HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-04-13, Page 5Till; Oxetex bvorate, published e+cry Ttrirrl., Monieng st the tat! - MAIN -STREET. — EXETER. ---B) rite_ AITIOOATE PUSL 18H I NO COMPANY TEEMS OF SUBSCAIPTION• One Dollar per annum if paid in advance, S1 Be it not ao paid. A.4, r • rtlatn g R,steie osx Zypllcea- t too No paper discontinued until all arrearages areaid Advertisements without .pecified dire tions sill he published until forbid end charged accorttin, y. Liberal discount made for tranerient atlerrtlaments I inserted for long periods. Eery dee.•ription of ,1 eB , PRINTING turned out in the finest style, an•t at moderate rotes. Cheques. money orders, A,• , f•.r advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be wade pa) abs•• 0 Sanders & Creech, Pitt/PRI'. rretetsarenal Cards. Honor graduate of Toronto Unsv-erist . S.. DENTIST. Teeth extracted sit n etyy bad Block west aide street, Exeter. DR. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. LD.8 DENTIST honor Graduate of Toronto rniversity and Roy t! College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of I'roethetic Dentieter) (with honorable mention.) Alluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. haat/Sneers HBROWN, Winchelsea. ticened Auctioneer . tor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and terns reasonable. Sales arranged at Poet Office Winchelsea. WANTED. ANTE --LADIES AND GENTLEMEN in this county and adjoining territories to repre- seat end advertise the Wholesale and Educational Departments an old established business house of solid finan.-ial standing. Salary $1.50 per day with expensev:ul+an,ed each Monday by check, direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when neceasasv: position permanent. Address BLEW BROS., k CO., Dept. 6, Monon Bldg., Chicago, Ill. —THE- 018rc10gts llaii of caada HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL capital Pard Up • 6,000,000 Rest & Undivided Profits 3,218,959 95 BRANCHES IN CANADA Interest at most favorable current rates from date depositeri allowed on8avfogs Bank accounts and Ue• posit Re,eipts. Cummen•ial Letters of Credit issued, available ID China, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling Iw•tters of ('relit iasued to travellers Is all parts of the world. A general Banking business transacted. SAVINGS BANK. THOS FYSHE, G Sdtaaola. f' it tomes. sure OF BJAM-a21 A Curer i�srr:roe CREDITON BRANCH W. S. ('11(SHOI,M, M.enager. CLEAN, DRY American Corn -4. - FOR SALE at Exeter Storehouse This is much cheaper feed than Oats. Try it. Jos. Cobbledick STOP! WOMEN, AND CONSIDER THE ALL-IMPORTANT FACT That in addressing Mrs. Pink)t w you are confiding your private ills to awoman — a woman whose experience with wo- man's diseases covers a great many years. You can talk freely to a woman vv hen it is revolting to relate your private tr 'ablea to a man—besides a man does not under. stand—simply because he is a man. Many women suffer iu silence and driftalong from bad to worse, knowing full well that they ought to have imutediate aseiatauce, but a natural modesty impels them to shrink from exposing them- selves to the questions and probably examinations of even their family physician. It is unnecessary. Without money or price yon can consult a woman whose knowledge from actual experience is great. Mrs. Piukhatu's Standing Iucitation: Women suffering- from any forst of female weak- ness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mas -s. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman; thus has been established the eternal confidence between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which has never been broken. Oat of the vast volume of experience which she has to draw from, it is more than possible that she has gained the very knowledge that will help your ease. She asks noth- ing in return except you r good -will, and her. advice has relieved thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage of this gene'roat offer of assistance. -- Lydia E. Natal en Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Following we publish two let- ters front w W01111311 who aecep- Note ted this invitation. the result. First letter. " Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— " For eight years I have suffered something terrible every month with arty periods The pains are excruciating and I can hardly stand them My doctor says I have ovarian and womb trouble, and I must go through an op- eration if I want to get well. I do not want to submit to it if I can possibly help it. Please tell me what to do. I hope you can relieve me." -Mrs. Mary Dim,nick, 59th and E. Capitol Sts . Denning i' 0.,'Wasbington,D.0 Second letter. ' Dear Mr's. Pinkham:— " After following carefully your advi^e, sad taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I am very anxious to award on my testimonial, that others may know their valueand what you have done for rhe. " As you know, I wrote you that my doctor . said I moat have an operation or I oonld not livo. 1 then wrote you, telling you my ail- ments. 1 followed your adrift and am en- tirely well I can walk miles without an ache or a )rein, and I owe my life to you and to Lvdiu L. einkham's Vegetable Compound. I wish every suffering woman would read this testimonial and realize the value of writ- ing to you and your remedy."—Mrs Mary Dinunick, 59th and E. Capitol Streets, Ben- ning P. 0., Washington, D. C. When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health so many women whose testimony is so unquestionable. you cannot well say, without trying it, I do not believe It will help me." If yon are ill. don't hesitate to get a bot- tle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound atonce, and write Mrs. Pink - ham. Lynn. Mass., for special advice -- it is free and always helpful. PIANOS That Have to be Sold. We have in stock THREE PIANOS which have been in use for a shot t time only, and wanting to snake room for new goods, we are going to sell these Pianos at it price that they will have to go. • intending purchasers would do well t., call and inspect these bargains be- fore buying. Violins and Violin Sund- ries Always in Stock. S. MARTIN 1leadi1 i:trties for Stationery. Ayer's Pill Wake up your' liver. Cure Syour conuippattn. List rid oI your bilionsaeu. Sold for e0 years:#.:eTt.O '.. Want your moustache or beard abeantital brows or rick black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE tlt/rr A, M asi(tas/fi tf• .. r. ala •..- ftp► L to EXETER MARKETS. 4'11ANGED EACH lVEI)NEMDAY tt'heat (olds 97 1 00 Barley 40 40 Oats 37 37 Peas tt) 85 Potatoes, per bag. .. 75 80 ilay. per ton 7 00 7 00 Flour, per cwt., family 2 85 Flour, low grade per cwt 1 25 1 'Lo Butter 18 Eggs 13 Live hogs, per cwt 6 00 Dressed Hogs 7 60 Shorts per ton 20 00 20 00 Bran per ton 17 00 17 00 1)41441 Apples 3 Mitchell: Stephen Douglas, w'h.► received quite a legacy through the death of .t daughter in France a few years ago, dropped dead at his home, Thursday evening of last week. Ile and a grandson lived together, but a neice, Mies Hannon, was in the habit of going to the house daily to see that his comforts were looked after. While talking to him nn the evening in ques- tion, without any warning, he dropped over and was dead almost instantly. De'ceAsed was down town in the after- noon and was enjoying hie usual health. Heart trouble was no doubt the tsetse of his sudden death. Two SOBS survive him. Colt's CsUse loot C..ipeuld. r T soa)ylapisef3ectmlmonthly medicines.' white women can deposed. Sold la two degrees of wawa—Ito. 1, for ordinary eases, Miser box; No. 2, 10 d.' gg:aesses afros ge r for ial Oases. N per box. Auld by all t eat for Gook's t'ut- toon Rtoot'Compound ; take no Ruh/Mute. The Cook Medicine Co.. W iadsor, °mart" 8 � gU�IflISo'o �Ctj�Ctat trach pupil is giv'n in- dividual ine,truction. The Shorthand System taught is that treed by all rlewepapur ani court re- porters,. Best rysteme of Book- keeping, Penmanship, Arith- metic, etc . , thoroughly taught. Situations guaranteed to every Graduate. carat.0o4:6 Rxa. WM. C Coo i'i�'rN�, e✓.S.Ft Gt(i• a `•J ..}INTGRAPML14.0 Goshen Lint' Stephen .t nrtother of fat users hate L. „(4o seeding. With 1-e•.et l.•y hits erg..;;, d Ezra Korn fur the sutntner month:. - We are pleased to see the smiling fuer of Pat Flanagan, he having returned from Detroit Monday evening.—The Misses Jennie Yearley and Lillie Law- son collected funds on Friday, in acid of missionary work.—Jos. Woodall purchased a huggy in Crediton Satur- day. lie has also purchased a horse from Ed. Lawson. --Philip Bastard ie putting up a wire fence for Lyman Glanville and Dave Mawhinney.— Mrs. Rebt. Keys, of Parkhill, visited friends oar the litre Thursday. ---Garfield Hitl .arid sister, Minnie, visited at John Kaye' Friday. Around About Us Mitchell: Another one of Mitchell's former residents has passed to the great beyond. in the person of Mrs. (toss, of Fullerton, ageti 77 years and 7 days. Clinton: Saturday while working at the sharper in the foundry of the Macpherson & Hovey Co., Chas.Smith had the misfortune to cut the palls of his hand severely. (.Tinton: Shortly after 3 o'clock Fri- day morn fire was discovered in what is commonly known as Stevens plan- ing mill. lout which was bought some time ago by John Carter, and used by hint as a show case factory. The build- ing was completely destroyed. East Williams: On Tuesday even- ing, the members of the choir of Burn- ish, It, C. Church assembled at the home of Mr. John Doyle, Centre Road And presented his daughter. Miss Josie Doyle, who has been a member of the choir, with a lovely gold ring with rntetald settings and a brooch of horse shoe design set with brilliants. On tVednesday evening. it large num- ber of the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle, Centre Road, tnet at their residence previous to their removal to Ply rnpton, to hid them farewell. Mr. Doyle was pre- sented during the evening with a hand- sotne leather covered Morris chair, and Mrs. Doyle with an easy rocking chair to snatch, the presentation in the former case being made by Mr. John O'lianley, Sr., and in the latter by Mr. Dan Johnston, on behalf of the neighbors. News of the Week. One thousand G. T. R. employes in Stratford have been laid off work. Jacques Faure made a balloon trip stens: the English Channel in safety. The town hitherto called Het Pott- age has changed its name to Keenora, Ont. Miss Ida S. Lewis was awarded $10,- 001) damage& against the Street Rail- way, Toronto. The C. P.R. proposes to erect farm buildings on landspurchased by Brit- ish settlers in the West. The Ontario Government has male a grant of $15,000 to the Free Hospi- tal for consumptives in Muskoka. British Board of Trade returns for March show increases of $1,455,000 in imports and $19,095,000 in exports. John D. Rockefeller has given $100.- 00(1 to the American Baptist Mission- ary Union. The gift has been accept- ed. A Bureau of Mines report shows that the mineral production of the Province for 1901 reached it value of $11,737,1117. John Doyle, just released from pen- itentiary, was arrested for burglary at London after threatening a policeman with a revolver. A brother of "Shorty Bill)'" who was a year ago shot, by detectives in Landon, was on Sunday captured af- ter robbing a house. i)r. F. Gilmore, a surgeon dentist,of New Hamburg, Ont., committed sui- cide on Saturday by jumping from a terrace upon the rocks 150 feet below. Two men, Henry Meyer and John Wittig, sustained broken spines, last week while tearing down an old barn at Stratford. The framework fell on theta. Edmund Bristol, barrister, has been nominated as the Conservative cadi- date in Centre Toronto in contest the election made necessary by the death of E. F. Clarke. The passenger steamer Lincoln, which has fur several years operated between Windsor. ABlheretburg and Pelee Island, was completely destroy - e(1 by fire at Sandwich. BRISTOL BY ACCLAMATION. Mr. Fred Hargraves. one of the Toronto, April 11.—Mr. Edmund Bristol, barrister, (Conservative), was elected to day by acclamation as the representative of Toronto Centre in the flown- of Commons, to fill the va- cancy created by the death of Mr. E. F. Clarke. EPIDEMIC iN HULL. Ottawa, April 10.—The City of Ilnll is Afflicted by an epidemic of intestinal grip. which is producing really appal- ling restate. Last week there were 40 deaths in the sty due to this disease; the week bad re there were 34; in two months there have been 310 deaths doe to this Otto cause. Of the latter figure lid) were of adults and 161 were of child- ren. showing that the disease et not. conflned to the young. Medical men are baffled by the disease, and in addi- tion are excessively busy, as perhaps a thou/omit of the 16,000 souls in the town are prostrated. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND PURIFIES THE BLOOD. ,1,4„;: MAKES SICK BRACES THE NERVES. i i" PEOPLE WELL BUILDS UP THE BODY. tkkg IN SPRING TIME. t0upOt'ta- �� For 66pAINE'S" .A.21.3= I'cnes The Kind That Has Made Such Wonderful Oui ee.11E1 smelter men in the employ of the Can- adian Copper Company at Copper Cld'f, Was fatally crushed by the fall of a large tuxes of ore. The vital statistics for the town of St. Marys, for the month of March were: Births, 8; tnarriages, 0; deathe, 9; causes of death, 5 pneumonia, 2 meningitis, i la grippe. 1 heart failure. Alexander W. Aitcheson, the big chief of the Hamilton Fire Department was last week killed when driving to it fire, loy collidit.g with the chemical combination wagon and being thrown to the ground. Mrs. Hamilton, of Strathroy, died last week from the effects of taking a dose of liniment containing belladonna in mistake for a tonic she had been taking. it was a cage of carel(;ssly picking lip the wrong bottle. Red Rose Te a sells as follows: -- Brown label Crimson to Green " Blue Bronze Gold tf t 25c per lb. 30c" 35c 40c 50c 60c it I3oth Black and Green teas, also a mixed tett (Black and Green), are put up in each grade. The price and description are printed on each label. The Black teas are a ruddy color in the cup and have a rich. fruity flavor. The Green teas are a pale lemon color and have a delicate, pungent flavor. You are sure to use Red Rose Tea some day --better try a sample package now; you can't begin younger and I know you won't be sorry. At all grocers. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. Johns, N. B.• BRAN('i1ES: TORONTO. WINNIPEG. Mitchell: Messrs. A. and Chas. Bic- ker have bought the stock of bootsaod shoes from A. Rumford, who a short time ago bought it from Mesere. Yoe and Farrow. Mr. Rntnford has decid- ed to go into the hardware and tin- entithing business. St, Marys: Fire at noon hour Thurs- day destroyed the frame addition at i the rear of G. Carter, Sons A Co store. The origin of the fire was sparks from a nearby pile of rubbish, which was being burned. The building contained holed hay and straw, which was a to- t 110,s There was no insurance. Compliment With a WOW. Talk about delightfully put compll• mental I heard a girl at supper deliv- er herself of a perfect jewel the other night. She leaned acroso the table— the table next to ate --to say It, and eke meant well. "MI, Miss Dumdum," she eai l cor- dially, "I've got a trade at last for you:" "A swap?" asked Miss Dumdum. beaming With anticipatory delight. "Uhhuhl" mist%erel the other. "Lieu- tenant Bulbul said It." "Oh, do tell til" pleaded Miss Dum- dum eagerly. "It was an awfully nice one," sail the first girl, "and i.leutenant Bulbul meant it too. He Bald you waltzed 01• vtnely. Ile said be was awfully sur prised, too, to find It out, so 1 know he meant It. Ile sal.] he wouldn't have thought Nile seeing you well( that you could deuce at $h. t, Logan: Mr. Donald Sinclair. aa old and highly respected settler of Logan, passed away i11 the 71st year of his age. Mitchell: A little boy, ('hes. 19d - ward Loney. of Stratford. aged 4 seats. 10 months and 13 days, was visiting his aunt, Mrs. Ed. Faller. Mitchell, and while out playing on Mond* Iafteruoou,complained of being tired Iand was t'tken to 1►r. Smith's tam and afterwards remitted to the Luras i of his aunt, where he gradually grew iworse and at midnight the little led woks called to the great loeyome N••Mata♦•••a•••••••♦•••••••NN•••••••••••••• IAMOND PER ECT DYES HOME DYEING. EASY TO USE, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. ASK FOR THE "DIAMOND. All Druggists and Dealers. NO OTHERS. eeeeMasao*s•••leetteNeeeeee1/t/1e1e111ts1t1/N A FAMOUS SCHOOL. CENTRAL r STRATFORD, °'IT.�� It pays to get it Practical Education and it pays to get it in this school. We can do more for our graduates than any other Business College in the Province. Commercial Schools employ ouratad• nates as teachers, they know that the training given in this institution is the (test. Enter now. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT eti Mcl.ACHLAN, Principals CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. I1SMtDN11a11►1►a tC et-Seeeoeeea We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re modelling our mill. GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. H. SWAMITZER NOTICE To Farmers Ha ane PllbuiG IQ Beiie1. A6 the spring is coming on now, gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, All Kinds old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and take them down to M. Jackson & Son Main Street. Exeter. 1)iedoor South of Mett°pollute notal ---4166- That's where you will get the highest. cash price for them. PSYCHINE STRENGTHENED MY WHOLE SYSTEM. PSYCHINE Pure Blood in your veins sow will save you much is purse and person before the winter is over. PSYCHINE makes rich red blood. keeps people well and at their best. "To -day I am enieying good health, solely through the use of Prychine. When 1 began using Pro chine, I was muttering with a heavy cold In the brenchlal tubes, and a cough which seemed to rack me to pieces. The doctors' meJh:hra gave me no relief. ani i began to dread constmptton working on tne. With the second dose, psychine benefited me and gave new strength. Psychlne toted up my Whole system, ar,,i q ri toe stole.- 1 the cough. 1 heartily rreesro end Pet -chine to pers.ees r.rn-d'.wn, In need of a tonic, or wtffe•rit g told* c.,urtb't) (x,lds, or enterrh. i bless the day i tr,"d I't.yhire,•" .Man Connor, l'r:nycr, '. is pronounced SI -KEEN Feer -a'e by a'1 Dralril'ta. For farther advise attd information write Dr. Slocum 1 West 17:1 King Street We.t. Toronto, Can. Through an enlarged laboratory, new later wriest Ir t tte.30 �=n�� n ability to purchase raw products to casette. HiltuiN IL, sold f,.r yowl at NOW SOLD AT $i.o0 PER BOTTLE