Exeter Advocate, 1905-03-23, Page 4F
°let" buori>.ithh, EXPLOSION KILLED `9
Sanders & Creech, Props.
THURSDAY, MAH. 23, '05 Srockton, Mass., the scene of
an Awful Disaster.
Proposed Amendment.
Beller Exploded in a Shoo
Ottawa, March 2O. -The proposed
amendment to the educational clauses
of theautunomy hills in substitution
for the clauses as first introduced, are
as follows: -
Section 1) of the B. N. A. Act, 1837.
shall apply lei the said province, with
a substitution fur sub -section 1 of said
section 93 of the folio wing sub -section:
(1) Nothing in any such lacy shell
Prejudicially effect any tight or priv-
ilege with respect to sep:u•ato welt ,i -
which any class of persons have at t n.
date of the passing of this Hel, under
the terms of chapters 2) and 3) of the
ordinances of the Northwest Terri-
tories, passed in the year 19I11.
(2) 1n the appropriation by the leg-
islature or distribution by the govern -
ment of the Province of any utou••y
for the support of schools organized
and carried on in accordance with
said chapter 29 or any tact passed in
amendment thereof or itt substitution
therefor, there shall be no discrimina-
tion against schools of any class des•
cribed in the said chapter 29.
(3) Where the express' "by law"
is employed in sub -section 3 of the
said section 03, it shall be held to mean
the law as set out in the said chapters
Wand 30, and where the expresso,,.
"at the union" is employed in said
sub -section 3 it shall be held to meet'
the date at which this act comes into
This amendment is a conlprouniat•
between the government and the 1.it,-
erals of the \`'est, and the autonouty
bill, with the modified separate schot•t
clause, was brought up in the Ions.
on Wednesday for its second reading.
Briefly the settlement is this:
Separate schools are lrupt-ed on the
new provinces for all time. The mit-
ority retains the right of r- .f-taxatio:.
for separate schools, and it is entitl M
to a rateable share of public lands and
money- for the support of its schools, 1
provided they are managed in accord-,
ance with government regulatiouv-,
that is, the schools must submit to
government inspection, they must em-
ploy regularly certified teachers, they
must confine religious teaching to tit-
hhalf hour between 3:30 and 4 o'clock,
and they must allow such pupils as so
desire to absent themselves during this ,
half hour of religious teaching.
Toronto Citizens Protest.
Toronto citizens, Conservative and
Liberal alike, at a Mass Jlecting held
in the Massey Hall Monday night pro-
tested against the school clause of the
Autonomy Bill by the following reso-
lution, moved by Mr. D. E. Thomson,
seconded by Rev. Dr. Milligan, Hud I
carried unanimously: -
Whereas it is of vital importance to 1
Canada that the new Provinces about'
to be established shall be left free to
shape their own educational policy in
accordance with the needs of the;
future, as these shall develop;
Be it therefore resolved, that this 1
meeting emphatically protests against 1
the enactment of section 10 of the '
present Autonomy Bilis, or tiny other
provisions inconsistent with their con-
stitutional freedom in this regard;
Be it further resolved, that, since
the electors have had no opportunity
to ptaSS upon the principle embodied 1
in the school clauses of the hills nosy
before Parliament, the Government '
should •
(a) Abandon the clauses ; or
(h) Appeal to the country on the
measure ; or
(c) Defer action entirely until after
the next general election.
And be it ordered that copies of '
this resolution he forwarded to the
Honorable the Prince Minister and to
thecit m•m
(rs af the House.a
Kuropatkin Dismissed and
With the Japangse hanging en Lite
heels and hooks of the remnants of the
broken, defeated Russian army, Gen-
eral Ktiropatkiit, the old idol of tit
private soldier. has been dismissed end
digreced, anti General leinevitch, com-
mander of the First Army, isappointed
to succeed hitt itt command of all the
Ituaaian hand and sea forces operating
against Japan. The word disgrace is
written in large letters in the (aconic
Imperial order•, which contains not ti
single word of praise, and also dispos-
es of the rumor that Kuropatkin Clad
asked to he relieved. The Russian
military nnnals contain no more hit-
ter imperial rebuke. While it was
known that the War Council had
already decided to supplant Kuru•'•'t-
kin, after the Mtikden disaster, i he
decision to confer the task of slit tog
the remainder of the army on Lit
in th.• vet y midst of its IL,. Id
was a surprise.
If your blood Is thin and fm -
pure. you are miserable all the
time. it is pure, rich blood
that invigorates, strengthens,
refreshes. You certainly know
the medicine that brings good
health to the home, the only
medicine tested and tried for
60 years. A doctor'smedicinc.
"1 o.s r,y Itf.rttlyet Amidst, to Ayr vs
Serest arat. 1t 1. ths n..et wewe.•rfal m•
me In she moll hr n.rvoo.nee.. )t, . •t . •
g•ertaao.nt, sad 1 cannot ark/Iam raw..
■eta, DILra ■et W A. Resat'', N..1
gt S a +Dods, � e. ACID
All dregtMe. for Lte•s�it
Poor Llcalth
aluitive doses a Ayerrs P111s each
fright greatly ald the Sarsaparilla.
Crowded With Operatives of Roth
Sexes -Unknown Number of Men
and Women Incinerated in Building
Burned to the Ground -Specimen In•
stances of Wonderful Heroism.
Brockton, Mass., March I1. -The clt
is in mourning for at least three eco
of her citizens, whose lives were bio
ted out last night by the explosion
a boll •r in a large shoe manufacturin
estabiishntent in the Campello dlsirla
• Oonduc•ted by the R. G. Grover Co.
The explosion was Immediately fol-
, lowed by a Are. which consumed the
factory, a long f•,tir-storey structure.
as If it were a house of oards and in-
clneratod an unkn..wn number of men
and womenwho were unable to extri-
Cate themselves front a mass of tangled
wreckage formed by the terrifc up-
heaval in the boiler -room. More than
halt a hundred of the employes In the
building were maimed, burned or
bruised by the time they reached safe
IEmitted Heat of an Inferno.
Some had jumped in the mad rush
to escape front the doomed factory,
which from all parts emitted the in-
tense, awful heat of an inferno, driv-
ildg back the rescuers, who in a few
Moments had performed gallant ser-
The explosl n, which was followed by
suoh a sacrifice of lite and appalling
instances of human suffering, occurred
shortly after the operatives had set-
tled down to the work of the day.
`uddetlly the air vibrated with the roar
t an explosion. At the sante moment
the larger wooden frame of the factory,
a four -storey struoture, quivered anti
then the rear portion of It collapsed.
la a fraction pf a second this section
of the great building was transformed
Into a mese of iron and wood weephage,
In the midst of which Human beings
*ere pinioned. In anether moment
flames broke out 1St the debris and death
by Ire and suffooation became the late
of scores of the operatives.
Up Like a Wed.
When the boiler ersploded it passed
upward almost perpendicularly, tear-
ing a passage as It went, and killings
many on the way. After rising hies
In the air. It descended half the Me-
lanie, and, swerving northerly, cut Its
way like some huge pr'oJeotlle, through
G dwelling 60 feet away and another
wslling farther on, demolishing the
latter structure. Here its course was
Had Narrow Escape.
Tjte house to the north of the Sal-
ter?. through which the exploded bell
rSmelled. was owned and occupied
David VP. Rockwell, the engineer ilk
atge of the boiler. who was among
• killed. Mrs. Rockwell, who wall
Llttln# b3 the kitchen stove, had a
mitaculous escape from death, recete-
• m ny cuts from flying bits of tiro -
Crawling through the mass, airs.
Rockwell snatched up her two children,
who were uninjured and started for he
horn. of the nearest neighbor, Mrs the
Rood. She found thip oott ge had
Wen rent asunder by the bolter, tyre
head of which was buried In the middle
of the struoture. Miss Ella Pratt, 78
years old, who was in the house, was
kftooked down and stunned, but recov-
Veritable Fiery Furneee.
Scenes of horror tpy hewer• the rending
!part of the (actofbulldleg. Man
fell Into a veritable fiery furnacef Irt
the sections of the factory which re-
mained standing the epefhtives were
pa/tic-stricken as they sought escape.
Many fled down the stairways and
reached the street, others ran to the
windows, the ftre escapes In many
cases having been torn away by the ex-
plosion. In desperation many jumped
fromsecond he
id third •
res win-
dows to the ground and were danger-
ously Injured The crush on the stair-
ways resulted In numerous minor in-
Scarcely had the rear portion of the
'armoury collapsed when a tongue ..of
flame started tip from the holler pit,
communicating with the splintered
wreckage, and sonrt the entire factory
was in flames. Instant death was the
fate of many vette went down with the
doers that collapsed. Many pinned
IIeneath the timbers wore roasted to
Heroes end Heroines Live Yetl
By trite time nearby citizens had
arrived to assist the employes who aid-
ed in the rescue of their fellows The
task became rsaomentarlly more difficult
and perilous, for the heat front the fire
was almost unbearable.
Then It was that nets of sacriflce and
herolsm were seen. On• man, whose
legs were causht under an Iron beam,
Dried to the rescuers that they could not
extricate him and to help the girls be-
hind him. Stretching out his arms, he
lifted several girl., one by one and pass-
ed them to the rescuers. Then the fire
reached him and he died.
Begged to Be *het.
A woman who was entangled In a
shoe machine cried out that she was
dying and commanded the rescuers to
attend to others who might live She
begged to be shot. Bonn the flames en-
veloped her.
Treasurer C. 0 Woerson, of the tiro -
ver Company estimated the loss of the
factory at 8200,000. and the aggregate
of loss on the burned structures was
placed at about Is0.0on The (!rover
factory. machinery and stock wens fn- i
cured for $ 00.00o.
Emma Heath, Aged 14, Diss in King•
sten Hospital.
K ingston, 'lar• h 21. -An unfortunate
accident took place at the Ueneral lfos-
pltal. Emma Heath, aged 14, was be-
ing treated for anaemia and was also
troubled with vermin. A nurse had
taken her over to the mink to bathe her
head and had poured out some car- '
bnlic acid to a dish 'mending to dilute
1t. While she was putting the bottle
back on the shelf. the glri took the
dish and poured the pure acid over
Iter head, probably thinking It was di-
luted.** the same treatment had been
given before. The nurse at once appli-
ed the antidote. alcohol. But all efforts
were unavailing, and the child soon
after became unconscious and dled
r,ithtn two hours, with all the srmle-
tuuls of poisoning. Coroner Mundell
Made an investigation and declared
d.•attt teas due to shock and eerhuhr
poisoning. and decided an Inquest was
unnecessary The family are to desti-
tute circumstances. but ti parents being
in the hospital. and the children cared
for at the Orphans' Home.
Swept Over the Falls.
Niagara Falls, March 21. -An Italian
called Frenchy. while shoving ice out
of the entrance to the Canadian Nia-
gara Power Co.'s forebay, lost his bal-
ance and slipped Into the rushing wat-
ers of the main river. and was swept
over the falls about 10.30 yesterday
Dead Bodies Recovered.
Fire Creek. '.V. V., March 21. -The
second rescuing party, which was or-
ganized Sunday, to enter the Rushrun
and Red Ash mines to recover the
bodies of the 24 men who are believed
to have been killed by the explosions
Saturday and Sunday. were able to
enter the mine yesterday.
Deaths in the Flood.
Elmira, N. Y., March 21. -The Chem-
ing River and its smaller tributary
streams, which went on a rampage and
did considerable damage Sunday. all
receded yesterday, oaring to the sudden
drop in temperature. Three deaths, two
in nearby tillages and one in this city.
resulted from the flood Sunday.
Forced to Leave Homes.
Meadville, Pa., 51arch E1. -The streets
in the southern and western portions
of the city are Inundated and scores of
families have been forced to leave their
homes. Many people are homeless and
considerable property has been destroy-
ed at South Sharon by a sudden rise
in the Shenengo River.
One Man Seriously Burned While Re-
moving Carriages.
Orillia, March 21. ---At 12.35 p. m.
yesterday fire brok.• nut in Tudlwpe &
Co's carriage showrooms and imple-
ment emporium and did several thou-
sand dollars worth of damage before
extinguished. Ttte loss is covered by
Albert Rahnler, while assisting In re-
moving carriages, etas enveloped in
flames In a position unable to help him-
self, and before extricated was serious-
ly burned.
Fleur Mill Gutted.
Beaverton, March 21. -About 9 o'clock
Sunday night a fire broke out in the
large brick flour mill owned by Alex-
ander Dobson. caused by an overheat-
ed Journal of the electric light plant.
The mill is completely gutted. leaving
only the walls standing. About 20,000
bushels of wheat and flour wore de-
stroyed. The loss Is estimated at about
340,000. The total Insurance Is about
314,000, insured in several companies.
Fire at Peterbore.
Peterboro, March 21 --Fire yester-
day ' destroyed the two-storey double
frame house belonging to A. Letelller,
Both wore ocoupted and one of the ton -
ants lost the greater part of his fyrnl-
ture. The building was valued at about
Fire at Winnipe
tWinnipeg, March L1—early pes-
terday meriting the Field Block, 'mou-
nted by the t
anker's P,estaurant and
bliss Wallis' store, was destroyed by
' fire. Loss en building and stook $8,600;
insured for 81,000, carried mostly by
Liverpool, London and Globe and Phoe-
nix of London.
Ethel Bell, Formerly of Hamilton,
Takes Carbolio Acid.
Windsor, March 21. -Lonely and
brooding over the death of her mother,
which ocourted at the family home In
Hamilton nearly two years age, Ethel
Bell, aged 16 years, a pretty brunette,
attempted suicide at the homyy of her
sister. Mrs. Merchant. 413 Mearvllan
avenue, Detroit, Sunday night by swal-
lowing carbolic acid.
Prompt medical attention may save
her life. although her mouth and stom-
ach are burned.
"I dreamed I saw my mother," said
the girl, ",,nd then I was so lonely and
unhappy f wanted to go to iter. She
stood with her arms outstretched call -
Ing me just as she used to do, and 1
tried to put my arms around her neck
and then I knew 9 was only a horrid
dream and swallowed the poison."
Lest night the nurses at St. Mary's
Hospital Si'.. MIs' Sell Ia very low,
and her death may corn.- at any mo-
ment. In het dellrlurn. the girl calla
putlmtically for h••r mother, and as-
sure. her that she will soon bo with
Coroner's Jury's Verdict on the Death
of William Phelan.
Montreal, March 21. -"We the mem-
bers of the jury, after having heard the
evidence, declare that William Phelan
died In Montreal on Saturday morn-
ing.'larch 1`;th, from a fracture of the
skull, caused by blow's administered by
the father Of the deceased "
The shove Is the verdict which was
given by the Jury at the Inquest held
yesterday morning over the body o'
William Phelan, 17 years of age, who
died shortly before noon on Saturday.
of injuries Inflicted by his father, while
lying asleep In bed at his home, 62
Dorton street.
Coroner McMaston, before the com-
mencement of the inquest, instructed
the jury to render a verdict according
to th• facts disclosed by the evidence.
It might appear certain that the elder
Phelan was ininne at the time of the
Peace With Mad Mullah.
Rome. \larch 21 -III concluding
peace with Great flritain. through the
mediation t.t Italy. the \End Mullah has
n1 'oiled perntis••fun deflnitely to occupy
Mit;, n tilt :ge 00 Italian territory 160
tulles from Obbla, %filch WAS the ha to
oaf operations) In the last carnotite?)
led by (len. Manning. Colin righte are
granted the Mullah. qualified by ep ro-
hibition of trade In arms and stains.
Blake Makes Speech.
London. March 21 -IC. .\ P.) -led -
ward Blake made his flret consldernhle
speech of the session In pmposing to
reduce the civil sertice estimate+ by
several hundred pounds, on the ground
Met the report of the land cnrnmis-
sloners, relating to the adml:iistrnfion
cif the frith Land Act. had not he•n
trade pubile. Th., (lovern•, how•
ever, obtained a ntaJuritr of•n.4•nt.
No Argument Will
Convince a Women
that a flour is all right, if she can't ntiake good bread with it.
The one argument that wins every woman in favor of
ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR is, that it never fails
to turn out the most beautiful Bread and Cake and the most
crisp and delicious Pastry when used according to the very
simple ''Royal Household" recipes. That one fact out-
weighs all the theories of two thousand years.
No other flour has ever Tilade so many intimate friends
among Canadian women in so short a time.—Perhaps it's
because "Royal Household" is made by the new electrical
process—that makes a wonderful difference in flour.
Your grocer sells "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" and you can have the
recipes by simply sending your name and address to The Ogilvie Flour
Mills Co., Limited, Montreal, and mentioning the name of this paper.
Orf IJ avid
Each pupil is given in-
dividual instruction.
The Shorthand System
taught is that used by all
newspaper and court re-
Beet systems of Book-
keeping, Penmanship, Arith-
tnetic, etc. , thoroughly
Situations guarantec•t
to every Graduate.
CATALOOrx rat:g.
Wrn. o. 0 o o,
F'01,"4, C. S. R Nwl
The (brat »»gush Remedy.
A positles cure for all forms of
Sexual Weakness, Mental and
moms AND Arran Erwin Worn Emissions, .opeatorrhoea, Impotency E�n
mEffects of Abase or
/Erases, all of which lead to Consumption.
Infirmity, Insanity and an early grave. Price
11 per pk six for lis. One will please, six will
Duro. Sold by alldruggiste or mailed in plain
package on receipt of price. Write for Pamphlet.
The Wool) MIUIQfne CO,. Windsor, Ontario.
The case of the Huron and Billet.
Lexus Co.. vs. W. Evans, of the &arable
Line, which was tried in High Court
of Justice in December last was decid-
ed on Satntday id favor lir the defend -
with costs, which will amount to be-
tween 49100 and $700 against the plain-
tiffs. This case aroused much interest
throughout the township and the ver-
dict hes been received with great sat-
isfaction, -Alf. Scotchutere has sold
his farm on the Bronson line, to his
brother, Robert, who has taken pos-
session. --Messrs.
os•session.--Messrs. Alf. and Fred Scotch-
urere left Wednesday for Assivahoia.
--1V. Mosso') left it few days ago with
r u
a ac 1 tui ofo • e•, t � on
h rs s flu, .l smin.A.r
-Januea Csnipbell has sold his farm to.
lohtt.cotchrnei'e who takes possession
April. Mr. Campbell intends going to
l3avfeld to reside, -Wm. (1. Cook, who
has been in the employ of the Messrs.
Snowden tiros., of the tisuhle Line,
for the past three years. left Inst week
for Winnipeg, Man. ile is an indus-
trious and trustwo.ithy young roan,
highly 1ho•ight of by his employer.
and the whole community. \ 'e wish
Will every succest.
Presentation to C. C. Hodgins, M.
P. P., at Lucan,
(ht Ft 1,1 y evening last, "The Seven-
teenth nl ir'eland," a very large and
out husiaistic audience crowded the
Town 1ia11 of Liman. the occasion be-
ing a St. Patrick's I) ay concert. The
hall was beautifully decorated vii h
emblems of the Emerald Isle, flags and
hunting: the patt'nuesses wore gee. n
,aprons. .hape.l like a shamrock. and
s i f the sante shape rand color.
did also the Indies who took part n
the programme, while the young nit .
Who assisted wore shamrock I in, t:. I
The oc•cesion being a fitting one an
address and preeeolation in tnken of
the esteem in which he is held, wits
made Mr. C. C. Hudgins, who is nlont+
to take his seat in the Le1!islttine at
the provincial c:appital. The address
was rend by the Rev. 11. A. Th rts. 1
,and a beautiful floral txnuinet and n 1
gent lenta I's travelling conivat.lon
wer i resented hr two pretty mail• 11.
Al Reed ,end Lucille Stanley, on be
half of tie. Not h Middlesex Conserves
tive Associstion, .1i'. Ilodl;n.. n,,,de
.s snit.,t.i. tt ply.
(itt'-rpor..t,•(1t,} A. t ul Parliament 1855)
Head Office, -
Capital Paid Up
Reserved Fund.'• • • • • ' ..
• - $3,000,000
OFFICE HOURS; 10 a. tn. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. tot p. m,
Farmer's Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied ou application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Departments and December 3lat.
Deposits of et and upltanis recelted. interrrt -em•
pounded half -yearly and added to principal June 30th
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
I)ICKsox & CARLi\O, Solicitors. N. D. III RDON, Manager.
fru K KIK K
K Kik t'( K K K(£ /T.
"I bad stricture for eleven years. It finally brought on Might's
Meats of tee Kidneys. I had an uncomfortable shooting pain in tl,e
groin and fe 'ling as though sonacthtng was in the urethra. (47 back
was weak a',-1 i could scarcely stoop over. Urine was full of sedi•
meet. 11ti sdesire marinate frequently Family doctors, so-called
apeciali-ts, patent medicines, electric belts, all failed. I was dis-
couraged. i 1r tJ s;•ent hundreds of dollars inseam Finally 1 con-
sulted Drs. Kennedy A Kntan as the last resort. I had heard a great
deal abont Them and concluded from the fact that they had been
established over es rears t ,at theyunderstood derstood their business. I am
delighted with the rest's,. In cne week I felt better and In a few
i weeks was entirely cured. Hare gained sitteen pounds in welrht."
G. E. WRIGHT. Lansing.
B LOOD POISONS are the mc.<t prevalent or 1 r "et writ's dheases. Thr,
very,fe " r , the • � em nt,l
as the1 M,•cr1 f ,t stair and r. r; tur;c rr.• issue 1 frrxn t , t .t
P e n u 1 sen
saes•, s ,•.s • :, ,:,.. v.n:.,. Beware, t Mercury. it cn'y s•.ppresses the symptc:rs-our
NEL' 141.712•Dposuivelycurseall tlooddiseases fcrevcr,
YOUNG OR MIDDLE -ACED MEN. - 'Imprudent arts or later excesses
have brolen d✓.vrt your system. "s-,. , t!el the syn:.t.•0.5 stealing c err you. Mentally,
physically aril sexually you ate not the that. you used to be or should be.
READER Are yeti a viceim 1 Rave you lest h epe 1 Are you intendin,
to mar1 ii. ,-rnr blood bardt.,cased 1 Nave you any
weaku'-u 1 Our New Meth• 1 Treatryment w•tll cure you. Whnat it bas don. for cth.TS it
will do far yon, CONSULTATION PRIIE. No matter ssl,oltas treated you, write, tr
an I,me,t opinion Free cf Charge. Chargesreasrnable. BOOKS FREE -"The Golden
Monitor" (illustrated), on Dis-tales of Men. Scaled Uook on "l ceas.sof Women" Free
thing Confidential. Question List for Home Treatment Free
G. E. Watcsr,
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, Mich.
a KdtK Kt4K K ', K KA,K
K �.K
Governor Mirtsnrodoli of European Russia was shot three limes by it fifteen
Yens old Finland boy matted 1latti llyaltut►r iteiu,kke, who admitted that he
is at revolutionist.
A11 Druggists and Dealers. TAKE NO OTHERS.
A n,an'lamed Phnit tree b,o,tgt,t t•, Fi•t••ti,' .ttlieting fruit, the 'bort'- of a
h , • 1, ce. 1n i:sil ti'' It if 41 to hill .t:.bb,ng bitn-,•If (ifte,•t, limes
w +h :t r.' r1y pin.
orovrsssssss. Perrrsror +s•sp1s7+s1f044,444,44004d0• 4349.3444#ii00410***41004
MEC, 111Tt7X - IN o1131E143 I
Gives the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter,
The Largest and Bost Creameries and Dairies in the World Use It.
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