HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-04-27, Page 5T1(1: Q zeteva Abuocate published e. er; Thur,•L.y limning at the Odt e MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. —By the— • ADVOCATE PUBLISH I NO COMPANY TERMS 01 SUBSCRll'TION. Ons Dollar per annum if paid In advance, sego if not •o paid. 111.3irter tslag Ratan oa JLipplica- tioa lok No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid Advertisements without specified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for trauscient advertieementa ,nsertcd for lone periods. K .ery description of JOB PRINTING turner out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Chelued, money orders, Sic., for advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable 0 Sanders & Creech, PKuI'KI1:TuK Professional Carder. ob... A. It KINSMAN, L. I, S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto Uuiverlsty. DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office in Faneon'e Block, west side Main street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON A\UEIt'ON (D.D.S. i..u.S DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto t'niversity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery (with honorable mention.) Alituninum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made ire the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- esthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. More, Exeter. Aar tlane. re I: BROWN, Winchelsea. Licened Auctioneer LI.• for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. alp for the township of Uabome. Rales promptly attended to and terns reasonable. dales arranged at Poet Office Winchelsea. IBM WANTED. -LADIES AND GENTLEMEN in this county and adjoining territories, to repre- sent and advertise the Wholesale and Education..l Departments an old established business house of solid financial standing. Salary Vt.50 per day with expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct from headquarters. Itorseand buggy furnished when nece+s.(sv: position permanent. Address BLEW BROS., & CO., Dept. 6, Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111. —THE— @erc4agls OaoK of MHO HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL capital Paid Up - 6,000,000 Rost & Undivided Profits 3,218,959 03 BRANCHES IN CANADA Interest at most favorable current rates from date deposited allowed os Savings (tank accounts and Pe• posit Receipts. Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available In China, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers In all parts of the world, A general Banking business transacted. SAVINGS BANK. Tilos FYSHF., ORSI&AL 1(asaesa. . F. IIEBDF:N, Serf or B.aacllu k Cum ISIPGCTOI CREDITON BRANCH W. S. CHISHOLM, Manager. PAINFUL PERIOD Suggestions How to Find Relief from Such Suffering. me 1.111 'en3ic`". • ;r 44i'ff/0Richs _rdlc� wagers While no woman is entirely free frotn periodical suffering. it does not seem to be the plan of nature that women should suffer so severely. Menstrua- tion is a severe strain on a woman's vitality. If it is painful or irregular something is wrong which should. be and am plses el to give you this testimon set right or it will lead to a serious de- i for what your rueehcine has done for me." rangement of the whole female organ- ism. More than fifty thousand women have testified in grateful letters to Mrs. Pinkham that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound overcomes pain- ful and irregular menstruation. It provides a safe and sure way of es- cape from distressing and dangerous weaknesses and diseases. women. The two following letters tell so eon- When women are troubled with irreg- vincingly what Lydia E. l'inkhaui'a ular, suppressed or painful menstrna- Vegetable Compound will do for tion, leucorrhea, displacement or ul- women, they cannot fail to bring hope ceration of the womb, that bearing - to thousands of sufferers. down feeling, inflammation of the Miss Matilda Richardson of 177 Wel- ovaries, backache, bloating, (or flatu- lington Street, Kingston, Ont., writes: !encs), general debility, indigestion and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, ner- vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, they should remember there is one tried ant true remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. Refuse to bay any other medicine, for you need the beat. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkham it' there is anything about your sickness you do not Mme. Louise McKenzie of Mount Car- nth kindness and herderstand. She will treat you ma it el, Montreal, Canada, writes: Mn. Ptnkbam:_ treeNo woman ever regretted Deer "I had beard se much good about Lydia writing her and she has helped R Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before , ti sands. Address Lynn, Mass. h.fit lira. Pisktlm's Adria—A Woman Best Understands a Mesiaa's ms. f starters to take it for painful menstruation so that when it cured nit, I was notsurpriseel. I had suffered with blinding._ n headaches alai rain until it seemedthat must scream. rain pains lasted from five to ten days ever}' month, and you tan understand how glad I was to get relief. I am in the best of health, Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convincing evidence that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound stands without a peer as a remedy for all the distressing ills of women. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound rests rtpon the well-earned gratitude of Canadian Dear Mrs. 1'inkhant:- Some four years ago my usually gond health began to fail. I had severe ()SHIN in my back, my head ached, I would have dizzy s�1 and during niy monthly. periods would suffer intense pain. I was a.ivisel to try Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I am exp glad that I (iit1, for it brought sew life and health to ate. My monthly periods were natural and painless, and my general health improved. I have not had an ache ora pain since, and I feet it a duty as well as a pleasure to tell you what your medi- cine has done for me." PIANOS That Have to be Sold. At Exeter and Centralia We have in stock THREE PIANOS which hnce been in use for a short time only, rind wanting to make room for new goods. we are going to sell these Pianos at a price that they will have to go. Intending purchasers would do well to cull and inspect these bargains be- fore buying. Storehouses Now reaily ft n' use the best Cement and Lime That money can buy, also COAL for Everylxxly at the lowest prices, Jos. Cobbledick Violins and Violin Sund- ries Always in Stock. S. MARTIN 1leadquat•tets for Stationery. • Vegetable,liver pills. That Aer�la what theyy aro. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick -headache. tew.1>:'>Eet Wald your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE SksitifelbrowaorrIckWanit Ufa wage sa•aws eesas.Galaawteera►as EXETER MARKETS. !'HANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat tel Ii Barley Oats .... .... ['els Potatopes, per bag. Hay. per ton Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cwt Butter Eggs Live hogs, per cwt 13 Dressed Hogs 7 Shorts per ton 20 00 111 Bran per ton 17 tit) 17 [)rietl.‘pples.. .. . 117 1 INI 411 15 :t(t 10 151 75 75 7 00 7 2 1'25 1 Siettforth: A yunng son of Simeon Neely was quite seriously injured on Sit ni day evening by being run in- to by a filtinnely driven horse. The dui' erof the rig, who insides in the country, w.is hailed before Magistrate Beattie on Monday, .and assessed two dolled" and costs for exceeding the 8 0 008° • legal rate of driving. 85 St. Marys: The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jes. II. ('anter was the scene of a lA quiet wedding on Thursday- evening 13 when their eldest ,laughter, Mary San• 25 burn w.es united in marriage to J. 60 Walton Peart. The ceremony wns W performed by Ret-. Thos. Manning in the presence of the immediate tela• 73 fiver, of the contracting parties. Around About Us St. Marys: Mise Mary Talbot Rob, bison died on April 13, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Leslie aged 80 years. Parkhill: A. K. Hodgins has sold his interest in the salt block here to W. J. Mitchell and the new firm will be known as Fox & Mitchell. Seaforth: Mr. John Laird hasdispos- ed of his grocery stock and business to Mr. H. J. Marshall, who will run this business in connection with his laundry. Hulled: John Reynolds, of the north gravel Road, recently disposed of a flue four-year-old gelding to David Donovan, of Seaforth, for the hand- some sutra of $160. St. Marys: Itiehard Kelly, one of the pioneers of this district, died at the home of his sen, Robt. Kelly, on April 13, aged 78 years. Ile had been in poor health for over le year. Bavfleld: On Tuesday Jas. Parke. who lived for many years on the Verne road, a utile east of the viUsge, died on Tuesday, aged 81 years. He is sur- vived by four daughters and two sons. McKillop: Thomas McMillan, el Roxboro, has it hen which reccnl15 laid an egg measuring 61 by 81 inches and weighing half a pound, while 11 dozen eggs from these hens (Leghorn) average two pounds. Seieforth: James Kehee had n draw shave from a severe injury while hi 1,, iug to load a boiler at the foundry n few days ago. Beyond a few bruises white Inid hint off work for a couple of days he escaped. Iliddulph: The ten dollar prize of fered 'ty Jjbe London and Middlesex Historical Society for the best history of any Middlesex township wasaward- ed to Mr. Wm. %V. Revington, of Mooresville, Hiddulph. Parkhill: Mrs. I'ierie, an aged lady who made her home with Mr.and Mrs. John Cluness here for about twenty genre. died at the Old Folks' Home in London last week. The remains were brought to Nairte for intertnent. Hulled: The death of Thomas Tre- emeroccurredon Tueedav, at the age of 52 years. Deceased hail been in fail- ing health for some time. For a DOM. ber of years he resided on the Louden road, where he had charge of the farm of the late M. McTaggart, He was ,. ratan who later-ly had hard linea, tett nevertheless is matt of good principal. A wife and family survive. PAINE'S CELEQY CO POUND PURIFIES THE E LOOD. 4p,, MAKES SICK B RACES THE NERVES. PEOPLE WELL B UILDS UP THE BODY. � / IN SPRING TIME. (WOUND .�.ek For 66 PA I N Es,7 .Age.ic wax - 1111r The ori'The Kind That Has Made Such Wonderful Out"es.i I:rI1l:;4'3 , Sh 1 in ., (' sins It is. re‘ torr :P t, a l- . .. , . 10 , 1,,,,,>.•. Jt:.`. It ,11 .1.1y, w'1: • 11.1s 1 ,•,•n suite i ig filet 1.1 g! slim', is 11.C1.1,1•111i),!. -1.'. Quigley inteous heir - to Louden she:tiv,--Miss Mat) Ames i„ 1 -entering ftont her recent ntt,.t•k ,•f wilt. -Ura. 1'. C. Hutchite eon. of be 2i.] eon., who has been feet . Ill et 1.,; e. is -hotcit.g signs of hil- 1 l,e••%t•ntt•r,t.- A11(0:u1 illness of sever- , el tv,s ks, s :if,•t Hig ft- •ougestion of is. lungs, fits.loci Faultier is ire- vog. 1.c uiu t.ne well driller. Geo. 1 t iota a derrick and o -- Preeautl Treetnaeat. The Dutch peasant lives with canals all about Dim and reaches his cottage by way of a drawbridge. Perhaps It is In the blood of the Dutch child, says a writer in 11. A. P., not to fall Into a canul. At all events the Dutch mother never appears to anticipate such a possibility. One can imagine the average Eng- lish or Americau Mother trying to briug up a family to a house surround- ed by canals. She would never Dave a momeut's peace uutil the children were in bed. But then the mere sight of a canal to the English child sug- gests the delights of a sudden and un- expected bath. An Englishman inquired of a Dutch- woman, "Does a Dutch child ever by any chance tall into a canal?" "Yes," she replied, "cases have been known." "Don't you do anything for it?" con- tinued the questioner. "Ob, yes," she answered. "We haul them out again." "But what I mean le," explained the Engllahmau, "don't you do anything to prevent their falling in -to save them from falling in again?" "Yes," she answered, "we spank them." t7slealatlag the Distance of a sterns. Although lightning and thunder oc- cur always simultaneously an interval of shorter or longer duration 1s usual- ly observed between these two phe- uomena, which is due to the fact that sound travels only at the rate of 1,100 feet per second, while the passage of light is almost instantaneous. Based upon this fact, it is an easy matter to tell, at least approximately, how many miles a thunderstorm is away. A nor- mal pulse will boat one stroke to the second, and by counting the pulse beats during the Interval of the light- ning and the thunder the lapse of sec- onds Is arrived at and consequently flea number of feet, which can be re- duced to utiles. For example, if thirty seconds elapse between the flash of the lightning and the crush of thunder the storm center is at a distnnce of 33,000 feet or about six and oue-Dalt miles. An almost se - curate calculation can be made by us Ing a watch with a minute dial. The Parisian Cafe Carleatarlst. Aluong other Parisian types describ- ed by a recent observer le the cafe cari- caturist. "lie Is a youth with a pals face and very long hair. He looks the type of the bohemian and he is. He offers to draw caricatures for 60 cen- times (10 cents). 131s luncheons is fie' quently a myth, uor is he always sure of his dinner. But, no matter what the state of his finances, lie will have his absinth, to which be adds but little water. The cafe caricaturist is invari- ably an 'artist who has not succeeded.' He has either been at the Beaux Arts or has studied uuder sotne famous painter. Somehow or other be has come to grief and bas swelled the ranks of those whom fortune has disinherit* The Value of a Name. Nelson, a thriving little English tows. is a living instance of the value of a name. Not long atter the battle of Trafalgar some tinker, tailor or other person established a tiny wayside inn and called it after the naval here. There was nobody on the spot from whom to expect custom, but the road led to and from populous districts. Travelers stopped at the place, and presently a cottage or two began to rise, then more of them, and the name of the public house answered for the whole. That was the nucleus of the present town. Now 40,000 people live around the site wbtcb the old Inn- keeper chose and called atter the mina of his hero. f HINGS CHINE$C Many Chinese temples have w'aA- pwa made from mother -of -pear'. found ta oyster shells. The material 11 transparent and looks like opal glass. The best Quality of Chinese tea is very expansive and in little of It Is grown that there Is never any of It to export The Chinaman knows good tea and keepselt all for his own con• gumption. The Chinese think they occupy the middle of the earth, and that all other nations are merely dwelling on the edges. Their most respectful term to designate • foreigner Is "the ocean men," liflltons have been spent In civil- Ised countries In futile eR,.tts to pre- serve grapes. The Chinese have known the secret for many centuries, and mil:tons nr•.re have been vainly used in the u..o: t l7) drn: from tie ,ef the rets; e. In northern ('Lina Let -:cater ped- dlers go about. with a whistling kettle -the w 1.1s..:e annuun. Eng tt,:i! the wa- ter 10 at a Lolling point. V. ben they hear the a` Isile the people inn v. h their teneois and buy enough but Nese ter tor their day's tea. A celebrated Chinese dancing m' en. Hung F'oo- ('hno, announces 111 a Chinese paper that be Is to hold a re. llgtons service, to which he Invites e verybody, In honor of the 1000th an- niversary of the death of his ancestor, who was the first of the family to take ftp the profession. REASON N° 14 WHY YOU SHOULD USE Red Rose Te a Because the quality never varies. Did you ever use a pound of good tea, and after ordering more of the same brand, find it much inferior ? The Eastern climate changes very rapidly, and for this reason tea planters find it impossible to produce the same quality from month to month—two lots from the same garden are seldom the same quality. This is probably the reason why the tea you got the second time was not as good as the first. In Red Rose Tea this serious difficulty has been overcome by scientifically blending several teas together, so to always obtain uniform flavor and strength, and this has been one of the greatest triumphs of Red Rose Tea. The quality never varies—you can rely on getting exactly the same quality of tea as long as you use it. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B. BRANCHES : TORONTO. WINNIPEG. Around About 6s - I Clinton: On Saturday Henry Steep passed away 84 years. He was a na- tive of Tipperary, Ireland, but came tt this country when a young roan. I Three months ago Mrs. Steep respond- ed to the final summons and now the partner of her joys and sorrows has joined her in the spirit world. To i them were born nine children who survive. iMorris: A few days ago a most un- fortunate nccident 1 efell Mss Maggie Hall, 6th line. She was in the bush engaged boiling sap. and when lifting the kett'e off the fife the flames caught her clothing and in a few secot.ds she was enveloped in flames. She was [alone but fought heroically for her life screaming for help at the same time, i and would have proluahly succumbed had not Mrs. Frank Mc('utcheon, who was in a neighboring bush, ran to her help. The balance of the burning clothing was speedily unloved. but not before the young lady wits badly burned. —_ Clinton: On Thursday last at a meeting of West Huron License Com- missioners strong objections were made to the granting of it license to Pete Lewis in the Normandie Hotel, because of alleged had record. No decision was arrived at. Clinton: Before leaving the employ - of the Jackson Manufucturiug Co., John Mcllveen, who left for the Nest last week, was presented by his fellow employees with a handsome pocket book lend the sunt of X16, as an expres- sion of their good will. He goes to Crossfield. Clinton: While engaged Wednesday :afternoon painting the anter walls of the Mason House Ed. Cassels fell from the ladder upon which he was stand- ing and lit heavily to the ground snore fifteen feet below. Though no bones were broken he was badly shaken up and bruised. St. Marys: Miss Della Treacyy who lilts been with the drygoods first of White (Sc May for the past seven years has gone to Cass City, Mich., where she has accepted it peeition. Before leaving she was presented by her staff :associates at White & May's with a very handsome clock. Seaforth: Elgin Jones, son of Roht. Jones. who has been ill for some time past, was operated on a few days ago for appendicitis. But alight Elopes of his recovery were entertained previous to the operation, but this proved mast successful ttnd there is now every pros- pect of his being restored to health. Seaforth: The Bell Engine Works List week received an order from Long Mand, Nova Scotia, for a traction en - .rine to be used for drawing lumber on the road instead of horses. They also shipped this week A special contract - nes tr action engine with locomotive cab to Landsdnwn, Leeds county, also to be used for heavy :owl t'rantilg. Seaford': The following left lust week for distant point:- Thos. Monde. Chiselburst, to AU Unite. Assa,: Dan Mc- Donald, to Milestone. Asea.: Mr. and Mrs. J(.hn 1.nndsborough, to '*Vinni- e`eg: Mrs. Hugh Rabb, to Win ninety. Will 1'. Hays. to ('hieagi : Frank Mc- Michael, to Cleveland; T. 11. 17utplehy, to Pittsfield, Mans.; :Hiss Mci)oneld, to i)etroit; .knees 111111 Entma Ford, of Titekersntith, to Wheatland, North Dakota; 'V. Brook, of I griiotutville, to 3trathcona, Alberta; Walter Wright. egutondville, and Norman llearn,Sea- forth, to Estev'an, Ass,a, Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The only safe effectual monthly nte,dicine on which women ago depend Sold In two degrees of strength-- N. 1, for ordinary cases, $1 per box : No. 4, 10 de- grees strong.) r for Special Came, SS per hoz. /inlet by all dr•ugOrds. Ask for Cookb Col- ton Root Compound; take no substitute. The Cook Medlolne Co.. Wind—set. Ontario DR. SLOCUM'S WARNING TIE OURS OF ONSIMPT1111 SWARM 1 TME LAID ��nnCesauaptttsvee wsto spit oa the floors of eau. Wave the seeds of death behind tthor cm theew la fsciortes. or other places in eines or towns. where cousampttves have worked sa��d est�aat e�a�� the soot. the very walls w toll of T WCLI OiIUJ. Theatres and lecture halls are dangerous to those of weakened systems. tall the utmost ears should be taken to fee W'y Or1ein and avoid o.staglea. • 1Psrobfae' takes before gots oat will prevent eta chance@ of attack from this mum EXPLAiNS THE $tMPTOMS OP CONst'MPTiON The .ymptofrJ of coasumpt.on are not hard M disoovee-- Nei lesLedCokls Lon, of flesh RronchialTrouble* Catarrh Rheumatism Afternoon Chilli and renes Nightiweat. Wrmtn'.InfirmItIss Ifemnrrheges Wasting Conditions pun• in the Chest Tongue Coated Ilrar•enses Pale and Thin F..trem. Ethemeion !Ark of Stamina ( ►tarrhal Affe•-teooi of the Nose, Throat. and Chest. Dr Slocum sayer: "Consumptlese almost always, until the last moment, do not belle•e that as thing i• the matter with them. They M• '1f only MS couch or that ache were gone 1 w,, td be all right' My remedy. ' Pry'h,ne,' will at oene relieve the cough and pains, noon after you begin to take 1•, fly, hlne rmut M taken regularly, for a dweaae Ila• t•enrtmption rennet t.e cured In • day Drawers. It le well to remember that Ps ohlne le not 1e the usual flaw d patent medicines, but. on the onotrary, le the remedy used daily in In. 510 ,01 • eateeteiv. metes Peyehine Ie pronoaneed 111•keen Por *asset all drag Mores, or a sample boob, hist of charge it your dr.,grist dose not hare it In .took. Ideation druRsi.t's same. write De. T. A SM.e.as, Limited, 171 [ug Street Weil, Termite, Oust. De. Moeum'. •aluable trestles en the Cure sad Prevention of Pulmonary and BrostAiel Troubles 'nailed free to every .uierst, The Government of \ewSouth Rales, following Cantinas lead. is ar- ranging for a series of addresses in the agricultural districts of Blighted, pointing out the advantages of New South Wales as a field for fainters of small means. A FAMOUS SCHOOL. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. It pays to get a Practical Education and it pays to get it In this *chess,. We can do morn for our graduates than any other nosiness College in the Province. Commercial Schools employ ourgra,t nates as teachers, they know that the training green in Ms institution is the Best. Enter low. Write for free catalog"c• ELLIOTT & MCLACH LAN. Principals NOTICE To F8r�ers all Ike Pllfflic IR B8ReraI. As the spring is coming on now, gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, All Kinds old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and take them down to M. Jackson & Son Mata Street, Exeter. One door South of Metropolitan Hotel That's where you will get the highest cash price for them. CREDITON !ROLLER MILLS, sINIONI s eilThOrreseoe110 e We are giving excellent, satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. (MISTING and CHOPPING DONE PIROMP'l'LY. 14. SWEITZER