HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-06-01, Page 1r EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ttef EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1905. It. SANDERS & CREECH. Pl'op's (New Reading Matter appears in this space each week.) Like A Plant In The Spring. Your ca%ings grow., when placed in this Bank. A bank account cultivates and encourages thirsty habits -such as all -ueressful tteople have. 111 opens a "growing- account, to t.hich vo., eau add when you like and withdraw when you please In any sued &moul,ts. We add interest to the p.in vital and compound it FOUR times a year, on :e1 Jan., 30 April, 31 July, and 31 October. New accounts are always welcome. We have the best (vnilaties for banking at the utast reason. able rates and tenor consistent with conser ati.t banking. We in% ite your bualneu. Branches in Huron County at EXETER. C11EDITON, DASHWOOD, HENSALL. ZURICH, CLINTON THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA Magmas & Stanbrry, Solicitors Joseph Swell, "tanager EXETER. lxashwood and Zink h branches. DASHWOOD'S GRE�SIJO - FURNITURE - ROSINESS. We are now in a Position to show one of the Largest and Latest Lines in Furniture ever shown in Western Ontario. The increase in our business daring the last three years shows that we are carrying the QUANTITY and QUALITY at the LOWEST PRICES. Below are a few of the things we carry in stock: Bedroom suits, Parlor suits, Hall Racks, Springs, Mattresses, Rockers of all descriptions (also Reed Rockers), Sideboards, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen and Dinmgroom Chairs, Extension Tables, Centre Tables, Kitchen Tables, Easels, Crokinole Boards, Carpet Sweepers, Couches, Lounges, Paper Racks, Music Racks, Hall Mirrors, Picture Frames, Pictures to be framed at shortest notice, Room Mouldings, Child's tea sets, Single Beds, Child's Cribs, Baby Carriages, Go -Carts, Wagons Doll Carts, Curtain Polesand'I rimmings, and Step Ladders. %Ve do the leading Trade in Window Blind business. Every blind guar- anteed to work or will remove. Over six blinds hung free. V'e carry a stock of Sewing Machines. We have the New Williams. ur weeks trial and guaranteed for 15 years. -CTN3=)ERTIAKING 1Ve also carr a large stock of undertaking supplies. In 1 ime of need give ns a call. P McISAAC, Dashwood. HAY FORKS ANO SLINGS Get the old reliable Prov - en's Oshawa Track. Put up in first-class workman- ship, guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Leave Your Order at Charlton's Fair, Exeter. J. CHARLTON Legal. i1ICKSON t CARLUSO, BARRISTERS, SOLICi• Al ton, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. ,tailors for Molsons Bank, etc. Mousy to LOOS at lowest rates of interest. Otllces, Main street, Exeter. 1. 11. C,at.tso, B.A., I. 11. Ip,rss.n MONEY TO LOAN. 1 We have a large amount of private funds to loan On farm and .Maio properties at low rates of inter• eft. (MADMAN k STANBU'RT, Barristers. Solidton.Main st.. Reefer Ont Manitoba and Northwest Lands For Sale. The Saskatchewan Valley k Manitols Land Com• pony. I.tA.. Largest land Company on the Continent controlling entire Canadian Northern Railway Land °rant. Two M111Isu Acres- The create of the vi brat lan.ls of western .'pool. Putie. pun has- ing now aro given until 1st June to select their land. For terms, etc., applh to ERNF.!1T ELLIOT, Agent, Exeter EN `"anted in es Mfr in even local. e Ity throughout Camels' to a')verti.e our tarsi,. ta.:king up show cants on M t.corn.. ',ridge. amt all conspicuous places: serti.inR matter. '.won eilstripw,finq mall ad It ( ,I tnn or clary pia a rear or Ret.) s month and expenses 10 per day. Stead, employment to goal reliable .nen. We I out dour work foryou. No experience need• td. � rite for fill particular. gALr's 'mote/NAL fru. t•grdon. Ont. Canada 111.1RON COUNTY ('Ot•Nell.. The council tit the corpni'ttion of the County of Iluntn will meet in the eaunetl ehamher In the T of Austen. h. at ;t o'clock p.m ore T esisv. the ft ay of Jllne next. All ems -stmt., a,ien't the o o (nasty meeting. must h in the Clerk's hoods before the Ant . W 1..xv. t'krk. Iate•ilat Oaleri'h Hast !Ind. Rapt. Farm for Sale. sins Il,tndred-Acre *'arc. Lot A. Con. 7, t•.t.eio Ton,'.' q, seond iot south .1 Eiimville, the proper- ty of the un dersit aed. The ata -.e lea Aral+•lana .'. . t;eosed farm, well drained. with good large bn,-k house, hank tarn. ;etas feet, striving *hid and hog dtven, one re -re „f nn•hane: lnaertsof bush princi ally har.lr•r.t •or lerire• Jame Ile n. , .1 other ``4 or John He)tto articulars al�' to Erin,. in r, o. Farm for Sale The undersigned is offering for sale that valuable faun in the Township of t'sl..rne. being Lot ti, Con- cession 7, containing one hundred acres of Ar.t•class land, well fenced and drained There is on the prene ices a frame house, a good barn, shed. and other out- buildings; ten acres first-class hanlwood bush, an orchard, two good wells of water jnci other conven. ienees. Possession given in fall. For particulars apply to It. C. EVANS, 474 Adelaide street, 1,011,1611 S(•iEN'r1F1(' EYE SPECIALIST T. 1'. S311T11 .WILL BE AT THE COMMERCIAL NOUSE, EXETER -One day only --- FRIDAY, JUNE 2. ('all early and avail yourself e,f his valuable service, as this is a rare op- portunity to have your eyes properly tested free of charge. No guess work, hart n scientific certainty. Difficult cases accurately fitted. ALL WORK O t'.\ ILA STEED. A full line of Artificial Eyes added to our stock. Kirkton The Annual Convention of th e Blanshat•el and Biddnlph Sabbath School Convention which was held in the Methodist Church, here last Fri• day was a success in every respect. The attendance was large and rcpre- seutative, 4hechurch being well-filled at both the afternoon and evening sessions. The addresses were of high order and such as should inspire. all who heard there to take a greater in- terest in Sunday 5chsi,I tturk. Din- ner and tea was served by the ladies of Kirkton in the basement of the church. The delegates and visitors from n distance expressed themselves as being well pleased with Kit kton's hospitality. Grand Mi. Emery ('art iere spent Sunday at his home here. -Mr. Huston, of Exe• spent Monday te r ut .1 ndn%• here.- \ .1t I o - t t% en- 41ee:utd ftonilt, of London, arrived here Monday, whore they will camp t for A few weeks. - Mr. and MIs. Jos. Senior, of Exeter, spent :4th here. - Mr. 1Vni. Balk will, of Exeter. arrived here Monday with his MCI) tow•tplk for Mr. Leyett.--The ka1nk 11'ltlton ('Inb, of Exeter, spent Saturday night in our burgh. - -Mrs. ('srriot spent Wrelnes- day in Parkhill, -John Rnniford, of Exeter, spent Saturday here. —Mrs. 11. Smith. who hits liven on the sick list, is. we are pleased to learn, recovering. Mr. %Vat wick is busy 1hese elaeys with his tug hauling stone from Stoney Point.- The smiles of David 'Nilson 'an i.e accounted for --its to girl. --The fishermen are halting some good catch• es. - The wstc•h which has been in Mr. Mol1ntd's store eine,. February WAS wee by Sir. Robert Pollock last Wed- neselaIy. Lawrence Bemuse. of St. Joseph, spent Friday here. Anglican Sunday School Convention. Notwithstanding the steady down- fall of rain last Monday thele was a good attendance at the Sunday School Convention held in the'I'riyitt Memor- ial School hall. Delegates were pre- sent from G"det•ich, Settforth, Clinton, %Vingh.iw, Blyth, lielgrave, Holules- ville, Hayfield and Henssll. in the morning them' was a celebration of the' Holy ('uruurunion. Tbis service was followed by a short session it which reports were read from the different Sunday Schools in the County of Huron. In the afternoon the Rev. H. A. Thomas of Lucan gave a very instructive paper on "Some Hints to Teachers." The Many excellencies of this paper were discussed hy sever - til of the delegates. The Rev. Dr. Tucker, General Sectettu•y of the Mis- siouttry Society, then spoke at some length on the subject Of "Missions in the Sunday School." Dr. Tucker showed how that the Missionary Society was not anythingoutside the church but that the issionary Society was the church herself in mis- sionary action. Therefore to aim a blow at the church and to give a lift to the Missionary Society was to give it lift to the church. The fundamental principles of the Missionary Society are that, it is the first duty of the Church of Christ to evangelize the world and that all members of the Church of England in Canada are members of the Missionary Society of the Canadian Church. After giv- ing a vivid description of the needs and opportunities in Western Canada, he mode a strong and soul stirring appeal to clergymen, teachers and parents to teach the children not only to offer their gifts of self-denial for the rnisnionary cause but also to gine themselves for the work. Those who were present will long remember Dr. Tucker's impressive words and many testified that they would return to their homes resolved to make greater efforts both by word and exatnple to teach the young that the highest work is work for God. The Rev. Rural lle'an Lowe acted as cheirn►an through- out the day and the Venerable Arch- deacon Richardson gave valuable as- sistance by Caking an active part in the discussion of the different subjects. \Vingham was selected as the next place of tweeting and officers were elected for the ensuing year. There was a large attendance at the evening service. The sermon. which was preached by Rey. Dr. Tricker, was a masterly exposition of the Scriptural authority of missionary work and the responsibility of the present day call to the Canadian Church. Dashwood Mrs. Messner, of Buffalo, and her brother, Mr. Jacob F inkbeiner, of the Goshen Line, were visitors at Mr. C. Finkbeinet's on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Sines, of Crediton, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Brokenshire:on Sun- day. --Mr. Will Callfas, of Zurich, spent Sunday with his brother. Harry, herr.-Several of the local sports have been busy during the past week fitting up t► speeding track. We may expect some fast driving here before long. -- Last Sunday was Rally Day in the Evangelical Church of Canada. The minister preached appropriate sermons morning and evening. -Mr. Andrew Birk, of Seattle, Wash., is here visit- ing his father, who is very ill. It is seventeen years since Mr. Birk left these parts and he sees many changes in that time. -Jur. Silas Adams is con- fined to his home through sickness. We hope he may soon recover. -Sev- eral ft o1u here took in the sports at London on the 12th. -'rhe Misses Eng- land are having their house re -sided. -Mrs. Wilson has left town and gone to reside at Grand iie'nd.--J1r. Allen is now janitor of the Public School here. -Messrs. Henry Bender and Jos. Snell are having their houses painted. -Mr. George Snider left on Tuesday week to resume iris work at the den- tistry. %1'e hope George may he suc- cessful.-31rs. Richard Baker present- ed her husband with .t baby girl nn Saturday. Berth mother and child are doing well. Congratulations. licllsall CKLERKATION-Victoria Daly was fit- tingly celebrated here. The tiny was an .deal one and as a result a large crowd wain.' ed to witness the sports. Messrs. 1Vn►. B:awden Fred. McDonell and t'. smallaeoinhe tnsnaged the whole •+flair• and everything ip:assed off without it hitch of any kind. In the afternoon the crowd. wended their way to McEwen's park and witnessed the following events which were keen- ly contested and although the ma tell - es did not eq1ual the fast playing of the Beavers of Huron and its (1154 tiro,. w'as not made in the' laces as at the Wood- bine, yet we venture to say they were almost as interesting. The lactosee match l'e•tween 8 jr+niut• Seaf.it th tears and a H e s:1I team resulted in a vic- tory for Sen to/ th by 4 to 1. The foot- ball match Between Hensall and Bruce - field ended in a tie, and the baseball match het ween Henssll and Crediton aals won by the letter, score R to 1. in the horde races the half mile din- ning dash was keenly contested be- tween SIr. Patterson's grey mire and S. Stelck's bay horse and resulted in a victory for Ow forlllel'S 1114(1e ill 1w•n straight heats, with the hazy horse a ggoal second and A. Dow's third. The farmer's tiot created the g eatest in- terest of the day nl thointhlei e were but two contestants. The. we1e won by Mr. Elliott Ist, D. Clgill io t 2nrl. Best single turnout was won by .1. Cut tin lst. A. Bell 2m1, G. Joynt and. W. Buchanan and W. ('aldwell were the winners in the .pest doable torn out. The conesi t in the et ening was well patronized and wars ranch enjoy- ed by all present. Brucefleld Rev, E. Sawers left last week for a vacation. -Miss Carrie Ross has gone to Seaforth where she has accepted t► position in M,'Ftlul's store. -Miss. Ross, of Sea Girt h, is visiting her broil et. James. -Chas. 51ustard has gone t Algoma, where he bas tt Mission sit thin for tlie' sumiiter.-Mrs. Neil Ye butes., of Toronto, spent it few day during the week at the hone of he father, 51r. McT)ouuld. 11r. Jame McGee, of Hayfield, who recently- put chased a f,u ui tat here intends riot ing to it shortly.- 51rs. A. Ross left th other' day for Depot Harbot•,whet•e sb will 'pig bet husband. --Miss 31inna Reed has returned from Tor -onto. - Chas. Mason and family intend leaving shot tly for the %Vest. free way Mr. and Mrs. 3. McWilliains and lit- tle daughter. of Ailsa Craig. spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. W. J. Wilson and other old friends in the village. -Weare sorry' to report the illness of Mrs. Ridley and Mrs. John Hayter. We hope for their speedy re- over • .1rF.. •'+ Parkhill, c 1�ckt►s of a i }.I r kh !1, is visiting at the home of her sun, R. J. Aitkins.—The members of Class Ni. 3, of the Boston Methodist church Sab- bath School surprised their teacher, Miss Alice Wilson, on Saturday evt'n- in� and presented her with a lovely china fruit service; accompanied by an address. --Messrs. C. It, Wilson, of Greenway, %Vru. Oliver and George Down, of Grand Bend. are County Constables for the western part of Stephen. Any complaint about tramps handed to them will lie looked after. Saitltsl)uvy !lour Ae••r. --taring the day or night of May 24th while Mr. and Mrs. Davis were away their residence ttaes enter• F.- ed by Crawling through the window 1. ' and when admission had been gained o the destruction of plants followed. 1• Not being contented with taking set- I- en planta shtl pots. slips were taken off s the reittainiug one.. tt Oh such calk- as r to nearly, if not, ruin them, '1'I►e mis- s creants.also carried away a beautiful water set, which ryas preseute'ti to Mts. - Davis by her Smithy school class, a e .rift which she prized very Much. Tbis e is hot. the Hist time that Mt. Davis' residence has been visited, hot by this stall he thinks he bas had plenty and unless the property taken is returned he will follow up the clue and there will be serious trouble. Luca,' Allen Kitt, who is attending College at Toronto is home on a visit.- Wm. Tier, M.A., of the Manitoba College. Winnipeg, is on a visit to old friends bete. -Alex. McFalls, the genial host of the Central Hotel, has recovered from bis recent illness.—Messrs. G. W. Hodgins and Fred McLean have given their houses a fresh coat of paint. - Mrs. (Rev.) Ayear•st bas as her guest Mrs. %V. S. Duggan, of Oil Springs. - Dr. Banning is expected honte this week from Chicago, where he has been at tending the Post Graduate School. - Mrs. Robinson has had et new veranda ereeted tat her residence.- Workmen are busy at the Stanley block. -Mrs. A. Mc('Insky, of Toronto is visiting relative; here. -Miss Lina E. Abbott. who has been attending the 1sindoi Conservatory, has lwen successful in oBtlining a certificate for passing the first year examination prescribed by the school. --Another of our well- known residents has been called away to join the silent majority. 't%e refer to the death of Margaret Daegg, who died on Friday at the age of 57 years. The funeral look place on Sunday. the remains being taken to the Holy Trin- ity church, where service w48 held: thence to 5t. John's cemetery, Landon Tie, for interment. Crediton Council meeting was held in the Town Hall last Saturday. Gravel con- tracts were let. -Orn• boys went to Henssll on the 2lth and succeeded in defeating the Hensel' boys at a game of baseball by a score of 8 to 1. -Mrs. Michael Beaver received word the past week of her daughter, Ada s, illness in 1Velland, and left for that place at once. We are pleased to learn that she is on the road to recovery.- Miss Simpson, of Seaforth, is visiting her friend, Sliss Stisie Saniter, this week, —Mr. B. Brown is erecting a brick work shop to the rear of his ixnot and shoe store. -Albeit Morlock has con- structed a cement cistern in the cellar of Mr. Holtzrnnn's new block. --Stun. Blown intends moving into his old quarters this week. Ile will find thein touch •ecoryenient than they for- merly were, -Chas. Holtzman is wear- ing a smiles --a girl. -F. \V. Farncou►be, C. E., of London, was in the village Tuesday on business. --Rev, Jim, Hen- derson is attending the Conference of the Jlethcalist church at Listowel this week. Sir. Wm. Lewis. the delegate from this circuit, left on Tuesday. - Chas. Brown, our township treasurer, is ill. His many friends hope he will soon be as well as ever, -Mr. and Mrs. Jetties Clark left on Monday to visit friends in %Viarton. -Mr. C. %V. Giln►om•,of the Sovereign Bank, spent 24th in ToronIn.--S11r. Jaeoh Ilaist has returned home from Hamilton, where he visited friends. Stephen Connell The Council of t he Township of Step- hen convened in the Town Hall, Cred- iton, on Saturday. May 2741), at 2 p. on. MI present. Minutes of previous meeting read and ,ulnptetl. (travel contracts to the annum. of $720.2.1 %vett' let. Anderson--Finkbeiner- that the resignation of Joseph Guinant as Drainage Viewer. la' accepted and that John Brown. of the 21st Con., be Appointed 111 his place and that a 13y - Lew be passed to that effect.-Cat•ritd. Yearly--Webb--that By -Law No. 7 of 11MIo, to Appoint John Brown as Drain• lige Viewer, Is'ing read the thud time be ``passed. and signed by the Reeve and Cie' k.- ('iii lied. The following orders were granted: --Joseph Guinan, school census And ('Dort of Revision, *244 R, heaver. liox on con. 10, $2; Dr. If. 1st and other. re Mitchell, insane in i eat $2'2 10: 11. Wilk, 1. tile, :if k•.; II I ismer. lumber. fi:3:3.17; 1V. Taylor, rep. toad, :dk.; N. Baker, rep. culverts. $3; 1). Grigg. de. $.'.75; J. Sims, do., $3.30; T. Elston, lumber, $3.25; G. Ma- son, rep. htidge, $2.25: S. Motrison,do., *3: N. 51'•Giegor. tin., $2: G. Fahner, rep. C. 11., $1: .1. O. %Vein, rep. KKR - $7: Mts.%Vnllaice, charity, (medical et- tendxnee.) $Zi. A Court of Revision to revise the Assessment Roll of the Township, was held at 10 n. til. Sever - n1 minor appeals trete dealt with. Council adjourned In meet again in the Town 11a11. Crediton, on Monday July 3r(1, at 1 p.m. IL Either, Township clerk. Chiselin est A number from these ruts intend taking in the races art Seaforth on June 1st and 2nd. --31..Alexander had a val- uable two-year-old colt badly cut in the wire fence the other day. -Victor - da 1)a} passed off yet} quietly fly iw our burgh, the majority of the people tak- ing in the sports at Hensafl.-Angus ,McKaig, our genial blacksmith, had one of his Lingers taken off while shoe- ing a horse. The animal put the toe cork of its shoe on his finger. -Mr. Newell, who has been confined to the house for about it year, is able to be out again. His many friends were glad to see hien.-Mrs. Shilfiugk+w has returned from Toronto, where she has been visiting her son. -Seeding has been completed in this section. Ftr•ni- ersa re busy working their root ground. The most of the inangolds have been sown but owing In the cold weather there is very little growth. There is a promise of an abundant fruit crop if Jack Frost keeps away. Kipper 1VXDDIN0.--Vlctoria Day was fit- tingly celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Hay, when an event took place that will long he remem- bered by the two young people con- cerned. %Ve refer to the wedding which on that day trade Mr. Robert Thomson and Miss Agnes Ann Hay Hurn and wife. At six o'clock the company gathered in the realm where the ceremony took place and which was .performed by the Rev. 311-. Sow- ers. This taring over congratulations were then extended to the happy cou- ple after which all enjoyed a sumptu- ous wedding tett. The remainder of the evening was very pleasantly spent in rrrnSic and chat. The bride is one of our most popular young ladies and is highly respected by her many friends as was evinced by the magnificent ar- ray of gifts which she received. The groom i5 :t prosperous young farmer near here and is highly spoken off. We join with the friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Thomson a pleasant and prosperous sail over the matrimonial Sen. Mt, Carmel. Mrs. O'Rorke, of Grand Forks, Da- kota, is visiting friends in this vicin- ity. -Farmers report, that the fall wheat is looking the best for some time on good land. On the poorer land, however, the crop outlook is not above the average. -Anthony Patton has left for Toronto where he will study medicine. -Peter O'Hara has purchased a half interest in the hotel at West McGillivray. -Jake Hogan is recovering from his recent illness. - Rev. Father Foster has disposed of his horse. --James Quarry has accepted a position with Simon Deitrich to bar tend for the summer.--- it is rumored that Donald Stuart will put his trot- ting horse, "Little Dan," on the track this year. -The trustees of the school here met the architects, Messrs Moore and Henry of London, the other day and arrangements were matte tot• the completion of the new school, which, owing to a difference with the arc'hi- tect, was left shortly before it wits fin- ished last fall. All differences have been settled, Neil .McPhee, of Parkhill, has the contract for the completion of the work. The material is now on the ground, and before long Mt. Carmel will be able to boast of one of the finest schools in the district. The total cost will be in the Leighborhood of $5004. it !peaks weft for the enterprise of the ratepayers in this section that sueh a fine Buildiug should be erected. 1% i11Ciieit ('a Mr. and Mus %\'esley Heywoexl, ac- companied by Mr 11. Brown, drove to St at limy 011 Saturday to visit Fenton 13►•ottn, who is head butter maker for the Strathtoy Dairy Association. - Our cream gatherers are at present bringing in a nice lot of cream and there is now nothing but success to crown Mr. Medd's best efforts.- Our leachers. Mr. McDougall and Miss Howard, attended the teachers' Con- vention at Clinton on Thursday and Friday. -Miss Blanche Rooke is spend- ing a few days at her home. -Frank Durdle left recentl • for Strathroy. where he has secured a lucrative posi- tion with the Stratbroy Dairy Associ- tion.- -Will Turnbull, who has for some time been suffering from stomach trouble, is, we are pleased to say. on a fair way to recovery. Quite it number of farmers in this vicinity have had sheep worried by dogs during the last week. Aw►uog those who lost were: Quinton Berryhill, Herman Kyle, Frank Cornish and Abner Fuller. The hitter was the heaviest Inset., having lost eleven in all. These keeping doge should see that they are properly con- fined for the night and thus save them- selves expenses. Up to toe• present one dog only has been identified. Clandehoye, Mt'. William O'Neil, formerly of this place, hut of Late years of Pick- ford, Micie,, was killed thereon Thurs- day by tt well caving in. His remains arrived at Lucan ou Sunday on the noon pain and were taken to his brother's home on the second conces- sion of McGillivray where the large- ly attended funeral took place at 5 in the afternoon to St. James' Church, Clandeboye. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr, Thomas, of falcate Mrs. Charles Harrison, of Pickford, sister of deceased, who was corning house with the Is.dy, was left at North Bay. and arrived here Mon- day at 12:50. She had wired to hold the funeral, but the message came too late. The late Mr. O'Neil was well known in this section. f118 relatives have the sympathy of the community, -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hudgins, of Kingsville, are visiting friends here. - Mrs. Windsor, of Bay City, is staying here with her brother, Mr. Gibson, 'who is very ill.-- Mr. and Miss Carlin g. of Staffs, called on relatives in the village and vicinity on Saturday. - Mrs. Nichols, of Myth, spent a few days with friends here. -Mr. Harlton, of Crediton, spent Sunday with bis brother et this place. -Mrs. George Simpson, who tor the past three months has been visiting friends in Michigan, has returned to her home in this plies. -Mr. Chown and Mr. D. Collins spent Sunday at Birr'.-Mr.and Donhely spent Sunday at the home of MoS08Sitnpsotl,-Ed. Mara spent Mon- day at Guelph. -Miss Bella Cunning- ham, of London, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Eli Hodgins,-Jfiss L Simpson has been engaged as organist at St. James Church, commencing her dit- ties on Sunday Inst, -Mrs. H. Wind- sor visited her sisters, the Misses Friers in Loudon during the week.— Mrs. Grant, of Windsor, is visiting her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Settles. amiss ISAAC -In Lucan, on May 27th, to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Isaac, a daughter. STEWAII -At Farquhar, on May 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stewart, a daughter. HOLTZMAN--in Crediton, 011 May 24), to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holtzman, a . daughter. BAKER --in Dashwood, on May 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Rich. 13aket•, a daugh- ter. MARRIAOIIS. 'rliOMSON-iBAY-At the residence of the bride's parent, on May 24th, by Rev. Mr. Sawyer, Robt. Thomson, to Miss Avnes Ann, daughter of 31r. Duhcan Hay, all of Kipper. TAYIOIt-STANLAKK -At the Kippen circuit parsonage, on May 2lth, by Rev. Mr. Shaw, Mr. %Vile Taylor, to Miss Eleanor, eldest daughter of Mr, John St tilake, 2nd con. of Stephen. DEATHS Ssa.t..uw- in McGillivray. Con. 1, sin Slay 24, Mts. Mary Sellars, in her iKith year. limit; In Lui,111.• n May:., Sfargauet Dagg. in b.•r 57th year. SAMSON BRAND PORTLAND CEMENT WILL HAVE AN- OTHER CAR -IN- FRIDAY Unequalled For Walls, Silos, Floors Walks, Etc. Tinsmithing, Furnace Work, Plumb- ing, Etc., at Lowest Prices. Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store.