HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-02-16, Page 3THE ODzceter glbuorate, published every Thursday Morning at the oils'. MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. ---By the ADVOCATE PUBLISHINO COMPANY TERMS OF ,UB5(•RII'TION. One Dollar per annum if paid in strange, Ocie if not so paid. a.aystt.t t tacos oae JLPP1s•es- No paper discontinued until all arrearagesare paid Advtvtimineots without spe.•ieed directions will he published unttil forbid and charge)/ accordingly. Liberal discount nia•1e for transient advcrtisraarnta inserted for long periods. I. wry description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the anent style, and at moderate rate*. Cheques, money orders, Sc., for advertising. eutscriptions, etc., to be made payable 0 Sander:; & Creech, PROPRIETORS Pr.r...I•ul Cards. isHmor graduate off Toronto UL D.n v=etlet .D.D.S.. DENTIST. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Omce In ransom's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. Dei. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. I..US DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal , College of [ketal Surgeons of intann Also Poet Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery (with hemnrable mention.) Alluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made In the neaten manner possible. A perfectly harmless an• aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Once one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Medical DR. T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, MEMBER Or TIT •College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Plweiciae Surgeon and Accou•'heur. Oflos. Dash• Aaet1•ueers HBROWN, Winchelsea. Licenced Auctioneer . for the Counties of l'erth and Middlesex. gill for Ow township of Osborne. Sales promptly attended t, and terms reasonable. Sales arranged N Poet Office Winchelsea Aemhauts Bauk of Gagnon HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL capital Paid Up - 6.000,000 Rest & Undivided Profits 3.218,959 95 BRANCHES IN CANADA Interest at most favorable current rtes from date depn Ited allowed ow Savings flank accounts and De• posit Receipts. Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available In China, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers in all parts of the world, A general Banking business transacted. SAVINGS BANK. THOS FTSHE, GRNCRAL MA?1nRR. . F. IIEBDES, Seer Or BRAxCIIaa & (nIRr Iser,CTeR CREDITON BRANCH W. S. CHISIIOLM. Manager. Cement Plump, Rosy Childress. are children that get the right food to eat -whole. some. nutritious food-ei* digested food. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas are splendid food for grow- ing children. Made of Cana- da's ana- das finest wheat, cream and butter -they are more nourishing than bread, and easier to digest. Always crisp and appetizing in des moisture -proof Im4.am N ail vows OA OP Y The 4 -year-old son of A. W. Ridout. of Windsor. was badly bitten on the cheek by a hugh rat on Friday. Justice Teettol tined a juryman et the Toronto Assizes $10 for not turn- ing np wbPn court opened. Joseph Jellls, a retired farmer. aged 70y ears. of Brantford. committed slue cide by hanging Saturday. CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. 111.11 Walielliaeftlri!}NOiNee We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. H. SWE:ITZER PIANOS That Have to be Sold. We have in stock TI1ItEE PIANOS which have been in use fol• a shut t time only, and wanting to make room constantly for new goods. we are going to sell the.. K.,. ata price that they will on Hind. have to go. at Exeter and Centralia. The Best Cement in Can- ada -National Brand. Prices low enough to snit everybody. Jos. Cobbledick Intending purchasers would do well to call and inspect these Imrgeins be- fore buying. Violins and Violin Sund- ries Always in Stock. S. MARTIN Ileadquitrters for Stationery. (flyer's Pills Sugar -costed, ess_y to take, mild In action. The constipation biliousness, (Lai= Want Your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ab rulIhl brows er rich black ? Use cwt trta seseweme rte , s, atii • ll.. assn► a s 11110 BLOOD DISEASES CURED Drs. K. 6. I(. Established 25 Years. es -no NAMES USED WiTH- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Ile was Rsepriaed at bow the sores heeled-- I took you) New Method 'treatment for a s••n.tt blood disease with which 1 hid been afflicted for twelve >ears. I had consulted a scare of phy- ale,lans, taken all klnel.t of blood medicine, visited Hot Springs and otl r mineral water re- sorts, but oniy got temporary relic(. They would help me fel+' a time. 1 .1 ar:•,:- d.scontlr.uing the taco'. .U• 1 t:.•) II ptemn would brc::k .it agaln-ru.:ninit Before Treatment. sores, blot. '.c.:• rtwum•attc loos mess of the hair. swellings of the glands, palms of the hands scaling. Itchiness of the Orin. dyspep- tic stomach, etc. 1 had given up 1n de.palr when a 1. lend aJvlsed me to consult you, as you had cured him of a Rhr+lnr disease II years ago. 1 had no hope, but took his advice. In thre.o weeks' time the sores commenced to heal lip and 1 became oncoaraged. 1 continued the New Method Treatment for four months and at the end of that time every PYmptom had disappeared I erns cured 7 years ego and no rlgas of any disease since. My hey three years old, is sound and h^althy. I cer- tainly con reennlmend yo+ir treatment with ell try hr ,rt. Ton can refer any person to me privately, but you can use tuts testimonial ns you wlah." W. I1. H. \Ve treat Nett on• 0.•L11If-. �'Rrl-nerl-, Stiletto's. S-ttal Weakness Blood and Sista d.seasc i. erlsary, Madder and hlJacy complaints of men and women. READER Areyou a v: • rn' Dave )colt lost hope! you Intend- ing t,1 mart. Das your blood been dlseaeed' Drive you any w•e.kness. Our New Method Treatment will cure y•.•., What It hug done for others It will do for you. C(1N81'LTATiON 1'REI . No n.:.tter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. charges reasonable. 110O1:9 FREE --"The (lolden Monitor' (Illustrated'. en 1u.eaaea et Men. Sealed nook on "Diseases of Women" T'rce R() n.\t1F:t1 1 aI1) At'ITt1O1•T svnirrEV cosies:NT. Everytkla$ cesemestlal. Question 11•t nn.l r,.t .,t tn..1r•.ent rimy. C74'1 Aftc. Treatment. Dps.KENNEIDY& KERGAN Cor. Mlchlgen Ave. and Shelby St.. Detroit. Mich. Ilay Connell Council stet on Monday, Feb. 1;, all bpresent. The auditors septic; was laid efore the Council. the Treasurer's cash book waw examined, finally audit- ed and signed by the Peeve. The fol- lot%fug :uo)uuts were utdert•d to be paid: E. Christie, gravel, $10.50; M. :11eTaggart, do., $3.00; J. Non heot t. do. $7.52; G. KoIIei man, du., ;Wail: Geo. Fairbairn, do., $3.7t1; Feed (:ieen. do., $1.211; S. Cud •e, do., 1..r;; printing, $22.50; Hess & Iteiebert, pine slabs. $1.1+8; J. (Tallman, rep, bridge. con. 14, r:41.50; J. J. Mt•rner, auditor'. sabu)•. Sii; \\'ui. Johnston, do., $0. Council will tweet again \Ionday,Jlarch 0, when pat hutasters, etc will be 1111 pointed. F. Hese, (9etk. AilssCram J. Gillies, of Saginaw, \lith., is bete ..n as few weeks visit. --Miss I•:'.sie l'ul.. bledick is attending the millinery •'11- enings at London.-- Messrs. Mlty to d Ernie White, of St. Marys, were he, for a few days during the week, asci -i . ing in the stuck taking at \\lift.• .i lay's store. The family of Will I -I, Smith are moving to Chatham w•h.•I 11 r. Smith has been working for sou, Unit. --A quiet but very pretty wed- ding was solemnized at. Parkhill, on Feb. 1, when Miss I3riuda Wright. eld- est daughter of \Vw. Wright. of this place. was united in marriage to Wm. Radcliffe, of Carlisle. The ceremony was performed at 4 o'clock by ltt•t•. Mr. Graham. Miss Edna Hodginsact- ed as bridesmaid• while the groom Was supported by his brother. Ralph. Mr. and Mrs. Radcliffe, after a few days' visit here will Leave for Sarnia, where they intend residing. We join with their many friends in extending con- gratulations. Rheumatism and Neuralgia Do Their Terrible Work In February Every tortured victim of rhetnntt• tism should carefully read the follow- ing letter from Mr. %V. H. Crysler, t'f Niagara -on -the -Lake, Ont., who wits cured by Paine's Celery Compound: - "About four years since. I bad it se- vere attack of grippe, followed by rheumatism. for which the local phy- sician prescribed the usual remedies. which helped me at the Lane, but did not eliminate the disease. Becoming gradually worse, I finally became (1i+t- coureged and began using "proprie tory" medicines without any benefit Then I went to (Tifton Springgs, took the treatment and felt somewhat bet• ter; but iafter coining hack I 1lecsine very snitch wiuse, and was confined to bed for a time. I then went to Pres ton Springs, and really improved; but after returning home 1 got worse. I was then induced to try Paint's Celery Compound, and have gained in health and strength up 10 the preset:t writ- ing. i walk frntu toy [muse to my store, a distatiice of (ne•quartet• of a 1u11e. 1111(1 to church Sundays. Paine's Celery Compound has done all this for the. My friends are surprised end as- tonishetl tinsel rue able 10 eaten' Ut business again. Believing that it it my duty to !et other sufferers knots mf the great benefit I have received from Paine's Celery Compound, 1 chee•tfully send this letter." Paine's Celery Compound Is Recommend- ed by Druggists And Physicians ST. MARYS CHURCd BURNED, St. Marys, Feb. 12, -About 9 o'clu k this morning fire broke out in the has. . ment of Knox Presbyterian Church, contiguous to the furnace, and despit the efforts of the brigade, the built'.- ing wits completely destroyed. This is the second time this church has been destroyed by fire since its erec- t' . The Inst fire was about thirteen years ago. The present Toss, including :t new pipe organ, which had only been installed a few weeks ago, will probe tidy reach twenty thonetrnd dollars. insurance cow ) on building and $1000 on organ. BIG FiRE AT CLINTON. Clinton, Feb. 15. -Fire was discover- ed this morning at 5.30 in the building known as the machinery hall, one of the largo main solid brick buildings of I)oherty's ere in factory. The watchman had nn•de his hourly rounds •ctrl knew nothing of his origin. ile blew the whistle, and within a few minutes the company's grand Hi/ •'(lnipnIPnt was fighting the flames. ,Ind Snccerde'd in confining the fire to the tine building, which was complete- ly gutted. Being heavily stocked with organ Gnus in the process of manufac- ture, It burned fiercely. The loss. which is considerable, is fully covered by insurance. We understand it is the company's purpose to rebuild as .one tis the fire lose in ndjaested. EXCITING EXPERIENCE iN A LILT'%%A111). (Owen daunt. Ont., Feb, 15. - Tlli� mol wing. shot tly after 11 ' clock, the r•• al rived here a Grand Trunk rtssengel train whish has Leen stalled four :Mho north of the village of ('het'ley since Mend:iv 8ftsenoon. ('nnduetor baker h d charge of the train, and Engineer Ross w a• nt the throttle. When the a•n;rl'.r pt ogress was first impeded the i 1 Jpeesengers were driven to ('heslry. • The r estill of this drive through the Heroes' blizzard which hat. r•sged In this datriet during the present winter was tryst many of the passengers hid their nose. Para and feces froze& The conductor was one of the worst suffer. els. the right tide of his face being e unpletcly frozen. li(arplt'y Mr.'1'. Sheitilt, mt 13htke, 111141 the punt uutste•ra flying visit a few d.lys ago. - Henry Shank's sale bills are out ,wuutu101ng his sale of farm stock and implements for Feb. 23.-- Breaking colts and hruncleica is the order of the day her.. --'Those wh., purchased "tim- ber lin.itat" at Alfred Moilsh'', auction sale, are busy cutting and hauling it honne.-TheHau•pley post office yard v. to the scene of an exeitint event for those inside the co tch top one morning recently. \\'hilt• the mail cat ler wits in tie ofllCI',(NW of lht• Indy pa'.eugers (altxi•.mv 10) economise tin., . motet look to Lion the team in they •• il, but got a Groes line in some way •1: .! ,•..1 them of eo -hot t that the nigh It - • .t.Its ti y- in+t to get• into the Neigh, 11 .: ly up- 'ett Ing it. Thi, so excited 1 Le driver 1liotfur the safely of herself nod Child ill • though of escape shirrs d het• ntld with StiIlW1. :ery tau h like' the pollti•••111, 51..111 111 yiet,uy, (present jay 1 nt dish.! ..I•I.lshe I.s.•n.s of the halms) heard overr the wit on the nigh( of the .1..tiuos, she was sewn emerging fi nun t he side of the coach into the deep Slimy, ti ilk the child • 1 tsl.ed thinly by Ib•• hover extrend- s f•n hi r experience 8 .1 rtmnly 1.0‘ a ell1ou• In the rescue )fist in time to ca telt 1Ile hnrsra before h da meg* was dom., only a few straps being broken. Jack says he w:1! tie his h. rses next tithe. - - -- .11111. ----- Snowdrift Fight. Tot onto, Fele 11. -Thr railroad offi- cials ha 00 0 1ertlHeli t on heir s against ihi. sn.,tt•eftirts. 'fhe G. T. R. branch lines not th of Palmerston went out of fetidness Ia-t night, and not one train t•eaehed the northern terminal tn.day. The weather was so cold lend the blizzard so severe t hat the men employed in clearing the t,ii ks refus- ed to work. Owen Soiled, Southamp- ton and Whitton nue temporily isola- ted. Sonne of the pessetigerm who left for northern ;minis via Palmerston to -day were brought hack to t he city. while other's are being provided for. •I'he G. 'i. it's eastern connect' at N1aga.rn Falls failed madly, except one Lehigh Veliey train. which worked through the bluckt,Aleto the bridge. News of the Week. Doting a bock. y match et Pem- broke, Robes t Fraser. nge•d 10, fell mild bloke his .:eek, dying instantly. A son of Rev. M1.Gander, of UfDng- lon, was killed no the. 1.ulway, hear l: r..veuhurst Pride y. Mr. W. R. Beatty. ex•M.P.P. for Parry 5..e111d. lost his life through in- jnro•.-n-, .iued in it fire lit Al1us%head £ Mainly stag. He -Ton say you like a manly man. What is your Idea of a manly man? She -Well, for Instance, one wit* doesn't stay and stay and stay just because be knows the girl isn't strong enough to throw him out. hasten P1.asar•s. Since the magnificent times of the Roman empire there has never been a period when people have been so over- fed, overamused and overstimulated as In the imperial London of today. Probably Net. "Is I'Ickleby a manicure artlstr "I don't know. Why "I Just saw him and he told me that he 1111(1 charge of a hundred hands at his place of huslnees•"-Cleveland Plata Dealer A Tre• Dl.tlllery. On the ('unary Islands grows a foun- tain tree, a tree utast needed In sows parte of the islands. It le said that the leaves constantly distill a quantity of water that is sufficient to furnish drink to every living creature in Iliero, nature having provided this remedy for the drought of the Island. Every morning near this part of the island a cloud of mist arises from the sea, which the winds force agalust the steep cliff on which this tree grows, and it is from the mist that the tree distills the water. Proved If. "Ley wife will bear witness," said the prisoner at the bar, "that at the very tine' I am accused of burglarising Mr. Smith's premises I was eugaged In walking the floor with my infant child In my arms, endeavoring to soothe it by singing 'Rock -a -by, Baby.'" "The prisoner le discharged," re, marked his honor. "lie can prove 6 leUaby" Waftlaa Instead •I Gala.. The art in life la to sit still and to IN things come toward you, not to go att- er them or even to think that they are In eight. liow often I have chased some divine shatluw through a whole day till evening, when, going home tired, I have found the visitor just turning away from my closed door. - Arthur (Symons In Saturday Review. Tour A4.•rtlelsg. Bee that your clerks know all about your advertising plans. Some clerks would never know that you were ad- vertising if you waited for them to read the advertisements voluntarily. There le no great genius without a the lure "f non dne3s. REASON N 6 WHY YOU SHOULD USE Red Rose Te a Because of the care in Selection and Blending. My agents in the east are expert tea tasters, and every lot of tea that is sent down from the Gardens has to pass their inspection. They take samples from the chests and carefully taste them, then if the tea Is fully up to the Red Rose standard, it is accepted and shipped; if not it is rejected. The most important test of alt, however, is when the tea arrives here, as during the passage through the Red S -a, the very great heat often affects the Tea very seri- ously. Immediately on arrival, samples are taken from each lot and subjected to the most rigid tests. and only those teas which have retained all their original flavor and strength are used for Red Rose (the balance is jobbed off in bulk). When blended and ready to be put into sealed pack - ages, it is tested again just to make sure no mistake has been made in the blending; nothing is left to chance. Will you test us by ordering a package l T. 11. ESTAB'ZOOKS, St. John, N. B. BRANCHES: TORONTO WINNIPEG. Farmers' Institute Meetings. We have received a list of Farmers' Institute meetings to take place in [hie district, with dates. subject,' and slremkete. We publish below the names of some of the apeake•s, dates and places of meeting. The speakers are: 1)r, H. O. Reed. Georgetown; J. L. Warren. Acton; R. J. McMillan, Sea• forth; Mrs. Colin Campbell, (ioderieh; Fred A. Sheppard. Queeuaten; John Donaldson, Port Williams; N.S.; Miss Blanche Maddock. Guelph; A McDon- ald. Appin. Place's and dates are:- BrueeBeld. Dixon's Hall, February 21; Exeter. Town Hall. 22nd; Pet khill, Town Hall, `23ed; Ailsa Craig. Town Hall, 21th; Elitnville 25th; Crediton Town Hall, 27th; Grand Bend. Bren- ner's hall 24th; Zurich. Town Hall, March let; Hensel', Miller's hall, 2nd; Bayfield, Town Hall, 3rd. DR. SLOCUM'S Mr. James McCarthy of Lowe town- ship. Quebec. was pinned to the ground by a falling tree and froze to death while bis sots was looking for assist - Thomas Waterson. of Lisle. got up Monday morning started the fire and wept out to do the chores. When he Bathe In he found no hreakfset ready and went to the bedroom end fouud his wife dead. NOTICE TO Farmers BO lQo Pulilto 111 681181a1. As the spring is coming on now, gather up all I um1141;iYour olld truck such as THE GERMS OF CONSUMPTION SWARM IN THE LAND Consumptives who spit on the floors (fears, public conveyances, halls, or on the streets, eave the seeds of death behind them In factories, or other places in cities or towns, where consumptives have worked and spat on the floor. the very walls ars fui1 of TUBERCLE GERMS. Theatres and lecture halls are dangerous to those of weakened systems, and the utmost care should be taken to fortify the system and avoid contagion. A teaspoonful of "Peychine" taken before going out will prevent all chances of attack from this source. EXPLAINS TiTF. ST)IPTOMS ON CONSUMPTION The symptoms of consumption are not hard to dieoorer- Negleeeted Colds Bronchial Troubles lth.umattsm, Night Sweat* Logia of Flesh Catarrh Afternoon Chills and rare, %%omen's Infirmities Hemorrhages Wasting Conditions Peine In theChest Tongue Coated hoarseness Pale and Thin extreme Exhaustion Lack of Stamina Catarrhal Affections of the Nose, Throat, and Chest. Dr. r. Slocum Gaye: "Consumptives almost always, until the last moment, do not believe that an thing ie the *natter with them. They Ga, • If only this cough or that ache were gotta 1 would be all right.' My remedy,' Peycbine,' will at once relle,e the cough and ains, soon after yon befit■ to take it. Psychine must be taken regularly, for a Miens* like Consumption cannot be surest in allay ora week. it is mal to remember that Ps opine le not is the weal class of patent rnedielOea, but• on the contrary. Is the remedy used daily In Dr. Slocuui a ezteseive f P yebtne is pronounced 81 -keen ►a sale at all drug stores, or a *ample Bottle tree of ebafge It your druggist does not have It In stock. Meatlsa drugrtet's sante. Write Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 175 flog Street mat, Toronto, tot. Dr. Sloesm'a valuable treatise ea the Cure clad Prevention of Pulmonary and Broach.al Trouhlq called Mee to every sufferer. 1f you ,vast to gat (be •tsrest uterus for your labor and your grousd, you can't afford to plant anytbing bet FERRYS 8�sns woktTb.y rd after prod lose. b always ter tarseet sad moms trope. All dealers sell tbem. Our INS Oe.d Aaae■t free on request. U. M. FIRM' a 00. WINDSOR. ONT. • The White blt►ek et Moos•uui ,, N. \\', T., was burned. ie►ss $:rnj'(I ). The recount inl'reeentt yes it t ti.•bet Wren Hon. F. E. A. iSve••Inie: and Mr. Lehi 114.1.. t 1 '1 •••It u ill be heard tin some rese'ved ballots Allen Hither, the defeated Io,lep od- ••nt et.ndidnte tar Not 1h •'4 .1''t• 0, G 1y8 he will 1 , • n titled o' • Leg. st:ilure nla••n to L,ini h, • as, ug hers Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Old Rope, Bones, All Kinds old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, and take them down to M. Jackson & Son Main Street, Exeter. (Ine dun. South of Sfetrtpnlitan hotel 1'Pitt's W here your will get the highest cash price for them. A FAMOUS SCHOOL. CENTRAL (/(01/4(a. STRATFNT. Tho Largest rind tnost Mnrressful Commercial and Shorthand School in Western On• fano. Our courses are up to -date and prawn. al. Leading cutlegu in Canada and the United States employ our grativates as teacher.. You may ester at nay time. Write for tree eatalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN. Principals. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WET)NF.SDAY Wheat (old) 1 05 1 05 Barley :k/ 40 Oates :30 30 Peas 1i(1 fel Potatoes, per beg 75 tell lily, per tun '7 00 fi !M) flour, per cwt., fancily 2 )t.; Flour, low grade pet ewe 1 25 1 25 [hitter 19 LO Live hogs, per cwt 4 fill i)ressed Hoge 5 75 0 til Shortie per ton 211 (MI .'!1 IMI Bran per ton 15 (5) 11) (i) Turkeys, per lb 12 Geese S Ducks. S ('hit -ken. ., 7 1)rled Apries :t Eggs 0911199499439199,9041.06/14,99.994+0003. 430493 /MD 1 NN*i rirc ridr!Ta z • owns t a ���aDso»•IMPROVED BUTTER COLOR .0 ,s Gives the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter. The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies in the World Use it. LOOK FOR THE DANDELION TRADE MARK. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. LLL nsla.lTOaINICMI L1r= nlrsLL!>Rli. liliE eitililt$**eti **.et$e