HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-05-25, Page 1EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ettf M bot EXETER. ONTARIO. TIIURSDAY, MAY 25, 1905. - It. `:>,NUI:Its t\ t_'Itl:l:cii, Prop's • HOLLYWOOD PAINT - IS Good Paint to COVER and WEAR 40 Shades to select from In 15c., 25c- and 45c. Cans. CHIJAP FLOOR LAC For Finishing Floors and for all Kinds of Decorating. In 40c. and 75c. Cans. Something offNew and Niro in name1ware rk p tl P L .A. lstailkr Just received a big shipment of Heavy Blue Enamelware — Verypretty and very durable—at therice of ordinary enamelware. Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store. Tinsmithing in all its branches.— Legal. ranches. ILefail Dli31180N & CARLiNO, BARRISTERS. SOLICi- ton, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors for Maisons Bank, etc. Molloy to Loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter. 1. R. CARLING, B.A., L. H. Dacasoa MONEY TO LOAN. We hate a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and Tillage properties at low rates of Inter- est. (.LAIaMAN k STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors,Main sL.. Exeter Ont Manitoba andNorthwest or Lands For Sale. he Saskatchewan Valley k Manitoba 'And Cnm• �Ltd.. Largest Lan d Company n on the Continent n fling entire Canadian Northern Railway Land Oram. Two Million Acres—The cream of the wheat lands of Western Canada. Parties purchas- ing now are given until tet June to select their land. For terms, etc., apply to BRNEST ELLIOT, Agent, Exeter E Wanted RKUASLR Mss iu every la•al- Ity throughout Canada to advertise our goods tanking up show carts on s,- '. bridge. and all conspicuous ' tree* fences,P places; distributing small ati' ertising matter. Commission or salary Illhitl a year or IRO a month and expenses 113 per day. Steady employment to good reliable linen. We lay out your work for sou. No experience neett• ed. *rite for full particulars. SALTS MEDICINAL. CO.. London, Ont. Canada LLOYD P. JONES Organist aril Choir Master of the Trivitt Memorial Church. Teat•her—Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony. Modern methods. Thorourhness COURT OF REVISII'N_TOWNSHIP STEPHEN. Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen, will hol.l its flat meeting for the present year In the Town h all, Crediton, on Saturday, May 27th, 1905, at 111 o'clock a.m. llenry Eilber, Tp. Clerk. Crediton, May 2nd, 19($. COURT OF RF,+'ISION_ Notice Is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Aa exsment Roll of the Village of Exeter for the present %tar will hold its ant meeting at the Town 11a11, Exeter, on Friday, the 28th day of May, at 7 p m. o'clock. J. Senior, Village Clerk. Exeter. May 891. 1901.. HURON COUNTY COU'NCit.. eounell of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the cntincil chamber in the Tow [i chs k 1 tau on Tuesday. the Town of (IalPrirh at 3 6th day of June Deet. All o'•••nmt. against the county must be in the Clerk's hands before the first day of meeting. 1..1x1, ('leek. Dated at (loderich May 22nd• 1fxe.. WANTED—Good Agents. Big money to the right men to list and sell proper- ty for The Western Real Estate Exchange Co., Lon- don. Apply to S. Wilson, Central Hotel, Exeter, May 25th and 26th in the evening and afternoon of the 27th. Steady Job year round. Farm for Sale. One Hundred•Acre Farm, Lot 9, Con. 7, t'sbome Township, second lot south of Mini%ille, the proper- ty of the undersigned. The ahcve i* a first-class im- pro'ed fano, well drained, with grid large brick house, hank tam, 70x36 feet, driving sited and hog pen; one acre of orchard; 10aeres of bush principally hardwood. For terms and other particulars apply to James Heywood or John Ileywore, Elimville, P.O. Farm for Sale The undersigned is offering for sale that valuable farm in the Township of 1'sborne, being Lot R, Con- cession 7. containing one hundred acres of first -claw land, well feta t and drained. 'There is on the prem ises a frame house, a good barn. shed, and other out- buildings; ten acres first-class hardwood bush, an orchard, two goal wells of water and other eonven• iencee. Possession given in fall. For particulars apply to It. C. EVANS, 474 Adelaide street. London HAY FORKS AND SLINGS Get the old reliable Prov - en's Oshawa Track. Put up in first-class workman- ship, guaranteed to give entire ttisfuction. I.eave Your Order at Charlton's Fair, Exeter. J. CHARLTON The C.I'.R. have decided to double track their line between Fort William and Winnipeg. The work will be be- gun at once and completed before three years. DASHWOOD'S IRORERSIRO - FURNITURE - BUSINESS. We are MOW in it position to show one of the Largest and latest Lines in Furniture ever shown in %Vestern Ontario. The increase in our Lnsiiwss during the last. three years shows that we ate carrying the QUANTITY and QUALITY at the LOWEST PRICES. Below are a few of the things we carry in stock: Bedroom suits, Parlor suits, Hall Racks, Springs Mattresses, Rockers of all descriptions (also Reed Rockers), Sideboards, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen and Diningroom Chairs, Extension Tables, Centre Tables, Kitchen Tables, Easels, Crokinole Boards, Carpet Sweepers, Couches, Lounges, Paper Racks, Music Racks, Hall Mirrors, Picture Frames, Pictures to be framed at shortest notice, Hoon) Mouldings, Child's tea sets, Skryle Beds, Child's ('riles Baby Carriage Go -Carts. Wagons, 11 Carts, Curtain Poles and '1 rimming*. and Step Ladders. We do the leading Trade in Window Blind business. Every blind guar- anteed to work or will reltittve. Over six blinds hung free. We carry it stick of Sewing Machines. We have the New \Villiatnls. Four weeks trial and guaranteed for 15 years. -C,T1•71:DERT -21.KING \Ve alw► carry n large stack of undertaking supplies. give us a call. 10 time of need P MCISAAC, -- Dashwood. � ADDITIONAL LOCALS E. W. Horn© was in Mitchell for the ! `k number of out- citizens are having cement walks Laid down in front of 1 holiday. I their residences.—Wm. Rollins is able Miss E.Itorney visited in Ailsa Craig to be out again.—Mrs. J. E. Schmidt this week. and Master Karl are on a few weeks' Mr. W. W. Tainan was at Parkhill visit to friends in Buffalo.—The pub- lic library has been moved from James Parks' store to that of Miss E. E. At- kinsun.—Stanley, Hoss & Co., have had a large cement store room erected at the back of their store.—Mr. E. H. wing, who has been employed on the Sun staff for the past three mouths, hits gone to Till'onberg. where he bas accepted a position on the Tillsonburg Liberal. U. McKenzie, of Newbury, is his successor here.—Mrs. Hobt. Ash- bury has returned from a two months' visit, to Detroit.—Rev. Mr. Cousins, of Kirkton, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday evening. —After a few tuonths' stay at Dresden Miss Roberta Fox has 1•etul•nerd to her home here.—Thos. Harlton has been summoned to appear before a magis- trate for raising a disturbance in town the other evening by firing several shots through a window with a pistol. —The best ba 1 re (son orene 1 here Wednesday with two games between the Pastimes, of St. Thomas, and the Lucan Irish Nine. Lucan won easily in the morning by a score of 12 to 2. In the afternoon, with Pete Wood, of International League fame, in the box for the visitors, the game was more keenly contested. L'te,e11 won not by a score of 3 to 2. Llteltu \Vednesday. Mr. Jauws Walters is doing business in Hamilton and Toronto. Mrs. (Dr.) Holloway returned to her home in %Vieghatn to -day. Mrs. Goodison and little son, return- ed to Sarnia today, after it pleasant month at the home of Mrs. D. Johns. Messes. W. J. O'Brien. Peter Gowan and Duncan McDougall went to Clin- ton to -day to attend the Teachers' Con- vention. Other teachers will go to- morrow. Me. and Mrs. Wtn. Grigg attended the Musical Festival in London on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Grigg are amongst our oldest citizens and it is it pleasure to see them still able to travel about and enjoy themselves. Mrs. Will Ross, aud little daughter. Helen, of Clinton. spent at few days with Mrs. D. Ross, returning to their home Monday. Miss Agnes Gleed and Miss Irene Crysler, who have been guests of Mies Clara Cudnrore, returned to their homes in London Friday. Some of those who went, to London Victoria Day were: Messrs. R. Kins- man, Alvin Brintoell, Roy Farmer. Earl Browning, Arthur Snell, Miss Mary Oidley, Mr. and Mrs. Cobbledick Mr. and Mrs. R. Hicks, Miss Mattel Walters, Mr. W. H. Levett and Miss Amey Johns. Khiva Mr. Michael O'Rourk and Mr. B. Cunningham were in Thedford Friday and returned with a good driving mare for Bau•ney.—Mrs. B. Mulligan, of Dublite:was visiting her friends a few days last week. She was accompanied by Mrs. T. O'liourk, of Grand Forks, North Dakota.—Mr. John Querrin was visiting his parents on Sunday.— Quite a few of our sports attended the Races at Parkhill on the 24th and re- port a good tiute. —Mr. T. Collins has purchased a fine driver from Michael O'Rourk. Hensall Miss Bell Chesney spenta few days with Exeter friends last week.—Mr. McMorran, has returned tis Toronto, after a short visit at the home of Mrs. White.—Thos. Helfron, the new pro- prietor of the Commercial Hotel, has taken possession. Mr. Dowson has moved to Varna, his former home.— Jack Frost blackened the early potato vines, ruined the grape buds and spoil. ed the first strawberry blossoms in a visit paid to these parts Saturdayutd+ Y night.—The ether day the pat -tit. between F. Manns shaving parlor and %V. R. Hodgins' residence was noticed to he in flames. water was n. At once poured on and the fire extinguished before it made touch headway.— P. L. McArthur, of the Havelock agency of the Sovereign Bank has been promot- ed to the position of teller of theThed- ford agency. His many friends here will be much pleased to hear of his de- served advancement.—Alex. Thomp- son's second daughter. Miss Claire, was recently married at Toronto to Mr. C. Southwell, a respected and prosperous merchant of the above city. We join with the host of friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Southwell every happiness. Crediton Mr. Richard Baker of London, visit- ed friends in the vi age this week.— The earpenters are my at work at J. If. Holtzman's t w building.—Mose Kestle has realm ed from St. Marys where he lits be n working for a ew weeks at the 1 rness hnsiness.•- as- ter ('latrence 1 oil znu►n had it ;tatty fall from it hi h Ladder, one d'► last week and is tying for n tnneh 1 eiaed nose. --Mr. 1 141 Mi -s. John Kt t• and daughter, Mss Evelyn. al ten( I the \V so Grosvenor-tl. n nuptials at t .\ [(•(ill- livray on \Vednesday- Yest.e ay was Victoria Day. A number went to Ilensall to spend the day win a others took advantage of the holiday end per- formed some necessary work around their hotnes.--Mr. Worden, represent- inJr the i'elheim Nursery of Toronto, is in the village taking orders for trees.—Mr. August Hill has purchased a new driverrot f n Mr. W. R. iElliott.I 111 of Centralia. ---The entertainment giv- en in the Evangelical church under the auspices of the Y.P.A. on Monday evening, was well attended. Mr. A. L. Briethaupt, of Berlin, was present and furnished it series of excellent views relating to Saint Paul. Rev. i)enlnl explained each view as it was thrown on the sereMr. Thoma. Morrow sang a veryopriate solo. gratulated on furnis The program theresy out was very in- teresting and the Y. .A. are to he con - entertainment. _�/ uch a ft �. CiIEDITOR GUN Ct.tn.—The r eoit- on Oen ('lith held a praetice contest at Mr. David Mawhinney'* on Friday evening last, each shooting at ten clay pigeons. Following is thescore:—Fred Kerr, 10; W. Yearley. 9; Rohl. Me- s►hinney, 7; Oen. Wa(whinney 7; W. Gilmore. 0: Mr. Bora. 0: Fr Young. • the interesting ceremony was perform - O. ed by Rev. Henderson, of Crediton, (From Ann( t)** Sntir.w) and after this was over the happy 0011- A ('l.t•:.an SHEET.—The members of pie were heartily congratulated by the the official Board of the Methodist friends present. It watq indeed at hap - church are to 1* congratulated on their success this year in heing able to Stephen WEDDED.—Stephen once more con- tributes to the happiness of another home and Hay claitns another bride. The contracting parties are Mr. Henry Restenlier, of the 14th con., Hay. and Miss Clara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad %Valper of the Town Line. The young people drove to Dashwood and at three o'clock the ceremony was performed at the Lutheran church by the Rev. R. Eifet•t. "Before the alter now they stand— The bridegroom and the bride. And who can tell what lovers feel In this their hour of pride. About one hundred invited guests bad assembled to witness the tying of the knot. After this was done the guests repaired to Grand Bend where a dain- ty and s ptuous wedding supper was served. for which Mr. and Mrs. 1Vu1. Fri'z deserve h credit. The remainder of the evening was pleas- antly spent in various amusements. The presents bestowed on the happy couple were handsome and minieroas, As Mr. and Mrs. Restemier are well known and very popular we predict for thea, it -happy and prosperous sail over the matrimonial sea. MIcGillil'ray Mr. and Mrs. (Seo. Sanders were in Lt,ndon Saturday. --Gibson Bros. and G. Saunders have improved the ap- pearance of their farms by erecting wiro fences.—S. Pearson is busy build- ing three concrete abutments for the entinicipality.—J. Laughlin, of Park- hill, and A. 11. Hodgins were here re- cently getting a petition, asking the Bell Telephone Co., to build a line from Parkhill to \gest McGillivray, via Moray and Lieury.—The Literary So- ciety intend holding a picnic to Grand Bend on Saturday, June 3rd.—Mr. R. J. Hamilton. who is attending .the Un- iversity at Toronto, is borne on his holidays.— Rev. A. A. Bice, of Betvie, Ont., son of M1•. W. L. Rice, 8th con., has accepted a call to Derham, subject to the approval of the Bishop ofHu- ron. His runny friends here are pleas- ed to hear of his progress.—Miss Lila McMillan. is visiting her uncle, Capt. Graham at Belvadore.—Miss Reynolds and Mrs. Plum, of Thedford, were via- iting their father, C. Reynolds, near Maple Lodge, during the week.—Miss Maud C:amet'on, who hats Leen attend- ing the Forest City Business College during the past winter, has gone 10 Truro, Nova Scotia, where she has ob- tained It position as teacher in the ilus- iness C'olle'ge. --Although the growth this spring has not been so rapid as 80111, years the crop prospect 11 all quarters are most. favorable. The time- ly and peaceful showers have kept the land in prime condition for tillage while vegetable growth has been sure and strong. Fell wheat,which emerged from its snowy covering looking well, has held its own, premising fair for a bountiful yield. The spring grains are corning along nicely and the pasture and hay Lands have got a good start. The ground is also in a good stateP for root seeding. in fact prospects are very encouraging along every line. About all our farmers have to com- plain of is the scarcity and high prices of cattle for grazing purposes. SVante so. —On Wednesdny.May. 24, alwut one hundred and thit t • guests assembled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, 10th con., to wit- ness the nuptial; of their estimable daughter, Mise Pearl, to Mr. Ernest Grosvenor, a prosperous young farmer of Strathroy. The bride was attired in it very pretty costume of white crepe de chene and as she took her place be- side the groom looked the picture of lov'iiness. Miss Clover Short, who as- sisted the bride was gowned In a handsome cream costume. The groom WAR nhly supported through the trying ordeal by his brother. At 4 o'clock py crowd that teat down to the well Wetted table and every one seemed to show up to the world such a gond, in enjoy the excellent repast. A move fact a elenn-shorted report for the was then made to where the gifts year now ending in the fere of odds wore laid and much tinge was spent in which have tared them. The shortage Inspecting the various articles, which which was reported last week has ilia. w•ete simply mngniflcient. The te. nlelniter of the evening was pleasantly spnet in music and various an►use- menta. Mr. and Mrs. Grosvenor will reside on the gloom's fine farm near Mtrethroy. Your correspondent joins in wishing the happy couple a long and bpppy married life. appeared to a certain extent, the on- cersof the .Sunday .School and Tvestee Board coming to their help and loan- ing the amount necessary to square op. Crediton Circuit has net in the past nr will not in the future be behind at settling tip time. (New Reading Matter appears in this space each week.) Like A Plant In The Spring. Your savings grow, when i Iace•1 in this hunk. A back • account cultivates and encourages tbirlty habits—ouch as all ,uocessful people have. $1 opens a "growing" account, to „hieh you eau add when you like and withdraw when you please an any sized amounts We add interest to the prin- cipal and compound it FOUR times a year, on 31 Jan., 30 April, 3l July, and 31 October. New accounts are always itele-ou.e. We hate the best facilaties for banking at the most reason• able rates and terms consistent a ith conservative banking. We invite your business. Branches in Huron County at EXETER. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, 11ENSALL. 7.1RlcH, CLn roN THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA Madman & Stanbury. Soht•itors le Joseph Snell, Manager Ex t:TER, Ira-hwoal and Zurich branch**. Grand Beni Mrs. Ezra Brenner spent a few days in Exeter during the week.- The 24(11 passed off very quietly in our horgh. —Messrs. Morris Brenner and Sid Bos- seubert•y are contemplating the pur- chase of a sterur► yacht for use at oar popular summer t•esot t. This will be a great boon) to visitors who throng the place during the summer months and who may wish to enjoy pleasant sail on Lake Huron, without the usual muscular exertion which is necessary in the small boats. Greenway William Dawson visited our village Thursday looking after Mr. T. A. Ma - hurry's Insurance business.—Mr. John Shert•itt attended the District meeting at Ailsa Craig last Thursday. --Mr. C. Curtz purchased a new buggy from R. English.—Edward English has return- ed bottle after visiting friends in Sarn- ia and Pott Huron, and hie mother at Cairo, Mich.—Miss Carrie Wilson and her cousin, Miss Belle Stinson spent the holidays in London with the form- er's brother, W. A. Wilson. --We are pleased to state that Miss Lillian Bro- phey has passed her final examina- tions at Evanston College, Chicago, I11., receiving a diploma with honors. Her many friends congratulate het on ber recovery.—Miss Edna and Roy Sherritt, who for some time have been seriously ill, are slowly recovering. Thames Road Hirsh-Cr.ASS CONCERT.—The concert given under the auspices of the choir of the Thames Road Presbyterian church on Friday night last 'deserves to rank high and will go on record as one of the hest ever given in this local- ity. The committee is to Ise congrat- ulated upon the outcome of the under- taking for it wasY t certain) a risk in I securing so much expensive and high - classed talent, but the result shows that the people of the vicinity are not lacking in their appreciation of true artistic merit and ability. The violin music by Miss Gertrude Huntley, of St. Thomas, wits indeed sweet. Her different selections were brilliantly rendered and brought forth much mer- ited applause. Mr. Frank B. Conklin, of Toronto, very much surpasses the average entertainer. His rendering of the different selections showed that he bad thoroughly mastered the art, is no mere mimic playing upon the light- er fancies of his auditors with hollow gestulations; he is it most finished ar- tist, who creates the attnosphere in which his characters act, portraying their surroundings with bewitching vividness and reproduces their feelings and actions in that deep soulful man- ner that never foils to interest and edify. The singing by Mr. Oliver (fe- lines, of London, was of a high order. He possesses a pure, rich. musical voice, of good volume and with pleas- ing manner his renditions aro charm- ing. His selection given in French tongue was well received and loudly appbtuded. Miss O'Merat, of London. acted as accompanist and performed her parts in it manner finished and most pleasing. T he proceeds ed to 00. t ono 1 Int - Zurich W. Mender is at Kettle Point, where he has secured it contract of loading stone for the Grand Bend duck.—John Beichert & Son, have purchased the blacksmith stock of Ed. Kalbfleisch, of ' 1 1 business.—Il. e who ts giving 1 Blake, g R I H. Little, who has been in the employ of Mr. Magel for a time, has gone to Ilensatll, where he has secured a more lucrative position.—Miss Fleischauer, of Stratford, is visiting at the home of her uncle. If. t1.'ischauer.—N. M. Can - tin is having his big hotel in St. Joseph fitted out and expects to have it com- plete it) it few weeks. Ile has the promise of a license for it when it le ready for occupancy.—The foundations for the large bank barns of John For- rest and D. Taylor, of the Parr line, are now completed.—Tuesday was Em- pire day.—The members of St. lions- face church recently purchased a tine chancel organ. Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Eyler, of the Goshen line, have moved to Vatnta where they will enjoy a much needed rest, Their son, Allen, has purchased the farts and has taken possession. Weinexo.—St. Boniface Catholic church here was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Tuesday forenoon, the contracting parties being Mr. John Hass, of Detroit, and Miss Clara, eld• est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foster, of the Babylon line. The gown worn by the bride wns very pretty. She was asstiste'el by her sister, Miss Phoebe, while Mr. Jos. Foster, Jr., snpportett the groom. The ceremony which water lerformwl by Bev. Father Mtroeder, was witnessed by a num- ber of invited guests. The singing for the occasion was beautifully rendered. Mr. and Mrs. Haas will reside in De- troit. We wish thern a happy tnerried life. Centralia We are enjoying beautiful weather. —Mr. Vat. Essery has named his fau•rn Spruce Grove. The name is an appro- priate one and besides one of the (lest farms in the township of Ushorne Mr. Essery has a beautiful home and sur- roundings.-- 'Mr. R. Sande) has re •eiyed it carload of posts. They are good ones. The Messrs. Wilson attended the wed- ding of Miss Pearl Wilson, of HI Ins- ley, on \Vednesday.---There is smile talk of ce•1lentsidewalks is town.— Mr. Pat Certain left on Friday for Bran- don, Man.—Mr. Frank Abbott is rapidly recovering from his recent ill- ness. We are glad to see his smiling face on ourstteets once more. Clalldebc ye, Janes Sutton, after spending sever- al weeks in Tot -onto, returned home Monday.—S. Chown spent Saturday in London.- "Thus. Hodgins, who has been conducting a livery business in Kingsville for some time, has sold out his business and returned to this place. Mrs. Hodgins is visiting friends in Port Huron. --Miss Debt Harlton, of Lucan, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Armitage spent Sunday with the lattet's brother, Geo. Carter. Moses Hodgins is having a wire fence erected in front of his premises, which,, when completed, will add greatly to the appearance of his place.—Quite a number of our citizens attended the baseball match at Lucan, on May 24, while others took in the races at Park- hill.—Harvey Hall and daughter, ida, of ildet ton, visited at the home of Mr. Cunningham on Wednesday.—Mrs. Fitzgerald, of London, is visiting friends in and around the village.— Miss Babe Morley is visiting her sis- ter in London. Eden Crops t e looking good in this vicinity.— Messrs. J. Harding and R. Coates are busy raising their barns. When complete those gentlemen will have up-to-date buildings.—Mire. Sweet of Minneapolis, Kansas, is visiting her brother, Mr. Wm. Caves. —Mr. and Mrs. C. Murdy, of Lucan, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Essery on Friday last.—We are pleased to know that Mr. J. Luxton, who has been sick for the past six weeks, is on a fair way to recovery.—Mr. Frank Coates is wearing a broad smile—Its a boy.— Mr. Davidson is attending the teach- er's convention at Clinton.—Mr. Lewis Wood Sundaye'd at Elimville.—The Epwat th League Social on Monday night was at grand success. Those taking part feint a distance were Miss Andrews, Miss Essery and Mr. Nor- man Mitchell, of Centralia, Miss B. Rook. of Wnchelsea.—Mr. R. J. Ham- ilton, a fort .her in our school, called on his old pupils and friends on 'Tuesday. We are glad to see hint in our midst again.—Mr. Edgar Buswell is house again after attending his exams. /It the Toronto Medical School We wish him success. BIRTHS F t.E,a tl.NII—10 F,xcter nn . \ Ir+ •\ n 2t t .[i. and Mrs. I.. C. Fleming, a son. GRIEVE --In McGillivray, on May 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grieve, a son. C'RoNVN—in Stephen. on May 1R, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cronyn, a son. IIAYTER—in .Stephen, on May 22, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hayter, a son. COATR(a, - in Psbnrne, Con. 3, on May 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates, a son. ET11EIttNt;TUN--in Usborne, on May LI),to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Etherington, a daughter. WADnata.—in Fargo. on May 13, (Al Rev. and Mrs. \Vaddell, foi nicely of Elimville circuit, a daughter. Tot.—in Wellwo o d, Man., on May 10th, to Dr. and Mrs. Percy Il, Tum, formerly of Oodericb, a Baugh• teer. MARRIAGES. %sewer--0waiveNolt—At the home of the bride's parents, on May 24, by the Rev. Mr. itenderson, Mr. Ernest Grosvenor, of Strathro , to Miss Pearl, eldest daughter of Mr. John \\'ilsnn, 10t1 con., McGillivray. IiAAS - F,ISTEIS- At St. Beane inhereh. Zurich, on May 10. by Father ytroe- der. Mr. John Hans, of Detroit, Mich., to Miss Claus, eldest (laughter of Mr. and Meg. Jos. Foster, of Hay. GRLtNAS—DENOMY—At 8t, Peter's church, Urysdal,e on May 16,hy Fa- ther Loiselle, Mr. Jos. (felines, to Mise Mary Denomy, both of flay. RESTEMIRit - \VAI.PEH--At the Luth- eran church, Dashwood, on May 16, by Rev. R. Eifert, Henry Restenlier. of con. 1 I, (lay. to M iss ('Iara, (laugh - tar of Mr. end Mrs. ('onred %Valper, of Stephen. ('REtoHTt,N- MARRI(rrr—At Wellborn, May 18. lay Rev. i1. (frnhs►n, Alex. ('reighton. to Mise Sarah Marriott. of 8t.. Marys. 1 •