HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-06-01, Page 3TK SECRET OF HEALTH. I Is Rich, Red Blood—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Make New Blood. Goal blood—rich. reel blood—iv the only cutis for such complaints as an- aemia. deeliru•, heart pulpitution, akin eruptions, rheuniati'i i, kidney troubles and a host of other every day ailments. Good blood makes you less liable to ittr:case of every 416 'kiwi, because it strengthens and Stimulates eery organ in the burly to throw off any ailment that may attack it. Cool blood is the secret u1 life, and the feerret of good, rich, red Wood is Dr. William Pink Pills for Pale People. Thome little blood- buildi►rg pills have saved lives that. doctors and nurses have dit;t,aird of. They have cured thousands of others—they will cure ynu too. Mrs. Wm. Boothe, Montrose, (Int., says: "E'er a couple of years my daughter Meta was in failing health. She complained of headaches and dis- tressing weakness, and seemed to ho rapidly going into decline. We con- sulted several doctors, but they did not help her. She was apparently bloodless, and we were afraid she would not recover. .She had no ap- petite rind was greatly reduced in Mesh. At this. stage a friend advised Inc to give her 1)r. Williams' I'ink 1911e. and in a few weeks we noticed some improvement in her condition, and that her appetite was improv- ing. We continued the treatment for a couple of months longer, and by that time she was again in the best of health. She had gained thirty- two pounds in weight, had a goon color, and was in the best of spir- its. I (to not think I ant puttitlg it too strongly when I say I think 1)r. Williams' fink Pills saved her life." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do only one thing. but they do that well. Tliey do not act upon the bowels; they do not bother with nacre symp- tome. They actually make the new, rich red blond that goes right to the root of the disease and drives it from the system. But you must get the genuine with the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for I'alo Peo- ple," printed on the wrapper around every box. All medicine stealers keep these pills or you can get them by mail ab 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ASTOR BUYS A CASTLE. Famous Keep of Hever Property of American Millionaire. Tucked away in the sylvan fast- nesses of Kent stands Hever Castle, associated with tho love -story of the • ill-fated Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. bright hundred workmen are now engaged fn erecting an enorm- nus bungalow mansion in close prox- ianity to this historic building, at the order of its present owner, Mr. Astor. This modern activity may strike harshly on the map with an historic sense, and he may at first be inclined to repel the strident note of twentieth century improvement. With this feeling uppermost the stu- dent wi11 all the more appreciate the fact that whilst Mr. Astor is de- veloping the estate, he is preserving 'lever Castle in its original state, and all visitors are welcome. The castle itself is an interesting example of the Tudor period, and routed this moat -surrounded, portcullized strong- hold many a work of fiction has been weaved. Mr. Astor himerelf has con- tributed some notable literature con- cerning the place, which was origin- ally a manor house erected by Sir Williatn Never in the reign of Henry VI. BABY'S 11A'1'1'Li•:S. "Baby's Battles" is the title of a valuable little book on the caro of infants and young children, pub- lished by the Dr. Williams' llicdicino Co., Brockville, Ont., which will be sent post free to any mother who asks for it. It, tells yott also sorter thing about Ilaby's Own Tablets, a medicine that cures all the niino nil- ments of infants rind young children —a medicine praised by every mother who has used it. Mrs. Richard Smiley, Leonard, Ont., says:—"We had n very sick baby in our house until we got Soho's Own 'Tablets. '!'hey were the first thing that 11141 her any good, and I think were the means of saving our little one's life. I praise them to nil mothers." M1 u0(10:ine dealers sell these Tablet s. or you can get them nt 25 cents a box by writing the lir. Williams' Medicine Co., Ilrockville•. Ont. A DANGEI((►I'S TOWN. Barney Oldlield, the automobilist, was talking ni l n trip Ito had once' made through Manitoba. "The most dangerous town in Manitoba." lie said, 'is Brandon. Hargrave is near Ilrando,, and on the outskirts of Hargrave, in front of n little inn, i di.nu'unted. "1 f I in the inn the landlord and another Wean. They sat side by side on a bench. They were both very old. " 'Excuse me. landlord,' i said, 'Inst. eon you tell inc how fur It is to itrandon?' "The old ratan jumped up mid 1101,- bled behind the bar. " 'Itrnntly,' ho said. in n thin quaver. 'Yes, indeed, sir, and very fine brandy 1t ie.' "Iie put a bottle and glass before' me. " 'f neked you,' i said more loud- ly, 'how far it is to Brandon?" "rho best brandy, of course, sir,'• he answered. 'I don't keep ',tithing lint the best.' '•lit despair I turned from this dent veteran to the other old n,an on the bench. " 'hook here,' I said, 'can you tell me how fnr it is to Brandon?' "The other old men, with a grate- ful look, rose and limped hastily up to the bar. " "Thanks,' he said, 'I don't care if i do.' " lead"—"1Vne there any gossip at the sewing circle?" 11tnrJorlo—"ITo.v could there lie? E very one of the pyerehet s to e a pros:lot .'. 411. BAYONETS. How the Japanese Gained An Ad- vantage at Port Arthur it is a phrase merely to those of us who do not know war at first hand: '"!'hest the meta threw them - settee on the bayonets of the en- emy." It wounds desperate and dra- rruttic, but this account in Black - wood's Magazine by a naval sub- lieutenant at Port Arthur shows what it really means: For thirty long uiinut( a hand-to- hand struggle had continued. Men threw grenades in earh other's faces. Half -demented Snmurni flung theul- seh•es upon the bayonets of the doz- en Muscovites that held tho traverse in the trench. Who shall Fay that the day of the bayonetis past? Al- though there war' not a breech that had not its Curti ulge in the cham- ber, yet men roused to the limit of their animal fury overlook the me- chanical appliances that, make war easy. They thirsted to come to grips. and to grips they carne. lint it had to end: The old colonel han fought his way through his own men to the very point of the strug- gle. Ile stood on the parapet, and his rich voice for a second curbed the fury of the wild creatures strug- gling beside him. •"throw yourselves on their bayon- et'', honorable comrades!" he shout, - ed. "Those who conte behind will do the rest." Ills men heard him; his officers heard him. Eight stalwarts dropped their rifles, held their hands above their heads and flung themselves against the traverse. Before the Russian defenders could extricate the bayonets from their bodies the whole pack of the • war -dogs hall surged over thein. The trench was won. -4-- Lifebuoy Soap — disinfectant — is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against in- fectious diseases. 22 SOME:WIIAT CONFUSING. A certain member of the Idolise of Lords, when travelling in Ireland, took a fancy to a handsome Con- naught lad and engaged blur as foot- man. "O'Brien," said his lordship to the new servant one morning, "see if your mistress is 'at home' to -day." "That her ladyship is, your lord- ship," was the ready reply of the un- sophisticated youth. "Sure 01 list saw her ladyship go into the dhraw- ing-room." "You misunderstand me, O'Brien," said his lordship, stiffly; "go and ask your mistress if she is 'at home' to -day." "Sure, now," muttered the puzzled footman, as he °toyed, "if his lord- ship ain't quare! Why, Oi saw her ladyship with me own eyes! And now Oi've got to ask her thatsame, and she's in the house all the toitlie." Then, thrusting his head into the drawing -room, ho neked, "Are you at bonne, niy lady7" "No, O'l)rien, not to -day," replied his mistress, and the footman retir- ed slowly in utter bewilderment. "Well, well!" exclaimed nonplusses) I'rtt. "Where does she think she is, pour soul; Sure, it's mad she is, and the piaster, too. Mare's the pity!" RESENTED i•r. "(herald," said the young wife, noticing how heartily he was eat- ing, "do 1 cook as well as your mother did?" Gerald put up his monocle and stared at her through it. "Once for all, Agatha," he said, "I beg you will remember that al- though I may seem to be in reduced circumstances now, I come of an old and distinguished fancily. My moth- er was not a cook." Bltl'I'[SIIB♦ 1•ll11. The 5,353 firms of brewers in the United kingdom last year brewed 86.051,n57 barrels of beer, and upon this they paid £13,552,883 in duly to the national exchequer. According to n I'nrliamentnry return issued recently there is only one lire of brewers which has an annual out- put of over 2,0t10,000 barrels. This firm alone used 6,293,963 Woe of hops and •1,3115,718 bushels of malt, while its payments In duty amount. - cd to £932,614 la, Gd. DAME NATURE HINTS. When tho Food Is Not Suited, When Nature gives her signal that se 'thing is wrung it is generally with the fund; the old Dame Is al- ways faithful and 01141 should act at once. '1'o put off the change is to risk that which may be irreparable. An ,111/0014 man says: "For years I could not safely eat any breakfast. I 1ried nil kinds of breakfast foods, but they were all soft, starchy messes, which gave me' distressing headaches. I drank strong coffee too, which nppeared to benefit' non at the time, but ridded to thol headaches afterwards. Toast and, coffee were no better, fur i found the' toast very cuust ipat Ing. ":1 friend persuaded me to quit the old collet' and the starchy break- fast foods, and use l'ostnm Coffee and Grape -Nuts instead. I shall never regret taking his advice. I bo - gen using then) three months ago. "'rho ammo they have worked in me is wonderful. i now have no more of the distressing sensations in my stomach after eating, and I never have any headaches. I hate gained 12 pounds in weight and feel better in every way. (:rape -Nuts make n delicious as well ns a nutritious dish and 1 find thnt I'ostum (:ogee is easily digested and never produces dyspepsia symptoms." Name given by l'ostum Co., Rattle ('reek. Mich. There's a reason. Get the little book, "The Road to tVellvilie," in each pkg. THERE IS NOW A MASS OF PROOF THAT LUMBAGO IS ALWAYS CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS._ Quebec Man Cured His Kidneys With Dodd'e Kidney Pills, and His Lumbago Vanished. Quebec, 1'. Q., May 22.—(Special)--- John Hall, a bricklayer, residing at 57 Little Champlain Street, this city, has added his statement to the great mass of proof that Luml:a- go is caused by disordered Kidneys. and consequently easily cured by Lodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Ball says: "I was troubled with Lumbago fur two years. I could not work. 1 had to get up at nights to urinate su often that my rest was broken. I read of cures by 1)odd's Kidney Pills and made up my mind to try theist. After the first box I could seo and feel a change. Three boxes cured me completeiy." Lumbago, liko Rheumatism, is caused by uric acid in the blood. Uric acid cannot stay in the blood if the Kidney's aro working right. Aodd's Kidney Pills make tho Kid- neys work right. "Sir, have you read the ode I coni - posed to Sleep?" "Oh, yes, and it composed me to sleep. • PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR s -- To California and Lewis and Clarke Exposition, Port- land, Oregon. A personally conducted excursion to the Pacific coast via the Grand Trunk Hallway System and connect- ing lines leaves Quebec July 5, and Montreal and 'Toronto .July 6. The route will he via Chicago, thence through Council Muffs to Omaha. Denver and Colorado Springs. Stops will be made at each of these paces and silo trips taken to Manitou, Cripple Creek, harden of the Gods, etc. From there the party will con- tinue through the fatuous scenic route of the Denver and Rio Grande, through the (loyal Gorge to Salt Lake City, thence to hos Angeles, San Francisco, Mt, Shasta, Port- land, Oregon, Seattle, Spokane, and home through St. Paul and Minnea- polis. The trip will occupy about thirty days, ten days being spent on tho Pacific const. The price for the round trip, in- cluding relit -nail fare, Pullman tour- ist sleeping cars, all meals in the slitting car, hotels, side trips, etc., is 165.50 from Quebec, or $180.50 from Montreal and $150.00 froin Toronto. This first trip is designed ns a vacation trip for teachers, al- though many who are not teachers will Improve the opportunity of tak- ing the I.rip at the remarkably low price afforded. For full particulars address E. C. Bowler, General Agent and Conduc- tor, doom 308, Union Station, 'To- ronto. Dri, Agwew'e Catarrhal Powder. — ltev. W. 11. Main, pastor of the Baptist Emanuel Church, Buffalo. gives strong testimony for and is a Arm believer In Lr. Agnew's Catarrhal l'owder. Ile has tried many kinds of remcdien with- out avail. "After using Dr. Agnew 'x Catarrhal Powder 1 was benefited at once." are his words. It is a wonder- ful remedy. 50 cents. -05 "So you have bought your wife another expensive ring. Isn't that a waste of money?" "On the con-. trary, it is true economy, for she' won't require half su many pairs of gloves as formerly." ITho thousands of people who write to me, saying that Shiloh's Consumption Cure Tonic ung cured them of chronic coughs, cannot all be mistaken. 'There must be some truth in it. Try a bottle fcr that ceuih el Two - Prices: S. C. Witt.. . Co. 111 2k. 50.. Sl. LeRoy, N.Y.,Toreato,Can. The Prosecuting Counsel—"Woe the prisoner in the habit of singing when he was alone?" Pat 11nc(uire (witness)—"Shure, an' I can't say, for 01 was niver with hiin when he was alone." Mother Craves' Worm 1 xtcrrninetor i. pleasant to take: sure and effectual in destroying worms. Many have tried It with hest results. air. Nooric•he—"Von don't want opera glasses when you're MI) Cl(s0 to the stage 0s this." Mrs. `.00r- iehe—"Don't 1? flow am I going to show off my rings and hrnceltla 1f I don't have opera glasses?" inord'3 liniment Cures Win In CoU3 SNAKE, ALWAYS AWAKE. The snake has one great protection against nssnilnnts. Ile appears to be always ntvnke and on his guar(!. This is cxpininesl by the fact at the oyes of snakes never close. Night and day, sleeping and waking, olive or (lend, they are always wide open. A snake's eyes are not protected with lids, but with a strong scale. This is ns clear as glass, and, of course affords not the least impediment to sight. Singlctnn—"flow (lid you like the poodle 1 sent your wife for a birth- day present?'1 Wedderly --- ('Very much. Never saw ono I liked bet- ter.'-' singleton—"1'm glad to hear ft.'= Wedderly—"Yee; you see, 11 died the day after you snot lt,'A • Our Honest Belief Is that we bile•ef brought Sunlight Soap will not Injure your blankets or harden them. It will make them soft, white and f e.cy. Tp t_ Many nu•n are sure they would get to h; -even if only they might die in their Sul -Arty smuts. Why go limping and whining about your corns when a -le cent bottle of IIolloway s Corn Cure will removethem?tbe? (live it a trial and you will not regret it. -- "But if you love Hie, Madeline, why set the happy day too years ot'ry?" "Because, llorace, it will take tau fully that time to use up coy mono- gram stationery." A Sound Stomach Means a Clear Bcad.—The high pressure of a nervous life which business Hien of the present day art constrained to live make draughts upon their vitality highly det- rimental to their health. 1t is only by the most careful treatment that they are able to keep themselves alert and active in their various callings, many of them know the value of Par - melee's Vegetable Pills In regulating the stomach and consequently keeping the tread cl_ttr '!'here is absolutely no satisfaction in doing something smart if there is nobody for you to brag to about it. FOR OVVIR SIXTY YEARS. urs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup bas been used by minium, of mothers for their children while teething. It soothes the child, softens the gents, allays pain. eures wltidcone, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty -Ave cents a bottle. Bold by druggists throughout the world. Be sura and ask for "Mrs. WIn.low's Soothing Syrup." 22-04 Mother (firmly to little daughter who is about to have a tooth drawn)—"May, if you cry I'll never take you to the dentist's again!" Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is prepared from drugs known to the profession as thoroughly reliable !or the euro of cholera, dysentery. diarrhoen, griping pains and sunnier complaints. It has hien used successfully by medical practitioners for a number of ,ears with gratifying results. If suffering it any ,,unutcr complaint it a )ust the inecliclne that will cure you. 1 ry a bottle. It sells for 25 cents. No man ever paid rent out of the n►onery he is going to have when his ship conies in. tlinard'a Liniment Cures Diphtheria Everybody has a hankering to teach others what he doesn't know himself. A Casket or !earls►.—Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets would prove a great wined to the disheartened dyspeptic if he would but lest their potency. They're veritable genie In preventing the seating of stomach disorders, by aiding and stimulating digestion -60 of these health "pearls" In a box, and they cora 85 cents. Recommended by most eminent physlclans.-64 'The average man's idea of a joke is something over which he splits his side when he is planning it and no- body cracks a smile when he does it. 1)o Not Delray.—Do not let a cold or cough fasters upon you as it will if neglected. lir. L'honras' Ecicctric Oil will break up o gold and cure a cough, and should be resorted to at once when the first symptosis appear. It can he disguised so that any unpleasant taste it may have will be imperceptible to the delicate. Try it and be convinced. "Come back for something you've forgotten as usual?" snid the hus- band. "No," replied his wife, sweet- ly. "i've come back for uocnething 1 remembered." MESSiRS. C. C. lt1t7i1A1t11)54 & CO., Yarmouth, N. S. Gentlemen,—in January last Fran- cis IA'clnir, one of the men employed by one. working 111 the 1 ber founds, had n tree full on hint, crushing hint fearfrilly, 1le was, when found, plac- ed on a sled and taken horse, nhcre grave fear, were entertained for his i ee over}•, nti hips being badly ',ridged must his body turned black f,o10 hie ribs to his feet. %%'e used \IINAIID'S LINIMENT on him freely 10 deaden the 1111irn and with the use of three bottles he was completely cured and able to return to his work. SAUVEUit DUVAL. Elgin ]toad, L'lslet Co., Que., May 26th, 189:1. Oil, SO ME.1N. Milly—"1s she so 111030, Hien?" Polly—"Oh. the meanest girl that ever lived. What do you think she did?" "What?•, "Why, the night of her party she put a phonograph in the conserva- tory, and now she has had a record of all the foolish things said by no fewer than seven love -making couples. And she won't tell us who they are, so every one of the girls in our set is worried."! TEA as nems PERFECTION as modern methods and materials will permit. BLUE RIBBON TEA has a DISTINCT INDIVIDUALITY that lifts It above the llne of COMPARISON with other brands. TRY IT. Prizes for List PAIR OF SKATES FREE. We desire to get In touch with every owner of a bicycle In Canada as we wish to place before thein all. the advantage of the improvements now to be found on the bicycles we handle. For this reason we want as many persons an pusyblo to send in from their locality a good list of bona lids owners of bicycles who should be interested in We purchase of a naw bicycle with the modern improvements. The Ilste will be rer.etvett in rage. lar order and to the writer of each twenty-Afth letter in the order received we will send free of charge one pair of our bnproved Hockey "Cycle" Skates, manufactured by us. sold regu !arty • at $2.00 per pair. The lists must he clearly written out with address and name of make of present bicycle and should he addressed as fol lows. Department. I) Canada Cycle • Motor Co. 1.01 , Toronto Junction, Canada. Lista roust be received not later than May 24th. We Sell the World's Best Bicycles THEY ilAVii 7115 Cushion Frame, Morrow Coaster Brake, and Sills' Nandis Bars. CLEVELAND MASSEY-HARRIS B RANTFORD WELLAND-VALE Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Limited, u Makers of the World's Best Bicycles," Canadian Headquarters for Automobiles. TORONTO G�,IVc:N AWAY IN CASH FREE For `Correct nswers to this Puzzle Each of the four lines af figures in the centre .f this advertisement spiels the nameof a large city he t'arails. This is • bran new punts and can be solved with a littlestudy, es follows: There are twenty•ua Fetters in the alphabet and see have red figures instead of the letters In spelling. letter A 1. Xe. 1, d Se. 1, cats. $ rad se ea throughout the entire alphvbet. Can you apish set tIse namea f t(1 K of these utiest If ry the nwney is surely worth trying for. Thr. syrreetaaswsrs watt. u . THIS IS THE GREAT PUZZLE RACE TI OLILNE 1/W T< 13 15 14 20 18 5 1 12 VOEM LIXL7t Or nG« IIPLIA• TNF. 17 21 5 2 5 3 NA1111 OF • LA«= CIT1f IN 20 15 18 15 14 20 15 CANADA. CAN VOX MAMII TIMIS 15 20 20 1 23 1 Of Irmat. CAN YOU SOLVE IT FOR GOLD 9!14 it does not cost you one cast to try asd servo 1pastd e, ant( you art awreea you iiLy was • tog. anr,unt of cash. we d* nor ask any rrsnney /root you. We are spending thousands of d.Wrs to advertise. It does not mattes elm,. you hve. We do not care one bit who gets the money. If you can spell out the names of three of these cities write 1bese plainly, and snail your *newer to us with your same and address, plainly writhe, and if your answer is correct we w l notify yips promptly. We are giving ur time liaa's once. f►oAfor ddrw' TUXwers and a few inintittis of s4NSIIA5 TL\r FILLr (O., Dept. 4171�. answer at Ts ars, eat. Mrs. Slinison—"I've wanted the drawing -room refurnished for a iong tion', but my husband has always told me to wait until the things were really useless." Mrs. ('atter- son—"How are you going to manage it?" Mrs. Stimson—' I' asy enough; the children are in there naw." Known to '1'hrmeands — Parmelee's Vegetable fats r,'gi,lnlo the action 'ri the secretion:. purify the blood end keep the stomach andhowels free from deleterious matter. 'Token accoreling to direction they will overcome dyspepsia, eradicate biliousnrsv, 01141 leave the db. f estive organs healthy and strong to -perforin their functions. '!'heir merits are well-known to thousands who know ny experience bow beneficial thty are In giting tone to the systet:. "Pa," said little Willie, who was struggling over his lessons, "what is an obtuse angle?" "An obtuse an- gle?" "An obtuse angle," replied his father, "is an Englishounn to whom you try to explain a joke," South American Rheumatic cure Cure* Rheumatica',.—It is safe, harm- less and acts quick—gives almost in. slant relief and an absolute cure In from one to three days—works won- ders In most acute forms of rheuma- tism. One man's testimony' "I spent 0 weeks In bed before commencing its use -4 bottler cured me." -60 The way to make your wife have confidence in you is to tell her that the other %omen is rather pr'tty ex- cept for her hair, oyes, th, t^c'th, nose, complexion, and ligure. Sinard's Liniment Cures Colds, t a 11' 15 t'EiRILO1'S. People with small icings should never try to fly high. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, /tines, sprains, sora and swollen throat, roughs, etc. Nave $50 by use of ono bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. "Pa, they tell us about the angry ocean. What makes the ocer n an- gry?" "Oh, it has been cros'td so often." Or. Agnew's Ointment Cures Piles —itching, Bleeding arid itlind 1'ile*. Comfort to one application it cure. In three to ale r ghts. ll cure! all !kin di+eases in you'll and 01.1. A remedy beyond compare, and it never fails. 55 cents. -6111 I,• 011 SAIF -850 ACRES VAI.ItA- We fanning land; first-class 1ur prot'ements. Also several other fine properties in Southern Alberta. Send for list. G. F. DEERE, Maci.00d, Alberta: Dinner Sets Free FOR DASH TRAO[, B ENEFITS THE MERCHANTS B ENEFITS THE CUSTOMER A M., n.nt in your .eyhiunrbu,d t. •bowing his apprs.dstion of rash trade by l.. ,ng sbsolute�ly free, Ys.. IIINNFS 9 it you Ao not knew We 1g•r7u'it, write lir and we will not only 1.11 yon mss ha Mit forward you a ba whom, sou reeir ramp; The British OsntKlanereekeryM., Ltd Ton,NIl,, e'ANAtA 11111111111111111111 Jasper—"I often wonder why Jen- kins is not more popular. for he is the most polite mato 1 know." ,lunr- puppe—"That is Just the trouble. Ile is 80 confoundedly polite Int leaves the impression that he wants to bor- row money." Minard's Liniment Cares Distemper "I spent Iast evening in the com- pany of the one I love best in all the world." "indeed! And weren't you tired of being all byyourself?" + PROTECT YOUR ro0D WILSON'S FLY PADS KILL THEM ALL AV111 POOR JMITATI' li T N U ISSUE NO. 21-03!