HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-02-02, Page 2srer+ •. L,-Ga.� garirT, . tta.3.!a.as
.L.�.ai 11�'ii _ - -
[IP price of Liberty
ia •. inL gather t,eet .erne:rtesgeeen7 rona,-.Tniwinge
CIIA1''1'i l: \L. -(Ce !denied.) you," said Huth. "1 ant sum , u
l)aaid was too astoui�hed to say trouble you oven so silly a matter.'
The assisth
ant assured matinee tt it
anything sur tho moment. The skein; an air of pal. f .1 reproach that melt -
was too tangled to be thought out ing ens cou,.t4cl a trouble in that
alt at once. l're!seutl• he began to estublishmeut. Ile bowed his \ L i
see I.is way. tors out and informed them that it
"Prefer ordinary circumstances the wits a lovely atlereoUn, a self-evi-
cd.nuge aeetus intposbiblc," ho sal•I• dcut axi„iu that the otos} disputa-
"hspe. Tally seeing }heat the juggling lions could not well deny.
could nut late been done without "You see how your imp/tries i:.j;ht
both the cases -but 1 had forgotten have teen utterly batlied but for tltie
how easily the cases were changed. 1 ` find of urine," Ruth said, as the two
tette it! What is the date of that trent along North Street. "Re shall
lettere" end presently that the Metropole
Muth slowly unfolded a document Aperient) and f:egiunl1 Monson are:
she had taken from the purse, one and the same parson."
"Tho day following what you call '•,1nd you fancy that ho t',ailo the
lour great adventure," she said.' exchange at Lockhart's?"
"Menson or somebody took the real i •'1 feel pretty certain of it," Muth
case -Inv ease} --back to Lockhart's replied. And you will be sure hater
and chongeeal it in my name. i had! on to tin 1 that he had a hand in
previously been admiring this self -i the purchesc of the other cigar -rase
sante bracelet, and they had tried to (tont tValen's. (lo to Marley's and
sell it to ate. My dear boy. dealt get hint to snake inquiries as to
you tree this is all part of the plot whether or not Walen's got their
to plunge you deeper and deeper into cnr.) down on approval."
trouble, to force us all to speak to, David proceeded to do so without
save you? There aro at. least ftf further delay. Inspector Marley was
tern assistants at fewkhart's. Of out, but favid left a mes.-ago for
:•terse the ultimate sale of the cigar-' him. Wou1 1 he co:nmuairato by tel-
:a'e to this American could he (phone later on? Steel had just
proved, seeing the case had got back finisheal Isis ('inner when btarley rang
into stock again, anti at he same him up.
time the incident of the change quite "Are ;on there? Yes, I have seen
A Cough
Press your hand hard enough
ova your mouth and you can
smother a cough, but you can't
cure it that way. The outside
is the wrong end to work on.
Scott's Emulsion
thoroughly cures coughs be-
cause it strikes at the root of the
trouble. The throat and lungs
need a regular system of educa-
tion to cure an old cough.
The point of value about
Scott's Emulsion and coughs is
that while Scott's Emulsion
does soothe the raw throat and
lungs, it also nourishes and
heals the inflamed parts.
It replaces inflamed tissue
with healthy tissue -the only
real cure for an old cough.
Send l,.r Flee Sample.
SCOTT It: SOtV N E, Cbunita. Tc 'onto, Oat.
fol gotten. And when you go and ask Walon. Your suggestion watt quite -- -
questions at Lockhart's-as you were right. Customer had toren cigar -case
pretty sure to do, as Menson knew- exactly like it in Lockhart's, orae
you are told of the sale only to the • too cher. Walen dealt with some
Ante. isms. Depend upon it, that Am- manufacturers and got case down.
erica!' was Henson himself or some- Oh, no, nr.cr saw customer again.
I'udy in his pay. David, that is too That stet of thing happens to shop -
cunning, too complex. And some of keepers every clay. Yes. Walen
those days it is going to prove his thinks he wo +1e1 recognise his man
Iall." again. .Nothhtg more? Good -night,
f►ntId nodded thoughtfully. And sir.•'
rot, witho it something very clever i
null intricate in the way of a scheme' ('UAP'I'l R NL1.
Benson could not hnve placed him in�
his present fix.
"'There Is only one thing to bo'
done," ho said. "You and I must.,
go down to Lockhart's and make a
few inquirloa. With that diamond
bracene. and letter in your possession,
you :should have no difficulty in re-
freshing their memories. Will you 1
have some tea?"
"1 run too excited," Muth laughed.
"1 couldn't eat or drink anything
just As present. David, what a
1„v /•l• house you have."
•'1'n1 glad to hear that you aro
piing to like it," Daa'td said, drily.
Lockhart's received their ceetomers
in the usual courtly sty Ie. '19tey',
were sorry they had no recollection
of the transaction to which madam
referred. The sale of the bracelet
alas clear, because that tens duly' and
properly recorded on the hooks, and,
ns indeed was the sale of tate gen-
metal Cigar -case to an American gen-
tleman at the Metropolee if madamn,
9ald that she had purchased the sig-'
ar-C.tee, why -still the pulite assis-
t:Int was most courteously incr<•du-
L eis.
The production of. the letter -made
n dirlerenco. There was a passing of
✓ intidenees from one plate -glass cone -
tel to mother, and presently- anoth-'
asci:,tont came forward. ile pro -1
f. Toil•: regretted that there had been
,. o+ist*ake, but he remembered the In -
(l 'rat perfectly. it ens the tiny be-
fore he had departed on his usual
they t i'it to the flr•nt'n Paris
h-nt1.h. Moduli had certainly par-,
•hared the a agar -case; btu before the
ea 'e could 1 c posted in the stock
Itti1er madam had sent n gentleman;
r„ , hinge 1''e case for the diamond'
h n r1 'tpreviously admired. The
,.p(•ul•.er had attended to both the
rule and the exchange; In fact, hist
rah was walling for Lint during the'
letter luctient.
' 1 trust there is nothing wrong?"
ho neked. anxiously.
"Not in the 1. net," Ruth hastened
10 reply. ''The whole matter is n
1.1 net of come ly that I wnotel to'
0. it is n family- joke, you an -t
der, . A nit And nho male the ex -
"Mr. (lntcs, madam. A toll gen-
en-tlemon, 11re.11('(1 in-
''1'h't is quite-..ati(liriere, thank
Ile:ita6•r. For years he has kept his
eye upon him; for years he hos
practically provided hire with a
home at Palmer's. And when Iler-
itne mentions Reason's name he al-
ways door so with a kind of forced
gent itutle."
"You f7 ink That heritage is going
to be ;tseful to Its?"
"I fancy- so. blind you, it is only
my itica-what I c•a11 intuition, for
want of a better word. And what
"Et aprea he will stay here. Ile
shall eta) here, and you shall say
that it is dangerous to remove hitu.
Cross shall be told and Marley shall
be toll, tied the public shall be dis-
cree•tit kept itt igtlurance for the pre-
sent. ' I'll go over there at once, as
there is nu time to be lost. Miss
Henson suggests that I should conte,
an 1 she tells me that Williams will
t cit at, the lodge! -gasses for inc. Hut
you are genie to stay here."
"Oh, indeed! Asti why am 1 going
to stay here?"
"Because, my dear friend, 1 can
easily menage the business single -
hamlet!. and because you trust run
no risk of malting Ilcnson yonder.
You aro not now supposed to know
where (be family are, nor are you
supposed to take the faintest inter-
est its them. Stay here and make
yourself con,furtai;le till I returu.1
Aro you there? I \till be at lung-'
dean as stun as possiblt and bring
1'an Sneak here. No, I won't ring
ori; you bad better do that. 1 shall:
bo over in lass titan an hour."
David hung up the receiver and'
proceeded to don a short covert coat
and a cap. In the breastpocket of
the coat be placed a revolter.
"Just 118 hell to be on the safe
vide," be said. "'1 hough I ant not
likely to be troubl d with the utan
son \nay have other blackguarns; he
kitty eve', know where Can Sneak la
ut the present moment. for all 1
know to the contrary."
"I feel rather guilty lettings you
Igo alone," Bell said.
"Not a Lit. of it," said David,
eheotfutly, "Smoke your cigar-, and
' if you need any supper ring for it.
1'tor can t,nftly leave matters in my
hands. \ an Sneck shall stay hero
till he is tit. and then you shall oper-
ate upon him. After that he ought
to be as clay in the hands of the
potter. So long."
not a mere d tr.k.
Ceylon Tea is Pure,
Delicious and whole: ou,e. Sold o,.ly iu srz.led
lead packets. Black, Mixed e r
Natural GREEN. By all groc-
Received the highest award and gold medal at St. Louis.
but no reply rattle. 'Then he heard+
the rush and fret of many feet, the:
cry of a pack Of hounds, a utelan-'
choly cry-, with a sombre joy in it.
Ile saw u light gleaming atfnlly in
the belt of lies.
"No help for it," Madrid muttered.
"I must chancre my luck. I never
saw a dog yet that 1 was afraid of.
Well, here goes."
lte scrambled over the wall and,
dropped on the moist, clammy earth
on the other side. lie fulnbled for-�
o.ith the thumb again. 11111, lien- ward a few steps, and then stopped
suddenly, brought up all standing
by the weird scene which was being
enacted under his astonished eyes.
(To bo Continued.)
Old Ur. Widower had been sitting
silently alone; with Miss Autumn for
about, fifteen minutes. f•'inttily ho
spoke: "bliss Autumn, you are pret-1
ty-" ''Oh, Dir. %Virloner!" "You
aro pret----" "how can you. Mr.
Widower?" "I started to say that
you are pretty- -'. "Oh, stop!"
'•C'onfoutrd it all, woman!" shouted
'1'he tents Iraid by the working
ciess:s.in Merlin, Frankfurt, t'olagter,
KKonigsherg. and allies' 1,itrt,e
iunouut to 25 and ass per cent., and
even n1.)re, of their en'.i, a 1ttc•tmo.
'1'hr average rent of a single rumen
and a kitchen In the court-yar•Is of
Itorlin's logo barrack dwellings
ra11:es from $57.50 to $67.50.
l he average age of the .irtt'anese
naval crews is lower than that of
the men in any other navy. No one
over twenty years old is accepted
for enlistment. The average height
is 5 feet 4 irc•hes-less than that (if
any other navy.
And David went orf gaily enough. Dir, Widower. rising and making for
Ito kept to the cliffs for the firs} the door. "I wanted to say that
part of the distance. and then structs
you were pretty near as old as I
oft across tho fields in the direcrion
of i.ongilean. The place was perfect-
ly quiet, the village 1108 all in (lark -
nets as he approached the lodge -gates
of }he Grunge. ltey• nil the drive and
between the thi sad firs that
shielded the hours could see the
crimson lights gleaming hero and
there. lle could entail the rumble
and scratch in the bi:shes, and ever
again a dog whined. The big gate
Witt; closest as David peeped in search -
It looked like being a tort;. dull have you been doing lately')" i''1S'llliums," ho whisperoil;
evening for Steel if he were not go- intent proceoiled to explain, giving liams, ethers are you?"
Mg to the theatre or anything of the events of 1he afternoon in full il
that kind. 11e generally road till detail. hell ((Moe ed the account etas toll of strange tBut no reply came. The silence
about eleven o'clock, after which he with the deepest interest. Then he 114)18(8, rho rush of blood in I►avid's
sat up for another couple of hours' pro.e•ded to tell his own story. 1141141.lie called again and again.
plotting tett the (lay's tas% f(r to- David appeared to be fascinated with,
ala, row. '1'o -night he could ord.. the tale of the man with the thumb-
w-aadel restlessly about his co:.aur-• nail
vatory, snipping off n ,'ead beef here -So bliss Chris hopes to hypnotize
and thyro and wondetinti where the the mutt eith the thumb," he said.
chole thing was going to emi. '-lou have seen more of her than I
With n certain sense of relief Dish) hate, hell. Does she strike you as
heard the front floor -bell trill about site st ikes mo -a girl of wonderfully
elm en o'cl. ck, Sonwbudy was corn- acute mind aided t o a pluck and
ing to see Lint, and it didn't melte't•audacity absolutely brilliant?"
much who In Steel's frame of mine.' •'She t.+ that and more," Bee
But he swept into ttu st'nty with asaid. itarmly. "Now that she is
feeling of genuine plasure as !lather- , flee to at 1. she has developed wan-
ly Dell was announced. rderfullt. hook how cleverely she
"lily dear fellow, Fin delighted to i worked ot.t that Rembrandt business,
see you," he cried. "Take the big how utterly- she puzzled Henson, and
arm -chair. Lcfnie give e00 a ei_.ari how alto hal;eti mo to get into Lit -
and a whiskey and soda and mate' litter's goad books again without
you comfortable. 'That's better." I Henson even guessing at the reason.
"I'm tired out." hall said. ''1n1 And now she lax forced the ronti-
London all day, and since six with
Cross. Can you put sue up for the
My bachelor bedroom is always
ready, Dell."
'.'Thanks. I don't fancy you meet
he muter suty apprehension that any-
body has st n itcd Van Sneak leeway.
In the last place Henson, who stents
to have discovered what happened,
is in a tort iblo slate about it. Ile
statite/I very badly to remain at Lit -
timer, but A% hen he heard that Van
Sneck had hit the hos; ilnl he carne
down here; in fact, we travelled to-
gether. Of course ho said nothing
whatever about Van Sneer, whom he
la x'ipposed to know nothing about,
but 1 could : ee that he tens terribly.
disturbed. The worst of it is that
('roes was going to get nae to oper-
ate on \ an Sneck; and Heritage,
who seems wonderfully better, was
going to assist."
•'I•t your unfortunate friend en to
that kind of thing now?" Pati 1
'•1 fancy so. Co you know that
Heritage used to have a fairly good
Jernrt1 0 du•nr Ultimo' Cootie? Lord
!Meitner knows line veil. f want
Heritage to come info this. 1 avant
('en'.e of that rascal Merritt. She
has saved Lltn from n gaol into
w hit'h slto tntbht have thrown hint
al any moment, she had convinced
) 1,n
that she is sonittling exceeding-
ly hiiWant in the way of an n(heu-
ttn• s, with a great roup ahewl.
Later on she will use Merritt, anti a
fine hard -cutting tool she will find
"Where is I1Cnsan nt t! r present
moment?" David Asked.
•'1 left I ini i„ Londe)! t' ie niter-,
neon." 17:11 r, el d. "11, 1 1 ))even t
the stir.,*(;>t t:oubt in the w'nrla
thnt he has tonne Itis way to Heigh -
ti n by this time. In all probability
1 c has gone to L0ngdcan."
Bell paused ns the telephone bell
rem: oet s')rilly. The mere emend
of it t!i1il'eti he,ih of theta with ex-
titens'nt.. And what n eyeful thing
the lel phone had proved!
".11e you there?" came the quick,
ninnll w! i 1 • r. "1a that you, Mr.
tette 1? 1 nm 1•:t id 1lcnson.''
'There ens n long pause, during
n ht 11 Pat 1.1 4' as listening intent le.
1'ea vet 141 see hie* growing rigid
with (he erub1 e. is of something
kern, alert, and 1 igoroun.
"Bell is Lire a lUt ate at this mo -
to get at the reason why Itenson input," he ,eel. "Jive wait A
has been so ennfoutt a ly g 0.•11 t net, tv) nag 1 lett 1.it►t. (teat's go away
-�•••�•� --- I,lcnsc. 1 ni'rr the Chcuinstanres it
�f might be dan,;,eons for me to ring
FRO Jne t a Innim•.11. here's a
1'1''•11[ 111f•ti9."
11 Ilnli
.nisi, i,spati,l.l1\,
U, -,. I1 fl mere nate, lifter att. •
With Coughs and Colds, and Parous Ara Praying the Ylor.I fitful 1' ,-on (s nt Ltngdrare he sur,:
Curative PJW'3r of
ref 01' an hour ago, and at the fir4-
,ent moment is having hie supper in
SYjjP s 'ho lit.rary lefts goh,g tel Lal. 11.1
UR. CHA ��E'S LINSEED and TURPE ►TI +� •lint is nh rhe h e:bt ,srl (if 1<.
L !;:fou ;i: hedu4 the do[;s making 11
.eat not .0 by the netts and went re
%that. ens emirs Some pole.
: h:•,: diseneee that has neythin,; i , s stereed f• lime' hod climbed over
reel) sale of hr. C'hase's Syrup ,.t the well and the (lees were holding
and '1'nrprnUno. not
Mtn. Georg -e ittn wit. 71 Ifarbord ! Ft'('sn to 1'e car 4 i,.u. (1 his danger.
_ nn 1 no he sterni Mill tl�e hounds [list
drat( have tshere very subject to hire no harm. 11i!l;ams ens Koine;
t w have (mind that Or
nso's tiyr up of l,in.
pentane has always brour.11 (,nee tt:,n,lrrifl( trnrnp to heel"
relief. Ily using it at the first sive pen r itched his tiger 1 to U••'
of trouble the (liseatic is chccke.t of era+• fall at flowers and jumped to
once. We olway's kccp (lair re'ne•ty 1 1« f.. t.
in the Lotter, and, in foci, Teel that ,.1 n„ r(' k, ftr n million," Ire
we cotild not do without it. 11e ,_rie(1. '•\!y h•.•nd to a roroannt •
MAO use it for coughs and colds witl. it.,
excellent remelt'. and rrcousliend ;r .•else "erne. '11)1y' mann 4,1 t', t:'r
to our friends." fh g tier• f. 'IV i•'.' ,I. hon• ,.
Be careful when you buy lm s'.' Wialerts hr•n IV i 1:. •1 f •,
(hat the portrait and signaturd of )n'lgr, 511,1 1 els in 1
1)r. ('hair are nn the wrapper. If in a t•Ilt`:et• ou'i'ed ,❑ i �'
ycu send the children to the '.1•'ro 1 (utile nett,• w:th \:i«s i1..: • .•
warn them not to accept ane itnitn• 1fan�>n Inn 1 1•1' keit in i••�1 ,
tier or tatttrntitution. Cadiz -It li►.r' Ile in t, nl rt the1 Car
to take In. ('hneree Syrup of Lin- ts• F,.1 unn7: 1'''111•,1 e1.1
seed nod Turpentine, and there is term the 1„ Ii'nl n-'helt'i _ l
no remedy !o prompt neat , 1 (K-li''.•. ' le let 'I t 1 r' t r 1' 1• g east 1 1.•t 1 t •+
2;. Teets n teethe. fatted,: '1'o, three' lura o:1'a lancers. it t Ir net's le
times ns rtutrh. 60 trete. nt all dent- 1rol 1►wt y- to -t:1 -11."
ers, "1 !Animism', Baser A t'e . '•lii,;l 1 yon are+. t' a 11 Co t.n 1
Tot 011t0 tu' th hits. Et epees?"
It 11411 grown people negle.t
seat (lee and allow them to 111
into «urines diseasca, they haw
one to blame but themselves.
With children it Is (liferent,
cases(' they du not rcnliee the
c no n 1 nn up 1 ortmintel , 1 e did n
bee Street. Toronto. nta written- (fur chip
seri- 1 .' put the 110 r'.e'e r into 1 he road
oilenfes of a neglected cold nor the
1rrama of obtaining care. and many
a tha1:1. ns he craves older and finds
himself et victim of pneumonia. cote
sufnptfan. loot/Otitis, asthma or
threat tieni.le, cannot but •ee that
his I+nr, nts were reepotusible for nt'-
glee, tee Treatment when Itis MMl-
ta, nt !peen In the form of it cold
To day the edam's have many n
Ynr: nt seat to account of rough,
and colla. and carets children Mho
are tiere should be at home. What
treatmeet are these children gettinR'l
1'n their parents Icaliee the serious -
re es of tvglertinc to rare a cold?
lint'(' they proved the merits of Tar.
Chex•'• Syrup of Linseed end Tin -
petiole 08 n cure for coughs and
..lde, 1,ooehits. i ro•.(•. loping
• o' g.-'., r.n alt kln'!red ills?
Ctry fenny have. for there is no
i reeer 1. 00 fur 1hrot►l and lung
tun (' 11 -i,I b when diva lieeeon came us'
C'h cel net• I'tn 1• rl ulna du yr a aultp(.se the poor.
am. Now I think you're twice as
Se['grant (on duty. to a rough-
loolting fellow who is loitering about
the liavement)-"Mallon, there young
fellow! Do you know what we do
with big, lacy ruffians clown here?
huffs -"Make polieteunan of them, I
"I declare," said della sweetly.
"your thoughts run exactly in uni-
son with twine, Augustus. f had
those tory wort's in my mouth."
"Yee. and I saw him put 'em there.
too," raid little Tommy, who had
Betio tl.e kissing going on.
Victoria will probably be the first
British commanity to levy a tax on
antitsentents for the support of local
charitable institutions. brie Bent,
the Premier, propeees a tax of 2
cents on every 25 cents spent in the
'purchase of theatre tickets.
"Oh, y'e-es," remarked Ketchlcy, in
a self-satisfied way." I.ulu area I
will start out in married life under
very favorable elle instances. fifer
mother gives us a neat little home,
her father furnishes it, and her Un-
cle de Long has given a carriage and
pair. Besides, Lulu has a snug in-
come in her own name." "What
part do flit' furnish?" " Well-prin-
�cilal ly the namo-principally the
'Ill;c \1agistrato-''But you have no
vl• ible incites of support." The
Tramp -"Oh, I donne. You can see
Lots of good-natured people in the
course of a day if rt' keep your oyes
An Inobator
Without Cash
Until October, 1905
There is big money to be made in raising chickens with an Incubator.
Canada exports annually millions of chickens to the United States arid --
Great Britain.
The consumption of poultry in Canada is increasing rapidly and the
poultry dealers complain that they cannot get enough poultry to fill their
One woman bought a No. 1 Chatham Incubator the first of March
-she had five hatches by July first and had four hundred plump,
sturdy chicks. In six months her incubator had paid her Stoo.00, several
times its cost. A Chatham Incubator should pay for itself each hatch.
We have perfected an Incubator and brooder. We believe it is now
absolutely the best in the world. V1'e have sufficient capital behind us, and
we are out for the entire business in incubators. 1Ce know that there is no
other incubator that can approach the
c?° Chatham
1' 1 • t.
1 iniclibator
This is our proposition ; To demonstrate our absolute confidence in the Chatham In( ;l! alar
we will send one to you, freight prepaid, and you stake your In t peymcat in October, tips.
The fact that we sell our Incubators '1n this manner guarantees thetas to tate fullest extent.
Thirty days' trial is a delusion and a snare. If you have good tut 1: you may get off one hatch in
that time, and even then you are uncertain, and if you reject the machine you will hate to pay the
freight both ways. But with us you send in your order and we ship the machine prepaid. \\'hen
it arrives, if it steins all right, start your hatch, and we will give )'on until October, t9o5, before
you have to pay a cent in cash. We po•,itively guarantee that the machine is a ;:clod hatcher.
Every machine should sell a dozen, and we will, on no account, allow a machine that is defective
to remain in any neighborhood.
The lnrtibatot spent me is working
.t'xAingly well. It 1s very easily
trentsd.6nd solar tierelairedi attention
fa on'y a few ,nin.11M per day. The
Crit lot of eggs. 110. en etaminatien f
found that 63 were not forint, toe others
were broken s••atdendally, and 1 bol 61
(lucks or a:rout lir per cent. of the feri'.le
es;,. The +soon.] trial of 110 pre me 9.t
l;wing ehxken+. The brooder g:vee
equally good or Olfaction. The young
broods are doing well. Yonn'S truly.
▪ F. JoiteseoN, Matt teratingtoa
Post, Leamington, Out.
1 have used your No 2 in -Astor for
thr'S lieehv, and un 80 well pleased
with 11 that 1 or:l•rrl a Vo.3 •which your
agent, Nr. Tumtutl. brought today. fir
third hatch rime rti ye+terday with 113
chicks out of 110 eggs. We ha'e deo s
Chatham Fanning Mill whi,-h R:•es gond
g litteetiOn. 1 will not hoe an °ppm. ,
malt? of tec°mmendie.t the Chatham,
m,b'nest0 Mr friends 1'01.+ t
fully, 111(9. slroNt:Y SMITH, Soa,lanti,
The No. 11er•,t.atnr"do gent fee to all
richt, sehab•hed out of N9 fertii• egg',
Pa good ....tong chs 5., and the brooder
ss.e•I then *11. t! ehad in thelnellott's'
■t the same time, to Ili?. Whet tray. 44
duck en., and 33 gnome egee. from who
we gnt 30 dorke sod 31 smite ; total, ;1
from "A ('tree. *Ian Iwl. he 1 6 tnrke) • at
the same um, 15.1 the h -n eggs were in.
Ny rw.xnn.en 1 the Chatham Incubator
aid lovelier to 14 (1.e beat and sweet
to hat.•h, tinder all cir•umatances. of any
other m ke. W. have handled Inir
other makes, in our poultry Winne.,
which we run on a h•ge • ale at (tittle,
keeping Marr. -1 Pla ,mouth Rorke. Pet ,n
181,58, 'CoiInn titre, and Nam.„'.tit
Bronze T,vkevs. Yours truly, D- A.
A*Atta, Itirt0, 1( 0.
The No. 2 In'•t:h.tet 1 bought from
Foe Is all you re emmendel it to be. 1
put in 101 egtnn and after ees'tng o•,t tk•
infertile ones, 1 have ;2 ,_hicks. 1 fad
the machine fleet char in , psrti,ilar
ani root 10 rn. if dime -thong are fob'nwed
earefvlly. t'm,rt reepe trolly, Mits.
Its•NRY CHASE, Warren, slat.
1 wish to let tat know of mr success
with your habits,. out 0f t:1 •tats!
hof 74 (lytta, and Out of any e -'•'n')
aft h ( got 94 from 106 egga 1 tad the
,ni,tune a "tire •n•• Hi If run a•'ot,ling
to d.re clow. The brooder If a warder
and 1 ha.e r, t Inst arhkk ae let, and
they are &linnet t.-.4heree Youeetrtiy,
4011N II. 31 t{l>NOM, COUIij)Iood,Vtd.
Your No, 13 Chatham in^nl'atcr has
given very gird retorus the first
4).t of 19 tots*, 1 t..* es .h., 10. 1 of Ai
rather *inert u1 wsating the egg(, so 1 w
4,4 rant fi,1 the machine bit •hen the
h ►•'-,me, 1 w801r, 1 1,4,1 not titled
1• W,41 re•'nmmend'cur In •uhm1 f to
env ne ghleu+. Vona* .,ocerely, NHS.
SI tmG,CHET Nd1TOSII, Whitesw'xrl,
Chatham Incubators and llr)o lers have every new irnpro/clnent worth while
in an incubator or brooder. Tile in ubators are tnatle with two walls case within
case, of dry material that leas been thoroughly seasoned in otlr lumber yards.
They are finished in antique oak, are built solid as a rock .and will stand any
amount of' usage for }cart. They arc fitted with a perfect steel and brass
regulator that insures a !trete:sful hatch. There has never before been
rueh an ofi r as this made in the whole world. The scorer you take
adventaee of this offer, the mode time yon will have before October,
19°5, to make first payment. Cut off the coupon and send it in to -day
for oar bo-,klet on the way to raise chickens, what it costs and your
profit. You will obtain all information regarding the Chatham
Tile Manson Campbell Co. Limited
t.l nufacturers of Chatham Incubators and Brooders
Dist rihiaing Wart.hnu't•' s' Montreal, Qu •, Ilran.lon. Man.,
(•agate, A'ts.. New Wertnem/ter. R.<'.. 11,0 s .
1•46.011'1; r r.t ('ta' Leen, Ont., Ik•trclt, Mich.
...,o:1A.V.:fxttterol of t h + ['sums Campbell Ilan ping 111 it a
rind Ch,tlant Farm Scales
O fame
CAl t'HELt
O s ier.:t 2
Piety Oen 1 Tan
d(s,ettpt(vetaWn+g„e of the
nevem m Incu!ator, Vete' ter
wish ail I ntorenr' ion about your
erects* otter, whereby no cash wilt
14 I ud tool )ltal.et,
T. (1. Ad./eves
:.'rl rete' ,,....,, !1.,f','n .........• �.
Ad. .1 kt,vs to (kathea, (1,.t