HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-03-23, Page 11 etet EIGHTEENTH YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1905. SANDERS ti C'REECH, Prop's (New Heading Hatter appears In this space each week.) READY MONEY ie one of the greatest fa. ten iu helping to r.••• ,.tldi.h any• • thing—to be successful means persistent or -.t If denial, and a regular, eyetemtie way of Sat lug. In prole,ttion as you have money, you will be euereeatul and care -free. Fttt.t wayto have it to to etart a Sating. Bank aezo.t it, NOW -and 1s. adeto it regularly—We allow interest from d.tte of deposit i A and add it to the principal and compound it FOUR Tit1F.s a year. 7 Z 3 Farmer* wanting to borrow FARMERS LOANS iced. rfor ain,thrraea purchase of it, ., can do so train the* bo„k at beat ratee a•i,l terms. Branches in Huron County at EXETER. CItED!TON, DASH WOOD, HENSALL. Zulticil, CLINTON THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA etadalae 8 Staebnr* , riot ,cit ors P. E. Kars, Manager, Exeter Least . DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOL.ICI- ton, Notaries, Conse)atu•er., Commissionere. Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Mosley to Loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, 1 R. CARLING, B.A., L H. Docesos MONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at low rates of inter- est. HEADMAN k STANBURY, Barrister,, Solicdtors,Main et.. Exeter Ont LLOYD Pr JONES Organist and Choir Master of the Trivitt Memorial Mitchell. -Mise RBte has returned Church. Teacher—Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony. .eay Modern methods. Thorouvhness from her visit to Listowel. Varna Andrew Stinson has engaged with Mr. Hayter.--Itev, Mr. Davidson was kindly remembed by the members of hie congregation recently, when he was presented with a load oats. These little kindnesses are much appreciated by the Rev. gentleman.- Mrs. J. Bar- ber, after a five months' stay at the home of her father, T. Keyes, left last week for her home in Orillia.-Mrs. Secord has taken up her residence at the home of J. Wards. -Mrs. W. Cook and sister, Miss M. Hugil hitve gone to California. -Mrs. James Keys is visit- ing her aunt, Mrs, R. Boyce, at Manitoba and Northwest Lands For Sale. The Saskatchewan Valley & Manitoba Land Com- pany, Ltd., Largest Land Company on the Continent controlling entire Canadian Northern Railway Land Grant -Two Million Acres -The cream of the wheat lamde of %A eetern Canada. Partles pun•has- Ing now are given until 1st June to select their land. For terms, etc., apply to ERNEST ELLIOT, Agent, Exeter WASTER—LADIES AND GENTLEMEN in this county and adjoining territories, to repre• etat and advertise the Wholesale and Educational leartrnents an old estab!ishe,l business house f .olid financial standing. Salah itt.S0 per day with expenses advanced eali Monday by cheek, direct from headquarters. Horse and bnit¢v furnished when necessas •; poeition permanent. Address BLEW BROS., & Co., Dept. 6, Monon Bldg., Chicago, Ill. ME Wanted RELIABLEMax 111 ser), ity throughout Canada to advertise our %coo•le tacking up show cards on trees, fences, bridges and all conspicuous places; distributing small advertising (natter. Commission or salary Plot x year or 1') a month and expenses act per day. Steady employment to good reliable men. We lay out your work for you. No experience need• ed. Write for full }articular.. - SALUS MEDICINAL Co., London, Ont. Canada London College of Commerce. Comprising Business, Shorthand and Typewriting, and Academic De- partments. In writing for catalogue containing full particulars, Address, W. N. YEREX. C. B. Principal. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all persons hating claims against the estate of the late Wm. Bane., of the Townshipof Stephen, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the t_Jth day of February, 1906, are requested to send such claims, duly verified, with the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, to Henry Euler, Crediton P. 0., Ont.. the Ex.s-utor of the said Estate, on or before the 1st Day.of April, 1905. After which date the Executor will pro•etd to di.• tribute the sweets of the said estate, ha ing reward only to such claims a. he shall then have hail notice of. And the .aid Executor will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or r, peons of whose claim notice .hall not have been tecehed by them at the time of exit di.tribution. Resat Elutes, Executor. Crediton. Ont. Dated at Crediton. Manh ISth, �— Sale Register. ('rartiee getting their !ale bill, printed at the ADVOCATIt oMce will receive a FREE notice tinder this heading until date of sale. TUESDAY, April 4.-- Cattle and horses, the pro. Tien".of Mr. Alex. Dow, Exeter. Sale at one o lock. Jes. white, Auctioneer. it AUCTION SALE Ik —OF— Valuable Real and Personal Estate in EXETER 1 There will be offered 1•r Salt to Publi.• Auction. on the premi•ee, on 8AT['RDA1, Ai1111I. 8th, 11)4hi, At the hour of t o',i,e k p. m. Thknat weowll-n Brick Blacksmith Shop And premiere recently nrupi.d by .tame. F. Rus- sell, situated on the Corner of Main and North street., having a frontage of !lain street of 41 feet. Thi. le the test Blackernith stand in the County of Huron, and ie located in the bu,in.se centre of Exeter, and affords intending purchaser• a splendid opportunity to anal*. an up-.tatt and folly ...Flipped Blacksmith shop and business At the .tame time and place will be offered for -ale Slackesnith's Stock, Tools. Supplie.• etc. TERMS of tale of Heal Estate, 10 per •ent. cash nn day of sale; balance in Al days. Terms of Pule ill rersonai Estate, Cash. For other particulars apply to John Charlton, Assignee; John Gill, Auctioneer; Arch. Hodgert, Jr., Wm. "Iie ttnteith, Robt. Milieu. inspectors; or t Dickson & Carling, Solicitors for Assignee, Exeter. Riceliy, at the close of the first series of bogus ballot hoz trials, wag convict - (d and given one year in jail. The honor of opening the first de- bate in the first straight l'oneervative l.r(isl:.tien since Confederation will fell to Mi. W. 11. Hoyle. M. P. I'., for North Gelatin, who will move the rid - dress on Thilreday next, an 1 Mr. J. P. Downey. M. P, P., for Mooth Welling• ton. wbo will second the addre"a• Hensall PRICTTY WEDDING.—The home of Paul D. Bell, Zurich Road, was all as- tir on Wednesday, when about 50 in- vited friends gathered to witness the marriage of his daughter, Miss Ann, to Duncan .Stewart of Tuckersmith. The nuptial knot was securely tied by Rev. E. McI. Smith, and at the con- clusion a most appetizing luncheon watt served. The bride is a favorite with old and young as was evidenced by the numerous and costly gif is which she received. The groou, is a prosper- ous tiller of the soil and is highly es- teemed in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart will reside on their fine • farm in Tickersulith. May they he endowed with the choicest blessings of earth is the wish of their many friends. ',neat) Jas, 13mwn has purchased Richard Simpson's residence. -Miss Lena Col- lins is the obliging clerk at Mrs. Jaynes McKee's store. -Robert Collins has re- turned from Toronto, where he was attending the annual meeting of the A.O.U.A`'.-Miss May Pollen, of St. Marys, is engaged with the Misses Lee, milliners, for the corning season. Geo. Bawdeu has purchased the six acres of land near the high school, be- longing to the estate of the late John Farrel,—Mise Holly Martin has return- ed from Hamilton, where she has been attending the Normal College.—S. Gib- son & Sons left for Ansa Craig Thurs- day, where they are engaged making some alterations in the Methodist church. -Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stone- house, who have been residents of our burgh for the past two years have de- cided to remove to London, where Mr. Stonehouse is to open out a wall paper and picture store. We are sorry to lose these people from our midst, hut wish them every happiness and proa- perity in their new home. -The home of Samuel ('Intlerham was saddened on Sunday when the angel of death visited there and removed his brother, Charles, at the age of 02 years. The funeral took place on Tuesday to St. James' cetnetery. Greenway Death visited our neighborhood March 11th, and called away one of our young men, Mr. Willie Hedley, at the early age of eighteen years. The young roan had been suffering for some time. The remains were inter - ren at the Grand Bend cemetet yq, Rev. 8. A. ('ar•riere, his pastor, reonducting the service. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents and brother. -Mr. and Mrs. T. Stewatdson and children visited at the home of Mr. Will Couch, 18th concession, last week.—The special services which have been conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Sutcliffe for the past 6 weeks closed last Sunday evening. --Mr. Stanley Wallis left last week en route for Winnipeg visiting relatives in Lenon- ville on the way. His brother Bert who has been clerking in Mr. W. J. Wilson's store, during the past year joining him in Toronto, last Tuesday. Also Mr. Charlie (odsave, who work- ed for Mr. William Baker for a year or more left on Monday for Manitoba. We wish all three success. -Rev. and Mrs. R. i. Wilson, of Steffe, attended the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wilenn last Friday returning home Saturday. --Mr. C. M. Wilson, of Sarnia. spent several days visiting relatives here and attended the silver wedding on Friday. ---Mr. John Good• ing and family left last Monday to make a new home in Manitoba. We wish theta siccese.- -A very pleasant time was spent by a number of friends and relatives celebrating the twenty- flfth wedding anniversary of Mr. :and Mrs. A. M. Wilson, at their hone last Friday. Many useful and hand- some gifts were receivers from a num- ber of relatives of Mrs. Wilson, in Bmckville. who were not able to at- tend. After supper had been served speeches were trade by Rev. J. F. Sut- cliffe, Rev. H. I. `Nilson. Mr. H. Hutchinson, Mr. W. J. Wilson, Mr. W. T. Ilene, Mr. Laughlin, Mr. John Sheri itt and Mr. A. M. Wilson. All left at an each- hour wishing utero many years more of happiness. -Mr. R. H. Nilson left for a visit to his nephew in Sarnia, Goshen Line Stephen 1 Blake 1 ChiseIhurst Air. Thomas and Win. Yearleyy ate FA. Kalbfleisch has disposed of his The members and adherent. of the laid up with severe colds -Mr. Thoe. residence to Peter Doughts, who will Methodist church, here, gots a sub- stantial etidelice of the esteem in B. Martyn's friends, will be pleased to learn that he has sufficiently recov- ered fronlithe effects of bis recent ac- cident as to be able to be around again. move to our burgh shortly. We have not heard what what Mr.Kalbfleisch's intentiousate.-Itobt. N. Douglas has taken possession of the store he par- -Mr. Thos. Mawhinney visited friends i chased from R. G. Nichol. We pre - in Parkhill the other day. -The bliss- i tiict for hint a snc•cessful business Ca- in Jennie and Atone Yearley are laid tap with an attack of la grippe. -Mr. John Johnston is suffering from a severe sore throat.—An interesting shooting watch took place at Mr. David Mawhinney's on Friday last. -- Following is the score :--C. Mawhin- nev, 7; 1), Mawhinney, 10; C. Dinney, 7; Win. Yearley, 8; C. Hirtzel, 8; John Schroeder, 0; Mr. Hero, 0. Grand Bend Sam Perils*, of Ailsa Craig, was in our burg .'Monday. -Mr. I3edore, of 1't. Edward, spent a few days here last week. -Mr. Careen, of Pt. Frank, visit- ed his brother for a few days. -Mrs. Isha, who has been visiting herdaugh- ter, Mrs. Gravelle, has returned to her home in Sehringville,-Mr. W. Fritz. of Zurich, has rented the Brenner House for flue years. He will take possession the 1st of May. We have not learned what Mr. Brenner intends doing but hope that he will remain with tis.--Messrs.Sippledc Rau, of Zur- ich. spent Wednesday here. -Mr. II. Smith has started a livery stable. - Mr. H. Eilber, of Crediton, was here Friday on business. -Mrs. Pedler, of Ailsa Craig. who has been here for it week visiting at the homes of her brothers, Messrs Ed. and Jos. Gill, left for her home. Monday, -Mr. C. Sher- wood, of Brockville, arrived here Sat- urday and intends starting at the har- bor shortly. McGillivray Miss May Sce'li, has returned from a visit to her sister at Toronto.-- Miss Berdie Jennings has accepted a posi- tion as milliner tor English & Co., of Forest. -Will Torrance after a seige of nleasels is table to be :round again. -- Miss Rosa Pierce has gone to Brant- ford, where she has accepted a posi- tion as teacher in the conservatory. She will also continue her own musi- cal studies. --Miss Love, of Parkhill, is the new teacher at S.S. Nu. 13. -Will Pierce, of Toronto, is home on a two months' vacation. -Miss Mabel San- ders, after a two weeks visit at her home here, has returned to London. Her sister, Ada, spent A few days in the city during the week. -As usual wedding bells continue to ring in our ueighboi•hood. At the Manse, Nairn, on March 7th, the mystic words were pronounced by Rev. Mr. Ronnie, that made Edward Rook, of Nairn, and Miss Matilda Carter, man and wife. The bride is a daughter of George R. Carter, of the 2nd concession, and is much beloved by her many friends, who join in wishing herself and wor- thy husband a pleasant and prosperous sail over the matrimonial sett. Anoth- er of our young ladies has been carried away to brighten a home in London township �Ve refer to the marriage of Miss Martha Neil, who became the happy bride of Melvin O'Neil, of Lon- don tp. The happy event took place at the home of the bride's parents, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. J. 8. Sutcliffe. Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil have the beat wishes of their many friends for a happy married life. - Word leas been received by friends here of the death of James Scott, who passed away at his bate residence, 10th con., Londonp Tp., on March 10th, at the ripe old age of 82 years. Deceased succumbed to the effects of a }paralytic stroke. He had lived on the Ibth con- cession all his life and always enjoyed good health. Fifty-six years ago he married Miss Sarah Culbert, of this township, who, together with nine children survive him. Zurich Miss Lovina Bossenberry has return• ed from her visit to Detroit.- John O'Brien, of Brucefleld,spent it few days et the home of his brother, Wm., dur- ing -the week. -Miss McCracken. of Glencoe. is the milliner at J. J. Mer- ner's store. -Elmore Magel has return- ed to Detroit, after spending the win• ter here.—Wm. Fritz has rented the Brenner Hotel at Grand Bend from Joseph Brenner, and will take posses- sion on May 1st.—Mr. and Mrs G. Ap- plemen left for Barlett,N.D., recently. They will make that place their home. —Henry Weseloh has purchased his brother John's house and land in the village.—Richard Nicholson is in Lon- don this week purchasing a stock to fit out a hardware store which he in- tends opening shortly. -Mr. Harry Yunghlnt installed a large refrigerator in his butcher shop last week. --Miss Nettie Well is engaged as tnilliner in Niagara Valls.--Mr. John Dumart, af- ter a shot t visit. left again hist week to visit the principal towns and vill- ages in Western Ontario.-- John Tor - ranee, of Clinton, helight a fine farts horse from Ernest. Gies last week. - J. J. Merrier purchased the Howald property situated west of Zurich, and which was offered by mortgage sale. The 10 acres have thereon it dwelling, a barn and a dt ivinshe'd.-Chris Iper hag disposed of his bakery bnsine e to Chris. Schrag. who took {possession Monday. Owing to i11 health Mr. Eil- her was obliged to give up the bakery business, but will conduct the con- fectionery as formerly. Mr. Schrag has sold his flour and feed store to Chas. Fritz. -Mrs. M. McCormick has opened up a confectionery in the stand formerly occupied by F.'eVitwer. -- The death occurred in Brussels en March 21st, of "Grandmother" Baker, an aged lady whose home is in Zurich. Deceaaed is the mother of our towns- men, Mr. II. Wells. The tcn►aing were expected herr on \Vednesd ty and the funeral is arranged to take place to the Bronson Line cemetery on Fr ids y. Mrs. Baker was over 75 years of age. neer.-Mi. R. G. Nichol and bride, vis- ited friends here daring the week. Mr. Nirhol is an e1,1 resic.eut of this place. but recently perchrtaed a general store A very pl.•a.. lit ete,ling was spent in at Iiiekson. '1'o the h..ppy coetple we games. 110's•and es•i.tl chill, Lute lt extend our heartiest emigratidatlutls. Was served due ing the evening and all -- i — went honk feeling that a profitable Clall(it'U(.ye, season had been enjoyed. as is :11ty tys the *.salt of a commendableand kind - Mr'. John Clark, of St. 'Thomas, is home on a short visit.—Mr. Martin ly adieu, - Collison has disposed of his 178 acre Whalen farm on the London Road to A1r. Thos, , Morkin. The price paid was $7,750.- j The snow is fast disappearing, the The news of the death of Miss Paul- water is wery pleatifel, t!e• spring ins Cooper, formerly of this place, birds are back, mad it looks as if spt ing who died in Blenheim on Friday and wool.i soon be hes e•. - II -v. H(.ade, eon, was buried at Kirkton, was a shock of ('r"diton, will preach missionary to every one in this vicinity. Iter sermons here 'text Siud.ty.---Mr. .1.s. mother, Mrs. McQuillan, has the sin- Merlev is still en the sick list. but is cere sympathy of the people of this koing es well as rue be expected. --Mr. village. -Mr. Andrew Clark bought a Newton Milist:n is eel• i i sting his house and ,it in this place from Mr. birthday with a party of voting people H. Thompson, now of London.-b1r. this week. - Mr. Russet (:onoirtg. who Moses Hodgins is roving into the vil- has been bothered with rincwernts, is lage.-Mr.J.Pitinen has returned hone about well again. - air. Charley Hoop - after visiti•lg friends in London. -Miss er is sulfern), from grip. - -al r. Dennis Jane Cum tisited relatives in McGee and f roily left th-s week for last week. --Mr. endMrs,Chow•n Manitoba. slattern), will miss them from attended the funeral of a relative in our midst its they were good neigh- Brucefleld nil Wednesday. -Miss Attie hors. Your correspondent join-' :t host Hodgins spent it few days in London of friends in wishing hint .tad family this week. -Mr. A. Cooper, of Blen- heim, is visiting friends In this viril- ity.- Mise Martha Mcllhergey, of De- troit, who for the past month has been visiting friends here, returned home Tuesday. which they held their pastel, Rev. E. A. SIiaw and wife un'fie-sdey evening, when over thirty of them took poses - siert et the Kit' t•n c•itinit pnr'sousge, at fleet -ell, with teen laden basket-. In the ofter noon the men of the con. greg:.tion enriched the pastor's tett bin to the extent of ever bushelsof o.tt,, Winchelsea DEATH OF ISAAC CLEMENTA.— One by one the pioneers of Usborne are passing away. On Saturday morning last the community was startled on hearing of the very sudden death of Mr. Isaac Clements, which took place at his home about 1() o'clock at. m. Mr. Clements had been alightly indis- posed for a few days and upon at ising immediately sank back and expired. Mr. Clements wens at native of the County of Armagh, Ireland, and emi- grated to this country 111)1)111 05 years ago and settled first near Woodstock, )where he remained for some time. About 55 years ago he came to ['a - borne and settled on the farm near 'eViuclielseit which he kept up to the time of his a eath. Mr. Clements was a herd well:ang, industrious man, It SOH its bookkeeper. -Mr. 1E.. (',twill. SAIL.wltkf: -10 Itay,141hcon.,on March kind neighoer and a good citizen and our enterprisinn young stere keeper 11. to Mr. and Mrs. Noah Mantras, a was respected by all who knew hint. spent Saturday in London 011 n hnsi- son. Ile leaves a widow and a grown up family, two sous and five daughters. His funeral on Monday was largely li every success in their eve: teems Centralia The recent thaw has lett the loads in this community in bad t•h:tpt'.- Messrs. M. Curtain and Luther flicks returned to the Northwest last week. They wet. accompanied by Fred flag• gitb, who intdnds reurtiiing in the `Vest. -A number of our voting people enjoyed a pleasant evening at the home of the Misses Handford, London Road, recently. -Miss l.eeretta B,tyn- ham is spending a few days at her home here, prior to her leaving for the Nest on Mondity.--Mr. James ltoss returned from the Old Land last week where he has spent the winter. Ile Was accompanied by Isis friend, Fled. Elliott. They intend revtaiuing.--Jle•s- srs. Thos. Mot ley, Fred i31e.ontfield and Wire Blair, who have been pressing hay near Ste:Weld for A. flicks, have returned homes -Mimi Alba Birks is visiting; friends in 13rinsley. Parsons & Davis, produce merchants, have eu- gaged the services of Miss Lily Ander- 11 i Va. ir- 11iVa Mr. Frank Glavin, of St. Marys. vis- ittd his ',meets :t few day,. last tt eek. —Air J. Pedlar, of fort Moran, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. %V. Hooper, for a couple of weeks. has gone elsewhere. --Jar. John Querrin Isis engaged with Mr. Paul ('Oates. of 1'sh„ane, for rite summer mon the. John will be missed by the u iris.--A1r. and bld•s. \Vat. Cunningham, who have oven t isitiug at Alr. W. Holts. Shipka has returned 1t Khive.- AlissCarruth• tee, of Greenway, is dressmaking a Mr. John RatLs. Miss Mary Querrin is Jenne at present. -Mr. Al. O'R(uke h is purchased a fine horsefrotn Mr, J. Doyle, of McGillivray. -Everybody seems to have the same old cold or grip. • — El1 mville The lle•.dinan Bros. have rented the Thompson Estate for a term of ten years.—The rulers in the village are nearly filled with water, owing to the rains and thaw 1111 Sunday. -the fnn- t'ral of Mr. I. Clements was largely at- tended on Monday, es he was well- known. having lived in the township for nearly fifty years. -A choir has been organized in the church again. It will ire 11)15(11 appreciated by the congregation.- Our village shoemaker is the busiest man in the township, working ontdtens by day and mend- ing shoes Ly night. -Mrs. Thos. Smile is on the trend again, after a spell of sickness.- ,Urs. Case Miners, of Point E•lward, spent a few days of last week visiting relatives and friends. - Messrs. Jostle,' Johns and John Miners are in Toronto t his week attending the Grand Ledge of the C.O.C.F. as repre- sentative of Elinlville Lodge. The British Government has present. eel a claim for $100,000 to the Russian Government for the sinking of the atearuer Knight Commander. Jar, Gouin has been chosen Premier of (Itiebec in place of Mr. Parent. This is the result of a bent of certain Lib- erals in the recent government. Surveying parties are being sent out by the Ontario Electrical Develope- neut Company to locate routes to 1Vesterrt Outaiii, for Niagara power c•: r ides. BIRTHS BUSCH - In 1It•ns:tll, nn Alarch 12, to ,M d 1r mid . !)s ,bred Busch,a t son. attended, interment being in E m- ville cemetery. The family have the sympathy of it large circle of friends and neighbors in this sad hour of be- reavement. Crediton SEEDS—To Intending purchasers of Seeds we have a stock of essetelly selected Red Clover, Aleike, Al- falfa, Timothy, Kentucky Blue Oraaa. Millett and Hungarian Seed, which we offer at reasonabie prices. We have the highest grade obtainable. C. ZWICKER, General Merchant. Friday was St. Patricks Day. The shamrock was quite common in the village. -Mr. Thomas Morrow, of the Merchant's Bank, took part:in the pro- gram given at the Irish concert at Lu - can Friday evening. --Henry Eilber, M.P.P., left for Toronto Tuesday to attend the opening of Parliarnent.-A large number of our people are trout). led with the grippe, the changeable weather being the cause.- We are pleased to learn that the infant child of Mr. %Vm. Winer, which has been very ill, is recovering. - Miss Calvin, of Brussels,l})as accepted a situation as milliner at Mr. C. !.wicker's store. - Mrs. Hill,of Zurich, is visiting her son, Mr. August Hill for a few weeks. -The members of the Crediton Literary 80. ciety will give a concert in the Hall next Monday evening. The program promises to he a very interesting one. A debate will also be given. For par- ticulars see bills distributed in the vit. lege.--Mr. Thomas Banes, who has been visiting relatives in our neigh- borhood for sotne time. returned to hishotne in the Soo, Mich., on Friday. —Word has been received that Mr. Ezra Krein is very ill with pneumonia in Stratford. He contracted a severe cold while firing on the (LT.R. during the stormy weather last month. We all hope his condition is not dangerous and that he will soon recover.—Miss Vivian Beaver is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Dyer, of Detroit.—Mrs. Wesley Winer went to Toronto on Tuesday, where she will have an oper- ation performed on her son at the Sick Children's hnspititl.---The Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Flint villc, will preach morn- ing and evening in the Methodist church here next Sahhath, while the Rev. Nr. Henderson takes the Mission- ary work on the Elimville circuit. 040(8 t rip. - Jos. 1.-1Wsun shippek ;1 ear'- 10+1d of hogs from here on Tuesday. The price paid w•as $5.$3 it hundred. Dashwood On Wednesday evening of Net week bliss Lizzie Bender was united in mar- riage toayoung elan ham) Sarnia. They left Monday morning for theirhome. We extend congratnlatione.- Messrs. E. Christie and W. White were around here several days Inst week purchasing horses,- During the recent thaw the creek over -flooded and Mr. Sam Baker was forced to put his stock in bis barn as his stables had atpout 2 feet of water in them. The water rose very quickly as it was covered in snow in places and until this gave way it had to flood over the fields with the above result.- Mr. and Mrs. Nichol intend leaving for their new home shortly. -Mr. Hamilton is busy getting his factory in running order for the coining season. -Mrs. John Bender is on the sick list. We hope soon to hearof her recovery. -Mrs. E. P, Paulin is on the sick list, we hope soon to hear of her recovery. -Mr. George Diller, of Pt. Huron, is visiting at Mr. Fred Gossman's.-Mr. Henry ('alfas has been sawing woad around the village with his engine ,and SAW. OBITUARY. -This week we record the death of Mrs. England, who pass- ed away on Thursday last. She leaves a grown-up family. The funeral on Sunday was largely attended and was conducted under the auspices of the Evangelical Church of which she was a faithful and valued member. Mrs. England had lived to a good old age being 1(2 years and some months. Her husband pre -deceased her some years. MARRIAGES. M.te'KINNON LO(IAN—In St. Marys,on March 15, Hector MacKinnon, to Miss M. A. Logan, both of St. Marys. O'NEI1.—NEI*.—At the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. J. S. Sut- cliffe, Melvin O'Neil, of London Tp., to Miss Martha Neil, of McGillivray. IltrerzEL-T1t^tTz.-At the residence of the bride's father, on March 10. by Rev. G. D. Damen, Mr. John T. Hirtzel, to Miss Laura, daughter of Mr. John Treitz, all of Crediton. STEWART--BELL—At the residence of the bride's father, on March 16, by the Rev. E. Ma,Smith, Mr. Duncan Stewart, of Tuckersmith, to Miss Ann, daughter of Paul D. Bell, of Zurich road, Hay. DEATHS EN(itAN1) i11 Dashwood, on March 10, Mrs. Englund, in her 83rd year. :'I.EsteNTH.---lu Ushorne, on March 18th, Isaac Clements, aged 87 years. HEDLEY—In Stephen, March 11, Wm. 13. Medley, aged 18 years, 5 months. CLCTTERHANa .- -in biretta on March 12, Chas. Clutterhatn, aged e0 years,H-- BAKI.in Brussels, on March 21, "(Grandmother” Baker, whose hone is in Zurich, about 75 years of age. KiRK- In Kirkton, on Sunday, March 19, Wm. Kirk, of Exeter, aged 27 years. NEutoN.--in London, 650 Waterloo Street, on March 21st. Jane, beloved wife of Rockford R. Nelson, former- ly of Exeter, aged 00 years and 8 months. ALITY and 8IG8T PRICES SV�ap EDDINO.-The r'eaidence of Mr. John Treitz was the scene of a very pretty event en Thursday, when his daughter. Miss Laura, was wedded to Mr. John T. Hirtzel. The ceremony took place at 4 o'clock p.m., bring per- formed by the Rev. G. D. Damm, and witnessed by about 75 guests. The 'bride, who looked charming in a gown of white silk, was assisted by her sister, Miss ids. while Mr. Wes. Hirtzel, of Hamilton, supported the groom. The wedding march was very beautifully played by Mias Marie Morlork. After the ceremony the happy couple, ac- companied by the guests, sat down for lunch. in the evening the hand of the village rendered several pieces of fine and inspiring music. Mr. and Mrs. Hirtzel will make their future home in our midst. We join in wish- ing them a long and very appy mar- ried life. Mount Vesuvius is again in erup- tion. the disturbances being attributed to an earthquake. . - - IN - Pails Sap Pans Sap Kettles Sap !biles We make Galvanized Sap Pans and Pails in all sizes. Repairing Promptly Attended To. Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store. P. S. --A number of second hand Wood Cooks for sale, 4 e1 4 4 4 4 41 41 4 414 4 (