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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-02-02, Page 4For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs consumption, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Cherry Pectoral Always keep a bottle of it in the house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. "t bars need Ayer'. Cherry rert.rsl 1n my ramify for N years. ft Is rte ,hest medicine to 0. world, f know, for all throat sad Jung tro,.ble. mas. J. E. yiOt.'aM•d. Warteam, Mui. :r►.' . t1Ee•., in Is.. J r a rig rn.. A:t drnr�_M�_ foe, __ i.nwell, Maa. The Luniis' Ilk M.. ete �c�1buocrct* fI 8aal3ers ek Creech, Props. THURSDAY, FHB. 2, 'O TUE KLE(I'lu.l' I(F:T('RAS. Last week saw the end '4 the Pro- vincial caunpeign and the election of representatives to the House of As sernhly et Toronto. The G. W. Russ aduaiuistratien which had' been in power for nearly seven y eat', and which had stIVCPeded other Liberal administrations, making in an an un- broken record of 33 years, was uo Wednesday defeated at the polls by an overwhelming mejority. As at present constituted the Pro- vince consists of 98 constitueecies, and of these about 71 returned Conserva- tive representatives and 27 liberals. In the last parliament the Liberals numbered 50 and the Conservatives 47; until the latter part of the term, when. they became equal in:nun tier. The big majorities piled up by the Conservative candidates and the large number of seats gained by them, shows that many of the Liberal electors had thrown in their lot with the Conser- vatives and against the Ross adminis- tration. These Liberals considered it was time for a change, that the Ross Government had not done all 'that they might have done for the Province, and that the Liberal party itself would benefit by being placed in opposition for a term. Aceer•ding- fy .t great number of Liberals voted for the Conservative candidates. Some idea of the extent of the Liberal re- volt is ginned from a study of the returns front Liberal strongholds. Six constituencies that have never before sent a Conservative to the Legislature returned supporters of Me. Whitney by substantial majorities. These are West Huron, North Brant, South Brace, E•tst Kent, EastLambton, East Wellington, and East York. Only by the aid of the Liberal electors could the Conservatives have carried these seats, which have an unbroken record of faithtnlness to the Liberal cause since Confederation. A 'umber of other constituencies show hot one lapse from Liberalism and these have gone Conservative. They are Ventre Bruce, West. Laml►. ton, South Oxford, South Perth, South Renfrew, South Wellington, Welland, North Middlesex and North York. AH ofwhichgoes to show a g ethat many Liberals voted Conservative for the Bret time on January 2.101. It is doubtful whether any person in the Province looked for such a com- plete turnover. it carne as a surprise to all classes. The fervent appeal made by both leaders and candidates for at working tnnjority for one party or the other was answered with no uncertain voice. Not only the candidates but the electors are pleased that the struggle Is over. and the trouble incident to a small majority in the House, will be at an end. I'he people will now settle down to business. The calnp:.ign has been a fairly warm and vigorous one and there were a good many surprises on both shies after the ballots had been counted. Now that the smoke and dust ref the battle are clearing away, 1t is meet that we should promptly lay aside all uncharitableness and en- deavor by every means in our pow( r to obliterate the bitterness that may have boon engendered in the strife. We have to live in Ontario, anti prole ahly next neighbors with people who differed from us in the campaign. Let us forget the strife, settle down to work, and make this grand old Pro- vince happier and more prosperous than it has ever been. II UhON COUNT Y The results of the elections in Iiuron County are about as expected. Throughout the whole campaign it was evident that South Huron would retain Mr. Eill►er as the representa- tive by an increased majority. %Vest Hutuu was expected to he close, as in the election of 11)02, and the sertnise proved correct. For several days It was doubtful which man was elected, but it finally transpires that the riding was gained by the Conservatives, Mt. Dudley Hoitnes being elected over Mr. M. (1. Canu'ron by a majority of 15. Keel Huron remained in the !Ahern! column. Y4r. Arch. 11islee'e majority iu 191r2 in the East riding Wits 1113, and it was to) h to expect even so pop- ular a in in as Mr. Junes Bowman, ex- Warden of the county, to wipe urn this inejetity entirely. The majority was. however, redeem' to aNutt 125. Huron. therefore, has one Liberal and two l'onaerv,etives to Irptesettt th.• people in the Ont, alit) i.e'gislattire. in Smith Heron 11r. i tlbet's major• ity was i tereased ir.•m 53 in the 190 election to 411. Neat lyeve: y nutlike. Irl t y. send in feet, nearly every poll- ing snip -division it, the tiding dM bet- ter for the popular (tit •'I 110 (site delete. Ili, own township, Stephen, gage hint neatly 11)1) mere votes, Ext ter 20, flay 211, Kaytleh1'31. 1'shornr 10, sill Lail; rhe (slime will .end way, tt etc„ while Teckersntith and sesforth which in Ilse! gave his opponent re. hock on Mt. 1.. Ot5t)ue.g, tthi,b wti11 Apse ivsly ','7,i atm) 11:3, en IS'edoeat • 41 and hent the 1Sn,pernr and the ) (,rand .1 ,k••a. In than way the leve - List gate lie%. Mr. McLennan 219 and ,utio11 55.1) la. effected. 14 respectively. Outside of the idea of the Iters Government !King in dis- levue the result in the booth riding Is no more than could be expected. On the .one baud Mr. faliter Was born and raised in the riding and known in every part of the constituency by neat ly every vetet•, while Me. �McLen n:►n has been a resident fur only a lit tee ever two years, and was compare t it'ely unknown. Midi candidates worked hard. The winner, is no doubt well pleased, and the loser will feel as surt'd that lie did the beet that could be dune under the circumstances. ONT.-1 hIU's. ICF.COifI1. The Tot onto News has compiled and published a history of the Province with detailed results in the various cunstituencie•ssinceconfederation. The record is interesting and we clip what is of particular interest to the people of this and near -by ridings, and give the sante below. Huron S.-1807, Gibbons, Lib., 10; 1871, Gibbons, Lib,. 207; 1875. A. Bish- op, Lih., 78; 1879, Bishop, Lib., 160; 18K), Bishop, Lib„ 132; 1880, Bishop, Lib., 507; 1890, Bishop, Lib., 158; 1894, M. Y. McLean; Ind. Lib.. 22; 1898, Kilber, Can., 159; 1902. Either. Con., 53. Huton E.--1875, T. Gibson, Lib„ 109; 1879, Gibson, Lib., 50; 1883, ()Ibsen, Lila., 41; 1880, Gibson, Lib., 413; 1800. Gibson, Lib., 503; 1894, Dibson, Lib., 453; 1898, Hislop, Lib., 408; 1902, His- lop, Lib., 4(25. Huron W,-1875, A. M. Ross, Lib., 92;1879, Ross, Lib., 414;188:4. Ross, Lib., 107; 1886, Ross, Lib., 337; 1890, Oart•ow, Lib., 112;1894, Garrow, Lib., 70; 1898. Gamow, Lib., 1; 1902, Catnerou, Lib., 21. Huron N.-1867, Ilays. Cun., 61; 1871. Gibson, Lib., 474. Middlesex N.-1807, Jaynes S. Stith, Prole Lib., opposed McDougall. Lib., 38; 1871, Smith. Lib., 299; 1875, Mc- Dougall, Con., 279; 1879, Watters, Lib.. 2432; 1883, Waters, Lib., 36; 188(3, %Vat- ers, Lib., 71; 1890, Waters, Lih., 85; 1891, Taylor, Lib., 128; 1898, Taylor, Lib., 92; 1002, Taylor, Lih., 202. Lauibton E-1875, Peter Graham, Lib., 181; 1879. °rebate, Lib., 04; 1883, Graham, Lib., 113; 1::;, Grahame Lib., 239; 1890, Hugh McKenzie, Lib., 402 plurality; 1834, McCallum, Intl., 184; 1898, Pettypiece, Lib., 40 plurality; 19023. Pettypiece, Lib.. 104. Perth N.-1807, Monteith, Cnn., 413; 1871, Monteith, Con., 414; 1875, Hay, Lib., 140; 1879, Iiays, Lib.. 17; 1883, Hess, Con., 118; 1886, Iless, Con., 42; 1890. Dr. Ahrens, Lib.. 92; 1391, Mag. wood, COIL, 108; 1898. Brown, Lib., 160; 13.02, Monteith, Con., 2; 1903, Brown. Lib., 206 (By-election). Perth 8.-1807, Trow, Lib., 360; 1871. Guest, Con., 31; 1875, Ballantytr_, Lib., 183; 1879, Ballantyne, Lib., 320; 1883. Batllnutyue, Lib., 215; 1880, Ballantyne. Lib., 451; 1830, Ballantyne, Lib., 641; 1894, 11eNeil, Patron, 23; 1898, Mos- crip, bib., 4 plurality; 1002, Stock, Lib., 71. NOTES AarU COMMENTS The two Ottawas and Glengarry were gained by the Liberals. s • The popular majority in the Pro- vince is in the neighborhood of :30,700. • • To: 'rite elected four Conservatives as usual, with 0 total plurality of about 10,000. • The biggest turnover took place itt W. Peter•bur•ti', where 31r. Stratton, Liberal, in lfkr2 had 1101 majority. Here en the '25th Mr. Bradburn, Con- servative, won over Mr. McWilliatus, by over 1''J10. •• Six years ago Huron had not one Conservative member of Parliament out of six. Four months ago there was only one. To -day five out of the six ere Conservatives. This denotes sevncwhat of a change. • • A. a result of the recent elections Mr. J. I'. Whitney will be Ontario's sixth Prettier. His preedecessnrs were J. Sandfield MacDonald (('ort.), Fwl- ward ItIitkt. (bit.,), Oliver Mowat (Lib.), Arthur Hardy (Lib.), and (leo. W. Ross (Lib.). • • Of the ridings bordering on Huron not one elected a reform representa- tive on K'cllnestbty. These tidings ore South Bruce, `Vest Wellington, North and Mouth Pet th, North Middle- sex and i':ast i.ttuihton. With the exception of IS'. Wellington all of these constituencies returned Liberal. in 1902. • • The Roblin Government of Mani tots (relieves that there is nothing to pt event the Government undertaking. ..ening end operating a system of .elephone's of its own, awl the Minis- try will during the present year stake a (•1nserxattiivtation of the advantages of at Government awned tele•pl system throughout 31anit.b,r. • r As tete cabinet in the i'reeiueiaal Parliament is at present constituted there are seven pot tfol ios. The port - role)). are: Provinr•ial tre:)s,,rer•. i'te. winei.a) secretary, Altnrnev•tienernl• Minister .1 agriculture, .Stinister of •row n lends, Conunissioncr . f puhli t. aka. Minister of peblie works. 'I'o 1ti.- s' may he added by 31r. S%'hit nry, the portfolio of 1liniste•1' of mines, s e George Meredith, the E•tglish nuthor expresses a strung ('.1111 ic•tion that the -hong reign '4 ale,.poti5111, whirl) blocks KO/Stern )?III -1/p.• is slowly but sanely coarsing to:, end." He said the trouble in Ila+•:i.t will take the toll's ing coarse: The sirike will stop pre• p.irati•ns for carrying on the war, the necessity of dreg.'oning the peopl• i ,to submission will ptecent reit.fore- ing the army in 3lanchut in: Korepat kin, with Iellf.•►Centent`e:awl supplie cut ori. tt di list e nn chow•' hut. to •.t tempt a .t! oke, wh:ch i urn ((twin•* (1 There will he a recount in Kingston, ' where Mr. Pence, Lith•ral, Liss 17 , mnjurity. • • NEW FACES IN THK HO('BH. The new -comers who wiil take the place of old nietubers- all of whom were not defeated, many having re- tired -are: Couservatives-W, J. Paull, Adding - tun; 1t. E. Clapp. S. Bruce; Dr. Lewis, Dufferin; J. H. Devitt, W. Durham; J. H. Fisher, N. Brant; Dr. A. W. Nixon. Halton; P. H. Bowyer, K Kent; H. Montgomery. E. Lalnibtuu; Dr. Preston. 1ST. Lanark; J. D. Dar - gavel. Leeds; G. W. Neely, E. Middle- sex; 0. 0. Hodgins, N. Middlesex; C. I.tunarche, F. Nipissing; O. Aubin, W. Nipissing; C. Calder, S. Ontario; J. Torrance, N. Perth; N. Monteith, S. Perth; T. E. Bradburn, W. Peterburo'; A. C. Pratt. f3. Norfolk; W. A. Pres- ton, Port Arthur; It. A. Norman, Prince Edward; T. W. McGarry, S. Renfrew; A. B. Thompson, C. Sinicoe; Geo. Kerr, Stormont; George Pattin- son, N. Waterloo; Ewan Fraser, Wel- land; J. I. Craig, E. Wellington; A. McCowan, E. York; T. H. Lennox, N. York; Dudley Holmes, W. Hurn. Liberals -J. A. McMillan, Gleugat'. Jacob Kohler. Halditnand; IIF R-tthburn, E. Hastings; A. B. McCoy, W. Kent; Col. Atkinson, N. Norfolk; D. J. McDougal, Ottawa; 0. S. May. Ottawa; L. B. Labrosse, Prescott; D. Racine, Russell; D. Reid, 8. Went- worth. • • OLD FACES GONE. Among the old memiters of last ses- sion who will not be seen in the House when it meets, either because of death, resignation, or of defeat at the polls, are Messrs. Reid (Addington), Burt (North Brant), Trutt: (S. Brace), Barr (Dufierin), Itickat•d (Weer Durham), !McLeod (Glengarry)), Joynt (Grenville), Holmes (Haidimand), Barber (Halton). Russell (East Hastings). Cameron (Fort William), Lee (E. Kent), Pardo (W. Kent), Caldwell (N. Lanark), Beatty (Leeds), Routledge (E. Middle- sex). Taylor (N. Middlesex), Jatn►es (E. Nipissing), Michelle (W. Nipissing), Hon- W. A. Charlton (8. Norfolk), Little (N. Norfolk). Hon. John Dryden (S. Ontario), Murphy (Ottawa), Powell (Ottawa), Carr (Parry Sound). Brown (N. Pettb), Stock (S. Perth). Hon, J. R. Stratton (W. Peterhoro'), Conmee (Pott Arthur), Evanturel (Prescott), Currie (Prince &tweed), lion. Latch- ford, (S. Renfrew), Gunter(' (Russell), Davidson (C. Siwcoe), McCatrt (Storm- ont), Kribs (S. Waterloo), Gross (Wel- land). Hon. J. M. Gihson (Wellington E ), Dickenson (S. 1Ventwot•th), Rich- nrdson (E. York), and tion. E. J. Davis (N. York) and M. 0. Cameron (W. Huron). The number of those whose faces will be missed is forty-two. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot teach the seat of the dis- ease. Catarrh is a blood or constitu- tional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally and acts directly on the blood end mucous surface. Hall's eetcu•rh Cure is not a quack medicine. it twos pro- s ribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a rege- 1 it prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the hest blood purifiers,ectingdirectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect cettlbination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful 'veldts in curing Catarrh. Send fur testimon- ials free. F. J. CII EN EY & 00., Props. Toledo,O. Sold by druggists price 75c. Take If:ri1's family Pills for constipa- tion. Forecast by Astrologer. The present upheaval in Russia was foretolrby Raphael. it London astrol- nget•, six months ago. in his forecast for 1005, published early last faall, he feleshad.►we•el a revolutionary) Uprising in the Czar's empire, which he pre- dicted will continue lentil November of this year. Of the (.'zar and of Russia 110 said: "The year 11115 will be a Week cane in the annals of Russian history. Re- volutionary movements will increase by leap, and bounds, send this war, entered into with so Tight a heart, may turn out to he the herald of liberty for the Itussian people." The planetary itifltences effecting the Czar ere evil, tie says. His predictions for neatly every th of the year contain Ptolihecies of direful events lu Russia. in Janu- ary he says Huseia is lender most "malefic influenci.s." For February great. political upbeat vats atre;wed let mt. For March he writes: "Russia is lender a cloud, end et home events will occult which will stir the hearts and souls of patriots and Past Irrnple•." In June he Rays the planets are especially hostile to Itus- siris welfare. September it to Iw the most tragic• month of all, and the) not Rn'si.. I,l.ene, but other great powers are to suffer. "K lege and emperors," h-• prophesies, "will be al t Ir." ers ally actino the bower Is neces• Wiry. Ald nature with Ayer's Pills. Free,to any Wo aan who bakes her own t read Thousands of women are writing in every week for the "Royal Household" Recipes --they explain the new and easier way of making bread. Make a trial with the new Royal Household Flour, which is purified by electricity— you would not believe there could be such a difference in flour— these receipes are certainly worth asking for. Send a postal card to -day. serer .s JUST 051t rr*YIMONIAL Our Or MANY IMOUtAND$ RECEIVED. BAvONAs, Tnar:r. MILE CREEK. R.C., November 28th, tqo.(. I have been using your flour exclusively since t came to Canada, fourteen yea, s ago, and have been usiug "Royal Household" since its intr.xlu.iion. you how I value ,t my grocer lately could not supply me with it, and rather than use another brant, even temporarily. t sent to Kam- loops, twenty-five miles away, and had It shipped to nae Ther C. r'_ R., preferring to ',ay the railway charged rather than use an inferior brand. In fact, if I eouid nut est it otherwise, t would strip it direct from the mills. I can always rely cu lhating g o1 bread wen using it and nothing tends more to keep harmony in a home. (Signe.'.) MRS. T. SMITH. THE OGILVIE FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, LIMITED MONTREAL Newspaper Clubbing Rates. The ADVOCATE will be clubbed with the following papers at the price set opposite: Advocate and Mail & Empire....$1 75 Advocate and Globe 1 65 Advocate and Family Herald1 80 Advocate and Free Press. 1 80 Advocate and Advertiser 1 00 Advocate and Witness 1 05 Advocate and Weekly Sun 1 80 Advocate and Fanners Advocate.2 30 Advocate and Daily News 1 90 Advocate and Daily Advertiser2 35 Advocate and Daily Star, Toronto1 85 Subscriptions for all foreign papers taken at this office at reduced rates. IVe specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers Advocate and Home Magazine. Ailfsa Craig Aft•s. Ratchet Bell and Miss Annie, left Friday on a trip to Chicago where they will visit the former's sun Robert. -11 ' worthy,r . t. •lathp C f will operate a lumber yard in town. He has moved his family here and they arc al present occupying Mrs. Bell's cottage. --W. Pope, who bas been em- ployed on the Maple Lodge section of the G.T.R. for a number of years, has been pitenuted to thefurenianship of the Novel section, for which place he left this week. -Alex. McKenzie, town - line west, happened with an accident on Monday front which he will be laid up some time. He with hauling Togs to the trill when his horses took freight and ran ,away. In his etbit•t to over - hake there Mr. McKenzie slipped neral fell, breaking bis erre. Alex s many friends deeply sympathize with hint in his n)isfort nnr. --(len. Shippley, town- Iine east, happened with what. Wright have resulted in et serious accident the other- day. Ile was driving to Luca n, and reached n point a short distance east of the railway tracks at Lue•an, when his horse took fright and Ire - carte unmanageable, running into a passing train and throwing Mr. Ship ley out. After the train had passed the horse took up the track after it. lir. Shipley rockily escaped unhurt although his cutter was badly wreck- ed. Stanley Miss Ross Aikenhead is visiting her brothers in irtndote-Peter Baird, is home on a few weeks' visit. -John Mc- tMuirtrie, who held the tnisfortnne to have his leg broken a few days ago, while working in a bush, Is getting on es well es can be expected. Andrew Gilmour is also recovering from his recent accident. While cutting wood his axe caught in at twig, which caused it to swerve send cut hie f.M)t. IVe trust they will soon be able W be out again.-Jobn Thomas Graham. of (;open, is hone, on furlough (rum his toils in the far east. He reports things enca►ttreging out there, the war not having any lwrceptible effect on oris- sion work.- Mt -s. Thomas Elliott and daughter. Hiss Lula, have returned to 1 heir home in (l. (.'rich township, af- ter a pleasant visit on the Brnnsou line. DK.ITH.--Thete passel :may on Sat- nrd.ty-, Jen. 21, Mrs. Gingerich, relict 1 of the lite 1.. flimerich, at. the : lite old age, of 71) years. The sail event. rook place at the home of her son. Chris, of the Hronson line. Her death removes nnothes' of the rents niug p (s- n••ers of this section, for she Wits one who) had endured with heroin) and fortitnde. all the hardships incident to the t ally e.•tllement and development of this section. Not alone to the Ine0' it tut "hewed out homes" g the fora sts of Hoton mute ere dit (r given, but to the women wh:, were truly heir 111.1ptmatem, and wile. mei tnpl iin- iuttly and assiduously took n shale of the serioels to p nlsihilitics wt eh cot - frontl•d them, are also entitled to c1111 - it. Mrs (litiget kb wis one of these in the toll. st sense of the tut tn. noel regi it.g lief lengthened tesidenee• in t tt.tru':hip tunny a nue shared in lt'a• pihabt y', enjoyed her friendship and r e• c ire.) 1111 etn,osel. IS hen quite young she was united in 110.11 isge to her d.•• parted husband. ttho pre(leceesrd het ..ism,. Mown pee s. light children .vete boyo to thew, aril "f w•1)11111, rat" 1. vow iota neat t iced. The tuner el tilek place on Tuesday to the 111nnson line cemetery 511(1 WAS Lu gel) attended. ro the laete.iled one. we extend our genuine st•mpatlit'. THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1655) Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid Up $3,000,000 Reserved Puud.... • • • • • • . , • • $3,000,000 FORTY-EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF ('ANAIt.1 as EXETER BRANCH OFFICE IMOteRK: 10 a. tn. to 3p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. tn. to 1 p. m• A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer's Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied ern application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain lied United States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. ADVANCES tnnde to Farmers. Stock Dealers and Business Men :e: lowest rates and on must fnvor•,tble te•ruts. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed saving Bank Department. n'1,e,aie. I- and upwards r givper . intense tom• ts.uoded )�tlr•�early and addat to principal June Dath amt December alet- Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. 1ti i:'ox ee ('.tttt.tsc, Sulieitors. N. D. I11'IU)O\ 11.1 K& K vt K K a& -K;. •K t -n K 8 tc .ECUREO:E ts- 03. S 'No NAMES I'SED WiTi1Ot'T WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Homo for Weeks. ';teary work, severe straining and evil habits In youth brought on a double varicocele. when 1 worked bard the acting wind 1 become severe and 1 was often laid up for a week at a time. My family physician toll me an operation was my only h.;.e— but i dreaded It. I tried are -era' areclallats, but soon found ort all they wanted was my money. 1 commence) to look upon a:1 doctors as little better than rogues. One'day my bora naked m'• why I was off work so much and I told him my condition, tic advised the to ecnsult Drs. Kennedy and Herron, as he bad taken treatment from them himself and knew theywere square and ■killful. Ile wrote them and got the New ethod Treat• �•- - num for me. Sty progress was somewhat slow aril during the - first month's tr.stn:, rat 1 was somewhat dist°crag..1. However. I continued treatment for three months longer and was rewarde•t wlth a complete cure. 1 could only earn 112 a Week In a machine i�.+ rhnp before treatment, tow i am ea•nIng 811 and never luso a st • � / y. 1 wish an sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. i HENRY C. LoCCBT. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? ttt.00D POISONS are the moat easement and most serious diseases. They cap O.* very llfo Wool of the vh elm and unless entirely eradicated from the system will cause serious eons li.•atlont. Itrw•are of Mercury. 1t only suppressed the .vmrtoma—our 1 F.w METHOD posltisety tures ail blood diseases forever. i Ot NO 011 MIDDLE Af11D-MSN.—imprudent acts or later ticesses Tuve broken town your system. You feel the symptoms stealing overou. Mentally, phyetcahy and vitally you are rot tha sun you used to 5. or should be. win you heed the !anger slgna;sy READER Are yon a victims else.. you lost hope? Are you intending to marryt Has your blo..d been diseased? Have you any w.ak• n./at Our New Method Treatment will cure you. what it has done for others t wit: do for you. ('olISULTATIoN FKKIO. No mater who Asa treated you, write for an honest ';•Inion Free of Charge. HOOKS FREE—"Tho °Olden Moni- tor" (Illustrated), on Diseases of Men. NO NAMES VIED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No names on hoses or envelope*. Everything ronndentlaL Question 1Mt and rose of treatment FREE for Horne Treatment. naKENNEDYdI KERGAN Cor. Mich. Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, Mich. K. K(K K,c K&K i'K r 0. t PSYCHINE STRENGTHENED MY WHOLE SYSTEM Pure Blood in your veins now will save you much in purse 111►d person before the winter is over. PSYCHINE makes rich red blood, keeps peoptc well and at their best, "To -day 2 am enjoying good health, solely through the use of 1'syr•hlne. When 1 began titans Pas thine, I was guttering ttlth a heavy cold Ir. the baonchlal tubes, and a cnngh which seemed to rick nae to plc The doctors' rn.•dtctne tw'e me no rei:rf, and 1 began to dread c"nir'nptlon Ito: king on me. With Inc second Anse. I'sv' bene hereflt.'d me end Save new strength. Psychlne toned up my whole Iyctetn. aril git.-kly stopped the coneh. i henriey reenmmeed 1'syc•hlne to perstnts rnn•1 1mwn. ht need of a tunic. or suffering %191, roughs. colds. or catarrh. 1 Mesa the day I tried Psychlne."- Allan ('01.11: r, Pr!I)� er, font. PSYCHINE ; ron,tu•tced SI•KEEN For •a'e by n 111rup:t-t For further ,':rice,n t informa'lon wri•e tor. r:- -•;,r I 'micse 1;v Kin, street 'Ve-a, fronto. t'ao. Thrones en enlarged 1 vbnratoiyete, la' •.- saving Thr• Prinre of It ales is receiving :,n rm.:s Iles and r,-ei t *barer to (011 115.0 IAN 1.rolUcte In ('*nada, t'SYC1IN}: so;d 1• r yeate entitneiastl•wt•Icnmr'during his visit at$1•3°Perbotuo,1. to Irtluttl. NOW SOLD AT $teoo PER BOTTLE 5'