HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-04-06, Page 4�Zx �( ,C fx K IS n }� K t.. K K K Ke.,/ r NERVOUS DEBILITY OCR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you, and make s man of you. Under its influence the born becomes active, the blood purified so that alt pimples, blotches and ulcers heal Up; Ole nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the (ace full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and sexual systems are Invigorated; au drains cease—no more vital waste from the syr: e m. The various organs become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man and know marriage cannot be a failure. We Invite 341 the afflicted to consult us corndentlalIy and free of charge. Don't let quacks ant fakirs rob you of your hard-earned dollars. WE WILL Ci•RE YOU Olt N:, 1'.'.1'. 1:7N0 NAMES USED HiTHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS. Peter E. Summers, of Kalamasoo, 3tl:h., relatss his exterlence: '•I w04 troubled with Nervlu, Dr- billty f..r many years. I lay It to in- discretion and excesses in it:y youth. I became very despondent awl didn't care whether 1 worked or not I Imagined everybody who looked at me, I gues.r5 nay secret. Imaginative i dreams at night weakened me—my ba:k�( ached, hal pains 1n rho back of my 1 head, hands and feet were cold, tired In the m�rning, poor appetite, fingers lq were shaky, eyes blurred, hair loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness In the fingers set In and the doctor told me _ he feared paralysis, I toort all kinds of 2 - _ medicines an! tried many first-class _ " physicians. wore an electric belt for three months, went to Mt. Clemens for orrO5f MIST baths, but received little benefit. While ar1xa MINT .t alt. CI, tuns 1 nas Induced M consult Drs, Kennedy & Kergan, though 1 had .•1 all faith In doctors. Like a drowning man I commenced the New Method T:,ntment and it saved my life. The improvement was like ma Ic-1 could feel the vigor going through my nerves. I was cured mentally, physically and sexually. I have sent them many patients and will continue to do so." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO i'AY. We Treat and cure VARICOCELE. STRiCTt'R0, NERVOUS DERILITY, nt.0OD DISEASES, URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DIS- CO) St't.TATiON FREE BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write for is Qui.tton Blank f..r it.•rne Treatment. V zetei Abvocatc,1 $100 Reward, S100. School Reports. Sanders & Cleecta Props. THURSDAY, APRIL 6, file readers of this paper will be pleased t.e learn that there is at least one dreaded dise.lse that science h4o' - been able to cure in all its stages, and that is ('„tat•rb. Hall's l'etalib Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical- fraternity. Catarrh (e- ine a constitutional disease, t(•t{sires a constitutional tta.tttuent. Hall's ('s- tatth Cute is taken intern;tlly, tit '05 NOTES A ND COMMENTS Canadians are beginning to hake a bawl in iuternat' ell money 3tfairs, The exact sum subscrl!►ed by Canad- ians to the new Jagatnesese loan leas 000.000, or about four :and a half mil- lion dollars s Or 73 cents for every roan, Wotuun and child in the Dominion. a A cross -petition has been filed in South Norfolk by A. O. Pratt. M.P.1'., whose election has been prete.strti by 1V. A. Charlton, the defeated Liberal candidate. This will pruleaely eont- plete the list of electron disputes to be settled in the courts as the titin• for filing protests has now expired. There are now protests in ten constittieneie3, and cross -petitions in three. • e A small part of President. Itonse• yell's recent address to tie. Natio!, .1 Congress of %tothei's of 1Vashington is here given, and is goo 1 : "TIIF IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING — "Into the wotnan's keeping is eornntit- ted the destiny of the generations to come after us. In bringing up your children you mothers must remember that white it is esseutiatl to Ire loving and tender, it is no less essential to he Wise and flint. Foolishness and affec- tion must not be treated as inter- changeable terms, and besides train- ing your sons and daughters in the softer and milder virtues you roust seek to give theta those stern and hardy qualities which in after life they will surely need. Some ebildren will go wrong in spite of the best training, and some will go right even when their surroundings are most. tin- fortuuttte; nevertheless an immense amount depends upon the family training. If you mothers. thiough Weakness. bring up your sons to be selfish and to think only of the.; .elves, you will be respoesibl: for tuts h sad- ness among the women who are to he their wives in the future." Colonist Train Derailed, Winnipeg. March 30.—Shortly after seven o'clock this morning eight coaches of a colonist extra, due to reach Winnipeg to -day, were derailed near Dryden, (shout 2t)0 miles east of this city. Several of the passengers were hurt, but none seriously. All were on their way from Ontario to the West. They are being carred for in Dryden hotels by local doctors. Antong those injured from Western Cntario were : Mr. \Ver. Desalt, Dun- dalk; Miss Lily Boughar'd, Talbotville; Daniel MaKay, Whitechurch; (I. F. Stuart ,and Mrs. Stewart, Ailsa Craig; Annie Gibson, Wiarton; Frank Jacobs, Brussels. Famous Jockey Killed. Otto %\'underly, the London Jockey, died in St. Joseph's Hospital in DlPln- phis, Tennessee. Sunday, as the result of injuries received while "working out" a horse on the Memphis track on Sat)uday 1001ning. The famous little rider met his dearth in the same manner in which dozens of other jockeys have ended their careers. He wets galloping a horse around the track—"working hint out," in sporting terms—when the animal suddenly shied at something outside the rail :and fell. Wnnderly was thrown from the saddle, and the horse rolled on hint. He was found uncon- scious with blood oozing from bis temples. 1Vonderly was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital. where everything possible was done to save his life. An ex:unin.ttion showed, however, th.it in the fall, several small hones in his head had been broken. and the lad died niter an operation had been tier - formed, without regaining conscious - nests He was born in Woodstock but lived his early life in Loudon where for sev. eral yeses hes wits n newsboy at the Grand 'Trunk station. F'ronl the time when he won his first roc t he has had p(heno►nennl suc- cess in the saddle and has nettle and salved severs! thousand dollars. Ne is said to have been the most gentle. manly jockey in the business. NEW JAILER AT LONDON. it hits been Announced officially that Mi. ,Lines Curter, of Lucan, had been appointed jailer at London in stoves ' to Mr, Cobert Boston, who resiginel prior to the Dominion elec- tion. Mr. ('atter will commence his duties "n 11(mtlity. Mr. Carter has been until the pre- sent a storekeeper and postmaster at Clare ala) •e I rind was well liked k throughout the north riding. Tour doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chil- dren become strong and well by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Small doses, for a few days. Sarsaparilla The change is very prompt and very marked. Ask your doctor why It 1s. He has our formula and will explain. When I years alt. for mane months no pas tbeog I 1 eoel.t Hr• bora a.. nt tMe hi,.n.1 Ret. Ina few weeks. £reel Sarsaparilla an,a ,galaO ra,'or*LILT: to h..ltk •• aa. i Mlaerag, vtoeiane, Y J /t.N a bottle s. n. seas [woven, Mao All dross/its. for The Children iiillouttness,conrttIpatton prevent re- cev ry. Cure these with Aver's Pills. actin directly upon the blood and raucous stn faces of the system, thereby des- troying the f dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up t he constitution and assist inti motive ut d ' g its work. The pro- prietors have bu much faith in its cure - GYP powers that they offer One hund- red Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list (if testimonials, Address P.J.Cit iss El & ('u., Tuledo,O. Ssl.l by all Druggists. 75 cents. Take Mill's Fatuity %'ills for ronsti potion. Stephen Connell The Council of the'1'ow•usbip of Step hen convened in the Towyn Hall. Gird Bon, on Monday, April 3, 190.4. Al present. -.I notes t t previous meetin read and /etiolated. Anderson—Neat ley—that the time be extended to no later titan the 1st. of June next for th Township Drainage Engineer an Drainage viewers to tile their repor in reference to the Mud Creek Drain Carried. The following are the Path masters, Fence Viewers and Pound keepers appointed: Pathur.asters—R. Hicks, Frank Abbott, Thos. Oliver, D. McCerdv, A. Rollins. (1. Hill, 11. Elson G. H. Windsor, J. Willis, J. Ford, %V Peuhale, W. D. Sanders. J. Hepourn R. Davey, C. Hoffman, %V, Winer, 1:. Shout, R. Hill, S.Parsons, H. Iaunport J. T. Bedford. H. Hoist, F:. Morlock, J G. %Vein. R. Hudgins, W. Chaser, %W Finkbeiner•, J. Schwarz, N. Ke•stte, W. 11. Kestle, J. Flynn, S. Henderson, J. ltagier, S. Beaver, J. Madden, W. Wit zel, .11. O'Rourke, X. Meyot•, C. Fink ()einer. A. McCormick. I. Bastard, W. Smith, F. Preeter, J. \Villert, W.larg- leson, T. Keogh, 0. Baumgarten, A. Wanner, J. Rohde, S. W. Webb, N. Pollard, 11. Bastard: A. Ireland, R. Adare, W. Johnson, R. Stone, J. Love, A. Monarch P. %Lollard, G. Masson, D. Wilson, E. (Jill, J. Stat ton, J. Midget's I. S. Hedley, J. Germette, It. Taylor, W. G. Reiley, J. Hays, P. Glavin, G. Steeper, T' Whiteside, F. Green, Silos Staabake, Jr., W. Sanders, T. Atkin- son, 11. Kraft, P. Schroeder, J. Weido, C. T. Wolper. Fence Viewers.—Sid. Davis, I. Hill, Jr., E. Heist, P. McKen- zie. G. Mawhinney, G. Finkbeiner, J. Love, 0. Down, A. Hayter. Pound Keepers.—W. Moffatt, T. Shapton, J. Neisser, B. Cunningham, J. Hickey, 0. Webb, 8. Dieterich. J. Edwards. T. J. Amy, C. Finkheiner, W. Fritz, F. Preeter, W. Zimmer, A. ?dosser, C. H. Wilson. The following accounts were paid: J. F. Either, putting in two cul- verts, $3; Do„ w(a)d for Town . Hall, $13.73; R. Hodgins, rep culvert, 42; R. Hill, do., $2; J. Stanlake, do., $l; W. Pickering do., $2; J. Edwards, rep. side road $2; J. Siuts, work on Crediton bridge, $2.50; C. Wolf and othets,work on Crediton road, $3: W. Anderson, drawing brick Batts, $111. Council ad- journed to meet again in the Town hall, Crediton, on Monday, %tiny 1, at 1 p.nt. H. Eilber,Tow•tiship clerk. SenEI' Senior. ItOR'r.—Thr following is the report of S.S.No. ti, Cebu( ne. fur the utonth of March. Natinee are in order of merit. Sr. V.—Hazel Hagar, Cecil Canttu. Jr. V. --Olive Derryyhill, Alden Johns ter. IV.—Vera 11'ash- burn, Willie Effort]. Almeria Heywood. Jr. 1V,—Laura G4xiholt, Nettie C'atnp- hell, Everett Skinner Sr. 111. ---Lille Heywood, Ella Heywood, Vii da Berry - 11111. Jr. Ronna, Sr. 1i1.—Hubert Junes, Mary Cornish, Ella Venal. Jr. 111.— Annie Nilson, Earl Johns, Ray Fletch- er. Sr. 1I.—Alex. Del ryhill Lillis God - bolt, John emery Jr. I1. (11).—John thick, Jennie Cnrnpbell, Plata !Cenci t. Jr. II. (A). -.-Alice Crecty. D. MIcOrnlgall l 1Viuonu halyard Teachers The following is a collect report of the standing of the pupils of S.S. N 3, Stephen, for the month of March. The names are in baler of merit:-- ;V.—Samuel Hicks, Barr) Tliehnet, Cecelia Ford, 'I'huuuts Penhale, Fled Beaver, Itadph Willis, Hilda Preszctt- tot•, Harry Parsons. Jr. 111.—Earl u• Pasons,She► nisi) \Villin, Gladys Dear- intt, Eddie' 1'tiehner, %Lay Sanders. Sr. 11.- Flnrt'nr•e }lean/an, Preston Desr•- ant ing. Geo, flicks. Fred Preszento,-. Earl Shepton, Johnny 11'illis, Santee! Stan - t lake. Jr. II.— Floeehce Triebner,- il- ye in 1e ie I. • don Sanders, Ada Willis, AlytnerV. lis, Chester Parsons. Part 11.—OIi Pr'eszcutor, Wilfred Shepton, (long( Penhtde, Garfield Stnnlake. I.—Mer Willis. Reginald Parsons, • Chart Tt•iehner, Number on roll 32; ayes ▪ attendance 29. Percy S. Banes, Teacbe Monthly report for March of S. S. • No. 4, Uslo ine: V.—Bert Luxton, • Alma Mny, Lydia Handford. Sr. IV. Alice Davis, Eileen Cayes, Flossie Hun- ter, Pearl Hunter. Edna Luxton. Nel- lie Rooke, Russell Slav, Frank Ranke, Ethel McCurdy, Frank !landlord, Er- nie Lnxto,. Jr. IV,—Alt•in Essery, 1Vill Webber, Arthur Kerslake, Itichie Hicks, Nene McCurdy. Sr. Iit.—Bella Davis, %Villie Essery, Cecil Skinner, \'inti Kerslake. Sr. IL—Joe Davis, %Villie Walker, George Davis, Thos. Coates, Hedley May. Annie McCut•(ly, Ave Skinner. Carrie May, Lila Creigh- ton, BeckieColber•t. Part 1L --Mary McCurdy, Fred Webber, Wesley Col- bert, Rhea McCurdy. Sr. 1.—Allis Hunter, T.edtt Handing, Aliee Creigh- ton, Frank Coates, Minnie May. The nnnes in order of merit. Average at- tendance 12. W. A_Dav-idson, Teacher.The following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 4. Stephen, for the month of March. Nantes in order of meta: V --Elgin Amy. Sr. IV.—Nora Brown, Wilbur Morlock, Melia Schwarz, Willie Presz- cator. Jr. iV.—Sy belle Morlock, Gladys Kestle, Lucille Schwarz, Min- nie Kestle, Merrier Either. Sr. III.— Ethel Kestle, Nellie Amy. Jr. IiI.— I.oene .\for lock, Marble Wein Harry Schwarz. Sr. 11. --Leonard Schroeder•, Bealiih Smith, Alvin Cornish, Arra Brokenshire, Clarence Either, He rhie Kraft, Mervin Brokenshire, Emerson Schroeder, Mildred Milton's Willie Schwarz, Oscar Cornish. Jr. IL— Clinton Brown, Mable Coxworth, Sr. Pt. iL Otta Brown, Gordon Cornish. Pert LCliuton Morlock, O. \V. Lawson, Teacher. ge t'. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. nod Mrs. Geo. Mantle spent Monday in .eaforth. Miss Maud Handford, of Winnipeg, is visiting relatives herr. Mr. W. \V, Tartan spent, Tuesday evening at his home in Blyth. Mi;.- f'ur+a Fnw•ell has returned from a pleasant visitwith friends in \Vind- Ser. Mrs. James Hill, of Crediton, spent Thursday here with her moth's. Mrs. Hai tis. Mrs. halls, of Toronto, who has been the guest of 2lrs. 1V, O. Huston, left Monday for her home. Mrs. Chas, Hirney is at Belgtave visiting her mother, Mrs. Stonehouse, who is ill. Mr's. 0. A. Ramsden, of Georgetown, ie visiting at Mr. J. N. Ratclitfe's, Tim Mee Road. Mr. J. C. Cann left Monday for Har- grave, Man., where he intends remain- ing the summer. Mr. Jacob Wlldfong, of ltay, was among the number who left here Mon- day for the West. Mrs. Juts. Murray has returned from a pleasant visit with friends in Wood• stuck and Hutgessville. Dr, 1.. L. Follick and sister, Miss %tithe], of St, Marys, spent Sunday with their parents here. Dr. Rollins and Mr. Hugh Spark• foam spent port of let week in Toron- to, returning home Saturday. Mrs. i). Johns returned home Sat- urday evening from a visit with ler daughter, Mts. theidison, of Sarnia, 11: s. John Sanders and daughter, Miss Nora, returned Friday front a vis- it with firs. Rich. i'enheleat Toronto, Mr. Richard Hetntner, left on 1Ved- n •sday for Alameda. ASSA., where he It Is land and intends remaining the elnnntcr. 31r. James Sutton and batnily left Tuesday morning for Wolesley, Assn., where Mr. Sutton intends going into the livery httsiness. Mr. :11f..Shreve left Tuesday morn• ing for Crystal City, Man., where he will spend the stnnnler following his occupation, as bricklayer. ,1lts. Dobler, Mrs. Thorne ,and Miss Kemp are attending the annual meet- ing hf the 11'. A. M. A. of the Diocese of Huron in London this week. 11r. and Mrs. %V. 11. Perseus, who have been visiting in and ,Irotlnd Exe- ter for the pest six weeks and Risking them home with Miss i,. Wilcox, left fur Berlin Friday. Mt. 11. J. Stephens, who has been inking( a course at the Fuerst City ion -lures ('allege, London, was i,1 town vet Sunda) find leaves to -day fot 11,dis I) w here hp Will n :Iifl commence Ills surt)nh'i 11111ies88 pilot nn a Molt. ik 1!r..loseph Maxwell of ('hesley was Ileal by a falling limb while chopping 11 the w'ond s. Allan Honey, the hockey player, has been acquitted of the charge of toren- sl righter, and was libe•t•:ted. 3'llunl,ts M••('rosson, f„r years Kt'e yetintendent of the Reformatory fat toss, divl at Tenetsu)guishet►e. i The following is the report of the standing of the pupils of the Senior Department of S. S. No. I, Stephen for the month of llareh: V—Vernon 1't9I. son 8:33, Ruse 11'ilsoft 820, Elva 1Vind- sot' 749, Enos Windsor 099, S'ttn. Mc- Coy (kit, Harold Defile!) .1S9, Alvin Ba. ker 31N1. Sr. i V.—\% ilfrid H(tdgies 1112, Frank Mitchell 815), Gladys Essery 733, Willie Sings 633, Jos, %White. Jr. 1 V. Archie Robinson 937, Lily Robinson 913, 11:u•ge•iy Hepburn 931. Czar %Vit. son 875, Murray Elliott 832: fiittotd Hogarth 818, (Jordon 1Vi)son 2313, Mer. vin Elston 029. Sr. 111.—Fuze% flicks 972. Austin Duphin 810, John Dempsey 013, Eddie Sims 373, Normo( Hemline. Jr, 111.--Malv'an Cants 71/1, Nome Hi.. sett, Jnhn \Vhite. Minnie Holteritl, teacher. Junior Dept! tment, based on att.•ofl- ance, good conduct, anal general lit o- ticiency. ,Jr. 111.—John Hog,n•►h 1011, Iia Essery, 932, Ella Baker 000, Max- well Bayub,un 517, Earl ('nllfas, (toss %\'unser, Sr. Ii.- Flossie Davey tl23, lalnn Davey 913, %Tillie Alexander 739, Roy Chitlins 070, Hubert White 0111, Harry Windsor 018 Jr. 11. -Kessie Anderson 1039, Fled F:,ithnll t)25, An- thony White 738, Lloyd England 7130, %•'red Kssery, Robert Alexander, 11nr- yeti CtilUns, Everett (;111fa', %Vilma) Colbert. Sr. Pt. 11.—Stella Neil, Ethel Colbert, Willie (taker. Jr. 1't. 11. Mal - van England, Hebert Neil, %ladeleine Hoist, Othello Mntz. 5'e',;e Holz, %Libel Elliott, Part I. —Ethel Bowden. Miss Porter, te,ivher. St'IHRH. iltPnR•r.--The following is the report of the ('1editnn Pllf.lie School for the month .%titch. 75S.of the total is required for honor,,ind00% forpass as ss 1 t,i nding. Nitrites ore in outer of mei it: --Division 111. —Continuation 'lass,—Honors, Madeleine Het trend: os. Finkbeiner; Pass, Frazer Brown, not G,trnet tiweitzer equal, Arthur Holtzn)nn, Ella Link. Sr. f\'.- !honors %•:,Inn Pack; Pass, Gerrie Short, Ade. line Finkl,e•inet; Elvin Mc\Iutt•ay. Jr. IV.- Honors, Frank Fink twiner. Pistil Gaiset; Pass, Eddie \Vinets Hewiud :Meath!, Cl:nissa 11111, Edith (till, Al- fred %V twilit. Average istlend,utce 31. Clench Blue( t, Teat lite. Division 11. -111. -Honors, Elsie (gat. Bet, I.iltistt Finkbeiner, Altnrda Fink- beiner; i'Iiss, Clara 1bitzm:uln, 1%'i11ie Oestreicher : (bee Beaver. M8ltlda Oe's. treicher, F,ttte F:lhnrr, Clarence Holtz - :mint). Mr. II. •Ilonors. Mitt Mang. ntis, Rey He dlb n, Frai l Treile. chi, rile (lower: fess, Alice Millin, Hentrice Iledden. !holism, iholtzln:o), Vera Il.dtylll,lte, .1„ 11. 11. rs. Lt1I11 (Idl- 'et. 11abt 111'eoze !, %Wellington Ran, Iiia Brown: i'411.45, 11.ilingt.•o Heist, Miervyn %Vines•, %VIIli • 1f, ,• 1,1.'3(1 ilanun, Ezra Ewal,l, "and Finki,irr. average 4:3, Mi,- s setter, 'Previte, Division 1 it. II ll.,,,.,,-, la.i,ue Brown, Qneeni , ! I••Jt `n i'.,.-, Lydia O,•streirher,l'I. r ... Il tt �I• iglu lb „en Seri %Vein. Si. 1'.0 t 11. II,•nnrs Lulu Hed.le n. Pass, lute 1) 11 40. I;velvh !linen. Jr. Psi t 1I. 1':t--. Finkt.r;n•er Her'•. t t Shenk. A (11.— Pass, (1.•,trnde (1ut,•nthe : 11ene Et h \ 11. - Iliums•, LOP. %Vieter, Mese Raymond English, 11 1.1 Gower, .1 Sambrook. ,5 i - t''+- It .v 5;,, ek Average 31. Miss Kienzle, Teat her. 1 The Average Man Doesn't Know The First Thing about flour, but the woman who does the family baking— she is the one who appreciates Royal Household Flour—made by the i.ew electrical process ---because when she tries it with the simple "Royal Household" recipes she finds it makes better, sweeter, whiter, lighter Bread, Buns, Rolls, etc., and more crisp and delicious Paltry than she ever made before, and she is not afraid to say so. •eeutlt Range, Digby Co., N. S., Novemfier zznd, " I want to tell you that Royal Household Flour is the best I ever used in all tnv life, and the only kind I will have as long as I can get it." (Signed.) MRS. AL.EK. PORTER. To any woman sending in name and address to The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited, Montreal, and mentionning this paper, these recipes will be sent FREE. las• ZTrld BusineSS ACkide LorsIKMI Ea••11 pupil i3 given in- ,li.i.lu11 instruction, 'fh.' Shorthand System taught is that used by all newspaper and court re- porters, hest systems of Book - kee(,iog, Penmanship, Arith- metic, e t c , , thoroughly taught. Situations guaranteed to every Graduate. cal -sweat's rime. Wm. 0.Doo,- or f lC iA t QvST(y 46�rtL,PA, WOPhGreat Eng TTheGlicca( ErIpIL, Remedy. A rms Of Sexual tWWeakness, es cure r?dental and assess AND Arras train Worry,Emissions, Spee rnatorrhoea, impoteney, Effects of Abuse or Exeo&,, all of which lead to Consumption, Infirmity, Insanity stud an early grave, Price SI per p g sin for 55. One will please, Mx will cure. Nod by altdrulits or maned in plain package on receipt ofprice. Writefor Painphle, The Wood Medlgln, Co.. Wta4,er, Ontario. News of the Week. The operation upon the Mince of %Vales consisted merely in the lancing of an abscess. Mr, .5. Asquith, of Mullett, i. ar. pointed Inspee•tnt in place of 11'. ,1. Paisley, West Har on constituency. Philip nil rank. aged 43 years, for mass. year, a linru)nu. w Is elertt.ut'ut- ed Morclny by (hitching a live wire. %helmet Smoke, tl►ief of the S:x Nation Indbit's, was killed in attempt - trig to board a train at l'.Iledor:ia Station. Cornelius \Int•phy and his wife were fouwl dead in bed at Niagara met les hake, having been asphyxiated lay (.'()ill gas. Mr. E. D. O'Flynn of Madoc is deed. Ile was :t prominent banker and Lit- eral candidate it) three elections in Hastings. Prite•a Edward island asked the Doutininn (invcrntnent to build n tun- nel to the nutit'l:tl at n cost of $10. 1554,4 4p4) Five establishments in Chatham wel a damaged by the. Loss $20,0110, The fire war attended with several ex- citing 1wears. )t••v. Dr. Steele, of ti;.nit Ste, ;Marie, a pro ant minister of the Methodist l hurrh, lately lett: ed, died suddenly At 1'su ry Sound. The Ontario Government has delft). itely decided nein :t dlreet Provincial issue of $0,(0),000 worth of bonds for the Temiskatuing Roil A Chicago physician says a one per cent. sottoit1n f catholic ar► dused ss a spry for the throat will prevent spinal meningitis or "spitted fever." A ernes petition h•,s been tiled in West Huron by Mr. M. G. Cameron, 51, 1'. P., whose election has been pro. tested by his opponent, Ur. Dudley Volutes. Some fifty miners were entombed Monday in Jo-.' )h Leite►'s twine at Zeigler. Illinois, by a terrific explosion o1 tots. end it is possible that thirty or mare of the but led men are (108(1. Rev. Noyes i). ('ongdnn, at Methodist miui'tel, as Inti out at the litiffslo yr:,te Hn'pite1, cotnu itted suicide by t h:.ngittg himself in his 10111, :,t Ilia ih- stitot ior', Mr. C'ongelott WilY 67 y. ori o1,1. end had been it sufferer ft.ent met- I u e ort• ft... long time. i o 1 THE MOLSONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 13i) Head Office, _ Montreal Capital Paid Up $3,000,000 Reserved Fund.... • • - - • . - • • $3,000,000 FORTY-EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF ('ANAI)A EXETER BRANCH OFFICE HOURS: 10 a. in. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS. 10 a. m. to 1 p. nt, A GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer's Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States b gght and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business lien at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department: Deposits of aft and upwards recei.ed. interest com- pounded half -yearly and added to principal June 30th and December 31st. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. 1). IIliRI)ON, Manager. • se„, yer 4,"`• DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH. K KK Kf,K Kt, K K4II K ��aK Y. r 41. it, Stet t'nzic Id 1', rt 11;,ili, usie (Ixfe rd w. n 11:e ilxty•srrood ,wine! court, tit (1 ht.ieele ill it , ern, r.trd by un.yetI.itt lout t•nce8..trtlday, tit feat - juin ping in's the 1 ke. I Ink: Cambridge Ay three lengths. 20N •• 000000000N0000000000000N00000000000N00 o IAMOND PEFOR RFECT DYES HOME DYEING. EASY TO USE, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. ASK FOR THE "DIAMOND." All Druggists and DOal•rs, TAKE NO OTHERS. ••....0000,000••••••000••••••00000N000000000N0 ta (helve,. *111., 1 ref t :. • )• „ 1,11X .: t , 144 t '' 1. It'. . b c • t.4) 44 ti.•)!• t C•(t. ('1 . 1 K ea fes r..r isle tare very hu+y In St. I'. +.. sl•tiry sial tStilt h0r mitrnge m;. 1 e . spt.fiefi at ;ley tithe. N'O 'LTD - x OZTR.B Z a �itlRD=CIN =IMPROVED BUTTER COLOR Gives the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter. The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies in the World Use It. LOOK FOR THE DANDELION TRADE MARK. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. .SLL nR.VCAMIZ/TS a1RZ! D)>E?,►LZldttalt, *s*Ec11NNN SEE SSNlNNfSSlNN ESN ENS SO