HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-04-06, Page 1V
:SANDERS & C1;I:I:C11, Pl'op's
(Nen R. s•'.:"; )ratter appear.) in this spay • each week.)
The Reason So
Many People Are Poor-
t,ecaure they never triad � • �:.ything else.
is know who are enjoying
l.'all to mind all the people -
prosperity who have money t• _et the things they want
torte likely you'll end that ever erre of them had a Savings
account. That's the only sue w • ` .,1 is •.',nag independent.
one Dollar opens 31) account he,. 1 . _ • interest from
late of deposit and have it add.•' i• , ipal and com-
pounded four tunes a year.
} .: •• is wanting to borrow
Farmer's business GI
,thurses, cattle.
etc., Can do so from this tank at be- and terms.
Brunches in Huron ( ,auty at
Madmen ti Starbsry,
F. E Karr,
Manager, Exeter
ton, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
Solicitors for Motions Bank, etc.
Mosey to Lona at lowest rates of intense,.
Office•• Main street, Exeter.
1. R. Casuse, B.A., L, 11. Dicasos
We have • large amount of private funds to loan
on farm and Vine properties at low rates of inter-
Barristers, Solicitors,Main at.. Exeter On
Organist and Choir Master of the Trieitt Memorial
Church. Teacher --Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony.
Modern methods. Thorouehnesa
Manitoba and Northwest
Lands For Sale.
The Saskatchewan Valley & Manitoba Land Com.
eotien[ norContinent
nrollng re Canadian NthernRailwayLad
Two :Willow Acres -The cream of the
wheat lands of Western Canada. Parties purchas-
ing[ now are riven until 1st June to ,elect their land.
For terms, etc., apply to
ERNBST ELLIOT, Agent, Exeter
thro+pghuat C's.
in ever local-
, sada to advertise
•cur goals tacking up show cards on
tree'., fen•a- . bridges and all conspicuous places;
distributing small advertising matter. Commission
or salary SOW a year or StiO a month and expenses 23
per day. Steady employment to stood relic to men.
We lay out) our work furyou. No experience need-
ed. Write Inc full particulars.
SALCS MEDICINAL CO.. London, Ont. Canada
In accordance with the Pro isione el the Liquor 35;Flossie Sweet :31; Leah Reitman. 3' ;
License Act, public notice is hereby given that a
Ethel Cobbledick 31. Total enrolment
45, average 13.
Sale Register.
or Parties getting their sale bills printed at the
ADYocATs office will receive a FREE notice under
this heading; untU date of sale.
TUESDAY, April 11th. -Farts Stock and Duple.
menta, the property of Robert Ilimtios, Lot 13, Con -
2, t$bonre. Sale at 1 o'clock. B. S. Phillips, Auc-
Exeter School Report
Mary Roach honors, 88%; Polly
Windsor 78, Hazel Browning 77, Mar-
tba Carling 73, Vera Cobbledick 70,
Harvey Borland 66, Edith Moncur 03.
Belle McDougall 59: Mabel Sparks 59;
Alvin Brintnell 58; Irene O'Neil 58;
Theo Hartleib 50, Daisy Dining 50. To-
tal enrolment 13, average 13.
L. C. Fleming.
H. S. Department. --The first three
obtained honors:--Mayy Jones 87; Mag-
gie Coward 72; Nellie Mussell 71; Elia
McPherson (38; Ida Armstrong 63; May
Wood 111; Thos. Q+►inion 58; Eltnore
Senior 55; H. Workman 55; M. Knight
54; Harvey Gardiner 53; Tom Carling
52; Milton Pfaff 48; W. Knight 47; Ofiaa
McPherson 43; Willie Triebuer 43; F.
Hooper 40; Roy Fanner 39; M. Murray
37; D. Rendle 35; G. Dick 30 No. on roll
21, average 20.
A. E. Dorrington.
Regular Course. -The first six ob-
tained honors: Blanch Sheere 78: Bella
Mawkies 77: Edna Taylor 73; Hugh Mc -
Katy 72; \lauricc Telmer 71; May Haw-
kins 71; Maude Johns 66; Lulu Martin
65; Thos, Sander-: 65; Jessie Russell 62;
John Walker 58; tela+ Rowe 55; Eddie
Willis 54; Case H"watrd 53; Millie Bis-
sett 52; Lizzie Seders 52; Beattie Mar-
tin 49; Mitchell Willis 48: Lloyd God-
win 47; Bertha Snell 45; Harry Reudle
36; Geo.Arnistlone 30; bene {landlord
+- l;limville '
Rev, Cooper, preached in the Main
street Methodist church, Exeter. on
Sunday, while Rev. Godwin preached
Missionary on the Elintville'
circuit. -A large number of the farm-
ers have started to plow, and should i
the fine weather prevail for a fete days!
more seeding will be in foil blrtst.- \1 r.
and Mrs. Ira Andrews, of Cron►art;y,
spent Sunday under the parental roof;
visiting Mrs. J. Andrews, who has
been quite sick. -Talose who have tap-
ped to Make maple syrup have been
somewhat disaap oiuted in the run, the
weather being ton ware► for syrup
making. However, judging by the
old adage of the old Indian, "a big loaf
of sugar a rd a small loaf of bread, ' we
are led to believe the weather has been
alright. _
meeting of the License Hoard for the License INa-
trict of South Huron, will be held at the Queen's
Hotel. in the Village of Ilensall, on the :'0th day of
April next, at 10 o'clock a.na.t to consider applica-
tions for the sale of liquor in the said district of
South Huron for 19(46.19(16.
The new applicants Inc Tax ern Lattice are Wni.
Frits, for Grant Bend Hotel, in the Township of
Stephen, and N. M. Contin for the Balmoral Hotel,
St. Joseph, in the towns/divot Hay.
Licenses issued Inc current year were: Township
Tavern IS; Village Tayern ts. ,is months 1, Town
Taverns 5; Town Shop%, Village Shop 1.
Applications Inc 1906-6 are Township Tavern 1S,
Village Tap.rn a, Town Tavern 6, Shop 2, tillage
Shop 1. Any petition against the granting of lic-
ense to env new applicant or Prerniaes must he lodg-
ed w ith the undersigned at least four days before the
,uecting of the Board.
License In es tot.
Seaton h.
Candidates' Expenditure.
In the ns.tr.•rof the Onta iia Election
Abstract statement of expenee@ M henry Silber,
Esq., • Candidate In the FJectinn of a member for
the LegialMhe amender Inc the Electorate District
of South Huron, held 25th Jan'acy. 191.15.
Personal cspenses of ('andidatr 263 26
Printing account. 121 211
Livery account*, 15 so
Total 2133 es
(Signed) C. 11. Sanders,
Financial .agent Inc HenryEi11wr, Esq.
To William Costa,
Returning Ofi• er'kwth Huron, Go.terlch.
In the matter of the Outat'io Election
.thstract statement of expenses of M. r McLennan
Fwq , a candidate in the election of a member ter the
Legislative Assembly for the Oostende iNotelet of
South Huron. held Lsth Juwari, 1906:
Personal expenses of Candidate
Printing miscounts,
1.l.ery accounts,
(SignShc Thomas Cameron,
Financial Agent for M. C. McLennan, Eau.
To VCilliatn ('oats
Returning 0111 er South Iluron• OakHch.
2171 (A
36 26
23 51
ITN 78
A meeting of the Directors Of the
Blanshaud Agricultural Society WAS
held in Aberdeen Hall on Saturday
last. The President, Dr. Carr, occupi-
ed the chair. The dates for holding
the Fall Fair was discussed and it was
decided to hold at on the usual dates,
the first Thursday and Friday in
Octoher. The directors were allotted
their routes for canvassing for new
•nemtlets for the Society. Messrs.
Samuel Doupe, Roht. Beatty. the
President and Secretary. Amos Doupe
were appointed to revise the Prize
List. Dr. Cam, Samuel Douple and
\Vin. Hazlew,cbud were appointed it
committee to repair the,IlnlI and look
after the grounds. Jos. Routley, J.
Hazlewood and the Sectetary were
appointed a committee to rent pasture
on the Fair grounds and let the con-
tract for keeping track in repair. A
communication was read by the Secre-
tary from H. B. COW/411, Deputy Minis-
ter of Agriculture, ars to sending ex-
pert judges for the Fall Fair. The
officers of the Society are sparing no
pains to slake the Fair one of the
beet in the history of the Society.
Goshen Line Stephen
Commercial ('nurse. --The first nine
obtained Honors. -Linda Hunter 85;
Alulina Metter tit; Jennie Hardy 753;
Maud Taylor 79; Alice Howard 76; 01i -
ver Graybiel 76; Bertha Willert 74;
Edna Bissett 73; George iVatnbnld 70;
Roy Pau -sons 04; Edith McKay 61; Gar-
field Hodgert ii}; Ilan Johnston 54; Bes-
sie Welsh 40; Frank Knight 42; Allen
McCurdy 42; Frank Baw•den 84; Ches-
ley Evans 20; Dyer llurdon 24. Total
enrolment 45. average 43.
W. J. O'Brien, Teacher.
Sr. IV. -Lillian Amos 84% Lois Bite
ney 79: Kathleen Stewart 77; Kate Col-
lins 75; Douglas Stewart 73; Bertha
Mack 73; Lillie Hodgert 73: Winuifred
Huston 72. Jr. IV. -Viola Welsh 80;
Lillian Snell 70:Gladys Bissett 73; Alma
McPherson 72: Clifford McAvoy 71.
No. on roll 40, average 38.
C. Vosper.
Sr. 11i. -Loney Heywood 88%; Willie
Bradt 87; Victor Sweet 84; Garvey
Acheson 84; 11erbieGardiner 81: Willie
Birney 81; Annie Bissett 73; Willie
Armstrong 72; Olive Wood 70. Jr. i11.
Charlie Welsh 96; id:a Welsh 811; Harry
Sweet 70; Lily Rowe 7.5; Percy Godwin
72; Latimer Grieve 70. No. on roll 30,
average ]t3.
11. E. Walt'ond.
Sr. 11.- -Clarence Heywood 8'2; Eva
Shsdduck 79; Cecil Pickard 73; Bella
McKay 71; Willie Ford Sr. 11. -('lair
Wotal Xi; Fred Brock SS: Racy Dearing
77; Edna Brock 71. Jr. H.-Iottie
Delve St: Abe Jackson 78; Jnnu's Wal-
ker74;Willie Heideman 73;Olive Dear-
ing 73: Irene Hardy 72. No. on roll la),
average 47.
A. E. Martin.
Sr, Pt, 11. -Ruby Wood 89; Ernie
Harvey til; Violet Knott 74. Jr. 11. --
Gladys Delve 91; Florrie Dinnie 85;
Annie Day 53.1; Ernest Neil $3; Edith
Devil 82 Sr. Part 11. --Agnes McKay
92; Nellie Jones 91; Ilett it. May !foamy
88: Eddie Welsh SC3; Muriel Jones 79;
JueFullick 78; Martha llagShaw• 73.
Mid. Part 11.- Muriel Anderson Iib;
Valuable Real and Personal .lean Selden 90; Marguerite (hiteliner
Estate in EXETER den Harvey 81; Norman Hockey 79:
1, no Street 7:4. Jr. fart 11.---1:+te41e
Handford 78: Stanley Johns 77. No.
on roll 38. average :10.
Ailsa Craig
McLeod who has been keeping
SEEDS -To in:end-uhg purchasers of Seeds we hate Mrs. .. Joh
[alfa Timothy Kentucky Blue Gras, Millett and stun, at 1 +u khdeath tll, sole.) the af
a stock of specially selected Rol Clover, Alsike, At. house fol i tel SOLI lt1 I.aw, Alex, J 1u
Hungarian deed, whirl) we utter at reasonable price*.
We have the highe,t grade obtainable.
C. ZWI('KEit, General Mer• hant.
Our villagers sae talking again about
the 'Heliostat Railway front Si. \i tiys
thruogh here and on to Sarnia. A
Meeting was held in Exeter on Uun-
day and several of our business people
were present. \'t understand the C.
P.14. is at the hack of the scheme -
Ezra Kevin, whit was very ill in Stt:at-
f(o•d, has' returned home end is rapidly
Misses Jennie and Annie Yearly, Mrs.
W. Martyn and Mrs. T. Mawhinney
assisted at a quilting bee at Mrs. Jas.
Lawson \Vednes:iay.-A number of
our crack shots attended the shooting
match at Crediton on Saturday.-El-
iner Gower, who has been cutting
wood for Mrs. Thos. Yearley, has re-
sumed his clerkship with Chace. 'lit -
t .k
er, Credit on. --M r. and Mrs. Wes. Lain -
port visited at W. Yearley's Friday. -
J. Williams had a wood bee Friday. -
Ezra Kevin has tetutned from Strat-
ford where he was engaged in the car
shops, We are pleased to see hitn re-
covering from his rata,k of pneumonia.
-Chris. Heist and Thos. Mawhinney
were buying horses Friday. Toni is
an expert horseman and his services
are often required to act as judge in
that eapau•ity.--Mrs. Davey visited
Mrs. Johns Sunday. -Joseph Woodall
is busy renovating his, house east of
Crediton. Joe thinks he will settle
down among his friends. -The sad
news of the death of 011ie, eldest
dnghterof Eli Lawson, of Manitoba,
was received with profound regret by
many friends here. The tnelancboly
event took place on March 22nd, after
a brief illness of two days, the cause
of death being diphtheria and croup,
the ravages of which her frail system
Was linable to withstand. Much sym-
pathy is expressed for Mr. Lawson as
It is scarcely more than a year since
he lost his wife.
There will he °Sued Inc Sale by Public Au -tion, on
the premiss., on
SATC'RI)AY. APRIL 8th, 1905.
1(5; Laura Cann 84; Beta Rowe 82: Lin -
F. E. (.trling.
Sr. 11. -Madeline Cat litt• 96 Viola
That well Brick Blacksmith Shop
Al then f o'clock k p.m.
Rowe 86; Harry Snell Sip:. fay Brima-
Cnnhhe 48)
; ('pester' )(11.4011 77. Jr. IL -
known Annie (ollingwo.nt tli; aline,. Huston
And prenriaee recently a•vpi^I by Jdrues r It ,' 40; Lit)ri P Feral 78; lienee Walker 74;
Piot -ell stuntedtomer on the Coer of Main asst \, n.. \\ llfrcd Mack to. Si, 1 itat 11. -Beat
streets, hating a frontage of Main strtet et at h.! 1 ice H.alger. 87: Lily ('ellingwnod 85;
This i1 the hest flla•'ksmithetanlinthe Counts • Ethel Day 81. Middle Part 11.- Flor-
Hrcre. and is located In the psrsinew centre •'1 ef1Ce 11"1" '''‘j; AIWA M.": NI Awl
• natter. and affords intending purr Amer. a endi.l
opportunity to acquire an up-tn•date and nilly f Kn,Kt 8.4: Tl as ('leek i4; Jennie
equipped fila-kamith shop amt businesses. Russo!! 71. Jr. Part 11. --Robbie F Iettl-
At the same time awl place will to offered' for sale � ing Sr,: 'tW ilii.) la
Marnd 75, No, 1.-
Itl.t,-ksmilt:'' Sts+•k. Tools• Supplies. etc. Mal jot v 11'IQtutl 72: Joey Ferguson 71.
TERM", of sale of Real Estate, 11 per cent cash on
day of sale. /satinet in 30 days- Terms of rue of
Personal Estate. Cash.
For other particulars apply to
No. on roll :C►, average 37.
S. 3 Irwin.
John Charlton. A.eiginee; John Gill, (bidet icti : ()wen Jones, a well
resident of llur'on .taxed away
Monteith. Ru,lt. Hillery, ins pe•etors: or on Friday st his t sidenc Albert
to Dickson et, ('sling.
Solicitors for street, at the g•loul old age of Sia years.
,\IsIsiF+nee, Exeter. ' The deceased gentleman had been ill
1 for several months, end knew that the
------- ---- ------ ball was near, and hi, great wish was
Police in WereeW fired on a Jewi.li i that he alight live till his birtbdat•. a
mob, killing font and wounding forty wish that w',ta gratified. f•'r he di':1 en
othet a.
Aoctitant-et; Al eh. Hollgert, Jr., 1\ n+. k"""11 •a P p e 1 herr
1 his $3rd anniversary.
her daughter, some months sago, has
ret mated to her hove here. --Mrs. G.
Fulteun,who has been suffering from an
attack of inflammation of the lungs. is
slowly mesa• t ing,-Miss Meek, of Mc-
Gillivray. :- 1. ,'ruing the t.r;lut•ing at
E. Nablo'•. Vas. (Dr.)Sir aa41I's baud
is healing nicely. She had the uaisfer
tune to Lally scald her hand with
grease. -- \lis. Ford, wlua has been on
the span* of J. 11. McKity's store foe
some years. left Saturday for her home
regaining his former health, -Sucker in Hensall, prim to leaving forFargo,
fishing is -the p"pulut spurt just now. N.1)., where she will juin her. brother.
-\\'orknler are busy lowering the --Miss Addie Overholt is on a visit to
floors of the store formerly occupied
by Samuel Brown. -John Mcisaac
spent a few days in Toroutu on busi-
ness this week. -Next Sunday even-
ing the Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical Gtlt•;ltl
church will give a program, which
promisee to he very interesting. -11. After a few month'- stay -at Brant-
Bilb(•r, M.Y.P., left for Tot•outo Tues- ford Albert Stanley has returned to
day, after having strut Sunday and his home here. -John 1{ndgins left last
Monday at home. -Young Bros. have week for Tnrnnto. -Mrs. Thos. Hits -
just received a large shipment of wire band is recovering from her recent
her brother at BnIT-(l-'.-%liss ( ,tie
Webb has returned from her visit to
and will be able to meet all demands
in this line. -Jos. Guinan, essessot', is
busy aswe•ssing in this neighborhood.
There is considerable dissatisfaction
amongst our farmers regarding the
new assessment act. -Council sleeting
was held is the Town Hall on Monday.
Pathuuasters, fence viewers and pound
keepers were appointed. -The meeting
called in reference to our recreation
grounds 00 Friday evening was well
attended. It was decided to commence
work nn the field as soon as the soil
will permit. There was some talk of
getting up a 24th of May celebration,
This would he a good idea. We have
the Band, and our well-known base-
ball and football boys and with a few
extra sports thrown it, we are sure to
give a good day's sport. Crediton
hasn't bad any celebration of this kind
for years. so those at the head of the
movement, please PUSH it along.
DEATH. -The home of Mr. and Mrs.
Josiah Motz, of the 4th con., of Step-
hen, as been saddened by the death
of their fifteen months' old son, Ttne-
man Uriah. who passed away early
Saturday morning, after an illness
man) pneumonia extending over nista
17 days. The little fellow was the pride
of the household and his taking -off has
caused no end of sorrow to the par-
ents. The funeral took place Monday
to the Crediton cemetery, the Rev.
John Henderson officiating. The be -
tea veil ones have the sympathy of the
(Too tate for last week)
p ing is here. The weather the
past week has been lovely and our
people are as busy ns bees. Bicycles
and sUv+w hats have Made their ap-
pearance and to see our men walking
around in shirt sleeves is a coninlon
sight. Our weather prophetsare look-
ing tt ise and say it is too fine to latst•-
Mr. Samuel Brown has moved his
store goods to his new quarters and
will now be able to meet the wants of
his many customers the saute as form-
erly. -A large number of our people
are suffering with la grippe.- Nle. J.
H. Holtzman is having the debris re-
moved from bis lot, to ptepar'e for the
matsou work of his new building--
)1Mrs. (Dr.) Heist has returned home
after visiting friends in Toronto. -The
Choir of the Evangelical church stet
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christian
Heist last Friday evening. They were
presented with a beautiful canter
table and rocker. A very pleasant
time was spent. Doting the evening
Mr. Thos.'ttort'ow sang several solos
and Miss Ella Link and Mr. J. H.
Holtzman kept those present in good
humor by rendering spicy recitations.
-The ice in the river left without do-
ing notch datnage, other than tearing
away n small bridge on Mr. John
Brown's fano. Miss Pennington. of
Benmillet', visited her friend, Mrs.
Chris. Heist, for a few days last week.
-Another of our pioneers passed away
last Tuesday in the person of Mr. Job
Sims at the age of 71 years. Mr. Sines
has been an invalid for years. He was
interred in the cetnetet}• at Clande-
hoye on Friday. The bereaved ones
have the sympathy of the vicinity.
--The Concert given in the Town Hall
on Monday night by the members of
the Literery Society was an immense
success. The hall was well filled and
the lest of order prevailed through-
out. The chair was occupied by Mr.
Claude Bluett, the President of the
Society, and he delivered a very in-
structive address on the work the
Society has leen doing during the
winter. The program consisted of
Piano Duetts by 5frs. '/.wicker and
Miss Lulu )' eery; Miss Ella Beaver
end Miss Myrtle ('lark; a Piano Solo
by Mr. Herb Eillitr; Recitations by
Miss Lulu E,sery and Miss Myrtle
l'I,n k. Solos by Miss Beulah Beaver,
Miss Emma Lewis and Mr. Thos. Mor-
row. The most interesting portion of
the program was the debate which
was "Resolved that Country Life is
more desirable than ('ity Life". Mrs.
Claude Bluest, Messrs. bra Brawn and
Alvin Antos were the dehaters for the
aafllrinative side and s1iay Saulter,
Messrs. ltobt. Walker and Herb K:il•
her for the negative. The debate was
very interesting and the debating
Abilities of those who took ;part were
certainly a revelation to those present.
Rev. Datum, 1)r. Heist and Mr. C.
'lwi.•ker acted its judger, and after a
lengthy Consideration they decided
in favor of the "Coantry Side"
b}• a close margin. The prngraaln
throughout wasone of the beet ever
given in the village And we must say
WP are proud of our young people and
wish the members of their Society
every success. - A meeting of our town
folks has been Called for Friday even-
ing of this week to be held in the Fire
Hall to (Iiscues the how oyen)Pnte to
nor pleasure ground. Let there 1e a
good meeting and make this a lucre/art-
ful scheme for our summer enjoyment.
The weather still continues fine and
seeding operations will likely start
this week. --Mr. Frank Abbott, who
has been seriously ill fur some Unto,
is, we me pleased to learn, recovering.
-Piot. Brest), who haus been in town
for a few days, gave en exhibition and
lecture on the intelligence and diseases
of horses on Satimlity night which
was enjoyed by those present. -Mr.
James Clark, who has been in the em -
play of G. G. E-esery, liveryman, here,
for souse time, has accepted a similar
posits In at the Bend.--\L•,James Ross.
of Hensen, is spending a few days in
this vicinity. -Frank Colwill held a
very successful wood bee on Saturday,
a large amount of woia1 being cut. -
Mr. Andrt'w Hicks spent a few days
in Stratford last week on business. --
It is the intention to organize a lawn
tennis club and a howling club here
this summer. What about baseball or
football? We think it would be more
in line. --Milt. Atkinson has engaged
as a carpenter for the summer.-Itum-
or says we are to have at few weddings
here in the near future. Particulars
later. -Miss Grace Melton and friend,
Miss (flavin, of Laindon, are visitors et
the home of Mr, and Mts. E. C'ulwill.
-Rev. W. 11. Butt, of Springfield.
will preach H. 1.. anniversary sermons
here on Sunday. April 18. On the
Monday evening fallowing the Her.
lir. Medd, of flelasatll. will give his
popular lecture "Wooing and Wed-
,Ton late h•r last week)
The recent warm weather has tnade
the snow look acnrce in this vicinity.
During the flood on Saturday the
bridge across the Saui1le owned by
John Brown was carried away. The
loss will be considerable. -A load of
7ming people enjoyed a pleasant even -
mg at the home of Mr. Albert Mitch-
ell quite recently. -Miss Brownie An-
drews left Thursday on an extended
visit to Toronto. Belleville and other
pplaces.-Thnnlats. Morley left Monday
for Stratford, where he has seerlred a
position.- Percy Sinn peon spent Mon•
day at his home in lateen. -Andrew
Hicks Isola three tine horses the other
da} . - -Owing to increasing I,nsinpws not•
pnpnllt huttcrtn.aker, Mr, Thee. Willis.
has cngugetl r1 man to help hits in the
creamery.-- The recent hatcher trials
in i,ondon are causing a lot of talk
around our little hnrgh.- One evening
recently eo►ne sneak thief entered the
.'ellar of the Mi9le. Wil.orl and car•
rigid away A large piece of pork. There
seen)s to be no elite to the thief. --The
price paid fur live h this week wee
$6 per bendred.
illness. -Thus. Hoalgins, of K ingsville,
is here on a visit.-- Mrs. Cunningham
of Boyne City. Mich., is here visiting
her mother, Mrs. Lee, who is ill. Miss
F. Lee, who has leen 111, is recovering.
-T. Morgan, haarnessuu+ker, is now
comfortably settled in the premises
formerly occupied by H. Collins & Son.
-Mr. Cusack, who for the past five
months has been the night G.T.R. op-
erator here, has been setts to Berlin. -
Robert Flynn, of the 2nd Con.. Bid-
dulph, has purchased the farts of the
late Robert Cooper. of Biddulph.-W.
Rollins, who has been ill. is on the
mend. -Root, Fox. of the Merchants
Bank staff, Stratford, who has been
house on a visit owing to illness, is on
the mend. -Miss Celia Thompson, af-
ter it there' months' visit. with friends
in Lucan and vicinity, has returned to
her house in Shedden.
Building operations have started in
Hensnll.-Mrs. Smallaacome has her
daughter, Mrs. Geo. Walker, of Guelph.
spending n few days at her home.- B.
Hoggat'th still continues to improve.
Miss Lill}- lima, of Clinton, is visiting
at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Hunt. -
J. McArthur has moved into his resi-
dence completed
11Y i' \ J. Miller.--
O p
Diss Clara CncLnore left Saturday for
her home in Exeter, after a week's vis-
it with friends here. -Rev. Wnl. God-
win, of Exeter. will preach Education-
al sermons on the Kippers circuit on
Sunday. Aplit 10. -Principal McKay
has recovered from his attack of lum-
bago --'The millinery openings on Fri-
day and Satinslty last were an mime -
tion for as huge number of people, and
especially was the fair sex not in large
numbers. The weather was fine, which
went a lung way in helping to bring
tient out. The decoration and slaws,-
ing of harts in the different stores were
beautiful. All the merchants went to
extra trouble to have their show win-
dows decorated for the occasion and
their showing was very much admired
by the people.
Iintliccn, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. F. liildeebradd, who has
been quite ill, is r.•cuvet•itlg.--Mitre
Maggie Forest left Monday for Stuiths-
ville, where her brother, Frank, bas
purchased a bakery. -Misses Jennie
:oat Ella Mills are on a few weeks vis-
it to their sister•, Mrs. Al.eruethy, at
Toronto. -John Bartlette, Ji., of St.
has accepted a position with
Mr. McTavish, as barber. He will
move his fancily here shortly.
John Meidinger spent a few days in
Buffalo lust week.- C. Hartleib has en-
gaged H. Teu►pii'. of Sebriugville, as
barnessma ker. --51. Iioecker,after it few
weeks visit with friends in town left
last week for his home in Berlin. -Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Charlesworth are now
comfortably settled in the house owned
by 5. Itannie.--Messrs. Wesley Merrier
and \Vat. Oswald left last week for
Assiniboia, where they exsect to re-
train fur a time. --Emanuel Fleischauer
after an absence of four years inStrat-
ford and Detroit, is home on a visit.-
Mr.Albrecht who;held a salccessful anc-
tiun sale bast week, has sold his farm
to John Hartutan,and will reside with
his son-in-law. Louis Schilbe.-1',liar to
his departure for Witte, loo Mr. ,iohn
Weselob was presented with a gold
chain and charts by the members of
the hand. \Ve join in wishing Mr.
\Vesclob and family every prosperity
in their home. -Another aged and re-
spected resident of the Salable line has
crossed the river, whence 1111 weary
traveller ever returns. We refer to
Mrs. Alex. Denomie, who died on Mon-
day. The funeral took place on Wed-
nesday to the R. C. cemetery, near
The people of Drysdale North have
the church lately used as
Du'rysdale Sabbath School. from the
Trustees of the late French Presbyter-
ian congregation, and are moving it to
IIenry Talbot's term where it will be
used for a Sabbath school and for
church set vice, We trust that the ef-
forts of the people here may be crown-
ed with success. --51r. Gelinas is the
new storekeeper here. We wish 411111
every srecess.
PitRSENTAT1n\.-A few evenings ago
a t r friends islet
about sixty neighbors is n ul f
at the horse of Robert Drysdale to
spent a few hours in social chat. Dur-
ing the et ening the fa11111y were called
to the parlor where an expressive ad-
dress was read to them, accompanied
by at handsome clock. 51r. Drysdale
made a reply thanking t be donor's on
behalf of himself, his wife and family,
for their kindness to them in the past
and for their remembrance of them on
this, the eve of their departure. The
ladies then took possession of the
house and unloaded their well-filled
baskets and it is needless to say the
fair sex of this vicinity kept up their
reputatlon as good cooks. Coupled off,
the crowd gathered round and did am-
ple justice to the good things. At a
reasonable hour all dispersed to their
respective botnes after wishing Mr.
and Mrs. Drysdale and family every
happiness in their new house in lien -
Apost-office has been opened at Mr,
NV. Whyte's corner, which will be
known as Mahaffey P.O.-P. Carling
has disposed of a span of heavy horses
to James Norris, of Mitchell, for the
sum of $500. -Mr. and Miss Pierce, of
Mitchell, spent a few days during the
week at the hone of Mrs. McMillan. -
Word has been received here of the
death of it former well-known resident
of this township, in the person of Mr.
Robert Bell, who passed away et the
residence of his daughter, Mrs. George
Ambler, Qui Appetite, on March 21. at
the good old age of 85. Deceased lived
in Hihhert for horny years, in fact he
was one of the first settlers of this
township and was highly respected lay
those who knew him. Ile had been ill
hat a fete da}'s and death was due toold
age. --Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson cel-
ebrated their golden wedding on Mon-
day of last week. A sumptuous wed-
ding dinner w•ar, served and many val-
uable and useful presents were receiv-
ed by the host and hostess. Everyone
present apparently had a most enjoy-
able time, and in departing wished
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson rnany happy
returns of the day.
Two fires at Montreal caused a loss
of $125,000.
Greatlh itian's total revenue Last
year Wag 8706,1)15,513,
Clinton: Harland Bros. have dis-
posed of their coal business to D. Mc-
Corvie who has taken possession.
CUDMMORK-InUsborne. on March 23,
to Mr. and Mrs. Sam.Oudtnore,a son.
13116NNiai--SPR.trtlal-In St. Marys,on
March ':a), by Rev. Alex. Grunt, Mr.
Geo. Brenner to Miss Rhea Spearin,
all of St. Marys.
BEST -TY nRM AN- At. the residence of
the bride's parents, by Rev. A. K.
Birks, B.A., on March 25, John H.
Best Ug Miss Alice L.. only daughter
of Mr. .l.T.Tyermau, allef Seaferth.
SIMS --1n Creeliton, on March 28, Job
S3illis, aged 77 years.
MATHKK$ -in Parkhill, on March 24,
Amzy Mathers, aged 1e years.
Mertz --In Stephen, ('on. 4. on April 1,
Treietnnn U., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Josiah Motz, aged 1 year, :3 months.
Just Received our Spring Shipment
of the best
Hollywood Paste and
Ready Mixed Paints
41 Colors to select from.
Also Alabastine and Murallo Wall
Finishes, 25, 45 and 50c. a package
Brushes, all kinds, from 5c. up ---
---A splendid value for 15 cents.
Heaman's Hardware &