HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-04-06, Page 7A SOCIALIST COUNTESS IIFAU Of REALM NF CESSARY. • HADA "HORSE WEDDING" I'hl•f'Many colored 44ltawls, 14141. and shit.• ribbons, scarlet cloaks, In this county the Ki'g is not— =skins of all dyes. were forgotten in too An teget. and wbether mit. calls THE RADICAL PROGRAMME OF the heat) of iIi• State hint; or Pr•si THE ROMANTIC MARRIAGE OF the one great object of being with LADY WARWICK. dent, it seems to Ole that a first per- GWENDOLAN EVANS. sew.bon in the rralin is u.re$sary, and. Land Nationalisation, Abolition pr0vl,,eli tllu• w.• have a st r•„rig A Welsh Heiress Who Insisted on of House of Lords, Chur.:h Labe] party, strong enough to con- Reviving an Ancient • Disestablishment. trot Parliament and reform our clue- Custom. "0' li 1 were a multi-uiilliuuuire 1 I Loral conditions, that it would be difficult to de would (pend every penny on the `•o vise a better yst••ul So - than n strictly limittel ineti:u•chv the 1•ride. All the countryside wits out to bee. shouting, thecae'; and frightening the horses. "There was a wile or so of turnpike road before they reached the rhurch, ho that the steeplechase t;wt•ndolau Evans, a Welsh heiress, enheMI in reputed to have a fortune in her own A FAIT{ 1tA('F:. tialibl movement.” said the l'o+nn Anyhow, this is not a practical dues, right of LIS41,WU 4901 1,1 pa • tin „Wotan Evan,' and her mete toss of 1\'Artw!ck when asked about Minn •now. and in every other •IMail Married a few weeks ago to Lieut. sUaLled on in advance, but. bring her cun%ersiu' to socialism. I 1 pato a Socialist. (h1111,I 1:wersihani. nI one of the have quite giteu up what we describe I.v risible to all, were mora easily as s,1cn t3, and ani Juin • all 1 can I •'1 have quite given up what we ltuvu1 11'eIsh I•'usilier regiments. =•,,ached by the party of the bride - bdesx•cibe as society. Society is di- a horse wr•!rling, and the Weddins; is , grove'. ilo was the first to conte in a quiet way to assist the tiucirtl ;Ix=41('14 Into 1 wo purls, those who the sensation of the veer• i,p with thew, and then he 'en a est ca:tse. f hors and these who ore burwl. I there R.ts no rensu)1 why ':won(ler tuwnv fur the hrdcie. The lover Yes, 1 An. a Socialist." I.udv have always tried not to belong to I Ian 1;1011141 out halve umrricel the tried tm tete• her from her pillion; N'arwticl: euntinuetl. "Phis is "O1 the first section. and have 411401(41 lieuten.tnt. She was ars orphan an" .h.• ,liar; to her uncle, who held her the result of any recent or su,l.h•n i 01 age. Young la('rsham was ell -1.114: the horses pranced or reared. toIversgon. 1'ur-evera.1 year4 ,Iv not to helung to the second. scnp•ahie•• lsten sate la, with the Soul- . 1IOW SI11' AIDS'TIF "CAt151'.' ; gibe(' in every and not a it. y 'ay trr,•l th• dangerous game lasted men Mist, = tune bunter, fur his parent+ o''' the ht'ideg ,',erlll Cle'ct gained pusses- Misl, that is, with the real ;ahoe • "(►n. the other hand, 1 ant doing all I wve4ithy. 'I'htw, fro, hail luv.•t1 each 11..14 of his bride and placed her on par 1e in Eng tared ding oleo -in tvh\ I can in u quiet way to assist the 001,111.1 01.•, tlecutedly fur then• veal.. and 1 ani n.sistin • that nal t as much `.t c ialist (',lose. 1'or inst.uaee, / his utwa burse, g, y (:wrudutan'y g uurdiau. her uned, and \Ienuwhile the other purees tore as Pecan is that. I do not think ei- have taken x flat in Victoria etre e. Er,rsh:uu's parents approt•.d the sits, that their 1=4(11 might "be there thee .,f the great political pallier, in airs. Itridgeb Adams, for six ',(845 malt h. to sec." and in the melee. not e•:en I Enelan.l. Liberal or CImserv.tti•..•. ,_ the only 1.alor t•ei•resentutice on the The sensalioti in the !,ramitis;• dl emeriti h enough to filet her :1: • t ti I.t n•lo s :('bout Hoard, is nl%t'a. s the firm scut of the W n •tlwxys h in l'%4.• was in the cere'IOay ill- spectators then, from a downfall,. Tho terests of labor unless it be forced there. and I call nearly every 'lay. 1.•ntling it, for (1 e, lolnu insistod ons to du so by the presence of a strong 'l'hcre, earnest workers of the various haw=. "horse w•e(klin spectators laughed i e1 shouted while and uuittd l.n)ur ort in the House sections of the real Lubin- and f ° b they righted th0,asclwcs, wed timid party b 1 No ole in London so•'Irtt , • .w of l'enelions, and 1 hope that eyet11)( Socialist tnw•eutent in England fro- ' what a "burse '•veddin •• %.‘.1ns. • an.l a label of Hulse the bridegroom ally the Lal•o1 party will so cotntro! (pettily gather in homely fish;6slatted again with his bride and the 1 1 when the rune began 10 cl,n. !I:W it; rate recommenced. The equestrian the (louse of ('ou,rtuns as t0 be able atm talk over questions bearing 1)P-'lottr4 nail cou.ty houses that 4'•%ten- to place the eco:u'iics of this Colin- on the welfare of the people. tt.t.r.1111 l was over, but the c:,urclt ! omen (Anus Was to be married at try on a very different footing. •'01 coo1s14 there are 'lacy ,e,I,1,, had still to be reached. who give dinners and ni•lvLI lv en a "burse tet ddin4;" there were merhe arrival of the troop at the eli- I'ItI Vic'e's LIREItAL VICTORY. certain little gAsps of us(onishurer' (age brought all the iuhnlritnnts to tesLein politicians. but this is net among maids and matrons. '}'ho' "There is little doubt that at the the same thing as our informal• the front. It might be s1 i'id• e;'1 words "hor54c tvr4ding" suggested a `111111 the spirit of horses and riders next general election the liberals galhe.•;1)g.. Sometimes Sir John weird ceremony in A gypsy caste by , g• p was tired out by this time. t n the Will win all along the line, but it is Gorst or Winston Churchill. er boot( the light of smoking lurches. with 0ont•aiy, it was ever sharpest at equally probable that the Liberal politician not identified with the So-(a„shy faced middens and sweet to, sight of the goal. It they had flag - forests in oleic( will not Provo any c;abst propngnntila, comes in 10 join faced men dencing on the greensward (041 it little after the excitenunt. 1)t ore progressive, in fact, possibly in tha collversat('rn' to the will' music of the lluug;ui•t'n the cnptu+d• of the bride, they arous- ss so, than the Conservative party The conference which way held at forests. ed the:uselv,s at the prospect of the j me bcen. It was with a view to the Guildhall in the City of London Not for a hundred years 118(1 a r giving what little assistance I can the other day is symptomatic of the parson. The chances were that the horse wedding Seen celebrated in road) hull been ('limy. It did not . that I became a member of the So- progress who -h we are making-. •rust• Wales and it was not celebstrenrate( therto cial Democratic Federation a few thine. of it! The .meet ing was cunven- crake any difference. On they came fore, Iliac society people were be- best altered by mud or besurothered months ago.” ell by the London I'racic8 Council. nildere(I by the invitations to go to 1► dust. Itride amt bridegroom, At the Socialist Congress, at Am- the Pat•lian.entary Committee of the y 6 bt4.rdant, Lady Warwick had the op- Trades Gni.,n Congress, and the (:wendolan•s country seat in Waley uncle, tailor, or hest man, brides- poi tunity of meeting delegates from Social De'nocratic t'eileration, yet to witness the ceremony. maids, mother, sisters, lit -others, every part of the world.. •"rhere the Lund alayor opened the meeting WED '1'O WJ;LS11 TitAhrrh)NS. friends, over a hunrlreel horses, all was quite a dramatic interest," she an 1 the chairman was a leading (.'on- The nalion,il spirit was strong in {welted into the town haphazard. Pat - remarked. "in the fact that the open- serwative. Years ago the notion of the breast, of John (:vans. ile would tering, clattering, whip arni extend- ing resolution was moved by a Itis- the children who attend State have noise hot Welsh tenants 00 his e41, colt tails, shawls. petticoats, 'den and seconded by a .1apauese. Who/its bein fell 1>.y the Stat,. -wits lands unci in his villages. lIe en- ribhors floating. Hurrahs 8'41 W41'." The Russian spoke in french, and thosight to be dreadfully Socialis- ('0uragecl his tenants to ke,'p alive Inc of bats, peals of laughter, re the Japanese in perfect English. tie, 3t t now the notion has the sup Welsh traditions. li:iuns, We lsil ants=(', Welsh marks on personal appearance. hnrk- Rh.n the resolution was put and port of some t.unsurtatite stales- costumes. IWrlsh orsmoics. ing of dogs, screaming of babies. cat ries), they boll grasped hands." men. Gwendolen Evans was old .John ser. eth:ng of small boys: such n hul- l( was soon after the meeting that tans' only child and she inherited Iahnloo hasn't been heard in Wales '1< g SII1: WOULD SPI:Nh 'MILLIONS, ' Laity Warwick bent in an Application Evans' wealth, as well as his national for a Misdeed Years. for membership to the Social (lento- "What would Ido 11 I were a spirit. She lived part of the sea .1A('f:S AND .1ILL.S. crut1.' Federation which was readily multi -millionaire? I would spend son in 1'n3land, of coursxt, where she Fluidly Li4.ut, l:vershann, with his granted. every }teeny on the Socialist move was•a petted guest in the great hoes- bride sealed on the Pillion of his It PEEDTlil•: CIIILDREN, trent. For one thing, i should like es in toilet's/tit square and other raring Ilona., dashed into the village to see the Socialists in possession of g►•cat fashionable thoroughfares of "In any scheme of social reform," and threw up at the village inn, The a big institute, with a hall large Lriodon. She tens itnite4l to most . Lady 'Warwick said, "it seem9 to oto bride And her bridesmaids- smoothed ('r.ough to accommodate many thou- of the ~rent hwtse parties in the 1heir ruffled arments before the u must begin with the children.! e ghat scandfl In 1?salmis of people. country.nglnnd is that '•'\t, tic ,resent moment, those who looking; glosses; the bridegroom and Idle we give theta free education, I \Then she promised to nusr;v Lieut. his men rofresiuvl themselves with the chdldren are forced to the schools aro interested in (he labor qu('sti on Gr,J Griffith 1:vershnm she wily 9tipulnt- have to meet almost anyhow 411141(Irxttt. of ale. Before half past ed that they st Ill have a "horse 11 &cluck, n procession was formed, everywhere. I would have it as 8 Wedding;." 1•:vershuin consented read- mcotin • taco for inhor• Hien of sill The lovers preceded, arm in arm; 1, P read- ily enough, fir didn't know what u a,ver.y ,Inc!: chose his Jill and follow - countries, with the rooms containing ••hors•.• wedding" was like. but he ed. all recent publications, lecture Sails have goer through any kind Illushif.g;, tiltrring;, coquet ttug, And rooms for private cunwrrsation• of a Cereunri1y 10 Will ow•011(101nn "In Ili. second Auer. I would start they took their way to the church 1 feenn�• 31) pairs 1'hc• old people nn41 rhil- n netcspapm•, which should not bo C:Wcndo)on issued rho invitations, ilren (0110 wed less reg;ulnrly. The sublcet• to the changing moods of and, nuied by her uncle. took charge London guests joined the string who cranks and faddist s, hot should be of all the preliminary auraulgenn'1nls. rue on absolutely Socialislic lines, The 1\,•Ish tenants, who entered. had "t joined the race. and at good- will' u etq•itul which would make itIv string it was. Shopkeepers were heart and sou; inter the spirit of the at their doors, their wives in the impossible (1)r those cnnnect.41 with affair, wore drilled iii the parts they windows. spectators eveIywhere. it to be templed from their nllcgi- Wer,, to pixy in •the "burse wedding." ,I,•sls flow and kindly feeling prerail- ance by any capitalist whatsoever. The guests arrived from London- I'hc Icmninder of the fortune Icd. =bore( weir several, too, from l'nr1A• rho ceremony was duly performed would spend in every way that wooed and even from Home -and everyone be likely to result in labor 111811 o1) was 00 tiptoe of excitement, for no in tie 1).d parish church land there one had an ini'1}ne of the surmise in twos 110 doubt al t the wedding;. All those valiant hot•se nen and horse- st ore for them. weinen certified it and sretie, he41141 1(111'MKh INVl'I'A'I'I(INS. the Gordian knot. As there were no iut•ilatioi,s Were x.•111 to faro,- easy dicer(( scissors in those days to Meads foul dwelling 1 ses •111 the cut it, they remit:lien noun and wife Evans estate. whet her tenanted by bel=l dearth separalen them. The gentle or simple. An old man of young met• anti maidens took the bard:(' (1eseenl was chosen ns the 1)1iwileee of n :.Irv, nothing loath, bearer. ile carrion it1 his hand 41 ani after. the Ityp•' signing the pro - stall, eteered with ninny (4014)((1 rib- cession reformed. bores. Which he planted on the EN 111 N(: 01."11 I le CI:It1:Mt►N1'. threshold of each house as Ire Ile - live, Ili' (til from the loan 4111s less e;l his message. This w'114 in reTil.41' than the the t The noleas rhyme, Ile =141411 as the inmates to nui,rie•l link' and their immediate to have filets crammed into thein heads. while what many of them 111091 need is something to eat. "It may he said that the remedy fur this state of thinga is a costly one. but even from that point of view is it not better that the chil- dreu 51 141 be fed so .that they be- } ('0me ellicient than that they should he starved and weakened at the very beginning, with 1he result. that ! 11u•wgh poor physique and cons(, gnent inell1ciene;v they eventually 1 come upon the rates and odd to the Ivast number of those who are with- out a knowledge of a skilh.•11 trade, I and are, in s • cases, unemployed) • because they are not worth employ - tailing s tits 11) i'tulinment. The ing'' It is not only the better more thoroughly the Rouse of Coin- coursebol may prove h► he the Mons is democratized the hotter it cheaper course to provide nd04prate !will be for the country. 11'e shall lv for the child, ,it order that the never have the children of the people free anti educated so long as the middle and upper classes and Con- servative and Liberal parties havo •'Next in importance. f think, the things al their own way, i:nglish lurid law's should be radical-' "1 41111 hoping that we may see a Iv altered. 11 is not surprieing that revival o: Socialist s.•ntimeet • g there if, a largo Hud increasing exo- the young leen of Oxford and Cn,ut- dus from the c try to the towns bridge. and, indeed, in all the unlver- when you consider that tho lana, 1sities throughout the world." owners .4.1y unable to cope with the In reply to a question, Lady 1Wnr- reseponsibilflice of their est41(4, in- cluding the proper housing of their t. moats, who. in most instances. are ft 1V011 no terms upon which they can ?alit="( num land for Ihe".,•lw,'s, Ili n•nn% instances the auricult111(1 !ab - woe M.,•: to 1)r int; his water froni a d1trh. because (here is 110 proper Alger supply. i am n large Lout ov her Myself, but i cannot afford to pay the mends :,f pounds to have wells %.nik 01) 111y property. Yet this matter of venter supply ought to be wick Rouse, which slnnds within the rou,pilso'w• shlir'ow of St. •Indies' i'alace. if "All these 1))4)4? re nerd proper ad- anything so piquantly roman! le had bili, '1)t. Up to the present fere been (1 1t with in n 110wel, would people of this e,nrnt•y havo sub- not th•• reviewers of (rooks he Justi- mitted ie the tamest fashion to the fell in nllndingr to end' a sit,nti,, adult may be nide to take care of h11)1'elf. %%1 1,LU AI:1'F:It LAND LAWS. wick said "Lord Warwick does not go so far as i do in nay opinions up- on labor questions, but he helps 1110 in (•1, Iw p04sible W 1)y." it s.'onrcd strange to hear this benut ifrt: descendant of proud n01)104, mistress of Warwick ('nslle, War- wickshire'. and of Easton Lodge, Es- sex, herself the owner of 2:4,0410 acres in Conservative England. declare her- self a Socialist. The interview took Place in her i.ondon residence, War - the ned•ling ,n verses, which he sang, friends, rode olT sten(IiIy cnmugh and Intoned. or cr d, tucoding to the Were 144.4.1('(1 ns they Well.. The 44ridu insplretlon of the moment. Every 1/11 Shed behold her groom+aid had 0841111 of the cetnte wase ' 1,1 't to to boar the brunt of Jukes and jibes attend th,• wedding:a 1111(1 1,1 the The rest follow'ed nt leisure, teals '•case •,•.' as (:w.'4(111un still nllrrl her Inn: ni' vent borne. great 10.1 .u'.and even horses were exchanged. Po- , titIOns of air made the 111(.11 frisky tions weer outdo to entertain th• and fe4•414 of corn enlivened 1114. hors - entire Hefei)! orhood with Wel )f cs, rhe ii.h•rs were riotous And songs, games and feasts' their steeds 4.rrk,••I end flonldored. s0 These native poets, Who n few cellthe, whip nt.rl stick were in request., furies earlier would have been called But '111 maim get! In reach 'heir re - "horde," and were then styled "see!, strrt!vr honnw. outs," placed 0heinselw'es 01) either 'That ('%(l)ingr the guOrtA returned to ride of the clotted door. 'Mere they 1.011(101) 14„.41 glom. l':vershn11 Ind his 1 egan !heir lyric measures. 'I'heY bri.le started for the Continent to 3'turret out praises of the bride 4111(1 (•IIdov 11.11• honeymoon. both salisfi/el her family. 111%0441 her 1,+rth. (Ir tint the.' hod hall the „lost yensn- rur•,dval. do (his parliceinr, of the as outside the range of probnbll}tie.? .s•'I•ihed the lonely of the morning, old (viola' system. 1t Is quite terve !!then exIeulporieed by 1erns until 1hit' these greet feudal properties —...--+ It heir subject and the•Ir rhylhnllcn: weer hlo1.rn up. 1 =ome=n( that the ,powers WOre exhuust141. 81.01:11.01 01 the corn lime should FOUND 01:1LTV. t AL Inst the 01 unclosed and have been followed by the abolition ,\ llarrister, with n lung; experienco'Cwendolnn Penne. the bride. .tppettr- ► of land monopoly. 1 should g_iv' the of Irish juries, telle the following led, trembling and blushing, nc('unl- tee l ton of bind tallow, whet her in amusing stnr3 as illustrating their 1',finite! by her uncle. Noisy eongrn- • 1011, or com•try, second pare .11 it y eecentri:•itice. tWag Ione followed, 'ten I programme. :\ mon was rl'nrg4.d with comnitt_ those of Chine and .Japan, not, 'rill' `+\\irrmsT !must.: ITALIAN RAILWAY STRIKE EMPLOYEES ARE ALTOGETHER TOO FAITHFUL. Careful Observation of Rules Re- sults in Paralyzing the Service. LDADIND MARKETS U, 'I'l'FF Turontu, April A1lS4,-W'he'S.t-t th4tatilt -Nu. 2 red and white weevil et: $1.04; spring, 117e, and goose, 9tlps Manitoba -No. 1 northern. 4+00 td 011e; No. 2, t154c to t)tic; Nu. 1, &us Serious inconvenience and loss havo to 90e. already been ('411154(4 by a novel and Flour -tit per real. patents, 14.30 ingeeluus forint of striker -which 141 =4.511, buffers' sacks, east and threatens to legume general -of ttteet; 1 5c to 20c higher for A►c.icu. Italian railway employes. 1n 1t10:1 llfauit01)tt. $5,50 to $5,70 fur r=est= the railway trades unions sent to the Potents, 15.10 to 15.40 fur sooend Ooveinluent an address, in which (latents, and $5 to $5,3() for bakers.' they pot it 10neel for the removal of M111fexa! -t'ont roues 1$411('0 at $15 tar1uus 441111anc,•o, the r ly the Ar- to $15.50 fol• br4144 in 1)1)11., $17 to bitrare ueuu''r in nhich prunmtiuil9 $17.541 fur shorts fur cur lots cast veru u.ttelc. extra pnyuu•nt given, and west: �1a'dluba, 1241 fur to and u►en transferred fru'" Due: 111113e and $11:4 r un. l(nrley'-lricfuBrto 47t for No. 2 -Ito to another. to l5c for No. a extra, and 4:Ic for 1'ho l:uvutnmeti answered by ing t o 3 malting outside, 'I'uruuto.r ntedinoly enlisting; all the disatiectecl freights b men liable to military service. Ills- I It, o-Nlival; 7 114 to 7214 ter Nps ('0114141)1 '41445 44(14)1 gCaerat Anlo'gr the , • railway run ..oyes since that time, 2 f.u.b. outsldo, 1441(! th.;v are now' bringing; nrut1.n•s ± l'°r1)-('anudian Iirut• •1 f14 to XI'd for yellow' urd 44ic to 4714 fur mixed to a h,ad• f,o.b, l'hathain _ire's, lite; Aulericau 1'end;ng the parliamentary discos- • eusior Nu;i �'ellu%v, 5bjc to :,d;c s=on ,1t the scheme of I••organteati..n mixc4l ir,ic to .154c on track Tor - by the State --which involves the fel- unto. fitment of a pI'0':.i-, to raise the Outs-1:„Limo „ed;, 410(' to Ile for salaries of the rail .i. etltffs by 11 it No. ).__.°333.s.331°; 4214 ut low freights. aggrc_ate of $1,8011,11..0 -the men lul818-$4.fu13..barrfur ls L%les ckof aro Cl.'rying out to the letter the bags and 11.1;0 ' eo' tra nn,neruus 10111 sllpert:11o11s rl'galati0115 here; 25c noire for broken lots hero of the ruilway companies. utxl •1014 uutsido. \II:N i'OO CAltla•'lll.. Peas -67e to 68c for No. 2 wet 'These forni•tli ties are cunrerlt„O ind oabt. with the departure and arrival .>f Jluckwheut-Stec to 59c east and Ir:gins, the nvplber of carriages and west• their cleaning and lighting. the con- CUUN'I'f{1' 1'1{()UIJCE, clition of the engines and the quan- tity of water and coal which each 14utter-Is fo1rty' steady, with a man eal•ry. Hitherto overlooked, the t=rot tone. scrupulous observance of those regu- lar iu,,s w ith the deliberate object of retardiltg the movements of trails hos the effect of practically paralyz- ing all train. . It is amusing to s. ' the Wren hard at work nclghing every ounce of Creamery, prints do solids • Dairy. tub:;, medium (10 inferior 2.)c to 26c 23c 24c 17c 1 8c 15c llic dairy, 111. rolls, good to choice 22e 23e du large rolls ..20c 22c du medium ...1 8c 19c coal, measuring the water to be Cheese -The market continues to taken, and brushing the scats of the hold a time tone, and is quoted un- cerriages with unaccustomed) verse - changed at 1 t. is for largo and I l is verance. for twins in Joh lots here. This form of passive resistance bo- p gl -Prices are steady at ITe. Ho- gan in Rome. and was attended with ceipts are fair, while the demand is complete success from the strikers' active. point of view. Many trains were Potatoes -Ontario, 65c to 70c on stopped altogether, while all others were many hours late. Similar tac- tics have been 8(108(ed at Genoa, track, end 75c to 800 out of store. F.a,teru, 70c to 75c on track and 85e to 90c oat of store. Milan, I'isn, Florence and Naples. Baled liar' -No. 1 tiu,othe, 88 per and will probably extend over 'he tin,, and nixed or clover, 1.6.75 to whole of Italy. $7 for car lots on track here. One immediate result of the agita- Haled Straw -holds fairly steady tion is the decrease of visitors to at $i; Per tun fur car lots on truck hero. ]IONTI{Inl. JiAI(KFTS, Italy. The Home hotelkecperssea- s0r. Will be spoilt. and trade gener- ally will sutler considerably. The Government is now at work Montreal, April 4. -No. :l western devising measures to allay the agi- inspected outs are offering; at 421c tntion. Meanwhile the garrisons In on track. No. 2 outs are sold at all the largo towns are being rein- 45)c store, and Nu. 3 at •144c to forced. 45e. No. 3 hat•lev Is quoted at 1411181 ♦---_- to 49c afloat Montreal. May leas are quoted at 149(' lower freights. and barley at 500 low Now l'ur'k. flour-aluuitoba strung bakers', $5,311 10 $s.:,11, 1111(1 patents, 85.80 RUSSIAN POLICE GUILTY OF to 15.80; (math) straight rollet•s in HORRIBLE BRUTALITY. hags, $2.50 te, S2.55; In barrels, 85.- :45 to 15.45; patents, 55.70 to 15. - Scenes Dut•ing a Strike at Kursk 8o, -Boys and Girls Kicked lililife•1-•Manitoba bran in bags, to Death. 11g to 119 per ton; shorts, 520 to $21; very little Ontario feed to be Ilea ren41rling; accounts of awupieces aur about RI per brutalitrty towards children have bcfenl 111,11:11,1)1:11111.1.1r then Manitoba. r(ceiwed in rlin, (eruiany, fruit' are easier. at 1t) to Hestia. 'I'hesc Iteueconnts twoul(1 be $9.25 for No. 1, $8 to 18.25 for regarded as incredible were they not N0, 2, and 17 to $7.50 for ahippiug vouched for by I(nssien papers of hye such standing as the Ittisskija Vje- Beaus -Choice p: hues, $1.40 to /L- (101)140:1 1. 1,_(10n►us11. 45 per bushel, 81.25 to $1.27 In car On Feb. 11 the schoolboys of 10(9. Kursk resolved to st•iko. and on the Provisions--iI,'4'w Canadian short next day n procession of themade cut pork, 5114.5(( to $17.50; light n torn' of the principal streets, and short cut, 8114.510 to $17; .lJiericaul were augmented from the chief edit- cut clear fat hack, $241: compound (at1oned eslnblishi,,'nls of the city. lard, 6;c to 7te Canadian 1nrd, 04c The bt,ikers Well, accompanied to Tic: ket11e renlered, 0)e tm 9ye. throughout hy' the police, who did nceurding to qualify; hums, 1214 to not interfere, even when the Boys broke the sellout) • windows, and played other 'chriolbov pranks. Sud-dressedtleuly. hlrwecvr, on nn app Ire( country dressed at 88.'25 to 88.50. signal. the pol=e( and ther=e creatures('bees(-Ontario fu11 Whitt. and col - fell os the school children, who had oral, 1 1 lc to 12c. cnll.r•ted on a large, open space, Eggs -Montreal limed nominal. hone all si'h•s, the former with their 17c to Inc, and new laid. 104c to swords. the little: with their fists. 1Pc. ilutter--finest creamery, 30e; IIiIAGG1:1) lt' Till: 11 AIR. ch,1ice fall and hinter make, 26c to MASSACRE OF INNOCENTS 1:114; bacon, 13c; fresh killed abattoir hug., 10.25; heavy bit sown, 85.15 to $5.35; select, 111.75 off cars; Mows were rain el on children's 28e; e.ro ern dairy, 22C; roll butler, bevels end fares. Any boy or girl 2214' to ''-:k. h.. f.•11 Wits dragged up 1y the hair, -- win, then thrown down again and 111 I ('ALO I1:\RK1:'r, kicked wt•itl' the heavily -booted feet IlutTalo, April 4, -1 -lour --Quiet. 011 1 their )utchers. Wheat-8prin( dull; No. 1 Norther(, In m.►e case n watchman 1(=1('41 an car -loads, $1.14 j: Winter weak; No. 11 -gent -old boy. - Ile struck him to :1 reel, 8E1 3. Corn -Quiet; No. 2 the grourrl, and heat his head on the y111oW, 5:4c;'NO. 3 corn, 51;c. Oats stone pavement. -1'111,1; N.•. 2 white, 8)4c; No. 2 1'scI,s' from the ruffians there was mixed, :t:tic Ilariee•-Western, in tionnl we.:11m,e known in the kingdom none, for police and watchmen hail et0re, 45 to 52e. lty'er-\o, 1 offered for a cent y, 104•11 posted with knouts to drive at !45c. bock nnY 181101are who attempted to , -- flee. ('A'1"I'I.1: MAHICEI'. One alt( railway oflicinl said (111)1 'I'oren•o, April t. -Run to -day. Ili on the news reaching hire early in cats, with 1.205 11180 0; rattle. 2(18 the afternoon of the children being sheep end boobs, 1,400 hogs, and The tea &others of Austt'af44 rival flog•( (• 1. he and other fathers went 100 ('411.(44. to the scene of the tumult and there Export--alarhe( lime 1)t 11.85 to saw” many children. 111, 11 and 12 /5.12',: eon S:1.50 to :SI; export l%Il:K (►1.14 "l'I:A. Mg a 'nlyderot4 n..rnult upon an- ; however. in the (nat=ty, but in the 1 tt.tnrv:u. , 0".tnw(t 5 UflGl:h• was chosen. The uncle mounted. tee quantity. consumed. Thr Wren, years old. with their Parrs streaming bull,. x14._15 to $1,110. other es a reser of some political i ` Hut 1 confess lint 1 and 'holly dirTerenees, Nide wart lifted en the pillion 1•e ,epecinllw' drip' the beverage in with blood, and their hair torn out. Butch •rs-Itnrket firm. choice pick - in ng;:(eluent with n1I the details of The assault hatingc been committed, him.. hire The bridal burly :.'dow•- large gwtlllitb.•, and all day Tung, while thou) on the• ground were being tel butchers, 21.40 to $1.60, the Inl.- th.• pn•ogra1),ne put forth !y the at night there appeared to be some ed. 1e111111)1 Ing of Iio'n, women rind ' anti 1)t a slreng;•11 which would make cruelly klekorl." ter woe! I4'rugh for light. (sport; No, •:i0 Ih•mocrntir Federal ion here, oillMlrlty l'4 itlentil3Os.; the usotulam , e'hi:dren. 1hoy vial 1er.4i thrua>{Ii the the queue of u tea drinking; China- 1(11: ('1111•;1' (1F ('01.1('1:, g(n411 butrhees. $4 to $1.25. 11. 1.1.1 ng ns it dors cl('nurcrnti'at100 nal, ns n matter ..t fort, the counsel •urd. and from hfly to ,r hundred non curl. On Sun0lity running; the Short -keep E.ed•r,l--1'e:y good do- ll.? 111, 4owernn eat machinery, ahuil_ fur the defence 1)tn(e out an etc,•llent ,hot'res galloped after the bride. • ten drinker starts With a cleanThe chief of pollee. ('ol. Welk. woe ' f pot n shrctnto: of the: butchery, and to menet end market firm 1)t =4,40 to 1 ie.i .•f the 11,1,1.) of Lords, , (1ult (nee for the p1) isuner•, calling a it ties- On some neighboring hilltop, and and n clean record. 'I he pot is 1 g $1 iu,. some cis -tonne tele) Implored hits to Itnrket steady, AL $:{.2li .otTec,egre, wchi'h would give the waste ds to testify That he tins nowhere 1)t (bout the ennu• tin,(. the bribe- Mel' the Iter. with 1'. y11t11C1eNlCy of 50. k,••.--. us0 hie authority to stop the nine- t:t • f 10 al hrespn•rtite of 41.4 011 the lar- near the spot where the assault funk gr. Hud n-imilnr eo,'rprnny left water in it for the day's brei, and to ,0. Is , 1 ciui•enruhi) and not of 'r,1 , rt pbuc on the night in question.ynrre he molly repliwl: "f:entlelnen, I I i ^ y: ti I his ohm le. he r=el=ax 111) test hu .e when this is Milled he pours into Voir kaon I am n pefrenhlc mon. nail Sh e;1 nn41 LambA- alarkct firm; n',.1'ion of n11 in 'jowl 104at1(m, I':ver3body (onerrne,l f,lle expected 1hu1 he could eonunnnd. it ,•nun;h ,1f the fragrant herb t0 proal•.• to seemly. Export ewes', $4- fr.r .nn intenlu:cr for all attending that the jur3 would hi tee in n ver-: 'Then Le4.m, the race for the bride. Iprodue n deep coney colored liquid. t'nnnnt help." 75 le ::e ..1, bucks. $110 to $4.2.1' Ig g. ell. nllw hr:fewr4l that the `tale .,hoots, &milt ion of :shoot .diel of ary ►ittal, yet to the g (iteral' Cwendolan Evens (tel her uncle v.e re I Op Monday. without removing vel.- nutrn •e was 0rg;nnized by the policy, Innihs. $01.,75 to $7.:4:1; Irarnyartl tate-. n:ltienalieation of the Land nstuni:<hne•nt the f,n•.•nu►n nneonne.•'1 eve' foremeet. the brideg;ruon 11111 te•rdev's feu hates, he r•e•pents the Inmhs. $:i.5(► to $It.5t4, doll; spring with ., et oil of In►+nr on c1) -operation th.it the 3•risoner had bcen f'•.tnd his party behind, but al: rode as if proc,s' on 'I'uesdnY (h1) slim): Like.' nail that 1t could haws 118en Mop- innlls, R1 to $R each. ginIt3. "lt•1t, he 41(111.41, °beer% ing relies. for their livers. II was a wise on Wednesday, and so on the general consternati,.n created by so„e. ,ue4 „old „•' pnstino 5 - through 1h.' week. 'Toward the close his statement. "not 4111113 of thi• Col;.,t, four oe lite abreast, some- f the sr%'rn days the pot is lillt•1 ns'ennit, hie lord. Thi -it' the 1pa1 100.9 hioldlod tope.lher by th.' •lures owith en acrid mash o1 len leaves, 1rn? peen who stole ilda(13 Ilr('nrth$''8 pig ,,,. score. sometimes single. they goal- of Whuh the tea is 9(31114141(41 by the of th;,(�r. land We [„in11 him guilty loped on. 'There wan no time for power' er n tin cup. ply this time luvema1.inc er gossip 'Their hearts the 1••,, le the ceior of rust iron, 1 r 1.., furl}' -e ieht hours ,t week i to a rh nmeinlIll hours of labor for all trades and the rlie-establish- n,.n! and cn(lownenl 0f all State rho, eh. s. 1 ,,,;e. a•, „solemn in the ease of '"11 t olff lmn of the Monnrrh•• ' 11 w,• t , ! :n1 neto••rn,'y. this would be n ,'i • •,•1t natter. hut, n4 ft 1.. 1 0' in's t h it to pre,'" (nrw'QI'ri with ihie• 1)a lei essential part of the Ohre'- eli'1 se he„ .• it moiety (0 provoke ! o p, • i►I in a 'thorn tiny corrr•pontl- ' the 4d'•lantoRe. " l 0 11. father is entirely lintel now f.n't 1140" said it mon to the sun of a 11 i1110(1nire. •'l•,'s," retitled the youth. sadly; "1'111 the 1)1113 he11. he has lett." wet,. In their ))neer). 11 one (primes tiding. nod !1.' women were its e•n'r- emit es the Caen. per)m1's 11100, eco They rifle well. 1 Welsh woman and her horse .ee,u ten.) --it le ,llllicult to 4e•plrnte them in these bridal 1•all4. 1:wen rein 1 twee did not enpall incredible Litter and disngreenble fu tit. uneducated palate The naliwes call it "real gelid old pas0 111)4) r11ilee• the simile being obviously dhow,' (mos a stiff and 4).)ligero11(. jump, and regard if a4 ho% il'F been hr..tight to pt•rrert10n. 411 any moment. • WIiA'r' 111-: S.% VS. "When a fellow whose name e•ott have forgotten r s 11p nail slaps eon on the hack and 411\s, (needy after emir health, whet de you do?" "Well, i generally tell hies I'm broke," A sit menthe' cruise decreases the 443x•8.1 e 1 n ship 1:r per rent. on at. nwcrngc. ('apes-Mnrket firmer, Hoge -Markel steady; selects. $6.- 25; A-25; lt(ht4 8141 fete, =fol 40 =(1.75, 5 1WROMF:S. Mr. O141hnnl---"So you're lost your rich patient at Inst." Mr. Young -"Yes; Atilt i had him on my bonds for a long w•hi1'. 1 had two etnpelation44 out of hint. two everts' 1)t tenrtanr•es, and the I1c,In1 operation for appendicitis. i think i did tri self extremely well o.er that chair."