Exeter Advocate, 1905-05-04, Page 7_ 1
change that hes new come over the tint there precisely the saute products -
ONE EFFECT OF TIIE JAPAN- relations between Asia and IEurope. NATURE'S WAY OF HF 'PING ,.f combustion that no found when RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP
ESE VICTORIES. WAIL:d. the cool burnt, showing an exactly COMPANIES ARE 'TAXED. BREAI e'll'P S.
similar process hes been followed. TAXED.
Toronto, May 2.-Wheat-Ontario,
Mikado Is Now the DictatorOur Food and the Air We Inhale The carbonic-acid sus is easily de- They Spend Thousands of Dollars No. 2 red and white bold at $1. sumo
of the Chinese Are the Real Cause of Our tecta;l by the schoolboy's dodge of and CarryTons of Personal huldcra asking 11.02; spring, , frac to
Have Patiently Borne Insults and breathing through a tube dipping :►;,c, and goose, 87c to tttic. llaalto.,a
Empire. Baseless Charges. Warruth. into lieu wwatec, when the carnotite- Baggage' -Steady; (ur delivery at lake purls
In all probability th0 trader, un acid gas further c biota with the Xing lidwnrd and cturtit Alexandra on the u[si »g of na►vgatiwir 10.1 1
By the battle ut Mukden and the The 7'utlo correspondent of the P
tall of Titling, the Mikado becomes London 'J'irnes rands a lona letter of teeing Lho above title, rut•fully )nut- Bute, t anti white chalk is precipitated;oureacser.travel in the must suuuptuuus man- northern iser yuutptf at t►f)c; No. 2, I
aseeging director of ,he Chinese Ent- rruiso of the "golden silence" of the tors that he doe^1,'t keep ,►arm and `%Filo the water vapor in our breath nee. Every railway company keeps 92e;
I is readily sten by breathinga ,un it No. 3' Rdc' c
pire. This means that our allies Jnpnresu under provocation which only wishes ho could. liuwcver, withe t a special saloon carriage tht'se ivbit-
a Flute -9u per coot, patents aro 1
control 4U1),u0u,000 water drink- would have aroused An insistent out -
moisture. due defeaenco to his opinion, ho
cold mirror. is
e r !fact It Into for their Unje.;tits, and blear sa- r
au,isture. 11 is a literal fact that an quottc! at 14.3., l0 11.1u, buyo:'a' /
ers. whose brains are as clear as. cry is other countries. %then the tit. is worm, ttnd, lurlprnatcly, will cul)•loons are most luxurious and cosily highv oust and wvrat; ba to 2Oy e
wh•)se thrift is great or than, and I'etershurg nowxpupers declared that tinuo to keep so. '1'hutrgh he tu,S tictual cuutbuattou has It•^n tiuished' alTnirs.
whose line of money Is equal to extermination, as of noxious vermin, that feel cold. his temperature Weide is
\I'e are kept utas because a billion htglu•r fur o $5.. 11lanilubu, ytrudy t
ntomir, fists are incessantlyburning
One recently constructed by the at 15.50 to 15.(30 tar first entente,
those cel the average reader of tit•t was the only appropriate manner of maintained at a constant. level Ip1 Very ,art of us. London and North-Western Railway
Dully Chronicle, urtica Arnold White dentin • with the Japanese, and when on•' of the most ingenious and t'uuu- 'n e 1 $S.IU to .5.•111 for second Parente /
bi l t:,tel' devices known to span. Itis 1'bo necessity of a proper Raul scalp Company ran up Q bill of $100,000' u$1::,.111:5)5
►)d �5 lu 85.8u A>r bakers'. /
in that journal. When the war the Russian religious press denounced t de I,ly is, of course, obvious, bet is it is di%ided into two st.•e•tious, one I{il!Ioed-$17 for bran and 818.50
eon,; .1itpan ,will stipulate for terata the Mikado as Antichrist, there was normal degree remains steady, not essential that the food should be for Queen Alexandra, and the other to $1'J for shorts, Ivfar,itu'e, 121 for 4
tlu,t willgive her time to organize no outburst of indignation. spite all sorts of climatic variations. for Kin • Febverd, both bein • .atm ,- 4
b t 'Phis permanence of our animal heat hat. Cooking helps the peeress o! b b f shorts and 110 for bran.
the r4SOIII 't•x of China. Russian naval 'There was almost complete silence 1 digest inn, but is u.s Ie s ns fine Aa tuously furnished with silk hang- Itarlry-15c for No. 2, 43c for No, (
rec aired many centuries of investigu- t in •», white enamel pontis, and railer1
audition will find no field in tho also over aha painful iteration of the t the: keeping up of our normal )S1 b1 3 extra, and for for No. 3 lite
fir,, beior,• its exp!:. sat k,u „'hen
Far Eaut for the next two decades• reports which are unhappily iudi»put.- deg. I•'. is concerned. Our animal fittings. Other lines have similar ()Weide, and 41c freights'. g
Durin • that period skilled Japanese compared with hot, inanimate holies • J 1
6 i P able of outrages committed by the that a liwiag burly dues not grnduul heat duos not depend up( n the hot- caArjnsenutural with the leaders of Rye -1)1111; life to 70c for No. 21
instructors will teach the Chinese to Itassitn: upon the persons and Pru- Iy, grow cooler. 11'ith other soh-� *.toE of our food, but upon the latentvf.o.b. cut»irh•.
compete with P:uglish factory girls perti.s of non cunrbtttantx• stancea, the contrary happens.
'stores which are Impressed into every fashion, an enormous moldier of Corn -17c to 4Rc for yellow, rota 1
and anaemic artisans. A share of Aat.ther grievance borne in studied one of its microscopic atoms. Still, trunks and r.er:sonal luggage --not in -
the markets of the world is the re -OBJECT TO BEING ROASTED. we ntugo without food for ono or frequently exceeding200 tone, that fret to 47c for mixed f.o.b. Chatham
by the Japanese concerns the Y 1 Y freights; American firmer; No. 3 yet -
ward of success in war. The Japan- prisoners. The .Japanese Official Ga- 'Throughout the.. world there is one two days, and yet not grow colder. token on the visit to Ireland a
low, 55c to 554e: mixed, 54;c to
esc are not all Samurai. 'There is ietc,• publishes a list furnished by everlasting e. ehntge of heat; all rnat-' 'Phis is true, but it no fool' is assist- couple of years ego -immediately b.'ec on track '1'orunto,
the merchant class, who have already ltussiu of the Japanese a prisoners she ter, whether it i . liquid, solid, or it 'tea, as the days pass bytho tem- precedes their Majesties, and is tea ._ t
built up n commercial system by holds. This tenon," 339 ,tnen, 01 gaseous, possessing more than the leeraturo gradually flops from 98* ceived by the King's equerries. Oats --Firm; 40c. to41c for No. 2 I
White west. 41c to 4') c east.
means which (10 not always conn whomwhomonly 36 belong to the combat- average. degree of heat, is forced to, de g. to 0u beg., end the miserable These gentlemen, when their Ma- Rolled Onte-$l.35 for cars of 1
mend themselves to sound morality. ant services and 303 aro peaceful part with its surplus to its Poorer victim dict in a dreadful state of jesties are travelling abroad. arrange 1
Japanese merchants have no sense of brethren. Nature is Inflexibly bring. ' emaciation. He hes wasted away all railway journeys. settle upon bags and 14.60 for barrels (111 track
P Japanese who have leer► held as
i hero; 2'ic more for broken lots hero 1
Bushido. Fierce energy will be prisoners for months. ing, not only the earth, but the .imply becau•o the invading oxygen hotels. and see to the number of ,
thrown into the organization of whole universe, to one common level atoms, findingno food -carbon to and 40c outside.
B On the other hand in Japan before rooms for the suite, ,
China. As extended commerce bo of teeuperature. At first sight, tieing amalgamate with, scire upon those , I e east
to 69c for No. 2 west ,
the fall of 1 ort Arthur utero were '1'111: NECESSARY PRIVACY, and cast. and 70c for milling.
come the chief alai of Bismarck al- 3,073 Russian prisoners. Not a organisms seem to he exempt from in his adipose tissue, and take them re >; 1
ter the Franco-German war, so the this perpetual law, but in reality we away Instead. Itis animal !teat has the attendance of servants, the en- Buckwheat -59e to 60ccast and
single non-combatant was included in n ement of a superior chef, and so west_
development of the materia! re- this number. Even a naval ayu)as- do not escape. been kept up at his own expense. Ito fi K i .1
sources of China and Japan 19 rteces- p Our warmth rises from the actual .has actually been burning himself up °n I
ter who pleaded old age was liber- combustion of our food, but, strictly in a desper• to attempt to preserve Other countries' Royalty invert- t'OUNTitY PRODUCE. 1
sary to enable the latter to build the ated. The Japanese felt bitterly het speaking, the air we inhale is the the vita! warmth ably travel in a similar manner to
fleets and organize the armies re;- silently the retention of their peace- speaking, Butter -Receipts are heavier and
I real cause. Our lungs are the fcuew our own . When they visit our shores the market has an easy tone.
quired to guarantee her safety. lu1 cotcntre.men, and it was natural
which create the necessary draught, our railway companies place special Creamery, prints .... 2•ic to 25c 1
ENGLAND AND ASIA, that retaliation should be expected and our blood is the furnace where USEFUL INFORMATION. saloons at, their disposal, while the �, 4
Mongolian competition with West- when fort Arthur fell. the combustion occurs, while the King Permits his ]loyal guests to clu solids 2Ge to 17c 4
liniry tubs, trledium 16c to 17c i
ern industry is war. Orientals But such an idea, if it occurred to fined we eat keeps up the proper sup- Bits of Knowledge Which It Would stake free use of his stables and cru inferior 14c to 15e ,
know nothing of the dignity of la- them, was never expressed, and every ply of foci. Be Well to Know. car-
riages, says Pearson's Weekly. Of Dairy lb. rolls, good to
bor, the eight-hour (lay, the rights note -combatant in fort Arthur WITS R"111:1{F: IS Ili%,:1'1' IN COAL?
course.. a large number of military choice. 21c to 22c
of man, the Parliamentary Iran -set free. Moreover, in Port. Arthur A ton of soot results from the
But. combustion itself in not quite burning of 100 tons of coal. are always about the, railway tsta- ((o large rolls 10c to 20c
a chase, employer4 liability, or the there were found only 76 Japana;e such a simple thing QA it appears at All return railway tickets in Prus- tions, and line the route to the large 17ci to 18c
quote 1
Taff tele decision. Their fare is a prisoners, representing the total take first sight. It is so common an sa;t are good for at least forty-five Royal than s, more as a guard of do edigs-ls tient in tone and is quota 4
handful of rice or coarse grain, a en by the Rus»iuns during life siege. event that we overlook it, and never tlttws- honor than of any fear of disturb- ed unchanged at 12c for large nnrt 1
little ghee or oil, a chill, a scrap of Hundreds of wounded Japanese must trouble to wonder where the heat of rhe ordinary sparrow can fly at nuc`'' 12 c for twins. 1
dried fish. Simple lite in the Far have /alien within the Russian lines, burning coal cornea from. Vet just the rate of seventy-two miles an t'et there are exceptions. All mon- l�ggfor twiations are unchanged at
East is a dominant factor in tho and up to the last moment it was think for a moment. A pound of rchs when enjoy their fellow rul-
war threatened with Western civilize- hoped that than • would be found in coal is as cold es anythin • else. You hour. l:i�c to ]4c, 1
p y b On a eon h average 45,000 sever- ers do not enjoy the frtec(on► of vl (15ce»--Ontario, fi(1c on track 1
tion. Whoever controls China for the hospitals: But only the 76 men- can handle It with impurity, and it g e movetne'it as docs our ICin • wherever
ten years is mistress of the Pacific, (Tuned above. were di»coveral, and cannot send the thermometer up Q count pass over the Bank of England b ant' fisc to 70c out of store; eaeterte /
1 he travels. counters daily. (i0c l0 05c on track, and 70c to
and whoever controls China and the these included some who had not solitary degree If you grind it intoThe King of Italy And the Kaiser
Pacific controls Asia. been wounckd. The rest must have Powder, the stupe remelts continue. The average birth-rate for Europe invariably take elaborate precau_ 5c out of store.
But Englendof is tin Asiatic power. peri»led by exposure, Priwntinn vor
e Apparently it has no Eecret hoard of shows that for every 100 girls 106 times when embarking upon a jour- Billed llcty-1R per ton for No. 1
She Holds India partly by the sword, torture. heat stored souuewhere away inside boys are born. nay, the railway lines Icing kept timothy null 87 for mixed or clover
and partly h the stntiutent. of 100;it. The air troves equally barren. Moscow's orphan asylum, founded in car luta on bark here.
yEven when Gen. Sloessel in hit Yet we n1I know that Iwwhen the coal by Catherine II., is supported by a clear for hours, y,the streets being Rated Straw -Car lots on track /
000,000 of people, who speak eigh- despatches accused the Japanese of ,lined with militar and hundreds of
teen languages •es and profess one nun- deliberately titin on the hospital. a barna a marked change takes plant). tax 00 playing cards. here are quoted unc)iatrgeci at 16 per
K b i
The question is, where was its heat Fully 800.000 domastfe animals, plain -clothes police mingling with lett. 1
deed forms of faith. Can we con- charge which has now been dis-
proved, the crowds. 1
time to hold India by 74,000 white chrgthere was silence. On the concerned -where bus It come (rout? valued at $6,OW,000, are tuununlly When the 'Tsar of Russia travels), T (
wren? Our Pathan, Sikh, and whit_When the coal is. being burnt, it devoured by the wolves in Russia. MONTREAL MARKETS.
heels of the accusation the wires however. Hie precautions taken aro /
ba regiments outmatch, shoot het-rneana that a chemical combination A stone house is not so durable as \ionteal, May 2 -Flour- ]fanito-
ter, end Ilce on scantier fare that! brought word that it was not be of the ntorns is taking place. The one of. brick. A brick house, well more than extraordinary. Often bit sl,ting wheat Pntentc, $5.So to '
lived in i?nglnnd. the comment of 4
cnrhon and hydro en atoms which constructed. will outlast one built three. tains will he run at the time
our own troops, and while the forst- the .iaparx•»tt journals Was sample. principally constitute the 0001 are of granite. fixed for the Royal departure, eo 13.(30; strong baketw•, its,$5.5. $S.50 o 1
cr hit dCtincti c1y grtt0 thire e They printed the London telegrams vigorously uniting with the oxygen 1L is supposed by a i"ienlixt of em- that any evilly -disposed re Nihilist will 15.ri(1'tttrnier w*litarolkrt tur$5.2 4'to 15. 1
P owing with the handl The Seo That; not. know in which Precise one the ti
l Look.'' fi -" Y conjunction
us from our occurs,
the ate c each IRIS open that the nvt rano iritin's • eye.. plat is travelling. _ Th.,:-.. is little 15. 0; in bags, 12.45 to £2.55. /
alta leadership of selected BritisheonjulcUmr occurs, the atomic hent, IRIS
oRtucrrs, there ix no sentiment of a� an snot l,OV0,000 tintea lifillferd--Manitoba bran, in bags, 4
patriotism on their part. Theyintensities in degree, and is eagerly during the year. ftng of hats and lusty checkept $1!►, short!, n2l per ton; Ontario 4
oldier for a livelihood. There is no T- ahsorbed by the cooler air. When ono The "elephant beetle" of Venezue- for the crowds Ards invariably kept r
recollects the Incalculable hordes ofback n hundred yards from the route winter wheat firer) to hulk, 118..,0 al
such word as patriotism in their SILK CULTURE.In is the largest inrauct in the world. to 519: shorts, 12u to 121: tnouillo, 4
language. 'They are faithful to their _ Atoms that exist in a pound of real, A full-grown one ,wet'hn about belt TAKEN BY 1115 MAJESTY.
it no longer remains a puzzle to say 1a1' -I to $28 per ton, as to qun!tty. 4
salt and nothing more. Various Steps Through Which the where the heat comes from. '1?tet it a Pound. liven when the 'Ts-nr travels abroad Oot steal -'t he demand is still dimie
EFFEC P IN INDIA, Staple Passes. Is due to chemical combination is Every inhabitant of London rats similar precautions aro adopted. (1•a and the market quiet at $'"•20
)roved byCXein111111 • I17:1 lbs. of potatoes in a year. A ., .,
ofithe warslietory inIflindustll 'an shows that 1e story 1,ikp the culture of tea, silk pro- comberalin. These examining
drito9 ofe , 11,,un consumes on an average but Wiesbaden two'yearsit to s back, roto o nim t to 12.224
a per
R5 to $1.45 perlhag. '
e d ct+ n, which confers an enormous
is carbonic-acid gas and water vapour, 4•i lT,.. per annum' than A,000 Guards lined the entire !ley -No. 1, $cJ to $9.50; No. 2.
brigades trained by European officers benefit on Chinn, and has now be -
such that both the hydro a Wood is now seasoinel by elect•i- r
such at De ilei ane, Perron and Tho -indispensable K R'►t And route from the railway station to $7 to 88..)0; clover, mixed, 87 to
6 costo an to carbon ntorns entered into alliances city. The sap it driven out by a the castle. No one in the vicinity g .51), and are clover. E(3.51► to
nota fought splendidly, but once the world, is the twist modest 0c --
beaten current, end its lace is taken l
beaten were ready to serve the vice cu titian imaginable. In "'lhrou h will those of the oxyt ••u. What aro !< D of the castle was allowed in the 16.7S per ton, in car lots.
l 6g call "burning" is nothing but an by a solution or borax and resin. streets, while as a further aafeguar(f. Beans -Choice primes, $1.70 to
tors. The loyalty of the native prin- Chinn with a Camera" Mr. 'I'hunt atomic nutrria e. A .Japanese bride gives her wed
ccs to Kin Edward. and their at- sun describes the various ru •rtssiwe; q the inhabitants of the houses along 11.75 per bushel, 81.50 to 11.fi0 In
King { 6 When two now turn to our oat 'ling Presents to the parents nA n the mad taken by the Tsar were not car .urs.
tnchment 0) the English cunnectlon, steps through which the staple pass bodies. we discover the somewhat ns- slight recompense for the trouble ,
he naturally subordained to their es till it is ready fur the loofas oil tot,nding fact that our lungs are, they have had in rearing her. allowed to stand in !.heir doorways I revisions -heady Canadian short
own self-interest. The Japanese In- China or Lyons. or to occupy their balconies in (runt cut pork. $10.50 to 1 17.51►; light
y solely designed to keep u9 warm. The To give money for a charitable of theft houses. short cuts, 116.50 to 117; American
tolhave:ort•cently11examined theent is btood con- hatched cabouts )ftilehc silkworm
til I food we eat. being always of organic object in Burma is supposed to in+ply But it is when a foreign potentate cut clear fat hack, $2►►; compound
dltions under which England holds The hest season to obtain them' for' structure, to con�equonth very rich that the donor has been warn wicked determines to leave his native land lard. (3�c to 7c; ('anfidnn lard, else
India. and the conclusions arrived nt ex ortation is in March or the be- digcstl'e organs into I in carbon, and to rcdecud by our and wishes to show his pcnil••nce. to travel abroad that. the resources to 74c; kettle rendered. Roe to 94c,arc not rtn(terin • to the amour pro -ginning o/ April. The yours wvorr, a liquid condi- 1'nir-hended reople have the best of railway And ttermshtp companies According to quality; laser:, 12t to
pre of John Bull. Clear •thinking le when ghatched, are placed on ham-! thro'+gh'the thora• is duct e hulk of thie 'intos oirthe being quite 1an ordinarir, y)crop to 1on� the are taxtel to the
utmost• l:lc, itacon, 18e; fresh killed at•nt-
required 11 Englishmen would save boo frames and fed on mulberry. /Jowl. All through our system runs head of a fair man or woman. The Shah of Persia, for one, will foie hops. cele , to $Iu:'nixed, 86. -
the Empire. lelite cut up
so small
size ars' a great network of vein::, piercing to 'Telegraph wires will last for forty have a is falls
and fancies;
ratites ! o:T car.ed 75 to g7' select at $7.2., to }i.:p0,
What is the 11•.x00 of Miikdcn to they every part, and Penetrat i+ug every, years near the sea sheer. In the driverto must exceed twenty miles an But ler-Choice creamery, 19;r to
the tomer of Afghanist00. to the transferred to it larger number of i Osseo through witch the blood clr- manufacturing districts the eatne ,
Afridis, to the ratlines. (i0orkhns I frames, and are fed with leaves not! culntes. Rept In continual circuit- wires last 0111 tenhour when the :=huh is his passenger, 2nc; mottled, 1Nc to 1N,c: dairy tall
an(1 Sikhs? It is that In the great- i s11 finely cut; and so the procr'ss con- i tion by the heart. it means that the less, Y years, and even and woe betide the detIt n whose 161c to 161c. j
est struggle of the world yellow men - timers until, in their last stage, the, liquefied fond is dietributed by the vessel rocks to nn fl ittt Ilkply to i:g•gv-Straight stuck, t•1c to'.41c; I
and Buddhists have beaten white men i leavers are given to thein entire , blood-atreaac to every part, and it in South test
lia filbert (sista n give them Ile usually
Rn attack of sen Nn. 1; T:fir to 14r. 1
After Fabella • the worms cunt inn••incorporated i runts. teal for intending immi- sicf:np•rr. usually takes with him Cheese -Ontario fall white, 1 r. I
and ('hrlstlnns. ('rn,sidpr the effect calla • during five do 'A, And the•„ Into 0uraelv(~s. llul. no grants. Unless a matt can speak or 'c;
In the bazaars of inulin. Among the i 1 g warmth can ov0ur yet. 'these bill 101114 en enormous rellnup-some fatly Co}t,rrd, 1.1c; fol'drr, i lc to ! l i,r. I
countries forming the British Eta-' sleep for the first time for two Mies. ' of carbon at tens are await lug the wrote English he fa not permitted to Ministers and thirty gt•n•anta - and /
pire. India Is second in the voluinoj When they again awake, their tip- art i%ul of their mat re the osygeru land. uuuw tons of luggage. Blil'i'ALO F'iour i:T. /
petite is no quit• so Fund, and Jho• • atoms, ire ore, they'he woman tertian champion of (
of its trade. i'wo-ihircls of the In_ f p.Ot.'usually est for tole days onlyanal will cou.p11t to New 'Mantel has but one hand, and The Inst time the Shah visited Iiufialo, lffiv Lleflour-Liglit iter I
than imports are made in the United I sleep again for two days more. Then!
yell up their store r.f Intent loaf' that is the left oar but. she call Great Ilritfiln he spent $2,5(►0,0(►c)• nasi 1lheai No. 2 ngn light; No. u, 1 1
Kingdom; n quarter of the exports ; UNIQUE SCIii:NES,his hotel c)tprnses fur himself nn'I n0rtlnrn, S!; No. 2 r,•(1, 95;c. C'urn 1
Cadre here. forty million pounds' i they at for the third time for four ]n Q marvellous way, -store lies serve R ball that is exceedingly did- stag frequently amounting to 11,250 --Steady, No. 3 yellow', 53c; No. n /
b date And rcPose for two. 'Phis eat- M fieult to abuts. a day. Some 11,?!iu was .4
worth of English cotton, machinery, int; and repose is usually repeated contrived a scheme so that the union The .ingest underground thorough_ corn,
)le. (lata -Easy. No. 2
mptala, hrrl'wnre, woollen garments, four tinea, and then, hauls • gained 1,tsonur. pus -isle. She fits a second (arc in Grant liritafu is in ('entrtl 1'IS"I•I(JIUTFD IN TIPS white, 31c. No. 2s mixed, Easy. :i2. '
glass. chemicals and sundries are full strength, they proceedtospin; brnne'hleg S; stem of pipes Ana tubo! Ikrbyshire, where you can walk sew- i
bought he the natives of India from 'their co s. The task of spinning into our body, whhh up will call arsons the servant9 at \ifirlhorough
1 g pt► miles upon a road connecting neve
Englishmen and 'icotchuten 1'`i'•',t` occupies theta from four to seven' our lungs. 'These nitrify duw•nw•ard, peal coal -mines, blouse when eher took his departure of '1'uronto, May 2. -Tho following
C1t0,0I phnts together amount t�, day, store; and when this hasb)ess growing •t!ner and i;n•r, rill they end [(busts. with a population of 127,- King Edward. was the rang(' o! quotations: -
Exporters.' the bulk 0t whi h s is completed, three Jays are spent in in it mesh of min+lie little air-erelh. 1O0,rt00, has only ltt,aa•$ physicians. , Another tnonnrch who has all the Exporters.'
seent on wages. ; stripping oIT the cocoon, and some •tt this place the veins are eq ac►lly In the United States', with A impolite Shah'» dislike for the sea is King
Export steers', chNce...1i.70 86.00
DANCER O1' UEVOLUT0.' . I sever, days later each small cultiva- `tib t)i%fded, nod leen hunches of tion of ahm+t 75,000,0(►c), there are
5.00 5.65
Lewa11ikn. of RArutAeland. Ile has Do., medium
This prosperous' trade is neennt(ec[ 'tor brings hit silken harvest to the hair-like tubes, cnlh•tl cnpillaripe, 120,0(ut ,hwsielans, not visited lin,; Edward since the 1)0 , bulls 4.00 4.501
which enclose the Tittle air -cells. i
by Mukmn, for intelligent nativesof i local inarkpt anti tesposes of it. to Coronation, but his ({oval tour will Butchers' Cattle.
Though the two S1Sfem9 aro ince- r ► r
India will learn as, much from fon- , native traders, who snake it up into `♦ never be forgotten if only for the Butchers' . c cattle, picked. ).00 ,..,0
bales. tricye trutnnsllyd, they urn serenee, g Do . choice 4.90 5 15 4
gotten industry as from the superior- GLAS(IO11'"S ONLY HOPE. luggage s he took beck with him.
Sty of the Japanese over Muscovite ; The quality of the Silk is first of ed by ewtrnurl'in.uv thin ucenuhramw' flare was a Unln load of it, rpprt•- Do. (fir to gciod 4.10 4 p0
nrnrt. 11'0 hate educated twwrntV all affected by the Freed of the which, however, have the a(rnnSe The chief constable of (ila�gowv senting almost eery article ureter Do.. nullium 4.10 4.1!i
wur•tot (lint spin it, then h the Prot ort) 0f Allowwin • the 0xc •pn tospeech to a rr cat- Do . common 4 35 4.7.i
b ti The
n hief kQble
times as many person9 in India as i Y pass through. but which do not nl- (Thr• sun. Iherp were forty boxes,
can ever be accommodated with Gov- (lltnlity of the leaves anti the• 1°0' low the Mood to coins out. Hero it ing called for the 1 the' tion of the 'tech cutttaining a Silk top -hat, crfifr9 Du., conn good 1.73 4.411
of feeding. Silkworms are injured religious interpstS 0f the poor. Last of patent bouts, highly -colonel Silk Un., medium R.uO a.aU '
rrnr,►rnt appointments. unsuccessful i try noise, by the ,re9ence, nuc{ pS_ is that. the oxygen mit 11 the air
year. he arid, Glasgow shims had costumes for his many wivee. And Do., bulls a.2., a.7.,
.d i':;rants increase }early; they be u•e inti the handlinrangers,which n hrw'e inhaled passes into provided 17,0uu0 co Ya of drunken- Ito.. canapes 2.Otl 2.G0
roux 3°IIrMI, discontented and dim- i Y g• of 9tthe bl '-.;trt'aRL 'The atoms are boxes upon bnxee of gun., urnbrellan,
and by noxious smells. They must nest. These 17,4100 ctemprieed n tool.,
rocking -horses, cantatas, Feeders and Stockers'.
letr.l. They are. in tact, rt class' R sw.•)ttolon4 to the welting earl°», class who knewv neither happiness) b Frr•der9, short -keeps, 1,100
be fed at regulnr hours, and the' " i i.
similar to the itu•><inn revolutionists, and all over the both a milliuhfol,} i 1 grahe,i 1h :•t:, and eirniler Attbte..
tetnprrnture of the apartments mull ('hrl!tinnity, nhd in fact did not te, 1,200 Ilse. .... 4.90 5.50
whose discontent is the effect of edn- partnership is eurtirmrt•d. to each tiles the \taharninh of .Jaipur via
hot ho lou high. grasp the decencies of life. 'theirDo , 850 to 1,050 lbs. 3.80 4.90
cation on an empty stomach. They case eccompaniet 1.v the inevilahl:r When
King 1{chverd two or three
are )1) proud to work, loo The greatest defcctlin Chinese Silk only happiness' pinest wan drugging their Rtocl.ere. : to 9000 3.25 4.25
1 pour to .
relinquishing of route 0f the latent'
ntent t i RR R vents hark, hitt lou Ktlgp was also ex -
has been due to the primitive nude senses to drown their misery. The Yearlings., 350 to 430
1dlo. nc�y agitate. Never in the of reeling which the natives adopt. hent pt�srsed by the moms whey ten.twp anal Iecullar. 'There were
:1.0(1 :1.70
history of the world has a western 1{ I sepnratelf, Ity this 'net-Mo•:a nr- reprtssive method av retpresented 131 thirty inti.: a t'^rsoTh luggage I u
Shanghai is the great silk mart, hell) find Putted:».
drn.ocracy. negligent of its own and there, Rbout .lune 19t. lh( erns- rnnlemenf our entire holy is alually the police courts, had horn a con-- alone. Wattles hair<in•4tes, tuagic Export ewes, per awl4.75 !i.50
health, of n ricultlre, and of physi•sy usenet. In one a•n-en., we do not plefp fe..ilute. the only hope bay in lanterns:. bicvcl.s, eewing machines, I
col efltciency� fitfrtnptpa the task of ft
iss►u�er the it!;ruwbrsuta'hfu, chrµng keep oureeyes mare) et all. It le the work of the philanthropic s elt"1nnd mrthtnicnl tuyv, things he had
Butchers'41. Abets) per cks, per cwt4 MT 5.001
population the silk to the foreign market. 'fano ter ua by rntl.lunS of visiting smelt, -
ties and the rescuing of the rising 1 hnrebnsed in Parte, it. hroisght with ( 1 t
conttollingn of 31►O,000,_ 1"earltngS, t... and we h•
( ntoru,s We are simil}' n want reFis- gencralicn. him his Faered god Sal Gopaljl, res, cwt. 7.00 7.50
004) , f hew,I ie, including the flower of 'J'he9e growers are invariably small tie odic,•, alar.• rountle-a chemicalk 1,(►mhs, barn}ands, per.
the warlike race9 of the world, with farmers, who have it few mulberry + which wn9 neC1?s9t1r}, Accordin • t0
11,�,ou white soldiers. many of whon► hushes planted in smite odd corner of unions aro reebeformed, the atoms pay-('l1PXF:�T: Ic\fi'i:i:OR'�S T1:A, his religion, to permit his crossing cwt. ... 5.00 5.i3O
I0 Its a pr.ti•I•'v aIflouut of their
are in hospital. If English (10100e their tilled lends, and the rearing of heat ns it t.•e. The tea need in the immediate the venter. Do.. Spring, each a (10 5,t,0
(Tare has not forgotten the object the Worm And the production of silk Itut there is Still work to do. Now household of the F:m}renpr 0f China 11"ith the ;sari were Also huge zine ('elves, per cwt.... 3 50 •5-50
of the 'Battle of I'1nScer, the electors by n., moons monopolize the thole tint the Moms hnw'e Pared with is (r acid with the utmost care. It tanks and sir other large vr9»tln (u:I Do., each 2.(10 0 10
nitwilit ce the
Iettcuhlss'q secs of
the to of (leir ioniticforl1f s o ly a spand their iveultti they ere no tenter need- is rnis.•11 In n garden surrounded 1)3,-
11'140e rereplof eaclr water s
the Ganges. Each 'loge.
ed. It 11(uld newer do to Allow the a well, so that neither mall nor '0 heavy that it M�.I IIUgs, select, 160 to 200 lb
Thihrt inflicted it deadlier injury up- younger members of their families. rel four rtes to tarry it. (16 errs87
molecules forme.' to necumulate, else Benet can get anywhere near the............... n0
on the itriHsh workman than on the ♦ the !I1 stern w•0111c1 Snon 1.0 (:.egged. plants. At the time of the hnrvest Do., fete, oft cars R 75
Dalai Lama or the priests in the Oid Woman Ito engine -driver) -"Do so th•-)' cep street ru•.nd the Mone{ tho',• collecting these leaves :nest ----♦---" Do., lights, off ears 6.75
monastery nt tiynnctse. The morn! ye think theft' be a collision to- channels till ttcy carne tee% to the al•stai11 from eating fleh, that their
condition of mititnry cantonments in day?" Engine Driver -'•I hope not. mcahaork of nirclits and cavil/111e.+. breath time- not spoil the are,ma of Al) %cell-educateei Snanieh women Do not etr4Ihasiee your own virtue,'
Indtn le ignored by the 1i011se of What makes you nsk?'' old 110- There. as the new os% gen alone. poor the tett; they motet bathe three times tire taught from their earliest years, by enlnrgine on the failing of ether!.
Common•. and pinin fact., however man -''Well, }-e sec, I'm taking a in, the 11, 1'et couplet ere passed telt a day, ar.el, in addition. most %tear to handle the sword. and AS 11 result The twny to get A Oil to marry
rcpulsiwr or d;plornhle. are iikewise basketful of eggs to town an' 1 into the lunge, and we breathe theta gluwes while picking the tea for the they are noted for their ntlrnirable you 19 t0 make love to her best
lettered which reiehr the c•tntinued don't want 'cm broken." into the air. Chinese Court. figures and easy Welk, you