HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-05-25, Page 6TIIE PROBLEM OF M.S t . 1":•••:"'4•1b+, 1":•••:•‘ 1 ?chairwith, ha•ndlf-ck,sed 0•urveyed the brothers 301. i Ivan burst out la+shing. "A joke. ail PO1EO1FS Droll'eE a j1t4'; ;+i. Androuski," ho cried; I "but your husinctit fonts out to bo �•� so grave that wo trust ?cilia with you no more. We aro so alike, wo ((.� [� two, that we make game of our Work L.4ove Gratitude, all(.] ti-�duCay ' = friends ,then they cannot distinguish 7 f 7 �� A "I u ,l: \' OI' RUSSIA. •• Ivan from Paul, and w e change tion 15 Prayer jnames sometimes to add to their a.: �•� ` •.; • •.; • a...o perplexity. That is Ivan. Congrat u - late neo, I urn Paul I'etretT, the A wild night and a wile quarter of lucky matt." "Pray without ceasing." --1. "rheas , while his heart may go out to God the town. The wind howl. al and His brother stepped forward. "Ile 5-17. in grata Ude for strength and °pour- shrieked through the unlovely streets lies, monsieur, out of his love for 1'u many it is an upon question tunny to labor. \1"ark is prayer, of Soho: the halt -frozen ruin beat me. 1 swear that 1 ant Paul Pet - possible to pray at all, and there- i education is prayer. The world needs :;;;,-„T„.,..-'tithe faces of the :2,,,,- ew '-'-')10 who "Remember herr,•' groaned Ivan. foto out of the question entirely tw, mor° mea and women who pray with who ware about. An Italian w•o- "Jf. Androuski, please listen to Inc. pray continually. Paul's in ut,cti,'m'their hands of helpfulness, their feat nate? ran away 110010, her h-ud bunt, 1 think only of Russia and of her rti�peas oven to those who l.li, •,c in that speed on errands 01 kinds:ss' her arms laden with her l:iotttnta's woes. 1 know that i can perform prayer applicable only to the awns their eyes that loos( out in good supper-uuuaruni uncia 1!nsk of wine. this deed and that my brother can - and the recluse. Even if it were cheer, their ears that listen in eyut- A policeman Oe.d suspiciously two not; that is why 1 lied 1u you. My possible to obey the command in the pathy. Frenc)i:uen who emerged unstetldilY nerve is stronger, my hand steadier ordinary sense it is doubtful whether Prayer is an attitude rather than Lha world would bo any better it life an act. 1L roust bo without ceasing• h•orn til'' Ill t10 res(ntrAnt. ncruss the than his. you have bad failures it in his eters, wailing to hint-"lle- were one perpetual prayer meeting. It is like love. not an act not a way; th--n he turned to watch a enou;li-- 4 ware! Beware!" Of what? Ile wee " 3'our amen and a girl hurry past. • 'J his fraternal love is really quite in the laud of dangers_ It is not strange that limey have series of acts, but a relitI is s ip• clef'?? in unu-English right enough touching." n,uranurud M. Androuski. , CLEVERNESS IN ANIMALS. swung away from the prettier of It is as much more than v..u,.s as b b Paul I etrofT, you are my prison- swung prayer when the older conee +- love is granter than its O. c !.,. For- were they, laughing about the piny folding his hands, "bol M. Paul Pet - Before thundered sunleone at his s1(1'. t` of its meaning is contest .• 1 tnul prayers are to pray, r itself as they had been to ser,; and the guar- ro!T has greatly changed since his Befor(' lie could whip out his revolter Dogs Are Serving nn Bu+h Sides with the modern conception of iiias t.h4u letters of a friend are to the lova dian of the peace thought of his own student days. Ile was the active half -u daze? soldiers seized him, in Present War. Once prayer meant the sealing of theof that. friend. Tho 101e goal ..11: hard In0. that cruel night, and groan- ono thon: so bold, so fiery in th thing t' to the floor, and bound The intelligence of the members ut eyes and the ears to the scenes and without ceasing; ihu prr1J. r, the :16-' eJ sligh1ls as he tramped on and great cause, that he made himself' a )tint hand and foot. the animal kingdomis advancingthe sounds of this life that toe pirat.ion, the lunging after the pros- left the narrow street deserted once name which st111 endures." "Not so rough, please, with my also. John A. ])rake, owner of a "Yes, yes," retorted .Ivan; "he is youne friend." It was M. Andr•ou- great racing stable and fntnoiI' for might gaze upon and hold eunim+:n- .rae of, the knuWlodge of, the love of again. TI church Block was striking too well known; how can he enter ski who spoke. "Lift hint up and his admiration of rho horse, awns set him on the seat. Now take the a precocious collie that can tell the • lir companion watched in atnazo-, "It is not right -it shall not be- ment and alarm. "Are you mad? Sit I will tell thea?. 11u! unlock the dawn. 1 said nothing. door?" "1t was any brother's voice 1 "flush! Would you give hint to heard," he sighed, as ho sunk back the hangman? Listen, Vera; no - into his seat.. thing can antra me. Even did you "Vour heather's voice? 1n Lon- test thei . 1 urn still guilty in the du"Wn'? (iovernrnent's eyes. Itut I am quit° arning me." content; nay, 1 am happy in that, "Warning you? Bah! imagine- you and he will marry and bo, tion' nonsense! your nerves aro un- happy.,• strung; it's the excitement -the' "Never-never happy." thought of the stupendous ulisshm "My little sister, the years will before you. My dear boy, trust in••, bring you happiness, though you you are safe. If they were going to may sometimes think of tae. The arrest you they would have dune so minutes fly. leetve St. Petersburg at 11'irballen; w•o are many a good to -night for London. (Ivo this let- vurst beyuud. Ah! lucky, a station ter to him; it Is quit° safe to carry wo stop litre. 1 will alight and get; -it is in cipher; it tells him all. Seo: you 600)0 feu; x ltlmsince 1 write to Ivan Petroff-it is he who you tested ltussinitin BUtea,e alindo it will; will nee and Taal who will die. Good - bit good for you."- ;bye; one kiss: good-bye. my dear one. And as hu steppod (runt the car -jell hien I kis-sod thee; he will not riage 110 looked round and smiled. I mind, for It was the kiss o( a bro- ths brother's voice! lie had not. ther who will never see then more." - been (becoming; he had heard it, felt! London Tit -Isla. ion with those of another world. It Cool w Russia?" meant, too, almost exclusively tl+e' COi? ON 1YI'I'JIOU'I` CEASING. eleven when a man strode up to a act of ardently petitioning heaven I "Ilea can you enter it, then? Aro for the things that one could not 1 racer is an atmosphere, a habit, large, old-fashioned house and, ere Jnu not so elihe? But there will be b a yecoud and higher nature. It is he knocked, looked cautiously round and often would not got for himself.' life that in itself is one Ion; un- to sec i( he had !wee followed. If.• little 1!itt!c Ili, i assure you. \\'o Mat lila today dare not shut it,, broken petition for his likeness nu. -t was a young man of twenty -lite +++ ,shall iray( l as father and son, he eyes; it counts it a sin 1.0 ignore Ih a his life. It will find expression in 80, tall, and of soldierly benrin.,. a:, • and I; a slight disguise• false p•tsa- world of need "and sin even for the words, but it will not be limited to ununistekable foreigner; 111:• deep ''o!• I"),ts, and -presto! etre are in 5t „ sake of the bliss of a world where, them. It is the child iftfu; •with •hitt !:u• of bus heavy coat was turn .l .:Ir• 1''-1••r,Itn•g." these things aro not. father; such a life will involve 1{„ 111 fur cap drawn low c!ocn, so that "I'aht" said Ivan: "we were but ']'hen, men ask, if prayer is no making of requests and the grautin;; little of his face, save his n.oyes, court! ►•++• : .then we look the oath to the more that a getting of goods from of there, but such thin_~ will be only. be seen. i ••iluecchip; we are urn now. My God without labor or compensation, fnci(ler:tel, nut essential, to its 00111- !•+.•+tiler's ardor hits cooled-" in what way dotes it differ from be. - The tempest raged so furiously that '1'u yon tell me he is a traitor?" ging? In what Way is the man nth., reunion. Living tvit.h such n tether he knocked tdu•lce before hi., u:.". u•e shall tell hien all our needs, do -It is lucky Jou are an old mat. says Bruns was heard and the dour upeu l it. is for our country's sake, f say, , now; I was an agent of the secret prise. sires. fears, but shall we hide from? 1►y a littlo old urea. ''My bs oU)er, teller. before." "HEAVEN OWES D11: A LIVING." him our joys, hopes, and aspire ,,, that. i offer myself in his place. 1T0 1 Cho dog is brecoming a Oauro in and better than t� one who says tions? We shall want hien to see our is he within, Dfurcc). ask' the nisi- "I wish my hands were tree," modern warfare. Thu Japanese and is n tuna of Ihu•t inti T of rection. tor, speaking in French. moaned the other. Russians are using the animals for '"rho world owes me a living"? The work, to rejoice with us in it. Prayer Ila believes not, now in using [arra; g product of such prayer is pauperize- will be reciprocal. "1'es -ye., of course," replicrl tho l du. Take me; you itavo the "Yet: tv )01. not harm an old mall messenger and scouting !arouses. tion. The logical end of that theory The prayer that is no more than old servant, shrugging his shoulders; power--" who has but done his duly? Resides Tho shepherd clogs brought from y Ila tapped the pocket in which Scotland erform the bast servic is savagery; all the inducements to petition for provision must be as 'M. Pail is in his nit:. warm studio. lint 1 have commenced to disguise tuns the revulvei • P has at - toll as well as all tho restraints of painful to trod as it would be to us' My faith, who would be out on such myself for the Journey," interrupted Already Lilo Lerman army fife would be gone; one might, ask who aro parents if our children a night? Enter, M. Ivan, and per- Paul. "the lot falls to nie and I will I'm not atfraid to die." lathed large number of the intcll+_• ser - for calamities on others us well as never addressed us save to beg for snit m e to shut, out this vile English olrc'y. hook at me, please." And "I know it. Listen to me. You gent animals to their ambulance they tee tor blessings on oneself. their meals and their clothes. On 1It climate. But lhoee brothers, lh.•y he (lung a pleial to the ;;round. were hemmed long ago; you have boon vire. The alertness which they ex- liut practically all the difficulties other hand, the life of prayer 1h:eL are co alike it is wonderful," he They cried ant when they looked watched you (you and your brother) over !Mbit in seeking out wounded men of prayer arise from the limitation found no expression in ?cords, that muttered, as he made fast the door; nt him, for on his right cheek was u mint° fled from I failed lurer in the high grass or millet fields said pthat explosion. Had I failed to lure to be worthy of the famous dogs of of its meaning to a petition. Thoy male no requests and looked for no "it is really most wonderful." dreadful scar -he had branded him - sal( with an acid. You back to Kussin, others would St. Bernard. cone from tho point of view that. tangible gifts, would be ns strange Alike? 'Tile I)rornios wero not, have lured you. The imperial auth- It the dogs are givingsuch valued thinks only of answers, ofgoods sent as if our children were dumb and we"What a pity!" said M. Androuski,b more alike that those twin bothers °cities never loco their meat; they aid to the Japanese, we can feel (s- in response to prayer orders. Thu were powerless to love them in deer) st81nding there, side by side, hetero shrugging his shoulders; "You have arealt to cat"chyou, Paul I'otrofl; the man who says 1 will work for uty as ?cell ns in feeling. Thu lite of spoilt your handsome face; sti11, I cured that they will receive recogni- b' the blaring lire. difficulty was that Ivan was so like tion, even if the Mikado has to de - bread instead of be • in • heaven for prayer is the realization of the per- shall note be able to distinguish M. r begging I "1t is late, but i could not tomo you -ah. you smile -and you were so tree another (lay of national thanks - it maybe still a man of prayer. His feet. relations of the All Prather withPaul, the lucky man. from M. Ivan.' devoted, you two, that no d ee to his (our -footed allies. work mit • be the noblest prayer, all his children. sooner. What news, l aul?". • • • • • • y 1 "A letter," n trick might he played us and wo giving "Not -(rout C: neva?" "Rcm•niber your oath, Marcel." Wright get hold of the wrong man. 1 • Jesus of Nazareth, the King c ; the Paul rrnni:cel as he ?tent access to The old servant shuddured. "No. But you are brave; you would not, TWENTY -POUND ATHLETE. HE SUNDAY SCHOOL •Jews -John, l:Rt ing heen not 0- it bureau, which he miler'. ed. 'Not• no. monsieur -M. I'nnl; speak not of permit your brother's sacrifice --ah! witness. probably records tae exact, that -Jet, It is the answer from til, (1)0 terrible oath you forced mo to you smile again; yes, you aro still Amazing Little Dwarf and Some of _ wording of the title, the kith •r evsn- 4 ,. take. 1 will do what. you 11ish." the lucky alar." His Prodigies. i'et erstwr INTERNATIONAL LESSON, gelists giving only the sul,st:u,c • The brothers' eyes met in a quick. "in hal( nn hour our visitor ii of "And to what lucky place aro you (comp. Matt, 27. :37; Mark Ili. 20' strange glance. last night is coming for enc: I mat f5 o- taking tau?" `+mama Sing Ifpoo, the smallest MAY 28. Luke n•t st;t- ins away, never to return. My friend, -To the fortress of SS. Peter and athlete in the world, amide his first "Front Vera?" nske(1 Ivan, tinning you will obey myinstructions. The 1'nul." appearance before. the Lotttlon public away good-bye bottle of vodka was too "And what think you tho sentence recently. Ito is twenty-Lwo years oif "Yes, from Vera. Ste, it is un- strong for my brother. and he will will be? The Illinese" ago, Iiia height is 34 inches, his opened; break the seal }-ourself, nn'1 sloop and sleep (with the aid of this "Nal so cruel as Lhnt, my boy: it chart n1Mlsureuu•nL 24 inches, and his 11arolic which 1 terve with you) till will h0 the death. 1t'ill you believe fighting weight 20 lbs. Friday; you understand? 'Then you ane? I admire you; 1 nm your friend. Sing 1Ipoo's accomplishments aro will wake him and give him this let- Is it not very strange? By this not confined to acrobatic tricks. Ile ter. Come, let's look nt him." They saintly relic winch 1 wear, I swear, is a nod linguist, for he speaks bent over the unconscious titan lying 1 speak Lho truth to you. 1 had a i English well, German fluently, and on tho couch. "My poor brother, 1 son once, nay Cyril, ny only son; he.I'rench slightly, not to mention his nnti%e Burmese. have conquered oiler all. It is all was executed. Sometimes in the sit-I for the best -all for love and for encu of the night 1 steep and wring lie provides nn aplralling example thee_ M;ireel, tell me, what seyou my hands for hint. i loved him-ith! of elle evils of iu1-•71 1. stn°' Ing, her on his face? Anything strange?" mono knows how dearly. 1 gloried s° he became addicted to the habit in "Nothing." in his handsome taco and form, in his native land al. the early age of "Look again -closer. Are you his sweetness and his love, in his Lhree. sure? No paint apparent on his rare abilities; but he ?armed traitor 1'erhnpe the moat nma?It1 Mina chis k? ' to his Czar and country, and it was about Sin'„ Ifpoo iv the f:►ct (lint •'•There is nothing on his face at 1-1, his int her, who denounced him.' his appetite is not nt til in pro - The old nun buried his face in his "It is good. Now look et tae." hands and sat shivering and silent. Portion to his size. Ile is nccu4- "Ah' I cannot hear to look at "Why do you tell mo of this?" ask- tamed to sit down with ordinary you: you have that horrible scar. ed the prisoner at length. morinl8, and ant, just as much as any Von are not alike now, you two. 'There was a rapt expression in the one eft rho table. "It. is very good; I have conquered! old man's face when he looked lip. For breakfast he likes three or it knock! Go, my friend; I amt "lkecause you are a little like him; four eggs. and as spick -neo -up he Is ready. Ah! \d. Androuski, the lucky because. my duty being done, I wish nccusto;:u•rl to swallow A couple of titan is nt your service. But softly, you to know that I run only human; dozen 03.51(1.5 at a sitting. ile eats pierce•; Ivan is asleep here; look n( thntl can pity and can love. 'fell a large quantity of ?neat, but is not hien. We have been up all ?tight and me, is there aught I can do for you? foul of potatoes or ether ve•gt•tnbles. he is quite warn out. poor fellow. 1 cannot snvu you: nano can. Hut Among his 1reasnrec( possessions is Let. us go; we have said good-bye, he y0tl may wish your friends to know rt gold bracelet '1ichtly huger Ihnn and 1." of your fate; you may wish to see a wedding rink, which he wears • • • • • • BonU•cnt•--„ around his little brown wrist. It was Thr train had crossed the frontier; ".\h! can I? Even in that dread given to him by tic -s Lois I'ullcr, fortrras?" whoa? he lint during ono.of his tours. the travellers were in Russia, that \(s; I have the power to let white land of red anarchy. \i. An- --♦ drouski gave a sigh of relief and lit' you ••'There is a girl; T should liko to FOR '1'11(: HOME NURSE. nnulher ciguretl.e. "\ly dear son." say 'g I -bye' to her." said 110, leaning forward and patting "i will bring her to you. who is his (emeranion playfully on the scar-, sties" red (11. -k, "how laughable it is! We "Swear that no harm shn11 tonne have hoodwinked those clever ollt- to her." cinls who guard the* approaches to ..nythis cross and by env Maker, the mighty empire. Our passports I swear it." are it order, they tell as. 1 In, 1'' • She is Vera Vetoed. of the Dmitri lin: lint you du nut Juin me 111 11e• 1'r•ospekt, But do not distress her, laugh?" 1 implore you. ']'ell her Paul Pet - "It is easier to get into Russia 1 „'T is arrested, but, it is nothing. than ant of it." do it triflic:. charge. "Nay, dear boy, do not be gloomy 6 4 I will tell her on this jutn•ney, which 1 enioy 8( the truth inJselL.. much Everything goes splendidly; • • • • • • volt will say so soon. My hero, in the fortress of SS. Peter and revolver out of his pocket, and give size of a bank note. Sho ad'Is and it to tae. Colonel. I have performed substracts small numbers and tail toy duty; hero is your prisoner. But tall the tiaw of (lay from the face relive us, please. I have the strange of a watch. The European noes - fancy to be his companion still; 1 papers have recently been tilled w.th will be answerable for hint. 'I'hnnk the accounts of a wonderful hors.? you. Now luck us in, and fight exhibited at Berlin that can peri rItt away!" innutnct•ablo mathematical problems. t The train sped on, and the two •Phe brain cavity of the dog is much T taco looked at one nuuthe.'Cho old- larger in proportion to the size of er was the first to speak. '•My poor the animal than is that of the horse boy. 1 am truly sorry for you, nay, and the intelligence shown by rho don't be angry; I ani a human being canine race should not occasion sur - Lesson IX. The Crucifixion. Gold- en Text, I. Cor. 15. 3. 20. Hebrew . . . Latin . . . Cheek -The title was thus intelligible to all, .Jews, ?:reeks, and Homans, LESSON WOIt1) STUDIES. alike. Nut. These Word Studies arc bas- 23. His garments -Together with read out. Our fate is within* ed on tho text of the Itovised those of the two malefactors crt.elli- \'orsion. "11'.•11, tutee t.hnt may, we Ore bre- ed with him. The action was fie- therm now raid always. 1.et us em - Sequence of Events -John does not (seining to %veil established (.ustutrl, brace before 1 rend-brforo we record the fact that Pilate before (i.•- ('oat -An undergarment or tuner know." livering up Jesus to bo crucified s rut ' tunic, reaching from the neck 10 the This wail the letter: - his prisoner to Herod Antipas, '1-144,84• knees, or possibly, as sutnoLia'e8, to "fear Ivan and Paul, -Everything jurisdiction extended over Galilee the ankles. is cruel in ?lassie► -('1 • n iota. 1'ou and Perste, where .Jesus had been, 1Wuven front the top thronchuu:t-- say you both love nue. and I ant during most of his life. Herod was An expensive garment, and ono attest to answer which of co.t i love and in. Jerusalem at this time, and was - as the high priests wore. • will marry. Paul, it i, urn. Ivan, glad of the opportunity of seeing •les- I 24 \+star,, --Clothing; cells-ct!':uly. forgive Pawl and n.e." us, of when he had heard much. ItutI'11. W11 0 1 0 1 011 is (rout I'sa. '-2. 1R. ('here was n 1r•nse gilt ere. •Jesus refused absolutely to conferee - 25. 11 is mot her, rued his iiiuthu''s "Confront ulnt ions, brot her," said with Iierod, with the result that:sister. Mary the wife of ( ions, and Ivan. cheerily, but 'his lips quitere l hot h Herod and his subordinates' Mary Magdalene -Literally, 11 is and his face was very white, mue'.e•l and ill-treated him iiefore` mother and his mother's sailer Mary Po you hate me now?" asked sending him back to Pilate (Luke 23. 1 the (wife) of ('lopes. miff Mary the Pat:l. 11-1I1). Another incident omitted 1 Magdalene. 441'e note, t r+t, that. the •'1 shall pray for ser, n rth not. 1o. front ,John's narrative is the warning i word wife is in the (:r, ek left to Von canmot go 1)01111': Jou 10,1m. Bend of 1'ilate's wife to her husband to be supplied. While vert probable, it for her; you mustbe married here, have "nothing to do with that right- is not absolutely certain that wife in London. With half my fortune eous nine" (Matt. 27.11)). Bot 11 of was the noun intended here, since 0(1(1(51 to yours----" these events precede i'ilote's Irani, "'latghter'' or even "sister" might "My superb brother; butt it can - presentation of Jesus to the Jews in accordance with ling? I.1ic ?'sage not be." and also the cruel mockery and haves been intended. 1Ye nolo also "But 1 say It can, anti it shell scourging at the hands of the band that n() eo1J1111M 1011 occurs bet'.teen he. i'nul, let me help you; 1 can of Roman soldiers inside the Praetor_ the Phrase "Itis mother's sister" and bear it than. llnrk! A knock." iuut (John 19. 1-4; Matt. 27, 27-30; the following noun "Mary," which "At this hour! ('an It he---" Mark 15. 10-19), would seem to indicate that the two 'tubed in purple, but wearing a were to bo identified, thus making A minute iniac the servant an - f crown of thorns, and bleeding from the number of ttww t.11 mentioned flounced lhnt a gentler+nn-n \f. An- ► head to foot as a result of that cow- three rather Ihnn four, us some coins (irouski-re))nested an interview, 1)11(1 ()nation and of utast cruel scourging, mental ors t hink. 'l'ho question can- a white-haired old man bntnedintcly Jesus was lad once more into the nut, h 'ever. he postivelySettled. entered the roma and bowed grut'ely • presence of his enemies. only to Io For reference to other women %h„ to the brothers. , greeted by then) with the (ay, ''('ru-. were riser present at the cross cont- "I crave pardon, messieurs, for i city hint, crucify him." "And their pare Matt" 27. 50; Mark 15. 1'r; 47111 this strange, nocturnal intrusion, voices prevailed" over the cowuriliy Luke 23. 49. Clopas hero mentioned het the or•seage which 1 have the 1 and weakling governor, "and 1'i::►te Urtnst mal bo COnf(unded with ('1•e4114as , honor to COIIVcy is Urgent. to the {;ave sentence that what they asked mentioned in hike 2.1, 18. .\ coat-' Inst. degree. ;1i. Tamil J'tProll, Which ' fur should be done" (Luke 23. 2'1. Perko,' of Matt- In. :t and ','eke 21.1 is he!" And he looked. with a samba 21). Bohn adds some vulual,l(e 11e- 1n With .1011111!1. 25 suggests rr•therlfrorn one Irr•olher to the other. 1,tails of the closing scene of aur that ?.'loons is to be identified %Mit "I nm he, monsieur," said Paul; ,k. Lord's trial before Pilate (John 19. .\)phneu4, father of James the Lase i''ke seated. Your meesage is-" 7-15), including the mention of the (comp. Mark 8. 18; lots• 1, 1 :\(tsi "Pardon me: 1 charge Jon, be (is - fear that enure over I'ilate •atter? !),v 1. 1:1), .\lphaei;s beim; ti.e t;reck.;ereet. is it safe to sp-flit her. ''• hearing of the claim of Jesus 10 be and Chile's the Ifehrow wr Shiite! "1'erl•ctly: my eel -vent knows not the Son of God (verse 81. and also name of the sane pers'.n 1'or other a word of Itiseinn, an -I theta. is no the threat of rho Jews to proclaim re erences to Mary \Inedalene c• m -!(rue else in the house," Pilate an enemy of Caesar .f : be should release Jesus (verse 12). Verse 1 7. They -The Roman sold- - iers followed by a promiscuous mul- titude (Luke 23. 27). Bearing the cross for hltns,•l(-)'art of the way one Simon of l.'yrene tete compelled to carry t he :roe f. r Jesus. but whether this was the, first otcn (things or plan of the po'swm ow the last part et the may is nut Inst mentioned). leaves the mein to clear (r the Kumpel nnrrut it 0 - (..lap he supplied. Hence n house 4)1111e I illntt. 27. 31, :32; dark 1:.. L'(). 21; by the disciple is nut ne,'e:•.sar114• t Luke 23. 25, 26; Joplin 1 n'',. 1 7). meant. The meaning :e simply that 1 The place of a skull. -Froin the "Rom that hour" :Mary 14'eame a oval shelve of the hill. nlemhcr of the household of John. pare Luke A. 2; Mark 1(1. !►; 1,' •1(►;"Except your bent her here. Yothink of the welcome which awaits, Paid there are narrow dungeons far Ili 1-5; aril John 2o. 11 -ie. ince mr.rvelluusly alike. Now Yon to you in St. Petersburg; how our {;mod below the leve: of the Nepn; (lunge - •4:. 1)Isciplo . . . whom h . loved- hu.,iness. first, i produce my ere- comrtrles will toast, you and entry ons ulw'ayc dark, always damp wish The ?triter, John, who noivhe:'e 'ten-!(lenttalt+. This letter proves Ihnn i you lucky dog that you are." the lonthesonue. fetid slime which tions his awn anal''' ' 'am conte post-haste from Geneva. "Iinve you forgotten that we were eez.-s in fr ' the river. Anel 1h:•re ltoninri-The (:reek equivalent is a 011ie cnrrl--ah! Jes: the ('ellowsh;t, watched in Paris']" are spurious prison rooms, furnished title of respect • „t ('n,•cluu,. i salute you, cora edea, �I Amlrounski frowned sliKhtl}'. "I , inn rule way, but warns and whole - 27. His °%n home-'1'hc (Tree:, the ) nm Numlr One. Von have heard rio mut Think (brut ice ?turn wnlr.had.'s some. And it Wan in one of these of 1210? '1'h,'s are stirring times; wo Who would recognise you now? Two that the prisoner, by a wore from hate nerd of the saving and the teen -tau blockheads seemed to fol- at, An'lrouski, was confined. On the bravo, the iron nerve, the steady law us n little, it is true; but what. table stood his dint'• -r of greasy hand 1)o you reroenife this photo -of that'! Pill T not turn rota and .,,11114au nd black bread, mitocheti; he tcrrnl h' Ah! yrs; it is of t:cnernl Bend thein (o the right -about? My wits loo b'lsv to rat -listening and X., the ler.) of the I:n4,01 'The decree ?turd, they weer but guides; war spoke writing. At last the hell commenred has re's•• fat lh, napssieure: he is to 1'•11glish, 0 til'' rand"' thew hiOght , to clang. and he started up with 1• . ,, •,.•,. • I. show u4 the sights of the gay city t•entin heart, for it was the hour placed On the retired end swindle us gnily nfterwnrds. K 1. (t... L + inn understlantl, Atwhich had boon prondseal him. A ]"hat is all. My sun, 1hero are tuts minute event by: another. Sho was t.: la I • • . n Ina to with the (lag- of ufd,,s 111 Paris." leer n: ! e: 4. . alter, with tho pais- , -Yrs: but they duet't hunt in not corning• he had been a fool to '(tried • t '•-• , '. n hitt the valiant ! couples, I'll swear that man whir trust til'• treacherous. ilnrk! ito young; watt Ls . - LAI led sadly, :Intl ' ct-r)sac.rl with us frum haver was n covered his face with his hands, for the settee, ,;i is still on refire I ioissinn. And I've sten hien in See he heard the swing of the door, the I Swish of a dress. i service--', i' 1 e-• 4) omen nnrl children. ' ho," Now tee h.'' . something new for I M. Androas:.i ral't(1 his eyebrows I "Number nine, five minutes are hen: an at olnlely henerl1111 11(110 • anti spread out his hands before him.granted you." Tho door closed; 11"0'1'. So $1(l)''• rful. yet so d -licat•'ly t "Is it. possible, dear boy? Why, your Vern was with him. constructed that the lucky man who 1 are os nerv(ets ns a woman. Cant "I'r';)' my loved one. Oh, tieaven, is destin.rl In throw it nay possibly one a ver cross the Channel without it is Iran!'' escape himself. M. Peel Petroff, ne-j ?meting one of the respectable inhnlr- "Hush, my girl, hush!" ceps this letter with Inv warm con- itants of Soho? Conte, have it cigar- "lira they think Jou are Paul. Ah! grttuialions: rend if: the privileged eine " i see, vent look his piece; but he Int is }oars; you will accompany mr' The young man lit a cignrelte, but did not know, he would not have tw I:vssin to -morrow morning to atter n ?chill or two, it fell from his allowed you; he is not a coward." ful:,l y oar pier ant duty." ile hngr'rs and he sprang up with a "He (11(1 not know; I tricked him threw himself comfortably in his wild cry. "Yes --yen; I hear." -and them." a Gul,(othat-lIeb. "golgoleth,'' a 28. After this -Compere Mark 1:1. skull, cranium, front "gill." or "gol,' :1:1. 31, and parallel passn(:'•s" to Muer,' in it circle. to revolve: lea.' 29. Vinegar -A sour ?vine le or.lin- "calvarin," skull, whence our Cal- ary lose among the common people. vary. The exact site of Calvary is! Hyssop--:\ hollow reed. still a matter of question. From no. it is finished-iteferring to his the N ew Testament na•rntivc wed wheie work of redemption. 'i'he final learn that the place coos mit side the w'oe's of sin alone reonnirictl t() b0 gate Melt. 1:1, 121. near the city' Plaid, in death. (Jelin 19. 2(1), and nenr a p:child Gave up his spirit-.\ voltinlary act highway (Mutt. 27. 89); near tot nn the part of ('heist (comp. John sepulchers and gardens (John 1'' 1'1 18), 88). 1`l. Two others-"mnleGiet res" T "i;tI':\ i':1111.1,344tE TS. (i.uke), "two thieves" (Matthew 1111(1 71 til•' lawmaking power Mark). In t '' s is the ('oiress. In the midst -That 1S, between 11,0 fn 1 , 't• • ,ably, in Germany leo ()there. Not now •road''- le 1 the I. •1) 11o'Ianci the good English. vt 11. . • 1 11 Spain Ih• Cortes, I9 Pilate wrote -in t!•.. .. 1.0 11) r:: • .• !:,, tt(', and in Den - 1, of "caused to he written." 1 track til" i .,• '.thing. When making a mustard plaster ?nix it with melted lard till just thin enough to spread. ])one in this tiny it will not blister the skin. in the cnse of bandngin_ it sprain 81 nude the operator should continence by taking it turn across the foot, and work well tip over the ankle 80:110 wry rip the leg, n4 it is necessary to give ,,upport above roll below, as well as nt the s• at of the injury. Fin- ally, fasten the bandage with a snfety-pin or n couple 0f stitches. A lens{•onnful of I,Owth red !!ower.+ of sulphur, put into tt ?vin •-ylas8 of water 81111 stirred with til.' linear instead of a spot,'. Is an eseell, tet thing to ave ns a gargle in carie of (liphtheria. it the patient cannot gargle, put n spoonful of sulphur on a shove), place n iive coal on it, and allow the patient to inhale the fumes. A g 1 remedy for honrsenes•s is t0 bake rt lemon ns one would nn apple. Squeeze a little of the thickened and heated juice over lumps of :mem , and take frequently. Pares Is also an excellent thing for loos of 'olee. Some people are very i11Urh trou- bled %Ilh heartburn, blit it it micro of orange peel Is (life! and oaten it stops it directly. A SHREWD) MAN. "Madam," said the tramp, alt middle-aged lady canto to the dem in response to his knock, 'Lewitt! you give a poor old man a left to eat?" - "MY," replied the Indy, "you aro certainly able to earn a living. You don't look very 01x1." "Looks aro often deceitful. hobs", answered tho wanderer. "1'm old enough to be yopr grandfather." A moment later he wa8 senit'I In tho kitchen and nothing she lied 11 the larder was too good for !fin,