rise to the
surface the natives gather them up,
and they are sold or eaten like other
"There does not appear to lie any
harmful effect trent the use of this
drug nfter the fish are cooked. fig
the llnuaiians eat fish killed in 11118
manner with impunity. But the ac-
tion of the drug is the same on all
fish within the radius of its influ-
ence, and the yonnq surer death as
well ns the larger fish.
"The present law provides a pen'
alty for fishing with dynamite, but
does not cover this method of des-
troying the fish."
On Mr. herring's siggoetion a new
protective law has been introduced
in the Hawaiian Legislature.
First Artist—"Nell, old Iran, how
is bidness?" Second Artist—"Oh,
splendid! Clot a commission this
tnorning from n millionaire. Wants
his wife and children painted very
badly." first Artist --•'11e11, old
ninn. yeu're the very man to do
that for hint."
RAINY RIVER MAN , Results from common soaps: i
HAD TROUBLES, t es' Shrunken flan en lcoarse hands,es..
Then His Rheumatism and Other
Pains Vanished Once and For
All—His Case Only One in Many.
Barwick, Ont., May 9—(SpeClall.
—That Dodd's Kidney 1'ills will cure
Rheumatism, or any other disease
resulting from disordered Kidneys
is the experience of many of the set-
tlers in this Rainy River country.
The case 'of William John Dixon of
this place, is a fair sample of tho
work the groat ('anadian -Kidney
Remedy is doing.
"I' had Rheumatism so bad I had
to use a stick 10 walk. I hats pains
in my track and right hip, and 1 had
no comfort in sleeping.
"I could 00 more than dress or un-
dress myself for nearly two months,
and I was for nearly three weeks I
could not lace any right shoe.
"My brother advised me to try
Dorld's Kidney Pills and I did SO.
After taking three Loxes I could
walk around and lace up my shoes
and (lo my work. Six boxes cured
me completely."
Dodd's Kidney Pills aro the ono
surd cure far sick Kidneys. Sick
Kidneys are the cause of nine -tenths
of the ills the human fancily suffers
Scones of Terror In the Streets of
A disastrous hull hunt took place
in the centre of Madrid recently.
Three magnificent bulls had arrived
front the country. and about 8
o'clock were being conveyed in a cage
to the bull ring, where a fight was
to take place.
The streets were crowded, and peo-
ple pressed about the cage in the
hope of catching a sight, of the ani-
mals. Suadenly ono of the bulls bel-
lowed fiercely, and with a blow of
itis head broke a side of the cage to
There was an instant panic as the
three bulls rushed out and charged
into tho midst. of tho crowd. The
people ran helter-skelter into shops.
Solite clinched the trees which line
the street. and others sheltered from
the fury of tho animals behind tram-
cars and other vehicles.
One than was impaled mon on the
horns of a bull, which went through
his body. and ho, was taken away to
hospital in a dying condition
A woman was tosses high in the
air as she ran, and fell 10 (Ile
ground a dozen yards from where she
was struck.
The bulls then attacked three cab -
horses which had been deserted by
their drive., and gored them to
A large force of gendarmes armed
with rifles had by this limo arrived.
and a number of employes from the
bull ring appeared on the scene.
Ono of the bulls charged into the
midst of the gendarmes, wlio fired a
volley. and the animal fell dead. Bul-
lets rattled againstthe walls of the
houses in the street, and some wln-
dows were broken. but fortunately no
one Was hurt. This Is an amazing
fact. because hundreds of people were
In the street at the time.
A hunt, for the two remaining bulls
which careered along the streets.
then followed. and they were finally
captured by rho officials from the
bull ring amid a scene of tremendous
Over 30,000,000 Published.
An Oakland lady who has a taste
for good literature, tells what a
happy time she had on "The (toad
to WeIlville." She says:
"I drank coffee freely for eight
years before 1 began to perceive any
evil olTe'cts (rum it. 'Then T noticed
that 1 was becoming very nervous,
and that my stomach wait gradually
losing the power to properly assimi-
late my food. In time 1 got so weak
that 1 dreaded to leave the house --
for no reason whatever but Iiecanso
of tho miserable condition of my
nerves and stach.attributedT
the trouble to anything in the world
but coffin, of course. I dosed my-
self with medicines. which in. the end
would leave me in a worse condition
than at first. i was most wretched
and discouraged—rl.ot. :10 years old
and feeling that life was a failure!
"1 had given lip all hope of ever
enjoying myself like other people.
till one day 1 read the little hook
"The Riad to Weliville." It opened
my eyes. and taughtmen lesson 1
shall never forget and cannot value
ton highly. I immediately quit the
use of the old kind of coffee and be-
gan to drink l'ostutn hood Coffee. I
noticed the bel;inning of nn improve-
ment in the whole tone of my sys-
tem, after only ,Wo days use of the
new drink. Anel in a very short time
realized that 1 could go Motet like
other people without the tenet re-
turn of the nervous dread that
formerly gate me so Hauch troupe.
In tact Iny nervoureess disappeared
entirely and has never returnee), a1 -
though it is now a year t het 1 have
tern drinking Postitin Food Como.
And my stomach is now like iron --
nothing (' n upset it!
"Last week. during the big Con-
clave in San I'raticieete 1 woe on the
go day And night without the slight-
est fatigue; and ns 1 stood in t1••
immense crowd ssetchln; the ono'
parade (hat lasted for horns, '
thought to n'self. *Ti.;: . •,„ , -tri i what TOsttlin
me!' " Nnnte given
Rattle Creek. Stich.
a.k rice the Ottawas A.
To California and Lewis and
Clarke Exposition, Port-
land, Oregon.
A personally conducted excursion
to the Pacific const via the ((rand
Trunk ltailwny System and connect-
ing litres leaves Quebec July 5, and
Montreal and Toronto .1uly 6. The
rout(: will be via Chicago, thence
thro'igh Council Bluffs to Otnaha.
Denver and Colorado Springs. Stops
will be made at each of these places
and side trips taken to Manitou,
Cripple Creek, Garden of the Gods,
etc. From there the party will con-
tinue through tho famous scenic
route of the Denver and Rio Grande,
through tho Royal Gorge to Salt
Lake ('ity, thence to Los Angeles,
San Francisco, Mt. Shasta, Port-
land, Oregon, Seattle, Spokane, and
hone through St. Paul and Minnea-
polis. The trip will occupy about
thirty days, ten days being spent on
tho Pacific coast.
The price for the round trip, in-
cludin': railroad free, Pullman tour-
ist sleeping cars. all meals in the
dining car, hotels, pi' trips, etc., is
$165.50 front Nuel • . or $160.50
from Montreal 111):1 *1 50.00 frotn
Toronto. This first trip is designed
ns a vacation trip for teachers, al-
though many who are not teachers
will improve the opportunity of tak-
ing the trip at the remarkably low
price afforded.
For full particulars address E. C.
Bowler, General Agent and Conduc-
tor, hoose 308, Union Station, To-
Nervous Youth (to chnrming girl,
who has been trying to set him at
his ease)—"Ile, he! 1 always—ha —
f(►el rather shy with pretty girls,
y'know, but I'm quite at home with
Mild In 'Moir Action—Pnrmiten's
Vegetable 1'llls are very mild in their
action. They do not cause gripping in
the stomach or cause disturbances there
a+ so many pills do. 'Therefore. the
mist delicate can take them without
fear of unpleasant results. They cant
too, be administered to children with-
out imposing the penalties which fol-
low the use of pills not, so carefully
Manna—".Johnny. see that you
give Ethel the lion's share of that
orange." .Johnny—"Yes, ma." Ethel
(a little later)—"Mantra, ha hasn't
given mo any." .Johnny—"Well,
that's all right. Lions don't eat
Indigestion. that menace to human
happiness, pitiless in its assaults, end
no respecter of persons, has ►net its
conqueror in South American Nervine.
This great stomach and nerve remedy
stimulates digestion, tones the nerves.
aids circulation. drives out impurities,
dia:pols emaciatioi: and brings back
the glow of perfect health. Cures hun-
dreds of "clirunics" that have baffled
physicians. -69
Mre. l Bram OtTcn--"1Vhat! another
dish broken, Midget? At that rate
my dishes won't Iasi me a month."
lfridget-"Oh, don't worry about
that. Gill be Lavin' ye before a
month, ma'am."
There can be a difference of opinion
on meat enteects, but there In only one
opinion as the testability of Ilother
(craves' Worm Exterminator. It Is
safe. sure and effectual.
11e (tenderly)—"'Don't you feel chil-
ly, darling? 1Voultin't you like my
coat round you?" She (shyly)—"I
think your sleeve would be suffici-
Vlnard's Wheat Cure$ Dadra,
01 1, TO f.Ai' THE DUST.
A. Lyle ltathhone, Deputy Chair-
man of the Liverpool health Coin-
mittet', gives the fg-llowing account
of tho re'tlts of experiments with
oil on dusty roadways. "The sur-
face of rondwny coated with creosoto'
mixed with resin gives the nicest,
appearance. The surface coated with
ordinary petroleum is the least last-
ing. next in order being mixtures of
creosote oil with tallow and ho'
creosote oil. Heavy coal tar wast •
oil lasts rather longer than the oro('
sote oil. and is very much cheaper "
Considering the eeperiements as n
whole, the result. would seen to
point to eventual sIICreSA with the
owe of some closnes of oil in place et
water on tnacadnnt roads, 3.1,55 11i-
Don't accept a bald head as a
badge of wisdom without investiga-.
Never Put OfF Till To-Rflerrow
What should be done te'-e':kv, sl, „o AT ONCE to fou:
Grocer and tet BLUE 2lk3E3ON TEA. To TRY 11'
ONCE is never to h. 't i!!:e':i' it.
If a woman likes another's hat it
is a sign she lutes her own.
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
Is a speedy cure for dysentery. diar-
rhoea, cholera, hummer coni ilaint, sea
sickness and complaints incidental to
children teething. 1t gives immediate
relic( to those suffering from the effects
of indiscretion In eating unripe fruit.
:ucumbor•, etc. It acts with wonderful
rapidity and never fails to conquer tho
disease. No one need tear cholera if
Mow have a bottle of this medicine con-
Ibow►t asked Jones arta day why a
railway engine was called "she."
Jones replied—"Perhnj s it's on ac-
count. of the horrible noise It makes
when it tries to whistle."
Help the Overworked Heart.—Is the
great engine thio) pumps life through
your system hard pressed, overtaxed,
groaning under its load because disease
has clogged It? Dr. Agnew's Curo for
the Heart is nature's lubricator and
cleanser. and daily demonstrates to
heart sufferers that it Is the safest
surest, and most speedy remedy that
Medical science knows. -67
Mr. Staylatc—"That's a beautiful
song. It simply carries me away."
She—"I'nt sorry I didn't sing it
early in tho evening."
Gents,—I have used your MIN-
Altl►'S LINIMENT in nay family and
also in lay (gables for years and con-
sider it the best medicine obtainable.
Yours truly,
Proprietor Itoxton Pond hotel
and Livery Stables.
Itoxton Pond, July 4, 1901.
"l'oor Mrs. De Olde! Her eye-
sight is failing so fast, she is of
very little use iri society." "(:11.
she is in great demand." "Wihat
for?" "All the girls want tier as
'Ti. a Marvellous Thing.—When the
cures effected by Dr. Thomas' 1•:electric
(til are considered, the speedy and per-
manent relief it has brought to the
suffering -wherever it has been used, it
must be regarded as a mnrvellous thing
that so potent a medicine should re-
sult from the six simple ingredient/1
which enter Into its composition. A
trial will convince the most skeptical
of its healing virtues.
"The wretch has been proposing to
both of uv. ; wish we could think
of some horrible way to punish hien."
"Well, why (lon'tt you marry hits?"
I(etnnvcs all hare) Fort or calloused
lur ;,s and blemishes from horses, blood
spa'in. curbs. splints, ringbone,
•ween„v, atlalcs, sprains, sore and
swoi(e'n throat, coughs, etc._ Savo $Lo
by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Curo ever
"That -man talks about nothing
but the weather.” "Yes," answered
the man with the rhoun al�ka+m; "he
is always trying to make 111litsclf dis-
Minard'a Velment Rellp'ras Neuralgia
W'i1Y Iii-: CARiRIED 1'1'.
"Little boy," said a gentleman,
"why do you carry that umbrella
over your head? ft's not raining."
"And the sun is not shining."
"'I' hen why do you carry it?"
"'Cause when it rains pa wants It,
nne1 when the sun shines ma uses it,
and it's only this kind of weather
t1)i1t 1 ran got to use it at all."
}to't people think trio lightly rf a 1
cough. It Ls a serious scatter and
wards prompt atteptioa.
Cure T
when the first sign of a cam+:t h er
cold appears. It will cure vo•.i
easily and quickly then—later it
will bo harder to care.
Prices. 23c.. Mc., aof 31.00. ,;I
'1'111: 111.001) (►1' KINGS.
A i;OYAI. 1100KLI:T, Kin,; Alfonso of
'Ihe (:land Trunk ilailwav Hvstern fifths Austrian. King
aro distributing a ♦cry handsome
I ooklet descriptive of the Royal Slits•
kokn hotel. that :s situated in Lake
Lcsseau, in the !Muskoka Lakev.
"llig,hlan.;s of ('n'ario." The publi-
cation is one giving a full description
of the attraction.( 1hst may be found
at this popular resort, handsomely 11-
lustrnttel with t "toren prints of 1al.e
and island s •en, ry, 1 he hotel its.::f,
and roans- o: the sis'cl)1 feat1net that
found Gore. It is printed on
• • natte bol rarer. Found in cover
t i i g ' h• ap{ cardnee of Morocco
l - ,ter. ' ii h a picture of the hotel
. :•.•o5i,•.lin;s on the name. and
• r et cf the hotel embossed in
{ti ;, ±chef. A .lance through thio
Ict lents one long for the plea -
of Surt:irr and outdoor life.
There's n tome . ` • ( co',Ie•: may be secured greluit•
'I'hc 111(1•' book "Tho !toed to We: le by applying to any Uran.1
villo" tnay be found in every pkg. `'11 tnl: ticktt o'llco.
20 Ayrshire Bulls—tour to twenty
months old; Ayrshire Females all
ages; also lnlroveol Yorkshire pigs.
Apply to HON. W. O1VENS,
Monte Bello, Que.
The average weekly earnings in-
clusive of all allowances in kind, of
farm laborers in the United Kingdom
are stated to he as follows; Eng-
land, Ws. 8d.; Wales, 17s. 3d.; 4cot-
land, 19s. :Id.; Ireland, 10s. ltd.
Minard's linim,nt far sic; eeryNhzre
Mrs. Henpeck—"And you call your-
self a man?" Ah'. Ifenpeck—"Ccr-
tainly, my dear; that is—er—it you
will lermit Inc to."
Lever's Y-7 (Wino Freed) Dintnfect.
ant :ion') Powder Is a boon to any
home. It disinfects and cleans at
the sante time.
l'oet—"I have called to learn what
has become ct the poent I sent you,
entitled 'Tho Brave Fireman.' " Edi-
tor—"It went to the fire."
Have You Eczema? --lave you any
skin disease or eruptions? Aro you
subject to chafing or scalding? Dr. Ag-
new's Ointment prevents and cures any
and all of these, and cures Itching,
-deeding and 'mind Piles besides. One
application brings relief 111 len minutes,
and cases cured In three to six nights.
35 cents. -71
Alice—"Ethel says slie really
doesn't know whether ho will pro-
pose or not." Jack—"Just like a
novel, isn't it?" Alice—"Yes; batt
in a novel you could turn to tho lar t
chapter and find out."
Min3rd's llnlra3at Cures 01111131 etc
"Do you—e'—ever tell fibs?" asked
the lady who had advertised for a
Maid. "Not for mysolt, ma'am.,"
answered the applicant; "only for tho
Are you a sufferer with corns? 11
you ate. got a bottle of Holloway's
Corn Curo. It has never been known
to fall.
Mrs. (.adds—"Did Mrs. Jones ever
say anything to you about mo,
Sarah?" Mrs. Stay'e—"Not one
word, JaneIf Mary Jones can't
say something good of a person she
don't say anything."
They Aro a Powerful Nervine.—flys-
pepsin causes derangement of the nerv-
ous system, and nervous debility once
eugcnelered ii difficult to deal e
There are many testimonials as to the
etllcacy of I'armelee's Vegetable fills Is
treating this disorder, showing that
they hover fail to produce good res.' t5.
By giving proper tune to the dlges(t-e
organs. they restore equilibrium to tic
n•-rve centres.
Little Elmer—"Papa, what is a
perfect gentleman?" Mr. Broadhead
—"A perfect gentleman, my son, is a
Ivan who, when you start to tell
him your troubles, (toes not break
In and try to tell you his."
A Cry for Help•—A pain In the back
Is a cry of the kidneys for help. South
American Kidney Core to the only cure
that hasn't a failure written •galnst
It In case• of )tri ht's disease, diabetes.
iufau.nlation of the bladder, gravel and
other ktdiey ailments. roan t neglect
the apparentently insignificant "signs."
7 his powerful liquid speclhc pr etents
and cures. -70
Hoarder (warmly.)—"(:h, I know
every one of th • tricks of your
trnde. 1'n you think I have lived in
boarding-houses ewe ntv years for no-
thing?" Landlady (frigidly) — "I
shouldn't be. the least surprised."
Fort ovt:rt SIXTY YF.AT18.
Mrs. Winslow'• `Soothing Syrup has
Dem used by ironiuns of Mothers for
their children while teething. It soothes
Ole child, softens the gums. allays rain,
cures windeohc, regulates the stomach
and bowels, and is t e best reedy tor
Diarrhoea. 'Twenty-evremedy (eras a bottle.
N.,iel by druggists throughout the
world. no euro and ask fur "Mrs.
Winslow'• Sootiungi syrup." 2'2--01
in Ateer(leen con lee found a Court
official who is as good n type of the
cnnny Scot as One would meet any-
where. On a r^cent occasion an im-
portant witness failed to appear. And
the judge was furious. "Why isn't
he here? ' demanded his honor. "It's
Ws duty In be here. Where is he?"
The off:cinl, with true Scotch ennnl-
ness, et lied: "Wert. 1'11 no any for
that g -:t he'n area."
Spain Is four- t9e
Victor Emueen-
uel is mere Austrian than 110118,1,
the Emperor Francis .lo3eph and his
presumptive heir are for a Iarg.' part
Jlnvarinn and Italian, the king of
Styell(n ntt(1 Nom% an is of ilearnaioe
;and french source. the King of Greece
is a )Pane, the King of Mervin is half
Russian, the Prince of Bulgaria has
no Hulgarinn blood in him. the Em-
peror of Russia is very much Vanish
or German. the King of the Belgians
has ro l!elginn blood in him. and
the lune of Englnnt i. 5-axe-Co-
burg-Da/lover, Norman, and 1•'rench.
PTailf.\l:s SI)1•: WAM 1:1011T.
"Woman," growled the old bache-
lor, "is n delusion And n snare."
"i suppose," rejoined 1h' grass
widow, "that in why so none men
go out of their way to be shared by
a delusion."
ISaU:: T;o. 22—:.3