Exeter Advocate, 1905-05-04, Page 6r e WY:AK, TIRED PIMPLE. Meed raw Blood in Spring to Brier Health and Stiengtii. Sprlteg blood is bad blood. It is clogged with impurities that make Ilietneelvea felt in many way's, such as pimples and er'tptiuns, pour diges- tion occasional headaches, twinges of rheumatism, a lazy feeling in the morning, and a strong desire to avoid exertion. Sometimes the nerves uru unstrung. you feel dull and do- prcased, and your strength is slip- ping away. You can only be put right by enriching the blood and driving out the impurities. Purga- tives won't do this -they only make frau weaker. What you need is n tonic, and the best tonic that medi- cal science has yet discovered is I)r. lliains' Pink Pills. '!'hese pills ac- tually make new. rid-, red blood. brace the nerves and bring health and energy to weak, despondent and nosily tired men and women. Mrs. Chas. Blackburn, Aylesford Station. N.S., says: "For the past tett years I)r. Williams' Pink !'ills is the only teed'rine 1 have taken %%ben I found 1 n• a led medicine. Last spring I Was feeling poorly, was weak, easily tired and depresse•I. I got three boxes of Dr. Williarns' !'ink Pills and they made mo feel like a new per- son. They aro the best medicine I know of when the blood is out of condition." If you need a medicine fhb npring --and there aro fete people who do not -take a few boxes of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and you will find an improved appetite and new health and strength such as no other medi- cine can give you. There is no dis- ease of the blood these pills will not cure, simply because they make the new, rich blood that drives disease from the system. '1110 genuine !'ink ]'ills have the full name, "Dr. Wil- liams' !'ink !'ills for Pale People," on the wrapper around each box. Sold hy all medicine dealers or by snail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.54) by writing the 1)r. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., lirockvillo, Ont. HIS FATE FOUND HIM. A Cannon -ball Blew the Pilot to Atoms. Capt. Robert Faulknor, a com- mander in the Ilritish navy in 1794. was a of unusual courage. Dur- ing an cr,t•ta:ntcr close under the wall.; of Fort Royal he noticed that the Idiot did not seem to bo him- self. '1'I:o man, he thought. seemed to hesitate when he gave h1s orders. 1n "famous Fighters of the Fleet," Mr. Fraser gives the story: Captain Faulknor turned aside to one of his officers. "1 think Mr. Dash seems confused, as if he doesn't know what he is Miceli. !las ho been in action be- t. o -t.. re?' "Many times, sir," was the reply. "Ile has been twenty-four years in the service." liut Faulkner was not satisfied. Ile eyed the pilot closely, and then step- ping up to him, asked him a trilling question. The pilot's agitation was such as to realer him incapable of a reply. Recovering himself to some extent a moment later the wretched man. keeping his eyes on tho deck, in a pow voice addressed Faulkner, who was bending over him, with thin startling admission: "I see your honor knows mc. I am unfit to guide her. I don't know what is come over me. 1 dreamt Jost might 1 should be killed, and I am so afraid I don't know what I nm nbout. I never in all my life felt afraid before." Without for an instant losing his presence of mind, Captain Faulknor replied to the matt in a still lower tone: •"l'he fate of this expedition de- pends on the man ut tho helot. (live It to me, and go and hide your head in whatever you fancy the safest part of the ship. But mind, fears aro catching. If I hear you tell yours to one of your messnates, your life shall answer for it to -morrow." The pour fellow, panlc-stricken, went away, and overcome with shame sat down upon the arm -chest, elide Captain Faulknor seised the helm and with his own hand Inid the Zebra close to the walls of the fort; but before he could Bold at tho heed of his gallant followers, a cannon- ball struck the aril -chert Hurl blew the pilot to atones. lie was the only titan killed of all the Zebra's crow that day. WI1i•:N BABY SMILES, When baby smiles mother knows he fs well and happy. When he is cross,' oiling and fretful, she gives him' Own Tablets, and finds that there', a smile in every dose. '!'hese Tablets euro nil little� ailment/4 of chil h••od, such as indigestion, colic, c,.nstipation, diarrhoea, worsts and simple fever.:. They snake teething easy. and promote natural sleep and repose. and aro guaranteed not to contain one particle of opiate or poiam,,ut smelling stuff. Mrs. ltoht. Pesti. Tindal.', N.W.'I'., say's: -"I find Baby's Own 'I'ntrlels a perfect meds- i cine for tittle ones, and alwnys keep,' them in the house." 1'ou can get 1 the Tablets Isom yo•tr medicine deal- er or hy mail at 25 cents n box by writing the Tr. Williams Medicine Co., I(tockville, Ont. WELLINGTON AS A WiT. klthongh it cannot be said that Hat Nuke of Wellington shone to any great extent as a humorist, ho was quite capable of nentinistcring a crushing retort when occasion de- manded. as the following story cull- ed from a biography ut tho Iron Duke, shows. Louis Philippe once introduced the Duke to ono of the F'ree+. h Mfarehels whom he had de- feated in the reninsule. With un- per,l,•nable discourtesy the marshal turned hie back nn his old foe dur- ing the presentation. Tho King apo- iogi'ieg with wont brace he could. '•1•'orgtve hlrv, dire," laughed the Iron puke; "Why. It was I who tnuiht item to de tl:Ht in the 1'en- insulal't MANY IMAGINARY CASES HE FEELS AS PEOPLE INSIST ON BEING YOUNG AS EVER OPERATED UPON. A Woman Imagined She Had a Tumor - Severe Attack of Hysteria. You will probably bo surprised to learn. remarked the house -surgeon of a big hospital, that there are many sane people to -day who, belicvine that they are threatened with some dangerous disease.. insist on under- going severe operations in order that their lives may be saved. Of course. we du not really perform these op- erations, but 1 have assisted itt many imaginary ones in order to gratify the whim of a patient suffer- ing from some forte of hysteria. 1 renueuber it regent case of n wo- man who was absolutely convinced that she was suffering from an in- ternal tumor. Curiously enough, she had been operated on for this com- plaint some eight years before, when a largo tumor wns removed. SIx months ago she received n fright through one of her children upsetting a lighted lamp, and when she had somewhat recovered she bernmo con- vinced that a recurrence of her trou- ble had Navin, and that the only thing to save her life was an Ing tneuiate operation. She consulted her own physician, who. after a most minute dingnosh., declared that there was absolutely nothing to fear and that there was no trace whatever of the supposed tumor. Nevertheless, the woman. who was possessed of considerable means, consulted another physician, who upheld the opinion of his bro- ther medico. The women was still unconvinced, however. and applied to us for a bed as paying' patient, entered the hospital, and begged that the operation night be IMMl1)IATELY PERFORMED. Well, we had, of course, received particulars of the case from the two physicians, and after examination and with their permission declared that the operation was certainly nec- essary and should be performed with- out delay. With the assistance of two of the visiting surgeons I determined to perform the operation in imagina- tion, and this is how we did it. 'rho patient was given just a sufficient quantity of atutestheties to reduce her to a state of semi -consciousness -sho could hear and fuel vaguely. though sho could see nothing. We moved about the room quietly, spoke in whispers, gave hurried orders to the nurses, etc., and, in fact, acted just as though wo were engaged on tho biggest operation of our lives. 'Men one of the assistants fetched a jug of iced water, and, holding it above the supposed affected part, let the cold fluid fall at the rate of about ono drop every five seconds. When the water touched her body the deluded patient would wince and groan as though in great agony. After we had gone on in this way for some time tho woman was swathed in bandages and conveyed by ambulance to her room. On awakening she fount two trained nurses creeping about the apart- ment, one of whom immeliately held a cup of Reef tea to lier 'fps anti asked her to try and swallow a lit- tle. After a considerable effort sho succeeded, confiding to the nurse the fact that she felt terribly weak and languid. '!'here Nile remained for ten (lays, after which sho was allow- ed to get up for a time and h.,r friends were permitted to ser her. In three weeks she returned home PERFECTLY CURED. of her imaginary tumor. and to this dny sho dues not know of the hoax which was played upon her. Hysteria, of course. is the cause of most of these imaginary 111ne:eves, and when a patient has it badly it is almost as difficult to cure as In- sanity. Wo had is young girl hero a year ago who was suffering front n most obstinate attack of hysteria, which took a very curious form. Sho well(' never lie down in her bed, but invariably Sat holt-upright with her back nentnst the foot -rail. constant- ly turning her head from able to side like an automaton. I had watched her do this curious action many times, and one dny I asked her why sho continued It, to which she re- thnt there WAS a string in her head which pulled it from side to side, and that until it was cut sho would have no rest. This remark gave me nn idea, and i asked her If she would allow mo to examine her head. She was per- fectly willing, end after an inspec- tion lasting twenty minutes i grave- ly announced that she was quite right. and that the only cure wee a slight operation in order to sever the string. She clapped 4,her hands with delight like a child and declared that it Was what she heti told sev- eral doctors, but thnt they hail nil laughed nt her. Would I perform the operation at once? 1 thought it better. however. to defer doing so until the morning, after 1 had "con- sulted" 7'111: VISITING SUiIGEONS, daving ext lathed the circumstances the imaginary operntlun teas agreed upon, and the following morning the young woman Was led into the sur- gery, placed upon the operating table and anaesthetics administered. l'art of her luxuriant brown hair was cut off, an.1 a portion of the back of the head. about 2 Itches &tove the nape of thn neck, way shaved smooth. Then. In order thnt there should be something to show for the imagin- ary operation. the scalp was 'cinched until the blood ran. leaving it cut about 21 inches in length. This was bound but not strapped, and the patient was conveyed back to her bed, where sho remained for forty tninutes before returning to consci- ousnees. Meantime I had taken a piece of an ordinary 11 violin strirq ahmlt 4 inches long and soaked It in water until it resembled a rate sln'w, the object of this. of cuurrle, beteg to MR. CHESTER LOOMIS TOOK DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. And From a Used Up blan Ile Became As Stuart as a Boy. Orland, Ont., May 1 -(Special). - Ale. Chester l.00nis, an old and re- spected farmer living in this section. is spreading broadcast the good news that 1 wd(1's kidney !'ills aro a sure cure for the Lame Back and Kidney Disease so counnon among old people. Mr. Loomis says: '1 ams 7 h years of ago and smart and net ice us a boy, and 1 gi% 0 Dodd's Kidney !'ills all the credit fur it. "Ileforo 1 start(d1 to use 1)odd's Kidney Pills I was so used up 1 could hardly ride in a buggy, and I could not do any work of any kits+l. Everybody thought t would not live long. Dodd's Kidney !'ills are a wonderful renuvfy.'' The Kidneys of the y g may bo wrong, but the Ki.1jo a of tho old must be wrong. liteitte Kidney fills make all wrung Kidney's right. That is why they are tho old folks' greatest friend. show the patient the actual string taken out of her head. 1Vhen she was restored to conscl- ousnesa she was told how entirely successful the operation had been and shown the string which had been tho cause of all her trouble, after which sho fell into a natural sleep and awoke perfectly restored. Frons that day to this site has never suf- fered from hysteria in anis form,, and has been completely cured of her hal- lucination regarding her inability to keep her head Moving from side to side. innumerable people imagine that they are suffering from appendicitis, and many an operation for this com- plaint has taken place when there was AIISOLUTELY NO Ni CESS ITY. In connection with this disease, how- ever, there is one thing in favor of operating, and that. Is when there is no necessity for removing the appen- dix. and it is, in consequence, in a perfectly healthy condition; then there is no danger of blood -poisoning for the olcration is, in itself, one of the simplest in the whole annals of surgery. Wo had a patient here who insisted that be was suffering from appendici- tis, and that if we didn't operate on hint he would be dead in n week. Well, t ho entire staff of surgeons in- side the hospital and out examined hien and found that there was not the slightest trace of appendicitis, but so convinced was the patient that. he Was suffering Irotn the popu- lar disease that. in order to ease his mind, we performed an imaginary op- eration, and the roan is going about to -tiny in the blissful belief that he is minus his appendix and, therefore, proof against appendicitis. Yes, it Is wonderful how strong a thing imagination can become. and how oast' it is to fool a man (or wo- !nen either) into the belief that ho has undergone a serious operation for an imaginary disease. -London Tit -Bits. Itching, Burning skin Diseases Curcd f00 Thirty -Ar• Cents. -Dr. Agt.ew's Olntim:et rei.eves in ouu day, and cures Tetter, Salt Itheum, Scald !lead, Fc:ema, Barber's Itch, Ulcers, Blotches and all eruptions of the skin. 11 is soothing and quieting and acts like magic In the cure of all baby h u uu,rm. 35c.-17 SIMILES IN itIll'm1:, As wet as n fish -as dry as a bone. As live as a bird -as deed as a stone. As plutnp as a partridge -as tour as a ret. As strong as a horse -as weak as a cat. As hard as n flint -ns soft ns n mole. As whito as a lily -as black as coal. As plain ns a pikestaff -as rough as a bear. As tight ns a air. As heavy an lead -as light ns a fea- ther. steady ns time -uncertain as wea- ther. As hot as an overt -ns cold as a frog. As gay ns a Inrk-ns sick ns a dog. As slow as a tortoise -as swift as the wind. As true! as the gospel -ns false ns trtnrtkinl. As sav'ngp! ns tigers -no mild as n (love. As stirt as a poker -as limp no a glove. As blind (10 n hat -as (bmf as a post. As cool as it cucumber -tie warm no toast. An old womant who bad received a cheque went with great glee to a hank to draw the money. "This cheque Is crossed: we can't pay 1t over the counter, my good woman." "All right. sir; 1'11 come round, them." was the immediate reply. drum -ns free as filo As Shirt waists ani dainty linen are mane delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soap. 611 A ROYAL nook LT"I`. The (:rand Trunk Railway System aro distributing a very handsome Looklet descriptive of the !loyal Mus- koka Hotel, that is situated in Lake Rossetti*, in the Muskoka i.akee. "IlIghlnuds of Ontario." The publi- cation Is ono giving a full description of the attractions that may be found at this popular resort, handsoniely il- lustrated with colored prints of lake and island scenery. rho hotel itself. and many of the speciat features that may bo found there. It is printed on fine enameled paper, bound in a cover giving the appearance of Morocco leather, with a picture of the hotel and surroundings on the same, and the crest of the hotol embossed in high relief A glance through this booklet makes ono long for the plea- sure of Sul:ves.r and outdoor life, and copier may be secured gratuit- ously by applying to any Grand Trunk ticket office. Life is a hurdle -race in witicli many people jump at conclusions. Mlnard'a Liniment Cure3 Diphtheria There is a great deal of difference between loving a woman and being aur: icd to her. Use Lever's Try Soap (a powder) to wash woolens and flannels, - you'll like it. "So tho engagement's oft?" "Yes; sho advised him to practise economy, and he started by getting her an im- itation (liatnend," FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslox's Soothing Syrup has bean used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays pain. cures windcolic, regulated the stomach and bowels, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five rents a bottle. Bold by druggists throughout the world. Bo sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." 22-04 Mother -"So your lady -love Is high minded?" Sun -"Yes, mother, and scrupulously conscientious." Mother -"How do you know that?" Son -"Why, I never give her a kiss but what situ returns it. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMEIIT Iternovey all 1iu, 1 soft or calloa::cd lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs. splints, ringbone• sweeney, stltiles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, oto. Sava ;50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful (Blemish Cure ever known. farmer -"You know old Flint hain't had no faith in banks, an' !las been kOepiu' his Money in a tea-pot in the Karn, where he. could go an' gloat over it whenever he felt like it?" Mrs. Ifor,tbcck-"Well, what has happened'!" Farmer (meuningly)-"!Veil-he hain't got no faith in barns now." Moine persons aro more susceptible to colds than others, contracting derange- ments of the pulmonary organs from tho slightoat causes. These should always have ut hated a bottle of Dickies Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the present day sovereign remedy for coughs, ca- tarrh and in0anmnntion of the lungs. 1t will effect it euro no matter how severe the cold may bo. You cannot anord to bo without a remedy like Iitcklo's, for it is the best. A barrister, noticing that the Court had gone to sleep, steppe,l short in the middle of his speech. '!'Ito sudden sit nee woke the judges, and the lawyer gravely resumed - "As I remarked yesterday, my lorde----" The puzzled judges star- ed. ns though they half believed they bud been asleep since the previous day. Manly Strength and Womanly Beauty depend on pas, ity of the blood. and much of that purity d.1pen.ta on perfect kidney filtering. If these organs are diseased and will not perform their functions, than will seek in vain for strength and women for beauty. South American Kidney Cure drives out all Impurities through the body's "titterers" -repairs weak spots. -4e "1 tell yon. Singleton, you don't know the joys and felicities of a contented married life, the happy flight of years, the long, restful mint of—" "How lung have you been married?" "Just a month." Pale, elckly children should use Mother ()ruses' Worm i.xternlnator. Worms are one of the principal Ca110,38 of sullerimg in tnil.rren and should be expelled from the system. What a girl likes about a big, strong man is the way she can twist hila around her little finger. kinard's Liijim3nt Carts Colds, &o "i the ply r.t;.•t it. :.or, but honer and my altered eircumstnncea com- pel Inc to release your daughter from her engagement. I cannot en- ter your family a beggar. in n recent d.'aI in the North End stocks I lost my entire furtunr.'' "Not nn - other word. my boy -not nnother word. I got It." For the Overworked. -what ars the causes of tl."pondunry 31111 n.elsncholy? A riisordered liver Is one rause ane) a prone one. A deior.lered liver means a disordered stomach. and a disordered stomach means disterbarice of the nerv- ous system. This brings the whole body Into subjection and the victim fres ;irk a!! over. Parmelee', Yegete',lo 1 iiI• ars i recognized renicity b- this t.tato ,ail relief will follow their use. A DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE for tea drinker.. is to give them a hot, steaming cup of FRAGRANT instead of some ordinary kind. Thzy'lI note,' the rcnce reunite enough, then nothing; will do them hut BLUE RIBBON TEA. 9111.,1LaZ,r 1 I. era MI C3 C'I. Z ; ) 3. ack to ; icycies The bicycle is king. livery person realizes now that there 1s no other vehicle so convenient in the country, town or city as the Wheel. The wheels wo sell are the beset In the world, Cleveland Massey=Uarris Brantford Welland -Vale THE CUSHION FRAME the new font .re. It bus brought bievcling nen in into eo- pular favor --Makes Rough Roads Smooth, The Sills' Hygienic Handle Bar a companion invention to the Cushion Frame. Wl ire for mei new catalogues, and new picture cards. Mention this paper. Canada Cycle and Motor Vliy, " Makers of tho World's Best Bicycles," Canadian Headquarters for Automobiles. TORONTO TREASON FOR ANXIETY. Mrs. 1)ollivcr-"Oh, lienry, I hatfe dropped the water jug out of the window, and I saw IL light on the head of an elderly roan." Mr. I;olliver (turning pale) -"Dear me, .Jane, you don't know what dam- age you may have caused." Mrs. Tolliver (in tears) -"Yes, i do. It's pure china, and can't be replaced for ever so much money. Oh, what shall I (lo?" Stratford, 4th Aug., 1S93. MESSRS. C. C. IRICIIAIt11S &, CO. Gentlenten -My neighbor's Loy 4 years old, fell into a tub of boiling water and got scalded fearfully. A few days later his legs swelled to three Haves their natural size and broke out in running sores. IIis par- ents could get nothing to help hitn till I recommended MINA1111'S I.tNI- MF.NT, which, after using two bot- tles, completely cured hint, and 1 know of several other eases around here almost ns remarkable, cured by the sane! Liniment and I can truly say I never handled a medicine which has had as goo(! a :Nile oc given such universal satisfaction. M. IIIIIERT. "Prisoner," said the magistrate, "you have already been sentenced eleven lltmea for vagranry, violent assault, embezzlement, theft, etc." "Would yon mind not speaking so loud, your worship?" was the reply. “My intended father-in-law is In the court. rind you might damage toy prospects." Pains Disappear ilo;oro it. -No one need suffer pain when they have avail- able Dr. 7'huniese Kclectric Od. 1f not in the house when required It can be procured at the nearest store, as all merchants keep It for Salo. 11hm,mn- tienr and all bodily pains disappear when it is applied, and 'mould they at any time return, experience teaches the user of the Oil hots to deal with A r.x►n is judged by the rompnny he keeps and tho cigar he gives away. Twitchy Mueclt,a and Oleaplasantas -The hopeless heart sickness that set- tles on a roan or woman whose nerves are shattered by disease can best, be pictured in contrast with a patient who has been in the "depths" Knit has been dragged from thein sty South American Nervine. Ueorgo Webster. of Forest, Ont., says: "1 owe nay life to It. Everything else failed to cure." --44 A woman's clothes aro nine -tenths of the Joy she has in life and ninety- nine one -hundredths of the sorrows of the man who pays for thorn. Something More Than n i'urgative.- To purge is the only effect of many pills now on the market. I'arrneleo's Vegetable fills aro more than a purga- tive. They strengthen the stomach. where little• pills weaken It. they cleanse she blood by regulating the If%- er and kidneys, and they stimulate where other pill compounds depress. No- thing of an injurfous nature, used for miet Iy purgative powers. enters into tliclr cotupositIon. Half the time a girl marries a man because she enn't brae to think how bad ire will feel if she doesn't. iM• mei 1111Of0'8 111111111 C8fe3 Gfl1011 In C'Ja3 VI;llY rol.rrl. it is pocsihle to be polite always. it lo passible to be polite ev, tt when discharging a drunken) coachmen. A gentleman once found himself obliged to get rid of his coachman for drunkenn-,s. Ile summoned the 111811 into his presence and diacharg- cd him with this polite speech: - "I fear, Montgomery. that we trent part. It has been lntposslhle for me to avoid noticing that ssveral times during the Last month yin have been -ter -sober. Now. I don't believe that any man can attend properly to drinking if he has driv- ing to do, and then fore. at the month's end, you will be free to de- vote yourself exclusively to your chosen occupation." /' F OR SALf.-FASItIONAIILE BLOOL stallions of Arab. Clay, Morgan. Iiambletoniau and thoroughbred blood for sale. on time, or may be synelicat. ed. For pedigrees and particulars ad- dress John 11. Mall, M.D., 111i Jarvis St., Toronto. 225 AClt1: FARM IN THE CARDEN spot of the world, rural delivery at the door, and church on the farm, on the mala county rand 21des o' town, large dw.11ling with la :oomt, 1 porches, 2 halls, cellar, plenty Imre and stable ro nn, Carriage house. lovely largo shade trees. warping willow and maple. YOU can raise about anything you plant on this fares; half of it is clay. balance is dark loans. choice apple and peach orchard, best of grass land, healthy climate. 50 acres in wood cud timber. can email you 82 page book describing Diaryland all free by asking. Pried of farm now $2,000. !'rice will soon double. we farm and plow 11 months In the year on this farm. Ad- dress Dr. J. Lee Woodcock, 400 Cam- den Ave., Salisbury, Md. ri1Wo SRLI•:c'1' IIALi•• S1•:("I'I(iNS IN Saskatchewan, near new railway, for sale, cheap; easy terms; might ex- change for city or farm property Itt Ontario. 11. Orahnm & Son, 93 VIe- toria street, 'l'oionto. Stump and Tree Pullers Self arch +clog add frau.;. an, /toned. eeenat\r.0 114+•} ru11 an nr•dlaary ata,aP la n,y wtnetn'. 1 to 0 acres at a eat- tl.e, DiOersnt Ores 110 sat$ all 5te41 et eleartCEs. For 1ilutnted catalog 8441.es. Butcher -"You've got. six or eight lodgers. ain't you. mum?" firs. Sl iusdiet.-" Yes. They carne yester- day. How did you know?" Butcher -"I n(.ti.•••d you ads buying half !: pound more of everything,,• ilallowny's ('orn Cure Is a spec, is for the removal of corns and worts 11e liaise never beard of its failing to re. move even the worst kind. "And phwat's become of peg daughter, Mrs. Rooney?" Mrs. Mulligan, she was that useless intoirely that I !r, tit her out as a' lady -help." Ninard's Liniment Clre3 Distenjn3r "i'uctoi'," queried the inpeeitive person, "do you believe that the cigarette habit lenses weak nt tide?" "Not ncceesnrily," replied the M. 11. "As a rule it merely indicates than." Better Without a Stomach than with ane that's got K coestnnt "hurt" to it. Ur. Von Step'ei Pineapple Tablets sGm• ulate the digestive organs. Let one en- joy the good things of life and leave no bad effects -carry them with you in your rest pocket -GO in box, 85 cents. )'npn - "nevn q)nnrreliing with George again?" l'naithter-' No, in- deed, 1 haven't. It too near my birthdny for me to quarrel with any- body." 'Those whom neglected co;:ghs hnvo killed were once as healthy rind robust as you. Don't follow In their paths of neglect. Take Shiloh'; Consumption CureLuna . Tonle right now, It dt guaranteed to cure. It liar cured many thous- and. PN S C.Wstt.eiCer 30 :kir r. 11 TAR° .N.Y . Tor,.t, aa. T N U ISSUJE No. 17:-745-5t