Exeter Advocate, 1905-04-06, Page 5i 1 THE (Utter lhuocnte, published e. cry Thursday M n iiig .t the OM e. MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. —By the - --- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERAS OF SCitoCItll'T1ON. Oise Dolle per aruaam if paid in Olathe, 21.50 if net so paid. Lay.s:istag =stew oa A.ppltc.- Olon No paper ditr:o.tinued until all arrearage, are aid Advertisements without specified directions will be poblishel until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for traus'ient advertisements inserted for long periods. Ever' description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques. money orders, k'-., for advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable 0 Sanders & Creech, I'ROI'1:1 ETc )R' Proteweloeal Cards. - DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. s.. 11 :: >r 4rulnate of Toronto Cntveristy. DENTIST. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any had effe•ts Office in Panama's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentister_ (with honorable mention.) ABunrinuur, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Auetleseers BROWN, Winchelsea Livened Auctioneer H e for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Post Office Winchelsea. WANTED.- LAI'IE.' AND GENTLEMEN in this county and adjoining territories, to retire - seat and advertise the Wholesale and Educational Departments an old established business house of solid financial standing. Salary $3.80 per day with expenses advanced each Monday by check, direct from headquarters. liorseand buggy furnished when necessas ; position permanent. Address BLEW BROS., & CO., Dept. 6, Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111. —THE-- @crc4agis OIIk of Cijai1a HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL capital Paid Up a 6,000,000 Rest & Undivided Profits 3,218,959 U5 HR_'NCHES iN CANADA interest at most favorable current rates front date deposited allnwed ooSavings Rank account. and De• posit Receipts. Oomrner•ial Letters of Credit issued, available In China, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling Letters of Credit lasted to travellers In all parts of the world, A general Banking business transacted. SAVINGS BANK. THOS FYSIIE, Gi.saaAL MAIAoaa. . P. iiEDDEN, Suri or BIA.Ncnas & Clllar iearacTS& CREDITON BRANCH N. S. OHiSIIOLII, Manager. CLEAN, DRY American Corn FOR SALE at Exeter Storehouse This is much cheaper feed, than Oats. Try it. Jos. Cobbledick CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. Ntia(KM•D•'HMO i/444NNfNfG We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. (iRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY-. H. SWEITZER NOTICE To Farmers 811(1 1!i Public in Gecr1. As the spring is coming on now, gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, All Kinds old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and take them down to M. Jackson & Son Main Street, Exeter. One door South of Metropolitan Hotel That's where you will get the highest cash price for then). Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The only safe effectual monthly medicine on which women can depend. Sold in two degrees of strength—No. 1, for ordinary cameo, 11 per box ; No. 2, 10 de- greee stronger for Special Casae, is per box. Sold by all dncgpiAes. Ask for C'ook's Cot- ton Root Compound; take no autxstitu/e. The Cook Medicine Co.. Windsor. Ontario PIANOS That Have to be Sold We have in stock THREE PIANOS which have been in use for a shot t time only, and wanting to make room for new goods, we are going to sell these Pianos at a price that they will have to go. • Inten(ling porehatsers would do well to call and inspect these 1..o gains he - fore buying. Violins and Violin Sund- ries Always in Stock. S. MARTIN Headquarters for Stationery. EIALLS V EGLTABLL SICILIAN Hair Renews A splendid tonic for the hair, makes the hair grow longand henry. Always restores color to ray hair, all the dark, rich coor of youth. Stops falling hair, also. Sold for Arty years. o gwa''"iut~ :o" ltl�te'la""` EXETER MARKETS, CHANGED EACHWEDNESDAY told) t)0 Kuhl' :18 Oats 37 Peas Wl Potatoes, per bag 75 Hay, per ton 7 00 Flour, per cwt., family Floor, low grade per cwt 1 25 Butter Eggs 'sive hogs, per cwt Dressed Hogs Shorts per tell 20 00 Bran per ton 17 00 1)riedApples 1 (r2 10 .8 65 80 7 00 2 85 1 25 18 13 8 110 750 20 00 17 (10 :i ITS MERIT IS PROVED MOND OF A GREAT MEDICINE A Prominent Montreal Woman Telae Sow Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound Completely Cur tad Her. The great g•,.xl Lydia E 1'inkham's Vegetable Compound is doing among the women of America is attracting the attcut:.,n of aeauy leading scien- iats, and thinking people geuerally. Tho following letter is only one of many thousands which are on tile in the l'inkham office, and go to prove beyond question that -Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound must be a remedy of great merit, otherwise it could not produce such marvellous re- sults among sick and ailing women: Dear Mrs, Pinkham :— " Soon after my marriage my health began to decline. My appetite failed me ; I was unable to sleep, and I became very nervous and had shooting pains through the abdomen and pelvic organs, with beartngdown pains and constant heada•hes, causing me rnuch misery. The monthly periods became more and more painful, anti Ibecemo a burden and expense to my fancily instead of a help and pleasure. Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetable Compound cured me within three months. Soon after I began using it I felt a change for the better, and at the time of my next period I notie od a great difference, and the pain gradually dinunished until I was well I am stronger and look better than I did be- fore I was ntarriesl, and there is great rejoic- ing in the house over the wonders your med- icine workt'el."—Mrs. M. A. C. Letellier, 733 Cadieux St., Montreal, Quebec. If you have suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness of the stom- ach, indigestion, bloating, leucorrhoea, Uotxliug. nervoua prostration, dizzi- ness, faintness, "don't -care" and want -to -be -left -alone" feeling, ex- citability, backache or the blues, these are sure indications of female weak- ness, some derangement of the uterus or ovarian trouble. In such caries there is one tried and true remedy—Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Clinton : Ou Thursday night Mr. Geot•ge Taylor and fancily had a nar- row escape. He was awakened in the middle of the -night by the illness of Isis little sun when the nurse, who wits waiting upon Mre. Taylor, also come pinined of feeling very sick. Mr. Tey - ler did what he could to relieve the distressed and it was not until almost overcome himself that he thought of the coal stove and on examination he found that the gats had been escaping and the house was filled with it. Quickly opening the doors and win- dows the air bream(' purified, but those who had inhaled the gas felt the evil effects of it for several hours. A FAMOUS SCHOOL: CENTRAL l STRATFORD, ONT. Business teen have learned that oar graduates are prepared for positions of trust. No school in Canada can do mune for its students than this one. Our graduates always secure p osi• C Write for free catalogue, it is a hand«,me one. Spring term opens April 3rd. ELLIOTT & Mc LACil LAN. Principals Clinton : NV. Mnclntyre has per chased the milk business and gon,l will from ,11r. H. Churchill, and started on the rout e Wednesday. Colborne : On Sunday. Henrietta Stewart, widow of the hate Jas. O. Stewart, the one•tinte well known farmer of Colborne, died at the resi• deuce of her sou, Percy Stewart. in her' 1 year The old lady who had been ill two or three months, died of old age, her end tieing no doubt hast- ened by n fall *some two months pre- viously, the result of which was a fratctuted arta. Parkhill : Mrs. Shears received word on Tuesday, 21st inst, of the death of her daughter, Mrs. William -" IMurdock, of Port Huron. Mrs. Moir- dock was only 29 years of Seto. On Parkhill : The death of Mrs. laugh W1.1(.111%11, Centre Road, ocentred on Thursday after an illness which con- fined her to herbed for many years past. Urs. McL:►chlan is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Andrew Nichol. Dec -rased was 71 years of age. Thr funeral took place to Nairn Cemetery on Saturday. Aeafor•th : A few employees of the woollen mill called on Mr. T. 11. Um- plrby, at his residenbe last Monday evening. and presented hint with a silver mounted pipe and leather case. The picsent.ation Was 11114(14' by Mr. Wellington Close, bookkeeper Ott the mill, who also read se address. Monday Morntlig `LOIN test She under - i went an operation at the hospital and she died at six o'clock p. re. the same day. She is survived by her husband, her mother, Mrs. Shears, of this town. three sisters and three brothers. Clinton : The re • SSP was the scene of a quiet wedding •1Vednesday after- noon when Bev. 1)r. Stewart united in the holy bonds of matrimony Miss Berths Whiteman, daughter of Mr. Edwin 1Vhitetnnn, to George Find - later. The contracting parties came from Morris townshi ► where they are very highly esteemed. Tuesday they left for Hanley, Assa., where the groom took up land Inst year and upon which they will act t le. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND PURIFIES THE BLOOD. B RACES THE NERVES. B UILDS UP THE BODY. MAKES SICK PEOPLE WELL IN SPRING TIME. " PA I N E'S" For EpTho Kind That Has Made Such Wonderful Cures,3 .Around About l's Mary.: Lawrence Mut pliv. orae o1 the rarGea pioneers of this district, died .,t Itis helot' uo Wednesday, aged ill yeat B. He has been ill fur a few weeks id grip and pneumonia. Seaforth: firs. James nankin stet with it paaiufulaccident on Friday. She stepped into a trap dual leadit,g to the eviler, falling a cunadelable distance, frat•ttu ing twat ribs and receiving a se- vere shaking up. (iude,ich: Mrs. Agnes Dewar. a do- ntesti- in the employ of the Iiedtutd htte'I,was sentenced to four months in jail at hard labor for stealing a nine- ties of articles, including bed and table linen and other articles from the hotel Illu►shard: John Finnie, of the South Boundary, met with it painful :occident. Ile was engaged in rolling legs when the crow bar he had under a very liege one slipped. '('he log fell 1 .'..k :end becks les right leg just above 1 ti ' .ttkle. (forth: The home of :►Ir. and Mt-. Josi:,h Tyremate was the scene .f an interesting event on Saturday. The occursion 4as the marriage of their only daughter, Miss Alice, to John E. Best. The ceremony was pet formed by the Bev. A. K. Birks, in the pres- ence of about fifty guests. Pat khill : The death occurred early ml Thursdav morning of William, the 17 year old son of Aaron Mailers. The deceased boy has been a sufferer from spinal trouble for many years but has always been out around and his death. following a slight cold, was entirely unlooked fur. The funeral took place to the local cemetery 011 Saturday afternoon. Clinton : Lou Pickett while en gaged in loading square timber at the Doherty Organ Coes. saw twill received injuries that will lay hint up for a while. One end of the log slipped ori its rest allowing the other end to go up in the air and in its course struck Lim under the nose tearing the flesh. The log then took a roll jamming his ankle against another log. Clinton : t%1r, John B. Rumba!!, who was stricken with paralysis ne'w'- ly six months ago, W41S able to walk up town on Tuesday fur the first time since he was taken ill. --Mr. Frank tlle11veen, who was siu►iliarly afflicted nem ly a year ago, is also gaining in strength and has been able to walk out of doors this week and enjoy to the utmost the life-giving sunshine. F.Ktuondville : At the mouse, at six o'clock, on Tuesday 'nine;. Rev. Neil Shaw, It. A., united in marriage, Mr. James Aird, of Kamloops. B. ('., and Miss Christina J. Gray, of McKil- top. The young couple left on the Imitating train on a trip to London autd Ingersoll. and on Friday departed for their future home in British Columbia. St. Marys: A quiet wedding was celebrated at the bride's home on Wed- nesday, esday, Match 29t1. when bliss Rhea Spearin became the bride of George Brenner. The ceremony was perform- ed by the itev. A. Grant. the bride's niece, Miss Mary Spea iii, was brides- maid, and the groom wale attended by his brother. Only the immediate rel- atives were invited. se, Fs'lilt_� Clinton: Another of our very- old residents, Samuel Hill, passed over to the 'ludo:ity on Satturday, at the age of 80 years, 5 months and 7 days. The deceased during his early life was an active business man in Toronto, where he accumulated considerable of this world's goods. About fifteen year's ago he moved to Clinton, and has more or less nettle his home here. Egmondt•ilie: A young son of F. But•gau(1 had n net row escape from drowning on Saturday. He was stand- ing on the brink of the river to. the bridge, when in some tray he slipped intra the water and was carried by the i shone( current down the stream until REASON N9 12 WHY YOU SHOULD USE Red Rose .Tea Because it is Recommended by the Best Grocers. You will generally find Red Rose Tea iu a store which deals in standard brands of high-class goods. These are the merchants who do not look for goods which give thein the largest profit, because it pays them best to sell goods which are the most reliable and give their customers the greatest satisfaction. Ask a grocer of this kind his opinion of Red Rose Tea—his opinion will be honest, because nearly all other teas pay him a larger profit than Red Rose. He probably uses it in his own house, and will tell yon in a very few words why he recommends it. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B. BRANCI1ES: TORONTO, IAINNIPEG. The startlinttnnrnnacement has been mettle by the Secie tart' of the Indiana state board ofhealththat -155,04)0 !;,bit , •' ate killed ley poison contained in impure food products in United States I et year. CREATED A SENSATION IN GALT The Whole Country Ringing with Praises of PSYCHINE (PRONOUNCED Si -KEEN) Xr Weaver. Cured two years ago. continues to spread the good news of his recovery fro Grinder's CONSUMPTION Publicly corroborates the history of his restoration to health, as published recently by this paper. Doctors and specialists despaired he teached ;t Iisr of 4•hieh he got hold of a cure and gave Mr. Weaver , the 1 r e, Send sage his cold 1,;ath 4•x13 none the worse and in this tiny got to t o shore, r for his WI ore, but three months to live. Will Print The Formula. A good deal has been said of late alarnt the publication of the formulas of proprietau'y medicines. J. C. Ayes. k ('o., the well known manufacturers, of Lowell, :Hass., announce that they will hereafter publish their formulas on the bottles. This may be taken to mean that the company is desirous of showing the public that its medicines contain nothing of which they are ashamed. A. G. McKAY INJURED. A. lis McKoy, M.i. A., for North Orey and minister of crown lands in the lits? Ross cabinet, was the victim of it (1 11ey accident last week. Ile WV; nn :rnasciotts for about 20 minutes and sustained a nasty scalp wound. Those who picked him from the pave- ment at first thought he had been killed. Mr. McKay left the parlia- ment buildings on the Seat -box of n coupe, and it was while driving across Vonge-street, at Grosvenor, that the cau•riage became entangled in the movement of two trolleys, and wits struck and upset. -- --4S.-- -- 'f'he C. P. it. will build several new biautc'hei in Manitoba and the west. Willie Lewis. of Toronto, aged t wo, succumbed to carbolic acid poisoning. The Alban Line's new turbine stead• er Victorian arrived at Halifax on Saturday. Thirty•nine horses were asphyxiat- ed in the stables of the City Dairy Co, Toronto. Joseph Nesbitt committed suicide at MacLeod by hanging himself in a stable. 'Welland Canal will be opened to April 24th, and the St. Lawreuee and Quebec Canals on May 1. Mr. Isaac C. 1Vehber, farmer, of Fast Zorre, has assigned, with Habib - Kies of $2'2,000. He lost money specu- lating in British Columbia timber lauds. e 'Mattes e r a woman who Is carrying • fat baby meets a man leading around a little dog, she always looks tadtgnant at him. When a woman tells a man he ought to M ashamed of himself for holes something, half of the time It means that she would have been uhamed of him If he hadn't. Nature never did betray the hear) tkat loved !ker.—Wordsworth. interest of Lung Specialists and of medical mea and whose cure and complete restoration to health is the talk of Galt and the wonder of the medical profession. Such in brief, are the open- ing remarks of the case of Mr. Weaver, of Galt, whose portrait appears above. Mr. Weaver is today a splendid specimen of manhood and the picture of robust health. His lungs give him no more trouble. 11e is strong and healthy. eats and steeps well, and feels better than lie his for ten years. Mr. Weaver's Case as recently published;by this paper. Dr. T. A. Slocum :—Por fire years I worked as a grinder in the James Warnock, better known Ili the Axe factory, here. The dust front tlr grinding did for me what it has done for many others. 1t gave me "grinder's consumption." 1 was compelled, of course, to quit work. I per slated with two local physicians. and also eon Stilted a number of lung special Their dia-• noses mer -all alike:—' lou hese (blinder e Consumption, and may pastihly live them months. hut you are liable to drop o11 at soy time." was over two year np". i then almost ab.andoor.l no, scIf to what mad r,v fate, my two brothers having diad of consumption a few years porevinus. I was in an advanved stage of the dise•a-e. 1 wits thin rind weak, had night sweats, chills Sad fever. and a terrible cough. 1 saw your advertisement of -'rayceise," and I determined to try it. Through the kind advice and assistance of REV MR. KR:TI,Y.w•Rl.L Methodist minister in charge here at tbat time, i procured your treatment. The *Pry first bottle gave me great relief. arid after 1. dug sea ix,ttle, Ieould walk down town and erten work occ+- aionally. have since then enttcely regained ml health, land work hard everryy. da) I can eat and steep well. 1 feel better to day than 1 have for years. I owe lay life to Pay.b nes Voutatrety, I.EVI WEAVIIR. Mr.weaverti emend statenlant. MR. L. WEAVER, GALT. Who desires to publicly confirm the history of his remarkable recovery. as published by this paper quite recently. Mr. Weaver's was as bad a case of Consumption as might well be iesag• ined. He was employed for five years in the grinding room of fames War- nock A Co's, better known as "The Axe Factory," in Gan Here be con. tracted consumption from the steel - laden dust. He persisted with local physicians' treatment for over • year. also consulted • number of lung specialists. They all did their utmost to cure, but declared Mr. Weaver's an incurable case of grinder's consump. tion giving him but three montes to live. Mr. Weaver himself, de- spairedof a permanent cure, as two of his brothers before him bad already died of consumption. It is but seldom that any remedy receives such strong en.tnrsement as rsychine is receiving dally. Seldom ander,' that the cured come forward voluntarily to state their case a second time an that all may be convinced of the trutb. The instance herein repotted from the busy tows of Galt, Ont , is ■ typical instance of what is occur ring in every city. town. hamlet and country- side in this broad Dominion. Scores of people living in Galt were of this notable ease: sei: while conversanto o factsothers the publication of It in the daily press came as a revelation Scores of peopte recently celled upon MrWeaver in see If all th•t had . r n sherl was really true. Medical men evidenced tendeid sdo ire to seMinions the good work vr,ought remedy, P.yrbine with (Si kee9locu a fMt. Weaver bag at.o been the recipient of humtreds of letters from all pacts of the country enquiring Si to els case. Pad and sorrowful I. the first chapter of the story 'pd by the mus whose cage Das excited the steles the abovewas pu bl iahed. (:ALT, ONT. Dr. T. A. Slocum —The publication of the history of my case in Toronto and, Galt paper ha:tamed quite a sensation in this town. There have been more* of people ask me if such were really the case. t have laity received by malt ■utnlrra of like enquiries. some people hardly think it possible that I was so near deaths door. Rut I can say for certain that Psydfee saved my life and I bless the day lust Psyclllae advertised and became convinced of Its merits enough to try it. I have spread the good news In three counteea, end shalt crer continue to praise I'sychirne Every wed, as published Januar) ).".h. is true to the fa.ta of the case. Yours truly, LEA I WEAVER. If you suffer from lung Trouble. 1.• Grippe. Asthma, Throat Diseases. Peeemonla, Catarrh of the Stomach Bronchitis, Night Sweats, Loss •f Flesh or un -down System, or dis- eases where a tonic is rc'quiretl, there is no other medicine its the elite w•'rlil that will act more promptly or effectively. PSVCIiINE Is pronounced SI.KEEN. Por sale at all drug stores, or. if you have not tried it a sample can be obtained by writing to Dr. T. A. Slocum's labora- tory, t 7e King Street West, Toronto, Canada. Sent for Dr. Slocum's Treatise on the preventiou sed clue of Throat and bung Diseases.