HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-03-23, Page 32i08 WARM BLOOD. Absolutely I BLEW UP WITH DYNAMITE' HE WAS LAID UP uCely Neeeasary to health, Strength and Comfort - Goo Blood Banishes Disease. People with rich, ted blood do no fee the cold of winter. When your feet are cold, your fingers numb first your face blue and pinches!, it is certain sign that your blood is thin and your circulation weak. Your blood needs building up with lir. Williams' Pink l'ills. They wake new blood; they strnulate the c•ir eulation. The new blood they mak races th. ough your veins to every part of your body from anger tips to tons. and makes you warns, hap Py noes healthy. lir. Alphonse La csousesiere, St. Leon, litre , says: "About a year alio city ulood be- came impoverished r,nd 1 was badly run down. My hands and feet were always cold 0041 1 could not stand the least exertion. My trouble was further aggravated by pains in toy kidneys and bladder, and often I could not go about without ald. I consulted doctors, 1 ut they Old not help me, and I was almost in de- spair when 1 was advised to tore 'Dr. Williams' Pink fills. 1 got six Lox- es and before they were all gone 1 knew I had found a medicine to euro me. I took the pills for about a month longer and every symptom of my trouble was gone, and I have since enjoyed the best of health." Dr. Williamte Pink Pills 'cure after doctors and common medicines have failed because they actually make new rich blood, and set strengthen all the organs and brace up the nerves. That in the way they cure indigestion, kidney and liver trou- bles. rheumatism, nervousness, neu- ralgia, palpitation iii the heart, St. Vitus' dance, partial paralysis and the secret ailments that fill the livee of so many women with misery. 1)o not take any pills without the full name, "ill-. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People," on the wrapper around each box. Sold by all medicine deal- ers or sent by snail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writ- ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FOR OVER A YEAR d REVOLTING CRUELTY BY FRENCH OFFICIALS. t Congo Natives Were Served With Head Made Into a Broth. The Paris %ftttie furnishes very precise details of the revolting acts ut savage cruelty which have led to the arrest of a colonial official and - two companions. The worst offences e charged against the worst of King Leopold's tortures in the Congo do not exceed these accusations in her- - ror. - It appears that on July 14 last several Europeans at Brazzaville ce- lebrated o-lebratcd the national fete by a din- ner, at which they all got drunk. After the meal 0110 of them, by way of diversion, suggested that they "try a little dynamite on a nig- ger " The idea was hailed with de- light, DIDN'T COMPLAIN. Ile was such a weak anti humble little man that when he came into tbo grocer's to make complaint the assistant was disposed to be haugh- ty and imperious. "May I inquire," he said, in a small voice, "if any gentleman here sold my wife some butter yester- day?" "I'm the man," responded a big, brawny fellow. "Oh, excuse ole," exclaimed the customer, shrinkingly; "I meant no offence. The butter is all right, but I wanted to say that *hire colors of hair in one roll is somewhat in- congruous. And I just thought I might also add n request that if you could send up a brush and comb with the next lot we should be ever so much obliged. Of course, it was an oversight, on your pgrt, and I ant not complaining, you understand -not complaining, merely suggest- ing.' Tho assistant's face was a study. "And," went on the little man, "I don't think it is quite fair to put tacks at ten centre the pound in butter at twenty-five cents, unless you make a discount for difference in weight and prices, or throw in a hamster so that we can draw the tacks upon getting the butter on the table." Tho assistant gamed, and litill the little man went on. "Referring again to the hair men- tioned previously," ho said, "per- mit me to say that 1 find no fault with its quality or as length. The Incongruity of color was the, only objection. In the old time; we read that Samson had long hair and a great des; of It, and your butter has rights our entire fondly is bound to respect. Our only regret was that you dill not send it up in a cage." The assistant had now fallen against the counter. Still the little man paid no heed. "I might possibly," ho continued, gently, "touch upon 11s age. but i have reason to suspect that this but- ter is made from milk, and that the milk cane from a cow, and that the cow is a female. Now, i have been taught from my youth upwards to abstain from all references to age in relation to all (entitle kind. 'There- fore 1 shall say aro more except that the phrase. 'feeble old age,' does not in the remotest degree apply to this cnPC. "1 wish you'd wend up to the house a pound of so(Ia, four bars of soap, a packet of ~torch, and f -tern pounds of segitr. Ify wife naked me to leave the order, end she said she'd look round herself and ace shout the butter. Coed morning!" And the little men wnike,l meekly out. BABY'S OWN TABLETS. A Pleasant Medicine Which All Children Will Take Readily. Yon do not hnvo to cons and (haeme) to get the little en's to take Ilnhy's Own 'i'ablets. The rase w- it h which they are given as cone pare,1 with lignld ►nr'(lieiltes w111 ap- itea) to every another. None is spill- ed or wasted; you know just how big: a dose has reached the little atom - nib. Aa n remedy for all the ills of babyhood end childhood nrising from derangements of the stomach and bowels Baby's Own 'Tablets have no es(itnl. Mrs. T:. . . .le tee's, Miteliell any: -"i think the tete els n blessing to both mother and children as i find them a certain cure for all to ills to wh1Al little ones ore subject. 1 do not know how 1 could get on without them." Sold by all meelicire dealers or hs mall at 25e n box by addressing the Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A man's Inst will end testament is a dead glve-away. NEGRO BLOWN UP. A negro was bound to stakes in the ground and a dynamite cartridge driven into his shoulder. The "per- foi'niance" took place in one of the interior courts of the QOvet'n.nient buildings, ar.d the spectators having collected at a safe distance, the fuse was lighted, and the living body blown to atoms. t-oaw time after this, at another convival gathering, another "experi- ment" was suggested. A negro was to be caught, decapitated, and his head made into a broth. The natives were then to be called to a feast, and the broth served to them as part of it. After they had partaken copiously of it, they were to be shown with what 1t hall been made, and the horror and disgust depicted on their faces was to con- etitute the "entertainment." The prograinane was carried out to the letter, and the "entertainment" voted highly misusing. The discovery of these horrors was due to the fact that the official re- lated them as amusing experiences in long lettere to friends in Prance, ono of whom, however, took another view of then,, and simply communi- cated the letter to the Minister of the Colonies, who ordered the legal authorities at Brazzaville to open an inquiry. One of the parties to the crimes was arrested, and made a confession, implicating the rest. The trial will take place at Braz- zaville, and the official Is now on h s way to Bordeaux, where ho will be embarked, under guard, for Africa. He is a mean of somewhat. delicate aspect, not giving at all the impression of savagery. The accused are also charged with set ting four negroes in a row and firing at theta, to see whether the modern rifle bullet would kill four men at a time; also sabring and kill- ing nogrocs to see the eliect of sabre Cuts. Tho manager of the Limpoko con- cession, in the Ubangi region, M. Dubois, confirms the statements whinh have been made concerning the accused. Ifo declares that this sort e1 purposeless outrage is very much commoner thnn is generally suppos- ed, and is one of the causes of the revolts which are AO common in these regions. AN AMAY,1N(1 EXPLANATION, The Presse published an interview with a colonial official, who declares that the outrages alleged against the official are perfectly well known to everyone in the Congo adminis- tration ever since they were com- mitted, over 18 months ago. They had been regarded in a matter-of- fact fashion, and many persona we: o astounded at the fourore created in Poria by the tovelation. Ile aaka why 18 months were al- lowed to elapse 11 the heinousness of the offence were the only reason for the prosecution, and declares that the truth is that, the acbninistration winks at such cases, since the guilty parties are generally good hands at squeezing taxes front the natives. If. (lentil, the present Commission- er -General of the Congo, is n feroci- ous negro-phobe, who woulet exeuse everything to a subordinate who htings in the taxes, and It is only because this has created discontent among the less successful subordin- ates thnt the matter was brought to the notice of the Paris authorities In such a wry that (lentil. even after 18 months, has leen obliged to take rill ion. THEY GAMBLE AND LIE. English Vicar Speaks of Britain's Vices. "it wan ot.ce may prat liege to hear a well-known beer thus describe tho peculiarities of his family-: "Jim drinks, but does not ile; i lie, but (lo not drink. while .lack both Iles and drinks." In this mnnner the Rev. Joseph Henry Rrigl('y-, Vicar of Sl. Mary's the palish church of the obi -fashion- ed Lancashire town of ('litheroc, in- troduces a strong denunciation of the lying end scandal -mongering which, he declares, exists netting his flock. "As a coimnmdly, our besetting; sin is not drink," he continues. "We gnntble snore than tie drink, and t'e lie ►mire than tvc gamble. Nor Is our Iying of ihnt harmless kind which tells of the mighty deeds we have done and the sharp retorts we have uttered. 'There are not n few whose hobby Is the diseemiention of mali- ciously untrue reports about their neighbors. in a community so ex- traordinarily credulous this vice is a veritable pingue spot. 'There is no statement too wild, no scandal too extravagant. to obtain en Instant and Implicit belief. 'There wits a day when. If A disliked 11, he shot him with a pistol or cut him with a sword. In later doss ho beat him be- tween the eyes with his fists, but evolution rolls on, end to -dry he goes nut Into the street and lies about him." First little (girl - M) 1 r Is an officer; what does yours do' Second Little 010 -"Whatever minima tells him." TILL DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIS KIDNEY TROUBLES. er Now He's Perfectly Healthy and Able to Work - Gives all the Credit to the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Wapt'lla, Asda., N. W. T., March 20 -(Special).-Curtd of Kidney Dis- ease that had laid hint up for over a year, Nr. Geo. Itartleauan, a well- known man here, is loud in his prais- es of Dodd's Kidney fills, for to theta and nothing cisc he claims be owes his cure. "Yew, I had Kidney Trouble," Mr. Ilartleanan says. "I had pains in my back and in other parts of my body and though the doctor did what he could for ase, 1 grew worse till I was unable to work. •"l'hen 1 started to take Dodd's Kidney Pi11s, and I took them all winter and stienator while I was un- able to work. I took in al; twelve boxes, and now I ani perfectly heal- thy. My pains are all gone and 1 am able to work. I heartily recom- mend Dud's Kidney Pills to all suf- ferers from Kidney Disease." Dodd's Kidney Pills always euro the Kidneys. healthy Kidneys strain all impurities, all needs of disease, out of the blood. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills euro such a wide range of diseases including Bright's Disease, Itheutn)ttisnn and Urinary Troubles. THE RULERS OF RUSSIA BRUTAL OFFICER KILLS A BOY OF EIGHT YEARS. Opera Singer Discharged From Theatre for Expressing Her Opinion. The London Times publishes the following extract from a letter of a Russian lady In St. I'etersburg to an English friend, under recent date: "Tho officers, as a class, make themselves most pbjectlonwble here. In one instance an officer went into a shop in the Sadovia street and asked the proprietor whether he would let hint use his telephone for some message. Ile was left at, the telephone, but as he stayer) there a full hour, a shop attendant ventured to tell him that the telephone was wanted, and not more than ten min- utes could be allotted to each per- son speaking, whereupon the officer drew his sword and struck the at- tendant on the hand, cutting off three fingers! And no protest can he trade. The other day a little boy eight years old saw a Cossack officer on a horse in the street and put out his tongue at hits, where- upon the officer drew his sword and cut the little boy over the head, who has since died in consequence of the wound received. Millie). KUSA'S ADVENTURE. "Moo Keen, whose photo I send, is one of the leading dramatic so- pranos at the imperial Russian (llggrn, wife of Illeichmann, the emu - potter. On the Sunday of revolution she crossed the Admh'altusky square in the morning, just after the soldi- ers had fired their first volley at the people. In her indignation and na- tural excitement she exclaimed to an officer passing, 'The Japanese you don't know how to kill, but defence- less people at hoinc you kill!' Ho replied, 'Prise along, imbecile!' whereon the enraged lady threw hien one word, not very polite, but ex - pr (skive, end went on. But the of- ficer, Prince Obole•nsky, of the Prey obrajensky Regiment, had recogniz- ed the popular singer, and, arrived a! home in the evening, wrote a de- nunciation to the Minister, who in his turn wrote a letter to Pelia- kvosky, Director of the imperial Theatres. This latter would have suppra'aw'd the matter, but could not do so, ne it was an official accusa- tion he received, and in consequence hall to dischnrge Mme Kusn from the Imperial Opera. Mhaliapine. first iase at the sntn(' opera. has handed in his resignation in consorluence of this affair, and also because of at - fait -s in general. vide imprisonment of his great friend Gorki. As Shall- apine is an immense favorite with the public, this has created n glint stir. HER MUSIC UNi'Elt AR1t1:.S'i'. "A very ludicrous thing happened to the 'Snsicty of Modern MusleI- ens,' of which i am n member. They hold reunions ono evening every week ntid i had sent in n lot of songs, etc.. of mine which they wnnte(1 to d't nt one of their concerts. At their Inst meeting the polite broke in, dis- persed them littler the plea that not more than five people were permitted to assemble et one tine, and closed the rooms, putting nil the lc there :miler arrest with the Covetn- ment sent! So my music is under i The satisfaction of having the washing done early in the day, and well done, belongs to every user of Sunlight Soap. IGO arrest as well! Happily, neither the 'Ave Marie' nor the Hymn to Dc - metra could be called criminal, though thy will perhaps find that it is n conepiration against the Or- thodox Church!" - A GHOST IN YELLOW. Salvation Army Barracks in South Wales Haunted. "Not for L100 would 1 again go through the experience," is the de- claration of a gentleman living at lihymney, South Wales, who, with companions, set himself to lay a "ghost," which is said to haunt the local Salvation Army barracks. The spectre takes the form of a tall, stoutly -built lady, clad in yel- low, with a drawn face of ghastly hue, and terrible gleaming eyes. Salvation Army lasses are not us- ually given to romancing, but the young lady captain of the barracks has been so unnerved that she will not enter the place. "I have not actually seen the spir- it, or whatever it may be," she said, "but a few months ago I heard a mysterious rustling sound as if some woman were walking close past me. On Wednesday night I distinctly felt an arm placed across the bed." Her female colleague, a lieutenant, has seen the spectre, and has in con- sequence received such a ahock that she is now prostrate. This woman first naw the spectre when alto was sweeping the stairs at the barracks. Suddenly the tall wo- man in yellow walked with noiseless steps through the hail info the kitch- en, where she seemed to melt into thin air. Two evenings later unac- countable knockings were heard in the hall. Ono night recently half a 'dozen men stopped in the house. About half - past four ono of the watches saw the "woman in yellow" passing a doorway, and, calling to his friends. he darted after her, but not a &race could bo found. While the rest were away a trades- man went to another doorway, and there saw the ghostly visitant with the long, drawn fade and the horri- ble, burning eyes. The tradesman managed to gasp out a question, ask- ing the spectre if it were in trouble to say- so "in Cod's name." At that expression the eyes lit up with a still more unearthly radiance, and without a word the "ghost" glided away and was seen no more. If you children moan and are rest- less during sleep, coupled, when awake, with a los.; of appetite, (rale counten- ance, picking of the nose, etc., you m11% depend upon it that the primary cause of the trouble is worms. Mother (craves' Worn Exterminator effectually removes these pests, at once relieving the ILtUe sufferers_' • IiI' 'I'HOIt(UOI(. I am often tired in, but never of, my work. -Whitfield. Do everything you may undertake thoroughly and well; nothing in this world is woe th doing unless it is done thoroughly. -•Duke of Con- naught. Apart from all merely natural aids, apart. from those chances of rising in the world, of professional or literary, or artistic distinction, there is no greater blessing for a man than to have aalutred that healthy instinct which leads hint to take delight in his work for the work's sake. -Lord Stanley. FOR OVER SIXTY Y1;Ans. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has peen used by millions of mothers for their children while teethingit soothes the child, soften, the gums, alleys pain. Cures windcollc, regulates the stomach and bowels, and Is the Net remedy our Llarrhoea. 'Twenty-five rents a bottle Bold by druggists throughout tie) world. Be eosutnthing andSyraup.sk " for '12-2IIrsW Winslow's H !%o 11181) can ever gain it knowledge of the world by pursuing his Studien in a rocking -chair. It Keeps the Muscles I'Ilant.-Yen given to muscular sports and exercises and those who suffer muscular pains from bicycle riding will find In Thom- as' Kcicctric 011 something worth try- ing. As a lubricant It will keep the muscles pliable and free f pains them, which once follow constant use of Sight seer -"Do you ever wanes of without sefleuneg them or itn- peirir,g their strength l'or bruises, your duties here?" Policeman- which sad contusions It it without a "Yes, sir, especially when people peer. come round asking fonlish maw - From Tea Plantation to Store Wei WATCH TLA ---Unsleeping vigilance selects the TENOt1IST LEAVII, scrutinizes every process of thrir manufacture and carefully UUAL$ TNIN IN LIAO PACKETS TO PIIUIVE THE IiKL ILAY011. No wonder the OIIT is BLUE RIBBON TEA. TRY THE RED LABEL. A'SENSE OF 1'IU)PltIh:1'Y. "You wouldn't sell your vote, would sou?" "No, suh," answered Mr frastus Pinkley. "But if a getntnen what's rumen' foh office was to give me two dollahs, common gratitude would stake me vote foh him." Heart enlist In halt an haue.- A Indy In New York tState, writing of her cure by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Mem t, says "1 feel like one brought bock from, the died. so great was my suffering from heart trouble and so al- most miraculous my recovery through the agency of this powerful treat- ment. 1 owe my lite to it." -19 Singleton -"I never think of judg- ing a married woman by her clothes." Wedderly-"No?" Single- ton -"No; I always judge her by the buttons missing from her husband's clothes." Blckie's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is an unparalleled reined for order', Induenea and diseasesorder', of the throat and lungs. The fame of the medicine rests upon years of successful ase in eradicating these affections, and In protesting mankind from the fatal savages of consumption, and aa a neg- lected cold leads to consumption, one cannot be too careful to tight it in Its early stages. Dickle's Syrup is the weapon, use It Mrs. Henpeck (hearing a rumpus) - "Charles, what on earth aro you up to now?" Mr. Henpeck (feebly -)-"I suppose, my dear, I can fall down the stairs it I want to?" MESSRS. C. C. RICIIARDS & CO., Gentlemen, My three children were dangerously low with diphtheria. On the advice of our priest my wife be- gan o-gan the use of M.TNARI'S LINI- MENT. In two hours they wore greatly relieved, and in five days they were completely well, and I firmly believe your valuable Liniment saved the lives of my children. Gratefully yours, ADILAII'D LEF'EBVRE, Mnir's Mills, loth .lune, '99. Old Lady -"Little boy, did you see anything of a white cat?" Little Iloy-" Yes; she fell into a barrel! of black paint down tho street, but I fixed her all right." Old Lady -"Oh, you good little boy! What did you do?" Little Boy -"I throwed her into a barrel of whitewash, MOW I& A. W. cwAaea og MTIIIIM CUE ... &UM Is a **sat direst le tie dimmedF�ts Beals eche sshwa deers . ate passagsawla this elope rina:saewesCatarrh sad Nay Pyres. Wooer kale Ml dei{.,, er Dr. L W, !donde* Co. Tewats noelar Fred -"What? Fight a thiel on ac- count of a woman? No, air! If I caught a man flirting with my wife I'd invite him to come over for a day's shooting -Just as I've invited you -and then, if an accident were to occur—" John -"flood gracious I hope you don't suspect me?" That OMttlwg Aeld that arises from the stomach and almost strangles, Is caused by fermentation of the food in the stomach. it is a foretaste of Indiges- tion and dyspepsia. Take one of Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets immed- iately after eating, and it will prevent this distress and aid digestion. 60 in a box, 3S conte. -l0 "Mr. lilullly," she said, graciously, "you aro one of the most original men I have met for ever so long. You haven't said a single word about the weather." "No,' he replied, with a tinge of regret In his voice, "i couldn't give my opinion of the weather in the presence of ladies." Minard's Liniment lumberman': Blend The self-made nine and the home- made shirt are aptto be more oas- ful than ornamental. Keep Jinard'a Liniment in the house DISCRETION. 1t so happened that Nluherty-, the tailor. was weal ing at his counter when Gilligan entered. "1t hat may sou be welling?" ha asked. -Just n list (,f the men in this strafe i kin lick, he said. ••.1n' is Tim \lurphy's name "down?" "Shure, It heed! me list." 'Twits a little inter when Murphy entered the shop of 1•'luherty, the tailor. "Is it true," snid he, "that 01 hear you ere nmkin' n memorial tab- let of the leen ye can lick, end that my nettle heads the list?" •''That is it'" -Why. or good -for -not ening little grasshopper, i could thresh you wdd me little linger' And 1 could wipe the floor %ri(i you eel one hand!" Are se shore of that, now?" said F leherty. - "Quite shure!" 'Well then 11 you nr.' 'tsite sour(' 1 will -cross your name off the list!" tions." • in Nature's Storehouse There Are Cures. ---Medical experiments have shown conelualvoly that there aro medicinal virtues in even ordinary plants grow - Ing up around us which give them a value that cannot, be estimated. It is held by some that Nature providers a cure for every rsisease which neglezt end Ignorance I.nve ve.itc(1 upon menhow- ever, lois may be. It is well kr own that Parniolee'e Vegetable Pills d (t,licd from roots and herb.. ore a-over„Kn t PAN11 TRUN1'. wAi1► EM ONE-WAY EXCDRSIONS -TO- Billings, Mont., Colorado Springs, Denver, Helena, Butte, Mont., Ogden, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nelson, Rossland. B. C., Spokane, Wash., Portland, Ore., Se- attle, Wash., Vancouver, B. C., San Francisco, Cal. Rates $34.25 to $44,00 'Pickets on sale March ist to May 15th. ALL GRAND 'i'Rt'NK TICKET AGENTS. TS. "I thought Smteargle was a friend of yours?" "He was until lately-. L had to drop him. Ile was always wanting to borrow money." "Refus- ed him sharply, did you?" "No; I lent hie) some " Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to wash woolens and flannels,- you'll lannels;you'll like it. It's a fortunate thing for some women that beauty is only skin deep. Lyes and Mimeo Ilan Wates. -C. 0. Archer, of Brewer. Maine, says: "1 have had Catarrh for several years. Water would run froin my eyes and nose for days at a time. About four mouths ago 1 was induced to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, and niece using the wonderful reinedy i have not bad an attack. It relievos in ten minutes." 60 ants. -17 "lilt what reason have you for thinking woolen have no atm in life?" "'iV('ll, 1 have seen several of them try to throw stories." Nothing looks more ugly than to see a person whose hands aro covered over with warts. Why have these disfigurements on your person when a sure remover of all warts, corns, etc., can be found in Holloway's Corp Cure. "News," said Mr. Onyboy, what you tell about other 'week, , while gossip is what other ',conte tell about you." Ask for llinard's and take no other iJaually when a man proposes it's in a hack parlor with the gas turned so low that he doesn't rea- lize what he's up against until ft's verlasting;ly leo late. Whew ehasensatlatw dessbIsearnaw up physician and sufferer alike lose heart and often despair of a cure, but here's the exception. Wm. Pegg, of Norwood. Ont., says: "1 was nearly doubled up with rheumatism. 1 got three bottles of South American Cure and they cured me. It's the quickest acting medicine I ever saw." -18 "Prisoner at the bar," said a judge, "is there anything you would like to say before sentence is passed upon you?" The prisoner looked towards the door, and re.nearked that be would like to say:- "(food evening, if it is agreeable to the company." Mlnard's liniment used by Physicians "iHel you ('t('r notice that almost all their misers :eportesl in the papers are single amen?" asked Mr. Watt". "Vee," answered Mrs. Watts. "married misers are too com- mon to be worth mentioning." A Cure for Cos(icericsa.--('oat$venese tomes from the refusal of the excretory organa to fro. conn their .Jut,.•s regular• ly from contributing(( causes esuwily dis- ordered digestion. I'm -metro's Vegetable 1'llls, prepared on scientific principles, are so compounded (lint certain ingreeb• ants In therm pass through the stom- ach and act upor. the bowel• so nr to remove their torpor and 'trios() them to proper attion. Many thousands ate prepared to hes- testimony to their power in tiros respect. "Is it true," asked Mr. quiz), "1 het your husband ordered Pr. Smoother out of the house?" "Yes. Poor .lack 111111 been carrying the betty all eight. and every night for a week, end was rue down to it remedyy In curing all disorder. .,t the 1hrcnd. 1 calked the doctor, and ho diges(lon. i told .lock that he must tnke exer- cise.' DS:S('itIBED. An .Alpine guide who Itns hall many years' experience in motintaineerii thus describes the behavlour of dif- ferent nationalities when they got on! the Lop of n peak. A German (he says), as soon as ho; arrives at the top, wants to know ' the exact height of the mountain he is nn. and of every peak around hien. :t Frenchman goes Into raptures over the w Illness of the scenery and the beauties of Nature. and some- ; limes accompanies his retnnrks by an' attempt to embrace his guide. The Englishman. when he has "done" his peak. plunges his ice -axe! into the Snow', looks around him, sed then an' S :- '1 Soy, open the baskets and la's' have something to eats eteesaister I)o you catch cold easily 1 Does the cold hang on T Try Shiloh's Consumption Cure Tonle ua6 It cures the most stubborn kind of coughs and colds. If It doesn't cure you, your money will be refunded. Priem a. C. Wstre & co. red Oe.1Oc. iII LeRoy, N. Y., Terestn. C ea. 1 T V U ISSUE NO. 11-00