Exeter Advocate, 1905-03-23, Page 5T1II: ALL SICK WOMEN Q zetex abuocate, ( SHOULD READ PISS SCYWAIY's LETTER Gttl r. publiebed every Thur... Moruiug at the MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. —Bj tbe— AOVOOATE PUBL. 804INO COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Orae Dollar per annum if paid iu ads at. e. $1 it not so paid. aiv.stiaing Rates off ay)1L tion In An Parts of Canada Lydia E. Pink- : bam'e Vegetable Compound Hss Ef- fected Similar Cures. Many wonderful cures of female ills are continually corring to light which so have been brought about by Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound, and No paper dis^ontinued until all errearaAes are paid Advertisements without specified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal dirount made for tranecient advertisements inserted for lung periods. Etery description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, ac., for sit erasing, sal r•riptions, ete., to be made payable o Sanders & Creech, PRuPRILTORS Professional Cards. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, 1.. D. S.. D. D. S.. Honor graduate of Toronto enIs erittr. DENTIST, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office in Fansoa s Block, west side Main street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. 1. D DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of trental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Poet Graduate of Chi. ago S hoot of Prosthetic Dentistery (with honorable mention.) Alluruinuen, Gold and vulcanite Plata made In the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an• aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Medical D11. T. P. McLAUOIILIN, MEMBER OF TIIE 11 College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Dash- wood, Ont_ Auctioneers BROWN, Winchelsea. Deemed Auctioneer H e for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also tor the township of Ueborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Poet Office Winchelsea. —THE - 11181010s latik of Giiai1a HEAD OFFICE, MONTRFAL capital Paid Up - 6,000,000 Rest & Undivided Proflts 3,218,9159 95 BRANCHES IN CANADA luterest at moat favorable current rates from date deposited allowed ou Savings Bank accounts and De- posit Receipts. Oommercal Letters of Credit issued available in China, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers In all parte of the world, A general Banking business transacted. SAVINGS BANK. THOS FYSIIE, ORYIIAL M.asaog*. . Y. IIEBDEN, St•rr or BRaxcnas & CHIRP Bern -ton CREDITON BRANCH W. S. CHISHOLM. Manager. CLEAN, DRY American Corn- FOR SALE at Exeter Storehouse This is much cheaper feed than Oats. Try it. Jos. Cobbledick through the advice of Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., which is given to trick women absolutely free of charge. Mrs. Pinkham has for many years made a study of the ills of her sex she has consulted with and advised thousands of suffering women, who to -day owe not only their health but even life to her helpful advice. Miami Annie E. Schwalm, of 336 Spa- ding Ave., Toronto, Ont., writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham •- "I have found Lydia E. Ptnkham's Vege- table Compound a specific for Leuoorrha , wish which I have been troubled for years 1 also had irregular and painful menstruation which affected my general health until last sprung. 1 was only a wreck of my former self. In my affliction I was advised to use your Compoand, and am so glad that i did so. I found that in a few short months there wee no trace of Leurerncoea, my strength gradually returned, and in a very abort time I considered mysels perfectly well woman. /appreciate my good health, and beg to as- sure you that I am most grateful toou for discovering such a wonderful remedy for suf- fering women." The testimonials which we are con - sten tivpublishingfrom grateful women establish beyond a doubt the power of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound to conquer female diseases. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communieate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. She asks nothing in return for her advice. It is absolutely free, and always helpful. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Theonly.aafe effectual monthly medicine on which women can depend. Bold in two degrees of strength—No. 1, for ordinary cage.., $1 per box : No. S. 10 de- grees stronger for special Cases. $o per box. Sold by all dreppixfs. Ask for Cook's Cot- ton Root Compound ; take no substitute. Trio Cook Medicine Co.. Windsor, Ontario PIANOS That Have to be Sold. %%o have in stock THREE PIANOS which have been in useor f a shot t time only, and wanting to 'make t•ootn for new goods, we are going to sell these Pianos tit a price that they will have to go. intending purchasers would do wt•II to call and inspect these bargains he - fore buying. Violins and Violin Sund- ries Always in Stock. S. MARTIN lleadqua''tts fur Stationery. KALLSVEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewr Irby No stop ddb of your hafrP At this raseyou wrl moos be without turf baht fi_ thber at Hall's air Renewer .hops Mike Bair, gad makes hair Brow. ■ ry a' EXETER MARKETS. ('HANGED EACH 1%'E1)NESI)AY 1Vhest (old' 1 00 1 02 BarlBarley :is 40 The explosion of an 'wetvlene getter - Oats tutor in the cellar of 1)r. tVilford's resi- Yeas iii) fry dente in Woodstock, on Friday, Potatoes, per bag .. 75 S0 wr'ecke'd the machine, damaged the }day, per ton 7 00 8 01) cellar and gave the doctor it severe Flour, per cwt.. family 2 85 shaking up. Flour, low grade pct cwt 1 25 1 2O Rutter op Mrs. Sterne:neut, of Barons gets in - F ggs iN Love hogs, per cwt 4 00 Dressed flogs 8 76 8 00 Shorts per ton 20 00 21) 01) Bran per ton 15 00 10 00 Dried Apples ., :i t The hig. et trust in the world is said to have leen formed by eight of the principal Unite.! States r.tih•ond.,, con- , trolling over twenty-eight thousand trill's of mad. surnnce upon her husIand's life after an eight year fight. She was convict ell of poisoning him but was after- ; wards acquitted. The insntnnre was MOW). Her cord, were $2500 and she gets (mirth with interest. House of Refuge investigation. committee letestigates Charge% Made Against the Maasgemseat and Filed Theta Unfounded. A Complete Retree.tioe On the 31st of January last Olt. Arthur Cantelon, of Clinton, sent e letter to the County Clerk. In 11.i - letter Mr. Cantelon stated that tett.•i inmates were illtreated, that he had called the attention of the keeper. Ire ept•cter and Physician to the tic..t• meat given to certain inmates, but got no satisfaction from these official;. '1*. Cantelon, in that letter and in the 'mine of humanity, called fee an investigation and stated that he t.ta!d bring taunt a dozen tvitnesses to prove his statements. On receipt of this letter Mr. Spaek• roan, ('hairivan of the blouse of Refuge Committee, then called a meeting of this cotmutittee. Which met tet the %'lit eerie). House, Clinton, Tuesday. aitd asked that Mr. French, keeper of the House of Refuge; J. Torrance, In- spector; Dr. Shaw. physician of the House of Refuge and Mr. Coats form- er inspector to appear before the committee. There were present the above gentlemen, also Chairman :Space 'nate \\'let•deu Miller, Clet•k 1. -rue, Councillors Currie and Lamont. O1t•. Cantelon was heard in reference - to this matter. He could not Make any charges of cruelty to inmates a- gainst ally official at the House, but acknowledged that the illtreatnu•nt he had complained of was disputes or gntirrels among certain inmates. Personally he did not know much, In t relied on stories told hint by inmates. He was asked to bting any witnesses he had to support him in his state- ments, hut he said he had none th..t he could conveniently get ahold of. Messrs. French, Torrance. Coats and Shaw appeared before the com- mittee and all agreed so far as they knew that there was no foundation for the complaints Mr. •Cantelon httd trade. Dr. Shaw said the inmates were properly cared for and itt case of silo.- were practically well cared for, even supplied with delicacies. that the rooms were kept in a sanitary condi- tion. That the keeper was kind and attentive to inmates, so far as possible and supported what the other ofticie I. had stated, that the management of the house was good. The committee after hearing these parties, passed the following reed's - tion : "Moved by Wm. Lamont, seconded by J. T. Currie, that after considetiteg and investigating the several charge's made by A. Cantelon, against the - management and the keeper of tl.e House of Refuge, Mr. D. French, of alleged cruelty and harsh treatmo'it to several of the inmates of said in,ti• ttttion we find, after a careful inquiry a►.d thorough examination of the parties who have been and now are In connection ttith the management of said House, viz: Mr- Coats, .Me. ret I ri.•t' and Dr. Shaw. that there i.- no -uo just cause for complaint, and we• entirely exonerate Mr. French of the above charges made by A. Cahteton." The committee thinking it wise to inform Mr. Cantelon what action they intended to take and make him an (lnainted with the resolution pissed, recalled Mr. Cantelon after dinner and impressed upon him the necessity of tetracting his charges. This was dune with the hest of feeling between all concerned, as the following written statement submitted to the committee, shows : "After heating the investigation and considering the platter all over. I come to the cunelusion that there i. no ilt•tetattnent towards any of the the inmates of the House of Reftige. and that no blame can be attached to any of the ofllcet•s of the above hist i- tution." (Signed) AKTI[t'tt C'.ANTKLee . News of the Week. The E. F. Clarke testimonial fund now totals over $16,000. Friinee is to import salmon spawn from Canada to stock the French stteains. Considet:tile oil fields are said to have been discovered in southern Alberta. C. W. Marlolte of St. Thomas suc- cumbs in hospital to self•inflicted bili let wound. Fred. Salisbury, of \Vatcrfor•d, was foetid dead in the M. C. R. vitro at St. Thomas. Mrs. 1)oe way found insane by the jury at Woodstock, and unfit to stand tried for sounder. Frank Matthews, soda water ma nu fartnrer, conunitted suicide at Oak- ville by shooting. The Quebec Electric Power Company will build a dam 90 feet high in the Montmorency River. A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge decided by a large majority to increase the rates for insure ice. Three hand .'d Chinese lost their lives in a fire an board a number of river boats at Hong Kong. Ray Bezinson, of Hamilton, 17 years of age, was accidentally shot and kill- ed by Jas. Potter, a youthful compan- ion. Nan Paterson, the actress, accuse (1 of w,n•dering Cerise'. Young, a book• maker, is to have a new trial at New York. The Kind that has Cured Your at%St *le flakes Sick Friends and Neighbors in Spring Time... too BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. rrAsk for "PAINE'S." People Well Zealand'• t'ederted eblldr.a. In every lag tuwu the children of the slums habitually go to school im- properly fed. Many of them are uot only Improperly fed, but the food they do get is far too tittle in quantity. IS the hard winter season, when the building trades are idle, many again go to school either with as food at all or having only stayed their hunger La the morning with a crust of dry bread. Ia sharp, frosty weather it is a cora- mon experience for teachers in the elementary schools of the poorer parte of our great towus-1 have often seea it -to find children suddenly seised ' with vomiting. This is not so much caused by the tact that the stomach 1s upset as that it has revolted against the effect of the cold upon its empty. condition. Aed nut only is this state of things true of the poorer parts of the big towns. It is also true of many of the agricultural villages. Let u vis• ttor to a village elementary school look closoly at the children. They are In many cases flabby and pale. They need more nourisbiug food. A break- fast of "teakettle broth," a bit 01 bread and treacle and some abomina- bly poor ten -these torn the three meals daily. -Dr. T. J. McNamara, h[, P., in Nineteenth Century. Athletes and Ceasaamptlea. There must be no exercise as exer- cise for the consumptive patient. If you are able and feel like it, amuse yourself, but don't take exercise t• build your system up. I know. I, too, have heard those stories about mea given up to die who began work in s gymnasium and by violent exercise en- tirely recovered tbeir health. When the lung tissue is attacked by tubercu- losis It heals, if It heals at all, by fibrous scar material tilling in the cav- ity. No new lung tissue is formed t0 replace what has been lost, and this scar material Is useless for breathing. Suppose you had a deep cut in your hand and you kept working that hand violently, how long do you think H would take the cut to heal? When et. srclse is taken or you "expand the lungs" you have to work the lung tis- sue just as you work your hand, and if It is wounded there will be a much larger proportion of scar material use- less for breathing when It does get well. -Everybody's Magazin*. The ?reach Archives. The archtt-ea so magnificently housed in the Motel de Rohan form one of the moat interesting sights of Paris. Here, bound in white calf, thousands of folk* contain the history of France, dating from the Capet and Valois kings, all documents being classified under foss heads --administrative, hlatoric, legis- lative and judiciary. Among minor ob- jecte of interest not shown to visitors without special permission is the table on which Robe'plerre, wounded, was placed in the Hotel de Ville on the eve of !rhermldor and the inventory of Ma- rie Antolnette's wardrobe, with pat- terns of her dresses, and also of Mmo- Ellzaheth's. Insignificant indeed would the collection appear beside that of a fashionable lady of today. In these historic premises, busy as bees. Inde- fatigable searchers aro continually at work. --Westminster Gazette. Daltlarore, /reload. Baltimore, in Maryland, gets its name from a small and unostentatious fish- ing village in Ireland. The word Balti- more signifies the "village that grew up about the big house," and the der- ivation is plain when one sees the ivy covered ruins of the very remarkable big house that was once the stronghold of the O'Driscolls. It Is situated upon an Imposing Height, a sentinel over the numerous little dwellings that have sprung up and increased In the vicinity of its wrecked and deserted life. From the village of Baltimore enormous catches of mackerel ars sent to Amer. ica.-F ichatige. Read HIs Owe Baena. A distinguished English churchman tells this In M. A. 1'.: "The vicar of Swanscombe was a very eccentric man. I remember -Indeed, who could ever forget It? -that be once rend out bis own banns of marriage with a lady who had not only not consented to marry lane but whom he bad never avked to do so. lie di l this for two Sundays. On the third her fattier rose and fontinlly objected to such a ridiculous proceeding." Walling NIG Tara. "Well, Jat'k," said his chum after Jack had proposed to the most popular girl in the town, "Is It all right?" "Well." said Jack ruefully, "I cao hope --that's all." "What did she say?" "Site said she'd file my proposal with all the others and consider it when she got down to it." Ills Lack et Tact. Barnes -Howes is a pretty good Bort of fellow. Shedd -Yee, but he hnsn't got any tact. At the restnurnnt the ether day he sikeell me if 1 was fond Of cats, end 1 was eating relibit stew at the time! The ides of asking such a question at such a time as that! ■eelaeatly QaaliI d. rracticnl Aunt _ Do you think you ars qualified to become the wife of a poor man? The Confident Girl -Oh, yes; It's all settle.!. We are to ilve In a cottage, and I know how to make cottage emitting already. The a 1 Preblesa. "Whet has been the gre>ateat diffi- culty w;t1, whi. h you have bad to con- tend, tiro. Kinder. In your struggle with the serraut girl problem?" "Preventing the good ones getting Serried." The poor people of Rerbadoes subeist principally on sugar cane, sweet pota- toes and flying nib. REASON N9 10 WHY YOU SHOULD USE Red Rose Te a Because It Is Reliable. Some one has said : " A single fact is worth a ship- load of argument." A few facts : 1 introduced this tea to the public about ten years ago. In that short time the business has grown to such proportions that we now occupy the Largest Tea warehouse in Canada. This enormous business has been built up without extensive advertising. The merchants who commenced handling Red Rose Tea ten years ago are the most enthusiastic in its praises to -day. The merchants who sell it, the people who drink it, have found that it could be relied on The brand, " Red Rose Tea," is accepted everywhere as a guarantee of the highest quality, and those who drink it are its best advertisers. Ask some of your friends about it. T. H. E3STABROOKS, St. John, N. B. BRANCHES: TORONTO. WINNIPEG. To cure a COMM a night -use Vapo-Creso- icr,c•. It has been rased extensively during more than tee enty-four years. All Druggists. New York State lint passed n kw requiring excursion bouts to carry at se ►mit one life -preserver for each pas - Wm. Phelan, a usually affectionate fattier, al •d his son at Montreal, beating the boy on the head with an iron poker, Turnkey Ilex was knockedinsens'II • with a brick by a colored ratan named Jackson in Sandwich jail, and Jackson then escaped. The birthday of the net% Province, of Allterti+ and Sttsketchewau will be celebrated by the civic authorities of Regina on July 1. Billy Quesness, a lacrosse player of Chatham, attemptedsuicide by cutting his throat on Friday. He will recover and is confined iu the jail. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J.CHENEY& CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yeats,•rnd be- lieve hits perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to marry out any obligations made by hitt fit•in. WALDINU, KiNNAN & MARVIN. NVholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting dit•ectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent ft• te. r rce"5 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take hall's family Pills for constipa- tion. SettlersTrains - A Tee. Distillery. On the Canary islari 1, glows a foun- tain tree, a tree most nec,led to sorsa parts of the islands. It it said that the leaves constantly distill a Quantity ed water that is sufficient to furnl* drink to every living creature In Merle nature having provided this remelt", for the drought of the island. Waal morning near this part of the island% cloud of mist arises from the Nilo which the windy f tr.•e against Ike steep cliff on which this tree growl% and It is from the nest that the Use distills the water. Proved it. "My wife will Lou witness," sall the prisoner at the bar, "that at tial very time I am aceu,e1 of burglarising Mr. Smith's premise+ 1 was engaged in walking the floor with toy infect child in my arms, endeavoring to soothe It by singing 'Bock -a by, Baby-'" I "The prisoner is diecharged," re- marked hie honor. -tie eau prove i MUaby ." A FAMOUS SCHOOL. (j= CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT.�� Business Mien have leashed that our graduates are prepared f•.r podtions .J trust No school In Canada can do mere for its students than this one. Ourgratlua0c.. slumps secure pose tion+. Write for free catat ._•:.•, it i. a Iu11;41,0070 one Sevin¢ term open. April .trd. I•:Mit t1_i ,t fit 1..11 ALAN, t'riiciiwtle CREDITON Will leave Toronto every Tuesday During March and April AT 9,00 P.1t , FOR Manitoba and the North-West; and nut is Toronto, Grand Trunk, North Itay and ' Canadian Pacific. A Colonist Sleeper a ilt be attach • ed to each train. Passengers travelling without live ; •tock should take the train leaving Toronto 1.15 p.m. Train leasing Toronto at e.00 p. m. 1e for lueseniera travelling with Mork. Full particular and copy of "We.tern Canada. - from and ('anadlan Paddy Railway Agent or C. 0 ' Poston, D. P. A., Toronto DR. SLOCUM'S WARNING TIE BERMS OF III$VMPTMM SWARM M TIE LAMB colunmptivea who spit on the !Dora ofears. lPaula coaveyanosq balls, or on the streets. eeive the seeds of death behind them la factories, or other plans in cities or towns, where 000snmpttves have worked and s+D�iaa►l ee�� the floor, the very walls ars tau of TUBER Ci,i OTEHL Theatres gad leetare halls are dangerous to those of weakened systems, mid the utmost can should be takes to fortify tti�ss System and avoid contagion. A teaspoonfai of Ps chine" taken before reel oat wwlll111 prevent all chances of attack trout taus soaroe. EXPLAINS THE RTMPTOM9 OF co:elMP-MON The symptoms of consumption ars no' bard 14 dimmer - Neglected coos Loss of flesh %rote MatTroutMs catarrh Rheumatirn P',, Night Sweat* Women's Infirmities ifemorrhages Wasting Condition' Paine In the (.'beat Tongue Coated Hoarseness rale and Thin Extreme Exhaustion Lack of Stan Catarrhal Affections of the Nose, Throat, ani ('hest. Dr Slocum says: "Cans•nmptiset almost always, until the last moment, do not believe that anything M the matter with them. They gar 'If only thi' cough or that soh* were gone I woofs be all NOM' My remedy. ' P,'cbine,' will at ones relieve tie mush and paint, soon afte r you begin to tike it• Psychine meet be taken regularly, for a dismay like Consumption cannot be cured in a day ore week, It Is well to remember that P•ychme is not In the um al clam of patent medicine,, tett. on the emit le the remedy need daily in Is. 810 -um', seteaMvi prie-t ice Psychlne is pronounced el -keen • fox sale at all drug stores, or • Sample bottle free ' of ri.arxe 0 your druggist does tact% hats It In Meek. Mention drngylet's nesse. write De. T. A Slor�, Waited, 119 thing itree% We'e, Toronto, Ont, Dr Slocum', valuable treatise on the Cure and Prevention of Ilalteneary sad ttroacb:al Troublel wailed ire. totter) refers., ROLLER NAILS. 1140,a011g310a+?m•2ic OCccs inc.N We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. — —e C*IZISTING and C'ILOPPING DONE PROMP'T'LY. H. SWEITZER NOTICE To Farmers and tf Puliulc. is ciigrai. As the spring is coag on now, gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones. All Kinds old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and take them down to M. Jackson & Son Main Stroot, Exeter. rlr••.',1,eot Mouth of \tr!topnlitau Hefei That's where you will get the highest cash let ice (u1' thrill,