Exeter Advocate, 1905-05-04, Page 5i
OX der bvivate,
pu�l.nt.<1 ecce. Thum.) Morning at the Otil •e.
—By the—
One Dollar per auuuru it paid in adtance, coin
if not eo paid.
tAvwx_ioir•w Rates era Jt<ytPlitx-
No paper discontinued until all arrearage. are paid
Advertisements without epe•'iaed directions will be
published until forbid and charged aeeonsingly.
Liberal discount made for Iranscient sivertisewenta
Inserted for long periods. Eery description of JoB
YRINTINO turned out iu the anent style, and at
moderate rates. Cheques. money orders. Ate., for
advertising, eubecriptions, et:., to be made payable
Sanders & Creech,
Pitt WIG
Prefesstonal Cards.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, 1.. D. S., D. D. 9.,
alionor graduate of Toronto Un[veriaty
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
()Wein reason's Block, west aide Main street,
DR. D. ALTON ANDEINto: (D.D.S. 111.9
Honor Graduate of Toronto I'niverslty and Royal
College of [[ental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post
Graduate of Chicago School of Proethetic Dentistery
(with honorable mention.)
Aluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made In the
neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an-
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth.
Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
LI BROWN, Winchelsea. Licened Auctioneer
1 L • for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.
also for the township of Ueborne. Sales promptly
attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged
at Poet Office Winchelsea.
- i
this county and adjoining territoriee, to repre•
neat and advertise the Wholesale and Educational
Departments an old established business house
of solid financial standing. Salary 83.50 per day with
expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct
fromheadquartere. Horse and buggy furnished when
necessasy; position permanent. Address BLEW
BROS., S CO., Dept. 0, Monon Bldg.. Chicago, 111.
IUrnaQts 838 of Cellequ other medicine in the world has
received such widespread and nnquali-
- HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL fiedendorsement,or hassuch a recordof
cures of female troubles, as has L dIa
—'E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound _.-.
Dyspepsia of Women,Around About Us.
Cawed by Uterine Disorders and C11red by
Lydia E Piskham'.1'epetable Cefnpsund
A great tuauy women suffer with a
form of indigestion or dyspepsia tt hid) I
does not seem to yield to ordinary treat-
ment. While the symptoms seem to be
similar to those of ordinary indiges-
tion, yet the medicines universally pre-
scribed do not sceut to restore the pa-
tient's normal condition.
Mrs. Pinkham claims that there is a
kind o; dyspepsia that is caused by a
derangement of the female organism,
and which, while it causes a disturb-
ance similar to ordinary indigestion,
cannot be relieved without a medicine
which not only acts as a stomach tonic,
but has peculiar uterine-toeic effects
As proof of this theory we call at-
tention to the case of Mrs. Henry
Beaubien, 58 Sparks St., Ottawa, Ont.,
who was completely cured by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound after
everything else had failed. She writes:
Dear Mrs.'Inkhorn :–
" I had been troubled with Indigestion and
general stomach disorders for nearly a year.
I had a soreness in my stomach and was un-
able to digest illy food. i dieted and doctored
without succals ; but Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetabto Compound brought me permanent
relief. 1 used three bottles and it cured me
of my stomach trouble and built up my gen-
eral health. I now enjoy a splendid appe-
tite, can eat all kinds of food, have no trouble
with in.li ion and know that I owe it all
Pinkham's egetab a mpou ."
capital Paid Up a 6,000,000
Rost & Undivided Profits 3,218,969
Interest at moat favorable current rates from date
deposited allowed on Savinge Bank accounts and De-
posit Receipts
Commercial Letters of Credit issued. available In
China, Japan and other foreign countries.
Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers in
MI parte of the world,
A general Banking business transacted.
THOS FYSHE, Osxtuut, MAxaosa.
, F. REDDEN. Sere or Baaaeaee & Cater ixsr•eros
W. S. CHISHOLM, Manager.
At Exeter and Centralia
Now ready for use the best
Cement and Lime
That money can buy, also
for Everybo(ly at the lowest
Jos. Cobbledick
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The only sate effectual monthly
medicine on which women elan
depend. sold in two degrees of
strength–No. 1. for ordinary
cases, it per box : No. 2, 10 de -
grew etronger for Special
Cases, 13 per box. Sold by all
druggists. Ask for Cook's Cot-
ton Root Compound; take no
The Cook Medicine Co..
Windsor, Ontario
That Have to be Sold.
We have in stock THREE PIANOS
which have been in use for a short
time only, and [wanting tt) slake room
for new goods, we are going to sell
these Pianos at a price that they will
have to go.
intending purchasers would do well
to call and inspect these bargains be-
fore buying.
Violins and Violin Sund-
ries Always in Stock.
Iiendquartets for Stationery.
Hair Renewer
Always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color it used
to have. a The hair stops falling, `rows long and heavy, and all
dandruff disappears. An elegantdressing." "tr".a'aao^^fri="1C`
'br K K tar K% K K b• K K t. K f< tT
"1 bad ettictore for eleven years. It finally brought •n scuba's
Disease of the Kidee s. 1 had an untnrntortable shooting pain In the
groin and feeling as though something was in the urethra. My back
was weak and I could scarcely stoop over. ]'rine was full of wdi•
stent. Had • desire to urinate frequent!, /amity doctors so-called
specialists, patent medicines, •leetric belts, all failed. `was dis-
couraged. If had spent hundreds of dollars in vain. Finally i nos -
gelled Drs. Kennedy A Keegan as the last resort. t had heard • `nal
deal about them and concluded from the tact that they had been
established ever s5 years that they understood their business. 1 am
delighted with the remits. 1n one week I felt Droner ■nd In a few
weeks was entirely cured. Nave gained sixteen po- cads in weight."
G. a. WRIGHT, Leasing.
G. E. Warsr.
BLOOD P ISO are the most prevalent and most serious diseases. They
e will
from the system g i i entirely
v � �I NoT h • aim an nn c s ant r
up l'to dry It e l ood 1• c d 77
ca,..s s"rides cornplic ations. Iteware of Merrorv. It only Supp the symptoms–oat
NEW N lit Hui) positively cares all blocd diseases forever.
YOUNG OR MIDDLE -ACED MEN. – tmptndent sell or later exeess•s
have t .r ;en down your e, stem. You feel •he symptoms stealing rvtr you. Mentally,
pbysicai.y and sexually you mewl the moo you lased to be or should be.
R E AD E1t Ar• a virt,m 1 Have yen lest h )pe I Ate y�u intsadteg
to marry t Has cont blood been d„cased i Have yon any
weakn•••s 1 Out New ethod Treatment will cute yco. tti hat it has done for others it
will do for Ton. CoNSI'I.TATIoN PR[R. No matter "'hobos treated you, write for
an hnn•;t epptniea Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FRE&–'The Golden
Monitor" (illustrated). on Diseases of Mee. Scaled Dook en •'Du•asesof Womss" Pres
thtng Confidential. Question List top Homo Treatment Free
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby *t., Detroit, Mich.
K,`K K• K K - K KY..K K
Clinton: Albert Seeley bad rented
his llaek-ntithing business for live
years t t \l a. 1Vazwan, of Blue -vale.
Guderich: ('hat les Washington has
sold his dray teazel to Albert Mitchell.
of 1{euntiller. who purposesgoing Kest
in a few motel's.
Mitchel: Mr. l'. J. Moore took pus-
se:.ien of the •ileal Front" grocer} -
store on °louday and has leased the
building for a number of years.
Clinton: Mr. Hat vey,McBrien's son
Stewart, a ltd of two stimulus, got
hi, hand caught in a clothes ming •3
iu operation un Tuesday and had bis
lingers so badly In that. the set-
t i e, of the 3orgeou had to be called
t iud• rit'll: 011 JJonday the infant
0 of Mr. and Mrs. Albert 1)iettich
id to test in the cemetery. Rev.
t1 . 11. Graham conducting tate set vie -
The little one was but seven
+• t ks old and 1)18 death was clue to
i nontLIO lilt.
i lint on: Messrs. Hoover& Bell have
mgbt the marble stock of James
-.ale. of the Clinton Marble 1Vorks.
tt he is going out of business. Albert
Seeley 1018 bought the business stand
and property now occupied by Mr.
Seale, for $350.
Clinton: Miss Straehan, svho has
been bookkeeper in the dry goofs stole
of Hodgens Bros. for a couple of years,
retired from her position on Saturday,
and is succeeded by 81r. Pinner. The
employes of the store presented her
with a solid leather travelling case.
Blanshard: lar. Thomas 11. Evans
died at his home, Mitchell road, Sat-
nrdev, aged 44 years and 6 months.
Mr. Evans had been in poor health for
some years but his sudden taking off
was unexpected. Beside his wife he
leaves a family of seven children, two
girls and five boys.
Clinton: A change in the owner-
ship of the electric light plant is pry
table in the near faun., say in six
weeks, and the 'company which
will take it over will consist of Mr.
W. J. Stevenson, the present energet-
ic ;End thorough manager, and his cap-
able assistant, Mr. W. J. Nediger.
Grey: Prior to leaving oda school,
Mr. Weir was presented by his schol-
ars with a cold watch, chain and
charm, m, es a slight token of their ap•
prechation for his labors amongst
them for the past two years and a
half. 31r. Weir began his new did ice
on Jfay 1st as Principal of Marmont
Public school.
St. Marys: After en illness of two
years there passed away at his home
on Tuesday, April 21st, Mr. Charles
Hot•suan, an esteemed citizen and
one of the hest known men in this
district. lllr. Hot -swim was stricken
of paralysis about two years ago and
had since been confined to the house.
He was in his68th year.
St. Marys: Mr. Alex. Carr, proprie-
tor of the cheese factory at Avonten,
was engaged, with others, in hauling
a Large smokestack from Avonton to
the cheese factory at the half way
house on the St. Marys road. While
unhitching one of the horses, Mr.
Pate was kicked in the knee. The in-
jury is quite a severe one.
Winghaul: Mr. David Campbell,
whit was one of the best known men
in Wingham. and who was highly re-
spected by all our townspeople, passed
the way of all flesh at his home early
Monday morning, after a few weeks
illness with cancer of the liver. 1)e -
ceased was born on the 12th of Octo-
ber, 18'31. in County Down, Ireland,
and was therefore in his 71t11 year.
%Vinghatn: Thursday evening a
large number gathered in the lecture
room of the Methodist church to spent)
nn hour or more to company with Mr.
anti \fes. J. A. Flack, who left this
week for Claresholni, Alberta, where
their only sots resides. Mr. and Mrs.
Flack have been identified with \Ving-
hunt Methodisin from its earliest years.
During the evening they were pre-
sented with a ]terse of gold, acconi-
panie•d by en address.
Clinton: Mrs. S. Kemp had an ex-
perience Inst week which called forth
a display of nerve which comparative.
ly few would have shown. While iti
the woodshed she stepped upon a very
sharp axe which in sonde way turned
up and penetrated the slipper which
she wore and cot oft one of her toes.
Mrs. Kemp made no outcry. didn t an-
pise a neighbor or call a doctor, but
patched up the toe with sticking
plaster so that it seems to be growing
together again. In the meantime she
has gond about her housework as
St. Marys: Dr. W. T. Mc(fortnan,
the well known St. Marys dentist, has
sold out his office and practise to Dr.
Chas. E. Hording of Toronto. I)r. Mc -
Gorman has had some slight trouble
with his eyes and in order to have
then treated properly decided to give
up work for a time. Ile will remain
in Mt. Marys for a few weeka and will
then take a trip to the Northwest for
the smuttier. Dr. Harding, who is an
old St. Marys hot-, formerly conduct-
ed a dental offlc• here for few months
and is well and favorably known. He
took over Dr. Mc(iormian's practice
last Monday.
Mitchell: Oue by one the old settlers
of (hie neighborhood are passing away.
Sunday the Grim Reaper summoned
to her eternal home Mrs. James Hand-
cock, who has been a resident of our
town for the past 30 years, at the age
of 89 years. Deceased was born to
Cornwall. England, and came to Can.
edit, with her husband, 48 years ago.
For three and a half years they lived
in Darlington, and then ninved to the
township of Fullerton, remaining
there tiltheir rem)taltoMitchell.
Ilei huvhend predeceased her some
eighteen years ago. Three daughters
souvit'e her.
Clinton: Last fell while the wife of
Mr. Peter ::ole, (odes irh township,
was driving into town. the horse
caught its foot between a plank and
the rail, just as it crossed the track in-
to town. The horse wag thrown down
and Mrs. Cole thrown from the buggy
anti seriously injured. Mr. Cole en•
tete(' a Chain[ against the Grand
Trunk for 155IN), together with the
terdicAl expenses. The claims Agent
of the company looked into the mat-
ter and finding that the Rltilway was
clearly reep on!ihle. settled the claire)
in full the other da), a fact Mr. (isle
appreciated very mucb,
The Rodney Verdict.
'!'ie- ,: t.,u't', ; :rds tetdiet reads:
''Ve believe that Eliza Lowery was
dated at the home of Benjamin
Covell, uhuut one toile north of the
village of Rodney. on the night of the
18th or morning of the 19th of Aiwil.
110i, anti We strongly suspect that
Alexander ;Villin committed the
el hue, and we believe that Eliz -diet h
('ovt'll knows who committed the
wutder." Both have been since ar-
Tornado Took 21 Lives
Laredo, Texas. April 30. –Twenty- 1
one arsons wets killed and scores it,-
jured in Laredo and in New L.itedo
by a tot•n:ado which tote through the
Territories last night. crossing the Rio
Grande. Rumors of others killed in
places outside Laredo lack confirma-
tion. The pt opt•rt V damage is large.
four of the dead pct ..,,o , all members
of the same family, wear all crushed
to death by tide falling of heavy walls
of the house which they occupied.
Many others met their fate in a simi
Lir manner.
SEEDS -To intending purchasers of 3re.la we hate
a stock of specially aele.-tea Iced Clover, Aloike, A1•
Nita, Tinr>thy, Kentucky Blue Grana, Millett and
,fnncarian Seed. which we offer at reasonable pekoe
w•: hate the highest grate obtainable.
C. ZWICKEII, (tears' Men hat.[.
School Reports.
SCHOOL REPORT.–The following is
the report of the Promotion Examina-
tion held in S.S. No. 0, Usborne, to-
gether with it test in Sr. IV. Only
those in Sr. IV. making 60% or over
are reported: Sr. IV.-- Vera Wash-
burn 8ti1, Willie Elford 06, Almena
Heywood 63. Protnoted to Jr. IV.,
pass mat 403.– Lille Heywood 649,
Wellington Skinner 533. Alma Johns
529, Viida Berryhill520, Ilattie Hun-
ter 192, Nella Heywood 480, Lula (eel -
bolt 1711, Ella Heywood 449, Annie El.
ford 424. Promoted to Sr. Ii1., pIass
[nark 3511. --Ella Washbutit (308, Earl
Iohns 603, Ray Fletcher 487. Laura
%\'oods 474, Altneda Coultis 55J. Sher-
wood Brock 432. Promoted to Jr. 11L,
pass stark 293.–Alex. Bert•ybill 515,
John (Teary 449; Lillis Godbolt 419.
1)McDougall Teachers Winona Howard }
The following is a cotrect report of
the standing of the pupils of S.S. No.
3, Stephen, at the Promotion Exatnin-
ations of April. The names are in or-
der of merit:–Jr. IV. to Sr. IV., re-
quired to pass 490 marks.–Thomas
I'enhale (318. Cecelia Ford 571, Fred
Beaver 517, Harry Triebner 491, Harry
Pat sons 460, Ralph Willis (absent froth
exam. in one subject) 446. Hilda Presz-
cator 4:3). Jr. Ila. to Sr. III., required
375 marks: -Sher man Willis 514, Gladys
Dearing 465, Eddie Triebner 425, May
Sanders 333, Earl Parsons. not present
at exam. Sr. II. to Jr. 111., requited
to pass 315 marks.– Florence Heitman
400, Geo. Hicks 373. Preston Dearing
361, Earl Shapton 350. Fred Preszcator
318. Johnny Willis 316, Samuel Stan -
hake 171, absent from two subjects of
examination. Jr. 11. to Sr. Il., requir-
ed toass 305.—Florence Triehner 362,
Ada Willis 342, Oardon Sanders 318,
Chester Parsons 257. Alymer Willis
245. Pert Ii. W Jr. II.–Olive Preszca-
tot•, Wilfred Shapton,Gordon Penha le.
Percy S. Banes, Teacher.
News of the Week.
Snow was general throughout New
York State on Monday.
London is to build a new breakwat-
er tto avoid flood in spring time.
Hon. Frank Oliver's real name it is
stated is Frank Oliver Bowstleld.
Fire destroyed the C. P. It. sheds at
Moosejaty last week. Loss $10,000.
A snow storm lasting thirty hours
occurred at Lloydminster, N. W. T.
Freedom of worship to all creeds in
Russia has been granted by the Czar.
:0.000 people will leave the United
States and settle in Canada this year.
The bonus of $25,000 to the Keystone
Sugar Company was carried at Whit-
London hits an epidemic of measles.
Hamilton had 834) cases reported 11tH[
Fire at Milford, Maine. destroyed
twenty•one buildings and a million
feet of lumber.
Thomas Larne -our of Dundas was
shot and seriously wounded while ex-
entining a gun.
A very heavy windstorm prevailed
at Moose JAW, causing much damage
to window glass.
Mr. Charles Darlington of Uxbridge
was crushed to death by his waggon
failing upon him.
George Dale was caught in the
machinery of the cement works at
Marlbank and killed.
The Oshawa Canning Company's
factory was injured by fire to the ex-
tent of $20,000 or $25,000.
Over three thousand teamster's are
out in Chicago, and a great labor
struggle has commenced.
Through the careless handling of a
revolver, Mrs. Strathmore, near Corn-
wall, wasehot and killed on Saturday.
M. G. Ilowe's jewellery atom. at Re-
gina was robbed of $2,500 or $3,000
worth of diamonds and fine wetchee.
The crowds at the etation in Paris,
France, repeatedly ehnuted "Long
live King Edwatd" on his recent 'nett.
Fred Peeling, aged thirteen years,
Was swept over a dam at Campbell.
fond with a horse and waggon and
The Ontario Educatbona! Aeaociation
decided to ask the Government to
adept a systelnntic health inspection
of the schools.
(ienerral Linevitch, the -Russian Com•
tnander-in•Chief in Manchuria, eel( -
brat.ed Faster by giving all hie soldiers
a personal kiss.
(leorge (iooderhaun. the richest man
in Ontario, deal in Toronto on Mon•
(lay. Ile is reputed to have been
worth $15,(X0,(X)0.
in a conflict between (ronppv and
workmen in Warsaw, Rowlett] Poland,
on May let, thirtypersons were killed
and many wounded.
In Lincoln, ill., three weeks ago,
was horn the etnallest child In the
world -18 ounces. It now weighs 3
pounds, and is perfected formed and
Red Rose
Te a
Because it is absolutely guaranteed.
Buy a pound or half -pound package from your
grocer, and use about one-quarter of it.
Then, if you do not consider it better value than
any tea you have ever used before at the same prig,
return the balance to your grocer and he will refund
you the full price of the package.
1 know just how gootf the tea is, and if you wilt
accept my offer and try it, you will not be surprised
that I ata twilling to guarantee every package.
T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B.
BRAeGt1ES : TORO\T0. 1415'slPEC.
Andrew Carnegie has donated tl fund
of ten million dollars to 'versities ill
Canada, the United States and New-
foundland, to provide annuities for
The seventeen -year-old son of Vin.
Sulston, of Kilworth, near London,
was on Sunday drowned in the Thames
while trying in a boat to get his hat
that had fallen in the river.
After working three hours with
sledge hammers and picks twenty-five
men broke into the Paris jail and shot
Dick Craighead. iuflcting wounds
which probably will prove fatal. Craig-
head was charged with the murder• of
Mrs. Isaac McKee, wife of Craighead's
half-brother, and her little son.
Clinton: Mr. Norman Murch (son
of Mr. Thos. Murch). who has been
leader of Blyth Methodist choir, was
handed it $10 bill, as an Easter gift,
in recognition of his services.
RuS1 e AC 1de
F.:1,h )pupil is given in.
.Iit•idual instruction.
The Shorthand System
taught is that used by all
rlewapaper and court re-
Best syatenns of Book •
keeping, l'enuaanalip, Arith-
metic, etc., thorough:)
Situations guaranteed
to every Graduate.
QfnCIAL uRi EN1GRAYriE =y P `.>PAL
it pays to get a Practical Education
and it pays to get it in this school. We can do more
fur our graduates than any other Business College in
the Province. Commercial schools employ ourgrad•
nates ae teachers, they know that the training then
in this institution Ia Ile Beet. Enter now.
Write for free catalogue.
Causes Much Distress tol
Throat and Lung
Clear Frosty Morning Air Only
Stimulates Lungs that are Healthy
Observes Or. Sloenm, If a cold Ia al-
lowed to run, 1.a ([Apps. Pneumonia, or
Bronehltla Is *ore to follow 1f "Pay-
'1'a •elates" le not taken to present Its
Toni experiment with cheap cot.,ch ntizt•tret
or like .lr.',.Cttnna, which at best can only
temporarily relieve, until you aro forced to your
bed from whlcb you will arise (railer–theinert,
ea.y victim for consumption Thi,a Is the ties.
eon of the year when people are started ol4d the
rapid rood to the ct.neumpti.e a grave, declares
the eminent Lung Specialist.
(tRaioi+cto sl --KEEN)
will rid the oyetem of all tnheretersea Dotson
an,l build up week and walled bailee with
healthy Ela.ue. " P:•ychine'• le A tonic and it
areata,, etrength, 1veey ou a t'aven.nta appetite
and produrn+ healthy tie.h.
in cave.' of oh-tinato coughs. pains to the
lung', .ore throat, headache, pains in the Ilmh+•
extreme weaknea., you cannot afford to be
without " 1'sychine." it is prepared expresalii
for All dt..eaa•4 of the lungs end bronchi
tuber and if pont have the least sign of e'nugh.
sudden chill. shivery feeling. cold feet or d•
prenslon, procure Psyuhtno " from ) out
If your druggist baen't '• P•ychine" in dock,
write Pr. T. A. Slocum. Limited, 1'5 king
street %ve•at, Toronto, Canada• and a sample
bottle will be scut you promptly
1 Morris: As Mr. Wm. Kelly, of Mb
line. was hitching his in to the
buggy, with the intention of going to
Blyth, the animal balked and stood on
1 its hind legs. Mr. Kelly took it from
the shafts, and it reared again, falling
on hits, breaking his leg and knock-
ing his ankle out of joint as well,
\Vheat (old) 93 05
Barley 411 43
Oats - 37 ` 137
Peas 60 75
Potatoes, per bag .. 70 70
Hay, per ton 7 00 7 ()0
Flour, {ler cwt„ fetidly 2 'i5
Flor, low grade per 1 25 1 '2.5Butteru111
Eggs 13
Live hogs, per cwt 6 73
Dressed Hogs 7 50
Shorts per ton
00 100
Bran per ton 1T (N) 17 00
DriedApples .. 3
"Correct English -
How to use it."
Josephine Tarek Baker. Editor.
Partial Contents for this Month.
Course in EngII.h for the Beginner.
Course in English tor the Ads an.sd Pupil
How to Increase she's Vocabulary.
The Art of Conversation. •
Should and Would: How to t1ee Thema
Pronounciations (Century Dictionary.)
Correct English in the Home.
Correct English in the School.
What to Say and What Not to Say.
Course in Letter -Writing and Punctuation.
Alphabetic list of Abbreviations.
Business English for the Itusiner•' Man.
Compound words: now to Writ, Theo,.
Stu•Les in English Literature.
s!.00 a Year. Sena to cls. roc Same Copi
To Farmers aid 14c Public
in OeeraI.
As the spring is coming
on now, gather up all
your old truck such as
Wool Pickings,
Horse Hair,
Old Rope,
All Kinds old Iron,
and take them down to
M. Jackson & Son
.Mals Street. Exeter.
One door Smith of Metropolitan Hotel
Tbat's where you will Rpt the higlc.t
cash price for t bete.
SOIO2a00e0a00- GACtCCyr:cat-40
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill.