HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-05-18, Page 6THE FRENCH SPY SYSTF IIitianb�•rouun, 9 to his Position. Th, goe oP- positIw counter- 'spionaget wind of what was going on and Ineresting Gossip About Sous NO ONE IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE :,ought the fiches through the inter- Noted People. FROM ESPIONAGE. ou'tline's) of Sy%etun anal the Ma- The ('sa- is very fond of golf. sonic clerk, Itid,•gttin. The "lel" though he (litesn't play much. At What a Dossier Is and -How Its or death by foul naafis of the one cash Royal palace there is a links), Information Is may hate been partly due to other and ih the perk of the Wint:•r l'aluce Obtained. e•auser. The (Iisaepearanec of the it nicio-hole com•se, where the Czar other is still tines/Seined, but one spends i uch ,f tintthat,. •'Piei ionagc') Rubbish." said my thing is quite certain -both Syvetoii fi 1. ,t. •• roti tenons who live h're and I*idegain would have baro tiow tit Paris have spies and spying on alive and :night perhaps be reputable the brain. If u letter goes wrong iuentbers of society but for the ndi- sou throw out tl:•rk hints of block nus system of espionage w•hlch, even cabuiets, and you would have us 1•e- more generally now than in the eia- lieve that there is no more saur•tity pire's palmy days. hes altogether for private life in Frame here than undermined the moral tone of Prance. there is in Russia. :)own in your -------♦------ heart of herrts you know that that OVERDUE. it; nuusense, but your (triton who PERSONAL POINTERS. lives 01.108(1 is „ (all of the every- Those Vessels Disabled at Sea 1•:ngllshu,uu's-house-is-his-castle no -Are the Most Helpless. tf.ru that ha invariably gets exagger- The word "missing" applied to a ated idea's I:s to intrusion on his ship brings all hope of safety to an privarv." 11y friend's explosion end, anti settles the loss of friends gives, i thin::, a very fair idea of t110 ashore 811(1 of the underwriters, says opinion of st Englishmen at home Me. .Joseph Cunra.l, writing in the when espionage is mentioned to them London Moil; but the :curd "over - and yet the spy system not only does clue" only strengthens the fears al - prevail in Prance, but it has enter- ready born in many houses ashore. e(1 into the customs of the country's and opens the door for speculation rulers, as well as into those of folk in the market of risks. Within tits "agin the. government." so 'h Memory of the present generation a that, if it does not throw Russia's missing ship has never teen known method into the shade. it at :111 to turn up; but the name of an over - events quite equals it, writes a tor- clue vessel, trembling, its it were, on re,pol,dent of the London Mail. the edge of the Intal heading, has How much do you In England been known to appear as "arrived." realize, i wonder, of the inwardness of all OVe111110 ve•-sels the most of the "fiches" scandal in the ('hairs- helpless is the steamer disabled at her of 'Deputies not long ago, wh::h sea by the loss of her propeller. If all but. overthrew M. Combos and she is in an ocean "lane" she luny his government? What think you soon be sighted and towed to {'ort, of the fact that practically every (-officer of the French army, from the young f,-llnw who has just left St. Cyr to the commander-in-chief him- self. has each his dossier at the war office which is at the service of the nlihaster for home niluirs whenever he chooses to deninnd it sight of it? The minister of justice has the dos- siers of every etenlber of the French bar, and at the prefecture and the home office are myriads of dossiers referring to civilian officials, politi- cians and to all classes of private folk. An:I now, of course. you would like to know just. MIA'(' A DOSSIER IS. Piled and kept safe from ' prying eyes, between two strips of card- board, the ministerial offices of which 1 have spoken collect short notes shout the lives of every kind of people, written on scraps of paper and derived from sotr:ces more or less reputable. One of these slips, or fiches. which make the dossier up, may make or star the future of a citizen of the republic, and, as the scandal in the Chamber showed, the information gathered from club ser- vants, waiters in cafes. concierges, from nu matter whom nor how, nor where, has many times prevented otherwise deserving officers front get- ting leave. promotion or the coveted exchange to other duties. '('his, sirnhge as 1t. no doubt hoist sound to English ears and English notions, would be n good mark 1n the Pensee of .1nnunrv, 100.1, but if to -morrow France were to be ruled by it reactionary cat inet-sort, as you know, in France conservative re- action and allegiance to the Pope go i iiia-in-hnntl-yesterday's good mark would mean such n lend one for the unfortunate officer in quest' that. he would probably be tucked away in u frontier garrison, where. to use the official explanntion of such em,rses when they are questioner) in the chamber. his "influencefor coinas less 10 be feared." One of the great ndininislrat118 jokes is the pre- mrntrtl' to n high F'reneh official 011 his accession to otlice of the dossier concerning hint. I can cite a rather AMUSING I:XAMFPLI; of this. 'fie present premier, M. (Soothes, ort entering office. was par- ticularly anxious to sero what infor- mation his forbear at the home office had about him. The secretary, who teas despatched for the dossier. so expurgated it before he brought it in that all M. C'omb's: found about himself was tint lie hall been pro- posed twenty year.; before for the 'Tons ..1 the Ltgio1) of lienor. 1le knew that conlll . not be all It loan contuinell, insisted. nod eventually THE EAST•ENDOF LONDON1AMONG THE MERMAIDS TRAGEDIES OF EVERY DAY IN MANY FATHOMS UNDER WATER THAT QUARTER. IN A SUBMARINE. Truce Stories of Lite in the Crowd- Experience of a Man Who Tried ed City, as Told By the Bis - It For the First hop of London. Time. h i ,n ` u°' U►. Wilmington Ingraut, the Bishop • Lady theses, who takes a great of Lor:don, has long been looked up It was not un inwpiritIng intruduc- interc•tt in most kinds of animals, uv us the Bishop of the East. 1?uti, tine to my first uo(1 te..y experience has cr'e'ated it mile! rens(atinn in so- sates London Answers. Ile is well "f going duwu uniting the mcrului'l tidy chiles by establisliir'gu known all oyer White chapel, Hilo in a submarine to have my attention "wearers)" at lieres(ortl Lodge. End, and Stepney, and other Fust; (haat* in the dockyard to \chat re - at hent, England. where 1•:!.d district:;; and it is safe to say' mains of the i11 -luted A1, 1l hich some she hen some fine specimens of crock that no bishop is more hived by the time ugit was sent to the bottom by breeds of pet mice. poor than 1)r. Winnington Ingrain.' a passing ship and carried its crew If one were to tie asked to name Itis unconventional manners and the' to their grave; but my natural buoy - the host patient Winn 00 earth, the happy knack he possesses of getting ancy reasserted itself as in the 8081- 1rut))(.+1 reply would probably be- at the hearts of the people hate Party of a naval Iricnd 1 was rowed Paul ('inn{uevalli. The famous fest mads him a great favorite. It is out to the submarine in the harbor of throwing up n hen's egg and owing to these characteristics that which was to provide me with a catching it 011 a plato without his East End experiences form most novel sensation, says a writer in breaking; it necessitated Milne years interesting reading. London Tit -slits. of cunreant prurtiee, "roil knock," the bishop soya, "at After till, i could not help reflect - a door in the East End. After long ing, nue is as likely to meet one's The German Emperor owns a curs- hesitation, it will he opened Woos, fate while -tossing the Strand as in qua table -cloth, presented long ago a tout by a Little girl. 1'ou will hear sinking u few fathoms under water; by the women of Schleswig-Holstein. a distant voice from the washtub in and it was encouraging, too, to vo- lt is entirely worked over with mor- the rear: 'Well. Sally, who 1s that'?' call an account 1 had just been read - al sayings that include the follow- ••'?'hen Sally will turn her head hug of the experiences of the crow ing: "'Do not believe all you hear, halt round and shout: 'Please, Muth- of nn American submarine, who not do not say alt you know, do nut do er, it's religion!' " • only remained over ten hours under all you would like." "Hilt thou The following incident is relating to water, but thoroughly injoycd tho here have spars trent, he cargo: with one of the bishop's Baste: Monday thy glass." "First weigh and con- excursions. On hank ltolldays�ozperieuce. skier, then dare." "German house, lir Wilmington Ingrain almost in- The Rpirito of the crew." wrote t:ermuu land. guard it, (ital. with variably spends it day in the cool- the chronicler. "aPpearerl to im- mi{ hty hand.""Contentment is a Pnnv of 150 to 200 lads in the East {ir eve the lunger we remainedbelow; rare art:' End. iie says: "One day I noticed the Hirst was spent incatching Mr. John liar, the American Sec- the express stopping pretty often, dams, singing, trying to waltz, rotary of State, and hornier Anted- and wonders 1 why, as it. was not Playing cards:, and writing letters to can Aanbussndor in Loudon, recallsndtertisc(1 to stop anywhere. At last wiles and sweethearts. Our only the guard cam.; to see me at a way- vis :urs tiring the day were n 01. if equipped with wireless tete_ the Clays of his boyhood when he side stutio0, couple of black base,, which came and Fr.tp}iy alio may call g,41, "in- a would pelt home from the little Wl'TI1 ft t'l al' ItF.I) FACE, LOOKED IN Al' THE WINDOWS oCOUNT(tl' PRODUCE. lung distance. But if she drift to school which he attended to help.his stall saa(1 he n•uuld hold ore responsl- with a great deal of apparent inter. Mutter -The market continues easy an unpopu:Hied part of the ocean, mother in turning the milk into ble for what my toys were doing. est.,• in inclination. she rainy soon be added to the list cheese and butler; and there are men lie said that they had pulled the Ail in mita of the agreeable pro ere err, prints '20c to 21c of niiss!flg, whin her life, born of at Washington to -day who remem- daugc► eonnectingaud there limes• I .,,du solids Inc 20c be little John flay, the boy who tweet thus {pictured I trust confess cool and breathing smoke, has end -went round to ser what wua 1taP_ that my heart sank a little when at Dairy ib. rolls, good to e A cert Ain steamer lost her propel- d.was superuuuterary help At his our them had dont asked ed'Ohh whether said of last I found thyself on the heaving 110 lch bee rolls lot lilt ther's small homestead. Now -a -it. ler helots the latitude of the horn, clays. thanks largely to his wife, little chap at once, 'it was me! I hack of what looked touch like a flu u►rdiutn 15c Ioa on her outward passage to Now 'Zee- Colonel flay la a man of great was only 'tinging my 'at Up on it!" sleeping whale, \ahich might at any Cheese --Fail is quoted steady at land, and (trift,-d away out of the wealth, though has riches have by "Not long ago 1 was visiting in a momentttwnkp and carry one down llic for large and 12c for twins. truck of teasels. She, too, would no means diminished his fondness London hospital a little girl, the into the black depths of water. In The offerings of stew• cheese are in - have been posted first as overdue and for work. daughter of a clergyman, who lay the centre of the harrow deck on (Teasing. They are quoted lower at th18 then as missing had she not been e youthful hint,* of Spain, whose trees) near her rod. She said to file which I had it precarious footing laic to laic, sighted vaguely in a snow -storm, marriage e is a matter of ouch fn- 'I went to tell you, bishop, 1 arn� wA9 u conical projection, which I Eggs -The market has a steady like a strange rolling island, by a mediate interest, had the experience, afraid of dying. I feel it continc had sufficient knowledge to recognize tone at 141c to I 5 per dozen. whaler going north from her 101111' mere among n►unarchs, of being born nearer and nearer, and I am afraid.' as the Conning -(ower; and. -to:lowing Potatoes -Ontario, 60e on track cruising -ground. tiger was plenty a ling. His father had been dear) I united a minute, and prayed that, expert friend, i climbed down it, and 65c to 75e out of store; eastern the right word might be given to i as one might descend the interior of 60c to 65c on track and 70c to 75c of food on board, and all had gone surer six months when the infant, ate, and then I said: 'Would you. be • a chimney. by moms of a perpendi- out of store. well till then. Still they costa not borne on a golden Rnhrr, was first afraid to let nu, carry you to the'c11111. Iron ladder, and found myself haled (lay -$8.50 per ton for No. be certain of having been se's, and Presented to his Court. Ile adores roost?' '011, nu!' she replied. 'Phcn in a long, narrow, brilliantly -lit 1 timothy and r! c $7 for mixed indeed to the whaler the steamer the mother to whose w•atchfut care why should you be afraid,I said,' corridor about 6 ft. high and 4 fton track here. must have seemed lise n huge white he owes his life, and hers is the 'to let someone who is ten thousand wide, which appeared to stretch Baled Straw -Car lots on track ghost, or like the fabled "Flying only influence to which his autocra- times kinder and ten thousand times from one end of the vessel to tho here are quoted with a firm tone 1)utchmnn.'' *1.1 nature has readily submitted stronger carry you in !lis arms into other, a distance of perhaps 100 ft. at $6 per ton. The captain of the whaler was evi- "Alfonsito" is one of the pet names (lis other morns?' 'the thought At each side of this distinctly cheer- de•ntly no believer in ghosts, how- by which she caile'd him when a seemed to still her fears, and when Ful, i1 er•pmpe�I, i corridor vera MONTREAL MARKETS. ever, for he came into port and re- child. but no one else might ever 1100 1 came back next day Ihey tu1(1 m'' ins slrr•ious levers and screws by Montreal, May lo. -(:rain -Local ported steamship ain1ig a certainllat11 disabled it. When llaare aye i,ii_iter Alfunsi )C' athesked. but had d ictfallenfelt intotaherelast (I steel) which the worked machinery of tho grain men report business very quiet an uncertain longitude. tither steam- baby -King said haughtily, "To main- with her bend on vessel was worked. as result of English merchants be- ers went out to seek her, found her inn I am Alfonsito, but to you 1 TILE SHOULDER OF .11:`308. Little (condor, As my friend in- ing unwilling to pay price asked and towed her to port. The track ani the Kinin." "I shall never forget, among- she ntong the funnw) roe, tint the quarters avail- hire. she had made while drifting re•semlr A genuine ro:►trutee of imlurlry tit- t►tans) sod sci'nea til which I have able or till crew neve so Flour -Manitoba spring wheat pa- led a tangled block :laced on the beer. present in East London, the "CABINF l) AND CONFINE')." lents, $5.4(1 to $5.50; strung tink- led e taches to the cares of Alr. John10 to *5.20; winter wheat surprising , ' ens. white paper of the chart. In that Pearce, founder of the well-known time I spent with a father and his for within that tiny craft were pack- ens', s, 85.50 to *5.60; straight surprising tangle were written iu catering firm of. London, who has wife when, on the! Hanle Sunday Ori two nets of mnchinury, electric rollers, $.'5.15 to $,1.25, and in bags, minutes "gale's," "heavy fogs," just t•ctired from active business life. nl"ening, they lost all lief three motor., for sac under :cuter, a gas- g•2 .1:, to $2.55. "ice," and other words suggestive of Ile began to earn his own living children one After another. First one engine for surface propulsion, tanks M111ftr`(1-111nnitnbn bran in bogs, death in the antarctic. died in the early mor g, then the for oil, air, elcctrle batteries, tor- e . " before he was tr'n years old, and his second, and the third,All in the $1J, shorts, $. 1 per ton; Ontario "We had three weeks of it," said {ntroduction to the refreshment pedo-auir:r, al so ort -until the to *11 wheat bran in bulk, >b18. io the seconn urate to Mr. Conrad. business was by means of a street sant.• room. wonder )new how it was possible to to $tl►; shorts, $'.10 to $'.'1; m . "Just think of that!" "1 was with them through it all, crowd so much into so little room, 524 to 52'!1 per tun, as to quality. barrow. lHe S,ld colTee And bread a rd \f when 011 three were lyingdead! "(lute did .on feel about It?" end butter in the City lined, and round us we simply sat yielhcr ons er tv1 were All er board -two of- OBIS -$2.20 to i2.'l`l1 per bug. "I'll tell tau," he said, abruptly. haft himself stated that his takings lir sofa in the rouse and all subbed•ificers, nine of the crew, and the pas- The torw of the inarke•1 fur corn - self op "Towar ind n>lvhe lsrr>omst I tran,{ cry." sed to 1JIII& nn' were a9 much as 530 a Morning. Such a tragedy as that in a family l oetica 1 t closed'e niandt Iw(r was hfor er- 51.45 remains strode at $1.15 to Matters pros/al-8d, so that hr am- does not happen o11, , but when ilpoetically prepared $1.45 bag. Cry') ' played men to control other "gutter docs happen you sec the grip which I rlevelorments. Below the conning- flay -No. 1, $9 to 89.50; No. 2, lt, Shed tears," he explained, brie:- hotels," hien a small co1T;e-house children have upon the heartstrings tndder,er were the lr);Rvisible, u1 tstanding lieutenanttho in 8 .50, and pureotclover, mixed. 86.50 to was opened, bigger esta►llishments of the parents: you see what, a tee-+ 111 W8s 55 good n hen n9 ever followed, and now there are eighty nlendoualy important thing it is that charge of the craft. Ile was calling $6.70 per tun ill car lots. stepped upon n ship's deck, lint 11e of "Prater and !'testy" In the children should bo alTe tiunate,; out in4)1 .11tions to the crew•, who, In Beans -Choice primes, $1.70 to $1.- branchescocld not bear the feeling 01 a (lead various parts of the Metropolis. • happy and guod• 'sw'ift oh. (is ore, manirulatcd certain : 75 per bushel, 51.50 to $1.(iU in car ship under him -the sickly. disheart- 1,.- Limas lfaniiltol) has many in. "i remember also coming across fivers: but as :herr was no sett q_lots. ening feeling which lir men of some I •,r••ting things to relate of her ono little hoose In llethnal Green.,liou of uwsetnent 1 began to think Provisions -Meaty Canadian short. overdue !:hips that come into harbor 1 hrc•• ears ns Court physician t0ewrong w The man was out of work. There that. something had gone ith cut pork. $10.50 to *11.50; light r at last tinder their own jury rig rho Aewer of Afghanistan. It was was scarcely any furniture -it had the machinery, short cut, 8111.50 to *17; American must have felt combated and over - i whit.• ici charge of the 1)ufferin lfurr all been pawned -and tees) few cloth's' "What is the molter?" T flaked my cut. clear Fal backs, $20; cuuq,uund 1'01118 in the faithful discharge of'patnli at ('nlcutta that Ab11urrahulan left in the house. Ile was 'regular ' nautical friend; "won't she sink?" lard, 61c to 7e; Canadian lard, Mc their fluty. down on his lick,' ns we say. But t "Sinks" he laughed; "why, we are to Tic: kettle rendered, rise to !)ir I heard of the wonderful succrriR of the g error lin • t0 r urtlity; hams, 1217 (1) ♦ I Inu:.d that mon en r.ged when I curve severe: fathoms ur>Klrr water anti 6 1 A VEST POCKET WONDER. w)lit.) 1ad,v duct or. and engaged her on him -he did not expect. a Z•isit.flying along like a fish. flow tough 14c; incus, lac; fresh killer! abattoir- ns his meth") attentlant at a high. from me -with the bit of the top of I deeper would •you like to go, • hogs, 81►.75 to $10; mixed, *11,50 to Soinetling About an Every -day • salary. - Soon after arrival, i'r. n fir-tr0o and two canines, wiring; ' Oh. about a hundred fathon:9 .. T $6.75, select, $7 to $7.St1 ofT cars. Article Use. iTnmiltun. who was the only first- lhuee two candles on to the bit of 0nswerwf, jocularly. Eggs -Straight. stuck, 141c to 15c; llmf often is it of t things we sir the rAmrtr throughn in t hkaiusetrrrvi attack ursed lir tree, that. his three' little children If she were to sink 0 hnndred fa- No. 1, 1:1 jc to 131c; No. 2, 12C to might have something of a Christ - 'thnnts 'she would be cru.ir(e1." . 121c. and rald,hendle 111 tltnun•1y ht times lrlenc (layart. no( of gout. And so won his Confifl n, o sons -tree. ( do not wonder that said. js{ 0s you could rru•h an But ter -Choice creamery, i!)1c to b :haat she would lo rouser! from sleep those children loved that loan! Thele 11)ic; rolls, grades, 17c to 18c; dairy those who Posses8 a watch have eler in th. timet of flight 10 1(8011• if he ti tyres, in all hi-. poverty and 011, it6rg-ahrll in your basil, 11h•:, 17c; to t.. flit. thought of what is cxpecterl of it, tni,'h* idle n prpperutlni! M) his distress, taking a little truulrlel AT F•'FF rY FA'TItoms (;hese-:)Mario. 101e to 101g; (lumber, U;c to lots LEADING MARKETS lilts(:AIis'1't'Fl:S. 'Toronto, 7(ay 16.-Ifhcat-No. 2 red and white, at 07c, .hold,•? s ► en- erally nsking t►8c: goose nominal at 65c to 86c. Menituba-F'ir11i. Quota- tions at lake ports are: No. 1 north- ern, rJ6c, No. 2 northern, 142c, and No. a northern, 87e; 6c more grind- ing in lean, i(. }'Illus'-Onta,'i0 90 per rent. pa- tent,, Bre quoted at *4.35 to $4.45. buyers' sacks, cost and w1•st , 15c to 2tk• higher for choice. Manitoba, $5.40 to $5.50 (or first potents, $5.- 1(1 to $5.20 for second patents, and $5 to $5.10 fur bakers'. Millfeed-$16 to 516.50 for bran, and $18 to 518.50 for shorts Man- itoba, $18 for bran, and 520 for shorts at Toronto and (sinal point:. Barley -45c for No. 2, 4:tc. for No. 3 extru, and 4Ic for No. 1 molting outside, Toronto freights. item -69c to 70c for No. 2 f.o.b. outside. C'urn-('anadian nominal at •!7c for yellow anti 46c for mixed f.o.b. Chat- ham freights. Anicririui kiln -dried No. :3 yellow, tiriic to 5aJc; ordinary No. :3 yellow nominal at 561c and mixed at 56c on track 'Toronto. Oats --No. 2 white east, •111e, 40e weal. (tolled Oats -84.35 for cars of baga and 54.60 for bar'r'els on track hero; 25c more for broken lots here and 40c outside. I'oas-O$c to 69c for No. 2 what and east and 70c for milling. liu:kithetit-59c to 60c east or wrest. and the work it bus to du. lfnmilar,ti, who speaks Persian nisi for . the pressure of the water Is eight was shown the other (locomen( s. '?'his little machine is expected to w'i'nes it too, is a native of Ayr- ` 'nod a half tons to the q narc foot, \cork (1837 81)11 Hight witho01 st., , 111N POOR ('1tILl►Ill•:\. I '?'hey consisted of: 1.119:. Snf1)rma- 6 1 - .hire, Scotland. land her ride's couldn't kinnd a much tion einnost log frons n detective 1.111- ?'ing (ns -• 1111:1.0 bus to wurk from I 11:11 was more Bind in my life plmerl by the prefecture of I.yttc, „ birth till death). 1te expect it to°tfith•lan Actrscsd rb•nswust token hose trriago!that 1 hail something thut day to. lhllgoses•nil(rlMImpossible se than hthnt n• last little pros Metal tuna where the 1.•.• show us the right hole in winter and �on*h me an account of his �tIace 10.tt'r thrur which would protide ilio' i was realising toy boyish dream - sent premier practised 85 a dor- summer, and in whatever position it; g ti where withal' for a dinner, in order inspired 1,y .toles Verne -that the 1err. tied guthert•tl from "n person in is j'18ced, tiles to make neva Ile said he that it that poor little tree failed to the c1)naidence of the doctor's en- Now, if we open an ordinary gen-iren•nrbcred the story of {lick Whit- rause hilarity among the children great sen wAm rolling over my h•ad tleman's horizontal watch, we con tllgton Hud others. and he thought.'sono• beef and plum -pudding might and that I was darting through the fournpe;' second, similar Infnrtnn dark a'nters almost ns swiftly and tion from two dismissed servants `'r the h111MWC (111011: five-eighths of he might he site to (10 oomething of d i better. f! And II the: fishes represented 1'n'1 i''' inch irl dinrneter, which gives n • the kind. He nnswer,d many ail- '•1 can remember one home in (•;est s,•rurel ,ts a fish 'Though we were 1 C i f. 111'FF:11.0 MAIt10ETS. Hugely, May 111.-Flour-1'ir►n. Wheat -Nothing stone. ('urn-Firug No. 2 yellow•, 56c; No. 2 corn, ,etc. Oats -Firm; No. 2 white. 3•Ic; No. 2 mixed, 321c. Canal freights -- Steady; wheat 4, oats 21 to New York. z e ' n e thew -quarters' tuns at glory tick of '..'rtiFemcnt5. but to no purpose 1 ,.odes whirh wA9 9hn{rly terrihle.'cuinple e v sabot oT from the outer 1.1�'E STOCK MARKETS, 'orpb,•9 as icing a "cross little fWr- the watch, so that the little pin seen Among other pas filo employers. '171.e husband stns always drinking' air. breathing was as easy as !p a Toronto, May 18. -Following is the. son of untidy habits. who hypocriti in the hnluuce travels, at every tick Some wonted his lordship "to sell anti besting big aife. 1 was holding well -vent tinted drnwin,_-roum, arid 1 range of quotations at the Western catty abstains from ►ansa, 1,111 has of the watch, al t one and a half books on commission. to canvas for n mission in that parish, and I got was told that tee could stay a 1 1 n- l'attle Market: Flrenq secret leanings fawned the inches; and ns it watch of that des-' groceries, orad to travel on !hr hold of tint man, and made hits en hours untier wntrT without ours.Export clergy anti their works." Th.• :slue 1riplion has to make 18,01 xi vihra- rend." lir tetra to get n position give up the ,drink and take the supply of nir falling. Export steers, Choice...$•'.'•I, *6 ,10 ► of such information newts no grits- :sone, in nn hour, the little pin hay in n honk, hof torr ubjart(rl to his 'pledge testi sic, lie turned over a Alter all, there were many less Do.. medium:, -11(1 25 rtsnl• to snake a journey of about ten miles IK. n.hlp, and his lock of ?.now- tow leaf; he came out on the side 0f ncrrrultir things than travelling Ito., bolls 1 4'I: 1.'25 I So one in France I. nhsolutely stile • every twenty-four hours. (:oil alto ether, and only a short unrler• the sea, anti as In turn we 11*:Chem' (.rattle. ) t y'' ledge of a+i•llinK Fonrf.9 "over the i K { lean espionage. but 11 is carried 1)a: Now. w, well made watches ore gen-i c0unt.r ' prevented him fr recur. time ago his wife (net the with a .sank and rose, skimmed along the Iirtchers' rattle, picked.. ,',.til) :,.:,0 t rattly discretely, and few• people. es- (rutty expected to go for tw•o years•' tug, a {•osision in a large "dry- •happy, smiling face, And said: 'Sir,'surface at nim! 1. wits an hour and 1►0., choice 4.75 5 00 ` rept such of us *1s make 11 our hu9i_ so the little pin in the balance would'F.(inris •inrn." Then he thought al; he has net er guar back from tint; plunged again, no it sct•nro:f, head jj0., fair 10 good 4.(x) 4 75 I ncss to know thicgs. •�knr,w tri what ! h,,vernrnde. the long journey of 7,300 the stage. and attained mune dia• tiny live years ngo. My home is the foremost i:. to the 0,n. there a'as .. Feelers and Stockers. theirI (octet! - I ' happiest home in Enact Iwimlon, , tinction as an actor under the name ! c»i. Konetimes, oomph. w,• do get ' The balance in a lever wat'h ntake9 1 ,.nt the hepph•FL woman. 1 for n;nrnl Ihnt' when, oto• tuvage 1(N1 to 120:1 lbs. 4.A0 5 50 of fir. Jnmrs i:rshine. • In know and 1 (0) recd:IC(* an in-' generally one and n half turns nt 11. one of mY districts there was n over, I blade, my tsps) out of the IM., sisal to 1,0.'10 Ifs. 11.80 L!tU 1 rtnncr in my awn nese when 1 tvn9 rtcrw tick, and, theref1)rr, 1rntels club which I and /►SV follow•-tvurkerv.(onning-lower and Into the u, r M.11."4."1":1.11.149' Il.t•kers, :.t1(1 to 1)00 ' told nt our embassy by an anis',=i ,'double the distnncr-yip . 11,0010 "'�+ knew as ITe }tlackguards' Club, be- world of r: ,rfndin 1 P 1 ••1 1119 R.2!i 4.25 ( I ttmranndFi►ips0nd Mrretpry that 1 sag "knoa'rr to the iiiiles. '1'o ho a111e to acc.tpbsh thio � (ninsc tit ronsixted of (01101'9 who had 1"earnings, .3:,11 to 454 tl'liF:({F: F.ti .'>+1(; 11 1' 1S (:o(,{), 1"in, I taro that I sho'r trip ce:►ily police 119 an extremely violent per. cell the materials must he of the best' been turned out of every other fluent- ton ucie� r,iinrl 1nklnq a similar trip once a Puuntls :3.00 3.71) nr.d hardest; the oil also must lie of The hest eyesi ht is ,o.�o�tc•(1 by *y. 1 knelt that Among the tfCnt-, Shop and (.Neuss, Ron." '(he inhrruattnn carie from )' ( dos) for the rest of ratty life. 1111) sources- my r•onci,rg(•. 10 whom the best, and so fine and fluid that tho'' people :those lands are via 11(10 were n►nnh^rs who belonged to Export cw(•m, per cwt4.54) 5.01) 1 had. 1 aupi,ose, been rude with ,,:,n- o,.'' drop will suffice to crit 21' {,iv,rtMLmotel for nt lerikt two years. pll(1 homes, 11111 where obstacles n gins; 01 fhirvo". •♦ 1)0., *nicks, per cut300 4.01► lo ,or licuringno nod keep i., 1 in the' tending to shorts, the „lot aro i,,,a,. ..,,-_ first Ifufchers' mhrep. per cwt a.7:, 4.:,(1 home ioself whom I -i• seritsits of the two -n nob/Otero at th•• (Intestate department of the 1, „has, a w.atyit is is...wanted. Thi . in the snow at A great distance I / I .% I ' Ill'sTLI:11 A 1 .1.1-1 LE i he fine spiral sitting, generaliy ! l'fr is titoie by lengthening or shortening At tit, intrance to tunnels of Ja- ws; JAPANESE RAILWAYS. I.nmbs.4' `(prin. .811)1 3.50 :, '25 i holm boxing. and the committee kept Calver, per ('1'? ,. 8.n0 5 5'' them nt thnt pastlme for nbotit six 1)o., 088)1 2.uir 0.t,u months. bringing what g"(1 luau- protege soilwass a natite watchman lug9. Hogs, s.•lr t 11:11 to 200 ifs., riff cars 57 (1(1 1)o., fats, off cars 6 7:► Ins, lights, off cars .. 6.7:1 New Zealand's frrou'n 180nt traria with (:rent Britain now equals about 15,0:::1 she'p a .lay. "1)o you r0tuernbcr. love. 1 wen( v years ago we sat one moonlight night by this lake? I had my heel on sour breast. aft/ i,r an i spoke not a word." "Yes; and it has never happened again since." ' known as the hair -spring. ^' •••o.' .,. 7hwr suddenly. one (jnV, one lad Said •' ""' '•"•••' whose oafs) It 19 ro Itnt the c•ne*1119 • of espinneg• An`l If n welch should hr )nIf a minutefir agave: tlI,v w'illl pick out objects t.t soother 't:o and :comb your f,ice, lower a closely -wilts curtain, which nil Its 11.•.{,s hes 'Inrl n:a-e r(•rinuv',,tow n day, the hnirspring is Choi int isible to the ordinary eye at yoi dirty \,it •• it. That was 1110 Is suspended above the entrnnre, as rfmults shun Such es thou? whiff I 1 {,out1U1 Part of a second too Iong.Irnnge9 from 0110 to ten mi:c9 tits- second comps) of evolution. The menu as the train) has enter, NI. The hate gnotcd. At the time of :frit• 5),,,l.I(1 as watch he only A mfnrtr, n !Ant. Ammon; fitdllrrd people the lhlr1 mtatr waa bagatelles -A we,mler effect n( (hilt cloying one end of the Ing the truth phont the death of lf. :seek lou mlua, it would then be lir' \orwegiAns hate better reesight lull'! refining game. From bagatelle tunnel is thnt 1 he steam !,o follows Sys Mon is not de+initely known. But 90.000t h part (f 0 wc•und tun io„,,z,. than tnost, if not nil. ot hers, n9 th.' lads gradually advanced and the train that ahem it has emerged one thing Is Certain. The govern- all Mgt is exported of the ..Icor 01 (hey more gen. rally fnlfl the her, ii. learned other things. The result has and the curtain in rnisel. very little intent of Prnnee descended so Into a9 a watch is that it is regularly wound ..pry con:lit{ons. The reason why ben that 1 Inst held a service In Stettin is left in the tunnel. The • la - to collect, with the help of rho tip. *1)111 ie not too carelessly treat- (1(1,4tive (;crs 1)'' •0 rnue'h 00 the thnt district. and 1 have seen twenty panesae have only bad rn,)a'ny8 a few s "French Free Mason Arganisntiun. the ed L)0rything nice has to I .. left merle... *149 in 100 Math atnay of or thirty of "Th. lllaekghards' Club' years. hut they hays aalrendy worked dossiers of army officers wh the to the mechanism of the notch, andlb(ok5 in early life nntl In badly- sitting in church, no reverend and out norm problems that have paroled late nnnioter of war t;.,:iet'td to ba to the clever skill of thewatchhl.t.•er, liEhtad looms, godly as it is poFstble to be.'! Brilit►h engineers.