HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-03-30, Page 6BLOOD WILL TELL.
Rich, Pure Blood Will Drive
Ilia Most Obstinate Case of
Crowing pains. aching Joints, stiff -
rind murrles, tender, swoIlen liurbs--
thut's rheumatism -a blood disease
that ca Lees ceaseless agony and crtp-
phs thousands. 1l is acid in the
blood that causes rheumatism. 1-imf-
u.ents allay ease the pain temporar-
ily -but they never cure. To euro
rheumatism you trust remove the
t'cid in the impure blood. Dr. Wil-
liams' fink fills positively curd
rheumatism, acute or chronic. They
act directly on the blood, driving
the acid out. They made new,
warm, pure blood and send it throb-
bing through the heart, and lungs
and limbs. This new hlood banishes
every ache and pain -brings good
bcalth and full activity. Mr. T. II.
Smith, Caledonia, Ont.. says: -"For
a number of years I was badly trou-
bled with rheumatism, and was so
crippled up I could scarcely do any
work. 1 tried quite a nureber of
medicines, but they did not help ate.
Then I saw Pr. 1111lliame' Pint l'ills
advertiserd for this trouble, ante I
got a number of boxes. Before the
third box was used, I found myself
improving. I continued to use the
rills throughout the winter and they
have completely cured tae. 1 got so
that I could work on the coldest day
without a 'oat and riot feel a twinge
of the trouble. I have told quite a
few of my neighbors about the pills,
and they are a popular medicine
It is because I)r. Williams' Pink
Pills make new, pure, warns blood
that they have such great power to
cure disease. They positively cure
rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, St.
Vitus dance, partial paralysis, kidney
and liver troubles, anaemia, and the
ailments which women alone suffer
from. The purchaser must be care-
aro-ful to see that the full name, "Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Peo-
ple" is printed on the wrapper
around each box. Sold by all medi-
cine dealers or sent by mail at 50e.
a box. or six boxes fey /2.50, by
writing the 'Dr. Williams Medicine
Co.. Brockville, Ont.
Evidence to Bear - Out the "Gold
Was Plentiful as Dust"
Motor Car Exhibit to Tour the
English Countries.
Mr. Preston, the Labor Commis-
sioner in London for Canada, has
arranged an interesting motor.. wag-
gon tour through the out-of-the-way
places in England and Wales says
the London Dally Mail.
The waggon was one of the exhi-
bits at the St. Louis Exhibition, and
is 20 feet long. It will be loaded
with grain, fruit, straw, and other
samples of Canadian produce, and
lettered with information as to the
openings In the Dominion free grants
of land. By this means the men in
charge will be able to provide an
object -lesson to people who would
be missed on an ordinary "train and
town" tour, and the waggon, open-
ing outward at will, provides quite
a large area for the display of the
If the first experirnent proves as
great a success as is anticipated,
other waggons, costing £4,000 or
£5,000 each, will bo sent on similar
Derangement of the stoninch or
bowels is responsible for most of the
ailments that afflict infants and
young children. For keeping the
stomach and bowels In order nothing
can equal Baby's Own Tablets, that
is why children fu the homes where
these 'Tablets are used are bright,
good-natured and healthy. Mrs.
Joseph Wallace, Shanley, Ont.. says:
"1 have used Baby's Own Tablets
fo► my baby since ner earliest in-
fnncy, and have found them to be a
medicine that mets all the needs of
little ones. They have kept my lit-
tle one as bright and healthy as caul
be. These 'Tablets are sold under a
guarantee to contain no opiate or
poisonous "soothing" stuff. Sold by
all medicine dealers or nv mail at 25
rents a box by writing the Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Ship That Was Years Ahead of
Her Time.
Of all the great bruins that have
gellnp(•d ahead of their times. none
trent further than those marvellous
engineers. the two Il•anols. In every-
thing they undertook they were at
least a generation in ndvan_e of
their times.
The elder, Sir Marc iaamhnrd lIr•,-
tlel. was born near 1.ouen, in Prance
in 1769. After beginning his engin-
eering career in America in 1791, he
went to Plymouth in 1799, anti roto••
ned and settled down there.
ile invented a writing and drawing
nnchine, which was ton gond t •
meet with general appreciation in
these days, and soon rfterwa.ds 1r.•
gan to interest himself in steam Ha.
Tient fon.
In 1`t12 he pointed out to the Ad-
miralty the imnenee t se tugs would
be in getting warships out of harbor,
but the proposnl was quickly reject -
e•1 by the Navy Board.
His sin, ieanthnrd Kingrl llru-
nel, is hest known for that marvel -
hots steamship, the (:rent Eastern.
built is5.-1sss, and which. though
never n commercial success, remained
the biggest ship in the world for
half n century.
The real cause of its failure teas
Pimply that the stent,, engines of the
day were not sufficiently powerful
to drive such a t'enendouy stoic -
lure through the water.
Could the Great L.tetern have been
• equipped with nio.!ern twin -strews
at.ti 30,000 h.p. engines. there is no
renson why she should not have
taken her place with any of the fliers
of I o-elny.
A m(chnnical cotton -picker has
been Invented.
The discoveries In I•:gypt of Mr.
Davies, the American Egyptologist,
of a royal tomb containing rich
treasures are regarded as a whole as
surpassing any yet made in that
A further account received nar-
rates the discovery of steps between
the tombs of listheses IV. and ltam-
eses X11. At tho foot of the steps is
a door cut out of ruck and blocked
with stones. Mr. Davies on entering
found another flight of twenty steps
cut out of rock, at the end of which
war. a second door of blocked stones,
tie outer face of which was still
plastered with mud on which were
impressions of the royal seal. On
the steps were superb pectoral
scarabs, broken writing and a tablet
of alabaster.
It was evident that the tomb had
been entered by robbers shortly after
its construction. 'They had proba-
bahly been surprised at their work
and fled In haste, leaving some of
the plunder in the vestibule. Since
that day until Mr. Davies found it
the tomb had never, it Is thought,
been visited by man.
is not large, '171e walls were not
smoothed over or decorated, but
were filled from end to end with un-
touched rich spoils of ancient Egypt.
Mummy Oases encrusted with gold,
hugo alabaster vases of cxquisto
form and chairs and boxes, brilliant
with paint and gilding were piled in
bewildering confusion.
In a sepulchral chamber about
thirty feet long, 15 feet wide and
8 feet high, on the left of the en-
trance, there were found two great
wooden sarcophagi painted in black
and gold. Within were the mum-
mies of a man and woman. There
were two cases. The outer one was
completely silver plated on the out-
side and covered with silverleaf on
the inside. The second case was gold
plated on the outside and covered
with goldleaf on tho inside. Over a
Wonderful Cure of Mr3. James
Kinsella, Who Slept in a Chair
For Two Summers -What
Says of It.
St. Malachie, Que., March 27.-
(Speclal)—A cure of great interest
to women has attracted the atten-
tion of those interested in medical
matters in this neighborhood. LIM•s.
Jas. Kinsella, wife of a well-known
Citizen, had suffered from a compli-
cation of troubles for about two
years. She hail a pain in the right
hip, in the back and was obliged to
pass water overy fifteen minutes in
a burning itching sort of way.
She could not sleep at night and
had to sit up in a chair for two
Dodd's Kidney fills cured her.
Mrs. Kinsella speaking of her cure
says, "After the first box of Dodd's
Kidney fills I felt much better. Then
I got more and they did me a world
of good. I have never slept in the
choir since 1 used Dodd's Kidney
Woman's health depends on her
kidneys. Nine -tenths of the so-called
female complaints are caused by uric
acid in the blood. Cure your Kid-
neys with Dodd's Kidney Pills and
you can have no uric acid in the
Possibility of Great Britain
Granting Representative
Sir Gilbert Parker, M.P. recently
outlined the measures which, in his
opinion, •t precede full self-gov-
gilded mask belonging to one of the ernment in South Africa, says the
mummies a veil of black muslin was Loudon Mail.
drawn. This is the first Limo that Addressing a largely attended meet -
anything of this kind has been found frig in Caxton Hall, Weetminister,
is Egypt. under the auspices of the Imperial
The inscriptions show that it was South African Association and the
the burial place of Yua and Thus, Women's Liberal Unionist Federation
the parente of the famous Queen be said:
Tele, the wile of Amenhotop III., of "The way to reconciliation lies in
the so ordering the course of administra-
Beyond the coffins the ground was
covered with large sealed jars of oil
and wine, and shell-like boxes of
wood, each of which contained a
piece of cooked beef wrapped in black
muslin. Planted on top of these he a
chariot broad enough to hold two.
Unless the soap you
use has this brand you
are not getting the best
Ask lbw les Oeiagea Dar. Nf
Dinner Sets Free
A Merchant in your neighborhood ,s
showing hu appreciation of ooh trade of
``mug absolutely free, these DINNER
1f you do not know this Merchant, write
u! anti we will not only tell you who he is,
hut forward you a handsome sou r en i r Fait!?
Ths British Canalise Crockery De., Ltd.
of the mutineers. and is the author
of a book published in San
telling the story of the
To every 100,0 00 people
has 150 medical men.
Piles oured in 3 to 8 nights -
Ono application gives relief. Dr. Ag-
new's Ointment is a boon for itching
Piles, or 1Nini, 'Reeding Piles. It re-
lieves quickly and permanently. In
skin eruptions it stands without a
rival. Thousands of testimonials if you
want evidsnw. 85 teats. -23
"Yes, indeed, mg little can make
me do anything he wants me to do."
"The idea! Your uncle must have
great will -power?" "I should think
he bas. Ile can will a million dol-
11 a cough makes your nights sleep -
tion in these anxious days that no less and weary, it will worry you •
false hopes can bo roused on the part good deal, a• with gond caurc. 'I'o
,spel the worry and give yourself rest
of those who were lately our enemies, try Iiickle's Anti -Consumptive !Syrup. It
and aro now our fellow -citizens. exerts a soothing to Ilene* on the air
"From every standpoint of logic,
reason and expedient's, an intermedi-
ate form of government should be
given. We should delay the course
of enlarged administration until a
This is richly plated and Incrusted lino can be drawn diagonally through
with gold and leather work as fresh the two races on some matter of na-
as when it was made. tional policy and parties composed
The other objects found were fdTir of both races can be formed.
canopic jars of alabaster in which POLICY AND LEADEIt3.
the entrails of the deceased were de-
posited. These cannot he matched in "It is necessary that the unorgan-
size, fineness and workmanship, and ized political forces of the British
the heads which form the covers are poptilatlon shall find common ground
the best style of Egyptian art. for action and policy, and find their
Underneath is a second set of heads leaders also.
of plaster coated with gold. It is "It has been said that capital
noticeable how the chairs and boxes, would rule it representative govern -
tables and sandals bore out the ment Were given, but that apprehen-
statement, in the words of the Tel -el- soon is not well founded.
Arnarna tablets that "gold was as "An elected Representative Assent -
plentiful as dust" in the days of the bly, with a selected fixed Executive
Eighteenth Dynasty. 'There is noth-
ing, however, mean or insignificant,
that. is not literally plated with the
gold of the desert mines.
A ('l1Ul':L 'l'1I11EAT.
Mr. Snips (who has called about
that long-standing account) -"So
you won't pay to -day, eh? Well, now
I warn you, if yott don't settle with
mo by this tiny week 1'11 go round
to all your other creditors and tell
then' that you've paid me in full,
and then you'll have 'em all down on
you. See what I mean?"
Ways That Are Pleasant And
Paths That Are Peace.
esA NEW W€ .A 1�T
That's what any woman is after a hot cu;. of FRAGRANT
TEA. It chases away that old tired feeling and fills her with nee'
ly to11the principal enemies
of the oyster -beds. It is estimated
by the Fish Commission of the Unit-
ed States that they do damage to
the extent of 1250,000 annually to
the oyster -beds of that country.
Use the safe, pleasant and effectual
worm killer, Mother Graves' Worm Ex-
terminator; nothing equals it. Procure
a bottle and take it home.
The total number of bankruptcies
in England and I',,ales last year
was 4,515, an increaso of 258 on
the preceding year.
To itarse Is a Fallacy. -The dic-
tum to stop eating because you have
indigestion bus long since been explod-
ed. 1'r. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets
Introduced a new cra in the treatment
of stomach troubles. It has proved
that uuo rimy cat his felt of anything
and e'.erylhu,u he relishes, and ono
tablet taken after the rural Will cud th•
stomach in doing its work. 00 in a
box. 35 cents.—'24
Tom -"I thought when I got mar-
ried that I would bo able to have
my own way once in a while." Jack
-"You poor, misguided man." "No
-I'm • Mrs. -guided man."
Dirs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup bas
seen used by millions of mothers for
their children while teething. It soothes
Alba child, soltene the gums, alloys pain,
tures wlndtolle, regulates the stomach
and bowels, and is the hest remedy for
Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
Sold by druggists throughout the
world. Bo surra and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow'• Soothing Syrup." 22-04
The amount of water -power devel-
oped in Italy is not far short of
300,000 horse -power; that of France
about 500,000; whilst the United
Kingdom only developer about 10.-
000 horse -power.
Lever's Y -Z (Wise
ant Soap Powder
ether powders, as it
Bead) Disinfect -
is better than
Ir both soap and
Orator (excitedly) -"Tho Ilritish
lion, 'Whether it is roaming the des-
pasaages And allays the irritation that i erte of India or climbing the forests
Bads to inflammation. It will subdue I of Canada, will not draw in its
the must stubborn cough or cold, and horns or retire into its shell."
eventually eradicate It from the system, s
as a trial of it will prove to you.
Keep Kinard'a Liniment in the honer.
Mabel -"And has the young man
been coming to see you long enough 4 Papa -"I hear you were a had girl
to wear out your patience?" Gladys to -day and had to be whipped."
-Patience? Wby. he has been com- small Daughter -"Mamma is awful
ing to see me long enough to wear strict. if I'd 'a' known she used to
out three colas!" he a school teacher, I'd 'a' told you
not to marry her."
Minard's Liniment bide marl 's friend
"Tell tae, my daughter," said Mr.
Moneybag, with some anxiety in his
voice, as ho led his only child to a
seat in the drawing -room. "wasn't
co , posed of lh It ish and liners -a young Mr. Casket hero last night?"
coalition Al • istrutiun - would "Yes, father. Why do you eek')"
bridge over a difficult time and "Did you and he have a quarrel?"
would Prevent domination either by "No, father, not a quarrel exactly.
British or Dutch.
But tell me! lona an, thing !impelled fall self-government there has to hien?"
Sera no good preparation, and there "Did he or did he not propose
still exists a body of irreconcllables' marriage to you'?"
whose object is to fan the flame of "Yes, he did, father," replied the
faction." girl, now thoroughly' alarmed. "Ito
Sir Gilbert Parker spoke on the tell me 11 any thing hos happened to
material prospects of South Africa hint. fins he committed sui—"
In his journey of ten thousand utiles, "Whitt was your reply, daughter?
one pleasing thing impressed hint- Did you accept hint?"
Duly in half a dozen cases did he find "No, hither. Has his body been
the home unbuilt. discov—"
PROMISING INDUSTRIES."Ilid you give him any encourage -
Ile believttl that 14011111 day South meat?"
Africa w 111 not mils. be able to feed "y O. father. Bid he shoot himself
itself, but will export food products or---- .
to England. 'There will he no future 'Volt rejected Mtn finally and irro-
for South Africa. how iner, without focahly, did y04,?'
It is the simple life that gives the development of industries as well
length of days, serenity of mind and as agriculture, and in the Orange
body and tranquility of soli. I lthct• Colony the industries are very
Simple hopes and ambit lone, I promising.
bounded by the desire to too good 7lie Duke of Argyll, who presided,
to one's neighbor', simple pleasures, remarked that one of the greatest
habits, food and drink. dilliculties facing Englishmen in
Sten die long before their time be- 5111th Aencu is that of getting an
cause they try to rruad ton h English wife. It might be possible
their experiences -they climb too
under proper guidance and protection
1(, (11111111 110i111•:4 111 youth Africa for
high and fall tau hard \ wise
woman writes of the good that a' girls who would grow up to look
simple diet has done her: upon the countr). as their own, and
"1 have Leen using 11rapr-\lits furl in time would beeohie wives of Eng- to sill appearances vanquished In one,•
lisp settlers. HENT during the ipast }ear. It is It makes Its appearance In another dl -
about six months. 1 began rather I always the first Liniment asked for rection. in many the digestive another
t•pnringly, until I acquired such a "'---` � --"- - I ti 11 the test
sus Is 58 delicate as the mechanism of
The Demon, itvspepsin.-In olden times
it was a popular belief that demons
moved invisibly through the ambient
air. seeking to eater into men and
trouble them. At the present day the
demon, dyspepsia, is at large In the
genie way, seeking habitation in those
who by careless or unwise living in-
vite him. Anil once he enters a yuan it
is difficult to dislodge Mtn. fie that
finds himself so possessed should know
that a valiant friend to do battle for
hint with the unseen foo Is Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills, which are ever ready
for the trial.
"It is bitter cold," remnr'•ed the
shivering husband. "Why don't you
button up your jacket?" "The idea!"
exclaimed the wife. "Why, 1f I did
that no one would know it is lined
with fur."
South American Kidney Cure
is the only kidney treatment that has
protea equal to correct all the evils
that aro likely to befall thew physical
regulators. Iluudreds of testimonials to
lprove the curative merits of this
iquid kidney specific in cases to Bright's
dlsea*c% dinbetes, irritation of the blad-
der. infauunation, dropsical tendency.
Don't delcv.-2'i -r
Smyth met his friend Brown in the
"Yes, father, and he said he'd go street the other night. "Halton, old
and do s Oiling desperate, but I fellow!" he exclalrne'tl; "how aro you
didn't think he'd make away with getting on?" "Pretty well, thank
himself. Oh, father, isn't it awful?" you," answered Brown; "but," he
"Yes, it's awful. I suspected that continued, "i've something to say
you had rejected him when 1 heard done."
what he had clone to -day."
"Oh, fat her, do you think 1 shall
be railed to account. for it?"
"Oh, dear, no. You weren't oblig-
ed to marry him just because he ask-
ed you."
"But, tell me; what has he done,
•Ile's settled down to earn his
own ih ing."
Marion !indite, C. 11.,
May -i0, '02.
I hate handled MiNAIID'S LINI-
District, improved farms, splendid
bargains. also line summer resort pro-
perty. brick house. Jetta Carter, Suud-
ridge, Ont.
A A1tM8 POtt MALE. -Good half -see -
tion. 35 miles north of Hargrave.
00 acres and cultivated, comfortable
frame house. new granary and lair
stabling, good water, best of wheat
soil, a spendid neighborhood, churches,
schools and post office convenient,
50,000. terms reasonable. Several sec-
tions and quite a few hooves of A 1
wheat land at from $7.60 to 510 per
acre, in the district south and south-
west of Virden. Why go west to the
Territories and pay 58. 59. 110 arat
512, when you can buy right hero at
our prices.-ItcDONALD SIMPSON CO.,
Virden, flan.
Canada's Best School.
(graduates tram thls school are draw-
ing from 550 to 5100 per month. Po-
sitions furnished to our graduates.
Prospectus mailed fres.
Cor.tlueeu and Tongs Ma., Toronto. Can
Physician -Your bronchitis threa-
tens to become tuberculosis. have
you any idea what brought on the
original attack?
Patient --Yes, sir. Sitting In a
strong draft near an open door.
Physician -As I suspected. I shall
prescribe the open-air cure. You
must sleep on your roof.
Have you tried Holloway's Corn Cure?
It has no equal for removing these
troublesome excresencee as many have
testified who have tried it.
"It's pretty safe to conclude that
any woman who doesn't gush over a
pretty baby is a confirmed old
maid." "Not always. She may be
a mother who has a baby sho thiuks
Is prettier."
Ask for Minard'a and tate no other
"Edith!" the old gentleman battled
from the head of the stairs, "you
just ask your young man if he
doesn't think it's near bedtime.",
"1'cry hell, pa," replied the dear
girl in the parlor; then, after a
pause, "Jack sive yes; if you're
sleepy, go to bed, by all means'"
Cheapest of all Me,licines.—Con.;idcring
the curative qustates of hr. 'I'hou,ar
I•:electric 011 it is the cheapest medicine
now offered to the. public. The dose re-
quired in any ailment Is small and a
bottle contains &nany doses. If It were
valued nt the benefit it confers It could
not be purchased for many times the
price asked for it, but increased con-
sumption has s,rupl,fied and cheapened
its inanufacturt.
Miss Plane -"I think it's a very
good portrait of me. Don't you
think it would be nice to have 0 en-
larged?" Miss Pert -"Yes, dearest.
if you could only have the mouth
and cars reduced at tho same time."
Death or Lunacy seemed the only al-
ternati,at for a well-known and highly
respected lady of Wingliain, Ont., who
hall travelled over two continents in a
vain search for a cure for nervous de-
bility and dyspepsia. A friend recom-
mended South American Nervine. One
bottle helped, six bottles cured, and her
own written testimony closes with these
words. "It has saved my life." -20
Harry -"When I asked her if she
would be mine sho fell on my breast
and sobbed like a child, but finally
she put her arms round my neck and
whispered that she was so happy."
llarriet-"1'ea; that is what she told
me she was going to do. She has
been practising it with Cousin Bert
for ever and ever so lung."
Minard's IinimEnf used by Phislcians
Owing to the ferrets usrd for catch-
ing rats nn the British cruiser Pout -
one having succ•Inthed to the bites
of the rodents, the Admiralty, ns a
precaution against the possible
‘spread of infectious disease, have
ordered that the rats in the ship
should be killed immediately, and
their bodies buried in quick -lime.
A Magic Poli .-Dyspepsia is a foe with
which men ore constantly grappling
but cannnt exterminate. Subdued, and
para -
►t rr, and nnquMt .ons , ya watch or so ienttfc instrument In
liking for it that for the last three PITCAIRN ISLANDERS. 'viler of all the different kinds of which even n breath of air will make
months I have depended upon it al- -- A CHILD'S HEIRSHIP. 5 varlet With such persons dts-
iintnlent I handle, orders of the stomach ensue from the
most entirely for my di.• eating Cut off From World by Loss of The Duchess of 11'estrniester's baby NEIL I'I:It('US(IN. most trivial causes and cause much
nothing else ahntev.r. but (:rape-! Their Boat. suffering. To these l'arnreleo's liege -
for breakfast and supper. and 1 son is heir ler'on income of 11:I,:r00 table Pills are recommended mild
believe i could eat it for dinner with' 'Oahe Pitcairn islanders, descendants a do}, err $1.275,485, a year. alis and sure.
troll and he satisfied without other, of the historic mutineers of the title touring his father's lifetime is
food, and feel much better and have Bounty. have sustained a severe loss ('rnsveAur-token from the faint))
more strength to do my housework, in the %creek 0t their cutter, which 084)0 -and it he suryhrs his father
"When 1 began the use of (:rape- has completely cut oft their c•. • he "111 inherit 80,04)0 acres, includ-
ing 1
Nuts 1 'ns thin and weak• my ours-' Inunfeation with the outside wu.t., 1100 acres of the most valuable
cies were so soft that I was not ' says the London limb Express. land in the 11'est end of London.
able to do any work. 1 weighed News of the disaster has just reach -I
only los pound§. Nothing that 1 cd Captain Edward Stubbs, I(.N.,
ate dirt me any good. 1 was goin¢ secretary of the Liverpool Seamen's
Clown hill reeldly. way nervous an,1 (►rphanage, in a letter from Miss'
miserable, with no ambition for nn}- RoNalind Voting, one of the little
thing. %1y condition improved rap- community.
idly after 1 hegnn to ent (:rape-Xrit: She left Pitcairn island in the (ut-1
food. it made me feel like A peat ter some toile ng. for Tahiti to at -
woman: my moseles got solid, tie tent a mi'sinnary conference. She
figure rounded out, my weight in- tea- to return by the cutter, but just
creased to 12a pounds in a few mi -sed it, and the nett she heard
week• my nerves grew steady enol was that it had born wrecked eight
my hind better and clearer. try miles from land. (Inc of the crew,
friends tell me they haven't sea named "Collin Junior" was drowned,
me look no well for veers. but three usher men succeeded in
"1 consider (4111,e -Nuts the beat
fond on the rnnr'u•t. and shall never
go hack to meats and white bread
ntrnin " Name given by I'ostnm Co..
Battle Creek, 511th .
'There'd n reason.
Look In each pkg. for the little innderl.
hook, ''1he (load to 11ellyille." stk., Tonne is a descendant o1 one
reaching shore in their sninll boat.
Sli.s 1•wing appeals to Captain
Stubbs for help In replacing the lost
cutter, as it ens the only meting of
obtnicing supplies, end its Imo; may
result in the stnryntion of tho is
I'Alt('t' 1. I'OS'l' WI'I'I1 A%1EIIICA.
The nnn11uncentent made in the
London Express thnt an agreement
for an official parte' post -to begin
on April 1-•hetweeu (:rent Britain
and the United Mlatcs of America
had been signed by 1.•1rd Stanley and
the Postmaster -(general of the United
States line been olflcially confirmed.
The limit of weight for parcels from
the hhiltel hin:;tlon will be 4
pounds t1 ounces, rind the postage 2s.
for cnrh pnrc('I. There will be non -
postal charges apart from customs
ditty. The insurtineo Syste111 does
r,•.t apply to parcel, sent by the
bewsert Ire. This n l rlal set vice,
however, will he raffled on ci,neur-
rcntly ltith the s'nu-ntlicini service
at present ',mint elect' Omelet' the
Agency of the Ani 1tran Express
Company. by wheeli pnrrelt enn Ire
fent up to II poi,n•Is in weight, and
can he lrsurel' for any lenlue int to
'1'11E I'I.:1TN '1'III•'1'lf.
"Come, cheer up," said the opti-
mist. ''Things are never so end
that the;; might not. bo worse."
"1 know it," groaned the pessi-
mist, "but they're never so good
that they might not be better,"
\ferry wout cure a cough. When
you find a cough holding on -
when everything else has failed -
Cure ThAtung
It is guaranteed to cure. If it
doesn't, ee'll refund your money.
Prices! $, C. Witte A Co, 5)5
230.30c. IL letRoy,N.Y.,Totoste,CAa.
TNU :FLUE NO. 12.-05