HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-05-25, Page 8$16
Or somewhere mound there, is
favorite point for
Summer Suit Prices.
It's a sensible price to pay, too.
That couch money spent here buys
suits that are really good enough
for anybody to wear anywhere.
We have dozens of choices for
around $16 or $18.
. Ii are correct fabrics.
Will you call some day?
Merchant Tailor.
ksiness Locals -- Read Them
Blank notes and receipt forms now
seedy at the Advocate office.
Byes tested, glasses supplied. satis-
faction guaranteed. Howey'S Drug
We have still a quantity of potatoes
lrrsalient the office Main Street.
A. Q. BOtnun.
See all the good things at Chat•Ilnn's
Pair, suitable for wedding presents.
? bey are the best.
For 60 cents, paid in advance, you
teryour friend will receive THE Anvo-
CaTE until the end of 1905.
Use Bordeaux mixture for spraying
knit and ornarueetal trees. 15 and
Bk. cans. Howey'sdrug store.
Cored Patens for sale ranging from
35 cents to $2.(E at %V. J. Statham's
Bakery and Confectionery, Exeter.
The Anvoc'.A•re is the proper place
Insecure your printed wedding invi-
tations -in the very newest styles of
paper, type and workmanship,
We highly value our replant ion for
straight forward dealing. It is a
grantee to our custonners. Star
Aber is no fad. HARVEY BHofi.
All the difTerent preparations includ-
ing Bordeaux mixture for spraying
emit trees, currant and Rose hushes,
With full directions for using. Sold by
• Lutz. Central Drug Store, Exeter.
Dr. Butler, London, will be at the
Central Hotel, Thursday, June 1st,
WI day. for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
ssasultations. Eyes tested and glasses
Mat Well Meeting.
Tothe shareholders of the Exeter
Balt Works Co., please take notice
IOW the Annual Meeting of the above
Cempiny will be held Monday, June
12.. at 3 o'clock p. in., Town Hall.
T. B. Carte.l:o, Sec'y.-Treas.
Mash! Pleats?! Plaits!!!
Iteadquanters for all kinds of Tom-
ato, Cabbage, ('anliflower, Stocks,
Asters, Verbena, Petuna, Daisy,
Battey, Geranium, Foliage and all
)rinds of Bedding Plants. ('all and
memo- stock bef"re purchasing else-
where and leve ve your orders early. -
LOC1d DAY, Market Gardener, Exeter.
krsrers' Association Meet's*
The annual Farmer's Association
meeting will he held at Blackball's
H otel, Henson, nn 'Tuesday, Nifty 30th,
at one o'clock p. tn., for the election
es( officers and discussion of other ire-
rertant matters of business. The
Directors are requested to meet at 10
o'clock of the sante day.
11. I3. McLeas, President
Ireaaios Play Returns.
The Passion Pray. which was exhib-
ited in the Opera Bouse here on Thurs-
day evening hest, will 'wagon) exhibit-
ed by special request on M law even-
ing. ".fay ?nth. Besides the Biblical
P ictures. the Cot ()nation of King Ed-
wantandthe Mirror of Ireland will
e presented. Ask those who attend-
ed the Passion They last week if it is
not worth the price, which is only 25
wants for adults and 15 cents for child -
Goods !
Spring Goods
In Tweeds and Worsteds
Hanging in Price from
$14.00 to $20.00
Call and Examine Them.
WOW Tailor, Euler, ONO
Loran trimmed St. Thomas at base -
hall in Lucau on Victoria Day, tn•u
games. `core : 12 - in the morning
and 3--2 in the afternoon.
Mrs. John Cookson, of Stephen, on
Monday purchased the dwelling and
land owned by Mr. Wm. Treble, Ex-
eter North, being part of Lot 7:3. The
price paid was $410.
The Fainters excursion to the Ex-
perimental Farm, at Guelph, under
the auspices of the three Farmers In-
stitutes of Huron, has been arranged
for Tuesday. Jude 211th.
Quite a number from here attended
the entertainment under the auspices
of the choir of the Thames )Road
Presbyterian Church on Friday even-
ing and report a highly appreciated
Mr. Chars. Perkins suffered another
stroke of prtralysison Friday night and
as as result is now confined to his bed.
His condition, however. is not consid-
ered serious, although the stroke was
rath••r• severe.
A new serial story, entitled "The
Heir of Santleigh, or The Steward's
Soo commenced in our last issue.
This is an excellently written tale and
will prove interesting from start to
finish. head it.
Wm. Snell, an old than of 73 years of
age, died at Victoria Hospital, London.
on Thursday, the victim of an assault
which bad taken place some days
previously. Deceased was a brother
to Mr. Jas. Snell, Main street, Exeter.
Mr. Thos. Shipley, of Clinton, has
purchased from John Bartner, the
a -year-old Clyde Stallion, "Wavet•ly,"
He was one of the horses iniported re-
cently by Thos. Berry, and is a partic-
ularly tine specimen of a Clyde.
It will be pleasing news to many to
hear that Rev. and Mrs. Godwin, who
have been stricken with severe illness
fur several days, the former with pneu-
monia and the latter with pleurisy,
are on a fair way to recovery, although
both are yet quite ill.
S. Wilson. General Agent and In-
spector for the Western Real Estate
Exchange Co., of London, will be in
town and surrounding country all
week for the purpose of appointing
and instructing local agents, also list-
ing and selling property in Huron
County. See "Ad."in this paper.
The Masonic Excurion to Goderich
on July 6th is now an assured thing,
the committee in charge hawing re-
ceived word from the Grand Trunk
confirming the date. The rate, how-
ever, will not he 65 and 35 cents as
stated last week, the Company having
in mistake, given us the Kippen rate.
The fare will be 80 and 40 cents.
The Blanshard, Biddulph and vicin-
ity Sabbath School Association holds
its annual convention next Friday in
the Methodist church, Kirkton. A
varied and interesting program has
been sent out. The hst of speakers,
besides the ministers of the district,
includes the Rev. it. Whiting. B. A.,
of Toronto, Rev. 1)r. Daniels of Lon-
don, and Rev. R. J. M. Perkins, of Ex-
A very beautiful vestry organ has
been purchased and placed in the
School Hall of the Trivitt Memorial
church. The instrument is in a quar-
tered oak case and presents n hand-
some appearance. The organ, which
is made by the Dominion Company.
Bown,anville,lsossesses a very full and
rich tone and those who have tested it
express themselves as being highly
pleased with it.
Mr. Robt. Miller, of Wroxeter; War-
den of the County of Huron, was in
tower \londav for the purpose of in-
specting a bridge in the neighborhood
now in course of erection, and over
which some difficulty has arisen. Ile
was the guest of Counts. Councillor
Spackman and the two drove to the
scene of the work. Tuesday morning
they left for Sarnia in connection with
the same contract.
Little Willie. son of Mr. Charles
Disney, H1)ron Street, met with as ain•
fol accident 00 Monday last. While
at school during dinner hour he was
climbing in the shed and in some
roomier fell froth one of the herons,
with the result that a small hone in
his left arm was broken near the wrist.
The little fellow is now carrying the
arm in a sling and it will lie souse
time before he has use of the injured
Wm. Sweet, V. S., met with a very
painful ()evident on Sunday evening
lust. He had just art ived home frons
a shirt trip on his wheel and as he
was shout to go over the crossing
near 1119 home he lost control of the
wheel and taking a healer fell head
first on the hard road, sustaining a
badly }woken nose, 4)1)11 split lip and he
was otherwise shaken up. It required
several stitches to close the wound.
Mr. Root. ificks received word here
last week of the death of Dr. I1. W.
Westlake, of Los. Angles, ('al., a for-
mer resident of Exeter. A Los Angles
paper, repotting his demise says: -Dr.
11. W. 1\ estlake, for seventeen years
a practicing physician in i.ns Angeles,
died yesterday at the Gond Samaritan
Hospital. titter an operation perform-
ed on hint for abscess of the lungs.
He had been ill five weeks, hitt during
that period he was able, orcasionigly,
to he up around at his home. Wed-
nesday it became obvious 1 hat an oper-
ation was necessary, and he went to
the hospital. The operation wait per.
formed. The patient did not rally
from the shock, and, conscious to the
end, passed away. Henrieiis Wallace
Westlake was horn in Canada forty-
eight years ago. Ile was a graduate
of the McGill tnedieal college, the
lke•onto medical college, and had pur-
sued his studies in the great hospitals
of Edinburgh, Vienna and other Euro-
peen cities. He was married sixteen
years ago to Miss Jennie Farquhar,
who survives hint. There are no child-
ren. During his career in i.os Angeles
Dr. 1Vestlake has been interested in
several important enterprises and
nchiewrd eureeme in those lines as well
a9 in hi. profession. He was Pie/4-
dent of the California ('orsice Citron
company, the Westlake Itemmell Oil
company and had e•xter►slve opining
11.ie)ests in :1r17"nn and teal estate
in the Westlake section of this city.
in a quiet way i)r. Westlake has done
much ,meal in Los Angeles, where
roan) persons will remember him
longs ae n philanlllrnpist And a thus,
ing h1y good roan,
,fr. Elizier Williams, Siulcoe street,
is at present quite ill and confined to
his home.
The Borud of the First \lethodist
church in London, of which Dr. Han-
non was superintendent about thirty•
t wo years lige, has given hila i► cordial
invitation to take ch;ref .,f its Wein
mond street and Kensington Mission
churches for the ensuing year. The
Doctor has always enjoyed the con-
fidence of the church boards and of
his congregations, and this return call
proves the case.
Victoria Day was spent very quiet-
ly in town. The fire crackers and
rockets gave the children some e'ttjoy-
ment. Quoits and bowling interested
some of the elders, while many ad-
journed to the (hanks of the river seek-
ing for the finny tribe. Several spent
the day in neighboring towns celebrat-
ing. Gardening was r► common em-
ployment. Others fust had a lazy
time, sitting around doing as little as
Victoria Day 'Visitors.
Amongstthose visiting its Exeter
during the holidays were: Allen Myers,
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Inwood, Mrs. John
Bissett and son ira, Arthur\Vood, Mr.
Richard Bissett, Miss Minnie Pen1-
p!hrey, Mr. 11. J. Glanville, Mr. Mark
Mitchell, Mr. James ('larke, the Misses
Andersen, and Miss Edna Davidson, of
London; Mr. E. J. Pugh, of Stratford;
Mr. Webb, of St. John; the Misses
Ftintofi, of Clinton; John Newcombe,
of Stratford; Aldewin Evans, Mrs. R.
Barnes, of London.
Anglican Sunday School Conveutiou.
A large nuulber of delegates are ex-
pected in Exeter next Monday to at-
tend the Anglican church Sunday
School Convention for the County of
Huron. The meetings will be held its
the School Hall of the Trivitt Memor-
ial church. In the evening a service
will be held in the church in which a
number of the clergy will take part.
The serrnon will be preached by the
Rev. Dr. Tucker, Secretary of the Mis-
sionary Society of Canadian Church.
His service will begin 7:31) and a cordi-
al invitation is extended to all to at-
Hicks' Forecasts tor May.
The closing storm period for May is
central on the 29th, extending from the
27th to the 31st. The storm diagram
shows that this period lies within the
Mercury disturbance, which is central
on June 3rd. The Moon is on the ce-
lestial equator on the 28th, and in Apo-
gee on the 29th. These combined facts
point to general and possibly severe
disturbances, progressively over the
country from west to east, during the
last flee days of May. The most not-
able storms of this period will centre
on and touching the 28th and 24th.
Highly electrical storms at this season
almost invariably result from the pas-
sage of the Moon ovet the celestial
equator, and atmospheric unrest and
squalls are especially common and se-
vere when the Moon's apogee and pas -
age over the celestial equator are co-
Mosley -Reed.
"A pretty wedding took place at
Lcnndon. at four o'clock Tuesday after-
noon at the residence of Mr. J. Pat -k-
inglet, 4211) fall Mall street, when Mrs.
Parkinson's sister, Miss Carrie Reed,
became the bride of Conductor A. G.
Manley, of the G. T. K. The ceremony
WAS performed by Rev. Dr. Daniel.
assisted hy the bride's cousin, Rev. J.
D. Hubby), of Flint. Mich., and it was
witnessed by only the immediate
friends of the contracting panties.
Relatives were present front Flint,
Yale, Wilkesport, Exeter, Toronto
and Ottawa. The ceremony took
place in the drawing roost trader a
beautiful etch of apple -blossoms, and
the wedding breakfast was afterwards
served on the lawn in a large marquee.
Mr. and Mrs. Manley left on the e •
ing train for it wedding trip
east, after which they will r
Oxford street." -London Adv
Miss Reed was a former res
S. S. asd C. E Convestios.
ReiIpresentatives from each of the
I'r•es{,yterian, Methodist and Baptist
Sunday Schools and Y. 1'. Societies
met in Knox church lecture room, God-
erich, on Monday evening, May 1.), to
inaugurate prepnr•ittinls far the conn•
ing conventions of the County Associ-
ations, which nue to be held in thel er•-
ich-that for Sunday Schools on Tues•
day, June 13, and the C. E. convention
on the following day. It is prhable
the morning and afternoon sossiunns of
each will be held in Victoria street
church, aril the evening meetings in
Knox church. Arrangements are in
progress for a union choir to lead the
singing. and the following were ap-
pointed canvassing cotnntittees for bil-
leting: Knox church, Misses Polley and
Strang; North street church. Misses
1Vashington and McLachlan; Victoria
street, Misses H4)1e and Elliott: Bain fel
1frs. Robertson and Miss Lewitt. The
local represevlle►tives are ambitious to
see these gatherings most sulceessftii,
and will spare no effort to cont1ihute
to that end.
Baud Organized.
For some time past n movement
has been on foot fur the organization
of a Band in town. It goes without
saying that n11 will he gratified end de-
lighted to know that the efforts of
those who undertook the matter have
been attended with siweeee. Oo Mon-
day evening a sleeting of those inter-
ested Was held and 88 a result a band
Was organized with the following 0M-
rers viz: Pres., J. Senior; Vice -fres . 1'.
W. \'Welsh; Leader. H. J. (illey; Man-
aging Committee. Gen. Eacre'tt and
Ed, Treble; Secy Treas., F:.('hris-
tie. With the 4)lxive excellent set of
officers there is no dente but what this
most worthy organization will flourish
and again RSson11. that high 1uu1 proud
position our hand enjnyrd in years
gone by. There is not a town in On.
tarin Hutt possesses be) ternlnsiral tn1•
ent for +land gmilifleatinns than Exe-
ter and that talent properly developed
will not only be a credit las a band hitt
to the whole town. The instruments
at their dispose), with but few excep-
tions. are in first-class order anal the
new Band will start out under most
favorable conditions wit brightest
prospects for its future welfare. 11'e
feel assured that the tneevet►lent will
have the endotentinn of all our e'iti7QnS
and that it will receive that aid and
financial backing both by the town
Council and citizens generally, Ihet is
so necessary to promote the welfare
of such A deserving end merited lost i•
tntion. The first practice will take
place Friday night.
) t1
dell 0
(Rt;.71���....Sadf'itic.oyEyhh 611!t,IT •
r Food
Mooney's Perfedion Cream
Sodas are crisp squares
of wholesome nourishment.
They are the food that
builds strength and muscle.
They are as easily digested
by the child and invalid
as by the sturdy workman.
They contain ALL the food
properties of finest Cana-
dian wheat flour, in a form
that delights the appetite.
Always fresh and crisp in
the moisture -proof packages.
At .11 grocers in 1 and
3 pond perfuses
One often hears young men com-
plaining that the town is rio good and
that there is nothing for a young man
to 4o in it. Our experience has been
that these are usually the ones who
refuse a job unless it is exactly suit-
able to their taste. Many of there
would rathet hang around town, or
hold a street corner up all day than
dor hour's work.
On May 24th, between Exeter and
Crediton, a pair of t•irnless eye glasses,
attached to a chain. Finder will be
suitably rewarded by leaving same at
Dr. 1 utzs' Drug store, Exeter.
The Passion Play -
The entertainment given in the
Opera House on Thursday evening
last and known as "The Passion Play"
partook of the naltnr•e of a cinarneto-
gRraph or moving pictures, and a
lecture on the scones presented. The
illustrations of the life, suffering and
death of Christ, of the Coronation of
King Edward, and of Scenes of Ire-
land, were much appreciated Ivy the
fair-sized audience. Several illustrat-
ed songs were rendereei. The Passion
Play will again be presented in Exeter
at the Opera House .Monday evening.
Mrs. Wm. Biseett spets,9te holiday
with triends in London.
License 1nsjpector Ballantyne, of
Seaforth, was in town Tuesday.
Mr. John Mcltityre spent the holi-
day in Seaforth among his old friends.
Miss Hanson, of Montreal, is the
guest of her aunt, t1i-s. Charles (alley.
Miss Helen G. Adarus, of Guelph, is
the guest of Mrs. W. H. Moncur this
Mr. At•thur Rollins, of tiepin, was
the guest of his brother, Dr. Rollins,
Mrs. I3. Biggins left Saturday even-
ing to visit- her son and daughter at
Nit's. Adolphus Evans, of London, is
the guest of her parents, Mu. and Mrs.
%V. 'feeble.
Mrs. A. Sheer, left Saturday for a
two week's visit with her son at
Mr. and Mrs. 1V ii. Batman spent
Sunday with Jur. and NIrs. John Shute
at Kirkton.
Mr. T. A. Martin, of Brockville. was
WWII over Sunday, a guest at the
Central Hotel.
Mr. Fred I'e'nhale left Wednesday
for ('liuton where he will remote his
work as mason.
'fhe Misses I(icktx•il awl Miss }less,
of 'buskinch, were guests of the Misses
Ilaatdy yesterday.
Mrs. (Dr.) McDowell, of Listowel,
spent a few days in town with her
neither, Mrs. 1Velsh.
Mrs. C. Wilson and %1'm. Wilson),
of 11'onlhan, were guests of MIs.
Sleeve! t,. Huron Street, Sunday.
Mrs. )'enhnle, who has been visiting
in Ie,nd(11) and St. Thomas, is visiting
friends in town prior to returning to
Miss Celia Ferguson, after spending
Saturday and Sunday with friends
here, it -tinned to her holm in London
Mr.,. .1. 11'. Green uay, who has been
spending the past two weeks, the
'guest of Miss Pearl Hotline, left for
her home in Ottawa, Momla)'. She
WAS accompanied as far Its Londc,n by
Miss Rollins, who spent the day there.
.1 elditionel Locals an page. 1
Clairvoyant -Psychic Medical
Examination Free,
By i)i(. E. F. 13f'TTERFiEi.1►, of
Syracuse, N.Y. Believing in clairvoy-
ance or not, there is run gainsaying the
fact that the doctor CAB explain the
source and cause of your disease either
omental er• physical and has rest et NI to
health and happiness many helpless
invalids all their lives. Send lock of
hair, name, age 81111 stamp to
Syracuse, N.Y.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The only safe effectual monthly
medicine en which women sae
depend. Lo)d to tett, dewret1l of
strength --No. I, for ordinary
eases, SI per bol : No.IO de'
grew siro•``er for tall
Nags, 01 per bor. Aoki err
dr ti s. Ask for l'ook's CM -
ton iitt000ntt Compontxt : take no
TOO C00% Medlcln• CO.. Windsor, Mimi°
If you want fancy seed we have
in Stock the very best from
J. A. Brune & Co.
The Pioneer House of Canada
Giant, Yellow, aild Intermediate
-- Mammoth, Long, and Red.
HAIL'S \VES'I'Itt-its
Also a fine line of Garden Seeds.
WIRES --Spring, Coil, Barb, Woven
CEMENT --A Carload of Portland.
YOUwant to spend your money
where it will do the most
good -Don't You?
Being a progressive person and a
shrewd buyer* you ate always looking for
the best bargains --Aren't You?
Therefore you would be willing to
deal with us if you knew we would give
you the hest for the least money -Would-
n't You?
Dome\Nell sometofu of our newe us furniturvee atto priyources
that will Convince You?
Here are Some of Them:
Sideboards in golden maple, double shaped top. 14x21 mirror, as low as $8.00
Bedroom Suite, 3 piece Golden or Mahogany, 36 in. dresser, 16x20 bevel
plate mirror $12.00
Patlor Suite, 5 pieces. upholstered in best velours $18.00
Couches, uph. in velours, 6 ft. 2 in. long, 23 in. wide, fringe all at•ound, $4.50
ROWE & ATKINSON, h 1=1.Iii FI:( rU1tS
Values Unequalled.
Still a Big Rush in House Furnishing Department
Handsome patterns in beautiful colorings of Greens, Crimsons, Two
Tones, and Terra ('otter gruuuds.
Our selection incindes the newest designs and colorings suitable for any
room, selling at 76c. per yard. They are equal to any $1.91 QUA Li f Y
ELSEWHERE. A glimpse will convince you.
We have made every effort, not only to give• the best values, but to se-
cure the very latest and most exclusive designs for this depat•tnien t.
We carry a large stock and you will have no trouble in making yo ur
Window Shades, Curtain Poles and fittings of all kinds, Tapestry Curtains,
Swiss Panels, Furniture Coverings, Table ('overs, Act M11811118,
('retons, etc.,
Pay us a visit.
Inspect our Stock In this Department.
lleedqulrters for the celebrated 1W, E. Sanford ready•to•wear clothing.
Now is the time to buy
Call and see our 55.00 Velour Couch, and
our 520.00 Parlor Suite,
Funeral Director Embalmer
(One Door South of Spackman's Store.)