HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-04-20, Page 4a
Oxeter Atiuocate,l
Sanders cis Creech. Props.
THURSDAY, APR. 20, '05
The first salaried appointment has
been made by the new Ontario Gov-
ernment, being that of Jas. Tindale,
of Woodstock, who hits ser rived the
appointment of Inspector of the Epil-
eptic Hospital now under construc-
The rejjected ballots in Novemher
fastiini tests' 6,000 out of a total vote
of IA10.180 throughout the I)ou►iniou.
In 1900 there were 7,718 out of a total
vote of 952,4110. niid in 18115. 13,571 out
of a total vole of 835,0(kt. The diotinu-
tion, 1herefte(., represents tot er 31 i)er
cent. et er the record of the preceding'
general election.
e •
Mr. G. H. McIntyre, the Literal M.
P. for South Perth, in reply to an
open letter from the I'n'fest tlit Minis-
ters, of \lltehell, says Gist he has fol-
lowed the legal teguments on the
Autonomy Bill very closely and is
convinced that the Dominion Govern-
ment has not the fright to fix the
future educational policy of the new
Provincss. and therefore he will vote
against the bill in its present shape.
• •
E. N. Lewis, who wits in November
last elected a Conservative member of
the House of Coronions for West Hur-
on, has been exonerated from a charge
of liability brought against him. Mr.
Fitzpatrick's bill, "an act for the re-
lief of Edward Norman Lewis, a meru-
berof the house of Commons," sets
forth that on February 13th, 11103.
Mr. Lewis became surety in $400 for
Thomas Gundry. trail contractor in
Goderich, but was not interested in
the contract, and on January lith,
1903, was teleatsed from his bond.
"Therefore fur the quieting of doubts."
it is enacted that he he exonerated
from all liabilities for 11 .ring sat. as
nletnlaer for West Huron.
5'r. R. R. Gamey, member for Afani-
toulin, who recently gained so tench
notority in the Gamey -Stratton scan-
dal, is seeking to set himself tight in
the eyes of the world, and will trove
in the Legislature this week the fol-
lowing resolution: "That the Resolu-
tion of this House passed on the 20th
day of June. 1003, adopting the Report
of the Commissioners appointed to en-
quire into and investigate the charges
of bribery set forth in the statement
made to the Legislative Assembly on
the llth clay of March, by Robert 1(.
Gamey, Member Elect for the District
of Manitoulin; thanking the Commis-
sioners for their just and impartial
conduct in the matters referred to
there and regretting that it has be-
come the duty of the House to place
en record an expression of censure of
the conduct of the Member of Mani-
toulin in connection with the natters
forming the subject of the investiga-
tion. be rescinded and expunged front
the Journals of the House."
Just now when the Japanese fleet
under Togo and the Russian fleet un-
der Rojestvensky are about to engage
in n teal battle somewhere to the
east of A-ia it is interesting to notice
the relative strength of the two fleets.
The meet accurate estimate of the
fighting powers of the two fleets is
given herewith: The Jail/WOW have
at ye battleships of a tool of 139,800 tons,
of 18 knots speed, with 11.0•inch Ile -
mar, and t.htowing a total broadside
of 20,706 bounds. The Russians have
seven ships, of 85,091 tons, two of 16,
four of 18 and ane of 111 knots, with
10.-o to 1 :,t.., - iif armor, and
with a t tl broadside of 9.0200 pounds.
in armored cruisers the contrast is
overwhelmingly in favor of Japan.
She has eight such ships, of 73,552 tons.
of from 20 to 21.7 knot", and with a
total broadside of 13,706 pounds, to
Russia's two ships, of 11.303 tons, of
15 .in•1 19 knots, 811(1 of only 1.388
pounds broadside.
In the tit rd class, of pi otected
cruisers, Japan has also tin enormous
Advantage. having 14 ships, of 52,513
tons and of 10,900 peundi broadside,
against. Roissaa's Rix ships of 20,818
tons and 2,53'2 pounds broadside. Th
grand totals are: -,Japan, 27 ships,
of 195,893 tons and 111,381 pounds
broadside: Russia, 13 ships, of 126,305
tons and 3t1,8H0 11Oaalnl8 hiondstde.
Ceylon Teo
Mountain Grown
Grand Mogul Tea is a
product of' the sunniest
mountain tops in Ceylon.
Prepared by machinery
from plantation to tea-
pot, it is the beverage
of hygiene.
Q No exposure to store
dust or microbes—the pack-
ages Tined with air -tight
paper bring it to you in the
nicest possible condition.
Insist on your dealer sup-
plying you with this, the
best possible blend of the
finest and ripest teas. Dis-
criminating housekeepers
prefer it to bulk teas of
doubtful value.
Grand Mogul
Q Sold only an packaaet at 25c
30c. 40c and SO( per pound Ws
divide out advertising app rrpri anon,
void, you by rosins premum oou
porra on each emcees,
It is probable that there is an an-
nuli loss of fully three Million bushels
of oats in Ontai 1 . through the inj,u y
to the crop cauane•d by smut. 1'liis
could be largely prevented if the sled
oats were immersed for twenty min-
utes in at solution made by nixing one
pint of formaldehyde (formalin) in
from forty to forty-five gallons of
water. This siiIutiou has the power
of killing the spores of shut and leaav-
iug the oats uninjured. If the treat-
ment is made several days before seed-
ing takes place, the oats should bt'
bpre 301 on a floes and thoroughly
dried; but if it is made immediately
before sowing, it is only necessary to
partially dry the seed. Great dare
should be taken to prevent smut
spores from bags, bins, grain seeders,
etc., becoming mixed with the eats
atter the fronaaliu has been used. This
treatment is easily performed, com-
paratively cheap, and very effectual.
and if thoroughly perforated, need not
he repeated front year to year.
In the Ontario House last week Mr.
Gaatitey spoke on New Ontario, with
reg:u•d to timber and minerals, and
made at strong plea on behalf of fair
treatment for that part of our provin-
ce, which contains such vast quanti-
ties of valuable pine and other woods,
and 11tinerel...f different kinds. N*' -
Ontario had been and was being de-
spoiled to the great less of the settler
and the province, and 14) the entieh-
inent of corporations which had s('-
cttt•e(.i large timber limits and nitning
rights for a mere song, while all such
rights were withheld from the settler.
Ilis speech showed such a thorough
grasp of the affairs and conditions of
the district that it is thought by his
friends that: he has not only made
himself entitled to the portfolio of
Minister of Mines, hitt that he has
showed such a thorough knowledge of
the facts and needs of New Ontario as
to satisfy then[ that be could do credit
to the position,
For the 31th time the Registrar -
General of the province has presented
his report regarding births, deaths,
tend marriages in the province for the
year ending Dec. 31st, 1903. In it the
Tpopulation is estimated at 2.198,09.2.
he births registered, including still
births, were 48,742. of which 25,071
were male and 21,671 were female.
The rate was 2'2,1 per 1000 of the popu-
lation, which was below that of
European countries, according to the
reports of 1900, except in France,
where it was 21.9.
The Lunt sieges recorded were 19,830,
or 90 per 1,000 of the population, an
increase of 1,812 over the preceding
year. In Rainy River the rate was
lowest being 5.5. it was the highest
. K g
in Essex County, where it was 28.3,
an ahnorino1 figure. June was, as
usual, the most popular month. The
Methodist Church leads in (he num-
ber of marriages, 42.14 per cent. of all
belonging to that Church. The Pres-
byterians had 20.1x3 per cent., the
Church of England 17,20, and the
Roman Catholic 15.95.
There were 29,004 deaths, including
still births. This is a proportion of
13.4 per 1,001) of the population more
then in 1902, lout less by 0.2 per cent.
than 1901. For 1903. however, the
rate was the highest recorded, with
the exception of 1000, when it was 140
per cent. Of the total deaths 8,1x31,
or 29.1 percent., happened before the
fifth year of life and 0,700, or '12.5 per
cent.. in the first year of life. Thus
infant mortality wits 111 in every
1,000 births. in England and Wales
it wits 138 in 1902. Enteric fever was
general, and not a city was (tee from
it. The mortality was higher in rural
districts than elsewhere. Tubercu-
losis was responsible for 2,723 in 1003.
Since 1870 the mortality from that
disease totals about 90,000 deaths, of
which the trtaxituunt, 3,184, occurred'.
in 1900.
Dining 1003 there were 125 cases of
suicide and 1,211 deaths from accident-
al cau'es.
,Mr.S.Mtanlake tins removed the old
miler from the still which has be-
come unfit for further service and
placed a new pile therein, recently
purchased from Mr. J. N. Howard. -
Mr. James Carrick is suite, ing from a
severe cold. -Mr. John Isaac and f:an-
•ly, who have been residents here for
the past six tips, left MOtldlly to
visit frierdtin Colorado. From there
Mr. (sane will proceed to Washington
where he will attend Conference in
connection with the S.D.A. church.
ewe --
Luca tl
.1ohn Atkinson, who h,te been very
for some time, has sufficiently t•e•
ctr•ered nes to be able to he around
&ignite -The good wife is busy house-
cleaning these days, and ns a cons.•
queuc•e the meals are anywhere . be-
t ween attic or cellar. -John Piper hes
prlr1.1138l the d,etying business (tom
Messrs %I.•F..IIs & ll.algins and brgnn
duties on Monday. - Harry Collins has
raised his house and will put. 8 new
foundntieti under same, have root rais-
ed, house enlarged and Krick veneered.
1VKlatien-A very pretty wedding
was sole 'zed at the ti ' of 511.nnd
M es..1. B. Atkinson, when their young-
est daughter. Miss Sara. wits united in
,. [ninnies
p ofa 1 It
0 .1 n1
Ups holy bonds mat t o t t
Mix. of Kelly's Siding. The lit ide en-
tered the room. leaning on the alta of
her fetl►e'r, to the melodious stearins of
(tendelssehn's wedding match Oilyed
1.y the bride's cousin, 1Irs. Wickwire.
of Exeter. The bride and groom were
unattended. Thr bride's wedding gown
was white organdie. trimmed with val-
eneinnes Tare insertion and whit rest in
ribbon. She carried n Icotgtiet of
white roses and maid. n hair fern.
Siisa hazel Spat ling. niece of t he bride,
made 18 ehat•rning flower girl,4h.being
similarly 141(11ed to that of the hlide.
After the wedding the gusts enjoyed
n num pt•►ous repast in the dining room.
lira. Box's tavellirg snit was blue
ladies' cloth rind bast to match, The
l)resent• reveiv(d vete n1 oily and cost-
y which shows the high esteem in
which they ere both held. G110s1• were
present from NVind"or, Exeter, Gran-
ton, St. Marys and 51itt•hell. Their
time frieeds join in wishieg them
long life end prospe city.
11 sheen) Stutz, cigernlaker, War par•
r -1e71 at i,nndeu►, Ont., end will Is'
n I... k to New York State to an-
sa 1 .. 1. tr•ge of 111111der.
Odds Against Togo.
11. \V'. \Vilsut, the noted towel ex -
pet t says: "The Japanese have the
Russian fleet absolutely located, 11
has been carefully watched by special
agents of the Japanese navy. Because
of this the Russians cannot surprise
the Japanese fleet.
"Japan's first interest is not to fight
an immediate. decisive battle. but 10
first weaken the Hessians by skirmish•
ing, torpedo and mice attacks and by 1
cutting off the transports and weak
colliers, which are unable to keep in
(loge touch with the main pin t of the
Russian fleet.
"The Russian battleships will be en-
gaged only after it series of small pre-
liminary successes.
"No decisive results can lie 111) t ieiIOlt -
ed, 118 the Russians have supe•riornuuc•
hers of heavy fighting ships,anot this ih
1(8 telae today 88 when Nelson said it.
"The odds against Admiral Togo ate
greater than those against Nelson at
"The situation is the most difficult
and critical of the whole war to Ja-
Admiral Hojestvensky's last tele-
grain before leaving Nasal Be was sing -1
Wetly (aconic and eloquent. He wired: 1
"I will not telegraph again bef..r.•
the battle. If 1 3111 beaten you will
learn it through Togo. If I defeat him I
I will announce it to you."
This was accepted as meaning that
the Russian seeks victory or death. '
There is no definite news as to the
whereabouts of either the Russian or
the Japanese fleets, but it is annu
from Tokio that Japan has formally
declared the Tsuga to Straits (between
the Islands of Hondo and gesso, in
Northern Japan) a zone of defence,
with the usual maritime restrictions.
The chief development of the day is
an apparent restiveness by the Japan-
ese against France continuing to give
the Russian fleet shelter in its ports.
It is held that this is a breach of nee.-
trality, and, indeed, one Tokio paper
calls upon the Mikado's Government
to take action which will bring the
Anglo -Japanese Alliance into active
working. France, on the other hand,
declares that she is observing Nil her
obligations as a neutral power.
A Double Murder.
Peoetanguishene, Ont., April 13 -
Alexandre Desroches, a farm 181)orer,
is in jail here as the self-confessed
murderer of Maggie Priske, his wife,
and her little daughter Annie. He
did the deed yesterdeay evening, about
8:30,in cold blood, and it bears all theo
maks of the work of a roan strangely
gone mad in a moment. The deed
was brutal in the extreme, and the
only motive tJle murderer pretends
is that he had cross words with his
wife. He takes his arrest cooly and
seems utterly undisturbed over the
terrible result of his act.
Desroches, in his confession, it is
alleged, said that he and the woman
hnd some cross words yesterday even-
ing, and as he had an axe in his hand,
he struck her on the head with it.
She roust have died instantly, as be
heau•d no noise. The daughter coin=
ing in froth church at this moment,
he struck her with his axe and broke
the handle. He then took the other
axe, which was lying close by, and
struck tier again, while she was on the
ground. Not being sure of their be-
ing dead. he took hie jack-knife out of
his pocket and stabbed both victims
in the neck. Ile then stripped theta
of their clothing, and threw them
down into the hole under the flour.
After this he took his gun and left the
house, and sterte•(1 for Midland.
The son was the first to find some-
thing wrong, and he and the neigh -
hors, after it search, (liscoveie 1 the
bodies stripped of their clothing in
the hole. The husband wits found,
and Iiat ing confessed was committed
for trial.
51rs. Desroches was n respectable
woman who earned a living by taking
in washing and going ant by the day.
She had not lived Willi lief' Inishe11(1-
for some time. The daughter writs 14
years of age.
News of the Week.
There are 22 steamers ice locked at
the Soo.
A horse 1811(1 n cow west. burned in a
fire at \\'allaeelnrg on Tuesday.
1t is expected that there will he no
opposition to Frank Oliver at Edelen-
The 5((1111)011 Hotel wmsdestieyed by
fire in Listowel on 'Tuesday, Loss
1t is repotted that a serond earl h•
quake in India has caner() great loss
of life.
The 11011. Geo. AV. hots has retort -
ed from Jamaica, somewhat improved
in health.
You know the medicine that
makes pure, rich blood—
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your
mother, grandmother, all your
folks, used it. They trusted
it. Their doctors trusted it.
Your doctor trusts it. Then
trust it yourself. There is
health and strength in it.
-1 suffered terribly from Indigestion and
Vain blood. 1 f..uud nn relief until 1 took
Ayer'• Sarsaparilla. Four bowles perms,
neatly cured tne.••
Mas. F. R. SART, $t. Kisco. N. T.
sue a bottle. J. C ♦Tia CO..
Altana g[s-asssarc
for t.owo •li Mass.
Rich Blood
Ayer's Pills are gently laxative.
They greatly ald the Sarsaparilla.
For putting powder in Edward At
strong s pipe and damaging Ids eye, a
Winchester joker was compelled to
pity $100 to settle a lawsuit.
At the half -yearly meeting of the
Grand Trunk Railway the President
said the Company would fight any at-
tempt in Ontario to increase its taxes.
insane with gt ief at the death of his
wife, whose body lay in the house
awaiting. burial, Richard J. Hunter, of
Toronto. conenitted suicide with it
razor Sunday.
Orangeville, April 12. -Henry Banks
83 yeatt•a of age, was butted by a ram
in the yard of his son-in-law, Alex.
Bennett, Amaranth Township, and
was so seriously injured that he died
a few hours after.
Ripley, April 10. -Fire at midnight.
Friday destroyed the barn and annex-
ed sheds belonging to Geo. Brooks, it
farmer residing on lot 17, concession
11, of Huron Township, and three
miles north of this plaice. The flee isa
sequel to several other tnysterions fit es
which have occurred recently. The
loss is n1Out 82,500.
Henry North, a native of London,
Ont., is in jail :it Detroit, charged with
shooting his write three times. Drink
and jealousy were the causes. She
and a child bed just returned from at
show when he whipped out a revolver
and shot three timers, killing her, af-
ter which he knelt down and called
her to come back and forgive high.
(Incorporated b) Act of P.rliaueeut 1355)
Head Oflice,
▪ J1Ontwa1
Capital Paid Up $3,000,000
Reserved Fund • . • • • • • • • : ' • $3,000,000
°FFIt% (1OI'It3: 10 a. W. to 3 p. n.. S.ITI'MA\•S. 10 a. M. to 1 p. tu.
Faa•,u't's Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied of application.
1)i(\F'I'S on all points in the Dominion, fit eat Iliitatin and United
States Bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Fat 'nets, Stock Dealers and Business \len at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEI'OSI'1' Receipts issued and hight•at current tate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department,
Deposits a and a.,d ards received. laciest emu -
Saving and added to principal June 3tah
and 1)eccml,er 31St.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
T)lrK oN & CARLING, Soliciturt. N. D. Ill'RDON, Manager.
¢c I( K&' .,1C Kt.K_,K&K K
If you Inherited or contracted any Blood Disease you are never safe unless the
virus or poison has been eradicated from the system. At times you see alarming
symptoms, but live In hopes no serious results will follow. Have you any of the
loll)wing symptoms? Bore throat, ulcers on the tongue or In the mouth, hair talt-
Ing out, aching pains, Itchiness of the akin• sores or blotches on the body, eyes
red and smart, dyspeptic stomach, Sexual weakness --enlarged glands. Don't trust
to luck. Don't ruin your system with the old fogy treatment -mercury, potash and
patent medicines, which suppress the symptoms for a time only to break out again
when happy in domestic life. Don't let Quacks experiment on you. Our NEW
)!E1 HOD TREATMENT is guaranteed to cure you. OCR GUARANTEES ARE
BA('Ki 1) BY BANK BONDS that the Blood or Skin disease will never return.
Thousands of patients have been already cured by our NEW METHOD TREAT-
MENT for over 10 years, and no return of the disease, No experiment, no risk -
not a "patch up." but a positive cure. Tho worst cases solicited.
The New Method Treatment Cured Him
after Drugs. Mercury. Not Springs,
*c., an failed.
Wm. D. Patterson, of Saginaw, ]itch., re-
lates his experience: I do not like notoriety
and especiaLy of this kind, but I t(..1 1 1' O
this much to Drs. K. & K. for the great good
they have done me. I had a serious blood dis-
ease when 24 years of age. The skin and blood
symptoms gradually developed. Pimples and
ent ulcers formed, running sores broke out, halt
became loose, pains In the bones and joints, Atter Treatment
dyareptic stomach. foul breath, itchy akin, etc. lk Is needless for me to say 1
tried doctors. I grew to hate the looks of one. 1 visited Hot Springs twice for
four months each time. It be1Led me temporarily, but In six months after returning
hone 1 was as bad as ever. Finally a Doctor friend of mine advised me to see
Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. Ile said he had known of them for over 20 years, and
as they made a specialty of these diseases and treated the worst cases by the hun-
dred they ought to bo expert in curing thm. I was afraid of advertising doctors.
but I took hls advice. They agreed to treat me under a guarantee or no pay. ,
Investigated their financial standing and found they were perfectly responsible, so
1 commenced the two/ method Treatment. The eruptions disappeared In Iso weeks,
the bone pains in four weeks and In four months I was entirely cured. Yee,
sir. IcCa n ecommeGUARd the NewR NO 'AY tment for Blood and Skin Diseases.-
Consultation Free. Books Free. It unable to can, write for a question Blank
for Homo Treatment
K K K K. K(. K K s.K K:.K
$100 Reward, $100.llutlett: The other day while out
shooting, n young 111/10 named Tre•
The readers of this paper will be ti mess,of can. 4, bapp(nrd to asst struck
pleased to learn that there is at (east • iu the leg by a spent rifle bullet.
one dreaded disease that science hasbeen
that islle Catarrh. icure lfall's Catits stages,
rrh , tied Mitchell: 5Ir. Cule1 el tsed the grocery .b business o re f Mras Fp1It.
is the only )ositive care now known to 1\'. Davis, and will taker possession
the medical fraternity. Catarrh be- 151ay 1st, All•. Moore intends 1.1) reit
ing it cttnstlttltheed disease, tet wirer n his business tin the ket corner in
constitutional treatment. Hall's ('n- cotjnnct with she "Red Front." 1
terth Cure is taken internally, ,aeting Goderich Tp.: On Monday while'
directly upon the blood lu►ti nu10ous Arthur. yunug.st ami of otter \\'whit
surfaces of the system, thereby des-
(rot•ing the found:►tion of the (Lissa$.•, t8
" shooting, his rifle acccidently
anti riving the patient strength by wrist oil', and the ballet with which it
rap the constitutionanef at•sia tai's el:a, t;ed entered his side and pass -
ii*g pint•:tt,1s is su glo'.rd to haws rest-
ing nature in doing its tv.ir•k. The pre- cd 1n his lung.., Sir, \V:1 •,au ist set•torts•
prieters have sit touch fait It in its e110.t•It ill, halt. great hopes ate eutcrtained
live powers that they offer one Hnnll- t .r htY recovery.
red 1)ollatg•s for any cat"e that it fails tit' '
cine. Send f.ar list of tSt. 51.,t ys: Daniel 11, ('ono, at well
Address F.,1.CitexeV& Co., 1'4)1(.41.01. I, 1,4-11 \lssouri young men mysteri.
Sold by all 1)ruggists, 75 cents. •rots .lisaappealctl last Decentl2er while
Take Hall's Family ('ills forconsti- in the 1 lowboy of the Niagara ('ower
patiull, ('uitapaiy aft Pott Hohi,.otl. List
--- ->� week Itis 1►ody 1V118 found 111 til casual
A1•01111(1 .A111)111 US .1 I'ut1 Rubinson and I h
• l . n,:,in"
Goderich: John Dunn, Huron tw. ,.• 1 sought In re t\•e-.!ne'ol'),tbene(,
bed his left hand badly injured rat the+ t•' Lai.. father's te•.sitlenee, \Vesl.r-
planing mill on Monday by its renting 2 rc, w hero the funeral took place 1'htr"-
in contact with a saw. The second • d.,• 1 1 St. 51+u 1. ceuu fess.
finger was completely cut oIT near
Mei St sal fold: Fur saute w et ks toss:second joint, the third linger so in 3,461, Wet -h ,4 Son, jewelers, h.tt•
jure(' that the doctor had to amputate teen missing frons their vault, at night
t past the second joint, and the first 81)1-411 q 11111itu•s ut jewelry, until
finger was badly cut.Walt estuc,.te41 Hutt hilly $700 worth
\\'inghani: After a tedious illeess lad dis:cppested. They were :at at loss
from that sidious (1isease, consunpi - (u are t for It, although t•,.ri u•
time 51t•s, i). 13. Antleisoil pass, 71 traps were -et to catch the su1e. sed
away on Tllnratlay last, in her thiity. culprits. It wits found the, Inas. .,r
fifth year. Dece,cstal wets the &legit• tats were responsible for the thefts
11.1• of 51r, and 5It•s. Thos. Ilend(lson 81)41 arboud three dozen t'iitg.. 11010 re -
of town. Fur some title past she had, c„velse! 88,11) the tags eaten off. It. ii
011 ,►.•ronnt of 101' lllrees4, 11.81111•d with expected the h.,l:cnee will be found 1)n
her pilo lits. She leaves as 80110w•ing tearing rap the hour of the vauit.
husband, and three young children.
St. Marys: Mr.. Eg tn. en esteem d
old resident, died last week after a
brief illness et !!)I:eunv.nie. aged 71 .
years. Site hood beet) a resident of Ile.
town for neatly h olf :► cet,tnr•y n d
war highly esteemed. Iler hitsb.tou,
the late Mr. Jodie Eg.,n, died :32 yeses
The American furniture factory atsince aN n result of nip, nal anslnined
Oxford. N. S., was destroyed I1)- lire. on the (]rap d Think Railway. She
Iowa $20.(M)0. leave" a fetidly of four sons and four
Robert Quick, who strangled his (1;. tigilt It ).
brother near St rat !troy, has been de.
clottedinsane by the courts.
The 011181 io Governnent has boon
asked to permit (lei man cal p to he
caught in nets iti Toronto Bay. No. 1. ['shortie, Ain .l 13 and 11: '! o
A ptoclltnatt.lnn hits been issued de1r. 1V., to pa.s 11)5.,,,tks: 13011.0 1):,- is
• at ing sheep scab exists in townships 587, Willi. 1•:ssety i5', Cecil Sl o,. er
in Middlesex, L:unhton and Kent, 551. \'ins K••r•1.,k011it. T.. .1 r. 111 --
A motion to establish it Cathelie To pees 10J .,.,.i k-: 1\'illi' 1\':,ikor 4:30,
University in irelunl was defeated In 314' Dat 1 • :•t►7, Annie 51 1 i,ldv 304.
\I all Tice
The iodine mg is the result of :I1.•
Promotion Examinations held in S.F.
Etch Pupil is given he
dit•idual instruction.
The Shorthan.l 1a•'. .
taught ii that u+. •I l'y :..i
ri1tvspaper n:. t court r., -
Best a,:.it,..::: 4.1 1:,,..',.
l.eeli:ug, Psis,
metre•, etc.,
ituationa genrantee•{
. to every Graduate.
Wm. 0._.0oo,
Wood's Phosphoaine, .
Ti,.- (:reef
A positive. uro for all forma of
Scion! 1 cnknt•.s, Mental an
rar,Is A\P Arr11 F,r.tln Worry, /Emissions. la•1`
rnalarrltoea, Impotency Istlbcta of Abm:o or
Excess, all of which lead to Consumption.
infirrnit insanity and an earlygrasp. Price
51 per pkg. pia for 5.5. Ono will please, nix w111
cure. gold by altdruggiste or mailed in plain
TackaKsun receipt of price. Writ a for Pamphlet.
ho WOOd M•UICIno Co.. Wludsvr, Outarty.
I'. J. III nolo. the pr.•t.•• de I t;u - v-
inare was sentenced tp I l -l. •• 8...t
the peed tauiaty act We, ��-a. , 1. 1.
fol gess.
t All Druggists and Dealers. TAKE NO OTHERS.
the British House of Commons.
("':4,e- 377. Patric i : . 51• chell- \1'. Wm (' ' gg It ft Ft 1-
(`onunis•ioners in North (1 kis ('olbt r►. e�vaa Sk.ou. r a,fi, 1,• ,► .'n f�, AVinnip _. w' • re he holies 0
Intel (vane (died the livens •s for lit,• 1'reiarht.o.:1(T. Hrd'e; 51cy hat+ :. •• I • ed lu• r, n.a nieg y••.1)8. Ile (ton e
Luo 1 ..ttn,dtd a p..+,ant 1., 1115 pre. t t.. \I•f, h 11 '1. rhe t.,,, 181111, +•tut Ir e
hot) I". thief' being ill '4' 1n,l9i"rk. fol ::ll a' a e[-•n,inntio,,,111:.!.21.1.1:•.e‘
l•• .. .. ee(p1 clod PeE e!( 1.) .
At the conventio it of the Nation. 1 \V, A. !torsi-, to. Tart,•.., . h.
('nuncil of \\' 'n in 1Vashingt''i.
51i•' Kit":ut Is atthony'spoke in f.,w,,'
of .:,t .•.•.
Sir Phasic+ Topper (ecru',,) the
special blessing or lips Pope for hitt
constant defence of flu' rights el ('act:•
adjoin (',ti heti. s.
The appointment of Clerk Wright
es license inspector for Kingston Ila.,
hien cancelled. 51r. Glidden hang
continued in •'Rloe.
An explo'ion of sere yle it. ges on.. e
(lover sit best .scnt at Mitigative
on 'Tuesday killed ene111%tn, injetred five
and font eft' missing.
It i st••041 nn go41 auth,•ritt• Oho'
within the next •ix ►n net los (tie (i. T.
1t. Company will have tunt''1
moulted men to inlhtlott.
'Vit ghoul: The tailor in ;IA firms'
fern ah ng lousiness, fol tut r1y c. hdnrt.
ed node, the firm Bailie of Unimak
Br••s.. 1 N pea, (1 to ihr . ',,t,1 l u1 51.
• L H, tnc1.1),
!b3S99.S6*0040009• 00094000.4000,049990444444400443009900990900004
PirO =VI) IN CIOTMEtet 1
Gives the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter,
The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies in the World Use it.
ALL Z)R.t7(tXQZiTs LWz ITZlLLZ1R1111.
�EEEE;*4444444Q*f4Ef*4944404E,44E44Elee*****44,4444444.944440 44,ai/4lE4497