HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-04-27, Page 34
Nature Needs Assistance in Mak-
ing New Health -Giving Blood.
Spring ie tho season when your
system needs tuning up. in the
spring you mutt have new blood as
the trews [uuat have new sap. Nature
demands R. Without new blood you
will feel weak and l&ngutd; you may
have twinges of rbeumattisui or neu-
ralgia occasional headaches, a sari -
elle appetite, pimples or eruptions
of the akin, or a pale, pacify cone
Ilexion. 'These are certain signs
that the blood is out of ordr)r. 'lite
only sure wuy to get new blood and
fresh energy is to take 1►r. Williams'
Pink l'ills. They actually snake new.
rich blood -they are the greatest
spring tonic in the world. Dr. 1141-
I'ink fills clear the skin,
drive out disease and [rake tired, de-
pressed sten and ttonlen bright, ac-
tive and strong. Mr. Neil H. Mc-
o-Donald, Iatlnere, N. B., says: "Jt
gives ane great satisfaction to stntc
that I hate found lir. R'illiume' fink
Pills all that is claimed for them. i
was completely riot down, my appe-
tite wets poor and I suffered touch
from severe headaches. Doctors'
medicine did not give ane the needed
relief, so I decided to try Dr. 11`i1-
llains' fink fills. I used only a few
bcxcs when Illy former health re-
turned, and now 1 feel like a new
'Dr. W'illi:one Pink Pills are not
only the best spring tonic, but are
a cure for all troubles due to poor
blood or shattereei nerves. That is
why they cure headaches and back-
aches, rheumatism, anaemia, kidney
and liver troubles, and the special
secret ailments of women and grow-
ing girls. But you et get the
genuine, with the full name, "Dr.
Villianis' fink Pills for Pule Peo-
ple," I rented on the wrapper around
each box. Sold by all medicine deal-
ers or Rent by mail at 50 cents a box
or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the
Pr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, (het,
One third of the world's school-
children are afflicted with some form
of nervousness, nail or aggra'ated.
Aearh all exhibit signs of mental de-
pression, %%Oh a marked tendency to
melareholia. This, according to I►r.
hranskoff, is attributed to strenuous
city life; impure city atmosphere; the
bringing up of children in flats; no
relief froth noise, day or night; lack
of proper nutrition; late hours per-
mitted by parents; and increasing
among tram anti rail routes. Ilis
remedy is a system of forest schools.
such as those established in Nerlin.
Tho establishment covers about one
acre of ground, and is surrounded by
pine forests, which screen it from
high winds. Green lawns and shrub-
beries delight the eye. The pupils
spend the entire day at the schools,
where they are given three meals.
The actual tine for study is not to
exceed two to two and a half hours
the rest of the day being spent in
games, g.s nlnastics, manual training,
etc. After the midday dinner the
children may rest or sleep in comfor-
table chairs. A physician visits the
school regularly to look after the
health of the pupils.
Rivers and streams have long been
utilized for generating motive -power,
but It has only recently been found
practicable to employ waves for the
same purpose. A very compact ap-
paratus for obtaining power from
waves has peen node for mounting
on piers. Connected to a main driv-
ing -wheel, which is about thirty feet
in diameter. Is a hub, with a metal
extension, having an inner periphery
provided with teeth. A bar is se-
cured to n weighted flout, and enn-
nected with a quick -acting ratchet
clutch in the hub of the driving -
wheel. The motion of the waves is
transmitted to the float, which
moves the bat up and down. rotating
the fly -wheel Choppy waves trans-
mit power at a comparatively high
There is only one medicine intended
for tore among infants and y g
children that gives thers a guar-
antee 1hnt it is free from opiates and
poisonous soothing stuffs. That
ntwlicine is Baby's Own Tnhlets.
Milton I.. Hersey. M. Sc., public an-
alyst ter the Province of Quebve. aryl
demonstrator in chemistry for McGill
University stays -"1 hereby certify
that 1 have Innde n careful analysis
of hales., Own 'rabbis %hi( h i per -
aerially purchased in drug store in
Montreal, and said analysis has fail-
ed to detect the presence of any opi-
ate or Imre/Ole in then(." '1'he'we lab-
lels cure all minor nilrnemts of little
ones*. such as teething trouldcs, sine -
pie fevers. colas. constipation. d nr-
rhoe,t. colic end worms. 'I hi v mate)
little outs sleep naturally teems..
they remove the (-nose of sleepless -
nee. They are a hone to all mo-
thers and no home nhere there are
young children should he without
box of !tale's* Own Tali, ts. Sold
by nil verde ins dealers, or P,v foal!
at 25 cents n box front the Dr. Wil-
liams' Mledicine Co . lt•r.,cktille. Ont,
♦ -
1l'1'OXF:'1'1• D
'There is in Cuba a curious grass,
('cnchrns eChinntus, which bristles
with tiiy rh.irp-panted spikclets
ala, n tvhie i !Wilt it of insects aro
tut ;lle.l, by night ns well as by day.
Thr wings of the victims are pierced
tied entangled by the barbed spines,
ro that most of thein nre unable to
get away, and thus 1 erish miserably.
Feet, n lame, limin.ees snapping
teeet1.e which i. •-o -tr ing find at 1%0
that it can with difficulty he held
in tee hand, fails a victim to these
ea•ecetnitle bayonets. It hall been
observed. however. that ten eper•ies
of insects, a Inrge hug Aebnlii., find
Off earwig, readily free themselves,
from the spines. Minute Insects nre
nsf caught. The or. c- dove ,i t SD -
r' n•• to derive nify
its prey. it is foie, i , 1-.•i'.1..•)s
Hitt Indies nail In a et,
Occurrences in the Land That
Reigns Supreme in the Com-
mercial World,
With the King's approval the life -
Saving Society, will in future be
styled "The lto, al Life -Saving So- Cured
The number of brewers' licenses
issued in the United Kingdom dur-
ing the year ended September 30
teat stats 5,491. River Gagnon, Que., April 24
Ireland's Chief Secretary's eatery (Special). -No complaint is so coin -
was formerly £7,000 a year, but it mon among women as Pain -in -the -
is now £4,1)00, with an extra allow- Back. It is a safe estimate that
once of £423 fur fuel. fully half the women in Canada are
Mrs. Jas. Murphy and
Everyone Else She Recommended
Them To.
Sunlight Soap will not
burn the nap off woolens
nor the surface off linens.
Anti the Me (!Mage& fat. t
A1'IRI1. 22ND.
April 22nd is the date of the New
Walking sticks made from tho afflicted with it. For that reeson York Central excursion to New York
wood of the last tree cut down Ine every evidence that there is a sure city. (in this date the great six
Mr. (Iadstono in liawardcn Park and complete cure in existence is track railcard system will cep tick -
have been stat by Mr. Herbert Glad- thankfully received. And there is vex from ISuwpe[1 ion Bridge or Huf-
stone to a Derby bazaar. 'abundant evidence that Dood's Kid -felt) for $10.25 for the round trip;
The picturesque buys' school at ney I'ills is just such a cure. This tickets good going only on the 22nd,
Alderley mentioned in "'1 he Old district couldfurnish it dozed cures, but good returning any time up to
Curio Shop" is to be closed in but one is enough for an example. and including, but not lutes than
compliance with the requirements of The ones, is that. of Mrs. Jas. lire_ April .. th. A epltvadid opportunity
the education authorities. phy. She say's: of seeing New fork ul one of the
India's total debt to England, as . beat seasons of the year.
I suffered for thirty e1j ht months
represented by stock, amounted to with a pain in my back. 1 took just Full particulars may be had by
.1:13:S955,666on September 30. one box of Dodd's Kidney fills and writing or calling on Louis Drago,
1101k of I have never been troubled with the Canadian Pusyeni:er Agent, 691
thuhtroolulast fit)rvivor of llirkctte Birkenhead just pain since. I also recommendedY°age Street, '1'wonfo.
'Do(kl's Kidn(-y fills to other peol'Ie,
died in Portsmouth workhouse in who complained as I did and in every "(Tara, I love but thee alone. In -
the person of Mrs. Bridget M.-irphy, deed, i speak the truth." Ile paused
Northern Star petatote, which lastcase the Villa (lid their duty and
brought relief." -the blush overspread her cheek. She
ro..son realize.! betwe: n £20() andlef'hitn draw her near. Scarce for
£300 a ton, were sold by auction in emotion could she speak. Yet still
Sleatord at 3d a stone, equal to £2HOW TIME WAS WASTED. she asked in accents meek,:- "How
a Ion much have you a year?" -
It is stated that the preliminaries "'l'ime is precious," said the 'nor -
for the London Ocean Wharf scheme alizer,
will probably be completed and con- "It is," rejoined the demoralizer, Sinard,
s Liniment Cures Distemper
tracts arranged fur in a month, when "and I've wasted lots of it."
the contidence of the public will be "13y indulging in foolish pleasures,
litvIted, ,eh?" queried the party of the pre -
Canes and sticks are not to be face.
used by school teachers, says an or- "No," replied the other; "by be -
der of the Nall -send -on -'Tyne Educe- ing punctual in keeping my appoint -
tion Committee, but "strops" may runts with others."
be substituted.
Lord lirassey has become the first
president of the Society of the
friends of Fnince, a strictly non-
political organization, which has as
its main object the cemcmting of the
Oscarrh and Oelde Relieved in 10 to
eo Minutes, - One short puff of the
breath through the blower supplied
with each bottle of lar. Agnew's Ca-
tarrhal Powder (Wiesen this powder
over the surface of the nasal passages.
gt o I feeling existing between Eng- Painless and delightful to use. It re -
land and her nearest continentallfevew instantly, d permanently cures
catarrh, hay feveran, colds, headache, sore
neighbor. throat, tonsflttie and deafness. 60
Penny Loaf Das- was observed at cent.. -41
Newark by a special sermon being
preached by the vicar, and all chit- A gigantic lily, the phorntitun te-
dien who presented themselves being nax, is a valuable plant peculiar to
given a penny loaf, in accordance New Zealand. Its leaves are nine or
with the will, dating from the seven- ten feet long, and are so tough that,
teenth century, of Alderman Ilerculee by splitting one into narrow ribbons
Clay• and joining the axis, the New Zee-
Folloeing representations by Our lander has a (trete, ass rope ready
Dumb Friends League, the Great to hand.
Northern Railway Colnpany have
given instructions for all bearing
reins to he removed from their fit fittingg boots and shoes cause
corns. Holloway's Corn Cure le the
horses in Sheffield. article to use. Get a bottle at once
Sergeant Henry Hook, V.C., form- and cure your corns.
erly of the 24th itegiment, died at
Gloucester on on Sunday at the ago
of fifty-four. Sergeant !look, won
kis Victoria Cross at the defence of
Itorke's Drift.
Invalided home from South Africa
guttering ring from acute melancholia,
Colonel Sadler, 11.V.O., has been
found dead in Warford House Private
Lunatic Asylum, Exeter, hanging
from a gas bracket in a sheet..
'"Ibe poor are greater in number
than ever: 1 almost believe they are
poorer than ewer:" said Alderman
Strong at the meeting of the East
London !pursing Society nt the flan BLACK OWING TO SUN.
sion Ilo'lse. ^!
Iterent disroveriee of gold in Nature Provides Negroes a Pig -
Western Rees have led to experiment- meat as Prate. tion.
al works in the Scottish Highlands
on the property of Sir Keith Fraser,
itnrt. Experienced miners from Whigs
hate been enraged.
"(:tris run more to extremes than
bo%•e: that is, there aro more sullen
or quick-tempered and more brilliant-
ly clever or hiepe'li's• ly dull girls than
hos. who incline to the solid me-
dium," enld 1'rofeasor i:arl Pearson
at tee Royal Institution recently.
"13obleehere's your penny, and you
must go straight to bed." "Ira, I
want more pry and longer hours,"
Mrs. Winslow's Hoothing Hyrup has
emit used by millions of mothers far
their children while teething. It soothes
the child, softest the gums, allays pain,
tures wlndcelic, regulates the atomma'
and bowels, and is the best remedy for
Diarrhoea. Twenty -Ave cents a bottle.
Bold by draggaeta throughout the
world. Re sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Sostkieg Syrup." 22-e4
A Secret Outside of the Russian
War Office.
No one outside the itussian war of-
fice knuwe the actual number of
troops the Czar has in Manchuria or
within reach of it. The ltosstan
army in point of numbers is the
largest in the world. Nearly 4(N),-
01(1 young nen rca'•li their nmjority
in Resent e ery year, and each is
1 1 by law to epcnd five years in
the nnny. 11 all were taken they
would snake nn array too large even
fie Russia, so drily 219,000 go to the
colors with the army or the fleet,
and the rest go to the reserve. 'Ilio
lowest pence strength of the Russian
military establishment. therefore
numbers more than n million mon,:
with 52,000 officers. in war time,;
practically' all these young men join
the colors, swelling the army to the The negro's nocturnal habits are ren-
slIpene:ose figures of 4,500,000 menl tiered necessary by the Cent er•si'•n of
aid 75,4 00 otlicers, for whom there, dangerous sun rays loll) harinl,*s but
are pro\ bled 500.000 horses. Men 1 uncoudorlable hent rays. 'Phis is
who are in lifelike) to Imes shrewd how Major Woodruff states the fact
h• say there nre more than :9(0,000 of the case in this respect
Huss -inn soldiers in Manchuria or' "The negro is really n nocturnal
near it now. The number that can aid mnl, like the other black anneals
be put in the field there is limited , of the tropics. Left to himself. he
only by the %till e f the government. , behaves like a Qat-Inclined to sleep
• -- I all the. hiding away sotnewhere, and
!firs. De 1'Inynr-"When 1 married at
lively, energetic, and active
my' husband his eyesight was; vise
night. In the Southern Steles the
plantation ttegro(•s (Ln be heard all
poor," Mrs. 1Nmpl:s-"Yes, it night lotig, prowling. shorting, sins. -
must have keen." iiig, cowling, and chicken steeling.
'f'itclr dances, camp meetings, and
household habits are based on this
noi'turnl Instinct to hide front the
light even if they are better protect
ed titan we."
The negro's natural nrn(r is only
erncacious against natural hent.
11 'hen exposed to artificial heat in a
dark atmosphere, the black skin
ceases to throw off hent, and the
negro suffers. in n stoke hole, for
instance, he is usii.elly the first roan
to collapse, teen w hen white men
are unaffected.
____ 4
Mis. 1)c Nent-"ft seems to me
that, for n man who claims to de-
serve charity, you have n very reel
nese." lfonl.ly Mlke-"sec, muni;
the el.np seeps that us poor people
118' is very bard on the contpl.'xion,
Surgeon -Major Charles Woodruff, of
the United Statex army, has solved
the interesting puzzle, "Why Is the
Negro Black?"
The answer, roughly summarized is
that his blackness is his defence
against the dangers of the sun. The
entire question is treater) by Major
Woodruff In an exhaustite treeatico
under the title of "The Effects of
Tropical Light on White Men."
Sun rays are divided into two
chassis -long and short. 'lice latter
are dangerous to all persons who aro
not defended from then[; the former
make for heat. 'I'o avoid both these
dangers the pure negro has evolved
a black skin lied nocturnal habits.
The defensive skin is an armor of
pigment just under the outer akin.
It varies in Intensity of color from
the coal bleak teem of the tropics
to the white [ran of northern lati-
tudes. The pigment is clonus there -
just sufficient in strength to resist
the danger in different clinics. 'Phis
Recounts for the varying colors of
different race's -black, real,
copper, and while. It in only ab-
sent in Albinos -a sign of degenera-
tion, explains Major Woodruff.
An extreme illustrnttin of the dan-
ger of rays Is provider) by radium. It
is stated that n single Pound of rad-
ium in 8 room would kill everyone pre-
ro-sent by the blasting force of its rays.
Wiley -"Do you recollect that once,
when we had a tiff, I said you were
just as mean as you could l) ." hub-
by -"Yes, darling." Wiley - "Oh,
.lames, how little did I know you
then!' —_
Lifebuoy Soap - disinfectant - ts
strongly recotnmended by the medical
profession as a safeguard against in-
fectious diseases. 22
Pimple Youth (at party) -"Do you
think lir. Giggle is laughing nt
me?" Host -"I can't say. Ile of-
ten hoagies at almost nothing."
Russia In Europe alone has an
arca of 2,000,000 square miles -23
tines the size of Great Britain: the
area of Siberia is 5,000,000 teitrue
An old German fanner had his
farmhouse insured for $5,000. The
house was burned. The insuran,.e
company had reserved the right to
repines the house, instead of paying
the mousy.
The agent. having this in mirxi,
said to the farmer, "We'll put you
up a Netter house than the one you
hart for 68,000."
"Nein!" said the fernier, emphati-
cally; "I will haf nay 65,000 or not -
lags! Dot house could not be built
again for even $5,000."
"oh, yes, it could," said the in-
surance Hurn. "It was an 01d house.
It d(tr. n't cora sou much to build
believe 'now -a -lays. A $3,000 new
house eosin' be a let bigger anti bet-
ter than the ofd one."
Some months later the insurance
man rode up again to the farmer's
".lust thought I'd stop while I
was up here," he said, "to see if
you wanted to take out a little In-
"I got noting& to insire," said the
tanner--"notings but my ♦itis"
"Brea, then," said the insetrance
man, "insure her."
"Nein!" said the farmer, with de-
termirntion. "1f she die, you come
out here and say, '1 not etif you $5,-
000. I get you anoekr and a better
vife for $3,000.' No, sir, I dakes
no more insurance oud!"
The. Borons, inhabitants of 5011114 -
ern Abyssinia, wear heavy bracelets
of metal and Ivory, each of which
represents SOno' dangerous animal or
conn killed by the wearer.
A Doctor's Talk on Food.
There art no fairer Set of men on
earth than the doctors, and when
Guy feel they hate teen in error
they are usually apt to make honest
and manly confession of the fact.
A case to point is lint of an em-
inent practitioner, one of the good
old school, who lives in 'feta+. His
Waits unvarnished tale needs no
Ares'ilig up:
"1 had always had an intense) pre-
judice. which I can now pee wns un-
warrantable and unrearematfle,
aerate[ rill niuchly ndvertisied fools.
Hence, 1 never read n line of the
runny 'ads.' of Grope -buts, nor test-
er( the food till lest winter.
"%bile in Corpus Christi for my
health. and visiting my youngest
son. Oho) has four of the ruddiest.
henithiesl little boys 1 eter taw, 1
ale my first dish of (:rape -Nuts food
for supper with my little grandsons.
1 teener exceedingly fond of it and
have eaten fi package of it every
week since, end fad it n delicious.
refreshing and strengthening food,
leaving no ill (effects whatever, caus-
ing no cructntlons (with whl•h i
was formerly much troubled), no
sense of fullness, nausea, nor dis-
tress of stomach in any way.
"'There is no other food that
ngrees with me so well, or sits as
lightly or pleneantle upon my stom-
ach ns this dies. 1 nen stronger and
more nctiue incse 1 began the use of
(lrntto-luty that 1 /ewe been for 10
}-ears, enol nm no linger troubled
with nnueen and indigestion." Nnn'
given by Postern (e , Rattle Creek,
There's a rensAn.
Look in ench peel. ewe for the Mel-
on., little hook, '"Ibe Bund to Ren-
induce you to buy and try a packet of
will succeed in h. 1 ling your trade.
1Z'7RZ 'r88 R'n ZaLaBlra.
The (:rand 'Trunk Railway System
are distributing a very handsome
booklet descriptive of the Royal Mus-
koka hotel, that is situated in J.ake
Rossetti:, in tho Muskoka Lakes,
"Highlands of Ontario." Tho publi-
cation is one giving n full description
of the attractions that may be found
at this popular resort, handsomely il-
lustrated with colored prints of lake
and island scenery, the hotel itself,
and many of the special features that
may be found there. It is printed on
fins enamelee paper, bound in a cover
giving the appearance of Morocco
levther, with a picture of the hotel
and sun windings on the suave, and
the crest of the hotel embossed in
high relief A glance through this
booklet snakes one long for the plea-
sure of Summer and outdoor life,
and copier may bo secured gratuit-
ously by applying to any Grand
Trunk ticket office.
A man came before a magistrate
charged wit11 causing unnecessary
pain and suffering to a flock of sheep,
by making theist hurry in the haat
of the day. Ile defended himself.
"Your worship," 110 said, "I know
you often have to hurry yourself!"
"Quite se, quite so," said the mag-
istrate, smiling blandly; and then,
putting his hand on his head, which
was quite bald, "but I never found
that hurrying iutpro%ed the growth
of the wool, and I lino you five
Nioertl's Nam CR Mad m Cot
"You know Dick was just mad to
marry me," said the young bride.
"Yes; that's what everybody thinks,"
replied her rival.
Removes all hard soft or calloused
lumps and blemishes from horses, [flood
spavin, curls, splints, ringbone,
sweeney, statics, sprains, sore and
swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50
by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever
Loch Tay is one of the dee'pe'st
lakes In the British Isles. A maxi-
m -limn sc ling of 50+3 flet has been
wade iii this) lake, whilst the mean
ttepth is 199 feet,
Illckle's A,itt-Consumptive Syrup needs
no recommendation. 'l o all who are
familiar mita it, it speaks for itself.
Years at uv; In the treatment of colds
and coughs and all affections of the
throat hum unquestionably established
its place uu,or.g the very best medicines
for such diseases. 11 you give it n
trial you will not regret It. You will
had It 25 cents well invested.
New 7A'alnnd's scenery is so beautl
fu1 and so varied that it has been
termerd a combination of Switzer
land, Southern France, Norway, the
Tyrol, and North Italy.
atop the Fares but traeetroy the etermerm.
-This M sadly too often the case. Se
many nuoseo.ts nostrums purporting to
cure, in the end do the patient im-
menselyore harm than good. Dr.
Von sntan's Pineap le 'Tablets are a
purely %egetebie pepsin preparation, an
harmless as milk One after eating pre -
'Mote any disorder of (ho digestive or-
gans, 60 in a box. 85 cents[ -40
hake Iliwa is the only large sh.et
of fresh water in Japan worthy of
mention. It is 36 miles long, 1 2
miles wide, and its greatest depth
about 300 feet,
To prevent It Better Than to Repent.
A little medicine In the 'dopa of the
wonderlul pellets whe h are known as
I'armelee's Vegetable 1'111. • adouu.s
at the proper lime and with the direc-
tions a(ihered to often tit even t • serious
attack of sickness, and save u.oet
which would go to the doctor. In all
ii regularities of the digestive organs
they are an invaluable corrective red
by cleansing the blood they clear the
skin of iruperfet lions.
Foreigners prior to July 171.11,
1899, were not allewe•d to settle free-
ly in, or establish industries to Ja-
1101 1' M1•:N, !WAD '11118.
i have used tilINAIII►'S LINIMENT
In my stable for Omer a year, and
consiner it the VERY 111•:.Mi'I' for
hors' flesh I can get, nnci would
strongly recommend it to all horse-
Gi:O. ifo11111,
Livery Stal les, Quebec,
95 to 103 Ann St.
Bright, cheerf1tl':ADul, hupehul thoughts,
and a strong belief in one's own abil-
ity to accomplish the thing under-
taken, are friends that will ensure
suede's. The ambitious person should
learn its early in life as possible to
pick out the friends anti enemies of
success. [inti in many cases it a ill be
found that the greatest enemy re-
eides w,thin lhemeeltis. Morbid
thought, f r °`ample, are Infinitely
greater hin•tre: cos to success than
oppo'illon from outside, and no
health, no lea';ty, no harmony, no
real success, can exist in the atmos-
phere of abnormal melancholy, or
morbid fleas. 11t•ereornc the ene-
mies to •ureess a:(' In yourself. au
you wiil hate d. ne' merit tits net:
nothing tee goal of your am) t 1 tr.
Stamp and Tree Petters
6eifaezp.rtag pd�atumy
aaeira !om<t484 acv,
W t1 as oedlaary rumple 1}{
mtuutn, 1 W 6
aeras e1 a s.1.
;tae, 114 .)sat
dais latad rat
for ulaicestea
catalog edemas
Milne (Nf9s Oe. eys NNHh!t.,111•••eeth,111.
Saskatchewan, ne;tr new railway,
for sale, cheat.; easy terms; might ex-
change for city or farm property in
Ontario. 11. (iraliaia h Son, 43 Vic-
toria street, Toronto.
A gentleman, who had taken a lad
into his office as junior clerk out of
charity, the other Saturday kelt
hint at his office rather :ester than
usual. The lad became sulky, and
performed his duties in a very dila-
tory manner. At Last his employer,
out of all pet ierwe, rernonstrat e(1
with !him. and said:- "Vim un-
grateful rascal, where would you
be now but for tile?" 'To hit in-
te42se amazement the lad replied:-
' At the baseball match."
If your children are troubled with
worms, give them Mother Craves' Worm
Exterminator; safe, sure and effectual.
Try it, and mark the improvement in
your child.
Three-fourths of the area of Japan
is mountainous, anti it than 10
per cert. is ler cultivation.
binard's Liniment Cares Colds, &o
'Teacher - "What does b -u -1-1-y
Johnny -
'1'eacher-"Come, come! Suppose a
great big l,oy were to strike a little
fellow, what would you call him?"
Johnny -"!'lease, 1 don't dare tell
yer, rim 'am."
The 10 ,erne►r'e Wife a PrleeweR-
Mrs. Z. A. Van Loves is Um wife e1
the governor of the sotsety Jan, Nap -
spec, Ont., and was a groat enterer
(ram rheumatism. Whoa the Nat doc-
tors in the community sad "epeetialiste"
failed to help her, abs burled her
Rceptism of proprietary remedies and
purchased South American Rheumatic
Cure. 4 bottles cured her. -42
Tout -"I hear that you ars going
to marry flits de Ityehe. What In-
terest can you take in such a eturpid
girl?" .luck -"Six tier ceat. a year
on her fortune. '!flat's geed enough
for ate."
A Tonle for the Dehilifafed.-Parete-
lee's 1'egctnble Pills by acttag mildly
but thoroughly on the seeretleas sf the
body us a valuable tonic, stimulating
the lagging organs to healthful action
and restoring then[ to full vigor. '1 ( ey
can he taken In graduated e(M.•a and
so used that they eau be dimes tie.eed
at any time will t return of tae a.1-
ments which they were used to allay
First f'rien(I-"Do pm have good
police protection tint your way?"
Second Friend -"Ile we? Well, I
should any so. We have the pretti-
est ser%unl-girl in ibe town."
binard's Linialsllt Ctrs Dilltitria
"De Ililk is going to the doge!"
"Awful sorry to hear i1." "Why?
is he a friend of yours?" "No; but
several of the clogs are."
epeechtese and Paralreed. -- "1
had talvulnr disease of the bcert,"
writes Mrs. .1. H floods, of 'Truro, N.
S. "1 'ufered terribly and was often
speethleRS and partially paralysed Ono
dose of Or. Agnew's Cure for Ike Heart
gave me relief, and before I finished
one bottle 1 was able to gs about.
To -day 1 am it well woman," --48
Physician -"What's your profcwslon
Mr?" Patient (pompously)-"l'rn a
gentlemen." i'hv(riuian - "'1 hen
you'll have to try seunething else;
it doesn't agree with you."
A (termini Favorite -In terry place
where introduced 1)r. Thnn.as' selectee
Oil has not railed to establish a repu-
tation, showing that the sterling qua 1-
Ities which it they
are vaued
everywhere when hey become kilo% n.
it Is in general use in Canndn and
other countries as it household medi-
cine and the d(•tnand for it inch year
Shown that It Is a favorite wherever
A volcgno eruption at St. Vincent
once t brew it elou(1 of dust, against
the wind to Ilnrhades's, n disLinee of
100 miles. The deposit 11I for
twelve hours over the entire island,
nllnb,ing n thick netts of nenr:y half
en in"hits estimated wri ht was.
Ow,. fere. nenrl% 2 (surefire) •,n,
Coughing Is an nntwatd sign of
inward disertso.
Cure the disease with
I hiloh's
CureTheic Lung
and the cough will stop.
Try it to -night. 1f it doesn't
benefit you, we'll give your
money back.
Prker• R. C. Watts & Ce. 901
2Sc Ser 11 LeRoy, N. Y., Toronto, Can,
T r t1 ISSUE KO. 18--06