HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-02-02, Page 5THF Q zetex gtbuorate, published every Thuredai Morning at the Office. MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. -ray the - ADVOCATE PUat-IiiM1M0 00M/ANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ouo Dollar per annum if paid 11( advance. $1.e0 1f not so pea Ltavesttsias Mates tea Jiy�ltca• ilean No paper discontinued until .II arrearages are) aid Advertisements without specified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transient advertisements inserted for long periods. Fiery description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, &e., for advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable 0 Flanders & Creech, PROPRIETORS Professional Cards. inalgt. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D.8., {tenor graduate of Toronto Univeristy. DENTIST. Teeth evtra•ted without any pvin, or any bad effects Office in Fansou's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L 1).3 DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto t'nlyersity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Aliso Pnet Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic ltentistery (with honorable mention.) Alluminun., Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an• aesthetic utast for painless extrection of teeth. Office one door south of Carling »roe. gore, Exeter. Xedleal 4111)TNR. T. P. McLAL'OHLIN, MF.MBF.R OF THE 1.1 College of Physicians and Surgeons tintario. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Dash- wood, Ont. 1 Asetleweers ((]] BROWN, Winehetsee. Livened Anetioneer [l s for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Post Office Winchelsea. PIANOS That Have to be Sold. iVe have in stock THREE PIANOS which have been in use for a shot t time only, and wanting to make roots for new goods, we are going to sell th Pi t th t tl ill ese ;otos a a peke a ley w have to go. Intending purchasers would do well to call and inspect these bargains be- fore buying. Violins and Violin Sund- ries Always in Stock. S. MARTIN Headtln:u'tere for Station/se. Cement Constantly on Hand. at Exeter and Centralia. The Best Cement in Can- ada ---National Brand. •Prices low enough to snit everybody. Jos. Cobbledick THE DISCOVERER Of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's 111s. Luca') ! Miss Celia Thumps. i, of Shcdrien. is It viettur lit the bouts of Miss Aggie I thAtkius(ai.-1•'revr Kanneulun has muv- ed here from Ailsa Craig. %% wel- e some hint to our amidst. -- A.: t1. Elliott who hub beet' 111. a three weeks viva to friends in 13uwmaiville, Newcastle, 0re4)o and other places, 1138 returned. -N', Hollins, (vhu Tuts been ill, contin- ues to improve..-llupth E. 6'eiguson, erf 'Farouk., visited his bather here during the week.-- Miss 1lyttleYocotu who has been u1( a three months' stay at the home of her sister. Mrs, W. Sovereign, has returned to her home io llau►iltuo.--\Vin. Ryder, a former Lucas+ boy, who has been teaching in the Separate School at Pembroke, has accepted it position in St. Marys tiep..rate School, Kingston, at a very lucrative 51(1.413'. \\'e ((1511 hint every buCcess in his new field of 'shots -The many fr'ie'nds of 1V. A. Shields, of the Merchant's Baulk, will be pleased to learn of his promotion to the position of Teller and Accountant. --D. B. Mc- Vieker has moved to the village and is necup3'ing the residence recently pur- chased front R. Simpson. -The anui- wers;u'y services of the Methodist church will he held on Sunday next. Rev. Richard Robbs, of Str(ethroy, is the pit -licher for the occasion. -At a recent sitting of the county judges' criulinell court, held its London, His (Honor Judge Macbeth presiding, Jas. Mackey, a young fernier of the town- ship of Biddulph, w11s Accused of steal- ing three dollars' wot th of fence rails from Michael Jackson, a neighbor. R. K. Cowan appeared for the defence. and Crown Attorney McKillop prose - vetted. Several witnesses said they saw -the accused rerna1ing the rails. The defence was that the wood was simply borrowed for a time. Evidence was furnished showing that Mackey bore a good character. The judge found the accused not. guilty. No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or such hosts of grateful friends as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ovarlan Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration. Falling and Displacement of the Womb, and consequent Spinal Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life. It has cured more cases of Backache and Leucorrhoea than any other rem- edy the world has ever known. It is almost Infallible in such cases. It dissolves and expels tumors from the Uterus in an early stage of de- velopment. Irregular. Suppressed orlal nful\e Menstruation, Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debil- ity quickly yield to it. Womb troubles, causing pain. weight and backache, in- stantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circumstances it invigorates the female systems. and is as harmless as water. It quickly removes that. Bearing -down Feeling, extreme lassitude, "don't care" and "want -to -be -left -alone" feeling, excitability, irritability, nervous- ness. Dizziness, Faintness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy or the " blues" and headache. These are sure indications of Female Weakness, or some de- rangement of the ('teras, which this medicine always cures. Kidney Complaints and Backache. of either•sex, the Vegetable Compound always cures. Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want -a cure. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Refuse all substitutes. (snderiAh. The g the Mond1•y night IDo KILLED on iouNDEu, between Ailsa Crei r and Goderich, in- termedia t I* ntermetliutI* 0.11.A. series, resulted in an easy victory for the home teaam.:- )icore at half time was -1 to 1 in favor of Ooderich and total score was 11 to 1. Most sensible people want to know the teasnn why. 1\ ell the reason why Vito Tonic has cored so many Nevelt• cases is because it builds up the tissue of wliieh the human body is neide;it is a natural limb., compose,' of brills, harks and fruits. Calvin Lutz, drug- gist, keeps it in stock. ---THE - - St. Pete. sburg, Jan. 30.- Interest h IS le.•e. 11:.nsferred from lit. Peters• bol g ..,1.I \1 ow to %%'111•:.,ty. Lodz and 1.i L:1 t. nh.•me a .tate 14 Nieg(' has been pane !slimed. 'I'11,• Government i bnildiu:g and 1.,11;1• L.. I..ai.•24 111t. guard eel by t a 1pop-. Psi t of the electric light 31. ilt tins leen destnved by' sti iket s. In the rioting rat %Vars;w nn Son - day at least 1(1(1 persons dere killed el wounded. 'I'he strike continues tie - abated. and Inlsioe-s is patal1 zest. Ilnwever, the crisis is by no) n..:.n. posed, t,md the t iv great app(• hen- • .a ill010118 S OaHk 01 G84868 tere h uilh ref(:ud to llb.•t the i.i}i. • lr•ing (sigh, espeeiall)' if 11 t•:AD uFFlCit, )luNTRE.(1. capital laid Up . 6,000,000 Rest & Undivided Profits 3.219,969 05 BRANCHES iN CANADA Interest at most favorable .-urrent rates from dale deposited sllowat u. savings Rank a.,rouue+end De- pxx.it Receipts. C.Rnmen ial tetters of ('r•.lit issued, available In China, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling Letters of ('relit I4*11r 1 to ((SCOW'S 1e all p.rtaolthe world, A general I,ankinir business transacted. SAVINGS BANK. THUS '($IIE, 011XEX ll. MAN 10PR. . F. ilEIt1•E\, Scrr or 10 swill e k Cuear Parsee, CREDITON BRANCH W. S. ('HiSHOLM, MAneger lAyer'sPills Sugar-coated, eon, to take, mild in action. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick -headache. L: TV» the attempt le disable the lighting systems should be suceeNsfid. Tile Warsaw dement -hatters eyideoll3' are in nn ugly mood. (Stunt I.alu»dorif hits hastened to reply. ('xptes:iiI re- gret if the Ili iti+h 1'uhsnl-lietielal :and rive-('nnsol rat %V.1 ea w we11° injan•ed, 1110 infnr't4)10g hien that an immediate inanity would I1(• made to est,iIlish the facts. The pahlic reprimand ad11)111 1ered tel./vets Chief of Police I euelli -tf. of Mu•reww, o.n ntconnt of the post OW ul the lu)ti•British ta.Ktaun 11;.s beet, 41e- live:e1, and in (lover 1111001t 1.11CIPA it IS 1hongbt to he sere'tr enough to oat isfy It' /limb /Tilden. it 18 thought 111:11 this step. with circulating the• 4.11,iteend in I'revincinl ndministr.'' Ism., will prevent (tether nit,teks 4)1• iu-inmal1ons against foreigners. 1(11(1 W 11 t. n.owe the int:id.'nt from the 1e. i;, •rf elipl.m.acy. (leo. GUI Ivor•, a patient at the House w o 1 S,anilnrinnp, near Guelph, wan• ,tiered way and Ids 1')' was f d I 1 ei ea -t tlf. IThe emispirsey ch-tt•gt•s Aga nst the o •r young tow:: meads I.3 Blown at Pi"kiting, its rllllhert len wit 1) the (•.1- �y BUCKINGHAM'S DYE (Itr:tl.(1 hidee w• rats.•. wr•1.• 111-11.ist• d !- Want your moaatxAt`le or leaf's 1 by 3f.lwiat..tt• i':u k,•r.:.nd he ptrj:a y lalantlhlbrown rrichblack ? Use t'1f, . rilatwe'N {wr•I t• :rl drllted. eerssal� r r► w tt.aa. M. aim. �ti r Speed and Legibility. A shorthand system to be of any use must be rapid, an;i after (vlitt�n must be readable. The Gregg system is both easy to write and transcribe becau,.. there is no shading, no arbitrary positions and no use of wllwwtls --n0 other systems have these important features. Over son leading schools, including the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, have adopted the Gregg and discarded the older ones. • Studci,ts may enter any time during term. Booklet free. ;sr •5 :at J. 'fit •may hjjjisf}? e".' jl.-- ijjJ' tssr - .� • :oh ;$ei ,-+`Ttw�pill +g�j}se r {. J. W. Westervelt. Principal. Y.M.C.A. Building. London. ,$..l.. CN•teehlte. Jobnny-Say, papa, palming counter- feit ounterfeit money Is unlawful, tan's ftp Papa -Yee. Johnny -Well, papa, 0 • man was walking along the street and saw a ten dollar counterfeit bill upon the sidewalk and did not pick it up wouldn't he be guilty of passing coun- terfeit money and couldn't he be at% rested and put In ja117 Papa -tor• likely the lunatic asylum.. Now loo may go to bed, my son. Method in pee Madness. Clarissa -Why, you silly thing: What are you putting your damp hands out On the window sill for? You'll get them all rough and red. Aunabel- Tes, 1 know. Itut Mr. de Million thinks that every woman ought to do all sorts of housework, and I'm getting my hands ready to show off tonight. Broad Settlement. Molly What makes yon so haughty Alen you tweet George? Why don't you melee up with 1411)1? Polly -Be- cause f should have to den2Rnd en ex- planntlon, ent1 1 can't remember what it 1r I'm supposed 1.., be offeteled about. Hay \VsnutNus.-'rhe home of Mr. James (toss, [sondem Itua(1, was on Thursday the scene of a pretty wedding, the cun- tracting parties being his popular young daughter, Miss Mite 11., and %Vat. 1'. Mnrdnck, son of \Val. Mur- dock, 2nd con. of Stanley. A large Humber of guests were present to wit - f1085 the ceremony which was perform- ed by the Rev. E. H. Sewers. After the young couple had been warmly congratulated the comp,eny repaired to the dining rooms where 1► suulptu- oust tea was set••l'( served. The teuu►iuder of the evening was spent merrily by the young people, none departing until the early hours of the morning. That the bride 11(lld5an enviable place in the es- teem of her large circle of friends and relatives is horue out in the extensive at•t:.3' of fine presents which were re- (''iw'ed.-On 1Ve•eltlesd:iy afternoon J.u►, 18. ;1L•, James Bell, eldest sun of the late Hubert lull, London road, a successful and hell -to-do farmer, and w11,, is also well-known as a horse buy- er, was happily united in marriage to Miss Annie E., second daughter of Mr. Nteq)hen Troyer, of this township. The bride is very highly respected fur het 118 toy kind aand excellent qualities and ler friends took this opportunity of showing their appr('cbttiill by present- ing ler with gifts both of use and val- ue. 'rhe cerenulny was performed at the 13luCefield morass, by Hee. Santos, after which the happy couple drove to the h ide's home where at tempting wedding feastwas ser've'd tied to which all did ample justice. After spending '► few hours very pleasnittly, they drove to the general's late home, on the homestead farm, where a► ree.•p- 1ion was given them by the Bell f,tm• ily. after which Mr. and Mlrs. Bell re- paired to their own houuie on the fine fin u1 which the groom recently puts chased from .M i. M43('('145', k fll)Wll its the In.gi.• f.t1.1n. `View Ne1i11e Unites with the many friends of the happy couples tit wishing there long and continued happiness through life. News of the Week. Jr. pan has ordered eighteen tomb ° Lives from Glasgow. Eire did several thousand dollar's damage to the W00118tock gas plant. The Queen's Hotel stehies et Siuicoe were burned, end four horses perish• ed. Premier Ross' majority 1» West lliddlesex is 118, and Mr, ]I1rcturt's in Mosck 75. The London Times says there is no narked Improvement in business in Greet Brit Ian. it is repotted that the C. P. R. have ptirch18ed the Ksquiui*lt & \altm 111») !tensility from Mr. James Dunsmuir. Mr. I)oneld McPhedran WAS struck 1.y it train at Watford end killed. The Methodist church at Leaming- ton wits desttoy'ed by fire. Loss $15- (KMI. %Vara. Quinn of Salford committed sniCide by sl tilg himself through the heed. Clinton: Mr. George Stanbury, of the London i(4)ad, wits kicked on the side by a colt on Tiles:lay evening and s4) severely injured that he hate since been confined to bed. inn conflict het ween strikers and troops at %Vel'sew, Itllxeien Poland. t le British Consul and Vies•(ti)nsul were tat tacked atld the latter wound- ed by to Nw11(1 thrust. Tokio correspondent says the Rus - e'en cnanelties in the engagement from Janttaty'L;th to ,ianuary 29th ere now "el111111.d at between 36,0N) 1112(1 42, 000: ,and those of the Japanese at 7, faro. 14uyselael's large painting. railed "The Waterfall." hr net ht $3,710 at 111•' eel.. of the late Lord Devon's Col- lection in London. S'endw'ke's life- :ize group of ('hnrles I. 1 his wife and sons brought only $8,025. A FAMOUS SCHOOL. CENTRAL STRATf ORD, ONT. Young Man, Ynuna Wnrnan, thele abundant room for you in the higher an.I n.•,rc responsible positions of life. YOU ere Seeded. •tet a buten(es nrshorthan I training and 'stn h rap• sari*. Enter our school this month if towsible. write for fixe (atalegue. ELLIOTT & 5feLA('111..1N, Principals. Four Reasons why you should use Red Rose Tea have appeared in this paper. They have explained that Red Rose Te a is composed entirely and solely of the rich, flag- rant teas of India and Ceylon; that it is made by men who are skilled in the tasting and blending of teas; that it has a rich, syruppy liquor; it is always uniform in quality, economical to use, per- fectly clean and pure. A number of other reasons will appear in sub- sequent ads, In the meantime would you not like to try a pound of the tea? By doing so you will appreci- ate more fully the force of the reasons which ap- pear later. Red Rose Tea will substantiate every stateti- ment made about it. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B. BRANCHES: TORONTO, WINNIPEG. Around About Us Clinton: The Clinton and Seaforth Curling Clubs competed here Tuesday in a friendly gone- Mnjotit.y for Clin- ton 10 shots. E. Williams: Many in town and country will learn with (seep regret of the death of Mr. Angus McIntosh, of the 10th con., East \Villia(nls. Only a few weeks ago Mr's. McIntosh passed away. Mr. Melntosh died last Sundity r, 1 Athe age e f78 'art •s. t year S. ) GoderiehTp.: Afterseverrll months' illness Mrs. William Townsend, for many years a resident of this town - hid)). died at the house of her eldest daughter, Mrs. S,lrmlt•als of Maysville. 1i'atet'l4o county. on Saturday Last, aged sixty-four years. Mitchell: Much regret is feltfor Mr. and Mrs. Fred \i'nrde whose home was invaded by death on Saturday ev- ening, their daughter, Amin Alht'rtr(. having been stricken down by the grin) reaper. et the age of 18 yea's, 4 months and (I days. St. Marys: Stephen Myers, a much esteemed resident of this place, died at the home of his daughter, Mt -s. J. J. l'rahhe, Toronto, on Jan. 24, in his 82nd year. Since lite death of his wife a few years ago, he has leen liv- ing with his daughter In Toronto. Clint on; The seven year old daught- er of Mr. 'rhos. Judd had a narrow esenpe from sleeting With ft very ser- ious occident on Monday. She was hanging onto a sleigh laden with two colds of 184)11(1 when the hind runner passed over both feet, severely injur- ing them, ono considerably more so than the other. St. Marys: Early Tuesday morning another resident was veiled 11W8y in the person of Sarah Tasker, beloved wife of Mr. Chitties Skinner, at the awe of 4111 years, :3 Innllthl alts 10 days, after suffering for the pest fes- months with that dreaded tliseaseconsump[tion. Beside her sorrowing husband she leaves to mtout•n her loss one daughter ,and six sons. (loderieh: Fredet ick Webb died on Tnesdny morning, two days after one' of his legs had been amputated. The deceased wee exceedingly ill when the' operation was performed, but to pre- I went death from blorxl poisoning it , was A tlITessity. His dereaee, however, was caused by we::kness fallowing the i ArH ntatl He W4k8 egrd 18 veers and 4 months. McKillop: On Sun(bty there passed 1 away At the home of his d&tighter, Mrs. Jetties McDowell, an aged pia- nePr in the person of (leo. Payne. 1}e- - ceased was one of the few remaining i links connecting the past with the present, having trached the remark - Able age of 98 years And II months. Since the death of his wife in August he has failed rapidly. Carey: John McKinnon, an old and 1 highly respected resident of the 8th con., diets suddenly art Tuesday. De- ceAsed everted net, to drive it pig to Brussels, but bad not got far when the animal tinned and went beck home. Mr. McKinnon ran after it, and on reaching the barn yard he fell over, and before he could be carried into the house life was extinct. Clinton: Clinton !net one of its old. est AP WPI) 11s one of Its best residents on Saturday by the demise of Mrs.l Shipley. relict of the late John Ship- ley At the age Of 7.2 years. Her deaf I1 n'ss not unexpected art she had been in en nncons(' ronditiou for severe' de ye, the resultef all npGpletic stroke, i which or(-ul reel while visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thos. (siblings. Mitchell: The social event of the • week in Mitchell was the twirling., of Minis Atle'lhl L. M. Yen. eldest dangle, ter ao h - ter (tf Mr. and \Ire. (leo, Yee, to hMr. W. 1.. Cr•onket•, train despjlnteher et Termite 1)111.)1* depot, nn Wednesday, 25. Tho Crtrtnony ane perform- ed at the home "f the ht•i.le's pin rode by Rev. A. K. 1(1. k1(, Senfnr4 h, n1('. steel by Rev. C. W. [crown, ,end was wit- nessed by about GM t )' gii 'sts. BlanI ilard: S.tunlnw while \fat'tin Stevens, of the River 'load. was cot. linty sIlaawv with a strew cutting nae I shine, his lefth a i l was ar'ctelentlllly drawn into the cutter and the fleet three lingers wile cul elf at the bet.1 1114 joint 21 1141 a18 he could not reverse les lever, it being 4111' •1f the ..1:14,1 (fash- ioned collets, his 11031 its l•eing( elrewnf u•Iher in ell the time hei himself had to null it out in miler to - save the reel 4)1'6, Glue twisting and i pnlling the cords tuetil his hand WAS drawn Ott1 of shape, I St. Marys: Mee. Mary Black, wid- ow of the late James Black, died in Toronto at the residence of her sun -in law, W. J. Whaley, on Jan. 21, aged 76 years. Her remains were brought here for internment. St. Marys: The funeral of the late ieaai Corbett, Sr., took place Tues- day afternoon from the 'esidence of his daughter, tilt's. Johnstone \Vilsoe, he having nearly reached 11:e age of 90 years. n It will e!! he remembered U f N ed t 1r t the late Mr. Corbett tnet with a n.is- hap on Dec. lith last, having ascended netli•ly to the top of a flight of steles, when be slipped and fell to the bottom, feactuting the right leg I et (even the ankle and knee. The ft./where was promptly attended to but owing to his adw'eneed age it never ret and no doubt the•shock hastened his end. vV)AFT° an Hflf1Jl1a of F $usinia,e A0.cia(1c R e Each pupil is given in- 'Iividual instruction. The Shortland System taught is that used by all newspaper 811.1 court re- porters. I3rst as-stetlll of 1:m3: - keeping, Ye;na ilehip, Arilit- tactaclic, 0tc., thoroughly taught. Situations guaranteed to every Graduate. (aTALn(1(E t'RI:L'. , Wm. C. C C C? f '.1t o�o.%u 1, C. t.0., ' Qfncutle r r(,:4``�eNCIAq` 101 f.rs Seeds are known by what they bats Grows. For bait. century they Vie brim tb. slanders -haven't Gelled once to produce btuser, bet- tor trope Veen my others. Sold by all Melons. 1eee Meed A.. anal free to alt applicants. D. M. FENNY L Co., Wtnd.or.Ont. CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. 11190lM*'a*111000CCCcCtCtee COS We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. (IZISTING and CHOPPI`(I DONE PROMPTLY. 4. SWE1TZER EXETER MARKETS. ('HANGI:D F,.1('11 WEDNESDAY Wheat (all) 1)3 1 (15 Barley :ts 111 Oats ::0 :As Peas iK) r2 Potatoes. per bag .. 75 til 1ley. per ton 7 481 ft 1 0 Flout, per e.. t.. fetidly2 145 Flour, Ion' 344341e pet col 1 25 1 '15 Butter 12 Eggs 'J' 1 Live hugs. per cwt 1 (144 1)t•eee(3d 110g. 5 75 11 0 t Shorts per fort .. . .. , , 24) (111 :,Yl Or/ 331'an per ten .. , 15 (0 1(i 13') Tinker., per Its . , ...... 12 (levee 13 Duck.; e Chicken .. 1 Inteel apples .. :3