HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-04-06, Page 8The
Says •
That •-;io,inh been), on •h.• .I -t.
That doesn't mean that there will
be waren stwshiae from that on.
Sometimes the right weather is
provokingly slow in turning up.
Sometimes for a month or more
after the 21st you are the better for
owning a
Light -weight Overcoat.
Its a mice handy at title to have
around, anyway. A nice one
Costs $14,
Everything right about it, of course.
Merchant Tailor.
W VreiriPrierliFIF
\'o place for values in Wall Papers,
Carpet and Curtains like Stewart's.
It touches the tickle—Howey's Cher-
ry Cordial. 25c. a bottle.
The Promotion Examination for
Huron will be held on April 13th and
Lloyd, son of Rev. Godwin, who has
been quite ill for the past week, is
A meeting of those interested in the
game of quoits is called for Friday
evening next at the Town Hall.
Remember Elocution Recital hy
Miss Godwin and pupils, Friday even-
ing. Lawyer Stanbury will take the
Mr. \Vio.Chowen last week purchas-
ed the residence of Mrs. Ann Heitman
on Carling street, and is ,preparing to
move therein.
The friends of Mr. 11'ui. Dearing, of
Stephen, will be pleased to learn that
his condition has somewhat improved
since last week.
If you want some good cows attend
the Hunter Bros.' Sale at Centralia
Friday, Aprit 7th. For particulars
see local elsewhere.
Any of our subscribers hiving cop-
ies of the Advocate for Dec. 15th and
Feb. 10th, trill confer a favor by leav-
ing same at this office.
Use Formaldehyde for smut in seed
grain, it is et sure remedy. Sold with
full directions by C. Lutz, Central
Drug Store, Exeter.
William Smith, son of Mrs. Samuel
Smith, London Iload, has taken a
position with Richard Murphy in the
implement business.
Formaldehyde the best thing known
to modern science for smut on grain.
Try it this year and save money.
Howey's Drug Store, Exeter.
The Rev. W. Low, Rural Dean, will
occupy the pulpit of the Ti•ivitt Me-
morial church on Sunday next, while
Rev. Perkins will preach in Winghani.
In the Report of the final examina-
tions at the Western Dairy School,
Strathioy, the name of Marshall Box,
Of Exeter. appears its one of the sue-
cessfed students.
Parties desiring plum, cherry or
;triple trees splayed Rill do well to
leave their orders with Lewis DAY,
Nt'irket Gardener, who has a first-
class spraying outfit.
Mr. T. K. 1landford shipped et car-
load of horses to Winnipeg Moneta$.
They were in charge of Mr. Geo. Bag-
shaw, who, we understand, intends re-
maining iu the West.
A calf, without a sign of a tail, only
a place where the tail ought to he, was
born in thestable of Mr. Jet mes('esieti,
last. week. Otherwise the calf is
mal. 1Vhat a sad lacking for the
pisir• animal when the fliesappear.
ll'e don't think there is any mangle or
turnip Aced in the trade quit, o.e gexsI Its
Neel Briggs. Stewart sells (horn, cheap
Goods !
Spring Goods
In Tweeds and Worsteds
Ranging in 1'i ice front
$14.00 to $20.00
Call and Mumble Them.
ttrl+aot Tailor, Enter, Octlrlo
(+044, abut do you think.' Steuart
i•+ selling a $1250 Read., Nast couch
Finished Tweed Suit for $0.50.
Oswald 1Valker has t•ecuver•ed from
his recent illness and has returned to
his duties.
Mr. W. T. ('olewill, of Centralia, is
shipping loge quantities of Hay from
this station.
Any person wishing to procure coal
metres can do so hy calling at the Ad-
vocate office.
Mr. H. Either, M.P.P., has given
notice of motion to amend the Ontario
Insurance Act.
Miss Irwin, teacher, has been off
duty at the School during the past
week, owing to illness,
Mr. Richard Quante has again been
confined to the house through illness
but is somewhat improved.
Mr. W. J. O'Brien, teacher, was un-
able to fulfil his duties at the school
yesterday, owing to illness.
Messrs. Wm. Balkwill, Bert Puke
and Wm. Creech are engaged build-
ing a residence in London at present.
Harvey Bros. are this week so busily
engaged making 'Star Flour' that they
haven't time to write a small advert-
Mr. Wet. Russell, who has been
firing on a locomotive between Sarnia
and Suspension Bridge, has returned
to his home.
The Rev. Godwin preached mission-
ary sermons in Melville church on
Sunday last, morning and evening,
and at Sunshine in the afternoon.
Mr. \Vm. Rivers, who recently pur-
chased Mr. A. Dow's milk business,
took possession April 1st and has been
faithfully serving his customers for
the past few days.
Mr. Henry Hooper, left Tuesday for
the %Vest in charge of a carload of
Settlers' effects for Mr. Robt. Pickard.
Mr. Pickard we understand will fol-
low in a few days.
The death is announced at Toronto
of Mrs. Bishop. mother of Mr. Henry
Bishop, of Leamington. formerly of
Exeter. Mrs. Bishop, who died at the
residence of berdaughter, Mrs.Sbaver,
was in her 92nd year.
Mr. Frank Murdoch, Airbrake In-
spector, of Pitteburg, Ohio, is the
guest of Mr. J. J. Knight, Station
Agent. Mr. Murdoch is it son of Mr.
Wm. Murdoch who at one time con-
ducted the greenhouse on Station
Mr. Wm. Dew, of Grundy Centre,
Iowa, who we repotted a few weeks
ago as being very ill, with but little
tropes of his recovery, is, we are pleas-
ed to note, recovering and gives prom-
ise of being restored to his former
good health.
Miss Mabel F. Hersey, daughter of
Mr. Samuel Mersey, of London, form-
erly of Exeter, is mica a class of grad-
uating nurses in the Royal Victorian
Hospital Nurses Training School at
,Montreal. Lord Strathcona presented
diplomas to the class on Saturday last.
Geo. Hunter & Son, of Ridgetown,
will hold another big Cow sale at
Centralia on Friday, April 7th, 1905.
15 cows. calved; 10 sptiuget•s, 5 fart ow
cows. Parties wanting cows should
see theist before buying. The right
kind for milk and stock. Everyone a
good one.
Mr. George Bissett received word
Tuesday that his son, Grover, who bas
been engaged in the Verity Plow
Works, flra'itford, has been stricken
down with an attack of rheumatism,
and is now in the hospital in that city.
Hie friends here will wish him a speedy
The Ross Taylor Co. hate received
the contract to supply the furnishings
for twelve new houses in Stratford.
It is a pleasure to note that the com-
pany is extending its business are.',
and it is to be congratulated on re-
ceiving su large an order from the
Classic City.
At a meeting of the bowling club on
Friday evening the election of officers
took place, other husiuess being left
until next Monday et ening when an-
other meeting will be held. The new
officers ate: Hon. -}'res., Rev. II. J. 11.
Perkins; fres.. John 31uir: Vice -}'res.,
W. 11. Levett: Sec.-Treas., if. T. Bel-
cher; Chap., Rev. W. Martin.
Miss Mildred Godwin, assisted by
her pupils in Elxrntion, will give a
Recited in the Opera (louse. Exeter,
on the evening of Friday, April 7th,
1905. The program cnnipi ices Elocu-
tionary selections, fuses, Monologues.
and Vocal and Instrumental music
furnished by Miss Ainy Johns and
others. This event promises to be of
peculiar interest and profit and should
ensure a full house. Admission 15
cents. ('otne at x o'clock and enjoy
the evening's program.
A snntewbat unusual incident hap.
penrd in the Commercial Class in the
Exeter high School Department, when
the teacher asked the pupils to cense
working ;or a few minutes on Friday
afternoon last. Miss Maud Taylor
carte forward and read an address,
signed by all the Commercial students
and the teneher to Miss Linda Hunter,
Of Winchelsea, who is leaving school,
The address, which was nicely- worded
and expressed the regret of all at Miss
Hunter's departure, was necontpanievl
hy a beautiful souvenir of our village.
The meeting held in the Town Hall
Thursday night for the purpose of die.
cussing mat ters pertaining to celebrat-
ing Victoria Day May 24) was not as
homely attendee( as the occasion mer-
ited. The chair was taken by Mr.
Hurdnn and C. 11. Sanders acted as
Secretary. After explaining the oh-
jeet of the meeting the matter was dis-
cussed at some length but owing to an
ilneertaintyof being able to procure
grounds the matter was left in the
ands of a committee to report in a
week's time. it is to be hoped (he eel.
t'hratinn will be brought to a success-
ful issue.
On Thursday last Mr. Eli Snell cut
down from the yard in front of his
house on lfuron street, n very rare
species of tree, the like of which we
have not before seen in this district.
in general build it did not differ touch
from many other common trees. its
peculiarity lay in the fact that from
trunk to topmost brar-ch it was cover-
ssi with a Mass of long, sharp bunches
of th.:rn. So thickly set were they
that It r•,is nlmo•t impossible for it
bird to light upon it with safely, anti
quite imp.isMble for an animal to climb
it. 11 i' 'horse;:t to he the Thorny
A ineetiog of the directors of
Stephen & ('sborue Agricultle
Society was held eit the !till,
House yesterday for the purpx.
tenting the grnugds; and other 1
tees in connection with the prop •-. ,i
repairs its connection therewith w
On Friday last whiie Thos, carting,
son of Mr. `V. J. Carling, was driving
the delivery- horse sornething trent
wrong with the rig, causing the hot se
to take fright awl rim away. Isom
escaped with a few slight injuries, but
the rig did not fare so well, the bleat
being broken and some parts of the
gear disarranged.
The farm belonging to the estate of
the late Benjamin fliggins,lot 13, con.
2, Ushtirne, was on Saturday sold lv
public auction to Mr. Richard Welsh,
who resides on the adjoining farm.
The price paid was $(E1(%t. A few hem -
died dollars spent on the buildings
would make this farm second to none
in the Province. 31r. John Gill was
the auctioneer.
The program and refreshment social
given in the Presbyterian church on
Friday evening last ruder the auspices
of the Christian Endeavor Society- le
aid of the Free Hospital for Consump-
tives at Gravenhuret, was very su
cessful in all except attendance. The
sinall attendance was it result of the
several public meetings in different in-
terests being held that evening.
The Evangelistic meetings which
have been so successfully conducted
by Rev. and Mra. McNair, of Hamil-
ton, in the James street Methodist
church, were brought to at close on
Tuesday evening. The meetings have
been largely attended throughout and
much good has been the result. Mr.
and Mrs. McNair left on Wednesday
for Inglewood where they will conduct
similar services.
For Sate.
A quantity of seed Grains—Black
Barley and Oats.
W. D. SANDERS, Exeter.
Baildivg for Sale.
The frame building on the old Suth-
erland -Innis property, containing sev-
eral thousand feet of lmber, will be
sold cheap.—JoioN GILLESPIE.
Flower and garden seeds—all kinds
sure growers -3 packages for 5 cents;
also all kinds of confectionery.
Charlton's Fair, Exeter.
Dr. Butler, London, will be at the
Central Hotel, Thursday, April 6th,
all day, for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
consultations. Eyes tested and glasses
Horsemen will be consulting their
hestinterests by getting their horse
bills printed at the Advocate Office.
A gdod class of cuts to select from and
prices right. Don't pass the Advocate
when in need of such.
Women's Institute
The Woman's institute will hold
their regular monthly meeting its the
reading room of the Town Hall, our
Friday, April 7th, at 3 o'clock. Sub.
jeets for discussion: House Cleaning
and inst'ct Pests. Dr. Antos is expect-
ed to give a talk on "The Uultnre of
Flowers." A full attendance is re-
quested as the seeds and bulbs pur-
chased by the Institute for the mem-
bx'rs will he distributed at the close of
the meeting.
Mrs. Wickwire, Mrs. llastings.
Pres. Sec'y.
Nicks Forecasts for April.
A regular Vulcan storm period ex-
tends front the 1101 to the kith. The
changes that go before the formation
and approach of cloudiness and storms
will appear to the eastward as we
enter this period, and later, say from
the 13th to 13th, rain with thunder
and st.)rminese will touch numerous
localities in their progress eastward
over the country. The Mercury dis-
turbance blending with that of Venus
at thin time, will almost surely pro-
long and intensify store conditions,
so that little or no intermission of set-
tled weather will follow this period
before the beginning of rt riot her.
Railway Meet Irk
A public meeting of those interest-
ed in the project of securing a branch
of the C. 1', 11. throuNit this district
eons held in the Town }fall, on Mon-
day afternoon. and notwithstanding
it wet and disagreeable day the at•
tendance was all that could be desired.
Representatives were present from
Crediton, 11'inchelsea, Kirk tort arid
other parts of the Townships of l's -
borne and Stephen. The tweeting was
called to order by 31r. T. B. Carling,
President of the Exeter Board of
Trade, and after explaining the object
of the meeting,a healthy discussion
of matter's pet tit ining to the proposed
road ensued, all being of the unani-
mous opinion attain() more worthy
project could be sought. The speak•
er•s were Mr. L. 11. Dickson, Itr, Rol-
lins, 31r. Shier, and Mr. Lay. of Kirk•
ton, Mr. Brown and Mr. 'hwicker, of
Creditor). Mr. J. G. Jones, Winchelsea,
31r•. T. 11. McCallum and others. it
was unanimously resolved that the
Townships of Stephen and l'shorne
be asked to fear n portion of the ex-
pense of seeming the charter for the
proposed road, the total cost Of
which is in the neighborhood of $1100;
the amount levied tor Exeter, Stephen,
and t'sls)rne being $2110. and Exeter
assuming 8100 of that amount. Stephen
and Usix)t•ne were therefore asked to
contribute $50 each. 'flee following
committees were appointed, to wnit
on the Stephen and t shortie C'onncils,
respectively, asking said Councils to
contribute the amounts above stilted,
viz: 1'slstrne Joan i)elhridge, E.
Shier, J. G. Jones; Stephen--('. Zwiek•
er, S. Brown and E. Young. The fol-
lowing general eonuuittees were eep-
pointed in Stephen, Exeter and Us -
borne. with Mr. E. Shier, as ('onven-
er, viz: Usborne — Jos. 1lswkins.
(Reeve), E. Shirr and .1. G. Jones;
F nater— W. G. Bisset( (Reeve), i. IL
Dickson and T. H. McCalluni:Mtephen
--S, Switzer, (Reeve), S. Brown anal
C. Zwieker. It wits resolved that Mr.
Wickwire, the Secretary of tate meet-
ing write the Sarnia Board of Trade
inviting the to confer with the differ-
ent committees, viz: S1. Marys. I's.
borne, F.xeter and Stephen. The
meeting broke up s}s,eit 4.11. The
route whieh the proposed toad) will
follow, is through sante of the (rest
territory in the Province and will
touch such pplitres as Linwood, Strat-
ford, St. Marye*. Kirk ton, Eliinville.
Exeter, ('rediton, Greentw•ay ,.nd Stir -
0 ia.
Mooney's Crackers are as
easy to digest as pure
and as nutritious as home-
made bread. Let the little
folk's supper be
Cream Sodas
and see how sound they sleep
and how plump and rosy
they �t
packages b
them to your
table as crisp
and inviting
as if fresh
from the
At your
Butcher Shop Chanted Reads.
Having purchased the butcher bus
ness of Mr. S. Hardy, I respectful)
solicit a continuance of patronag
from all the old customers and an
new ones who may feel inclined to f
vor me in that way.
Frank Wood.
Violet Leaves for Cancer.
A London (Eng.) dispatch said re
cently : "That a brew frmn viol*.
leaves is an effective cure for tante
may not he new in theory. but tw
actual cures are now reported. Muc
interest has been taken to a story tol
by Dr. Gordon, of Exeter, of a ata
who refused to be operated on for can
ter of the tongue. Then violet leave
were tried, the garden variety bein
found preferable to the wild violet
Every day he drank part of the tete
hot; the rest he used as a fomentation
That treatment has been continue(
since the beginning of November last
and now nothing remains but a tin
hard scar. On reading this story
woman. well-known socially, writes
telling an even more remarkable stor
of the cure of cancer of the liver h
violet leaves. Treated by a specialis
without avail. she grew ntot•ose an
worse till violet leaves were suggested
by a friend. Hopeless of ever !rein
cured she nevertheless tried it. Sh
took it wine glass of the decoctio►
several times at day, and also applies
cotton wool soaked in the hot liquor
over the seat of the cancer. Th
woman says she is now complete)
Millinery openings.
The usual Annual Millinery Open
logs marking the spring season was
held Friday and Saturday last at the
various millinery establishments
throughout town, and to say the least
the sight at each and all roust have
been aperfect dream of delight to the
hundreds of fair ones who visited the
show rooms. As the seasons come
around the ever -alert and wide-awake
business men of Exeter show their
enterprise by displays that are in
keeping with the occasion. It has
leen remarked before, and the state-
ment eitnnot be too often r'peated,
that in no town of equal size can there
be found as good an exhibit as is made
by Exeter merchants. The Spring
Millinery Openings this season are a
corroboration of this statement, as
ladies who had visited other places—
cities included—testified to the excel-
lence and superiority of the Show here.
The most noticeable feature in the
newest irnpnrt,►ti(ns is the profusion
miming of tr 111111nged at the backs of
the hats. Another feature of this
season's bat is the bandeau. Nearly
every new merlel has a bandeau, and
it may he placed at the back to accen-
tuate the tip -tilted brim, or at the side,
where the 'obit is either flared or fold-
ed over to meet the top of the crown,
while some of the daintiest creations
have a tiny bandeau in front or even
all around. The shape will take on
entirely different aspects by et clever
handling of the bandeau. Floral trim-
mings were never so beautiful, both
as to form end color, and almost every
bat of any in)portance is adorned with
some sort of flower or foliage. Roses
hold first place in the trimming of
smart headgear, and each season they
appear more attractive. Garlands of
miniature morning-glories, pansies in
pastel, and conventionalized pansies,
and the fluffy feathery thistles sug-
gest delightful effects in the adorn•
insist of Spring and Summer headgear.
One of the picturesque hats of the sea -
is the Corday in hroderie anglaise.
Ribbon or flowers form the trimming.
The newest turban in perfectly round,
with the edge of the rolled -up brim
meeting the crown edge.
Miss Olive Treble is in Landon for
a few days.
Allen Myers left for London Tues -
(lay evening.
Miss L. Robinson is visiting friends
in Ailsa ( raig.
Additional !,Deals on 4th page
Clairvoyant -Psychic Medical
Examination Fres,
liy DR. K. F. BUTTE)IFIF.LD, of
Syracuse, N.Y. Believing in rlairvoy.
ante or not, there is nn gainsayqing the
fart that the doctor can explain the
source and canoe of your disease either
mental or physical and has restored to
health aril happiness many helpless
invalids all their lives. Send lock of
hair, name, age and stamp to
I)11. E. F. B1'TTER FI ELD,
Shall not FAIL if you
buy your Seeds at
YOUwant to spend your money
where it will do the most
good—Don't You?
Being a progressive person and a
shrewd buyer you are always looking tee-
the best bargains --Aren't You?
Therefore you would he willing to
deal with us if you knew we would give
you the best for the least money—Would-
n't You?
\Nell then have us deliver to your
, home some of our new furniture at prices
that will Convince You?
Here are Some of Them:
Sideboards in golden maple, double shaped top, 14x24 mirror, as low as
Bedroom Suite, 3 piece Golden or Mahogany, 30 in. dresser, J0X2H brrel
plate mirror $12,(1(1
Pallor Suite, 5 pieces. upholstered in best velours $18.00
Couches, uph. in velours, 0 ft. 2 in. long, 23 in. wide, fringe all around, $1.50
Sice. 00
Carpets Linoleums
New Spring House Furnishings.
Splendid Values in Brussels, Tapestries, 1V, ons. Inion-. Stluat•e
Rugs, Etc.
In both F1ut•ial and Block Patterns. Elegant stock, and we re
commend these goods for the excellence of fluid), beauty of design
We make a specialty of Lace Curtains and have now in stoak an
irnruence quantity from 50 cents to $5.00 a pair.
Curtain nets, Art Muslins, Art Sateens, etc. New patterns, pretty
colorings, single and double widths.
Our stock is now in splendid shape for spring business. If you
have not already visited this department it will pay you to call at
once and see what we are doing in WALL PAPE IIS.
Everybody welcomed at the Busy Store whether intending to purchase or not.
Headquarters for the celebrated 1V. E. Sanford ready-to•wcar clothing.
Lace Curtains Wall Papers
Now is the time to buy
Call and see our $5.00 Velour Couch, and
our $20.00 Parlor Suite,
Funeral Director Embalmer
sone Door South of Spackntan's Store.)
Syracuse, N. Y.
General Merchants, Exeter