HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-03-09, Page 5THF exefex gthvorate, published every Thursday Morning at the Oe. MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. --n, tht - ADVOCATE PUBLIfi1MINO OOMPANT TERMS OF St'RSCRIPTION. One Lollar per anuum if paid in advance, 81.1110 if not so paid. aLAvertialag a. .• esa 3yylice.- slo. No paper dis.•ontIoneeI until all arrearages are paid Advertitements without eperilled directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made fur transcieut adtertisement5 inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING tunied out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ,niers, site., for advertising, subscriptions, et.., to be wade payable 0 Sanders & Creech, 1'R •1'I 1ETOILN ProfeNNlonal Cards. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. 8.. �Ilonor graduate of Toronto Unb eristy. DENTIST. Tenth extracted without any pain, or any had effects Office in Fansou's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Poet Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery (with honorable mention.) AO•nninum, Gnid and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfe.•tly harmless an. aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Medical DS. T. P. McLAIIOHLIN, MEMBER OF THE College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon sed Accoucheur. Office, Daah• wood, Ont Auctioneers i A HEALTHY OLD AGE OFTEN THE BEST PART OF LIFE Help for Women Pawling Through Change of Life Providence has allotted us each at least seventy years in which to fulfill our mission in life, and it is generally our own fault if we tile prematurely. Nervous exhaustion invites disease. When everything becomes L burden and you cannot walk a few blocks with. out excessive fatigue, and you break out into perspiration easily, and your face flushes, and you grow excited and shaky at the least provocation, and you cannot bear to be crossed In any- thing, you are in danger ; your nerves have given out ; you need building up at once! To build up woman's nerv- ous system and during the period of change of life we know of no better medicine than Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound. Here Is an illus. tration. Mrs. Mary J. Dabbruzs, of 150 Main St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been a blessing to me through that dell- cato period known as the change of life. For , six years it dloturbed my entire system. I had hot flushes, was extremely nervous, bo- i (1 BROWN, Winchelsea. Livened Auctioneer canto pale and debilitate 1, very irregular in Ile . for the Cohnties of Perth and Middlesex.the rnonthlyy flow, and the blood all seemed also for the township of Ushorne. Sales promptly Lobe in my bevel. I had f nest palpitation attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged and throbbing of the hearth fact, my whole at Poet Otnce Rin. hetsea system seemed to be in disorder. " I received no relief from the suffering in- I --- T I I E -I cadent to this period until I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; but I date my relief frons the time I took the first her - r IIaRO! GaIlatia ale I painlcally improved nature took her eourw painliwsly, and in duo time I was a well woman." Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn. Mass., in- vites all sick and ailing women to write -- ' her for advice. Her great experience is at their service, free of cost. I(:canton: When horning into the Presbyterian visci Sunday morning the cutter in which were Rola. Smith tttsdna ht et Miss Jennie. was upset Smith throwing thew out. Mr. Stn h w•a3 thrown against the corner of the church, cut Hog his head severely and rendeeing him nnconaci,ms. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL capital Paid Up - 6,000,000 Rest & Undivided Profits 3.218,969 95 BRANCHES IN CANADA interest at most favorable current rates from date depc„lttd allowed or. Sat ings hank accounts and Dc• posit Receipts. Commercial letters of Credit issued, available In China, Japan and other foreign countries. Traselling Letters of Credit issued to travellers lo all part• of the world, A general Banking business transacted. SAVINGS BANK. TILOS FYSIIE, GOSRRAL MAaaGRR. . F. IiElIDI:N, firer or BRAscaas a Cater I,srectoa CREDITON BRANCH W. S. (')I1 - ll(ti,M, \len:ager. CLEAN, DRY American Lorna FOR SALE at Exeter Storehouse This is much cheaper feed than Oats. Try it. Jos. Cobbledick PIANOS That Have to be Sold. We have in stock THREE PIANOS which have been in use for n shot time only, and we n1intt to make roost for new goods. we are going to sell these Pianos at a price that they will halve to go. e u Intending t would do well ll to call and inspect these bargains be- fore buying. Violins and Violin Sund- ries Always in Stock. S. MAR.TIN lleadymartets for Stationery. AL'. VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer is It true you want to look old P Theo keep your gray hair. If not, then use Hail's Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, erie1�c,,h� �caoetlor of early life restored to your hair. t"�a 7arae l'�e.,1t•+�R`'•` EXETER MARKETS. 4'11.1N(i1:1) EACH 1VEliNESDA1 1V11.• tt -1,1i . Ips 1 07 li:trlcy :i,5 40 Oats :Di 40 Pi..ts till eel Potatoes. per bag . 7.' 80 }fay, per ton 7 00 8 00 Flour, per cwt.. fancily 2 85 Floor. low• grade per cwt 1 25 1 25 Butter 21) Eggs 20 Live hogs. per cwt 4 00 Dressed Hogs 5 73 8 00 Shorts per ton ''2J 00 20 (4) Bran per tort 15 (4) 10 (4) 1)r:r,l.%pp], s ..... .. :t i►ui lir': I1••'. father Noonan was recently pies• tilted wish et fountain pen and a bouquet frost) the i sag ie. Clinton: Miss Miller, who resides with her sister. Mts. .tom -s 11',rlkin• ski w, had he inisfot tune to slip down jnat as she was entering a side door of the moot office on Thursday and broke her left leg at the thigh. Clinton: Mics. titer•.) 11. A. New• comb? passed away to the het ter bend Thursday. M r'. Newctrnl.e has not enjoyed the best of health for some years. About eight verses ago de'ceaa- ('d suffered n slight Anoka• of paralysis which ynfrehle•d her ntied.11nd she has been priori i• -,II • an invalid since. She leaves :a huslatitd et..1 fit e child: ed. IIc1113all klly 411 they move fo• rward and withal with undying persistence attack and be thrown back. They repeated and at le !n the morning, after- a preparatoryr- ! Wier, bombardment, had reached tbe i Russian trenches, where a bayonet fight ensued. At the crucial moment, Gen. Allen, commanding the vanguard, arrived oq the scene with two companies, and turned the scale against the Japanese. Among titu wounded was Lieut. -Col. H. Rostitsky of the general staff, wee nevertheless retrained at the front. To- wards the evening the fight slackened. The Japanese employed an ingenious scheme to deceive the Russian artillery, whose shells, though having the ranges, appeared to be exploding in the wrong direction. The officer, were about to resort to experimental firing when skir- mishers reported that the Japanese were exploding small mines and es' throwing dirt in the air with spade to effect a deception. .ki l co Dougall. .•i : - ter. Men., was merrier! on 1Vednesdey to Miss Maggie lino ie,-ixth daughter f the late Joke Inuit., of 'I'•,tker,t,•it1'. - Mrs. W. Chapman i, rerovt•ri, g fr••nt t he ell..., r, of her rt•ceot act'alt•u'. 11'hilc c• u,io;; dont r1 stair, she u,issed h. -r footing anti ft•Il to the INdteut, 1, - ceiving p..utful iujnries.-Nil's. ('. .\. It••.I,uuud still cootiuttes ill. \llns I ' 1'c.ti t is he.ii visi11ng het' p,u't•nt,. 11 is Jennie 1%'e•1sh. of l.eacdon, is Isom,• on a visit. Gordon JLouts has ne..t.y recovered from the effects of lagri ,I., --A. D.\Iclutvre, teller of the Mot. son's 11 k here. who left a fete d,tc, lg.., otting to a revere attack a: pi,•.t,not,ia. has been obliged to g,, ,.. tilt' 11061/it.,l. 11'e trust he will recover. His place is being Title I 1.y Mr. ICmg, of London. -B. Hn,;{; ., 1n, who lead all attack of paralysis n lett days :ago. is slightly iulpl oyed. Stephen School ltt'1)O1'i s The following is the report of s. S No. 2, Stephen, for Februatry. Nate. - re in order of met it. IV. - Roy 1111; Lagers Sluts, itny Sims, Clayton Nina 1;cerett Sime, Stett':u•t Mitchell, Her - 1►t'rt 1litchell, Eva Wetzel. Sr. 111. - B-tyl Hill,Olive King. Mary Chamber . Sr. II. -Lillian Stahls, Ethel Situs. Eh Sims. Tillie Edwards. Jr. IL-Vin:a Cornish, Irving Stahls, Andrew Flan- a•:an. Mary Robertson. Teacher. The following is rt cot rest report • f the standing of the pupils of S.S. No. 3, Stephen, for the month of Februau y. The names are in order of merit: -- 1 V. -Simone! Hicks, Harty Triebner. Hilda Preszcator, Thotnas Penhitie, Fred Beaver. Ralph Willis, Cecelia Ford, Harry Parsons. Jr. III. -Sher. Mail \Villin, Earl Parsons, May Men- ders, Edwin Triebner. Sr. II.- Flom encs Heitman, Preston Dearing. (fen. ;ticks, bird Preszcator. Esti Shapto' , .Lehnny Willis, Samuel Stanlake, 3o. 1 L- Florence Triehner, Ada Willis, (:otdon Sanders, Alymtee 1Villis, Ches- ter Parsons. Part IL-Vi'ilfred Shiite ton, (!live Preszcator, Gordon Peuhale. (Garfield Stanlake. 1. -Met le \Villi.. Reginald Persons, Charlie Triebner, Number on roll 31; average attendance ':a. Percy S. Banes. 'Teacher. How's This? \1'e otter One Hundred Dollars f. i u,v case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by Hall's Catarrh ('ire. F. J. ell ENEY & CO., Toledo, O. 1Ve, the undersigned. known na h. .1. Cheney for the last 15 year's. '18(1 be- lieve hires perfectly honorable in all lousiness transactions and financially ah10 10 Carry out any obligations made 1.y hi: firm. \\-.tLurN(., KINN.N & MAIC' IN. 1Vholesttle i)ruggists, Toledo, 0 1Jall's Catarrh ('are is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of the sestet!). Testimonials sent free. Price 7:, cents Sold by all druggists Take Hall's family Pills for enlist ipa- t ion. (; I'eell WILS Henry Shanks' sale, conducted by C. Il. Wilson, was well attended and good prices were obtrained. His son, George has rented the Laren and Mr. Shenk. after a residence here of over 10 year,.. retires from farming and moves with his Gamily to Parkhill this week. Ile bite been a kind and obliging neighbor and leaves a Iru'gr• number of well- wishing ftkeels behind him, who wish himself and family much happiness in their new• home. -James Wilson. after a rmon(h's visit with friends in 'l'oiort- to, Markham and Brotlisyille, I►asjre. (twin (1 borne. -Mr. and Mrs. Silas. Wall is and children, o ' is ti,il- f(ie Ceti I ell at \lasses. i1. 1Vickerts' and Jauu•- 1Vallis' over Sunday. -The spcciaf services which are being held in the Methodist chinch will continue this week. Much good is being done. - Hold. Pollock, of Centralist, has ppur- cbn'tt•d the farm of. Kohn. Mciinehec, in Stephen; the latter bought Dave 1V. 1,'ilson's farm in McGillivray, :soul '. 1Villon 11114 pur�ha:et' I. 1L 1I:ttut' iltoe's farm near (ireful Bend. All are miot•ing this week. .1. Daley hes put- t hated the fifty -sere farm on the cet►- tr.• road, a y, from Albert Ala t here, of Sat ilia. - E. F. Clark, M. P., Dead. Toronto, March 3. -Mr. E. F. ('lark. NI. 1'. for ('entre Toronto, died to- night ret his residence here. Mr. ('I:tt•ke caste home from Ottawa two weeks ago. suffering from congestion of the lungs. which developed into (memoir -m- in. 11.' had two relnppye's, but till this week has been steradily getting bet too ii -id stronger, and it was expect, d that he would entirely recover site, 1.- 1 v. •1v. At 5:3) to -night unfavorable sympt asps appeared. He died sudden- ly of heart faders. at 0:30. He was mar", of the City of Toronto during the yeas 1883, 188), I$tsO ntSd 1891. He represented Toronto for two terns. in the Ontario 1.' {isl,tture, 1487.1894 and tvas elected • er of the repreaenta• fives for 1Veet'l'•.•ronto in the Holme • f Commons nt the general election 18NJ: te-elected at the general election 1900. Owing to the last redistr•iI'uticn of spate. Mr. ('lark sought election is Center Toronto in November last, nn.' was returnee! by n barge majority. Mr. ('I it ke was regarded as one of tl e strangest men on the Conaervntite side of the House, The Kind that has Cured Your Friends aid Neighbors °I °Vt "IV 'lakes Sick in Spring Time... BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. g-zrAsk for "PAINE'SS" People Well FIGHT IN EVERY VILLAGE. Dead Bodies Converted Into Breast- works by the Jape. Mukden, March 7.-A correspondent has Just returned from spending the entire day of March 4 with Russlat vanguard on the right flank, where Oen. Nog! is attacking desperately, es- pecially at Machtapu, where there is crossing of the }fun River, four mile. the e railroad. He says that al Use Japanese attacks on the march we repulsed, but only through the mos heroic fighting, which was renew yesterday morning. The vast plain of the Liao and Hua River Valleys presented a brilliant pan- oramic) scene. The day being clear and, sunny, the movements ort both side' were distinctly visible, except wheq clouds of yellow dust, rattled by t!i' gusty went winds, swirled down hid the shifting lines of infant*. Charge followed charge, attack, repul% and counter-attack. Russians and Ja- panese fighting viciously for every foot of thu ground, and clinging like wiry death Itself to every Chinese cotta$ and tnud wall, the only covers in the rich bottom lands. Rivals La Hays Sainte, Every village was the :Nene of strum. gles rivaling those of the famous 1.4 Haye Sainte at Waterloo. One regiment of Siberian sharpshooters was led to the attack by Col. Keukorin, who w wounded in the foot on Feb. 28, directed the operations from a llttt , The Villages of Sahoudyapu and La(j- shanpu were taken and retaken several times. Lanshanpu finally passing into the hands of the Japanese March 4. The Japanese used hand grenades emitting a suffocating gas. From the front and the left flank the reports are of an encouraging nature. A desperate attack of the Japanese 04 Poutlloff Hill is said to have resulted tragically. the Russian artillery turning lines of es Ja a n e Into heaps ps ofb leed- ing bodies, which the survivors quickly converted into breastworks, from which they were driven by a bayonet charge and the murderous fire of the artillery. The attack of the Japanese Imperlsl Guards divisions, according to reports from Gen. Sassalitch, crumbled before the brilliant defence of the Slberlan sharpshooters. On the left Gen. Line - 'itch holds the hills stubbornly. It Is even said that he has trade a counter. attack and retaken some redoubts, and has advanced a few rattles. Doomed to Be a Sedan. Nowclttvang. March 7. -It Is reported here that the scouts of Gen. Nog1's anti General Kurolci's armies are already in touch behind Tie Pass. There Is every Indication that the great Japanese movement for the enveloping of Muk- den has so far met with overwhelming success, and that that stronghold of the Russians will prove another Sedan. Jape Left 2,000 Dead. Mukden, March 7. -Yesterday's artil- lery duel lasted until sunset. The fir - Ing was fiercest at Fantzlatun, whicb was set on fire by shells. Shrapnel was responsible for nearly all the wounded. Yesterday's lighting was probably onljt preliminary shelling. Night attacks o41 the centre and left flunks were Ile pulsed. The Japanese left 2.000 deid in front of (;ao Pass. Russ Ship Patrols Red Sea. Aden, Arabia, March 7.-A itussian warship Is reported to be patrolling the centre of the Red Sea. She hag been turning her searchlights on pass- ing vessels Another Assassination, Ilelystock, Russian Poland, March 7. -The Chief of the Pollee of Dlalystotll, 62 miles from (;rosin,, has been asses. Bloated. To Jail With Them. Montreal. March 7. -Messrs. Gaynor and Greene, the American contractor*. who are alleged to have cheated th` waehington Government by over hall a million, yesterday appeared before Judge Lafontaine and were remanded for eight days. Ile refused to grant ball, and sent the prisoners to the cus- tody of the Jailer. True Bill for Murder. Brantford. March 7. -The (;rand Jury In the Spring A'•Izes yesterday after- noon brought In a True• bill of murder against Joseph Kennedy. Judge Teetsel, In making his charge to the jury. said that the evidence In the case was almos altogether circumstantial. The trial Will commence to -day. • Baron Lambermont Dead. Brussels. March 7. --Darin F.amber- mont, Secretary-General "( the Fnrelgn office, died yesterday, following a stroke of paralysla On Saturday. Baron Larnbermont's aged sister. who was living in the country, dropped dead when Informed that her brother was dying. Bank in Difficulties. ifali!te, N S.. March 7.-W. H. Red- ding & Co.. general dealers, Yarmouth, N. S., have assigned, and the Bank of Yarmouth has been forced to 'outspend payment. The Bank of Yarmouth was about to be amalgamated with the Union Bank of Halifax. Promised Consideration. Ottawa. March 7 -A deputation of lumbermen waited upon the Minister of Finance yesterday morning and Meed for the imposition of a duty of 82 a thousand upon rough lumber Mr. fielding premised cnnelderatinn Last of Confederates. Houston, Texas, Marc 1 7 .Tndge John 11. Reagan, sale survlcl'g t :.'neer Of the Confederate ('abinnt, di. .l y'•ster- day at Palestine. Teen.. of pncurnonla. Judge Reagan was Se, y• ars old. Eight Reasons why we think Red Rose Tea is the best tea in Canada have been published in in this paper. Have they been convincing enougn to induce you to try the tea? If they have, the advertising has done all that was expected. The tea must do the fest, and t think it will, If you have not yet tried the tea, you will perhaps be interested in learning that several more masons are yet to follow. They will be interesting and well worth the reading. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B. BRANCHES: TORONTO, WINNIPEG. St. Marys: Mary K. Edwards, the auk. k' five-year-old daughter of John b:dwards, met with an accident Fri-1day. She was coating up Nater street •hawing n handsleigh, and in some manner tripped and fell over the Lnidsleigh, fracturing her c'11L•u- 1,one, ' St. Marys: David Swanson passed ! away at his home on 1Ve•duesday at the age of 84 years. An attack of heart failure following a fern' days ill• ness of grip was the immediate cause of his death. Mr. Swanson was a na - tve of Caithness, Scolb•nd, ,and came to this district when a young roan. � o IAMONDpECT1 FOR aoM DYEINEG. 2 • EASY TO USE, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. T ASK FOR THI "DIAMOND. • All Druggists and Dealers. TAKE NO OTHERS. •ddddg..•.•dgd.N.•g.N.••ddddd••••N••••••d.•••• DYES A FAMOUS SCHOOL. JENJAq, STRATFORD, ONT. . The Largest and most Successful t(\A . ,traal and Shorte tscl,, l (n Western rne i•n.. t.ro. Our courses are up-to-date and practb-al. Leading colleges in Canada and the United States • ...ploy- our graduate, as teacher. i on now, g p You may enter at any time. WHte for free. stab.gne. your old truck such as NOTICE r ToFarffoers aid 14e Public 111GCOCtEI. As the spring is coming I gather u all ELLioTT & M('LACHLAN, Principal- CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. �'NIHISOGseeOIaecee0410eeseee We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. -•44,4144144444 (MISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMP'T'LY. H. SWEITZER Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, All Kinds old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and take them down to M. Jackson & Son Maio Street, I.xeter. t Jess• 1,..t' South of Metropolitan Hot. I That's wbere yo't will g' t the highest crash price for th' mc, PSYCHINE STRENGTHENED , MY WHOLE SYSTEM Pure Blood in your veins now will save you much in purse and person before the winter is over. PSYCHINE makes rich red blood. keeps people well and at their best. "To -day I am enjoying goof health, solely through the 0 'c of i'sychine. When i began using Peychine, I was suffering with a heavy cold in the bronchial tuber,. and a cough which seemed to rack me to pieces. The do,•tors' medicine gave me no relict, and I began to dread const•-nption working on ins. \Vlth the second dose, Psychine benefited me and gave new atrergth. Psychine toned up my wh•,le system. and qutekly .topped the cough. Ii beertlly ret 1 1'a)•4tlne to T•-r.onv ran -,lotto. In need of a ('aisle. Or •nffcrIng hili rvne_tta, scalds, (lr vatarrh. 1 irate the •' •y I tr,ed Psychine."-• Allan cot - ••r. I'rn;-er, Ont. PSYCHiNE is rronounced SI -KEEN Ftvr's'e by n11 F►rngti-t•. For further aA ries and Information write ili. lttoeum, Limited '::e King Street 'West, 1oronto, Can. T',rough an eniarge'1 Iaborstornew labor roles verities. art regent abil:tr to rem:este raw iaoducts to Casade. I'SYC iNE. sold fur roue pet bott.e, Is NOW SOLD AT $ i.00 PER BOTTLE 4 s 1 • 1 4 4 4 4 . 4 4 1 4 1 • 4 4 1 1 4 e 4 4 1 1 ( 1