Exeter Advocate, 1905-05-18, Page 4•
V Xt ter gtbttOCt t* lass The cg worst is the truth of
� greater lues to the apple industry than,
any other insect. The extent of the
I' 'ss to Ontario alone taus up every
year into the hundreds of thousands
of 11 ll tr'i, and into the millions in the
1'iiited States.–all because the reme-
dies which have been discovered
by the Entomologists have out been
applied by the apple -growers. The
I isto Dison the ••%%' Deme" with
Sanders el Creech, P: ops.
MAY 18, '05
The average e'xpenditute per h d
fon' liquor in England was Xi 3s. 2d.
for 1904: in Scotland 23 4s.; iu Ire -
bold £3 2s. Itkl. 1n our currency about
$'20, $15.50 and 515 respectively'. The
total drink bill in the British Isles
was £100,000,000 sterling.
i i
The teamsters strike in Chicago up
to Saturday night has in vat iouss wars
coat the United States: –Fatalities 7,
injured, 130; strikers wages. $:- IS,000;
Union strike assessments. $1911,010;
cost to city in police, $20,550: cost to
country in deputies, $18,800; drop in
business retail, $1,850,1X)0; wholesale,
$1.21)),1(X); Express Companies, $1,150,
000; hotels, $78.000; commission tfi•nls,
$1,450,000; railroads, $1.32.5,000.
The Boards of Health ;of the town-
ships of Downie and Ellice, Perth
County, are taking stringent treas-
ures to eradicate sinal! -pox in both
townships. The boards. at a joint
meeting, ordered that all without cer-
tiflcatoof successful vaccination with-
in seven years should be vaccinated
at once. School teachers have author-
ity to advise the Medical Health Offi-
cers of either township of new cases.
The old cases are quarantined under
surveillance. There are no new cases.
• •
The Ontario Government in a bill,
introduced by Hon. W. J. Hanna,
proposed to prohibit the selling of
liquor to minora even when present-
ing an artier front a parent or gunu•d-
iau. Mr. Hanna says that, this meas-
ure is in accord with the desire of
liquor sten as well as others. No doubt
many orders in the past have been
forged by the minor's, and outside of
the fact of their securing the liquor
the temptation to commit f �rgery
was great. Such a bill should he a
popular one.
i a
Mr, R. R. Gamey was last week vin-
dicated by vote of the Legislature,
which means that Legislature declared
that Garrey did not receive a fair hear-
ing of his case hefore Chancellor Boyd
and Chief Justice Falconbiidge and
that the resolution passed on June 20,
1903, censuring hitt for his conduct
previous to and at the time of the trial
of James R. Stratton, should he ex -
plunged from the records. The resolu-
tion passed by a vote of (30-21. Gamey,
Harcourt and Premier Whitney spoke
previous to the voting. Mr. ()Riney
discussed the resolution in a moderate
tone; Mr. Harcourt regretted that the
decision of the judges should he
brought into question; Mr. Whitney
backed up Mr. Gamey very strongly
saying that it was never too late to
right a serious wrong.
. • s
Saturday Night, of Toronto. says:
Now. as well as at any other time, it
is perhaps becoming to admit that
prior to the generaal elections in Jan-
uary, I under -estimated tbo gond sense
and capabilities of government which
Premier Whitney had demonstrated
since he has occupied the chief place
in our Provincial Government. Ab-
solutely and unequivocally I opposed
the re-election of the Ross Oovern-
tnent, but with plainly stated belief
that Mr. %Vhitney and his friends were
probably incapable of doing anything
more than demonstrating their ineffi-
ciency. 1 hold unchanged the view
that not another moment could the
Ross Government have been tolerated,
but f accept the odium of the not un-
common mistake that the Opposition
had not qualified themselves by a de•
dared policy or a strong position 011
any public question, to undertake a
government acceptable to the best
thought of Ontario. Everything has
been done by the new Government
hettet• than was expected. The old
ntaeters Of the situation have been
unhorsed; even the corporations seem
unmistakably out of the saddle'. the
Government having already refpudint-
ed an nrrilagqement made early in Jan•
nary for additional power to be (level-
eped by the Electrical Power ('nm-
pany. This grasping corporation,l o
through ,xilinry organizations, al.
ready has Toronto ley the neek, and
this distinct kick in the diaphragm
will nlnke it recognize that it dors not
own the earth and fulness of power
thereof. The \Vhit»ey Government
is showing the temperance people that
It can de much in tate way of bettering The President of the British Boardthe lignov traffic will t any deme- Of Agriculture has refused to remove'
gogie resort to spread-eagle resolutions the embargo on Canadian cattle.
and nnwnrknble.statutes. Altogether
i feel that f owe an apology to the
gentlemen of the Opposition whn are
now members of the Oeverntnerlt, for
discounting their ability and inter•o
tions, and in this expression of Approv-
al of a rontnrt-"envie and reasonable
admission i feel that i am only voicing
the opinion of those who lead this
p an Pal Green or• some other arsenic
mixture before they enter the fruit.
The t i see should be sprayed (1) a few
days after the blossoms fall; and (2)
about the middle of August for the
second brood of larvae. The practice
of handing trees is commendable, but
ever ything taken into account, is more
expensive than spraying, and is more-
over, actually harmful unless the
bands are examined and the larvae
destroyed every ten days nt two weeks
during the latter half of June and all
Every fruit grower should acknowl-
edge the value of such birds as the
Chickadee, Downey Woodpecker,
Nuthatch, Bluebird, Swallows, Wien.
and Song Sparrows in checking the
increase of the Codling Moth and
injutiuus insects, for without thein
fruit could scarcely be grown. En-
courage the birds, therefore, to come
about the orchard by keeping the gun
at a distance. and by punishing the
robber of birds' nests.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F.J.Che-
ney & Co., doing business in 'the Cit
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot
be cured by the use of Hall's Catan•h
Sworn to hefore the and subscribed
in my presence, this Oth day of Decem-
ber, A. D, 1880.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern-
ally, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous sln•faces of the systetn. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY, Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists 75e.
Teske Ball's Family Pills for constipa-
Willis Committed;
Mrs. Covell Freed.
Rodney, May 12.–The preliminary
trial of Alexander Willis and Mts.
Covell. charged with the murder of
Eliza Lowery, was concluded to -day.
And the result is that Mrs. Covell
goes free and Willis goes to the St.
Thomas jail to await his trail at the
fall assizes for the murder of aged
Eliza Lowery.
"Raffles" Stories in The .Mail
and Empire.
Mr. E. %V. Hornung's stories of
"Raffles: the Amateur Cracks►nan"
are universally admitted to be the
most fascinating tales of criminal ad-
venture ever written. The charac-
ter of Rafltes, tate gentleman burglar
and jewel•rohber, is one new to fiction;
the story of his exploits excels in vigor
and thrilling interest the work of any
other modern writer. The Mail and
Empire will begin publication in the
Daily on May 13th, and the .Weekly
edition on May 18th of Mr. Hornung's
new series of "Amateur Crackman"
tales, which have never before anpear-
ed it► periodical font.
The first of these tales, "The ides
of Mnt•ch," introduces Raffles and his
faithful companion, 'Jimmy," in their
fit•st and most exciting burglary of
the great jewelt•y store. One of these
new tales will appear every Saturday
in The Daily ,,bail and Empire. its well
as in the Weekly edition for the next
three menthe.
Orders taken at the office of this
paper fnrThe %Weekly Mail and Em-
pire and The Advocate to he mailed
to any address in ('anade, Great Brit-
ain or the United States from now un-
til Jan. 1st, i006, for 85 cents.
News of the Week.
The C.P.B. crop report shows condi-
tions in the west to be extremely fav-
The Vanderbilt's are prepnt ing plans
for +l $20,000,000 tunnel under the De-
troit river.
Twenty people were killed end one
hued ed injured by the terrible rail-
way accident at Hatrisburg, Pa.
This falling of your hair!
Stop it, or you will soon be
bold. Give your heir some
Ayer's Hair Vigor. The fall-
ing will stop, the hair will
Ham Vigor
grow, and the scalp will he
clean and healthy. Why he
satisfied with poor hair when
you can make it rich?
•' My hair na,r'y all roma ',Ht. 1 thee tried
Ayer's Haar vitt• r and only one bottle e4 ;pod
the ficlina. New halt came to rasa thiel and
',et • alae surly."—Inas. 1.. M Stipa,
Sant. ca. N. Y.
ft0.i! tt'e. 3.0. MITA
All dr"wute. for iowe;l` Mats
Thick Hair
By a tornado which swept %falrquet-
te. Kansas, twenty-four people were
killed, forty-four injured and great
daninge done.
Fu nit shippers have again complain -
'd to the railway Cionnlission tegjinl-
ing lack of proper shipping facilities
o1 the railways.
E. C. Pearson, n farmer, of Eto'ticoke
township, was run ovet• by n wagon at
Toronto Junction Thursday and died
shortly afterwards.
Mrs. Nathan Winters, of Peterlioro,
alter a quarrel with her hnsdand took
ndem.of ent!nIt
on Friday let d
died shortly efterwauthe
Henry 1)unran. n popular )'stmt
mato of Weston. Ont., eonmitte'd sui-
cide Saturday by shooting himself in
t he heard while still in heel.
"Minister of (.ands nnel Mines" will
he t he new til l(• of the ('onntieifoner ( f
(silos!) Lamle. nn separate .I inist1y of
%lines being est;►llislipd this year.
Nan Pat terson. the famous %how girl.
Wlpn ane nernsed of the murder et
(Neter all a {o t .
,( ar Y n p e a
k•tna r and g „
kr. plat t
Reiff- or innoeenre, t ti 1 New
Y0/ k •iparie'R could not name, bn4 bore
dieeherged from custody.
Fire nt P:tltnet'ton en Fe iday de
-renve.l a splendid ',ern and twenty
heel of export ('nitle belonging to
(i••.•. Knight. Loss 880O). On Settle -
,)Fav ►nnrning n planing still vnlned at
floss* was destroyed by fire. These
are •,eriotis loseee for Palrnerstetn.
Twit persons nue known lobate heel,
kitle'i,severnl nue thought to be buried
13'•ncith n 1111•:8 of debtiq, sad t
others have been taken to hospital•i ns
the rea.elt n1 an explosion of n gas talk
of the ('niter! (ht. 1rnprovettett Cent-
eget- nt 1''tn' Breeze. near i'hiladel•
delphia, Friday.
Miss 1. Hope's runny friends are
pleased to lento that she is recovering
nicely front the effects of her recent
accident, she having accidentally step-
ped on a rusty nail.–Mrs. Ilia. Hays..
who has been quite ill for s • time,
is, we are pleased to state, sbowiug
signs of ialprovetnent.–Mr. Noble and
bride intend moving td our vicinity in
the near future. We welcome theta
to our midst and wish theta a life of
peace and plenty.–Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Uilbert have moved front near Cit een-
way to Mr. Kilbourn house, Parkhill
road,–D. McLeod is brick veneering
his house.–Mr. turd Mrs. James Little
who have been on a few days visit to
friends here, have returned to their
home in 1Veberville, Mich.
J. Pieetei• spent a few days in Mont-
real during the week on business.–
Adam Faust i8 11',', occupying the
buildingsouth of the printing ()filets–
Harry o
ungblut and J. Deic•hert, Jr..
have formed a partnership in the
butchering business. Success boys. --
Miss Brown has returned to her home
in Crediton, lifter at pleasant visit at
the home of Mrs. J. Preeter.–Miss
Agnes Carrigan, of London, spent a
few days with Mrs. U, MtCorulick
last week.–Miss Celia Smith has re-
turned from Detroit and will spend
the summer at het• home on the Gosh-
en line.–Wm. Smith and son, of De-
troit, are visitors at the home of Mrs.
Magel.–Mrs. George Brenner, after it
two weeks' visit with friends here, left
for her Thome in Midland Friday. She
was accompanied byher sister, Miss
Lizzie Albrecht.–Iev. and Mrs. A.
Geiger left a few days ago for their
home in Elmwood.– Wes. Schoellig,
after one yeal'e work in the Detroit
Dental College, which proved success-
ful, is now at his home here enjoying
a few holidays.–Moses Geiger is on a
pleasure trip to South River, New On-
tario.–Miss Kate hart, one of the as-
sistant teachers, has handed in her
resignation to take effect at the end
of the present term. This will neces-
sitate the trustees securing two new
teachers to begin after the summer
holidays.–The many friends here of
Father Valentine will be pleased to
learn that he grows stronger every
day, although he will not resume his
duties for a few weeks,–While clean-
ing an old clock the other day F. %V.
Hess found in it four very old coins,
beating the dates 1097 and 1812; the
other two were from a foreign hand
and could not be made out.–R. F.
Stelk, the popular principal of the
Zurich Public school has handed in his
resignation, which takes effect at the
sattnnter holidays. Mr. Stelk has prov-
ed himself to be a careful and pains-
saking teacher and his severance from
the school will he a distinct loss. 1Ve
understand he intends taking a pros-
Tecting trip to the West. ---Andrew
hiel has been nppointed constable for
our village.–The Trustees of the vil-
lage have decided to put down about
00(10 square feet of cement walks this
summer. –William Schwalm bas pur-
chased the dwelling and two lots from
the executors of the John Kippei•es-
tate, now occupied by Mrs.. Alex. Bos-
senberry, paying therefor $710. We
understand Mr. and Mrs. Schwalm
intend retiring from the duties of
fart» life and will take things easier.
They will move to the village in the
fall.–Jac. Ort, of the Bronson line had
a successful barn raising on Tuesday,
–Henry Magel, who has conducted
the livery stable in Zurich for nearly
twenty yeas, has sold the business
stuck, barn and dwelling to C. Welker,
of Berlin, who has taken possess'
We are pleased to learn that Mr. Ma -
gel interrds remaining in tear village.
We welcome Mr. 1Velkhr to our midst
vend wish him every success.
BANK Cn.wMtil•:A.–The Sovereign
Bank has made some changes in the
local blanches during the past fete
days. Jus. Snell, unelet' whose :able
management the business of the %at kb
and Dashwood branches has increas-
ed so rapidly}, has had the Exeter
branch added to his supervision and is
going to make that town his home.
Lorne. Scutt, the accountant here, hats
been appointed assistant manager for
Zut•ich, and O. II. Elutes, wh p has been
stationed at the Tht•dfor•d branch, has
been appointed assistant manager •of
the Dashwood branch.
The captain of the Hull trawler Mino
died -af woutels receiyed when t 1108.
Skill fleet fired on the fishing vessels.
Highland Tee
Is Pure Teo
Grand Mogul teas are
the products of the high-
lands in Ceylon.
Q They are the real
mountain dew of the Orient,
Q Nature put into these
Highland teas a high per-
centage of thetne (flavor-
ing) n
1 and a low
g percentage
of tanninb )
titers. .
Q Grand Mogul teas are
a nerve tonic, a pure food
and an aid to life.
Q Nervous people prefer
them to medicine.
(1 Healthy people regard
them as the beverage of
good heal:h.
Q Prer,,-cd by machinery
from plAntst on t, teapot.
Grand Mogul
q Sold on'y ,n ;a -rages at 25c.
)Oc 40c and 5Cc per pound in
blade. green or mixed Lode for
the premium c xtpon and premium
Itst ,n each package The cost of
thew coup. -ns is not taken out of tits
tta bet it simply a pan of the aelver-
tieng app'epnar.oc
If a man's wife is a
good baker, nothing
but the best flour is good enolit for her. There can be
no greater extravagance than the use of inferior flour.
Winchester Springs, Feb. 27th, 05.
"I read about Royal Household Flour which is puri-
fied by electricity. 1 -Wo read about the woman paying
freight 25 miles before she would be without it. Royal
Household was not sold in our town, t was asking about
it and my grocer told me to wait a day or two and he
would get some, and I am glad I did so. My wife is a
good baker and made good bread out of other flours, but
what she has now made out of Royal Household is so far
ahead that I would be willing to pay freight fifty miles
instead of twenty-five, rather than go without it. There
is no flour 'just as good' as Royal Household."
Now, is there a single woman in the whole country who, after reading what
Mr. Henderson says, will not at once send for the Royal Household recipes and give
Royal Household Flour a trial. Mention this paper and address
Cooic'a Cotton Root Compound. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS
The only sate ref actual monthly
medicinal on which women eau
depend. Bold In two degrees of
strength—No. 1, for ordinary
CMOS, $1 1pt•rho,t; No. d 10 de-
r Ten Strand Fence at 32 cis. Per Rod
ggrrecs stronger for Special
dru t� per Mf SCook's at[
druppt�ta Ask for Cot-
ton Root Compound; tales no
substitute. With Coiled (not kinked) Steel Strands and heavy up -
The Cook Medicine Co.. Windsor, Ontario rights one foot apart or a Medium Weight.
More Good Stock
to Breed From.
A trotting stallion; chestnut sorrel,
15i1 bands high, and weighs 1075 pounds;
good feet and legs; ventle and intelli-
gent with to good pedigree. Stands at
home, Winchelsea, each night ; at
noon's has follows:
Monday; Central Hotel, Exeter.
Tuesday. Phillip He`n's, Ushorne.
'Chiit•sd:►y, David Christy'', Con. 12,
Way, Silas Balkwill's, Baseline,
HAt.I.IK !News, Prop. and Man.
••131lINKEll SPi(AGI'E, No.6SW,
Ilns a reread of 2:2.8; he is 161 hand
li;b with goal bone, excellent fee
and legs and lofty Cali iage.
He wiil be itt his men stable, fxete
Not 1 h each night and on the fellowin
dare at the follotring places for noon
Tuesday, Thos. Vincent's, Lumley
for moon.
We lnesdaty, 'linttne is Hotel, Dealt
Thursday, Mof sit's Hotel, Centralia
Friday, to Farquhar Hotel.
1:1)MI'ND 11E1.BACK, Hay I'. 0
11:1 \'OLO, No. 10191, Vol. 11.
len bhrutifu1 seal brown steelier,
jneatly 10 hands high; a typical Elea:
tuu,eel; with as pedigree that cannot
be leaden. Ile a ill stand for mitres
as follows:
Monday. M,ffattt's Bolen for night. ,
Tuesday, 1'I:11trlel rye and besot.
%Wednesday, James Keefe's, I3id-
dieleb; Kirkton.
Thensdoy, John Reiland's, Bien -
shoed; Ku'seldatle Hotel.
1 i id.ty. Fatiquhler llote•l; home for
8(1111 daty, ('o»tnlercia l Hot 01,Exeter.
' Llt(NttY Items lin. Exeter.
A111.0 111 (19810) —
1-, re boa tit ifetl lelnck, white stet' on
fetehead. white patch nn nose; a ptdte
IV) nnet* at London and Toronto in 1902;
he ••orales from the best strain of shire
Stn •k in Engliend.
Monday. , e leave n e
1 tl la • 1111 h1!1 w stelae, ►1 tri ('fe-
dust, and proceed to Jatlu•y, Shorts for
noon, thence to West McGillivray for
Tuesda3 , \Wan. Jlorgnn's and Thos.
Sln••w•(1en s.
R'edteselay, Jlount Carmel Hotel
and ('hits. I)' '}'+.
T'huradny, to Simeon and home.
allay, to ,lames Fotd',•, Con. 2,
Stephen, ntul 1 lo11ie.
INC!, Prop. lied Mnn.
SIR EV\-i•VN, 10918.
1 , gees' eiq sty li,h h'er•ge of great
ice ght ,nd -011ol msec, 17-1 halide high
w it is grand bones and splendid feet
and :auk les; an imp4etted cly'desdale
wit It the Hest of stock abs his ancestors.
Stand.. as follows:
Monday. Muf eat s hotel, ('entrnliie.
for night.
T'uesdav, .1ite. Kelly's, towiline, Bid-
dnlph: Jas, Ileettin's. con. 11I, Hid•
dltlt h.
i \1 ednesdny, .1Ihee t(inning's, %Whal-
en; %Wui. !hook's, eon, S. ('ahi tt ne.
Thnrsdaw, %Weetelh:aln: and Kirkton.
Friday. John Dnncan's, con. 12, Us -
hot i e: Farquhar.
Saturday, Hie own stnl,le. I -''-ter.
AI.hx. ib,w•, prop.
and batt,
Ten Strand Fenceat22cts. Pernod
Freight paid (in lots of 50 rods or over) to any station in
Western Ontit•io. Ask for our new book, "Practical Econ-
omy- in Wire Fence Construction." London Fencing out-
fits are cheaper and better then ever this year.
Write quick. This ad. will otily appeal' twice.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament ly:.S!
Head Office, - Montreal
Capital Paid Up $3,000,000
Reserved Fund— • • . • • , • • , $3,000,000
OFFICE 1101:RS, IGa. tn. to p. ni. SATI.1tnAYS, b• a. in to 1 p. m,
F,u men's Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great I3*itait) and United
States bought and sold at lnw•est rates of Exchange.
Ai)VAN('ES made to Farmers, Stuck Deale'us and Business Men at
lowest rates 111111 011 most favorable terms.
D1:1'osi r Receipts issued and highest current ride of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department; netr+aitaol sst and upaanlg to ,i1. tnteren c 1
pnundM hali•yearly and added to pMncipal June JOtb
and lk+ anbr► 31.1.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
I)tcesoN tt: CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. Ift'hDON, Manager.
The Standard-i31'ed Electioneer Wilkes 'Trotting Stallion,
No. 39,681.
St ;,rd ,rd Hnle 1. Registered in the American 'Trotting Register, Vol-
ume XVII. •thrown colt; two white ankles, behind; foaled in 1901, !heel by
J. C. Liunentire Lima, Ohio. Nota owned by Jot's & K wiz. Exeter, Ont.
afros by NORVAL 51St.
Reoonl_ i1r,
Sire Of
/inning .I
In n st
ler a
e Ix Wen.2.1r. xtrf _lt a.Lads:',r�tt,j, rash
Noryanl 2:133j, and i; others in the Y:'aa
Ind; lei,. ."". herr sir,.1 7., and •1.ogh:.•r' produ,..1 10 in 2:'10. Son of F:I,• Ii.mre► 125. Rin "1 Arian 2:07i I.
Sunni 2:u.',, I'aln Alto 2:ery14, and 17" • theta in 2 3)liat. nam Norma, a vreat brood mare, by Noonan _s,
sire of i.•a!a 2.I:r, rte.
ba dam Iik7TY FONSep,
sister to Ornament 2'24',,
2nd limo 1;I.1 TREii,
Record 2_lo. arid dam of
Oman, ant
9n1 rant t a
Iain of F:Ir, trr•..1 4' „A
eh Ion LAURA hd:I:NE.
an' ,d (,.Bard•.=:12..tznvga
•r sfl s 1. �..` : ant 7 ',Orr
,t.mdpni 1" rtormer..
Sth lam FANNY.
tit, 'lam MAInON,
7th dam,
Retcr►a•. R-" .- The Jar ix* model in rnufnnnation: ia a self with gnat nit.n.
tae and ha.
2 • inn: h .111. aoA /1'.14,3. ani '0111 have e,.r na ne.t, baa the ten 1r4 of fret and legs with little n...re
'•,.n'.r.-ski•,,... .-'••.,.r,•1.1•rt•..1,,,•nrlerinei',......•
..1 -
by ALFONsO !Yale
Sirr of Made (' 2 ss', and 17 other standard per•
formed son of Isar,(, Wilke+2:1+ tire of trumps ::anti, Ruben•
stein 21C..''akland Peron 2:10%4, HOMO netters 2.01161 and 1••t
other.. nam Alma )fate r, dam of Alcyone 2:27. AI' anlara 2:21,
Altantlo,I 2.10 ,, (te, b) Iland,rino l'at,•hen S•a.
by F.I.FATION2;F.R 125.
Sire of Arion 2:17',, Sunni '1 i[s'i, talo Alto Y:(SS, and 137 other.;
doing of Klatawa :t, 2:0:0 i, heart 2:13,i, and over lin other stan-
dard leerb.nrer.: 11.0 grarelaire 01 Major Irrlmar 11.011, The A
boa MO, 21ct't,Ao,te 2:414, and over haat other-lan.larrt performer.
1 til ' l
Reonnl 2:17',. Fire of E•psra Rea 2:15',, Lanett 2:13!,, Lnrita
anly 21+'., and 'tI .then; and `lanae 'f Fanny Miens
•'•t•" a,,'1 _, •,(her.tandanl performer,. Pan of Alno,•t err; der,
Na} 1<'er,ea•on. • great brood nears, to Mambrinn Chief 11.
by IIAMi1LF:T"NIAN 10.
Sire of ikala 2:27',, Nettle 2:1•, ()ranee old 2:ee', :C '•cher.; a,4
dams of Stan,l..,ut 4:n:e,, ltallnna 2:11',, (Ire -,,lander 2:12, este
Hr• athrr., and atrand,lre of Nae, , Ranks 2:14; and osrr
rther,tandard performer..
by RF:A (*11.1..
Itis Fee is $15, to Insure.
TONES =7.71\7-Z,
�y�tcx, Ont.