HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-06-01, Page 6MANY ACTS OF BRAVERY!! yrdletiuhs uinint o era Cess it was not until a year had STORIES OF THE VICTORIA elapscxl that the governor general CROSS. heard of the deed, about «'high mu __ word had been breathed by the First One Was Conferred Upon a emote; magistrate. It was then at Sailor Who Became a Lord Canr,tng's enephatic rraue.t that the V. C. warrant ens altered Rear Admiral. to include not only military and "For Valour" are the worms in- naval mem, but "mintier civilians" scribed under the royal crown and like Mr. Mangles. Iie anti Lucknuw the 1which occupy the centre of the bronze meatless cross tui'wing the noble decoration instituted by the late queen in 1550. A reader of his- tory realizes keenly thut this valor mean(; not only reckless courage. but often a heroic devotion to others; that stirs all his pride in leen/laity. For, over and over again, these simple records present a noun who un a field of disaster turns back front safety to rescue in thu face of fearful odds, tt tve:undtel comrade. Caste dues not count in these deeds; officer or private, each risks lite for the other with equal obliviousness of self. Charles Davis Lucas, mate, on board her hone:sty'.. stcamIship Ilec- la, in the Crimean war period, le- ceiveel the first Victoria .rosy. It was during the bombardment of lloml- arsund that a live shell was thrown by :he enemy on to the deck. Mate Lucas picked It up nnd threw it overboard as coolly ns if it were a football -showing a spirit which af- terward carried hint through the ser- vice to t}ie rank of rear admiral. A siniIIur deed is recorded of Cap- tain William feel, who lifted a shell with its burning fuse from among several powder cases outside the magazine at Sebastopol and threw it over the parapet, saving the maga- zine itself and the lives of many men. 'l'he shell, it is said, burstas it left his hands. The Cr' 'a furnished n long list of Victoria cross mien -English, Scotch, lri'h-who more than .net the neces- sary qualification of '•censpicuous bravery or devotion to the country in the presence of tient enemy." SAVES RUSSIANS A fine thing is remembered of Lieu- tenant (afterward Major General) 'retied/tie, who, atter gallantly lead- ing the final charge at Kars, "at a terrible risk to himself, flung hint- te11 among several infuriated Turkish soldiers and prevented thein from killing wounded Russians lying out- side the works." Mr. Wilkins notes that tl.is net of courage and human- ity was witnessed and gratefully ac- knowledged liy (lateral MouravielT, the itusdiian commander. The Indian mutiny added largely to the member of wearers of the de- coration. One of thein, William Mcilcan of the 9:ird Ilighlart(ers, was the man who, unsupported, attacked and killed eleven of the teeetly in the plain le -each of the Begum !legit at Lucknow, thereby winning the Vic- toria cross. Mclitan was an Invcrnesshire plow- man before he enlisted and rose from the ranks to command the regiment next died a major general. I( is said of hien that when he first joined the regiment he walked with a rolling gait, anti the drill corporal waft ra- ther abusive with hint when learning his drill. At last he became so of- fensive that another recruit pro- posed to Mcllean, who was a very powerful loan. that they should cull the corporal behind the canteen in the barracks yard and give hint a good thrashing, to which proposal irclleun replied: "Toots, toots, iron. that would never do. 1 ant going to command this regiment before 1 leave it , and It would be an ill be- ginning to tie brought before the colonel fur thrashing tire (hill tor- I)r. Doyen, the Paris surgeon who poral." Mcilean kept his purpose is so well known for his treatment and did live to command the regi- of cancer, concluded a visit to Lon- itent, going through every rank front don recently: Ile visited the private to major general. Brompton Cancer hospital on Mon- IH1A\'I': DEEDS 01" CIVILIANS. lily, and expressed his uppr•Ciat1011t Fur example, tho very best churn thousands of nppllcatiun"t carne in, Of the U'ealment which the patients rte costs ten dollars a quart, bmf --+ Another winner of the Victoria receive 1 ra f:nnd the allotments must he sent out ernes at that place and period Wets Dr. I)uyen's treatment. ns he ex- must people are quite content with quickly, it is impossible for the fin- SENTENCE SERMONS. I.ntknmt Kavanaugh, a civilian, who ordinary brands at. half as much, and i aliciers ongaged in nilot 11 ng to at - steeling in disguise through the So- scntative, generally ineludee the in- Y i i tempt to separate out the "stager' Kindness makes kin. 1' b petiole of scrum, both before and to distinguish the oar from the other lilexsed arc lhu buoyant lives. soy Imes carried to the relieving iron the bona -fide applicants, by the taste alone. Yet tea -duller force OMoon's plan:! for concerted nftir operations, the 'second injee- 1c)3' the is in demand 1101 bee".8° About two years uqo, when 1 h 17ne ad•llislt cannot be snurtilicd. ��.. notion. unit who guided its columns tion, he said, is to prevent a recur- guests) Tramn'aul loan was is'.ii dl, (he Dunk : 'Purity does not rest um a plebfs- lo the residency by a sale route it is better, tial. because the g roll.' Ale) M.A11KE FS. .deice of rho di•cu"tr• know !hut it costs len (lullnra. r\ud d'( 1:rrglund « ns seccrcly crit cite. then they would otherwise have Ink- Regarding 1he alleged cure by. a thousand bottles have olln {,1°vi,l- for having, «'nth the ubjret of de- It takes more than n syll°gism to llutl'nlo, N.Y.. May :10.-FI°ur- •violet.?fe n1 in Ihe "Rtrt '"t," 11ecided that 110 xitve 11011. Strong. W heat -Spring, dull; No. 1 en. t more thrilling story even meront D 0 enCuci(1- of ed for a single night's (.00•rtaia- K t, , Northern, 51.11 Winter nominal. Ihiui this is told of another rivilinn leaves, l)r. Doyon said -"The Dovernrc:,l! application for less than £2,(100 There's alw'ay's room for two on 1: el>er loon the decoration in n night lady who nttribuled her cure to sash ••Ott the saute principle outer wires would he entertained• on that 0c- the narrow way. C'urn-Lutve•r, No. 2 yellow, 51•1;c; Of dauntless heroism. 'This was a remedy, could not really ha\r Mill Inure costly, are otfercd, say a epslon £30,OO(1,11/)(► was UITtreti for 11UL air' is always succeeded by a ter\t'hile,. 2 ln�r', e.ie \('i►1�-e 2 ryfxnll,•:4:1;C. Ito.s Louis Mnnglrs, a magistrate at stiff red hair saucer. It is n meth red Dntdeuux at twenty-five dn`Ittrs a subscription. and 0pplie,ttions cold wave. Patna, who volute eery(' to serve cine (hat dotes bock to the middle quart, or a line !thine wine at thirty. amounting to 110 less thou £1,171,- Deeper science is the euro for Ity.-l'nse1114d: \o. 1. `;4c. Canal n little fotee sent to relievdylh,± ages, and it is 111terly•.•Notre; 1 Then there arc old French brandies 000,OIN► «-ere recfIved from 115.•100 'scientific doubt. freWit s -Steads goo ison at Arruli-n garrison of never knew a case t hat was relievedthat go up to any price, and cignrs applicants. The fnverllor of tlto The sun Girt shines in the face 05 mien, heading out acninst 4,000 by such a remedy." I at, two dollars apiece. Also, sten. Itnnk 'suha(•c{nenlly slated that there rises in (he heart. ('.\'1'1'1.1'; MLUIKF::I'. nnitinecrs. The relieving party fell Dr. Doyen due's not hold the view, ette"t for the ladies that come in were 451.000 aPpllcntlua"t of £100, A form of (With is apt to boa p'°rontu. May 30. -The following Into an ambush and it as obliged to that the disease is hereditary. "i' glass tubes and coat. and, in his opinion, not more than figure of speech. are the riloge of quotations: - retro al under a nurriI.ss lire front du not think that the mkrol;e of Y Ex ort, ),.•nly $t,.i0to>x:,r;0 A es an1 c A DO%E:K1 'ons in fifty def Lh4sc «'etc from g0uu_ A rend mace creed is like any p 1114 tiepoy)+. et ogles wn!e wounded cancer is t ransulit ted from father tot ire investors. the renuaiud,.r, he other band Inc duw'11• du nu•ebuui =:> :,:::x 4 con, he said. "Were it not for these expeneivo It takes more love to ray "2\0" Feeders, churn -ked ► 4 yet 5.1:. at the first attack, but dist.- a:dj Tobacco doe :s not, In 1)r. 1)oyen's100c101sorfes, 11 would be difficult to let. it be Inferred. were from "stags" than it d°es to sn "\'e 1 ': 1 6get the cost of a d •r 11 r 1, a nnd he declared flint the Rank find Y )tills, export 4 d,u 4.. x his own hurt to help the sur •eon in1 rarin • for the others olio were M- opinion, cause cancer. "What it` applications bearingeither No man can sacrifice himself until Iflllchers• {ricket :> is 5:1•...:12:1:";:. .:51) 6 duos," h4 said, ..is to make the figure that would be thought su,li- blocks of app iurlxl. ciently> spectacular. Even with • the "tame name or the same address, he npprlcial's himself• du g°nel Io (hones teeth bad, and un<ler such n condi. i God reser visits one church in Inndt, f :.dr , u0 Ifs «')i n magnificent shot, and t caviare brought (rein Russia nt rix and covered by the sane cher{Ile, kept a hot Tire front his post upon tion n scratch may have very ser- K order to vanquish nnotbcr• du fair to gaud 4 dee. 1 :err ( 1 bus results." I dollars n pound, null Idrdx' rests W'IfA'l' AN ALi.(►'l'MEN'I' MEANS, Man3' prayers for blessings are but do mixed lts, Med:t o° :; �:, the. , n'wet 1)a little knot of men bre I froth ('hina for the soup, caul cele kept together bantling hill) loathed ril'ItK Oh MICROBE. Irequests for burdens. du 'tenet cows :l :,dr 1 °n K and quail from France, and diamond it was kam%n at the time in con- Nothinghelps aura to R:'C togethera :,n :t 7:r musks t ,. I►u: ing the retreat a sol- hr. Doyen is certain of the (act buck terrapin nt a hundred de;i!urs art' with that loan that. "xtng; 1(1(1 cows diet of the :17th li.01 ►eon Bitot and that he has discovered the mierot.o I { Io'lter 11 serving 1oge(her. d° r••uunun and rough a.°d, Si so !causing the disease. He has found a dorm. and canvasback ducks et had erne in application') in their own Prayers would he shorter if dexirea' ,1° bull, 2 50 t a0 (1i he Inv 011 the gronnet inipluri•d B seven dollars a pnir, and fat Ilene names, In the names of their rein «•ere nmsusurcd by desrr((' I din gaud hrl0 1r tet) Manq►ew not to b ace )nim• well fnicrococcus neoformans' pr4Ren( in (rum l e Mans nt six dollars enc!►,' fives, °t (heir clerks, nod w►nletlnu•s tit„d.kets, tend a.2:, . know in that deal h. not In too fast every cane( rolls growth. and nano-,nnd It ducks 01 seven, told teed- ,•ven of their (honest lc sc•rvaltr, th,' Ile who works with his 1100.11. wily g K always have work for his bunds. 1 do light. 1.t;0 or p..r,lesv rt tenets. r, would be his culation of animals has alwa3'R l' -' fled plieilsiIn(s al 1,•n, 01)11 1:.lg:an i(L•a heir to secure 05 many' 111:°1'-: . milted in n nota(,.. 1 > gIt's the conks that make the re-' Milk cow',. each 20 Ira 41:114::::: on the trews) of the mutineers.asparagus aragus at eight dollarR a buod•h' mauls ns possible, as before the loin' "The point of difference between ti es and not (he recipes the cooks. i Export ewes 1.75 :,.''=:► Ceder a hail of lead \ran •le.' turn- ( nnd 1'Inrida xlrnwbevrres (the 1•dst actnrlly cane nut It was quoted in 1 a .',0 4.u0 } 11 is better to make (nod your. Rinks ........... ed to the man, hound up his wounds me nnd sorts of thus" w'ho h"v" that come in) nt filer dollars feet n the Stock Exchange at n hi);hor price «snub than to make wealth your' Iambs, per stet.. :, un K.:,O and, though no d°nl had palev1 his nrguietl against. my disrmery bet cup of twenty berries, and I1 berg then that nt o hieh it was to be is- „dl• Spring Iniu1 , •.. :1.11::::0 1 I;.5)) In s for 2.1 h and no steep had simply in this, that. 1 hold mnllg- )tropes at ten dollars a pound, 01141 "t,(,,,I, b :1 :,0 1.2:, t ' ornran(Iy apple"; des a dollar .!pie1'01 11(81 iniquity 01111 1)813' develop ('u11s, 40(11 h.• find for 1V, yet he lifted him a{r Wont luau.. to be rnnc0r, and claim i I 'ce'- 1'h4 argument pal fin -ward by 1ho 'When of pricat.e indifference. ('iihes, per Ib..... .. :1; 11; nn.his hock nnd that inoeulnticm with the neofornrun` with all this nnd the, best intention critics °f the "Intik of 1:rx last's nc no I'� dt0 produces in a dines, not merely b4 in the world the enterer simply ran ,lino «'as Ihat !herr. «Oro big W'1 n n near prelendy to the Lord do rrch 'l. MAio'lil:D AW';\\ Wi'l'l1 1111f. nignnnt tumrn•s, trot malignant Once', not mise the price of food +dune,,,. (Leat he is punt th4 L°rd ix likely iI(rps, NelHte: sees.. 1;101 11 110 Ih' 10.01) he carried wee as big ns which Ore similar to cancer in man."brwond fifteen dollars a hend, vkkb,I 51ag$4'' Ay well aS small, nnd (hat, to take It ns a i"(( un to n►akehint du tuts . 0.85 0.00 hineoelf, the ermine! over which he Ni•:ni 30 11,1 ('1'Itl:1. for n dinner of fete y, makes xix, ninny' of the np1)1kan(s for large so marched) w'nc swampy. rough anti n►uounfs who .•s•ensed allotm0uts danceroees, yet for six long Hours "Apart from the nugnnuvtt,try hundred dollars! However, with tare merely intended to use thorn far -_♦ A(.'('0Vllf►1►ATIN(1. points arising in inoculation expert- wind's 1)11(1 cigars, with :u, vette ..Qtagyl11g" ptu•pn!),8. i BLACK I'(lI'.\'I'o A 1'':\1►. d•d h.• tramp. only t•uetin; dawn his lanes, Mr. tiny Wed -I nm afraid, lovee,a m0nts. what conlirnlntinn are yon (deluge for the Inns! cosi I In ordinary roses the allutamet of {h0 latest thing for Berlin dinner ou will find sure rather e'nctIng at Is ,t1y binder) Io sl1)nd tees. bier finding from the use of the s •t nn, perhaps the fanu.us geld service. nidi y' wl,il.• Urine nt the barns -lag 4tI'Ilny' a xnn rn!'.es °( career?' with curio,,. incidentals, it Is po.Ri n Kreut tonna that is oder-sllhserlhe►1 !Parties is "Week potato salad•" A times and 1.11) afraid. lou. that 1 ,lin t° hes) 1h•ol in (-h.sk and 4nahl.' 1 is are^o•.red 0n 801en1l:'0 liners. The blink potato has recent is made its 1 "r have treritrd now aho+,t titer bee to ingrrovc on !hix cousid•r.ihdy a little inclinol to find fault without hien to ne•compli•h his art of merry hlmdred pa 'cies. All of Mem hale 014(1 bt' 4 the test per head 1a. to, lhnttcandy of apt Ilentlons received' appearance in the Berlin vegetable e 1 nre n ,rn: d and tnhuletr�l, and then' sett. c and love. Al la's: he r'nclx•d themarket, and hes been greeted with certainly obtained relief, and about say linty dollars et the oulsir,r. This! 1 firs. tiny Wed -Oh, don't worry, river. int 1 whish he plunged, hi Id one hundred h,ite shown marked int- does not include flowers, decorations, 101' l rrtn"fers (•1n'inrtifiS fh: allot-; t.nthtts,a'11) Not only is its skin clear; 1'11 See that you ninety!) have Ing up hi' comrade until he 00•1111 provement,'• hand -painted menu cards and i (her i In nt decide en the prop °rt lml that 'deck. but the 110)4h is (f n dnrk red- Canso. gel hint Into n host. 1111..1), undo,- "So •as to give hopes of permanent su'%vrnll's• Is 10 begivento vitriol's 0Iaysre of dish brawn. ill taste it is indistin- medical care, hire lifeens Ove ntna ce?" --e.-.cu--e.-.w wide 'they b)from other potntoesit mss, for example, f guishae. p�-� Atetl. 'This story of ns fine an act "It is impo"it,le In say at. one" A husl•nnd s )ertlmlel s aro the r••colye that nppli(nnls for £S011I .renew nom South Africa, but h0' A man full of good qualities lacks of I-ntlish het()ismt as has ever boot Ilei t a canter bus been eradicnto(1. tnuxhroree on the beefsteak Of stat- sheti 'eel 1' e £100: !hog ns'<brr for, been toured fu grow readily In the often the one (pettily that would r00orlkd lues only brought to light one can only tell in time. But if a rimony. £1,1)1)0, £200, and applicants for neighborhood of Berlin, Germany. make thetn all valuable. • Kavanaugh were the first of these to receive the decoration. Iie is to he pit nett whose pulses (10 not hasten over the siury of the futnou) 1)1, arse of llorke's Drift. when four private sold iers--•l[miry Hook, .John Williams and Robert and 1111liam .lura:e-held their burn- ing Hospital against the furious 1/4: Ins and saved most of the wonded. Hook and Wil1mlt11Y were the only unhuri 'nen in their part of the building and woes forced to escape trent room to room, carrying the wounded, one by one. in their orals. The rooms had no intercommunica- tion and so one man cut holes in the partition with a pickaxe while the other. held the outer door, rifle in hand. The last room nearest. the leafier had for its only exit a win- dow so small that Williams was obliged to enlarge it with his pick- axe to get the wounded through it. RESCUE ALL AT LAST. }Took, meanwhile, defermlcit the hole in the wall, through which they had wine, the Zulus stubbing hire through blinding and almost suffo- cating snokc. When the window was enlarged, Williams lifted the patients through in the laagcr. 'then he himself followed. pulling hook through after him, just in time to evade a final rush of the Zulus. !look's heroism won hint not only the Victoria cross, but a substan- tial promotion and later a post on the staff of the British Museum. He died in London a short time ago. Another private, whose courage and se'lf-sacritico were as great as Hook's, was Peter Brown, a troop- er of the Cape Mounted Rifles. In storming a mountain stronghold dur- ing the itasuto V''ar several mem were wounded. Three of theta crept to the poor shelter of a +1111)11 rock in the middle of nn open space and soon began to "cry piteously for water." It appeared to be certain death to go to theta, as the open space where the sheltering stone lay was com- pletely swept by titre of all the schnnzen on that part of the moun- tain. 'Their screanl4, however, be- came quite heart-rending, and. after a minute or two, Brown said, with nn oath: "i can't stand this any longer; has anyone any water?" Ile was handed a tin canteen half full of water, and he coolly walked across the open space. knelt down beside the rock, and, without mak- ing the slightest attempt to shelter hiutsclf, began to pour water into the mouth of one of the wounded !nen. While doing this a bullet broke his arta. He quickly picker) up the canteen and went on pouring the water into the man's mouth with his other hand, and almost immediately a second bullet struck him in the leg ant! he fell over among the Omen to whose help he had gone. CERTAIN OF CANCER CURE patient is brought to one sufteringt BORROWING IN MILLIONS larger atuolmts certain percenh►ge4t oto badly from cancer that he is "x- of the total they are slekiug to 'M - poets(' to die almost straightaway. l tain. A well-known bunker with and then one improves his condition, BEHIND THE SC- ENES OF A great experience in ieseing loans and removes from him all symptom))BIG LOAN, laughed ut the idea of minutely ex - of cancer, one is justified in being omitting .such application in order to hopeful. I( after five years that pit Interesting Expla- nation as to elinninut4 the "slag" element. tient is not ustill olive, but has How the Loan is Floated "We should like to get rid of the Itttdl nu recurrence of cancer syrup -tags,' " said he, "for they are u touts. 1 should then soy that he was and Money Obtained. ',ui.unce, but w0 must fads • het cured. one must want for lINe years. ter means of done' it thus that." I have been working whin the serum The enormous sucees>, that attend- 6 now for between three and four ed the issue of the recent Ju{uulesa It is a curious fuel that vie of loan of £30,000,000 directs utter- the must inveterate ".tags" aro old years." "!But your experience has corvine- tion to u very fascinating subjec•t.: ladies whom nue would never ed you that cancer is beyond all Of that loan half was otlered{ in eurai>(•ct of being acquainted with the doubt a microbic disease?" London and half in the United ins awl outs of the Stock Exchange. -Cet•tainly, beyond all doubt." States, and so favorable was its re- 0 keen, indeed, ore these ancient "Is it, then, transmissible in any ception here that people fought with speculators that t hey will even pur- way?" each other in order to be lirst. to initiate in the crush that is Witness• "Much, I think, as consumption is; enter the banks, which had annuunc_ cd at the doors of the issuing bank not more. It is not directly infect- cxl that at four o'clock on a certain when sunne particularly tempting if • or contagious. But there is day they would give out prospectus- Prospectus is to be given out. certainly danger where cancerous es with forms of applicut101, says patients are. as fur instance, the London Answers. room) wherein a case has died. 'lite It is not every great loan that is DEFECT IN RRITICH NAVY microbe lurks 10 the dust, in the so eagerly run after', and whether air, the clothes, everywhere, waitingthepublic realize it or not, greatt HIGH OFFICERS HAVE NO TIME TO STUDY STRATEGY. • DR. DOYEN EXPRESSES HIS APPRECIATION. The Great French - Physician Be- lieves in His Serum Dis- covery. fur the conditions in which it can skill and knowledge of the money develop." ularltet are requisite to enmire the '•And what are those conditions, success of an issue of many millions speukiug generally?" "Always a weak state of health, of capital. Before the public gener- a low condition of the blood, coupled ally know anything about the mat - with some spot which has heel, weak_ ter those responsible for the issue ened by the results of n blow or are anxiously engaged in arranging some wound setting up inflammation. the price at which the loun is to be Of the actual causes we are still offered. This is a matter of serious ognorant; but cancer, I think, al- importance, for if the issue price is ways starts as a tumor. A blow, too low the borrowing country pays not causing much immediate pain, too much for its irony, whereas if may set up internal, inflammation, it is too high the loan may be a resulting in tumor. If the condition failure, and the country's credit con - of health be bad, a benignant tumor sequently injured. hec s malignant, and then cancer HOW U111I11'it\VRITF..RS WORK. The initial inflammation gives tis microbe the chance for )oration, and the condition of health provides it with the opportunity for develop- ment, and the diseusc results. ROME NOW OUTCLASSED MISUSE OF WEALTH IN THE UNITED STATES. Ancients Never Knew the Lux- uries Found on American Tables. Many recent writers have been try- ing to rouse in the people of the Great Republic a sentiment against the shameful misuse of wealth every- planation of how it works may be where apparent, and more especially interesting. In order that the money in ministering to the appetite. Cleve- required may be forthcoming, even "Under our existing administration land Moffett, in Success, has this to if the public Jo not subscribe it. if war broke out., either the higher say:- those engaged in be wing a loan make officers would have the tremendous "It is world y of note that we aro arrangements with financial houses duty of conducting war imposed upon approaching tile hnot only and others under which the latter, them in addition to the already in the lavishness and abundance of for a commission 01 so much per heavy duty of considering questions food, but in various attendant ettcen- ry cent., agree to take up certain of material, or else the whole system U•it•ities. Pet ronius tells us in g "Trimalchio's Dinner" that a boiled amounts of the loan if the public do would be thrown out of gent. by the calf is brought in followed by all ac- not apply for it all. If the loan is necessity of relinquishing the con - tor dressed as Ajax. Simnlluting all taken up, the underwrit(srs pocket, sideration of material in order to madness, he suddenly rushes at. tho the commission; if not, they must direct hostilities. calf with drawn sword, slashes it accept their share of the loan and "from the close of the seventeenth into slices, and then presents piece keep the bonds until a favorable op_ century until the toll of Napoleon a to each one of the astonished guests. portunity of welling then. arises. The the British navy was uniformly sac But this is not more absurd than the commission paid to the underwriters II at sea. The system under dinner of steamed rhinoceros recent- of the Japanese loan was 2 whit per cent., which this success was achieved and ly served at the Hotel Astor! -not and as the ptIlilic applied for the maintained was one in which there {vas an absolute and entire separa- ulore ahaurJ than the various 'mon- whole Of the loan, those who under- 0011 between the work of providing key dinnerx,"'horseb•CL dinners,' wrote large amounts secured hand material and the direction of hostili- 'jungle dinners,' etc., if which we 804110 profits, lies. hear from time to time. nor should STAGS AND STAG:GING, "I1 the great captains of Nelson's we omit the recent 'picnic dinner' at clay, with their simple materials, n Now York hotel where the guests It happens from time to time, as found f( impassible to combine both were seated on banks of imitation In the case of the •Japanese Leslie, these duties, it is not likely that Y that a new loon is quoted on the grass with the result that sundrany officer of the twentieth century handsome gowns were Stock Exchange at a pre before will be able to do so, considering the 1IUINED BY GREEN PAINT! comes out, and, naturally', every complicated nature of the machinery "Despite the fact that metier of our body is anxious to obtain an allot- and terials of the modern wilt -ship. rich families would be incapable of tient because am inlunediale profit is '"Ties Japanese have won great vie - such vulgar ostentation. it cannot obtainable. I'eo{ le who under these toile); on the sen. 1'et the many be denied that love of show and not- circuli stauce0 apply for stock in high officers of their ilex•(. to whom i oriety is a common motive for nun- order to well again at once to wore spoke when on the China station be- bers of these costly banquets. Thio (his profit are known to the Stock fore the outbreak of the war showed is the one of the signs of a luxurious Exchange as "slugs," and their no incline' ' to postpone strulegi- 1,eriod, and New fork sees a tan- operation.e as "stagging." Those cul and tactical studies to the con- stant succession of lavish dinners who are issuing loans wuuid prefer sideration of qu(st• of material. where the desire is not to get the to give allotments to investors who These, they said, could be perfectly t possible for the looney, but to mean to hold their stocks, because well looked after by professional ex - spend as much money as possible, no the price of the security then re- ports brought up to deal with them, long as the amount spent he known. ,rainy steadier; but. where 01(ttly and not to nonage naval hostilities. Impossible to Combine Study of Tactics With Provision of Material. A serious defect is declared by Ad- tnit•al Sir Cypriun Bridge to exist in the British navy, which, he declares, if not immediately remedied, may lead to disaster in time of war. "The principle involved!," he stat- ed in a recent interview, 'Is a vital- ly important one. It is that the higher officers of the navy, who in the event of war on a great scale In the case of the recent .lapanese would have to conduct the opera - loan the price was fixed at 90, which tions, should not during periods of means that for every £100 for which 'peace have their minds so occupied Japan became liable, the investors in dealing with the provision of ma - subscribing for the bonds only paid terial that nu time is left to study £90. In other words, while Japan and consider the great questions of become') liable for a deht of £30; strategy and tactics, without fault - 000,000, she will only, tinder the Rarity with which success in war is terms of issue, receive £27,(00,000. hardly to be looked fur. As a matter of fact, she will not re- "If you have a particular adminis- ccive so •h as £27,000,000, since trativo sy'ntenl running, perhaps for a considerable amount has to be ycat•s in peace time, it will be ex - paid in conunissions to the financial (remely difficult and full of hazard houses concerned In helping to float ' to endeavor to change it on the in - the loan; and "underwriting" in_ stant of war occurring. o"The right principle of naval ad- OcCaOions. s cuttrlidereuble expense on these -The is to arrange it so that ocaschango from peaco to wear should Underwriting ng is a fom of insurance not bring with it any violent trans - in financial matters, and a brief ex- formation of functions. DANGEROUS SITUATION. LEADING MARKETS IIIIEADS'TI1IE'S, Toronto, May 30.-Wheat-1)ntarite -No. 2 red and white is quoted at 97e, goose ►luu,iltal at 85c to title. Manitoba -4c higher. No. 1 north- ern, $1; No. 2 northern, 1)tic, and � No. 3 northern, 91e, lake ports. }'lour -'J0 per cent. patcuts are quoted at 54.35 to 81.45, buyers' sucks, east and west, 15c to 20c higher for choice. Manitoba, 85.40 to $55)) for first, potents. $5.1(1 to 55.211 for seconds, and $5 to 55.10 for bakers'. Atillfec•d-Bran, $14.50 to $,15. Shorts are firmer, $17.51) to 511. Illanitoba, $18 fur bruit and $20 for shorts. ltarbey-45c for No. 2, 43c fur No, 3 extra, and Ole fur No. 1 molting outside Toronto freights. ltyi 69c to 70c for No. 2 Co.'s outside. Cure --Canadian nominal at 4 7c for yellow and Odie for mixed!, Chatham freights. American No. 3 yelluw, the news kiln -dried, at 59.`,c to 60c. Ontario point s. Oats -No, 2 white, 40c to 410 west, and Ole to 42e east. Rolled Oats -$.:15 for ears of bags and $4.60 for barrels on track here; 25c more for broken lots here, and 40c outside. Peas -68c to 60e for No. 2 west and efist, and 70c for twilling. Buckwheat -59c to 60c east or west. ('(7UN'I'I{Y PItODUCE. Butter -Receipts of all lines are fairly heavy, and dairy tubs are now coming forward. Creamery, prints 18c to 2(k: do solids ...18c 19c Dairy lb. rolls, good to choice ... 16c 17e do large rolls ......... 15c 16c do medium 14c 15c du tubs, good to choice14c 1 Sc Cheese -An easier feeling is report- ed from Liverpool. but the market here has n fairly steudy tone at 10fc to 10$e. Eggs -Most sales are in n 151c basis, but 16e is being asked for small lots. Potatoes -Ontario nre quoted at 60c on track and 65c to 75c out of store; eastern, 65c on track and 70c to 75c out of stove. Haled flay -58.50 per ton for car • lots No. 1 timothy, and $7 .or mixed or clover in car lots on Crack here. Baled Straw -Unchanged at 50 per ton for cur lots on ti•uck here. MONTREAL M. LIKE: TS. Montreal, May 80. -Ogilvie's Royal Household, $5.60, and Ogilvie's (:lenora paten(, 55.30. Flour -Man}!. Rohn spring wheat patents, 5541) to $5.50; strong bakers', 55.10 to 85.- 20; white winter patents, $5.5o to $5.60; straight rollers, $5.15 to $5.- 25, in wood; 111 bugs, $2.45 to $2.55. Rolled Outs -$1.85 for sates of bugs bag. Mill(eed-Ontario brut), in bulk, at. 818 to $18.50; shorts, $11) to 520; Manitoba bran, 111 bugs, 518 to 519; shorts, $20 to $21. Beans -Choice primes, $1.70 to 51.- 75 per bushel; 51.50 to $1.00 in car lots. Hones -While clover, in solute,, 124c to 134c per section, in one -lb. sections: extract, in 10-1b. tins, 7c to 71c; in 60-11). tins, 6c to 01c; buckwheat, 6c to 010, AIN to quality. Provisions-Ilenvy Canadian short cut pork, $16.51. to $17.50; light short cult, 510.50 to 517; Auw•riceut cut clear fat backs, $20; compound lard, Ii4c to 7c; Canadian lard, 61c to 71c; kettle rendered, 8;c to 91c, according to quality; hams. 12e to 14c; bacon, 13e 0) 1.1c; fresh killed abattoir hogs, $9.75 to 510: mixed, 57; selects, 57.50 off ears. Eggs -Straight stuck, 1(k; selects. 18c; No. 1, 154c. Bolter -('1 ' 'e creamery, 19c to 1SI1c; under -grades, 11;4e to 174c; dairy, 10c to 16{c; rolls, IS'ic to 161c. Chl'ese-Ontario, 9,c to 91c; Que- bec, duo-bec, 91c to 1110.