HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-05-18, Page 5Qzetet tt irate puta.sL:•I ecery Thursday Maiming at the uttt' MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. —ll. the ----- eovoceTE PUBLISHING OOMPANY TKRSIS 01' at i:tee l;ll'TWN One Dollar pvr annum if 114.1 .e a1,.n e, 111.50 if not r, NI 1. iiv•rtt.aiait Ra.e a •an .A.pp tc�• tiora No paper discontinued ant i1 all arrearaget are paid Advertisements without specified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount mate for transe-ient advertisements Inserted for long periods. Eery description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the guest style, and at moderate rater Cheques, money orders, Rc., for advertising, ,ulee•riptiwut, etc., to be mate pay able 0 Sautlers & Creech, l' lto1I I ETUKS Prefennioual Cards. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S.. Honor graduate of Toronto l'nireristy. DENTIST. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects OSOce in Fansou's Block, west side Main street, Baster. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L -RS DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Cnivenity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentletery (with honorable mention.) Aluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an• aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Auctioneers 1 BROWN, Winchelsea. i.icened Auctioneer ' 11 • for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Usborns. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Poet Office Winchelsea- WANTED.—LADIES ANI) (IENTLEMIEN In this comity and adjoining territories,. to repre- sent and advertise the Wholesale and Educational Departments an old established business house of solid financial standing. Salary $3.50 per day- with expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct from headquarters. Iforseand buggy furnished when necessas,v: position permanent. Address BLEW BROS., & CO., dept. 6, Monon 111,1g., Chicago, Ill. —THE- 111ercQa4ts Bail of 084818 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL mpital Paid Up 6.000,000 Rent & Undivided Profits 3.219,969 95 BRANCHES IN CANADA interest at most favorable current rates from date 1 Deposited allowed outlawing' Bank accounts and De - molt. Receipts. Commercial Letters of Credit i.,ued, acailahle In Ihina, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers In 11 parts of the world, A general Banking business transacted. SAVINGS BANK. THOS FvsilE, Oaittaat. Masao's. F. IIEBDEN, Sur' or Itaaicrosa & Cmer Writ -foil CREDITON BRANCH W. S. OHISHOLM. Matieger, r] kt Exeter and Centralia1 ti f( Storehouses t. Now ready for use the best Cement and Lime That money can buy, also COAL for Everybody at the lowest prices. Jos. Cobbledick 6 NEW MAlI IN TH OLD LAMT! S9�P !laving purcbabtd the Black- smith shop and other `[premises teceltly occupied by Jatuce 1'. Russell, 1 Intl prepared to do work in the blacksmithingline with neatness and despatch, and respectfully solicit ie con - 'lance of the business of the old customers and also of any others needing aoy such work done. HO 118ES11OEIN(: A SPECIALTY. ALBERT E. PQM EXETER, ONT. • NOTICE Ta Farmers and 1110 Public IR 6e11e181. As the spring is coming n now, gather up all our old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, All Kinds old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and take them down to a Jackson & Son Main Street, Exeter. )fie door South of Metropolitan Hotel —+ -- hat's where you will get the highest cash price for them. PIANOS hat Have to be Sold. 1Ve h;'vt• in stock THREE PIANOS hick have been in use for a short ole only, and wanting to make round pr now goods, w0 are going to sell Hem Pianos at a price that they will five to go. itttetul1ng purchasers would do well to call and inspect these bargains be- fore buying. Violins and Violin Sund- ries Always in Stock. S. MARTIN Iiestdquirtets for Stationery. HALUSVCO ETABLC SICILIAN Hair Renewer A high-class preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and yand splitting attr ends. Curesdandruff sglossy s restores color *`217'0rte• 2y l< K tS '1‘ 1L t.t K .s. K K r,r K K•• K NERVOUS DEBILITY OCR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you, and make a man of you. Under Its influence the brain becomes actlye, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up, the n become strong as steel, so that ncrvousn••sa. bashfulness and drspondebcy disappear; the eyes become bright, the face full and clear. energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and sexual systems are Invigorated; all drains cease—no more vital w•Aste from the system. The sarlous organs become natural and manly. Tou feel yourself a man and know marriage cannot be a fai:ure. %,e Invite all the affilcted to consult us corndrntlslly and free of rbarge t.un't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard•earned dollars. At WILL Ct'ItE TOC oft N,, PA GrNU NAMES USED W ITIIOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS. Peter E. Summers, of Katamaaoo, Mach., relates his est•erlenc.. "1 was troubled with Nervous De- x t 111ty for many years. I lay It to 10- ,nscretWft and eaceases In ear.y •uch, i became very despondent an i Didn't care whether 1 worked or not. 1 ��♦ .rnaglned everybody Who looked at me, ,.leased my secret. imaginative .reams at night weakened me—my back heti, had pains In the back of my head. hands and feet were cold tired f..e. In the morning, poor eppellle, lingers were shaky. eyes blurred. hair loose. 7d memory poor. etc. Numbness In the Angers Pet In and the doctor told me he feared paralysis. i torsi all kinds of . ; r:•edielnrs and tried many first-class ;•',yslctans, wore an electric belt for tt:ter• month., went to Mt. Clemens foe ayes! NCNT baths. but received little benefit. while erTta Ta tta'MtaT ,:• r.: 1 nes Induced to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. though 1 had d,c:on Like $ drowning man t commence" the New Wei id refitment and 1t raved my lite. The Improvement was Ilk• magic -1 could r,ri •.r vigor going through my nerves. 1 was cured mentally, physically and lesuaay, I have sent there many patients and wilt continue to do so." CURES GUARANTF.LD Ott NO i'AT. we teat and cure VARICOCELE. RTRICTCBD. NERVOt'S DRII1LITT, RLr ot) DISEASES. URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER Dills n,119 ES ct)'sl'LTAT1oN PREF. BOOKS POEB. If imams to can write for • Question Dank for Dome Treatment. DRs.KENtIEDY& KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICR. •r( KK Kr, K K n K Ke -',K K >K l r• L "IT SAVED MY LIFE" PRAISE FOR A FAMOUS MEDICINE Mrs. Willadsen Tells How She Tried Lydia E. Piakham's Vegetable Compound lust in Tim. I Mrs. T. C. %Villa•1r,'n, of Manning. Iowa, writes to Mrs. 1'inkham: Dear Mrs. 1'inkhani :— " 1 can truly say that you have saved my life, and I cannot express, tuy gratitude to you in worth. "Before I wrote to you, telling you how 1 telt, 1 had doctored ( for over two years steady and spent lots of money on alalicina besides, but it all failed to help rnu. My monthly pe. rio.tt had masts' and 1 suffered nitwit doors with fainting spells, headache, backache and bearingg+town pains, and I was 11) weak I could hardly keep around. As a last resort I decided to write you and try Lydia E. Pink - bailee Vegetable Compound, and I am so thankful that 1 did, for after following your Instructions, wkich you sent me tree of all charge, my monthly periods started ; I sun regular and in perfect health. Had it not been for you I would be in ruy grave to -day. " I sincerely trust that this letter may lead every suffering woman in the country to write you for help as I did." When women are troubled with ir- regular or painful menstruation, weak- ness, leucorrheas, displacement or ul- ceration of the womb, that bearing - down feeling, inflammation of the ova- ries, backache, flatulence, general de- bility, indigestion and nervous prostra- tion. they should remember there Is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E, Pink hand's Vegetable Compound at onoe removes such troubles. No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and un- qualified endorsement. Refuse all sub- stitutes. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, L.Tnn, Maas. Around About Us. St. Marys: W. A. %V,att has dispos- ed of his retail saddlery business to A. J. Clark, of Ailsa Craig. Blansbat'd: Robert Bilyea, who has been ill with pneumonia. died Ftiday at his hone, lot Ill, con. 11. at the age of 6(1 years. Wingham: 31rs. Andrew Uoutgont- ery, au old settler of Turnbet'ry passed away on '.Vednesday morning at the age of 86 year's. Mitchell: Miss Anne Hodgson has accepted it pasitiun as teacher in a scl11,nI near MoIe sw(n•tll at a salary of $32.1 per year. Egnlondville: Mr. Little tits pun• chnt+ed the mail carrying business of Afr. M'tiee, of Hayfield. and will take possession about June 1. £(Tinton: The Tittle son of 31r. John Deeves, had the misfortune to break his arm the other day. He Walk sitting on the limb of it Gallen tree, when he fell, with the above result. Seaforth: Mrs. James. who basbeete a resident of Seaforth fur sixteen year's, died on Friday after a shot ill - 111.58. MI's. J:altle.s wits the another of Mr. Joseph Atkinson, of '1'uckersnlith. Clinton: The coal business, which Harland Bros., sold to Alr. 1). AlcCot'- vie it nl(nith ago, hits again changed hands. the purchaser this time being Mr. W. Downs, who is 110W in posses- sion. Goderich tp.: The otherday as Mrs. McOnine wvas driving home from town, the horse ran array, throwing hermit, breaking two ribs, and otherwise in- juring her so touch that site is confin- ed to bed. Clinton: Hobert Gardner, who has been behind the desk of the King Ell- Willd Hotel, Toronto, since the hotel evened, has secured control of the Waldorf Hotel at Hamilton, and will assume possession at once. Blyth: James Moore, who has car- ried the marls on the Myth and Au- burn route for malty years, died at his residetict' in Auburn Wednesday night. Gangrene was the cause of death. 11 1. was sick only one week. (lixlerich: On Taesday afternoon an accident at the river resulted in the lets to Contractor Pigott of it team of horses by drowning and in a cork] hath for the driver of the team. The driver was Bert Dull, a yoiteg man of town. Clinton: A. T. (' , .ler, who for the past fifteen vent's las been local agent of the C. I'. 7t. Telegraph Co. and also the Dominion Express ('o. has sent in his resignntiun to both companies and expects to be relieved at all early .late. ('lintnn: On May 3rd there departed tilts life lit Mordon. Man., a departed resident of Clinton in the person of Mr. John F'ox, who is well rentemter• el Isy one oldest inhabitants. It is al t t score of years since he went West. 1lnllet1: On Friday. Wat. Mair filet with ,t bad accident that will lily hint up fur some time. While endea- voring to close the upper half of a barn floor, the lower half blew shut, knocking hint down and bte,tking his leg at the ankle. Witty/ham: 1Vhile at work in Wel- ker fi ('lent'+ frirnittire• factory on Sat - ot'd.ay .t1lrert Green initt with it painful nevi:lent. 11e was at Wot•k oft one of the ml whines when the finger's of his left hand came in contact with the knives and were bruised and cut bad- ly. Seaforth: Thirty years ago there were thief. licensed hotels in l:gnlond• will': one in 11atpnrhey: four het ween Se await and 11',tlton and nine in Sea - forth. T'•daty there i'* no hotel in I•:Klnnndville or Ilerpnrhey; none be- ,lween Seaforth ,arid 1Vsltnn and only flue in Meafofth. Gedet ich: The old -established etove and tinware business of 0. N. Davis hat, been put chased by 1V. T. finder. who Itas lieu employed with C. t'. Lee for the past tett Yeats and has Wade at repot ;tti"nlib a 1hocough w'uck- mail.. 31r. finder will carry on the bueinees as furtuerty. Seaford►; The death of John Fair - ley. of l'otokis, Aesittiluria, occurred at His home on the 5th inst. Ile had been in poor health for over a year. Mr. Nail ley was One of the early resi- dents of Seam th and for litany years was one of its leading business men. Ile left Seaforth about tett years ago. Downie: Keith Lee a well known 'townie farmmme1', sustained is bevel's se alp tvntititd while driving home from town Monday. He had on his wagon a land of chopped grain and in adjust- ing it bag of chop which got out of p.'sitintt „n the lead be fell off on the road. it required several stitches to el.ee up the wound on his head. St. NIAu'y.: Frank McLean, who came te•eontly (tool New l'oc'k. will take over his Gather's (John Mcl.(ltat) drug I,n.iness. .1r, McLean has been away tient town for :!7 years. As a student he gr-,dn;ated with high honors from Ontario Ci ,liege of Phan limey and hits sitter gained a great deal of experience in New York. His father will retire Drool active work. 1Vinghant: A pretty wedding took place fit the residence of Mr. and Urs. W. 11 Green on 'Thursday when %Pal- ter Hasse, of the Teeswater Elebtric Light Co., was •ted in marriage to Alis. (';+that ire McTavish, of Wing - ham. The ceremony Witt, witnessed by the immediate friends of the con- tracting parties. and was performed by the Rev. D. Pertly,. Goderich: On Sunday evening, ltnchael Armstrong, widow of the Tate Robert.Gordon, passed away rather suddenly, front heart failure. The de- ceased lady had suffered from that ser- ious affliction, but had not been con- fined to the house, and on the day pre- ceding her death was around as usual. The late Mrs. Gordon had been a resi- dent of Goderich for a bong period. East Wawanosh: Mr's. Peter King, who had been ill for three weeks with kidney troohle passed the boundary of time early on `Vednesday, May 3rd. Mrs. King leaves it husband, four sons and four daughters. Deceased was in her 65 year. --There passed away on Sunday last at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Alex. Young, one of the pioneers of this district. Elizabeth iluddy, relict of the late Campbell Hanna. Gullet ich: On Wednesday, May 10th, Malcolm 31cL(•an, of this town, celebrated the 100th anniversary of his birth, he having been born in Mull, Scotland, on the 10th day of May, 1805. over ten years before the battle of Waterloo. When a young men he left the old land for Nova Scotia, in whieh province he married and lived nonny years. Ile came to Goderich with his Gamily in the late sixties, where he has lived ever since. Goderich: Ed. VanEvery died on Tuesday morning at the Saudis House, where he boar•ded,after a short illness, peritonitis being the cause. Ed. had been failing rapidly', and on Monday, as the only possible chance of saving his life, nn operation was decided on. Early Tuesday morning it was per- formed. but within two hours of its completion, Ed. had passed to that bourne whence no traveller returns. The deceased was known to nearly every resident of West Muton. Mitrhell: Oliver J. Harris, after wending seven years in Manitoba, clone back to this neighborhood it few months ago to select a partner for life. Being a progressive young man of fine chareter he was not long in se- curing tt Fullerton young body in the person of Miss Jennie Wnghorn, who will share his ups-and•downs through the rest of life. They were married at Kirktot) 00 Wednesday by Rev. Mr. !lace%' and on Tuesday left for their future borne in Carberry, Manitoba. Goderich: On Sunday rimming there passed to her rest, Ann Wilson, widow of the Irate John Rinke, at the advanced age of 91) years and 8 months. The deceased lady had been suffering from the infirmities of age. but was otherwise well, and VRS 3111(1 tm le mound until the day before the death call came. Mrs. Blake wvas 'a well- known personage in this part of Huron and was one of our oldest residents, having lived here over seventy years. The deceased lady lied been a willow many years, ,end her deceased partner wits one of the wealthy then of Gisler- ich. Clinton; The death of T. A. Wal- ker, stone mason, occurred on Tues- day evening, though the event was not unexpected. Ile has been suffer- ing for some time with anaemia, though only confined to bed for a few weeks. and kept going down, not with• standing the best attention and treat- ment. Deceased lute been a resident of town for a number of years, and was a quiet, unostentatious resident. iie was for two or three years a mem- ber of the town council, and last year and this, acted as assessor. He was in his 47th year: his wife and two children survive hint. St. Marys: Mr. John Morphy one of the pioneer business 111011 of St. Marys died at his home on Monday, May 8, itt the advanced ageof HO years. An attack of pneumonia ons the im• mediate rause of his death hilt he had liven in failing healt it for several years. A few nlntillq since he fell and broke his thigh and this accident dollb iless shortened his days. Mr. Morphy clone to Mt. Marys In I O, and was a ter tive of ('harleton Place. Ontario. Ile condneted it boot nod shoe boa• near !tete for many yenrq. Besides his wife, he leaves it family of time sono end two daughters. St. Marys: A young; man named McKenzie is ill with smallpox fit his holm' at Lakeside. Mr. \le Kenzie who hug been clerking In ,a hardware store fit New Liskeard, New Ontario, ar- rived in St. Marys laatal Saturdny on his way home. Ile was not feeling well said his brother who lives in town drove hint reit home. On Tnegd:ty Dr. Murray of 1,:ukeside, lelephr.ned Or. Fr,tleigh, St. Marys. that McKeit• zie had developed smallpox. While in town the young tnen visited at a couple of homes in the South ward and the ilealth hoard is considering the advisability of instituting n quar- antine. .9t FREE TO CHURCH BAZAARS AND ENTERTAINMENTS IN AID OF CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. A quantity of saleable sample 1) ackages of. , , , Red Rose Tea will be sent by Express, charges prepaid, to any Church or Society, for sale at a Bazaar or Entertainment, to 1)e held in aid of a Church or Charitable Institution. The application must be sent in or endorsed by a Clergyman who will state what Church he is in charge of. This offer is made for the purpose of introducing Red Rose Tea to people who are likely to appreciate its superior quality, and at the same time aid in a material way very worthy objects. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B. BRANCHES : TORONTO, WINNIPEG, Senforth: E. A. Fox, for six years past the popular and obliging account - nut at the Seaforth branch of the Bank of Cotnmerce,received notice on Wed- nesday of his promotion to the position of manager, with instructions to re- port at once at the head office, Toron- to, for which place Ice left Wednesday evening. Mr. Fox has been assigned to the Ponokt►, Alta., branch and left for his new home on Wednesday, 17th. A FAMOUS sc1100 Ailsa Craig: On his w•ny to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs.31. Sells, of Owossa, Mich., Squire John B. Smyth, iwrhaps the best known and oldest, Middlesex County Magis•• trate, was stricken with paralysis on Wednesday. Mr. Smyth was on the train between Chatham and Windsor when the stroke carte. He was hut tied to the home of his son, J.S. Smyth in Windsor, where he now lies at the point of death. Squire Smith is 78 years of age and has been a resident of Middlesex county for many years. St. Marys: A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday. May 10th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Burns, when their young- est daughter, Miss Anna E., was united in marriage to Mr. Neil Gra hang of Owen Sound. At the hour of 4 o'clock the bride entered the parlor dressed in ivory white silk, with silk embroidered chiffon and valenciennes, trimmings, and carried a bridal bou- quet of roses, lily of the valley and maiden hair fern. The nuptial knot wits tied by the Rev. A. Grant. Grey: This community received a terrible shock on 1Vednesday. May 10, when it was learned that Hobert Mc- Innes, an old and well known resident of lot 20,con.l,had dropped dead while working in his field about dusk that evening. Ile had beenplowing and was in to tea about 5 o'clock and np• peered alright alta gh he spoke of It pain in the region of his hetet on a previous occasion but nothing serious was thought of it. A water furl ow had been plowed and 31r. McInnes was using la spade in cleaning out the wa- terway when the call carne. Granton: J. Forest has purchased 1Vitbert Foster's farm and 111r. Foster has purchased John Rowell's. They expect to take possession shortly. A tornado wiped out the town of Snyder, Oklahoma, killed over one hundred people and injuring over one Hundred others. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY "'heat (old) 90 Barley 40 Ousts :16 Peas 111► Potatoes, per bag 75 iiay, per ton 7 01) FI ', per cwt., family .. Flour, lots grade per cwt 1 25 Butter Eggs Live hogs, per cwt 'y Shorts per ton Bran per tun 17 IN) 95 11'2 :) 75 80 7 01) 2 75 1 2.'► 18 13 0 :.0 'l) 00 17 (10 Wood's PhorphodISS. The arrest h'nyltsh ilrmedy. A positive euro for all forms Of Sexual w'eakneses. Mental and moss A3U AIT'a train Worry,EminsionA, Spee. taalnrrhoerr, !rn/,otenry, Ktec•te of Abase or F1core au of which leard to Consumption, ArmIt[man[mann, end an ent'17 ggrraave. l'Hoe,� per pkg elg fur 11•'1. tine win please, pis "rut Mire. Hold by all druggist. or trailed In plata Doc keaggeeonreed ptofprice. Writ efor Pamphlet. The W004 Medloln• Co.. Windsor, Oratorio. L. CENTRAL 6- STRATFORD, ONT. -. You can get a general educatiun in any school but come to the Central for Practlr at Business Training. This college has a continental reputation for thoroughness. Otq,ortunitica am for those who are Prepared. Our graduates always suc- ceed. 1•ou may enter our classes at any time. Write for free catalogue. ELLIorr & McLA('HLAN, Principals 011' I sqr. 8nd — B nLoNDON tem Each pupil is given in- dividual instruction. The Shorthand System tsugllt is that used by all newspaper and court re - portent. orters. Beat systems of Book- keeping, Penmanship, A ri t h - uletic, • t c . , thoroughly taught. Situations guarantee,( to every Graduate. cATALOors TEL. Wm. o. Coo, Q?fKWitti..iGRAPMER+ 1 Vt, CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. 111910000011011111000•041C04/1114111111•111 We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. •«►• (MISTING and CHOPPING !)ONE PROMMP'I'LY. He SSAtEITZER PSYCHINE STRENGTHENED MY WHOLE SYSTEM PSYCHINE Pure Blood in your veins now will save you much in purse and person before the winter is over. PSYCHINE makes rich red blood. keeps people well and at their best. "To -day I am enjoying good health, solely through the ua,• of i'sychine. When i began using I's)Chine, I Nils suffering with a heavy cold in the bronchial tubes, and a rough which seemed to rack me to pieces, The doctors' medicine gave me no relit?, and I began to dread conat'mptlon working on me. With the second dose, Psychlne benefited me and gave new strength. Psychlne toner) 111) my Whole iy-tern, and quickly stopped the cough. 1i hens -lily reeomn►cnd i'sy0hlno to person.; run -dont). In need et a Dome, or guttering with (•nughv, t•nldq, or catarrh. I bless the d:,y i tried I'sychtne."---.Man Connor, Prtnyer, Ont. is 1-ronounccd SI -KEEN )'or.a'ebya'17hnrgis... For furtheraeTieeandInformation write Dr.Elncum, Limited 179 King Street West, luronto, Can. Through an •nlarged leboratorl new laborsaving fwtiiitie., an 1 res-ent ability to pure hate raw product.. In Canada, PSYCIiii4L sold ter year* et 'Ler per bottle. ie NOW SOLD AT $1.00 PER BOTTLE