HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-01-19, Page 1ettt
(New Reading Natter appear In this space each week.)
Money grows most surely and quickly when kept in our
Savings Hank Department. As we allow interest from date
of deposit and have it added to the principal and compound•
FOUR times a year.
Sympathy is very good In its way, hut for practical pug.
poses a SAVINGS HANK account in Gilles of sickness,
trouble or misfortune is of tar more Yalu,. as it is a life work•
ing partner for yon.
We want your Banking business --want to make ourvelves
useful to you in anything relating to finances.
Branches in Huron County at
otadwau & Staabary,
P. E. Karo,
Manager, Exeter
{Big Clearing Sale.
We wish to announce to the public that during
the next Two Weeks we will make big reduc-
tions in
Ladies' Fancy Collars,
Ladies' Belts,
Ladies' Gloves,
Ladies' Whitewear,
Winter Dress Goods and Underwear.
0 per Cent. off on Staple Dry Goods
Also a Few Tweeds :
Men's Overcoats,
Odd Suits,
Hats and Caps
at Creatly Reduced Prices.
Call early and have first choice, as these goods
must be cleared out to make room for our
new Spring Goods.
Thanking you for past favors and soliciting a
a share of your patronage for the coming year.
Choice Groceries always on hand.
Wrs, Notaries, Consecancers, Commissioners.
r. tar Motions Hank etc.
Mottos to Loss at lowest 'assent interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter,
L R. Clause, iI.A:, • •• L. 1L D(dcaou
MONEY TO IN 4. _--
We have a large amount of private funds to loan
on farm and pillage properties at low rates of inter-
Barristers, Solicitors,Main at.. Exe'er Ont
Organist and ('hair Master of the Tri. itt Memorial
rch. Teacher --Piano, Organ, voice, Hann .)y.
rn methods. Thorouvhnees
Prii ate finds to loan on farm and , illaie pro•
party at lowest rates of Interests
Arconnts collected,
OFFICE-- -Main Street Exeter.
this *candy and adjoining territories. to repre•
i sent awl trtisa te
h ,l. at4 and Educational
i)ep.artmenta au oM c.taLtished bu,iuese house
of s.,hd flnarncial standing. Malan-with
expaensesa.Jpanct+l each Mon.la) bp' c►ie.k, ilirei•t
from ti. 11 tartrre. ilorsenntl buggy furnishevf when
neies sass) : position permanent. Address BLEW
13R(I.S., d tyl Rept. i , Monon RJdg., Chicago, 1I1.
1 e • ut a..—ti... c... ..-
James Chesney has recovered from
his recent illness. -- Mist (ies,ofToron-
to, and Miss \filler, oof Staffs, are vis-
itors at the horn' of their cousin, Mr.
%V. J. Miller. --.lack Cameron. station
Agent, at Netistadt, spent a few days
• at his home here. ---John Thctupson,
who has been suffering from the effect s
of blood poisoning in his hand. is rc-
coveriig.-Chas. Manns, after a ppleas-
' ant visit with friends in town,left Fri-
day for Frobisher, N. \V.'1'., where he
Dr. Amos spent Monday in London.
Miss Kittie Dearing has gone to
London for a few weeks.
Mr. John Evans spent a couple of
days in London this week.
James .Stonehouse, of North Dakota,
is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Charles
Bi rttey.
Mr. J. H. Laughton, of Parkhill,
gave the Advocate a pleasant call on
Messrs. Charles and Walter Craig,
of London, visited here for a few days
last week.
t :Mr. Norman Sinclair, of Toronto,
is visiting his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Autos
this week.
Mrs. (1)1.)J. W. Morison, of Detroit,
IS visiting relatives and friends in town
this week.
Mrs. Thos. Parkinson, of Loudon, is
here attending the funeral of the late
Mrs. R. S. Lang.
Mr. H. E►vtns has been laid off duty
this week owing to blood poisoning in
one of his hands.
Miss Lilly Elliot, of centralia. spent
a few days of the week, the guest of
Miss Cora Fowell.
Mr. A. J. Rollins, of Detroit, is
shaking hands with his old friends in
Exeter this week.
Mrs. Crocker and Miss Whinister,
of St. Marys, are the guests of their
sister, Mrs. 11 Johns.
Miss Hattie 1Vhite, of Nirgara-on-
the-lake, is visiting friends here, the
guest of Mrs. R. Hicks.
Dr. and Mrs. Russell. of Hamilton,
are here to attend the funeral of their
daughter, which takes place to -day.
Miss Minnie Weekes is visiting
friends in Guelph, the guest of her sis-
ter, Mrs. E. A. McDonald.
Miss Olive Hooper, of Victoria Hos-
pital, London. was the guest of her
aunt, Mrs. W. G. Bissett, last week.
Mrs. Singular, after a week's visit
with her daughter, Mrs. A. Bowev, re-
turned to her home in Hensall Friday.
The Misses Sherry, of Hensall, were
the guests of Mrs. R. H. Collins and
Miss Bonthurn a few days during the
Mr. James A. Sanders, of London
spent a few days in town this week i
the interest of the Heintzman Pian
Miss Nettie Linklater returned t
her home in Wingham on Tueerta
after a pleasant visit with friends i
Mr. Samuel Lamport, of Devizes
accompanied by his brother, Edward
of Killarney, Man., spent a few day
in town during the week.
Mr. Jas. Morrow, of Silver Springs
Man., is visiting Ontario friends it
and around Exeter. Mr. Morrow a
usual favored the Advocate with I
John Essery was in London over
Sunday.-I.ew•is Woods and sisters.
Misses Maud and Bertha, spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Frank
Coates. -Several of our young folks
attended the party given by S. Hun-
ter on Wednesday evening. All re-
port an excelleet time. -George Han-
thnrpe visited friends here Sunday. -
Mrs. Mpt'oleo. and daughter of Moose -
min, Man., are visitors at the hone of
Mrs. F. Luxton: -Mr. Durdle and lady
friend, of %Viucheisea, spent Sunday
as guests of Miss Allis Rook. -Our
Sunday school will hold their annual
entertainment un Sunday and Monday
next. Rev. Godwin,- of Exeter, will
preach in the afternoon at 2.30. and
evening at 7. On Monday evening a
tea meeting will be given in the base-
ment of the school house, after which
a program will be given in the church.
Music furnished by Centralia choir.
Everybody invited. -Parol Coates lust
a valuable 2 -year-old colt on .Monday.
As this 1 tllc+
..cord one within a
month that Mr. Coates has lost he
feels the lues most keenly. -A. Brad-
shaw called on Mr. Harding on Tues-
Newman Pidd has gone to Ingersoll
where he will learn the harness milk-
ing with Wm. Higney. As he is very
popular here he will be much missed.
-Miss Jessie Stewart, of Indian Head.
Assa., is it visitor at the horse of her
uncle, W. B. Stewart. -Frank Lang-
ford, who has laeen laid up with a sore
foot for a tiute, is getting along nice-
ly. -Rohs, White, Sr., of Buffalo, was
visiting his brothers last week. -Miss
K. Morton, of Toronto, is holding re-
vival meetings its tht. Methodistchu,s b
here. -Mrs. W. D. Dinsmore attended
the fuueral of her aunt at Brussels last
week. -Oscar and Miss Lillie Lang
have returned to Toronto. -A very
area wedding as celebrated at the
St. James' w
mes' Rectory, tat. Marys, on
Tuesday, the young people being real -
dents of our village. We refer to Mr.
EdgarLangfordand MissNellie White.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Rural Dean Taylor. The bride
is one of our most popular young la-
dies and the groom is to be congratu-
lated on winning such a worthy help-
tnate. The groom is also it highly re-
spected young man and his many
friends join in wishing hitnself aid
• bride a lite of perfect bliss.
Miss Pearl Clark, who has been very
o ill of pneumonia, is showing signs of
t• i••'ntovetuent- 'several others are al-
t, e7Mown with the puisne malady, but
are on the upend. -Lewis Downing has
, gone to Toronto, where he bis accept-
ed a position tis school teacher. Soc-
cess Lew. -Harry Schoff, of Toronto,
WWI here on a visit last week. -Mr.
and Miss Farrell, have returned to
' Port Hut on,after a pleasant visitwith
s friends here. -James Pitman spent a
a few days with friends itt London dur-
ing the week. -Mr. Stinchcombe, has
tnoved here from Grantor. -Miss Bice.
of Port Hope, is a pleasant visitor in
town. -Miss Legg after a two weeks'
- visit at the house of her uncle, has re-
turned to her home in London. -Jaa.
Seales and son, of Clinton, spent a few
days here dating the week. -Miss Min-
i nie Cunningham, is on a visit to Lon-
don friendtt,-Nothing but election is
- talked of around here. -1V. Nichols,
' who spent it week with friends around
returned trete hasto -
e ed litsur
h it in F -
ontan.--Jno. Stales is all miles. It's
girl. -This week it becomes our sad
my to record the death of it highly
respected rc. ident of in the
pa'rsou of Eiiral,cth ('outsty, wile Wes
called to her long hou'e on Tnesilay,
in het 58tlh year. Wile was the circle
of her friends and deep is the sense of
loss, but one and all, who through the
long years of her stay with them were
accustomed to look upon her kind, ts'-
nevolent, saintly face as that of at very
dear friend not to heparted Vram,who
will now look forward to the time of
re -union. The funeral will take place
from the residence of John Coursey,
Con. 2, to -day (Thursday)st L30 o'clock
to St. James' cemetery, Clandeboye.
Coancil Mlttatss.
•('ouncil suet pursuant to adjourn
utent at Town Hall, Jan. 13th. Al
present. Minutes of previous meeting
rend and confirmed. Wood- Muir
that Geo. H. Bissett he re-appoint.et
Clerk, zit a salary of $125 per year.
Carried. Moved in amendment by Lee
vett that the clerk's salary he the sante
as 1901, viz $114). No seconder. Muir
Levet t._ a )
LhitA.(r.Dyer, m
ed Assessor, et a salary- of $65. -Car -
tied, Armstrong -Wood --that Sara. d
.Sanders be re-appoiited Treasurer,
salary $70. -Carried. Armstrong -
Wood -that A. E. Fiske be reappoint-
ed Auditor for 11115.- Cars ied. Lovett.
-Muir--that James liver be the other
auditor, and that the auditors be paid
the saran of $12 each for their eerviees.
(Carried. Artnstt•o -Lovett-that S.
Sanders, Sr., be re -appointed inember
of the Boaid isf Health.-C•ur•ied.
Wood-- L.'vett - that Dr, Rt•owningbe
reappointed for M.11.0. -Carried. Le -
vett --Armstrong that Messrs. Senior
and Lute., together with the Council,
is' a cemetery committee. -Carried.
Muir- \t'ood--that Messrs. Herbert he
-appointed poundkeepers for 1905.-
arried. i.evet t--Armstrong-tbatthe
Jerk ask for tenders for the use of
:ales, bell ringing, and for printing.
Security for scaies to be furnished
if asked for.- --Carried. Wood--
Artnstrong-that the following ac-
count. rte passed and ordets drawn on
Treaasurer for sane.•: -Connor Bros., re-
pairing pumping engine, $10.60; J. F.
Russell. tceo,int, $10.05; R. N. Treble,
wand, $2.11.75; C. B. Snell, electric light
$77.50; 0. 11. Bissett, election expenses,
8'20 sit postage $2; P.O. Box, $1; R. N.
1tve, supplies cemetery, $10.65: J. B.
Keil)•, estimating electric light plant,
$M3.- sr, led. Levet t Armstrong --
that the clerk prepare a 13y -Law con-
fieming the appointment of tinkers
end their salt ies.---Carried. Council
aoljout n to Fi iday, Jan. 27, apt 8 p.m.
fico. H. Bissett, ('desk
is engatge'cl in a flour and feed, arilre
+butchering business. -1V. R. Hodgens
i has been suffering for the some time,
owing to a piece of glass entering his RC
hand. --Albert 1Vhiteside's baby re
ceived the diamond ring, given by the
Sale Register. r'
Eilr Parties getting their sale Lilts printed at the
ADYnCATII orrice will re.•eipe a FREE notice under
this heading until date of sale.
FRIDAY. JAN. °n.- Farm stock and Imide -
men., the property M Geo. Keys. Lot in. (',.n.
1.c. Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. &1. ikneaentyrrv.
, Auctioneer
The comma of the mrporatlon of the County of
Huron will meet in the council chemise' in the
Town of Noderich on the 2415 day of this month at
a o'clock p. M.
W. Lana, Clerk.
( Patel tan. loth, inv,
26e unelerelgnenI is offering that dewirhte p ill.tge
pro` rrtt. !ring tents Tu and :l, runner of Victoria
awl Atiarew streets. the property of the late .lames
T h•n 1s on the premiere an excellent frame
dwelling, containing eight rooms; 4 tumler sheds
and nth •e. This a a fine property and wall be sold
reasunt'•h anal on easy tenni. Apph on the prem•
fed b' 4— MRs. JAW'S thane. Exeter.
We 11tee a position open for one
golal Iran its each locality. local or tea-
ts- ling, at $SII) a year and expenses
5t) per Baty tacking tip show cards
ri'nerally advertising it New Die-
. t • ' t . No expel iettve necessary.
1\'r -i•,. for particntars.
Settle Healed pal Co., London, Ont.
4,n4o11 (college of Commelre.
snorising Business, Shnrthnnd
1',•w, long, and Academie ih•-
in striping for catalogue ,t
+ fail I, itticnlars. Address, e
1 t.RF; t,, C. 13. Princlp,tl.1(
Germian Concert. Co., it being conoid
ered the most popular baby in town. -
Fred hang, of Neaaforth, has taken it
position in the Hens:Ill Engine Works.
--Jars. Hudson has disposed of his 12i)
acre fa.iit to his sun, Isaac•, at Hills
green, for the sutra of $5.501)..--Ilolter
('rtewford, of Qui tpelle, Aasn., itt visit-
ing friends in an moiled Hensall.-Lt.
l)t )-.dale, who recently disposed of his
property at Drysdale, intends mining
to Hensel) to reside.-- \Its. Ii. Smith
and daughter. of M. (irogor, man., is
of a visit to the former's sister, Mrs.
Sat rot t. of the London (toad, 110y,
and Mts. Colin S11mith, of iiensall, af-
ter an absence of t went Y -t t', 0 y eats. -
\iiss Effie Chapman, of '1', - %%•stet., is
on at few weeks' visit with i.•latives
here. -Wm. Coleman. of Hay, itt. sttt-
flcj,',t 11 s' recovered from his tate ill -
neat, as to be able to be out strain.
Wennxu sr 1VtNNtrteo.--On 1Ved-
neselay, evening. Jan. Ith, at St. :1 n-
tLew's manse. Winnipeg, by itev. A.
\iaesflllian, two popular voting people an
11'illi.arn 1t':aliti ( .Astor hats given
an 4111111111 suhs(liptii,n of one thousand
pounds to King Edward's hospital
A great gale, necontpnnieet by in-
tensely cold weather, has swept over
Great Britain.
Theodore Quinn, at Montreal stone-
tter, was killed by a large stone
01 carberty, Man., were united to the
holy hotels of in:tltinions,nnntr's Misr
Agnes, youngest daughter of 1t'illiam
Buchanan, of Hensall, aind Jetties S.,
sort of 11ugh \1rpoiald formerly of
Grey. The happy t•ontg couple w ill
make their future home in ('nils'rty-,
surrounded by the heat wishes of n
host of friends.
Do you feel tired and weary without
any it 'prorent envier? i)on't hr Metalled.
all you reileire is Vito Tonic; it trill
non bring hark your strength and
ni'rgy. Better try n bottle. Its. ling.
1; uggist, keeps it in stock,
falling upon hint.
Robert Murton, formerly one of the
best known hard were dealers at Wind-
sor, Ont.., is dying in Melbourne, Aus-
The Allan Liner Parisian arrived at
Halifax from Literl„sol covered with
tons of ice. Thr erew describe the
voyage as the roughest the ship ever
The Royltl Victoria% Hospital at
Montreal was damaged by fire. Lotus
$30.00n. Lord ytrathcnna ranted that
he would defray the expenses of re-
pairing the (damage.
Peter Mosseau and bride, of McGreg-
or,are here spending their boneytnoon.
--John 1Vinkleweder and wife, of near
Cavalier,N.D.,are on a visit to friends
in and around town. -Wm. Meidinger
of near Saginaw, Mich., is on a few
weeks' visit to friends and relatives
here. -The Misses Mary and Bertha
1Vur•m, have returned to Chicngo and
Detroit uespectively,after a few weeks
visit at their home here- --The (Fermat)
C'onc'ert Co., who have been holding
forth in the town hall here for the putt
week, have gone to Milverton.-Mes-
rs. Albet t ~sou it and William O'Brien
have pal i -chat tied the property now oc-
Olpied by 11. Yunghlnt as a butcher
Shur ;111(1 dwelling from Andrew \lit-
telhult. '1'1,, purchase price wits $1900.
The tint chasers intend starting a
hotelier business in the spring. -At
the nnnn;tl meeting of the Hay Branch
:set sills teal Society held on Wednes-
day the following officers were elected:
Pres., W. T. Caldwell; 1st Vice, 13. S.
Phillips; 2nd Vice, E. Zt'llert Bec'y
Trette., 1). S. Faust: Directors, John
Geiger, C. Either, W. I3. Battler, C.
Oswald; Jobb Pfaff, John De'cher,
John Hey, Jr., %Ven. Lamont and Fred
Wennt•:D. - On Tuesday evening the
Lutheran parsonage was the scene of
a giuet dng, Jtr. Frank Ketchene
and \listweAnndiie Ott being the con•
trncting parties. The interesting cere-
mony was pet feared by the Rev. E.
ychiselke. The bride Was attired in a
Hent and tx•conting travelling suit.
We extend eongratnlatiott to the hap•
py couple and wish them every happi-
ness egad prosperity.
(Clinton: A. D. Beaton, who recent-
ly became a resident of Clinton, has
bought the grocery hnsinets of liarry
Cantelon and is now in possessive.
Grand Bend
Either will address the electors on the
political issues of thepresent cat mpiai n
at Grund Bend, on Saturday, Jan. 2
at 8 o'clock p.rn. Hey. McLennan
invited to be present.
Mr. P. J. Glavin, of the Town Lin
McGillivray,, who has been atter
i iug the Forest City Business Colleg
London, since Last September, 'ht
passed his examination and tea
granted his diploma. Ile is ;it preset
• taking uli stenography.-Sarmtel Lau
port has rettirrod from Matuitoil
where he has been working the pa
live month,. --'Che revival meeting
whicy nt•e being held in the Mcthodi
church are well attended and conside
aI le interest is being taiken tlet elu.-
Peter Beay.•r, of Morriston, spent
few days here with his uncle, \1
011'6i -hit) Bot VCI, uric' to leaving fo
Saginaw, Mich., where he has secure
at situations- -- Frank 'Iaylor is wearing
it veru bt'nad grin these day's. It's a
boy. --The sutnke-stack of
the flax twill has been repaired and the
mill is punning the Sante as usual. -
Fred 1Veig has returned from St. Jo-
seph's hospital, Ltandon, where he un-
derwent en operation, which appears
to have been successful. -Ms's. (Rev.)
Damon and Mise Hose Finkheiner re
turned home a few days ago after it
pleasant visit with friends in Tavi-
stock. -Ht's. Thompson, of Ingersoll.
is visiting her daui;hter. Mrs. \V. S.
Chishtilut.-Arte Zwick.' spent Sun-
day in London at the house of his par-
ents. --Thos. Klutttpp is assisting our
barber on Saturday nights. Tool has
become quite an expert with the razor
and can pot the lather on in record
tine. -Robert E. Walker entertained
his Sunday school class at his home
the other evening. All had a very en-
joyable time. -Mrs. Daniel Oestretcher
visited relatives in Dashwood for a few
days this week. -Robert Esaery's fine
residence had a narrow escape from
being destroyed by fire on Saturday.
the fire was caused by an over -heated
stove pipe which ignited the latter of
the ceiling. But for the prompt ac-
tion of Mr. Essery and family the fire
would have been beyond control. -
The Literary Society stet at the home
of Miss Beaver on the evening of Jan.
18th. The topic was "Japan" and a
very interesting program was render-
ed. as follows. A general diseription
of "Japan" by Mr. II. Either. The
War" by Mr. Chisholm. "The Pro-
gress of Japan during the last ren-
tury" by Miss Turner. Vocal selec-
tions were given by Misses Lewis end
Essery and by ,Mr, Morrow. Instru-
ment,tlselections were given by Mrs.
Zwicker and Jliss Iloltzmann. The
next meeting will he held at the home
of Miss Lewis, on Jan. Zird, the topic
being "Africa." -Next Wednesday is
election day. Our townsman, Mr. 11.
Either, is one of the candidattes for this
riding and from all appearance he will
be re-elected to represent lie in the
Legislature. He has been raised in
our midst and for several years took
an active part in our municipal affairs.
He has also represented us in Parlia-
ment the past six years, where he
worked in the interest of his constitu-
ents and we feel satisfied our people
will give hire a good vote, showing
they appreciate his labors in their be-
half. --A large meeting was held here
last Thursday evening in the interests
of the Liberal candidate, Hev. M. C.
(' e
M h nnnn. The
yt1 tee
by Dr. Heist, who in it short speech
introduced the spenkers. He was fol-
lowed by Mr. J. G. St -arbors, of fixe.
ter, Mr. :Wis./man, of Kippen, and
Mr. McL:voy, baitister,•of London,
DKATII (IF June W. Tetoitt'sON.-
Wotd has been received of the deitth
of John W. Thompson, who died at
his home in Carlyle, Aston, N. 1V. T.,
after a short illness. Deceased was
for marl- years a resident of the town-
ship and was well and favorably
known by many who will deeply re-
gret to hear of his demise. Mr. Thomp-
son was a nu•utlai•e of Creditor) Tent,
No. 53, K.O.T.M., in which society he
was insured for $1000, which amount
was promptly paid to the deceased's
widow. Ile lesves to mourn his loss
a sot row stricken widow end two
Miss Alice Wilson is visiting her tin=
cle in Ripley this week.
AtVIDENTLY Kteri►u.-"In the midst
1, of life we are in death." • The blow is
too sudden and the shock Tel to fresh
to write with calmness of the event
which last Saturday gladdened many
bearts here, Wm. Belts having wet his
e, death in it shocking mauuer. Deceabed
d- bad been drawing gravel from across
e, the river and had several men helping
is hien. The rigs were all loaded with
as the exception of one and this one re.
it tluired only a few shovelfuls to cotn-
1- plete it before returning home. Mr,
t. Belts was working underneath a Pro-
st jectiig hank of city, when, without tt
s moment's warning the hank caved in,
st burying him underneath it. Willing
r- hands at once set to work and after
- an hour's hard digging they extricated
as tiro, but life was extinct. With (en -
r. der care he was conveyed to the home
t' he left only a few short hours before
in the i)f'st of,
hP•tlth. He was It young
man of most exemplary conduct, con-
scientious in the discharge of his du-
ties; atniable and kind-hearted to all
he wits in an eminent destt i honored
by his family and friends. Ile leaves
a grief-stricken wife and a family of
small children, besides his aged father
whit resided with him and a brother,
Thomas, of Camlechie. The esteem in
which he we» held by the whole com-
munity was abundantly proved by the
large number of friends who attended
the funeral, which took platae to the -
Parkhill cemetery. Rev. J. F. Sut-
cliffe conducted the services, licking
his text from the 90th Psalms. The
discourse was very touching and im-
pressive. And now the career is end-
ed all too sudden, the warm heart has
ceased to beat, and the friendly voice
is forever still and throughout this vi-
cinity, as elsewhere where he was
known, a genuine sympathy will go
out to those whom he has left in deep
McKillop: Mr. John C. Morrison,
the well-known clerk of this township
departed this life on Monday• after a
few days illness, et the age 0164 yeti's'.
Nearly every disease originates from
impaired tissue, that is why Vito Tonic
rarely fails to effect a permanent cure,
it acts as a food for the system. Patent
medicines, on the other hand, produce
only temporary relief, Vito Tonic is
composed of herbs, barks and fruit.
Dr. Lntz, druggist, keeps it in stock,
Tayroa- In Crediton East, on Jan 11,
to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, a son.
TOMLINSON.-In London, on Jan. 1Atb,
to Mr. and Mrs, H. E. Tomlinson, a
Ktx11E:a's-Orr-At the Lutheran par-
soiag e, Zurich, on Jan. 10, by Rev.
E.Schttelke, Frank Kochens, to Mise
Annie Ott, both of Zurich.
STIC%V tRT—MORRtIS-At the manse, St.
Marys, on Jan. 11, by }rev . A. Grant,
Hugh L. Stewart, to Miss Gertrude
Alberta Morris, both of St. Marys.
ppeg, on .f tn. 4, by ltev. A. McMillan,
Hugh McDonald, of Carberry. Mian.,
formerly of Grey township. to Miss
Agnes, youngest daughter of \1r.autd
Mrs. Buchanan, of Ileusall, Out.
Ksamtics-- Moss} JRoN-At the resi-
dt•nce of the bride's father, oil Jah.
11, by Rec. Mct.Smith. Flank Kend-
rick, of Pout boron, to Miss I8,tlalle,
font thI;oKht J
f \1t
. James
tto on,
of flay.
LANGFt,lto Wtittr:- -At St. Jantes•-
Hec•tin•y, St. Marys, on .inn. lush,
by Rev. Hut al Dean 'i'a log, Edgar.
Laungfot d, to Miss Nellie'iVbite, both
of Granton.
I3ELTs-Killed accidentally at Green-
way, out Jan. 11, 11'illi un I3Plts, •
Dxt.vx-In lahorne, on Jan. 15, )tutu.
Delve, aged 77 years, 0 months and
LAND -ill Exeter, on Jan. 17, Ageless'
Russell, beloved wife of Mr, Robert
S. Lang, in her 40th year.
Couitsgv --in Biddulph, Con. 2, on
jam). 17, Elizabeth Coursey, in her
58th year.
Nicool..-On the fake Road. Hay.
on Jan. 10th, Elsie Annie, daughter
of M►•. and Mrs. Nichol, aged 1 year,
5 months and 25 days.
International Stock Foods
In 25, 50, 100 and 3.50
In 25 and 50 cent Packages.
Oil Cake, Linseed Meal,
Sulphur and Glauber Salts
Heaman's Hardware & Stove Store.