Exeter Advocate, 1905-04-20, Page 5THE
exetcr buorttte,
published eery Th.url..y Muruii,y .1 the e,m.. EXPERIENCE OF MRS. GLENN
—By the—
O. Dollar per annum it paid in ad+mice, $1.60
if not Kt p.ald.
JLdtveztiatngj Ranee oxa Jiytllice•
No paper discontinued until all arrearages are ,aid
Adsertiaemeuta without specified directions al I be
puLliehed until terlii:l and charged accordingly.
Liberal discount made for trancb at advertisements
ipaerttd for long l,eriods. EAery . w•ription of JOB
PKINTINU turue•l out in the finest style, and at
moderate rates. cheques, money orders, k"., for
advertising, sube•riptioua, etc., to be wade payable
Sanders & Creech,
Professional Cards.
tlgno graduate of T rontotUiiveristy. y
Teeth Oce Inracted Fatima's without any
Block, west side ain. or any
el Mainstreet,
donor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Mao Post
Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery
(with honorable mention.)
Atluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the
neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an•
aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth.
Odes one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
ri BROWN, Winchelsea Livened Auctioneer
(1• for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.
also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly
attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged
at Post Office Winchelsea
V this county and adjoining territories, to repre-
sent and advertise the Wholesale and Educational
Departments an old established business house
of solid financial standing. Salary *3.50 per day with
expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct
fromheadgnarters. Horse and buggy furnished when
necessas •; position permanent. Address BLEW
BROS., & CO., Dept. 6, Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111.
@crc4aq(s BaQkaf OaQ88
capital Paid Up - 6,000,000
ROst & Undivided Profits 3.218,959
Interest at most favorable current rates from date
deposited allowed on Savings Bank accounts and De-
posit Receipts.
Commercial Letters of Credit Issued, available In
China, Japan and other foreign countries.
Travelling Lettere of Credit issued to travellers In t
all parte of the world,
A general Banking business transacted.
- Tnos rl'SIIE, GENw.AL M.A%Ansa.
1'. 1lEBDEN, Se•rr er BPASCIIR, k Ciaxr IxsPECToa
W. S. CIIiSHOLM, Manager.
at Exeter Storehouse
This is much cheaper feed
than Oats. Try it.
Jos. Cobbledick
She Was Ted That an Operation Was
Inevitable. How She Escaped It
When a physician tells a woman suf.
tering with ovarian or womb trouble
that an operation is nece.sary, the very
thought of the knife and the operating
table strikes terror to her heart, and
our hospitals are full of women coming
for ovarian or womb operations.
A/fr.r.Rober't Glenn
There are cases where an operation
is the only resource. but when one con-
siders the great member of cases of
ovarian and womb trouble cured by
Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Com-
pound after physicians have advised
operations, no woman should submit to
one without first trying the Vegetable
Compound and writing Mrs. Pinkham,
Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is free.
Mrs. Robert Glenn, of 434 Marie St.,
Ottawa, Out , writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkbam:-
" Lydia E.Pinkhanfs Vegetable Compound
IS so well and widely known tbat it does not
need my recommendation i but I am pleased
to add it to the many ehich you have in Its
favor. I suffered untold agonies trout ovarian
troubles for nearly three years, and the doc-
tors told rue that I mast undergo an opera-
tion; but as! was unwilling to do this, I tried
your Vegetable Compound, and I am only too
pleased that I did so, for it restored me to per-
fect brae it, saving me the pain of an operation
uud the inamenso bills attending the sates."
Ovarian and womb troubles are stead-
ily on the increase among women. If
the monthly periods are very painful,
or too frequent and excessive -if you
have pain or swelling low down in the
left side, bearing down pains, leucor-
rhoea, don't neglect yourself . try Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The only sato effectual monthly
medicine on which women can
depend. Sold in two degrees of
strength—No. 1, for ordinary
eases, St per box; No. 2, to de-
grees stronger for Special
Cases, S9 per box. Sold by all
druggpiu l.t. mar for Cook's Cot-
ton Root Compound; take no
The Cook Medicine Co..
Windsor, Ontario
That Have to be
Stanley Clalldebc y!',
Seeding :end housecleaning ate t1 c Mr. and Mr;. l'unuingh:uu have le -
under of the dity.- Mr. Mclntoah, tt h•.
ha, been ill, is slots ly iwprovires. -
(ieo. Mitchell, of the Babylon Line,
%vhu has leen suffering from pneutuun-
l.:a is showing signs of improt•eutent.--
t►, grippe is playing havoc with people
in this neighborhood, but the majority
hat t' commie) eta hint and are now on e
fair way to reCovel•y. Nelson Keys,
Will) had a sevele attack iS on the
Mend.-H'+rry Hayter, who has been
ill, is recovering.- The revival services
which are being held on Goshen line
;ire well attended and utuch good is
being done. Rev. Miller was assisted
by Rev. Mr. Corinth hast week.-Kev.
A. 11. leetchen, of Hamilton, is home
on :► visit, lie bus not yet decided
which call he will oc'cept, having .'t' -
et al under consideration. One at If ani•
iltnn offers $1800a year and free in en.;e.
-Jatnt•s A. Potter, formerly of the
Hilton road, near Goderieb, has taken
posessin * of the fawns on the S.e:i1.1.
Liu., which he 1pnrchased some time
Ago from W. U. Johnstone. now of
Milestone, Asses.-1Vit. Wallace, an
emigrant front the south of England,
COOP 14) Stanley last spring. in the
fell be returned to his native pl:cce,;utd
..ftet•it brief visit thele retorted and
is now engaged with John Johnson.
pleased is he '.vitt► this c• conte} that
he persuaded his two brother; and a
-inter to come bete. who arrived last
week and are staying at the Graham
home. --IL is said that the late ,Mr. 11c -
Gill left no less than !hive wills, and
the executors, Messrs. %V.Grahani and
John McNaughton, are not quite sure
that they have gut thein all yet. but
so far as known, one executed in 11)0)1
is supposed to he the final one. Ile
leaves an estate worth nearly $20,(100,
the hulk of which is to go to his broth-
er's family near St. Thomas. A be-
quest of $: Mx) is made towards the
church to which he originally belong-
ed in the old country.
_. -
Miss Facey, of Tavistock, is visiting
at the house of Mrs. Henry Yungblut.
-To-nx►r•row is Good Friday which
will he observed as a holiday.- Mrs.
Miller is now occupying the house re-
cently vacated by N. Foster. -Miss
Laura Goetz, of Dashwood, was a visi-
tor in our burgh fur a few days riming
the week. -Mrs. McAllen, of Wood-
stock, is on a visit to friends here. -
Miss Lydia Koehler has gone on ah
extended visit to friends in Seloing-
ville and other eastern points. -Harry
Ynngblut has placed a new sign in
front. of his butcher shop. -Messrs.
Fred and Oscar Duchartue, of the Son'
hie line, have gone to Senforth. where
they have accepted positions in the
starve mill.-%Ve thought our boys
would have organized at baseball tenni
here ere this. -Miss ychellig, after a
year's stray in Detroit, is boats on a
visit to her parents, Goshen line.--
.iohn !4chuettler and another trete in
11'aterino hast week. The latter was
undie going trentuient for her failing
eyesight. -Messrs. Frank Denomy and
Gilbert Plant, of the elauble line left
last week for Buffalo, where they will
join the crew of a sailing vessel, which
starts out on its season's work shortly.
-.i. D. Merrier now sports a handsome
bay driver.- Garnet Magel, who has
been engaged with C. Hartleib as tin•
smith for some time, left last week for
Detroit, where he has secured a simi-
lar position. --Messrs. O'Btein & Smith
Sold. bate opened alp their new butcher
shop. The former has moved into the
dwelling attached to the shop. -E.
Grant, who has been on the Sovereign
11' i t k'1'lil(h1 l'i 1NOS thank staff here for a few weeks has
which hitt'0 been 111 use for v shoe t branch hewill rennin until the branch
Buie only, and wanting to going
route which the Sovereign dank is cowling
fur new goods, we ane going to sell in London will he read for occupancy
these Pianos ata price that they Will when Mr.Grnnt will he 1*ans,ferred to
have to go. i that branch. Wallace Fisher, of Ex-
Inten(ling purchasers would do well 'Ker. is Mr. Grant's successor here.-
to call and inspect thee, hergltins la' -John Foster hits the contract of laying
(WN) ss
fore buying. quat•e feet of cement walk at
Grund Bind. -Fred Kalh11Pisch has
purchased 01(.75 acre farm adjoining
this village from Henry Volhind for
Violins and Violin Sund- I the sato of $1001). Mr. Kalwleisch will
take possession 1st O.:tober next. He
ries Always in Stock. intends moving his flax and saw mills
from the 14th con. onto the property
next fall. Mr. Vinland will Move to
• his faon the Ilrotson.-Messrs. P.
MARTIN N rm Itninnt and l Prez have purchased
Head Brat ( is for Stationery, from letwden anal McDinell, Exeter,
the entire Shier, horse, "Natel►y Grant"
for which they paid a handsome figure.
The animal is grey in color and has a
e hive in S oC
been rernen•Pd to Exeter at which
Renews the hair, makes It new again, restores the freshness. Just
what you need if your hair is faded or turning gray, for it always
restores the color. Stops falling hair, a1so.'^'aei:'Ci, ooTe=:."
Dnbhn: Satnrl ty morning thele
CHANGED EACH '*V I:UN I•:s J Y passed away tit his home i. the village,
tin aged and respected resident in the
%1'heat (01(11 Ir; Ito person of Mr, Timetliv Cerruti. At
i7 s.7 one time Jir, Carrell was the G. T. 1t.
agent here, and later 00 was appoint-
ee fk, ed township clerk. conveyancer and
Potatoes. per bag. ...... to ISI) commissioner, which position he hon.
Hay, per ton 7 00 7 001 orably Held until a few years ago.
Flout., per cwt., fancily 2 8(J when his treble health forced him (n
Flour, w glade per cwt 1 lei 1 Lei resign. in disposition he wale kind,
Butter ohlidging and very charitible; and
Eggs 1'l those traits, mingled with quiek anal
Live hogs. per cwt 0 25 clever wit. never fade() to make hire a
Dre'nsed flogs
Shorts per tett
Bran per ton
i)ried Apples
7 fid) general favorite with all hie neq;itin' served ager which n11 departed fur
211 IN) 211 1M) nrlr•es. Deceesed was in his eightieth
17 00 17 00 their respective homes, well satisfied:l year. with the evening's enjoyment.
s1,letidid set of legs and plenty of mus -
I'I(EylcNTATu)NR.-Mr. and Mrs, 1t.
It. Johnston, of the Dominion House.
were most agreeably surprised the
other night. when they were pt emitted
with it comfortable arta chair anal a
rattan rocking chair respectively. The
(loner wits the letter's sister, :firs. J.
C. Ka11.11eisch. We trust that they
may long be spitted to Pnju)' these
young people gathered rat the home of
Mr. D. Steinbach to do honor to the
Misses Beatrice and Atny and Garnet
Steinbach, it w•as a farewell (party
anti the young people took this plan of
showing (heir entree for the Misses
and Mr. Steinhack. A suitably went -
ed address w:' , rend to the young la-
dies and encs. presented with a beauti-
ful brooch to vile Garnet was piesentcd
with a toilet set. Moss Be,tttice in at
few well chosen remarks thanked those
present for the kindness shown them.
The remainder of the evening wan
plensantly spent in games and other
ntlurseulPnts. A dainty lunch wits
presents. --Thursday evening a rout 35
turned from beetle %dress they have
been spending the past four or site
tuonth . -Jobe ('lark, if St. Thotut,s,
has been obliged, owing to ill health,
to let urn to his home here. We wish
him it speedy recovery. -- A. Poire, of
Montreal. 1s here shipping fifteen cars
of equate timber to that point. -Mr.
and Mts. II. George, of Ingersoll, wets
visitors at the home of the foruter's
mother last week. -O. ('. Pattison, of
Clinton, is here on a visit to friends. --
Thos. Hudgins, of Lucite, spent a few
days here recently, prior to lea vieg for
Kingsville. -John Ryder has unwed to
Kingsville, where he intends running
a newspaper. -It is reported that Mr.
J I*. Atkinson intends meting to New
Ontario in the course of a few days. -
Mike Cunningham has the contract for
several bridges to be built this suut-
uter.-Miss ('ora Simpson, of Lucas, is
visiting friends in the village. --Mr.
and Mrs. Pitman, who have been visit-
ing here for the past four months,
have returned to their home in
,g.res3i� For
"PAIN E' S " .A.1s3e For
rrThe Kind That Has Made Such Wonderful Cures.1
WeeniN(*.-Tits Luthet•an (•hutch
was on Tuesday the scene of a pretty
wedding. the contracting parties be-
ing Miss i1 ttilda Schroeder, d.eughter
of Mr. Jacob Schroeder, of Stephen,
and Mi. Ed. 1(estyuteyer•, of Hay. 'the
ceremony, which took ,lace at, 0 p.m„
WAS pet formed by the Rev. R. Eifert,
and was witnessed by about 85 guests.
The bride who was handsomely attired
in a travelling suit, was assisted by
her sister, Miss Susie, while the groom
was ably supported by his brother,
Mr. II. Restyneyer, Immediately af-
ter the ceremony the coutpauyohead-
ed by the bridal party repaired to the
residence of the bride's parents where
a most dainty lei was served. The
remainder of the evening was pleas-
antly spent. The bride is very popu-
lar as was evinced by the magnificent
array of gifts which were presented to
her. Mr. and Mrs. Restytneyt't• will
make their future hone on the Bron-
son line, near here, and to them we
extent our heartiest congratulat'
,and hope they may long be spared to
enjoy life together.
Ailsa Craig
J. S. McMillan is the successor to C.
Edwards in J. Morgan & Son's hu tell-
er shop. -Miss Martha Campbell, of
Lobo, is learning deessnnaking with
Mrs. J. McNeil. -C. R. Watcher is oc-
cupying the store lately vacated by C.
Walker. -Miss McCallum, who resign-
ed her position its teacher of Mcl:wen's
school, 18th con., East Williams, about
the 1st of April, has been appnin1t•d
assistant teacher on the staff of the
('aunpltt'llford Public scho:pl,-Miss V.
Lynn has been fortunate in securing at
position tit Victoria, B.C., its manager
of the Fancy Goods Department in one
of the largest stores in the city. -Chas.
1•:dwatds, who has been a resident of
Ailsa (Craig for the past 31 years, left
Inst week for the gest, where he in-
tends to make his future home. His
tinnily will follow early in May. Mr.
Edwards intends taking up a section
of land in the vicinity of Battleford.
Hy this move the town not only loses
good citizens hut the Methodist church
loses valued nietubers.
Miss A. Herron has returned front
a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Campbell, at
Cromat•ty.-A. Miller, of Stratford, is
nn at visit to relatives here. -Joseph
Norris has disposed of one of his hand -
sone drivers fur a good figure. -Miss
Aggie Burns, who has been very ill, is
recovering under the skilful treatment
of Dr. (iemtne•Ile-Miss Clara Camp-
bell, of '1 in'otrto, is hinre on it visit. --
The literary society will give an enter-
tainment on April '20th, ---Mrs. John
Kemp, who hats been confined to her
bed for the pest month is showing
signs of improvements. -Bert Kers-
bake and family are now occupying the
faros lately vacated by Nit'. Sw•eitzef,-
Mrs. J. G. Jeffery has returned front
her visit to Seafot•th.
%VEDniN0.-On Wednesday the res-
idence of Mrs. Warden WAS the scene
el a quiet yet interesting event. it be-
ing the marriage of her grand•datigh•
ter, Miss M. Jones, to David Chappel,
of Ribbert. Only immediate relatives
were present to witness the ceremony
which wits performed by the Rev. C.
%Pilsen, of Mtatfa. Immediately after
the myflle words bad been repeated
and congratulations had been offered
the happy company repaired to the
(lining tomo where a table was taste-
fully spread and a delicious lea served.
The ht ids is very popular here as was
evidenced by the hematite! gifts which
she received. The evening was very
pleasantly spent in various tltltuse-
nteut. Mr. and Mrs. Chappel are now
minim tably settled in their new home
on the 10th concession of Hibleert and
the best wishes are their's for a happy
and prosperous life together.
Exeter School Board Minutes
Red Rose
Te a
Because no premiums, prizes or coupons are ever given
with Red Rose Tea. either to the merchant.
clerk or consumer.
You don't get a premium with a pound of butter.
Why ? Because the butter is worth what you pay for
it. Just so with Red Rose Tea; the tea itself is worth
the full price.
A pound of tea is not worth the price when a
premium is thrown in free. A premium costs some-
thing. You most pay for it.
If you are doubtful, use a pound of premium tea.
then try a pound of Red Rose. You will soon discover
why premiums cannot be given with Red Rose Tea, and
if you like a rich, flavory, pure tea, you will use Red
Rose in future.
T. N. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B.
St. Marys: Cecil Judd had his fore-
head cut while playing hall. He was
accidentally struck with a bat and it.
was found necessary to sew up the
West R'illiatns: Mis. Janes Wawa.
10th con., who has been very ill far
some time, passed away ott Timesdow
last surviving tier husband by one/
two weeks.
Minutes of meeting held in the Town
I14H, Monday, April 17th, at 8 p.m.
Absent H, Huston and R. N. Rowe.
'1110 following is the order of business
duly sul.ntilted end approved. Per
chair, minutes of previous meeting.
Reports of Committees: Teachers' 81tp-
ply, that '1iss {'arsons, on the advice
of the inspector, had been secured to
take the place of Miss Irwin, absent
on account of ell health, i'er W. J.
Carling and 8, Marlin, that the cote.
Waite Of Mr. Horton be refereed to
the Grounds and Sanitary Committee,
in conjunction with Mr. Huston for
disposal. Per le. %Veer] tend H. Martin,
that the Principal he authorized to Se-
cure all chemical supplies requited for
the ensuing' terra. Per `l, Martin and
F. Wood, !hetet be following ereomit
be lurid: Mt.. Yoe. brooms, *1.140.
Per S. Martin and W. 3. Carling. that
on the payment of any expense's, inci-
dent, permission be given to ('ole►nnn
Monenr to enter with the Exeter
9111414,11t .4 for the midstimnter exam°.
of the present year. Per W. .1. Call-
ing and F. Wood, (hat the 5011001 be
scrubbed throngs t under the s=uper•
vision .f the u►tetaket• during the (e) -
suing holidays. Adjournment psr W.
J. Castling.
J. (restore Secretary.
To care a 014 le a atgtt-ase Tape-Creole-
ape•Cresafens. 11 has been used extensively during more
than twenty-four years. All Druggists.
it pays to get at Practical Education
and it pays to get it in this school. We can do more
for our graduates than any other Business College in
the Province. Cannten•ial Schools employ onrgrad•
nates as teachers, they know that the senium¢ gesso
In this institution is the Best. Enter nun.
Write for tree catalogue.
Et.Ltort' & McLACHLAN.
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re
modelling our mill.
ToFaroirs all Ipe Ruby
iA 06110f RI.
As the spring is coming
on now, gather up a
pour old truck such as
Wool Pickings,
Horse Hair,
Old Rope,
All Kinds old Iron.
and take them down to
M. Jackson & Son
Main Street, Exeter.
One door South of Metropolitan Hold
That's where you will get the highest,
cash price for them. -
A Famous Actor
Strongly Recommends Psychine
for Speakers and Singers
Voice Now in Grand Shape
Mr. Thos. 1'. McDonald, a well-
known local singer of Tecswater,
tent., writes: "Three years aim I
bad La Grippe, which left me In a
prct'arlois comfit Ion. I stir Sere()
from what the doctor scold WWI
Laryngitic, and a cure runts sfbIe.
I'sy(hlnc and Olomulslon did won-
ders for me. and my tuit'e Is In
grand shads nod).' -
For sale by n11 di -maims, r- a sample
mailed free upon ICgneet. For further
advice and Infermatlnn wrlte 1)r. A:enom.
Limited 173 King street west. Toronto.
ran. hr. Alocern . e.,emulaon may 1 .•
taken with P.ychlne with very beneficial
results. Thron,th an enlarged lahr.ratnry
new labor-saving facilities. and recent
ab111ty to purchase raw products In Can-
ada, I'nychlne, sell for years at 11.31 pee
h.ttle. is
Now Sold at 11.00
Weak Voice -Throat Irrita-
All voice and throat troublc.lugg
t n d respiratory disorders ars
promptiycureol through the uses,
I'SYCHINE (Si -Keen). Gargles,
mouth washes, and tablets areal
no avail, and often cause scrims
Mr. Joe Murphy
the famous Actor, Was
Threatened with
'•i deem It m) duty to rtaalie
public the great benefit i have we.
f -
telted by taking l's%('lllNE.. 11
was threatened tt i:h .tsth,na, bet
1l 11714 disappeared entirely, and !
hate only been teeing the medi-
cine one week. 1r IL'`; GIVF.111
MY S1'FAIiIN(: tNll SiNGl(fi
VOICE it1•:N1:111'1) POWF:tt. ant
1 ad,lee all pulite. .'peakcrs, attowa.
and singers odcr to be withal*
Tours truly, Joseph Murphy.
pep-hlne !a fur alt we -al trochlea.
and Is proving a great blessing to pill. -
Ile speakers, singers, and all voters
ttv,rkers. in all unhealthy conditl'ne ret
the throat or lungs there Is soreneae
or inflammation, caused by d'nperfeot
nutrition. and a clogged condltlnn eft
the tiny blond vesseli of those organ&
This Is nl-o the condition In catarrhs
affections•, NeedIeraa to say. this has a
most Injurious effect nn the vocal or-
gans. Pseychiee being the greatest sere
eiflc for blood pnrlfkatinn, Its erred
in such disorders Is proem's and sffeeet-
tu,ti. Although the trouble may be bet:
trivial. yet It Is In the throat that seri-
, us lung and stnmaeh diseases have
their Lerinning. and 1t Is well to 'left
treatment with Pftychin• rat once. Thorns
is no mere effectual remedy for h0erst!-
rest, Murat Irritation, speakers' MO
throat. and all affe,•tInns (airmen W
voice workers than Psychine