HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-06-08, Page 4Your
When you are ready to look we are
ready to shoe you.
When yon are ready to buy, we are
eady to sell.
If you are in a hurry, so will we be.
Made wit h care, with style, to fit, to
And at no time do you pay more
than the lowest possible price.
Merchant Tailor.
Exoter, - Ontario
Business Locals -- Read Them
,-. Charlton's F.tir for lovely Wedding
Ifowev :a Drug Store for perfumes
and Sachet Powders.
Two dozen oranges for 25e. at Charl-
ton's Fair.
('poi, a pet filmes suitable for Xmas.
pre.eri;s .•1 C. Ltitz's Drug store.
Ulrl wanted.
(lies wanted to learn typesetting.
Apply at this office.
Dr. Butle•r•, Londyno will he at the
Central Hotel, Thursday, Dec. 28th,
ill d • , f Kye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Is. Eyes tested and glaseee
r Post Cards 3 for sic.—Cher1-
4.:4-4 at statham's from 15 to 00
► dozen.
those pretty little flight lamps
40e. each at Charltou'a Fair.
Vtn•ATN is the proper place
our printed wedding invl•
th.• very newest styles of
v and w/o km anship,
nd -.eft our (:bony (foods lie -
ill. on yon►• Xmas. fres•
liOr= 17"liP"IF N. ler
ek. ,ekJ& 11,Ailues.JaCAL
Vote for W. J. Heitman for council
for for 1000. tl
Mrs. Alpert Steele has returned to
her home in Flushing, Mich.
Miss Lewis entertained her Sunda
school class on Thursday evening.
Vote for A. Q. Bobier for Reeve and
you vote for the town's interests. tl
Special services begin in the James
Street Methodist church after the new
Mrs. W. J. Heaman was the hostess
at a pleasant entertainment of a few
few friends on Christmas night.
If you want industries brought into
your town vote for A. Q. Bobier, the
people's candidate, for Reeve. tl
Owing to the fact that Mr. H. E.
Huston is in the field for School True -
see Mr. G. H. Bissett has been appoint-
ed Deputy Returning Officer at Poll
No. 4.
The Exeter School closed Thursda
afternoon last, and will re -open Mon
day, January 8th, The scholars are
thus given a longer midwinter vaca-
ation than usual.
Miss Evelyn 'Carling leaves shortly
for New York where she will take a
course in nursing in the St. Luke's
Hospital. We wish Mise Carling ev-
ery success in the noble work,
The report of the Junior examina-
tion of the Ontario College of Phar-
macy is out and we notice that M. J.
Howey and Coleman M. Afoncur of
town were in the first-class honor list.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew are
holding a Provincial Conference in
London on New Year's Day. Some
prominent speakers from the United
States and Canada will address the
The weather man foo!e4 the people
here who expected a gn Christ-
mas by only a day. Early Sunday
wornintr the snow fell to a depth of
six inches and consequently sleighing
was the result both on Sunday and
The death took place in Clinton on
Saturday morning last of ArthurCou-
ch, father-in-law of Mr. Will Ross, son
of Mr. D. A. Roos, of town. Deceased
was 55 years of age. The funeral took
place on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
!toes attended the funeral.
The employes of Mr. J. A. Stewart
demonstrated 1w a very happy manner
on Saturday night last the good feel-
ing and respect they entertain towards
their employer by presenting hitnwith
an excellent carving set and a hand-
some cot glass knife rest. Mr. Stew-
art was wholly taken by surprise, but
acknowledged the tokens with grate-
ful appreciation.
Dr. and Mrs. Anderson attended the
marriage of the latter's sister, Miss
Nettie Elliott to Mr. Melvin L. Hooper
in Mit(helt on Wednesday last. Prior
to leaving for the West where Mr.
Hooper holds the position of Princi-
pal of the Miami school the young
couple will spend Thursday and Fri -
ay n(lhis week with Mrs. Hooper's
Uf f!N/:, g, Sr., who resides
a, 's Drug Store. (•
•• Ir ng ,y ore for Exet a
Mr. G. A. K. McLeod received the sad
news Wednesday of the death
sister, Mrs. George Burt, who d
London at the age of 82 years. Mr.
and Mrs. Mcleod ore attending the
The iegil ti monthly meeting of the
W. C. T. l'. was hell 1\'ednesday of
last week at the house of Mrs. Jas.
Murray, Andrew street. A very in-
teresting half floor misspent in study-
ing the work of Miss Sprole, mission-
ary to the lumbering and construction
camps in New Ontario. A few short
extracts from her letters may give
some idea of her work. In a letter
written Jan. 24th, 1005, she says—"11
there were four of Inc instead of one,
I could not reach before spring all the
camps on my field that will not he
visited by a Protestant missionary -1
do not intend to call at those reached
by any other missionary. A week ago
last Saturday was the coldest day of
this winter—something less than 40
below zero—yet that day I had a ride
of twenty miles from one camp to an-
other. We camped out for dinner.
Off course the men built a fire. We
were from 7:15 a. in. until 4:15 p.m. on
the way, but I was amply rewarded
for linen who were in these camps for
two years told me they had not heard
the Lord's name except spoken in vain.
in all that time.
A quiet event took place at the
James Street parsonage at six o'clock
p. in. Christmas Day, when Rev. Go-
ing perforated the marriage ceremony
which made Air. Frank Gill and Miss
Lizzie Wilcox man and wife. We ex-
tend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Death of Joh,' Blatchford.
The 88(1 death took pl'e on Sunday
evening, Dec. 24th, of John Blatch-
ford, of the 2nd concession of Ushot lie,
son of Mr. Richard Blatchford of town,
in his 154th year 51r. 131ntchford had
been ill only three weeks with stop-
page of the 'Dowels. An operation was
first thought advisable, but was given
up as no hope was entertained of its
being of any benefit. Besides leaving
father and mother and one brother he
is survived by his widow, two daught-
ers, and a step -son and step -daughter.
The funeral took place to the Exeter
cemetery on Wednesday afternoon
and was largely attended. A large
circle of friends extend sympathy to
the sorrowing ones.
71 Our C� ' l 'n
of his
Qbhill� i;1�t,
led in
Mrs. Newcombe spent Christmas in
Mr. W. W. Taman spent Christmas
day in Blyth.
Mr. A. I'ynl and wife spent Christ-
mas in Detroit.
Miss Martha Carling of Bnintford, is
home for the holidays.
Miss Dorrington is spending the
holidays at her home in L xbridge.
Mr. Down, divinity student of Tor-
onto, is visiting at his home bete.
Miss Nena Carling returned from
Toronto last week to spend the vaca-
Mr. ,Percy Cann of Hirtie, Man., is
the guest of his parents here for a few
A UVOCATIt 4 i Towne, c;(,,t
rt I. 1•r, —. t _..-.... rl.:
a• Fau,il) II, r.t..l
Farmer'. NI ti 8(18)':
Montreal Witne.,
.tt.w i
Lun.lnn A,1,a-rti.tr Al tV,
Weekly Sun *Lao
a c,l
Farmers' Advocate
ADVOCA:i. and The Sews
Mail and Empire
Exeter, Out.
Maud Taylor, Miss Cecelia Fergnsoit
Mr. J. A. Sanders, Bert Muir, Mr. A.
Evans and wife, Mr. Chas. Brimacumbe
and wife, Mrs. Heid and son. Mr. Alf.
Salter and wife, Miss Flossie Taylor,
Arthur Wood, Geo. Armstrong, Miss
Edith Beers, John Salter, Mr. John
Midi. and wife. Miss Martha He;ttuar•,
Miss Beatt ice Dean, Miss Gerrie An-
derson. Frank Snell, Fred Iiawden.
From Brantford --Mr. Fd. Dyer and
wife, Mr.:L. Vanst one and wife,'Afr.
N. B. Cobb c Ii u'td wife, Mr. 1''. G.
Banton and w,r.•, ., i. Alt liar Hoskin
and wife, Thos. Heitman, Mr.
lingwood anti wife. 11'm. ?.1c1.atighltn.
N,Json Sheen, N. 11'. Creeeh, Russell
Ia'rayne, (.rover Bisset t, Mr. Gat field
Sheers and wife, 111r•. 1). Holleran and
From Toronto P. B. Dignan, Miss
Stella Spackman. Alex. A1:utin, Miss
Nettie "'alters, Miss Polly 'Welsh, E.
.1. Eacrett, frank Dennis, (leo. Salter,
Miss Townsend, Ed. Crocker, Miss
Lyda Oke.
W. A.\Vestrot t, Peterborough; Tru.
Davisand wife, FA. 1."estcott, Hamil-
ton; Henry Baker, H. E. and E. N.
Keddy, Detroit; Mr. ('has.1'.acrett. and
wife, Miss Vera Snell, Sarnia; Fred
Gould, Seaforth; Walter Muir, Ridge -
town; Arthur Snell, Melbourne; Mr.
Aquilla Sheere and wife,RusselSoutb-
eott, St. Thomas; Thos. Welsh, Well -
wood, Man.; Frank Sweet and Thos.
Dayman, New York; Thomas Northy
and wife, Port Huron; Mr. Peter Mc-
Donald and wife,Forest; Chas. Dennis,
Arknna; Rev. and Mrs. Currie, Mr. \V,
Goodison and wife, Sarnia; Wallace
Fisher, Thorndale; Mr. John Bawden
and wife, of Collingwood,: Mies Char-
lotte Dearing, Kingsville; Wm. Salter,
Brussels; John Dignan, Hamilton; Dr.
tial. Pickard, Chicago; Garnet Welsh,
Forest; Harry Huston, Waterloo; Mer-
vin Huston, Milverton; Chas. Rowe.
Flt►ahing, Mich.; Ed. Phut', Stt•atful
Jean Kessel, St. Thomas; Mrs. Er•
and daughters, Ailsa Craig; Fred
than and Oeo. Williamson, Cros•
Mich.; Dr. McFadden, Milbank:
74. ,tl'jsor; Mrs. Rus•
grandson, .. W. J. Fa.
Thornbury; lit •,,. k Sanders,
now; Afr. Simon Downie
Carstairs, Alta.; E. 11
Blenheim; Nelson Ca
9C1 E;Tt
Hawkins & Son's
A Stm
As you know
figure it out Chet
dollars you wino
Golden Oak or
you cannot d
,lapse, doul,l
cafe for less
We n t