Exeter Advocate, 1905-03-02, Page 8BYE and BYE
Miss Mary Newcombe is suffering
front a very severe cold.
See what the Sovereign Bank can
do for you in their Ad. front page.
.t nuiiibey from town attended the
ball ret 11.'nsa11 on Monday evening.
March carne in like a lamb, thus it
will go out like a lion. so sayeth the
Mr. Ernest Buswell, of L'sborne
Township, has accepted a position at
E. J. Spackrnan'a store.
The hockey team went to Hensalt,
this week- and played a game with
• the team of that village. The result
was a tie, (1-6.
It has been officially stated that the
London Camp, including the 33rd Re-
giment, will go under canvass at Lon-
don on June 6tb.
Mr. %V. \Vestcott, of St. Catharines,
moved here with his family last week
and have taken up their residence with
Mr. Thos. Hazelwood.
The annual social and program
given to the Sunday School children
of the Presbyterian Church, took place
on Friday evening last.
Miss Wycoff, nurse of London, au' -
rived in town yesterday to take charge
of \1r. R. S. Lang's two children, who
are ill with pneumonia,
"Mr. J. Crooks, the popular sales-
man of Iiodgens Bros. store, has been
laid up with a slight touch of pleurisy;
he is improving."—Clinton New Era.
Next Sunday has been set apart as
Bible Sunday by the ministers of the
different denominations in Exeter and
special sermons will be preached on
the work of the British and Foreign
Bible Society.
Mr. J. H. Lambrook, recently of
Tharnesville, has accepted a position
as tinsmith with Mr. W. J. Hearnan,
and last week moved here with his
wife. son and daughter. We welcome
this family to town.
The Easter Examinations for Public
Schools of Huron will be held on
Thursday and Friday, April 13th and
11th. Teachers are requested to noti-
fy their Inspector of the number of
papers required for the second and
third classes.
Rev. M. Kettlewell, of St. Thomas,
a former pastor of Main-st.Church,con-
duets the Missionary Anniversary of
this church on March 12. He will he
remembered as the colleague of Rev.
Mr. I.und and his many friends will be
pleased to hear hint again.
Mrs, .1. W. Taylor was suddenly
taken ill with hemorrhage of the
stoutnch on Sunday morning last, and
for a time she was very sick, losing
a great deal of blond. Furtunetely
the [lenlot'rhage stopped in t aftty-
71000, au41 She has been steadily r'e'gain-
ing her strength since.
Hiss Al. Taylor, white tobogganing
at the allele en Saturday evening, sits -
tabled a di.Iocatted wrist, as the re-
sult of a fall. Some weeks since the
}'ex, !pia Xeart' some ian►kv/ if you bio y"llllg Lady sprained the right wrist
your;aroceries at Stewart's, there er'ery-
thirl is sea fresh and Clef III.—/hire y"11
)Ott( Mooney 114sie41.+, "oh nay" /.at
they are good.
Bye and bye it aill be work early
and late. Peeple will be clamoring
for their clothing. We will be asking
for time.
Its Always So.whyNow why not get your new suit or-
der in ahead of the crowd.
An early delivery is our promise to-
day. Brien full stocks is your today's
Prices lean year way now as 111 11011
as they will latter 011.
Then Why Wait?
Merchant Tailor.
''tr'ti/r'tir �'��'Yr'tli�
allaaek ailaaek dcnekallnalkac
Be smart and todate, Gent's new
lane' Vests, Itiy Range at Stewart's,
Flour that makes the mouth water
for more at the Exeter Grist M111.—
Harvey Bros.
"Arthur Garthwaite's songs were
rendered with his magnificent basso
in a way that excelled any of his re-
cent efforts." hear hint in Main-st.
Methodist church on March 13th.
If you want a stock food that gives
valve for your money. Ise Howey's
Horse and Cattle Food. It gives re-
sults frons the first dose. Large pack-
age only 2.5 cents.
Beginning February': th we will oc-
cupy the Farmer Building and will he
p'e•pa red to do business in the Furni-
ture line. Call and have a look over
our stock.—AW. C.Llnston.
Mr. W. 11. Hewlett has attained an
enviable place in the ranks of solo or-
ganists.clear hilt in the \lain-st.
_Methodist church under the auspices
of the League on Jlunday, \lar. lith.
Improved English Stock Food is the
}lest and decidedly the cheapest food
in the market. You get about double
the amount of any other stuck food
for the sante looney. It will pay
stuck raiser's to give it a trial. .Sold
by C. Lutz, Central Drug Store, Exeter.
Fars Heed Warted'
A married man to take charge of a
farm adjoining Crystal City, Man.
Good thing for right man. For par-
ticulars apply at this office.
cos l r=.
Dr. Butler, London, will be at the
Central Hotel, Thursday, March 9th,
all day, for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
consultations. Eyes tested and glasses
Capable Oraarist.
"The magnificent organ was most
capably handled by Mr. Hew lett, who
is ranked atnonF the foremost of Can-
ada's organists. '—Berlin News. Hear
hint in the Main-st. Meth. church on
Monday, March i3th.
woman's Institute
The regular monthly meeting of the
\Vnnlan's Institute will be held in the
reading route of the Town Hall, on
Friday. \Lo'c'h 3rd, at 3 ti cluck.
Mrs. %Wickwire, Mrs. Hastings,
Pres. Sec' y.
Special Services.
The first of a number of Special
Lenten Sen vices will be held next
\Wednesday (Ash Wednesday) even-
ing in the 'I'rivitt Memorial School
Hall at eight o'clock. After next week
these Nei% ices will be held on Thurs-
day evenings. A series of addresses
will he given by the Rector on "The
Seven Deadly Sine."
.1 new lin.' "Ready to near Skirts"
i..r Girls 10 to 18 year. old, $7.50 and
,.J,0): made front good, aerrieeable gran•
ire breed*, nicely trimmed, Stewart's.
11) al fall at the rink. This time the
left wrist was injured. These misfor-
tunes are to be i'et i'etted, and it is
Hoped recovery may be early and com-
The Annual Meeting of the Bible
Society will be held this evening
(Thursday -1 in the Main St. Methodist
)'Murch at right o'clock. Report will
he presented and officers elected. Short
addres:ses will he given by !kir. F. %V.
Madman, Rev. Dr. Hannon and Rev.
It. J. M. Perkins. A collection will
be taken on behalf of the Society.
All are invited to attend.
Word has reached town of the death
very suddenly at his home in Detroit
of Prof. Shrleves. The deceased was
well known in Exeter, having been a
regular visitor here for the past thirty
years, selling his own medicinal pre-
paration. "Pride of the Valley.' He
was here at the fall fair. During his
numerous visits he made many friends,
who will regret his sudden demise.
As previously announced Rev. James
Livingston, of Landon, preached mis-
sionary sermons in James St. Church
on Sunday last, while Ur. Hannon
took his place in London. Rey. Liv-
ingston has appeared in Exeter sever-
al times '111(1 has pleased his large con-
gregations on each occasion. Sunday
was no exception. His sermons on the
missionary work in generel were in-
teresting and clear, and no doubt re-
sulted in large collections and sub-
scriptions being taken.
SeIeadid Soloist.
" Arthur Garth waite bas base rule
second to,none in the Province."—Yet-
retea Topic.—Hear hila in a\fatin•st.
church on Monday, March 13th.
Notice -
Applications will be received by the
Reeve up to 8 p. 1)t., Friday, March ani,
1906, for the position of Clerk of the
Village of Exeter. By order of the
Council.—W. 0. Bissett, Reeve,
Shot to time West.
The Gilbert Plains Maple Leaf of
last week contains the particulars of a
sad shooting accident that happened
to a former resident of Stephen :---An
unfortunate accident happened to
Chao. Sanders, son of Mr. John San-
ders, on Wednesday of this week. The
boy. a promising lad of fifteen year's
of age, had wounded a rabbit with a
O 0calihre rifle, and after re -loading
used the rifle as a club to finish the
1' rabbit. holding the weapon by the
barrel. While doing so the rifle went
off and the hullet penetrated the boy's
abdomen. He was brought to town
CALL and from here taken to the hoapital at
Dauphin. where an operation Was per-
formed the evening of the accident.
Ile stood the operation well, but per-
itonitis has set in and his condition is
Nicks Forecasts for March.
The first marked disturbances for
March will be central on the 3rd, 4th
and 0th. These reactionary storms
will culminate in high temieratnre,
low barometer, with rain and high
winds, on and touching the 5th,ending
in snow stet n1s over nlpch of the coun-
try to the northward. The Mercury
disturbance being central on the 7th, t da
the probabilities are that continued
clonly, threatening, sleety conditions
will continue into the regular storm
period following. A sudden high bar-
ometer with quick and s"vere change
to boreal winds and blizzardous eon-
Ct� ditione may result in the northern
all and Examine Theme sections en and about the :ash, but a
rapid reaction to warmer will Set in
IV. JOHNSnix ell the 7th, followed by falling bar -
'()meter from 1Vestorn extremert end-
ing in general storms of rain. sleet and
Mucha(Tailor, EIEiEt; �OlIr10; `now d tiring the Vuken Storm periodestrndin from the 7th to the 12th. 'I'A
Spring Goods
In Tweeds and Worsteds
Ranging in Pti e from
$14.00 to $20.00
(lents New !lard and Soft 1/uts:
new Shoes ,,,o! .Ven' Shirts. 1'he ,1„110,-
.ellarne'u• Skirt is 0 sinner. Stewart's.
Mr. 11'nt. Dealing. of Stephen, 41 hu
we repe111(1 last wreak hl, being 111 the
11101141. 11, still very ill and unable to
lett% 0 his Led.
Mr. and \1ra. Samuel Holutaul, who
have been visiting friends in and
around Exeter („t seve1.11 weeks, heft
Tuesday morning for their home in
Crystal ('ity.
The Hoye! Templets of Temperas
intend having a "free and easy” at th
council rooms next Monday Mgt
March 6th, at 8 o'clock. All the nu-
tters are requested to he present. ('i
ito nand F.►nluhat councils are invil
Owing to an extras of news, and t
lateness of receiving certain cul
several articles hitt (11)71vt>idahly 1
over ti11 next week. Among them a
Exeter, Stephen and 81)(14111) soh(
reports, and h'Sbfrtie Council nieetit
Agate Insured.
The many ft lends of Mr. 'rhos. lit
kin, of Llalam11e, will learn with regi
that he bus 110e11 the victim of 1411(0 I)
painful accident which will lay hint
for many weeks. it Will he remettil e
ed that some shy ago Mr. slunk
sustained a broken knee cap fro
which he suffered a great deal and
necessitated the liar of crutches ev'
since. 011 Saturday Lest while .1
1lunkin was about to get on 1118 slei
in front of the Cent red Hotel, ho fatal
the injured knee cap with the ilea
that it was again dislocated. M
Hunkin will have the sympathy
his many fr'ie'nds and their wishes for
at speedy recovery.
Mr. \V. C. Huston, the popular for
iture dealer, has taken possession
his new ware rooms, Messrs. Farm
Bros'. atore property on the F'tat si
of Main Street. The store has n
only been fitted up in modern sty
with all modern conveniences but
roomy and attractive, affording,
fact, every facility for successful
catering to the requirements of t
trade. In addition to his already it
tense stock Mr. Huston has add
many new and well selected lines al
extends a hearty invitation to h
many customers and friends to cat
at his new furniture "home" and lot
through the choice grades in his lin
Nev. Mr. McNair's avaagenstic Work.
Mr. and Mrs. McNair, of Hamilton
Evangelists, will begin revivalser'vic
in the .lames street Methodist chute}
Exeter, on 1Vedllesday evening,Mare
Sih. The following is a short avenur
of reviV11 I services conducted by th01
in Dorchester, 0 le'ngthie'r account
which will appearnext week:--"
grr,ciols revival of religion, the like t
which has not been experienced i
I)umhoster and the locality remit
about for 110411 years, cause to 0 1108
on the evening of Feb. 1, when in th
Mothodis: chinch here settle after
adults Were hap/ iset], forty-five unite
With the church, and between flft
and sixty people professed votive;
Board of Trade. Meeting.
A sleeting of the 130ard of Trad
Was held in the Reading Hoots of th
Town Hall, on Friday night last, Wit
the President, T. 11. Carling. in th
('hail'. 'rhe object of the meeting witto hear and consider a propositio
fromMr. \Vuoteu of Goderich, relativ
to the establishment of a knittin
factory in connection with the Exete
Woollen Mills or otherwise, Mr
Wooten laid his proposition tefor
the tneeting and a thorough discus
sion regarding ways and means follow
ed when it was finally decided to ap
point a committee to investigate an
report at a later meeting. Mr. \Voate
had a large number of samples of th
guilds he manufactured anti they wet'
indeed of a high quality.
More Good Horses
Mr. Win. Bawden. of the thin o
Bawden k McDonell, horst'-dealers
who has leen in the old country frit
the past few weeks purchasing horses
for their sale stables, returned on Sat-
urday night last with six of the finest
types of horses that has ever been
brought into (Canada, Three are
('lydes. two shire and one hackney.
This firm purchase nothing but the
v'er'y finest stock for the outpost. of
satisfying the requirements of the
Canadian breeder, and their last ship-
ment contains nothing but the hest,
Mr. Geo. Martin, of !Wilbert,
bert, who ac -
comp -mite' 11r. Bowden, en both
journeys, alto brought 14 fine heavy
horse with hire which is a credit to
his judgment as a horseman.
Corll Miautea.
Council met pursuant to adjoun-
merit at Town )ball, Feb. 24. All pres-
ent. Minutes of preview; meeting read
and confirmed. Cor mi,nication from
Messrs. McKay and Mahon, of Wood-
stock, and K. L. Artkie, of Toronto.was read and filed, on motion of 1.
Armstrong, seconded by J. Wood.
Muir—Levett—that the Reeve having
left the chair, Mr. Armstrong take the
chair.—Carried. The clerk having put
in his resignation of office. it was mov-
ed by J. Muir, seconded by J, Wood,
that his resignation be accepted to
take effect March 3rd. --Carried. Le -
vett -Muir that a special meeting be
held Monday evening to appoint a
clerk.—Carried. Levett -Wood (hat
Conned adjourn to Monday, March 8,
(leo. H. Bissett. (-'lerk
In -
SrrprIs. Party and Deece.
On Friday evening last, the home of
Mr. anti Mrs. Ogden wan the scene of
a very pleasant surprise patty. A
large nutnlet' of their old friends and
acquaintances from Whalen, Dash•
wood, i?sborne, Mensal! and Biddnlph
as well as from town, gathered to bid
farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Ogden prior
to their leaving for the West. On the
arrival of the members of the gather-
ing the freedom of the house was ex-
tended to the part t• and all proceeded
to make merry. Seedless to say, un•
der the floor nanngemen1 of Mr.
Henry Hudgins of Saintshmry, the
ncers thoroughly enjjoyed themeel•
res. Music was fern's Feel by Messrs.
John Stacey and (leo. Dick. Mr. Land
Mrs. Ogden leave for Fillmore, Assa.,
in about two weteks, and those present
were very hearty in theirexpressiene
of good will towatil thein. in the
early hours the gathering broke up,
feeling well satisfied with the evenings
pleasure, and regretting the depar-
ture of Mr. and Mrs. Ogden.
Itinner and Toilet Sets, finest Range
and / .,t value* in the 111x41, ,Stewart's.
• 1•, the ropy (tf "Crown Darby"
of the
Mooney revolutionized the
cracker. He made folk
admit that they never knew
how good crackers could be,
by making such delicious
crackers as they had nev.t
tasted before. Then he set
folk to eating Mooney's
crackers who'd never eaten
crackers before, In a year
he had all Canada eating
Crease Sodas
You'd see why when you
try them Haven't you curl•
osity enough to buy a box at
your grocer's?
Wosee'* Iratitrt. Notes.
On \Vednesday, Feb. 22nd, the
Society met in a mass meeting with
the Farmer's Institute in the Town
Hall, Exeter, and listened to an in-
structive and practical talk from Miss
Maddock, a lady well Flouted on In-
stitute work, after which they ad-
journed to the Opera House, where a
large number of ladies had met to
hear the speaker of the afternoon,
Miss Maddock of Guelph College. Miss
Maddock first spoke on "Our \Vonien's
Institutes and how to slake them in-
teresting,'throwing out many valu-
able hints on how to slake their
meeting interesting and instructive.
Next she gave a very valuable and
practical talk on "Foods", and demon-
strated by means of a chart, impress-
ing how very necessary- It is that they
understand the diffa0e•111. properties of
our fouls. Also talk: on "Breakfast
Funds and how to pre•pa rt them", so
ars to get the hest results. Then she
took up "past! y" and gave met hod of
•'\fixing and Baking" and a foran,Ih
for good pastry. She their spoke en
"Soups" and tolel how valuable a place
it should have on our tables. Lastly
she took up "infants Diet" and "Lun-
ches for School Children" pointing out
how necessary it was 11) give a child
the proper kind of fond, otherwise the
lunch would prove a great detriment
to the child at its studies; and she gave
some valuable suggestions as to what
and how to prepare wholesome and
tasty luuehes for the child. A hearty
vote of thanks ea8 tendered to the
speaker, and the Ladies served refresh-
ments after which all dispersed to their
homes feeling that they bad spent a
very profitable and eejeyable after-
noon. in the evening Miss Maddock
again addressed a large and intellgent
audience, her subject being "A Girls'
Possibilities." She pointed out how
great an influence the girls have in
helping the boys and youths in our
homes to become noble 0100. The
Society feel deeply grateful to the De-
partment for sending so talented a
speaker and they have already some
results. by a largely increased member-
ship; and would extend a cordial in-
vitation to all the ladies Of town and
country to join the Society. The
WOIIIatls' inStihltc of Exeter thank
the Farmers' institute for the gener-
ous grant amounting to twenty-five
dollars for the year Mai.- Coat.
Additional locals on 1st page
Clairvoyant -Psychic Medical
Examination Free,
Syracuse, N.Y. Believing in clairvoy-
ance or not, there is no gainsaying the
fact that the doctor can ,explain the
source and cause of your disease either
mental or physical and has restored to
health anti happiness many liel )less
invalids all their lives. Send lock of
hair, name, age and stamp to
Syracuse, N. Y.
To Farmers Mg ie Po110
to !!raI.
As the spring is coming
on now, gather up all
your old truck such as
Wool Pickings,
Horse Hair,
Old Rope,
All Kinds old Iron,
and take them down to
M. Jackson & Son
Melts Street, Exeter.
One door Smith of 31etropelitan Hotel
That's where you will get the highest
cosh price for theta.
Is a
ye•, satisfaction is a silent salesman
(', It sells more hardware for us than
all our newspaper advertising.
Many Reasons
There are many reasons why yon will
find it profitable to come here for your
hardware. A very suggestive one is
furnished by the fact that you always
find every department in the store
plentifully supplied with the right ar-
ticle& It is no use us ennumerating
things because we keep everything
that is found in a well regulated hard-
ware store with
Prices down to the Lowest
We Invite Inspection.
We aim to make this the store to which any person may
conte with high expectations and from which they will go with
the determination to conte again. That is why we sceur the
markets for the best furniture to sell at prices that can not be
beaten in Canada.
A growing business tell us that we
are on the right track.
Modest as our prices are you will be surprised at the choice
we can give you in the latest designs and finishes. Each piece
of furniture was chosen with a view to durability as well as
artistic appearance.
The Leading Undertakers and Furniture Dealers.
titi fififi ififPit Fri t'Tl iMPIIi.i i fitiI isi'ifK.
The Designs and Colorings, the whole line through
show Good Style, Originality and Individual-
ity—just the line of Wall Paper to meet
Popular Favor, and just the kind the
People are looking tor.
Opening Sale in New Stand
Commencing Monday, Februaff 27th,
we will do business in the A R M E R
B 1 D I N C on the t Side of
Main Street, Exeter.
Funeral Director
Furniture Dealer
We have just opened up the
Biggest Bargain in Corsets
we have ever shown, made of Fine Con -
til; Bias Cut, Dip Hip; trimmed with lace
and baby ribbon. Hose Supporters at-
tached. As good as any Dollar Corset
we ever sold.
Our Big Special Price while
they last, . , . 75 cts,