HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-05-25, Page 3POOR, WATERY BLOOD. ,pF MARS AND ITS PEOPLE CURE THE MOST t,,Pu words. o ' InY S've he t�tt �Fragrant as Fresh Violets The Cause of Pimples and all Die- — EXTREME GASES THE GREAT FRENCH ASTRO- S o a p you have the fact. w A figuring Eruptions -Dr. Wllllan:ts' No:.IER'S VIEWS. _ Pink Pills the Only Cute. — Poor. watery 1,lu0r1-pale blood --is M. Flamluariou Says They Enjoy STONE IN THE KIDNEYS CAN - the cause of uttrY pale coll;plexien a Mild Climate With No NOT STAND BEFORE DODD'S lied blond• -41100d tilled with puisne- Violent Changes. ous impurities -is the cause of every On the top floor of an aparinte11t trod cote for , lion Lluod is m- house near the (►brerratui:e, 1 had si;oheiblt for eruptions, an'i Om- the good fortune to lino M. Camille Mr. S. A. Cassidy, of Ottawa, Per- plts, toed torturing. burning, ib:h+116 Flnmmarion, the (a==nent )'n•nch a9- lnanently Cured After Years cf Per - eczema. '!hese trout les can only be Flammar, and one of the must rit- curcd through the 1)100(1, and the markable men in Prance, writes the Suffering by the Great Canadian only untdtcino that actually ata is Kidney Remedy. new blood-ri h, punt health gi'ino London Chromiclt's correspondent. bite) !-is Pr, 1%i1iams' Pink Pills On being ushered into his study, ''or Pale i'enple, Tito new blood aend ratherhnd short m a) . v ithca le greet anal► these pills n.ake teaches hes every organ and part of the 1 t';Iv. It clears ine. and in a sileple. unaffected men- the complexion, Danish •s pimples Wer bade Inc welcome. Ho then =n- and eruptions, and lain es h' al th troduced nut to his wife, who assists strength and happiness. Miss Lizsie him in all his work, and acts as his Lobsinger, Carlsruhe, Ont., says: stetetary. The walls of his apart - "lir. Willitunea' l'ink l'ills is the best inrnt are all windows, and a broad medicine 1 know of for (leaning the balcony runs round the whole flat, blood of la•,purities. My blood was on which is mounted an a,tro1ousi- in a bad condition, and as a res +lt , cal tel: s. ole. I was not only weak and run down, I Naturally enough, one of the first but was tro'drled with pimples I questions I asked such an authority aril eruptions. 1 tried several meth- referred to the planet Mars. cines. bit they did 'tot help nu.. "Ali, the planet Mars." he replied. Then I was advised to take l+r. Wil- "I have been studying that planet KIDNEY PILLS. liaurs' Pink I'ills, and these sou) relieved ate of all my trotrblt's. I can recommend the pills to anyone suf- fering from bad blood." Bad blood is the cause of nearly every disease that atilicts humanity: It is because Dr. Williams' ]'ink Pills make new, rich red blood that they cure such troubles as anaemia, Heart palpitatimt, headaches and backaches, rheumatism, neuralgia, , 1 indigestion, kidney and liver trou- bles, and ailments of girlhood and woma►.3iood. llut you must get the genuine pills with the full name. "Dr. Williams' fink Pills for Palo People," on the wrapper around ,each box. Sold by medicine dealers -everywhere or stint post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by writing the 1)r. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. closely for 30 years, and I have prepared a regular map of it with all its canals. 1 think I ant more interested in this t han anything, for one reason, that I am certain IL 13 inhabited. and probably Ly people much more advanced than we aro. SEES THF SNOW MELT. "A thing which is particularly in- teresting to us at the Juvisy Obser- vatory, eve 1 do d i sea • which valory , h h I founded, the snow melting * AL can watch the Poles in the spring, 1111(1, ill fact, they nearly disappear in the summer. This, mind you, in spite of the fact that the year in Mars is twice as long as ours, that is to say, that it really consists of 730 days, so that, naturally, that winter is longer. With regard to the inhabitants, I think they aro very light in weight; for in- stance. a man who weighs 140 pounds on the earth, if he could be suddenly transported to Mars, THE JAPANESE JURY. would only weigh 52 pounds. "The public at large does not real - Work of a Statesman in the Thir- ly know the precision of some of our teenth Century. astronomical observations. Thus wo In the Tciyoi era (along about the know the length of the day in Mars middle of the thirteenth century) a by diurnal rotation to the 100th Japanese statesman brought the laws part of a second, and front observa- in touch with the people by este!)- tions, =hick have now extended over lashing a council of state, with 12 100 years. we find the length of the judges, the same as our jury. Before day on the planet is 24 hours 37 these 12 all litigation was brought minutes 22 seconds. The climate of for investigation and decision. The the Martians is very mild, there are plaintiff and defendant had their no gales, while the atmosphere is spokesmen, who argued and defended very light, with scarcely any clouds. the case; nnd afterwar(is the 12 re- Tho inhnbitants en,oy line weather, tired into a closed chamber, where the climate being something like that the following oath was administered: of Davos I'iate, dry and clear. We During the deliberation of a case know the globe of Mars perfectly, in and tho decision afterwards between fact, far better than the earth. right and wrong, neither family SOLAIt SPOTS. connections nor sympathy with, nor "I not ene of those rare Paris - antipathy against, the party shall ians," M. Flammarion continued, influence. !Fear not a powerful lam- "who has never changed his abode. ily, or favor not a friend, but. speak I have been here since the war of in accordance with the dictates of 1571, in fact I took the flat during truth. Should there be a cuse de- the war, when I was n captain in the tided wrong and redress refused to a Genie, and 1 am surrounded by trees man we shall be punished by all the and foliage. as if I were in the gods and goddesses of the realm. country. Thus, in 1871, during the 'Thus ivo swear, and alibi our signs- Commune, while al: l'aris was light- -tures. ing, 1 turned from the study of men + to that. of nature, which to my mind, A MEDDLESOME GOVERNMENT. is far more interesting. "1 beg=an to note the different In the old days, when commerce phases of vegetation on rho tnagniii- nets curried on in wooden sailing ves- cent chestnut trees outside my win- sels, the loss of life and the dtstrue- dotes, on the Avenue de ]'Observa- tion of ships were far greater than to=re. ']'hese trees were planted 1:•v at present. Along the Newfoundla►.d Napoleon the first in 1807, and 1 coast, says a writer in Co:nhill, 80011 got to know them and their every year, in the beginning of tile' peculiarities. I numbered them, last century, there were terrible:e.„lting from the observatory, and wrecks, And in all the little settle -i ----ng date at which each 0f ments near by material from the last 'noted vessels made a part of the house themftr.'' buns, flan tcnvos. and til - furnishing. titnnttCowers. owers. Some of the tre”s Nearly every good thing in the pos- aro ft•rwnrd, nhili' others are slow session of these people came from the to put forth shoots. i then made a sen. Ono travelling clergyman, n 'hart, (narking the dale of flowering good and gentle man, was holdiun (.rl inch. 'I his 1 carried on for thir- servico in a little village there, W11011 tt y.';11 _. and fatally drawing n cure -- he found his host eyeing him slum- "1 lin • through them, found they ly. At last tho old fisherman 1.4141 ''"I:. •-' "nded with t he solar spots. his hand on tho parson's coat and "I .It-eovurtel rho same thing with smoothed it down. the return of the swallows. the frst "'Phat's a mighty lino pitee of I:: he 1ngnl4•, and the song of the cloth, sir," said he. "Never seed tee I oo. though 1111. of course. aro such a spleuulid bit of cloth in my Ai..dilh ti by at ntlosi h •ric conditions. life before. (let 'u out of a wrack,' I hove. however, emphatically prov- sir?" td that the more soler spots there Wreckage made greedy hearts. Tile aro the hotter the spring. in Paris. writer at one time said to an Ork- OTHER OBSERVATIONS. ney pilot, "This must bo a groat ..i do not, howtvt r, s; cud all fir: place for wrecks." "Wracks, mon!" he shouted, brie time here, as half the erar 1 non fit ing his heavy fist down on the rail the observatory at .luvisy, whish is of tho bridge. "There's many a only al,otit twenty minute+ holm !.raw hoose, Atony a brew farms in Paris. 'There we have two, a'1r,,••o Orkney got out o' wracks; but the mors worl:ine constantly, ps in•ii•.•lle• Breetish government has put a I. et- occupied with the stud. ui (lar:, hoose here and leethoose there, mei Jupiter nnd \'cries: we also cnr.•flil- yon." pointing to a double light- ly observe And reci;tet the tempern- house, "t'on's twee There's no time of the nir, the ground. the in- t i tatI 1 1 SUNLIGHT limummommillIMMIIIIP 0 REDUCES TEA comes to the home FroSh and Pure as when it left the ApPlantationt., t'e mi:ufactt:r:,l with EXPENSE SPECIAL CARE AND CLOSELY SEALED in pound and half round lees Packets. ONLY ONE SDST 3'D_..--1t1.L'E RIBBON'S IT. eRk ter eke Octagon !lar, 1 A IIOVAh BOOKLET. Ottawa, Ont., May 22. -(Special). Tho (:rand 'Trunk Railway System -While all Canada knows that aro distributing a very handsome Dodd's Kidney Pills aro the stand- I ooklet descriptive of the Royal Mus- ard remedy for all Kidney Cont- Luka hotel, that is situated in Lake plaints, it may surprise some pct lloseac, in the Muskoka Lakes, pie to know they cure such ext�romu "Ilighlnnds of Ontario." The eubli- cases as Stone in the Kidneys. Yet cation is one giving a full description that is what they have done right of the attractions that may bo found here in Ottawa. at this popular resort, handsomely il- Mr. S. A. Sassidy, the man cured, lustrated with colored prints of lake is the well-known proprietor of the and ishtnd scenery, the hotel itself. Bijou Hotel on Metcalf street, and and many of the special features that in nn interview ho says: "My friends may bo found there. It is printed on all know that 1 have been a ntnrty, fine enameled paper. bound in a cover to Stone in the Kidneys for years. giving the appearance of Morocco They know that besides consulting leather• with a picture of the hotel the best doctors in the city and try- and suraouudings on tho same, and Ing every medicine I could think of, the creat of (ho hotel embossed in 1 was unable to get better. high relief A glance through this "Some time ago a friend told me booklet makes ono long for the plea- "Some Kidney ]'ills would curd mo. sure of Summer and outdoor life, As a last resort I tried them, and and copies may bo secured gratuit- r.usly by applying to any Grand they have cured tae. Trunk ticket office. "i could not imagine more severe suffering than one endures who has hearing a faint rustle in the =lark Stone in the Kidneys, and I fee) tho hall below, the elder sister, suppos- greatest gratitude to Dodd's Kidney ing the young man had gone. leaned 1 'ills." over the banister and. called out: - from disease is of the Kidneys or •']Well, Bessie, have you landed hint?" from the Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney There was a deep, sepulchral silence Pills will cure it. for some moments. It was broken ♦ by the hesitating, constrained voice FASIIIONAHLE DOG DOCTORS. of the young man: "sho has.' - New York now possesses its fash- ionable dog doctors, who get ten dollars a visit and sleep with a tele- phone at their bedside for night calls. A lady recently summoned a specialist from New York to New- port, and kept him utero for a week, L:clectric Oil have been numerous, but at $100 a day, because her poodle meter succossful. Those who know the p genuine aro not put oft with a suhsti- was ailing. Their mistresses buy tete. but demand tho real thing. their treasures collars, set with prec- ious stones, at several hundred dol- "The reason I can't get along with tars each. and one lady has had a my wife is that she wants to sub - house built for her dog, the exact mit all our differences to arbitra- model of a Queen Anne cottage. tion. "'1'o arbitration?" "Yes; Every morning, before being taken sho always wants to refer disputes out for a walk, Ito is bathed. curled, to her mother.'= PERSONALLY CONDUCTED Where Doctors do agree !-I'llysiclnns no longer consider it catering to "quackery" in recommending In `,rac- tiro so meritorious a remedy for Indi- TO California and Lewis and gestion, Dyspepsia and Nervousness as South American Nervine. They realize Clarke Exposition, Port- that it is a step in advance in medical land, Oregon. science and a sure and permanent cure for diseases of the stomach. It will A personally conducted excursion cure you.-eu Thera is Only Ono ECLECTRiC OIL. -When an article, bo it medicine or anything else, becomes popular. imita- tions invariably spring up to derive ad- vantages from the original, which they themselves could never win on their own merits. Imitations of Dr. Thomas' TOUR Inn— The Bicycle is King THE CUSHION FRAME Every person realizes now thee there is no other vehicle se rori- venient in the country, town or city as the wheel. The wheels wo sill nt'e• the besot in the world. CLEVELAND MASSEY-HARRIS BRANTFORD WELLAND-VALE e� is the nc'.v feat ur e. It has Dro ught bicycling again into pular favor -Makes Rough Roads Smooth. pu- The Sills' Hygienic Handle Bar a companion invention to the Cushion Frnme. Write for our new catalogues, and new picture cards. Mention this paper. paZR OF ��8T�71� XsRDZ7- R'o desire to get in touch with eve ry owner of a bicycle in Canada as now h advantage o! the improvements n all t e u o[ R wish to ,taco before them we 1 { wantas mRll wo handle. For this reason wey I tho bicycles tope hu found o 1 n their locality a good list of bona fide persons ns possible to send in from Y owners of bicycles who should be interested in the purchase of n new bicycle with the modern improvements. The lists will be received in regu- lar order and to the writer of each twenty-fiftlr letter in the order received, we will send free of charge ono pair of our Improved Hockey "Cyclo" Skates. manufactured by us. sold regularly at $2.00 per pair. The lists must bo clearly written out with address and name of make of present bicyulu and should bo addressed as follows: Department. It Canada C cls & Motor Co. Ltd., Toronto Junction, Canada. Lists must bo received not later than May 24th. Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Limited, " Makers of the World's Bost Bicycles," Canadian Headquartors for Automobiles. TORONTO EXCLUSIVE. Tho following notice is said to he posted on tho door of an English country church: "This is to give notice that no person is to bo burled in the church- yard but those living in the parish, and those who wish to bo buried are requested to apply to nit. (Signal) "- —, Parish Clerk." F011 OVLIR SIXTY YI AILS. firs. %Vinsloiv's Soothing syrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. 1t soothes to the Yncilic-coast via the Gran(] the child, softens the gums. allays pain. Trunk Railway System and connect- '"'fell me, Ilnrry, said l+1ny earand showwe swan ! iegs tl of Lcstthe romo lye for ing lines )eaves Quebec July 5, and Lrightley's admirer to her young Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents u Ictus. Montreal and 'Toronto July 0. The brother, "who is this other fellow sold by druggists throughout the mule will bo via Chicago, thence that's been calling on your sister?" worid• Ito sero and ask for "Mrs. t.hrourh Council Bluffs to Omaha, "I don't know his name," replied Wlaslow's Soothing Syrup." 2'2-0i Donee' and Colorado Springs. Stops Harry. "I Just call him 'April) "They tell the young Featherstone will be made at each of these places showers.' " "What for?". "Ilecauso has lost all his money in poultry - ho brings May [lowers. fanning." "Oh! I heard he'd been playing duclts and drakes with it." and side trips taken to Manitou, Cripple Creek, Gard4•n of the Gods, etc. From there t he party will con- tinuo through the famous scenic route of the Veneer and Ilio Grande, through the Royal Gorge to Salt Lake City, thence to Ives Angeles, "Speaking of bad falls," remarked San Francisco, Mt.. Shasta. fort- Jones, "I fell out of it window once, land, Oregon, Etattic, Spokane', and and the sensation was terrible. Dur - home through St. Paul and Jlinnt'a- ing my transit through the air I polis. The trip will occupy about really believe I thought of every thirty days, ten days being spent on mean net I had ever committed in the Pacific coast. my life." "Wm," growled Thomp- '1'he price for the rotund trip, in- son, "you must have fallen a long cludin' railroad fare, Pullman tour- way itt si'•p.ing cars, all meals in the dieing car, bottle, side trips, etc., is giG.;.50 f►oni Quebec, or $l(te•.:.et EHCLISII SPAVIN LINIMENT from Montreal and 5150.00 froth Remove,. all hard soft or calloused Toronto. This first trip Is designed lumps and blemishes from horses, blood as a vacation trip for teachers, al- spavin, curbs, splints, ringhone, though many elm are not teachers sweeney, sti(llcs, sprains. sore and will improve the opportunity of Zak- swollen throat, coughs, etc. sato $50 Rig the trip at the remarkably loft' by use of ono bottle. Warranted the price afforded. most wonderful Blemish Cure ever For full particulars nd,lreee E. C. known. llotvl••r, General Agent and ('onrhie- „Note, linin et you say you can tor, iZoom 808, Union Station, To wash and iron baby's fine limon. Tell ronto. me, th. n, how eon can tell when the AL1. T1111OI'(llt '1'IJA'P I'IJI, iron is too hut"" ..ily the shmoll at• t)t' limen hur•nin', av coarse, ".Johnny Simkins," said 1110 nun!" school teacher impratiently, "what is it you aro fidgeting null:'" .Johnny did not reply, but Ole class! sncek was ready, as usual, nith im ir,rmatlon. I 1 cured a horse of the Mange with "]'lease, teacher," lee said. "it's a 11INAILI)'S 1.1XIMEN'1'. pin he's got." C11111�1TO1'lllat SAUNI)E1tH, '"I'nko it atony from him, rota' Ilnlhouate. bring 1t here," was the next coru•I I cured a horee. badly torn by a mend. And the offending pin was nr•-' pitch fork, with 311NAIllr'S I.INI- cordingly brought. I31I N'l'. 'There was no more trouble frown St, Peters, C. 11, EDW. 1,1`1.11")'. .1ohnny until his turn c.trne to marl,! I cured n horre of n bad swelling and then, instead of standing up, the. with 311NAItli'ti LINIMENT. chance of wracks for a pair iis.her trrlor o the trate; and jun erg noun' poor little fellow trade 60 sign. ex -1 Bathurst, N. 13, 'thus. W. I'AYItifS. body non." streams, to study how the sun af- cept thnt two big tears roiled dowt� frits climatic conditions. his clucks. "We have, ns well, different col-; "%%h\, don't y '1 fin on with the SAVED THE BABY; ored-glees honsr9 for stutleing the reacting;:'" cried 1 eine j1 -tried men-' etTrct 0f solar hent on th • g tants, : tor. "If you .1. i t t4•r , 1 "I was not n ht Lever in advertised end here We made' the' cnrioes dis- young conn. I ellen leti0 to aleise ]':hero can 1 get some of Ilolloway's Corn Cure? 1 was entirely cured of my corns by this remedy and i wish 801110 more of it for my friends. So ' %here six w•et!au of mnrried i • • 1 r. 1 have reached the end neelicints," suss Sirs ( has.. \ nn- covert' that red glass h ,;ar as t"og4'- nn a nutple of you!" e.1'.• r' •, r:. t yo•1 do not love me." '1'asst11, 1'ichy, N.S., 'milli 1 betters teflon, mill • blue g;ln•s snppr,a:.s 1-1rlease, nma 1." is Id" 1••rrel Ar 1, `!t dear!" ',he -"11's no using Italry's fluff Tnblrts. %%lion my it. For insran'e. s n•i'Ite pints, .Johnny, "I-1 can't stand ip! '1'h..1 ti, , i c.•:,•.1:mg; yuis nhnuld hat•o like mimr•..1. grow 1'ft.., n 1 initis pin }-uu took kc keel's me troesce9 u rr., 11 ,4 : i• .1 some credulous, at Ili id higher under reel ;las than en ler • lei.; • Arth:u-"Wall, darling, 1 did blots and ncoth.•r cnriou9 thing w.' --'-J best." 11,li" suer,"•le•d in doing! is In china 1.11"1.1.•F‘1.11"1.1.•F‘nn virtue in Mini; patient 1":'; ,} b. the are and calor of 1,-aer' 15 0 h the pr.in you do not feel. 1.i • '!t • . - e'i••I• 1 under - last 1Ahy was horn ee atter hope4l to rnise her. She nes weakly, did not have nut• flesh on her hones, 00 a bluish color. The doctor who at- tended her told me shje wo=rld not live. After rending what other mothers said about ltaby'13 1)w•n l'ablets 1 decided to try them, and i Inns? now h, n stly snv 1 never ha•I 1 them ns:e.• i '•i. i'l,e' o• :1 "-1 &roil,. • ante of the. .•••1''1 I • . l he had such a valimble me.i.•inc in 111y vrlt1,11 0:1 111 ••.1 •i.• is '111. home. It has changed nit• tee .ir. •'1 have so e,f't0 41, 1111 •5t -'h all the' sickly, t!o:hlces baby into a 1• ...;:.-01'4111 11\1,01)11514'44, b : • t n11.1 1 child, now 119 fat as a hunt:• ball. r;.. 1 11•4t bother nboht :11 : as it Words fail to e'pee's my Giants for - j'1 not occur In urn• 1 i s se•' h.' re' - what the 'Tablets have done for any 11 1 drely. "'1 h.' .nrtll 1 • child, 011.1 l cnn only urge that .11 . •,.'nl,nrrns der • h, • i. o' !, . other moth. ric do ns 1 do now, keep the most f''4•' .t• Is 1; , .. the Tnb'.ets in the• hoes,' elle-nese' !l1,ct the end will 're e'••• • •' I " Pnby'9 Own 'Tablets le en t ee lee e e . t'•n Lavine M. ]'lam:: a ...0 -:ii 1 - all the minor I: Is of 1 ehyh'ot•el an ' -They tote mole 11 n cirque in the thildl.00d, nnd the neither has 11 .. ,,on after MO, hat 1 ray do net genrantee that they contain no els •• ,.ntint: it, as the !bidet? ('ommi- ate 0t• harmful drug. y01.1 Iiy all .n tray want 10 tax it, ns belie.; (hit i ist6 er sent by tend n( 2:, ;•,whet property... ccnt9 'T hex by writing the Lr. Wil- i _._.•-.. I.auitf' 3iedisino Co., ilrocktille,Yoe nnnot maks trneks ter heaven ()et. ('• by trampling on others Some persona have periodical attecke of Canadian cholera. dysentry or dier- rhecn. nnd hate to use gloat precau- 1,•'ns to avoid then dlscn),i. change of tenter. cooking. out' green ghat. 11 sero to hrurq en tho nttaok.. 'f,, .such per- sons w„ would rt'conunend ler .1 1). Kell"• g s pyscntery Cordial As being 11.0 I,c.t need=•. hie in the market for nil 'winner co,npl.unts If n few drop4 are takco ,n water wizen the Aynt ,lu,ns are noticed no tut her troul•lu will be oz- per+enced. A 1•nl•t•herel •d Hain rn:i't lo't any- thn: t,. trs.m4; a new patent hair rt f) r. Minalyd's Liniiaeit Carat Di,ihaeria 'i he '!rang - "1 o ce list -d on wn1 r. 'ad , for s'x r nn'hs." The 1 .'e!•. -- % ops don't 1. n'. 11 o it. )tots rid •"1 1.,:0'.e it 'Ili.• 'Iran. --- ..l : a •n tor." Liko Tearing the He art atrinls. -"It is not within the conception of man to measure lily great sufferings from heart disease. For years I en- dured almost constant cutting and tear- ing pains )bout my heart, and many a time would have welcomed death. Dr. Agnew's Cure for tho Iicart has work- ed a veritable mfraclo."-Thos. !licks, Perth. Ont. -1)9 It's a pity that a miser who has money to burn can't take it with hint when ho dies. Minard's Liniment Oures Distemper You have not fulfilled every duty unless you have fulfilled that of be- ing pleasant. They Advertise Thcmi'elves.-Iinmcdl- ately they were offered to the pule, Parmelee's 1 eggetablo Pills became po- pular herniaso of tho good report 'nada for themselves. That reputation has grown. and they now rank among the first medicines for use In attncks of dyspepsia ane biliousness, compinlnts of tho liver mind kidneys, rheumatism, fever and ague and tho innumerable complications to which these ailments gave rise. A bachelor is known by the com- pany he keeps and a marrit• l man by the clothes his wife wears. �linard's Linim=ent Cures Colds, ice --- She (having nothing else to sayg- "It's funny horn wo ever carne to think so much of each other." He - "Funny? It's positively ridiculous." bed r:dden 10 Yearr. -"1f anybody wants n written guarantee from me personally as to my wonderful cure from rheumatism by South American Rheumatic Cure f will be the gladdest woman In the world to give It," says Mrs. John Beaumont. of Elora. "i had despaired of recovery up to the time of taking this wonderful remedy. It cured completely." -33 l'ho people who manage to lit'o withoutever getting into hot water hnvu little to du with the engines of life. They l'learen the System Thoroughly. ---1'•rnnelee's vegetable fills clear the .tomlae 1, nnd bowels of bilious matter, rtes" tl,e etcretnry vessels to throw oil impurities frutn the blood into the Loads nnd expel the deleterious mass from the body. They do this without pea in 0• inconvenience to the patient, oho spevllily reali:e9 their good offices es 10e11 A9 they begin to take effect. They have strong recommendations (rule ail kinds of people. The 11)nn who boasts of never mite'. ing :netters is likely to be choppir up somebody's reptant ion pret ty fine. Lever's 1'-% (Wise Head) P16111• • ant Soni' Powder dueled in tee both, mittens the water and disin- fects. T N V IS4UE NO. 20-03 1 e I1 OR ~.11.1: —10I I.A'n ADE f•'ltt11' / and Stock ]'arms, good markets. rick laud. fine climate; mild winters and beautiful 1t. country. tcGONIGALt& SONue free. Dover, Del. CENSINC PLANTS FOR SALE 1 year old Ge; 2 year, Sc; 3 year 10c each. 11. 1,:\YCOCK, 3leaford, Ont. 1 Boiler for Sale 4 4 • ( ( 4 t u 150 ll.p„ in good condition - Very cheap. S. hR:\NK' WILSON. 73 W. Adelaide St.,' Toronto StumpandTree Pullers fait-aochorl:g and Stumps anchored. Fomething new. Pull an ordinary stomp in Is ratnertcs. 1 to 6 acres at pat- ting. i)IHereat elate to suit all kinds of eiearin+gs. For IlIutntad catalog address Powerful, Handy, Lovi Priced. Milne Mfg. Co. int Ninth !.1., Monmouth, 111. --:3 Swing a man who has your money is a good way to get it back fur 1 your lawyer. 1 Lours llmmal Curd Nun lie Cm Fre:f-"Mies Uppt'rton is the most circumspect young Indy I ever met." Joe -"%thy?" Fred -"She refused to accompany me on the piano the other evening without n chaperon." Kidney blperlment-There's no time for experimenting when you've discov- ered that you aro a victim of some one form or another of kidney disease. I.ay hold of the treatment that thou- sands have pinned their faith to and' has cured quickly and permanently. South American Kidney Cure stands pre-eminent in the world of mteditine as the kidney sufferer's truest friend. -02 Mr, Goodley-"Her age really sur- pristd me! She doesn't look twen- ty -tight, docs she?" Miss Snappe- "Not noir! But 1 suppose sho did at one time!" writes ldr. J. W. Drown, Chicago. Parents buy klother Graves Worm Exterminator because they know 1t Is a 'taro medicine for their children and an effectual expeller of worms. A well-known judge f,•i1 down it (light of stairs. recording his pas- sage by n bump on every step until he reached the bottom. A servant ren to his Assistance nnd. raising him up, said: "1 hope your honor Is not hurt?" "No," Kidd the judge, sternly, "ie. !minor is not hurt, but env head Is." i