Exeter Advocate, 1905-06-01, Page 8$16 and $18 Or somewhere mound there, is favorite point for Summer Suit Prices. It's a sensible price to pay, too. a That much money spent here buys wits that are really genii enough for anybody to wear anywhere. We have dozens of choices for you alfeund $ 16 or $18. LIl are correct fabrics. Will you call some day: W. W. TANIAN Merchant Tailor. liminess Locals -- Read Them Plank notes and receipt forms now Ready at the Advocate office. Ryes tested, glasses supplied. satis- faction guaranteed. Howey's Dt•ug Store. We have still a quantity of potatoes Par axle yt the office Main Street. A. Q. BOTHER. See all the good things at Charlton's Fair, suitable for wedding presents. They are the best. For 60 cents, paid in advance, you or your friend will receive THE ADVO - CATS until the end of 1405. Use Bordeaux mixture for spraying fruit and ornamental trees. 15 and Ile. cans. Howey'sdrug store. Cured Paln:s for sale ranging from $cents to $2.0) at %V. J. Statham's Bakery and Confectionery, Exeter. Ali the different preparations includ- ing Bordeaux mixture for spraying fruit trees, currant and Hose hushes, with full directions for using. Sold by Lt Lata, Central Drug Store, Exeter. Pa Bale The commodious residence of Mrs. Caroline Bottler. Enquire at premises. Wood sa Dr. Butler, London, will be at the Central Hotel, Thursday, June 18t, ail day. for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat consultations. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. hitt Well Meeting. To the shareholders of the Exeter Milt Works Cu., please take notice that the Annual Meeting of the above (7ampuly will be held .Monday, lune IC at 3 o'clock p. In., Town Hall. T. 13. C.sitLiNO, Secy. -Trees. Ports[ Plants!! Plants!!! Headquatters for all kinds of Tom- ato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Stocks, Asters, Verbena, Petuna, Daisy. Pansy, Geranium, Foliage and all binds of Bedding Plants. Call and nee our stock before purchasing else- where and les ye gout• orders early. - Lount DAT, Market Gardener, Exeter. 1G re. Smith Commies. if you have defective eyesight don't Sal to consult wit h T. P. Snaith, the Noted Eye Specialist, of Elora, who will be at the Commercial House, Exe- ter, on June 21141. See "ad" in anoth- er column. Meraan's Institute Meetings. Mrs. Jean Joy, of Toronto. and Miss 1G Shuttlewetth, of Guelph, who are sent not by the Agricultural Depart- ment to give practical demonstrations in connection with the Woman's in- stitute on "The Value and i'rep tra- titin of Food" will hold Meetings in the Town hall, Exeter, ou Saturday, one 14th at ... .end c t ,c JIr 1. A etonli+l invitation is extended to the ladies of the sot rounding country as well its of the town t4) attend these ieetings. Subjects "Meats," Vege• tables." "Balanced Malone for Man. - "Cool Dishes for Summer t'se," "Even- ings on the Homestead." Collection will be taken up to help defray ex- penses. rs. Wickwire, Mrs. Hastings, 1'rt5. Secy. Spring Goods ! CALL TO SEI: WELL. JOHNS' NEWLY RECEIVED Spring Goods In Tweeds and Worsteds Ranging in Pt ice from $14.00 to $20.00 Call and Examine Them. IV. JOHNS mint tailor, Enter, 4otirio IIFIVAIrlIFINFIIF "Ur�� tall /kJ& Alla As sikAa As AB As alk Mrs. \Vni. stath:ur, who has been quite ill, has fully recovered. M1. \VII). Mitchell has purchased a teats of leautiful dapple greys for his sales wagon. Thus far this week we have enjoyed Much warmer and more seasonable weather than for many days previous. .t very pleasing duet ties rendered in James street church ou Sunday ev- ening by Mrs. Joseph ('uhbledick and Miss Lewis. Hev. H. J. M. Perkins has been in- vited to deliver an teddress on educa- tion in one of the Biddulph churches on .lune 9th. The engaging of at young elan, Victor Appel. in the Zurich branch of the Sovereign Bank, has caused the re- turn of Mr. \Vallate Fisher to the Exeter branch. Nits Thus. Hawkins and Mr. Thos. Case, London Road, received word from Elora Wednesday of the death of a relative, Mr. Allen. They will leave this morning to attend the funeral. Mrs. Levy, who has been residing on Holism street, moved her household effects to London Monday, where she will open a hoarding house. Miss Liz- zie Cooper has also gone to London and will reside with Mrs. Levy. The very interesting and practical sermon preached by the rector of the Trivitt Nfeulorial church on Sunday night last, has caused much favorable and deserving comment. The dis- course was indeed a most able effort. A number of the members of the Isaak %Velton Fishing Club drove to Grand Bend on Saturday and indulged in their favorite pastime. They re- port a heavy catch and a very pleas- ant outing. Fish stories are now in order. Mr. Bert Ftke was suddenly taken ill on Tuesday morning at Grand Bend where he, with other workmen was engaged building. The illness devel- oped in the region of the stomach and he was immediately brought to his home here. The many friends of Mr. Geo. Rook, of Eden. regret to learn that he is suffering from stomach trouble and is unable to be about his usual duties on the farts. He has been ill for some time but lately the trouble has been more pronounced. The Methodist Conferences meet this week. The London Conference meets in Listowel this year. It. is ex- pected that the first draft will appear to -day (Thursday) as the stationing has been in session during the former part of the week. On Sunday last Nit•. Madden, a divin- ity student, occupied the pulpit of the James street church and preached vett acceptable sermons. Next Sun- day, being in Conference week, Mr. Thomas Bart.noll will preach both morning and evening. An economical young lady who does not live a thousand miles from dere, wrote her own wedding invita- tions recently and got it "your pre- sents is requested." She wasn't mak- ing very Much of a mistake after all, but it is considered very bad form to put it just that way. Mr. Mervyn Huston, who bas been attending school in Toronto and re- cently was successful ill passing the Pharmacy examinations, is now visit- ing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Huston. He will re- main for a few weeks. We congratu- late Mervyn on his success. :1 horning chimney at the Commer- cial House caused considerable excite - 'tient un Friday morning last. The fire alarm and the unearthly shrieks of the devilene whistle soon brought a large nember out. The fire, however, did not asseun(• Targe proportions and the danger %vas soon over. The 33rd I Huron) Battalion, together with other battalions of \Vestern Ontario, goes to camp at London on Tuesday next. No. 0 Company front Exeter district is now almost full strength. Under the command of Captain Hance and Lieutenant Hist - man NO. (3 is expected to slake a creditable showing. LOCAL DOI'sT(><S. N1 r. Hebert 1,ettthcrrn W415 in London Friday and Saturday, his frame stable having been among the number of h adding.sburned in the big fire there Thursday night,and his hoarse ivas also damaged to some ex tent from the he:et. The slate roof on the house was the only thing flint salved it trent destrue- tiers. The house is occupied by his son-in-law. Mr. G. W. Heard, travel- ler. Although Rev. Wm. Godwin is im- proving nicely he is still unable to he out, eunsegnen1ly the congreg,itions Of the Main street Methodist and the i'resbytelian churches united on Sun- day last --in the morning ng at the latter church where Rev. Mertin occupied the pulpit, and in the evening at the Mairi street church when Hev. Mr. Fletch- er of Thames Road Presbyterian chinch conducted the service. Mr. C. 13. Snell stet with a severe and painful accident at the Power House late on S iturday night last. Ile wa15 about to adjust some part of the Marhinet y with a wrench when in some planner it slipped and his hand t•onling in contact with the machinery in metier the mmiddl' finger of his right hand was badly lacerated and the lane broken. The wooled was dressed but it will be several weeks be - fine he will have use of the hand. Mr, 1,. P. .tones, neigh! instructor, met with n rather unpleasant mishap on Thursday last. He happened to he on the scene Of the destruction of Mr. i►aniel ('utghlin's dwelling and while assisting pl the removal of s • of the goods an article thrown from the upper story struck him on the head which inflicted ai se;tlp %sound and kn e -ked hits insensible. He. how• eve', seen ret'ivered and in a short time was not ,Huth the worse for his 11 ides .4:1 experience. Elocution and Physical Training. Mrs. Rhea Soot Vernon. Honor G1: ideate of Alma College, St. Thera:t5, Ont., wisb••s to anlletn(P that she intends to open a studio in Exeter, in Se ptenilu er next. for instruction in Floret ion. English i.iteraterr and Phvsital ('nit ire. She is :also prepar. eel to take rem ere engatgenu•nts ae It adets Ftrthet announcement Inter. The Aut•oe ATI.: is the proper place shoot or injure any bird, or take, in- to secure your printed wedding invi- jure or Lista. in possession the nest or tatious-in the very newest styles tt.f eggs of any birds except hawks, etow.. paper. type anti workmanship, 1)11 1.1 id. tiitl English sparrow 6. '1'lt• Ts)lor--Stanlakc Nuptials. flue for the violation of this Act, is The Kipper eh cult parsonage was from $1 to $20 with costs, the whole on Wednesday the scene id a happy flu• to be paid to the prosecutor." event in whirl) tw•o of Stephen's young people were the interested patties. \Ve refer to the marriage of Mr. \\'ul. TaylorNliss Eleiuu,t•,eldestdaugh- tet• of Mr. John Stanlake, 2nd conces- sion. The affair was a quiet one ow- ing to the recent bereavement in the bride's house. The bride and groom were ably supported by Miss Norte Sanders and Mr. Cecil Walker. The bridal patty drove to Ilensall and Itev. Mr. Shaw performed the ceremony. Mr. and %fis.'Taylor• have taken up their residence on Nis. T. Baker's fain' a few miles south of the bride's father. The Advocate joins in %visiting this happy couple a life of peace and pros- perity. Sunday School Convention The advance program of the Inter- national Institute preceding ttie eleventh intt•t•national Sunday School Convention, to be held in Toronto, June 2O-23, promises :t rich treat to all the Primary \Vurkers who are fortun- ate enough to attend. Nils Edward P. Miss Young. of Seaford), visited St. John, of New York, will give a with Mrs. H. 11. Collins during the course of five lectures un "Child Nature week. and the Sunday School," and Miss Florence Darnell, the celebrated teach- er of Black -board Work, will give a course in her special line. Mrs. Crafts, Mrs. Kennedy, Miss Baldwin, Mrs. Ha(1penny, Mrs. Hamill and it host of other prominent workers are named foraddt•essP5, and last but not least, Miss Nannie Isee Grayser, of Kentucky, whose inimitable manner of story -tell- ing moves strong men to tears, will give of tier work. .111 sessions of the Elementary Section (which includes Beginners, Primary and Junior work) will be held in Bond Street Congrega- tional Church, and are under the direction of the International Primary Secretary, Mrs. J. W. Barnes. For further information apply to Miss M. M. Johnston, 296 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. Hicks' Forecasts for Jane. The 3rd, 4th and 5th are central re- actionary storm dates, with conjunc- tion of [noon with sun and earth on the 3rd. By the 3rd storm conditions will be will organized in western sec- tions, the barometer will fall to storm readings, the temperature will be high and rising, with cloudiness increasing to precipitation. From the 3rd to 5th, inclusive, these conditions will pass progressively over the country from west to east, causing rains and thund- er storms generally in their passage. The Mercury perturbation is centrad on the 3rd, extending over this reac- tionary period and covering the next storm period following. This Mercury disturbance will tend to prolong cloei- dy, tht•eateuing conditions between the two periods. It will also be seen by the storm diagram that the Mars period begins atantt ttie time of new moon, on the 3rd, which additional in- fluence will help to obliterate the in- terim of fair weathet• between these periods. The storm period extending from the 7th to the 12th. promises to bring some of the most general and severe disturbances of the month. Court of Revision. The Court of Revision for the As- sessment Holl for the village 0 Exeter was held in the Town Hall, on Friday, May 20. The members of the Council took and subscribed to the necessary oath. The Reeve was appointed chair- man. The Poll swing is the order of the appeals. Lovett-\Wood-ttie as- sessment of $300 against the Canadian Express Co. be cancelled and the 50 per cent. business assessment be as- sessed to C. Snell tis agent and ocen. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Huston, of !sari - pant of ttie building; assessment $3.87.- ntot•e, N. Dakota, after a two weeks .ill.-Cat•ried. Muir--IA'.vett-The as- stay in Buffalo), where the former was sess►uent of Ross, Tatylot• Co., Ltd. be attending the Grand Lodge of Train - sustained, other than the business; men as delegate, returned to tllwn that the assessment of Oil% business as. Monday and will cont Mote to visit for sessmcit on all the property occupied n couple of weeks. by the Ross, Taylor Co., Ltd., both - - - - East and \Vest side of Main street; ay- Mioorelsville sessinent $1138. --Carried. Wood -- iA'vett-- that the assessment of $21%X) J. 1'. Rosi be stastained.--Carried. Arens( Tong --NI sir- The assessment of $1:t:01 of Sannu•l Sanders be sustained. Carried. Ie•vett--\Nand---the assess- ment of the G. N. W. Telegraph Co. be struck toff turd the besioess assess. ❑fent of $25(I be assessed to Mr. S. S•ut- dors a4s agent and ucctpant.-Carried It. 1\'. Disney, D. Ilau•tleib, and 1(. Sati- iler•s asked to have dog lax struck etT. 7'he two tomer were granted. N:un•5 of %%'ni. Sanders as tenant en Lots er, 1{ Sitncee st; also Sidney S;indet•s M. F'., were added to the Roll. %Voetl - Artnstrnng -routt adjourn for ten days. - Carried. Mr.1(iehard Downey has returned from a trip to Manitoba. Wellington 'fern visited his brother i11 Norwich last week. Miss Mabel Piper left Monday morn- ing to reside in London. Mrs. Chas. 13irney and sun, Willie, are visiting in Belgt:ave. Mr. and Mrs. Young, of Oshawa, are visiting relatives here, 31 is. Slee, of 1'sborne. is spending at few shays with Mrs. James Stewart. N1iss Edith Sanders returned from a visit with ft•iends in St. Thor(s'l'hnrs- da). Mr. Edgar \Vestcot1 has gone to Hamilton where he has secured a situa- tion. Mrs. Jus. Senior, who spent the past week at (;rand Bend, returned house Sunday. Mr. Geo. Stewart, of Sestet th, ac- companied by at friend, visited friends here on Sunday. Nies. Edwin ds, of Centralia, has been the guest of Mrs. Samuel Fulton for the past few days. 51rs. Robt.Senale with her daughter, Mrs. Cox, is visiting at her brother's, Mr. \Vnt. Dunsford. Miss Maud Hodgins, who has been visiting at her horse here, returned to Kingsville last week. Mrs. Fowell, Mts. F. J. Knight and Mrs. S. Fitton, leave to -day to spend a week at Grand Bend. Miss Lingham returned to her horse in London, after spending a few days in town the guest of Miss Fowell. Mrs. Adolphus Evans, who has been the guest of her parents for the past week, has returned to London. Miss Jackson and Miss Sharp, dress- makers, returned Thursday from a visit at their former homes in London. Miss Mathews, and Mrs. Drew and children, of Toronto• spent twenty- fourth with their sister, Mrs. Saxon Fitton. Miss Vera Hawkshaw, who has been filling a position its milliner at Dun- gannon, returned home on Friday and will retrain till the fall season. Mr. H. G. Wilson, B. A., Science Master in the (.odetich Collegiate In- stitute, was the guest of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Hannon on Victoria[ Day. Hev. and Mrs. Malott, of Chatham, spent part of the week with the 1at- tet•'s mother. Mrs. Dr. Hannon. Mr. Mellott will attend Conference this week. Mr. David Mill and Mr. William Weekes attended the funeral of the formet's brother-in-law•, 11r. \Ven. Piper, which took place in Lambeth on Sunday. Mrs. J. V. Crocker, who has spent the past three weeks with friends here left for Helrnsv11le, where she intends visiting friends for some time before returning to her borne in Buffalo. Mrs. A. 0. Dyer, Mrs. D. Davis and Mrs. A. Walters were last week visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dyer at Brant- ford, who intend leaving shortly for u sojourn in different parts of Europe. J. SF'tolt, Clerk. Our Birds The town should pass a by-law, sats the Weikel ton Herald, requiting boys under IS years of age to prurur'e a lic- ense before being permitted to use Hee arms id any description, including 1111 Bons. The suggestion is indeed a good one, not only as a precaetien against arcideltal5 ootityK• hut the ilg . trnrtinn of sur birds. I310. there is still 0 greater evil prevalent in this latter direction and that is the shrill boy with the abominable hotner:tng nr cat- apult ,coupled with a wilful dispositinn to not only destroy out• beautiful little birds but to do hemi to real estate, etc. There is probably not so tnnrli blame to lie attached to 1hesnmall boy in t his latter nnisiulee 415 1(1 OW parents. in many instances parents have aided their boys in pres',iug those. otos oat little devices and if they gave thenett- ter any 1hnughl whatever they must know asst no gond emanates flout its use Parents ter, sheWlel pre%eut as far 55 11o55il4e 1 hi• [•fills dell 1 -net inn of birds' nests and their eggs. A con- temporary writing on the subject. says: If the (mallets and orchardists who ate chiefly interested in preserving the hied creation, fur the gond sites do in destroying injnrions inserts, could catch 111e shouters of birds and snhbet5 of nests and slake an example of them, it wotild have a wholesome eIrrt. it i5 as hard to undetst:end its it is Inund- ating to think that there are in every community creatures made in (silly convincing imitation of hurter beings who ore 501 drStilnle of eloper senti- ment and 51) ignorant of the effect of wholesale and ['erten destrust11)11 4 bird life as to give themselves up to this criminal career with pet feet im- punity. If rnateire birds were killed for foots it would be in part excusable where no other food in within reach. The sew for the protection of hurls is as follows: "it shall be unlawful to Mr. John Bloomfield, was in Thed- ford last week visiting his son John. -- Mr. 1W. Maguire of 2nd Con. McGilli- vray, %vas in the city Tuesday. --31,. Ed. Mara and 51r. ,Jarues Miller. of (tlande•hoye, left 'Tuesday for (salt to show Mr. Mar1'5 pair of :3 -year-old cells. They are au handsome (00111. - Mt•. John iBloomfield had a cement walk put down 111 front of his house lest week. --AB. Fred Simpson of 2nd Con. Mt(cillivray has sold his 4 -year- old horse for a gaud sun►. --Mr. John 1.Mest,s n cgs ill Salida roises I week n n business. --Mr. 51050 Simpson w•a5 in the city this %seek on lousiness. --Mess- 15. Thos. and (ieurge Mimesis of Port Heron, wits on t( Visit to his brother John here. Slltlroll. The renewing is a correct report of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. {, Stephen, for the mora) of May. order Names 'r ni t 1 t 1 r u f merit: V. -Elgin Army. Sr. 15'. --Nice Brown. Wilbur \1oulosk,S yheIe►nt•k. Lily. Key. tie. Idella Schweiz, Memel. Eilltor, \\'gibe I're•szeatot•. Jr. IV. -Ise-ills Schw:irz, Ethel Kestle, Minnie Kestle, Ne•!lie .troy. Sr. W. -Edwin Writ), 11111 v Stbwatz, Lorne Mot leek. Her- Irie Wein. Jr. 111. - Het hie Kraft, Beulah Smith, Clarence Eilher, Area 13tikenshire, Emerson Srt,1•netler, Al vin Cot nisi', Leona! ona ! d Sell, order, Willie Set) • rh%tuz, Oscar 1'e:rnish, Mildred Klnn1pp. Mervin Brokenshirc. Sr. 11. Clinton Brown, Mable Cox wet th. Jr. 11. Gordon Cornish. Of Brown. Lulu Kettle. Clara \Wein. Sr. fart I. -l:nletsem It„Psler, Clinton Mot lock, En►etfon \Vein, Edna Amy. Jr. I'sett 1.-- Lit ins Smith. 11a Either, Joseph Ilrekenshite„loseph Schwarz, Eddie Cornish, Mervin Cox win 111. Ni.eon 4:3. A%erage attendanee 39. G. 1V. i,awson. Teacher. Clairvoyant -Psychic Medical Examination free, SEED S If you want fancy seed we have in Stock the very best from J. A. Bruce & Co. The Pioneer House of Canada MANGLE" Giant, Yellow, and Intermediate Mammoth, Long, and Red. lt 'SWEDE TURNIPS -1IRUC S` E\V ('FURY Also a fine line of Garden Seeds. WIRES --Spring, Coil, Barb, Woven CEMENT --A Carload of Portland. T. HAWKINS & SON. LISTEN ! YOU want to spend your money where it will do the moat good -Don't You? Being a progressive person and a shrewd buyer you are always looking for the best bargains --Aren't You? Therefore you would he willing to deal with us if you knew we would give you the hest for the least money -Would- n't You? Well then have us deliver to your '-, home some of our new furniture at prices that will Convince You? Here are Some of Them: Sideboards in golden maple, double shaped top. 14x24 mit•ror, as low as $8.00 Bedroom Suite, 3 piece Golden or Mahogany, 36 in. dresser, 10x20 bevel piste mirror $13.00 Pallor Suite, 5 pieces. upholstered in best velours $18.00 Couches, uph. in velours, 6 ft. 2 in. long, Z3 in. wide, fringe all around, $4.50 EVERYTHING ELSE IN COMPARISON ROWE & ATKINSON FURNITURE DEALERS & FUNERAL DIREC"FORS WOMEN'S SUMMER WEAR. White Skirts, Black Skirts, Corset Covers, Drawers, Night Gowns, Etc. Otte garments are large and conn y; they're made cau•efully and with good taste, combined with p -ices that please. WHITE SKIRTS CORSET ('OVERS Skirts made of Fine Cotton with deep Made of fine Cotton with lace frillings, Florence, three rows lace insertion set insertion set in dew the fount, tuck - in, with deep lace frills, size frown :38 to ings, etc. Kegul:u• price isf tl) e•ts., 011r 44_ Good value at $1•`0• special price .'oc. Skirts made of Fine Cambric., trim- Corset Caves, made of tine Cambric wings of two rows lace insertion with with four row inset lien set in, low thirteen tows very fine sackings and neck, with deed Ince and silk ribbon frills of very deep lace, sire from 39 to 44. Price $1.40. trimmings. Perces front :i0 to 75c. Night Gowns made 0 Cambric. frillings of lace and embroidery, several rows tucking, size front 52 to (10. Good values. A big Special in White Waists -Fine White Swiss Waists, nicely tri m- ined with bice insel•tien, tuckings, etc., sizes front 32 to 38. Itegelatr price from $L5(► to $2.00, big clearing price $1.25. Our (.love, Hosiery and Corset. Counters are decked with new s Wollner lines now open for yens inspection. Lance (.'loves, Lace Mitts, all the leading rulers. Taffeta (gloves, Silk (cloves. Black, \Vhite, 'ran and Blown. ('ursets in suniruer [eights, white and drab, in long, shout and medium lengths, at prices that 1e41d. Take a lock at our asset(ruent of Ladies Lace collars. 'They're natty. E. J. SPACKMAN Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. 8:infurd ready-to-wear clothing. FlIF 110"1.1IF Air ITV' WV' WA" AVIV' IF Complete Dining Room Set for June only A 3225 iattge bevelled plate ' tor. two small cuttiety Sideboard drawers, large linen drawers and extra large cultists' d. I Extension Table Ileavy 1.111(1) tinted leg, full extension. Dining Chairs PA M.ttliand five 511)811 chairs --heather This whole outfit in imp. 14 Oakk and is a genuine bargain for $26 We Ca HUSTON One [beer Smith Sprarktnaun'S Store tins sik Jak aft ilk AL Ai ilk Jai iiikAs ilk Ali Ala AL Az Aa. AIL zas A&J/3 0 By 1)11. E. F. BUITTERFiEI,D, of maml Syr:Hoists N.Y. Believing in elairyey. ante of no!, thele is nn gainsaying the fart thst the doctor can explain the source and rause of your disease tither mental et physical and ha5'estoted to health and happiness foamy hes ,loss iny,tlidsall their lives. Send perk of heir, name, age saki stan)p to D13. E. 1'. 131-171:11 FIELD. Syracuse, N. Y. ]EiEs OUR BIG BHOWING MUSLINS & LINENS. SNELL & ROWE z ti it