Exeter Advocate, 1905-05-04, Page 1EIGHTEENTH YEAIt. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1905. SANDERS & CREECH, Plop's a HOLLYWOOD PAINT IS Good Paint to COVER and WEAR 40 Shades to select from In 15c., 25c- and 45e. Cans. C.HIJAP FLOOR LAC For Finishing Floors awl for all Kinds of Pecorating. In 40c. and 75c. Cans. st omehin New and Nice in Enamelware seas& rilaalbs. sraaaaaaas,& aft ata stlasia oda aels. spa la Just received a big shipment of 4 Heavy Blue Enamel ware — very I► 4 pretty and very endurable—at the jorprice of ordinary enamelware. �ri ri r x¢�s't�'g Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store. Tinsmithing in all its branches. Leggett. DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. 'olicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Mosey to toes at lowest rates of interest. Otti�•es, Main street, Exeter. 1. R. CARLINO. B.A., L, I3. DiClleOir IL(°sty TO LOAN. 101 We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and +illage properties at low rates of inter- est. GLADMAN k STANBURY, Barristers. Solicitora,Maln st.. Exeter Ont LLOYD P. JONES Organist and Choir Mater of the Tri+it. Memorial Church. Teacher -Piano, Organ. to,ce, Ilarmony. Modern methods Thorou: hues anitoba andNorthwest Lands For Sale. The Sa+kat. hewan (-alley & Manitoba Land Coln. party. Ltd., r.argeet Land Company on the Continent controlling entire Canadian Northern Railway Land Grant. Two Mitilos Acres -The cream of the wheat land. of We -tern Canada. Parties purchas- ing now are gi+en wail 1st June to select their land. For terns. etc., apply to ERNBST ELLIOT. Agent, Exeter ME Wanted It!LIAaLR NRC in every 1o4.111 - it) throughout Canada to advertise our goods tacking up show cauls on tree:. (ewes, bridges and all conspicuous places; distributing small advertising matter. Commission or salary 111160 year or sill a month and expenses SCS ns per day. Steady employment to good reliable men. We lay out your work for you. No experience need. ed. Write for full particulars. SALES MEDiCINAL CO.. London, Ont. Canada Pogue NOTtce. I, Sarah Oarrey,of the tillage of Eteter.give notice that i have made ap ',cation to the License Com• missioners of South 1futon for permassion to trans ter my license to C. W eadland, of Milverton. Any objections to said transfer must be made to the Idcen s !nepcctor on or tacfore May N. SARAH e.ARREy. COURT OF 1REVISiON_TTON'NNI111' STEPHEN. Notice is hereto- id+et, that a Court of Religion for the Assessment I:oll of the Tow u.hip of Stephen, e111 hold its first meeting for the present year iu the Town 11a11. Crediton, on ►ea:urday. Alae 27th, 10tk;, at 10 o'clock ant. Henry Eillwr. Tp. Clerk. Crediton, Nky 2nd, 100.5. --_- Hay \VR!)D1X(1.-On \Vetlnesdny after - Hoop the residence of Mr. and Mrs. t'asper Ruehrig,of the llth concession, i*Its the scene of a pretty event, it be. tog the marriage of their estimable daughter. Miss Kate, to Mr. Sinn H.t- ket, at prosperous young farmer of near 1)ashwiaxl. The company re. paired to the parlor where the cere- mony took place and which was per- formed by the Rev. E. Sehuelke. The young couple were then heartily con- gratulated after which all adjourned to the dining morn and enjoys an ex- .701,'nt tea. Presents of rare value and beauty. ats well as useful 11 orna- mental were showered on the bride. Mr.atnd Mrs. 13.tker will reside on their farm, at shot t distance west of 1).1sh- wo(xl. 1Ve are only voicing the senti- ments of all when we say that we wish thein a pleasant sail over the mitt • menial sea and may they alw eye) find life pleasant and prosperous. DEATH. -After an illness of several months the spirit of `n+t!malt('ather- int', bele ett wife 11r. %I,•nn,' Oe+ch, of the 13 stisotl Line. a a: 1•:u•1 i••d to its ll.tker Gn Sund tv. i)eceased waft al native of France end was born on Sept f Miter 19th. I' N. hut mane to this nutty to toy ye IWO, U,m lug her illness She was never heard to com- plain. Ilei• never failing chce'rfolness was an inspiration in the hums', and het no feet r,Intldcnce in God's gond Exeter School Report EXAMINATION IN 11i011 SCIIOOI DEPARTM ENT. Jr. I.eaving and Matriculation. The first tato obtained honors, .Mary Roach 86%; Polly Windsor 71, Vera Cobble - dick 66, Martha Carling 62, Hazel Browning61, Alvin Brintnell 59, Edith Moncur 5, Theo Hartleib 57, Bella Mc- Dougall 51, Harvey Borland 47; Mabel Sparks 44, Irene O'Neil 44, Daisy Dil- ling 34. Total enrolment 13, average 13. L. C. Fleming. H. S. Depa►rttnent.-The first two obtained honors: -Eng McPherson 79; May Jones 7.3; Maggie Coward 63; Ida( Armstrong 59; ORa McPherson 58; May Wood 57: Mary Knight 56; Milton Pfaff 56; Mau•y Mutt '54: WillieTrieh• ner53; W. Knight :_': Elmore Senior 52; Nellie Russell 51; Roy Farmer 48; Harvey Gardiner 47: Tom Carling 44; H. %Vorkman 37; 1). Rendle F. Hoo- per 28. No. on roll 21, average 19. A. E. Dorrington. Regular (.'Gorse. -The first two oh- tain••d honors: Hugh N1tKet}• S0: Edna Taylor 70; Beattie Martin 60; Thos. So inters 02; Blench Shee•re 59; May Hawkins L.Renar,• r57: M. Johns 147; M. Buhi. t so; Ida now e :Li; John Walker 53; 1tst:he Snell 51; Ed- ward Willis 51; Millie Hissed 50: Liz- zie Sanders 50; Mitchell 1V illis 49; Case Howard 48; Irene Handford -13; Lloyd Godwin 38; Geo. Aru)stiong 38; Harry Rendle 35; Jessie Russell 30; Flossie Sweet 29. Commercial Course. -The first five obtained Honors. -Jennie Hardy 89; Almina Mot ter 79; Oliver (irayhiel 77; Bertha Willett 71; Maud Taylor 70; George Wambold 07; Edna Bissett 65; Alice Howard 05; no • Parsons 50; lin Johnston 57; Edith \lel:1 y 52:Garfield flodgert 50; Bessie Wets)) 40; Frank Knight 40; Allen 11cC'ne(ly 45; Dyer Hanlon 43. Total enrolment 13. aver- age 40. W. J. O'Brien, T• . ' e . A Masonic Event. The brethren of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A.F. & A.N., held high festival on Friday night last, the occa- sion being an utlici.tl visit front night Worshipful Bro. Geo. Malcolw, 1). 1). G.M., of Sooth Huron District, No. 4, of Stratford. Thele was a large at- tendance. over fifty utetml ers bring , %present, including several t i.itut-. \'or. I3ro. Dickson and V. 11'ut•. (Ito. Sr. 1V. -Katie Collins till , Lillian Amos 80, Lois Birney 77: 1)0,Igl is Ste- wart 77: Kathleen Stewart 73; Lillian Jones 73; Clarence Miners, Bertha M ick 71; Miry Mack 71; %Viuttifred Huston 71: Minnie Amy 711: Lillie Hod- g(tt '70. Jr. IV.- Viola Welsh 88; Lil- lian Snell 87; Gladys Bissett. 82; Alm t McPherson 80; Clifford MeAvoy 7s: Allain Plrketrl 76; iluth Hooper 7:): Clarence Pickard 73;, Louis Day 7e►. No. on toll 39, average 38. • C. Vnspet. Sr. III. -Loney Heywood 91,0; Victor Sweet 87; Garvey Acheson 79; Edith Ileidenu n 78; Hetbie (.airliner 78; Wil- lie Birnev 78; Olive Wood 75: Aggie lhrkner 72; Annie Ilissett 71: l;Iatlys Ford 71; Ella Wood 70. Jr. 111. -Chas. Welsh KS: Petry Godwin K3: Iii t Welsh K3; Harry Swed 7S: Lily Rowe 77; Lat- imer Grieve 73; Harry Enke 73; i.aulra McFalls 71. No. on roll 411, average 43. 11. 13. Walrond. Sr. 1 L -Cecil Pickard 83; Clarence Snell 7,1. Ss. it. --Lillian Hoyle tai; Katy to tenet...,him. Imported Direct from Jerusalem of the Holy Land. Their first Appearance on the Western Continent, Heywood 79: Evia :Maddock 78; Willie and considered an enemy, hastened Deering Sl: Fred Brock 80;l Tait Wood The Samaritan, the preacher went in charge of the world -widely known 1MIAIROI, the ramous Guide of the Holy land. 77; Wilfrid Stesssst 71; David Hsu 72; on to say, showed the lane neighlx)r- Mary Acheson 70. Jr. ii. -Irene il:n•. Iv feeling, and while in this parable �,the professors of good failed in the No. rnt roll 710, average l.t. 1 sault Riders of the World. The Only A. [:. martini of today Lacks in charity. Even the Steuart introduced the distinguished; visitor, who, being received in the ua- n d tu:umle•r, thanked the In for he fitting reception nCcoldrd 111m 1411(1 then directed the 1%or. Master to exemplify the wank of the second de- gree, open and close in the three de- grees, and perform other work. Ali was done •.t ; t h such a degree of excel- lency tha t t he D. D. G. M. eulogised their effoi t- in a manner that not only reflected e•redi1 on the officers but the: whole lodge. Following this itt. 1Vor. lblu. Malcolm delivered an address on Masonry that was listened to with marked eit.teutiun, the speaker mani- festing tt thorough knowledge of Ma- sonry, setting forth the high ideals of its teachings and demonstrating a- bilities that fitted him for his high and worthy calling Its a Grand Lodge ottl- e(•r. The work over and the Lodge closed the brethren repaired to Faul- sun's Hall, where a couple of hours were pleasantly spent. After a sump- tuous supper, served by W. W. Stat- ham, in the most approved style,\Vor. Master Huston called the brethren to order' and a feast of reason followed. The toast (if "the King. the Para. GI end Master of England" was heartily hon- ored by all present and the toast of "The Lira nd Lodge of Canada" resOtnnd- ed to by Ht. Wot•. Bro. Geo. 311,i coins civilization would become naught. Ile was desirous that Sunday funerals should cease. The choir rendered excellent (music. the anthems, a solo b)• Miss Anna Mau•tiin, and a song by lige male quar- tette being greatly appreciated. After returning to the lodge votes of thanks were tendered Mr. Martin and the choir. ADDITIONAL LOCALS its on Rev, Miss Lizzie Goui41 is visiting in Lon- don. Sliss Rme tliarton is visiting in Lon- don and \1+ 11:ti ton is in St. Jtarys. \Irs. Those. Trick and Miss Topp, of Clinton, are guests of Mrs.G. Stanwell. Miss Nnud Hodgins, of Kingsville, is here visiting her mother. Mrs. It. Mc Falls. Mr. and Ors. W. L. Talbot, of Sea - forth. spent Friday night with friends in town. Mr. Richard Penhale, wife and fam- ily. have returned to Toronto after at visit here. Mr., Mrs. and Miss Mill have return- ed from a pleasant visit with friends in Windsor. Messrs. Dan. A. Sanders and Alvin Brintnell spent Sunday at Zurich with Wallace Fisher. Miss Elsie McCttllutn nn Monday re- turned to her studies at the London Normal School. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Manning and little son were the guests of Mrs. Wan- less on 'film isday. Mrs. Yager and Silas Cunningham left on Friday last to visit their par- ents in Clandehoye. Mr. 1:11 Snell left last Thursday for Perry Statile, to re-enter the employ f :2:c H itheeland Innis Co was a grand tribute to the Craft. The- " ' speaker pointed out the .obligations, ditties arms tequieethents of the Mem- bers and illustrated his discourse with incident of an historical nature that made his speech of deep interest toad!. The name of Very \Volt. Bro. J. A. Ste- wart was also coupled with this toast, and lie briefly and crisply respond- ed. Bros. T. B. Catling and N. D. Hut•don ably and interestingly re- sponded to the toaast. of "Canada"; Wor. Bios. L. Ii. Dickson and T. A. Amis, "Sister Societies"; Bros. llev. Andrews, of Pntkhill, A. McTaggart and Ret•. Aredeews.of Centralia. " Vis- iting Brethren"; \Nor. Bro. Huston, Bros 1V J Heitman and Thu,, Fisher "Lebanon Forest Lodge•"; Bro. W.W. Tannin. Wm.. Bro. C. 11. sanders, Bro. W. J. O'Brien, Bro. 1)r. Orme, and \Nur•. Bro. John Mcfntyte, " The la- dies." A vote of thanks IVIS accorded the visiting brethren after it ir--' "Auld l.sug Syne" gold the Juni, a• \\'al•den's toast concluded the ens'' tainment, all so heartily hal enjoyed. Mt. John Olver, who has been visit- ing at the Metropolitan leaves this week with his daughter, Mrs. Page, for Mitchell. Ur. and Mrs. E. J. Spackman, and Mr. Robert Sanders were is London Thursday evening, enjoying the hear- ing of the great Paderewski. Me. S. M. Sanders left on Monday on a business trip to Toronto and Whitby 111 connection with the Co- operative harvesting Inchine CO. Mrs. t m. Batman returned last week from a visit in London. She wetsaccum9auicd by NIisa Nellie David- son. who is now visiting friends herr'. M('Gi111vray Mr. Wilson, of the 4th concession. has Laken Will Alexander's place on the section. -W. Pearson has returned to St. Thomas to t•esitWO ilk studies at the high School. -Mrs. Torrance and Miss•Abbie Black, of London, spent r parents r, t, e r •e• n, bra f ht last ark t the w Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Black.- Mrs. W• Lunshorongh has returned from her visit to Stt•athroy.-James Reid. of the Normal School, London, spent the holidays at his home here.- \V. Mor- gan has sold his farm to Thos. Pearson. --Wilbert Watson has accepted a po- sition with It. Armstrong for the sum- mer. -John A. Manning. of Toronto, son of John Manning. of the 7th con., has just been granted as patent for a machine which manufactures excelsi- or. This new invention does the work of 20 of the ulachi.es at present in use and is rl great scientific triumph. -A Model Session of the McGillivray Sun- day School Association will be held at the Presbyterian church, Lieury, af- ter the church service on Sunday af- '"rnonn, May 14th. BIRTHS Itl\ist•at • to (1 %sitwootl,u) April 23, to Mr. attel 5Irs. Chas. Rinker, adaugll- ter. SCHn.IDHR-in Dashwood, on April '.'.3, to 51r•. and Urs. David Schrader, a daughter. Wiess:i(T -In Dashwood, on April 21, to \lr. and Mts. H. 51. \\'inert, a daughter. M1AIRIMIES. GEIGER-12.4331E—At the house of thio bride's patents, o►1 April 26, by Itev. \l. L. Wing. of Berlin, Rev. Alfred Geiger, of Elmwood, to Miss Lydia, daughter of 511. and Mrs. Samuel Itannie, of 'Zurich. B.tKEtt-RoEttutcl-At the home of the bride's parents, on April 26, by Rev. E. Schuelke, Stun. Baker, of near Dashwood, to Miss Kate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Casper Roeht ig of 1Ith con., Hay. FItENctt-Cooese--1u Clinton,un April Li, by Rev. II. M. Manning, Victor C. French, of \Vetaskiwin, Alta., to Miss Eva, daughter of 311.s. Cooper, of Clinton. PHILLIPS—ROBINSON—At the home of the bride's father, on April 241, by Itev. C. W. Brown, John E. Phillips, to Mess Fannie May, only daughter of R. F. Robinsou,hoth of Fullerton. DEATHS OESCii --At the Bronson Line, Hay, on April 23rd, Susannah Catherine. be- loved wife of Nlenuo Oesch, aged 56 years, 7 months and 3 days. CONNEII.-Lr Exeter, on April 27t.h. Margaret Wigan, wife of .hones ('onnor, aged 62 years, 9 months and 16 days. POSITIVELY THE ONLY BIG SHOW WHICH WILL VISiT YOUR CITY THiS YEAR. ~' . v tri 'SON BROTHERS -• r adei.iar • i Y.a Wse' !�'% 'K' .� .i. - - - • ... -: J f. . •-i• f TI It RING CIRCUS! Odd Fellows Attend Church Mrs r t;r,� A GOOU TURNOUT ON st.N11AV Exeter Lodge, No. 07, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, about eighty strong, paraded frotu the lodge room to the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning last and there attended di- vine service. The members were marshalled by Junior Past Grand I3ro. W. J. Hemmen. Rev. Wm. Martin, 13. i)., pastor of the church, oceupieat the pulpit and delivered therefrom a very earnest and appropriate sermon. He chose fat bis text the sentence -'Gia, and (1u thou likewise," words used by Christ after' having stated the parable of "The Good Samaritan" and in answer to the temptation of the Lawyer: "Master, what -hall I da to inherit eternal lifeY" and -Who is int ',sights,'" that he shottlil love Irina ,,. lor, -.•lt From the text an : the context Mr. Martin drew a sit id picture of the scene as described it) the tremble -the wounded traveller lying by the roatd- side, thoue ndrta a f'aleding encounter dying {Ig THE VA I J D E\! E R E FEMALE Z O lJ AV E robbers; the coming of the Priest end Levite, men connected with the chelrch of the day and professiug to do good, and their passing the injured loan w•itl t tendering assistance; the up- I►r•oach of the Samaritan, n, an enemy of the wounded meat's people, the sympa- thetic fellow -feeling for his wounded brother and the substantial aid the Same itan gave him. 1Vhile we find the two Hien who professed to the do- ing of gond dce'(is. failing in the prac- tice. the ,uin.pt•r•iessor when he saw the sufferer, although of another race Cly. SOWS! . • rr�es.t�r•. ). MONSTER MENAGERIE! MARVELS ! REAL. ROMAN HIPPODROME! In Marvelous Evolutions, Under the Direction of Captain Maude Carter. CHASM VAULTING COOPERO In Nis Supernatural and Incredible Achievement of Leaping a 50 -foot Chasm On Nis Bicycle. THE LA H A 1 R 01 HERD RAC NG, FIGHTING CAMELS d S1: Lottie Delve Stl; Abe,iack.on 77; )e pro es'o s ( I"+ Je The Premiere LadyEquestrienne Somer. P red 11cPheeson 71; James %yams/. 71, practice, the inference should not. be THE C O O K E s I tT E R S q drawn that the professional Cllrlstian' Pi lest and [.[•rite. un doubt, made ex- female Riders in the World who have successfully accomplished the difficult feat of Turning a 1 L- Ruby \( nod 116: Erni„ Ila( vet}• 91; Leon Tackle 90; Violet Knott eases 1(1 thbaa}'inR that the Backward SonlCrs,tult on i3 Bareback Norse Whil(' Running at rid, �Jpee.d. 75. Jr. 11. Elortie 1)innic 89: (Molts; night utas (1etnseltc-, 1 114ing on, they were ex-! Delve 57; Annie Itav 86; Edith Davis peeled to be at home in Jericho at a SI 1' u i ,, I, ks,en 72.sr.Part 11._.certain hour, the main was deal or be- 14,10,(4,1;01,,i, e- n•• 1(1 ahe(.) ian,v•1)7:gnea VcKI►v 03: )-sand aa+sisten,'e. and the 1••brrers were 1 t t • d• r) \I 1 1 S- !fettle yet near and they t tense v es in ang- Edd:e 1i'e1..h 70. Mid. fart 11•- min, good, they were not sufficient to war Including �cllu .1. ne t _. Nisei i. Jones v ,. er. While the exri(set may have been \Int Bowry S'2: Mn -that ISagQhaw 7S: lel •\,gilt•( iail• \1 t Gardiner(taut the Pruett Ilnd I.evite in refusing parpiaes solved all perplexities and 08: 1. .n "' (1011 isi; lln0 Vwert 8t3; An. Froth the subject Jir. Martin point- ptuootllr(t all difficulties. Surely no ,1, n I1 . t • t `w; ltrlat Roue 7t);� I,tulra ed out the great %,clue of charity to- -•.(.•.•ter life haul been lived alttong ns (• V r i, 1,' y,'nior Tai; Ne+rnurn etl of our fellow man, and stated that to i ymrngaul,l old as far as she acs it ;1. h. 1 t.11. -i belle Hand. the Older then attending set vice on 1, •t n, loved and will 1110:)111 Inc Mrs. 1' •til •',:Sta Itlev.I,hns01; stay sim„11at their 80th (1)0)mit vettten(,ts well %ICC (111 sk . Most of 1111 •1te will he missed cons ht• 7,1. N•'. on roll 10, average AN. other similar nrdS,t WAS doing :► Brent t sorrowing pat -trier and family, F. F,. (?at•lin(f. work in relieving the sntTel Ing and 44iti,•hconsists ,)ffive sons and (bice Sr. 11.- Madeline ('atling1)1 :Ilar(}} distress 11 of lit others, and vvidmvs 141411(1 ,1 ,.!lit erg. and to then) we extend on t� Snell Sr;: Chester Ross,. ;e. sr. I't. il- orphans. The Odelfellows in America 'hy and u'i.t the remembrance Eahrl 1), i5 i;r.itrice !lodged 7:,• now number about one and a half t. life will solace them in time of 1 111 • ,n and the kindly ministration. or -t ntp.tthic friends in some sn1a11 14 .1" 1)01p to telieve their gloom. The imolai took place on 1Vvdne5daly to Ow Bronson line cemetery. -:m of• gnett a the 11 rltd of charity. t:,•t MiddIssex license 41 -commission. 1 • ,tt off three licenses. Vadelle Part 11.- Jennie Bussell 71; Slandie Elliott 70. .1r. Part lie Manion Maaniol 72: Bobbie Fleming 71. No. 1. -Anna Hell 71: Joey Ferguson 711. No. no roll :39,nverntte lN- Mary Parsons. Canada t•eeeived 91.1.S1 ilnm'greats frotu (ilea! Britain doting lfN)f. million, with an annual revenue of iERE, OF RARE AND COS'I'LY ANIMALS a flcrd of Trained Elephants; Trained lions, Tigers, t1).enas, Jaguars, Leopards, Camels, Monkeys, Ponies and tlors(s. THIRTY CAGES OF WILD BEASTS, 25 -FUNNY CLOWNS -25 200 -CIRCUS PERFORMERS -200 SEE THE GRAND FREE STREET PAGEANT At 10 A. M. Daily ALL TENTS ARE WATER-PROOFI EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILi•i3ADS thirteen million dt,Ilair•., and an a TWO 'm - m131 expenditure in benefits If boot vv fo,lt• arnd 11 half n111110,ie 111 conclusion he made an eloquent pleat for a sacred Sabbath, starting that i if tate Sabbath were not kept as a holy Clay the ggreat pt op of the church was gone, au1(1 with the chuicb gone the PERFORMANCES f At l N% i 1 'P. id. ANt)'; P., M. t EXETER on MAY 15th