HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-01-12, Page 611. :••.. .11.•:•a ;••. ••;•;•s•:•• ;•ii. • her the widow .8 l'egur•el, and the •• two became great fr•itmem, having, in the words of one witness, "no sec- rets fi•otil nue Another." When, 111-L1 therefore, Mrs. Sonnies was sudden- ; R I should be her watchful nursej ly taken very i11 one morning, it was only natural that Catherine Wilson The Wilson indisposition commenced on Thurs- day morning, and on leri'1uy 111orn- ...eee; ee; c ;.s se eese .. e.••e s.,.a, utg a doctor was called in. Mrs. Soames could think of nothing as 1. the cause of her illness save a po•k- lie which she had eaten."1 think it right i . the jury The doctor gave her s onemodl - should know, and Also that the pith _cute, and called early on should know, what surt of terurday morning. ire found her dying son the avenging unit of the tart and the end cause in u few hours. has overtaken!" rite illness wars so strange that the The trial of Catherine Willson wits ,luster refused his certificate as lit over, and Mr. •luslietr Bytes, with the cause of death, And u port-nno- that terrible black silk square—tea,t,.rn exa1111110111111 oof the body was misleadingly, as regards its actual 1,1a(te rhe death WAS afterwardsappearance, described as "the black cap"—placed opt top of his wig, wita'tteibuted to natural causes, and the addressing the woman in the dock I ""inmot's jury brought in that ver - She was a little, alightly formed (lint. The dodo had noted the Lind and woman, with dark hair, at a not. unfitmjging attentions of Catherine unpleaxing face. She was young, Wilson to the dead woman. Iter tend dresxed with considerable neat - ed daughter, .lira. Nuncio!, had remark - men and taste. Anyone looking ul ed the same, as also had 101110 of Catherine Wilson would have set lodgers. Wilson was ever beside her down as u &vent -hearted, bright torr' 81111 gave her 011 her medicine. and intelligent woman. Iter tett So careful was she that when shot tures were mobile, and her mouth I had g'tell flee a dose, she ra•rio.I was pretty. It had n knack, how -I the bottle stw-ay with her, and lock ed it up in her own room, lest any- one should get at its precious con- tents! When Mrs. Sonnies was dead, Wil- son appeared overwhefulel with ever, as was noted during the trial, of contracting into a thin, firm, straight line. Mr. Justice Bytes was passing sen- tence of death upon one of havetee most grief. After the funeral—which took ' / l =.;,• et terrible creatures that been—place a few days later—she placed revealed to us in modern times—a secret poieoner, as cruel and ealcu_ 1i('foro Mrs. Naticko and Mrs. baling as the Marquise de I(rinvilliers soames's brother a piece of writing- `mora. Dluust3tfir who retire Lucrezia Borgia. There was this Papel', 01. which, in something like difference between the female mon- the handwriting of the dead woman n Eters we have named and the ono and with her signature to it, wits an whit:0 stood there in the person - of acknowledgment of Catherine 11'ilsoe LEADING MARKETS, having lent her i10. They paid Wilson the money, Of what had Mrs Soames (lied? As to this point in the trial, evi- dence was given by one of the most relnarkat,le medical scientists our dation has known, I)r. Alfred BltEAI).ST1`FE'S. Swayne Taylor. Perhaps no Hurn in the world had eve' made so exhaus_ Toronto, Jan. 10.—WhcatreOntario tive a study of poisons and their ef- 08c hid, $1 asked for red and white;leets. Ile had studied with Orfila, spring, tele to 95c; goose, 87c tv Dupuytreu, and Gay-Lussac. When 88c. Manitoba, No. 1 northern, he was twenty-three he made a jour- $1.08; No. 2 northern $1.03# to ney of 2,700 miles on foot through 4:41.01; No. 3 northern, 97e to 98c, Italy, Switzerland, the Tyrol, and Georgian Bay ports; 6c more grind - Germany, in order to visit the mod- lug in transit. ical schools of !tome, Florence, Bol- Flour -90 per cent. patents. $4.20 ogna, \ligan, Heidelberg. Leydon, to $4.;L, buyers' seeks, east and Amsterdam, and Brussels. wrest. 15c to 20c higher for choice. Taylor was the terror of barristers Manitoba, $5.40 to $5.70 for first defending prisoners guilty of poison- patents, $5 to $5.40 for second pal- ing. Ile now declared that the symptoms observed in Mrs. Snaines's case were quite incompatible with the idea that the death was a na- tural one. "A poison that would produce all the symptoms remarked would bo colchicum," he said. The medical plan who had attended Mrs. Sonnies remembered that a young lnnn named Dixon, who had lodged in the sante house, and with whom 1VLIson had been on most friendly terms, had died four months previously to Mrs. Sonnies. The (loc'tor had had :;oune conversation with Catherine Wilson, who, 115 us- ual, was playing the part of the devoted nurse, and she had told him that Dixon was taking colchicum. "It is a most dangerous nu•di- rotito. laic more for broken lots here cine," remarked the doctor. "No oud 40c for broken lots outside. one should' take it except by it 1100- 1'('u8. -67c to 68c for No 2 west tor's prescription." 11111 east. After deliberating for n couple of iluckwheat-52e to 5ac east and v. Irons Port Arthur With Military Honors that llttlt, pleasant-appearaueed woman; they murdered for large stakes, for revenge, for ambition, for hoards of treasure. Catherine 1Vilson stealthily sent her victims to the graves for the most paltry gain. In one case nhe perpetrated her fiendish crime for ten pounds! That occasion—on tho 28th Sep- tember—when Mr. Justice Ryles ad- dressed these words to her was not the first upon which Catherine Wil- son had stood in the dock at that court, charged with a terrible crime. Her first appearance there had been made in June, three months pre- viously. The insinuating manners of Cath- erine Wilson had secured her many friends, and among these was a wo- man named Cornell, who lived in Marylebone, London. Mrs. Cornell lived with her son, a boy of four- teen, a1(1 was possessed of a small property. On February 13th Cath- erine Wilson, calling upon her, the two had tea together. Mrs. Cornell felt unwell afterwards, and her Irieml set off to the chemist's to ob- tain some medicine for her. When Wilson returned Mrs. Cornell had gone to bed, and, taking a wine- glass from the mantelpiece, Wilson poured some of the medicine into it, and brought it to the indisposed woman. -Why, it's quite warm!" exclaim- ed Mrs Cornell, in surprise, as she held the wineglass in her hand. "What have you been doing --boiling it,?" "There, there!" expostulated Wil- son in insinuating tones. "Drink it up, dear. It will do you good!" Mrs. Cornell tried the medicine. It was certainly strnngo! it burnt her mouth so ninth that, Leith a cry of pain, she spat it out. and it fell upon the bedclothes. J ust at t hat moment her son entered the room. -"rake the bottle of medicine back to the chetnist, and tell hint that ho has trade it up wrongly," said his mother to hien. And the boy set off. Ile brought the bottle back again very soon. 'rhe chemist had noted its contents n,n1 found them per- fectly correct! Catherine Wilson left the house later on. The next day Mrs. Cornell found that the b(rlcluthes upon which the nur(licine Wilson had given her 11nd fallen were burnt through and rotting! '1110 police were 80011 hunting for Cath - elite Wilson. (0 charge herr with having administered oil of vitriol to Mrs. Cornell with intent to murder her. She had disappeared, leaving no clue. At last, on April 5111, she was nr- reeted, one of the detectives acciden- tally meeting her in the street, and on June 1(111. she was placed on The Ruling Prices In Live Stocls and Breadstufs. cots, and $5 to $5.20 for bakers'. Mlillfeed-814 to $14.50 for bran in bulk, $1(1.50 to $17.50 for shorts, east and west \Innitoba, $21 for shorts. $18 for bran, exports. Barley -15c for No. 3, 43c for extra, and 41e for No. 8 malting outside. Toronto freights. Rye—Firmer, 75e to 7tic for No. 2. Corn—New Canadian yellow, 43c; mixed, 42c, f.o.b.. C.hathnm freights; new Ajmer;cin, Nn. :: yellow, 52c; mixed, 51 4c, on fro 'k, Toronto. Oats -3%c to aaic for No. 1 white, east low freights; No. 2, :324e, low freights, nrr(1 32c, north and west. Rolled Oats—g4 for cars of bags and $1.25 for bnr•rels 011 track To - hours, the jury brought in their ver- west. dict—that Catherine Winton had ' is - murdered Mrs. 8080108 by ad tering to her poison! It was then that Mr. Justice Bytes declared his Intention of snak- ing known to the jury and to the public "what sort of person the avenging arm of the law had over- taken. Never had he known a case," COI: NTitY PRODUCE. Butter—Trade continues rather quiet., with receipts light. Creamery, prints .... 22c to 24c do tube 19c to 20c Dairy tubs, good to choice .•., 16e. to 17e he went on, "where guilt had been tlo medium14e to 1',r more clearly proved, and where the do inferior !trades 12e to lac excruciating pain and agony of the victim were watched with so much deliberation by the murderer!" Then, slowly, relentlessly, he un- folded the terrible catulogtc of crimes that she lend committed. In 1854, Wilson had been house- keeper to a 1111111 touted %twee, who had made n w•111 in her favor Ioav- Eggs—The market hoc n firm tone. ing her the whole of Ole little pro* but is quoted unchanged at. 20c ter. pert1' ire possessed. Mayer died slid- 10ned and 21c for fresh. denly and nnyeteriously the following1+o411trv—Turks•}s, 1 2c to 1 5c: Oct ober. t ' e e sr, IOe to 11c: chickens, Sc to In 185(1, the. young man Dixon had (lied nt Mrs. Soames's, 11'ilson, lfle' who nursed him, had stated that h0 1'otatmet—Aro quoted steady. On - trial. After an absence of twenty diel of consumption. The symptoms' tel in Sttlek, floc to .0c on truck minutes, the jury ►returned a verdict 0f Not Guilty. %',ith n little sail° oftriumph; she stepped lightly from the dock; but her exultation was short -liver. Daring the months she had been in prison the police had been put•suing t heir Investigations i'oneerniug her. and had discovered many startling facts. and very quick- ly after she leftthe dock she found herself again surrounded by the of - Dairy 1b. rolls, good to choice 17c to 1Sc do large rolls ,.. Ide to 1 7c do medium 1 Ic to 150 V110040—The mnrket has n firm tone. Quotations for job lots here are stencly nt ile to 11 ;r for largo and 11 ;c to 1 1 4e for twins. were only reconcilable with poison. ! 011(1 7 5( to ROc out of store. En t('rn Four the later cane, the (tenth 75r to fine on track and 90c to 95e' P.1PER 1:1:'1'I'I,1?`;. s of Mrs. Sonnies. 04 r1, cd store. In 1859, Wilson went on a visit I Baled tray—No. 1 timothy is quo - 1'reparntions aro being outdo to Fatalism likes ill lose to n lady named •Jackson, nt Hoe- 041 nt. 87.,-,0 to 58 aid mixed or cloy - army the soldier of the German life.. ton. Mt s. .inckson one day went er nt $6.50 for car Iola on frock army with paper kettles. it is un- !Deity pipes du not enrich the to the bunk, and drew out J: 1'10. hero. (ierstood Olio the new devices are wares of me: the invention of n Japanese. AI - She died four days Inter—without Misled Straw—is quoted in•ltnneed A min may doubt, of poison—and the 1110003' was nt Sr. to �fl 54)though the utensils are trade of r per ton for car lots pliable paper they hold water read -,say' ntueh. not to be found. Wilson) produced A on track here. Ifappiness is promissory note, signed be two per•- iIv. )Sv peering water over them cording to quality; hams, 12c to 1 3c; fresh I.111ed abattoir hogs, 87.- 20 to $7.25; heavy fat hogs, $4.75 to $5; mixed lots, $5 to $5.15; se- lect, 85.25 to $5.35 off cars. Cheese—Ontario fall white, 104e to 101c; colored, 1Oic to 104e; Que- bec, 91c to 10c. Butter—Finest grades, 21c to 21 40; ordinary finest, 20c to 20fc; nredhun grades. 18jc to 194e, and western dairy, 15je to 161c. - the tve,!(I4I1 -hreaLfnst the bride and 1g s—Select new laid, 28c to 24c, bridegroom led the guests to the and straight gathered candled, 20c gai'dc•n at the rear of the bride's to 21c; No. 2, l T;c to 1641 parents' house, where a huge b81- loon was in readiness to make its CA'I'1'Lb; MiAitl E'P. Iflight. The couple, having taken their Seats in the basket -car 11ttnclt- !'urunto, .tan. 10—:� fairly heady ,.(I to the balloon; a white slipper NEWLY MARRIED COUPLES; SHIP'S STRANGE VISITORS STRANGE PLACES FOR SPEND- THEY AILS MANY SPRANG.::• 1NG HONEYMOONS. AND WEIRD TItiNGU. Sonne Young Couples Srend Fir -.t Auiunals and Insects That Are Hours of Bliss in Queer Never Seen by the Places. Passenger. cases freriuently come to light of Many strange null weird things k the extritentinury way in which son!, hetet foreign-1,ounu ships in t newly -married folks spend the initial feria of aniutuls and insc(as tali hours of connubial bliss. arc ear• J,v auspoctc(( oud uevrr s A week or two ago a young couple by the ordinary passenger. were found lying asleep 011 the slope Most people are aware that the of the fortiecutions near the Ver- presence of rats on board ship is in- sedl, rate, Paris. Itnin was falling evitable, whether the vessel be of heavily, ' t the pair were snoring. Wood or iron. 111(1xd, sailors con- Iteside the 1114111, who was in his Sun- sitter them safe shipmates, and sura day best clothes, was a silk h,tt, and signs that the vessel is seaworthy the young woman was dressed in and not in danger of sinking. The whit(, and wore sprigs of orange- sight of ruts (teserliug A ship ie blossoms in her hair. sutllefent to discourage luny sailor The market -gardeners who discus- • front going of board for a trip, but, ored the couple handsel thorn over Ion the other hand, too many rodents to the police, and when taken before on board spoil everything. Numbers the police commllIsaury the mtn1 ex- make thou bold, and. instead of phoned that they had been married staying in the hold where the cargo the previous afternoon, and alar a is sturel, they intrad,• the sailor's e:.,h'tantial wedding -breakfast at n quarters, and even slake their ap- 1 at .Snarl restaurant had startel for pearanc•e in the captain's cabin. tlieir home on the outskirts of the glut rate 441.0 1101. by ally nl0Ans the t•;t y, only st tinge visitors that U uvel in Arriving at the house, the bride- ships without the consent of either 1groont found that he had lost his owner or captain. There are many latchkey, and whilst walking back insects that migrate (tout one quar- to the city they had sat down toe ter of the globe to unotIler biy rest, and, being very tired, ►neons of the vessels ^:hich ply be 11AD FAI.LJ N ASI.EEI'. tween distant ports. Indeed, the only 8 Iety d4tys n go a wedding spread of nearly al) kinds of living tens celebrate,! on the stage in Eng - ships has been dependent on the tend, the ceremony being performed ships of civilized nations. Winged pests and blessings have been steati- te: n local minister during 011 inter- it carried to new countries b this vol in the play, rind iu full view of YY the audience. The couple for whorl menus. Not look• ago it ship from one of the matrimonial knot ons tied were the tropical countries was followed 4r not English, 1uu1 the custonnry by honeymoon ons dispensed with. 'When they should have been sitting hand A SWARM OF HU'rrERF1.JES, in hand on the golden shore they which persistently hovered round the were honeymooning on the stage, re- rigging' of the vessel until the shore hearsing new (dunces and dialogue. was lost in the mists. 'then the in- 'I'here was an extraordinary send- sects illighte.d 01 the masts old off to a newly married couple on the decks. A few desappeiucd in the Continent a month or so ago. After night and were destroyed in the water or reached shore safely. Solno of the others hid away in the cab- ins and hold of the ship. After the trip of some thirty (lays the vessel reached England. and from their hiding -places in the ship a few of these butterflies emerged 811(1 new ashore. Thus an entirely new species of butterfly was intro- duced into England. Cockroaches are too ancient an importation to be worthy of more than a passing no- tice. Efrain -carrying ships are over- run with weevils, and these grubs do an immense amount of harm to tho cargoes. Ships engaged in fruit carrying from warm countries are often visit- ed by a Miscellaneous collection of .� queer creatures. Concealed in tho bunches of bananas there may bo poisonous reptiles and insects that have travelled half round the globe. They may sting or bite the hand of some receiver of fruit, or they rorty be killed before they have inflicted any hare,. Sometimes, however, they escape ashore, and it the new country proves congenial to their growth and i1iplication they may in n very short time establish a progeny that will eventually spread in all directions, POISONOUS SNAKES of the tropics have thus been intro- duced into lands where non0 were ever known to exist before. Moths of a destructive nature constantly go to countries in the fruit ships, and their spread is only a matter of time and opportunity. They aio visitors that cause no trouble to the sailors, who are very often not even aware of their pres- ence on board, but they prove ex- pensive t(► the farmers and inhabi- tants of the brit where they become established. 1':ven flowers and plants from other countries bring with t heir new mi- grants in the shape of hugs, bees, and other insects. Concealed in the blossom or curled -up leaf of the plants. they remain dornlnnt during the long voyage. but when they reach - a land where el' to and surround- ings aro conducive to their propaga- tion and active growth, they come forth to establish themselves in the land of thcir adoption. '!'111/8 from rho West Indies we have brought insects by the hundreds eon- �' coaled in the beautiful lea8ter Lily blossoms. and from all parte of the world strange insects hidden away in the cup -like hl s of orchids, which hunters risked their lives to secure. have leen introduced in our midst to Work destruction or add to our pleasures. Not all sisitors Ire Ionil and yet not. 011 our Incoming ships nre ohnoxi• ons. Some are of distinct value to never gained until our country. and their introduction in this secret way very often works Ire in 8111 than out sawn -sinfully problems of grent public and square up for ('OMfMEItCIA1. VALVE. Aust travellers to 'Delia and thine will remember the revulsion of feel- ing with which they were seised on first detecting a scorpion or 711.lsqui- to in their Soup at lunehe,e(1 of dinner. Some of the liners which are kept const antly for the 11at1•. from Aden to llombny, and 1,teown as the Iced Sea fronts, are meter free from t hese pests. With the tramp ships that visit the South Pacific monkeys iniiat par- rots nre the most. common visitors. It is n very frequent 0ecnrrenee, lif- ter a "trrunp" has not touched at any port fol n week or so, for the Sailors tp find that their (ood 19 con- tinually being stolen. They know at once that. monkeys aro on board. A i vigorous searrh is it xtituted, with the result that. at bet one monkey 18 shot tlyaflerwnr'hl f1►•• -: n Theee sometimes half -n r10r(•n rail- comemale resist capture st firs!, lett 8000 accept the inns Oahe., am; to,„ come in n very short time great churns with the sailors. 1W hen Eng- land is renched .tack takee them 'shore and disposes ,'f thorn for ready cash to (ealerF in the ne1Rh- horhood of the docks. Many 0f the parrots brought to that country have been visitors en "t rennp'• bunts.—Louden Tit -Bite. run of stock was offering at the Weis tical to the car with silk ribbon, Western Cattle Market, this morn- 811+1 the ropes cut. As the balloon ing, but the demand was fairly ac- drifted away the bridegroom threw live and prices were maintained at large quantities of confetti from the about the old level. ear, and the effect was charming in Export Cattle—'(rade was quiet. the extreme. The trip lasted about there being few cattle on the marl. t. thirty hours. Prices are lower at Chicago, 4111`1 00 five or sfx occasions in Europe considerable purchases are being and America, lion-tanols have (tern made there by local shippers. Ore or married in the rages which their two loads were sulci Here to -day, )nit trained animals perform. The eer(- they were generally of poor to me- dium quality. Quotations are un_ tunny has been conducted from the changed. Choice are quoted at $•l.- °"t side of the rage, nobody being :1U to 85, good to medium at x4,2:,.found with sufficient courage to to $4.50, good cotta at 83.25 to $4. 'make n trio ins'de the burs. Butcher Cattle—There was a fairly AMONG LIONS. heavy run of Moderately good cattle .lust (18 the marriages have been for which there was some demand. celebrated among wild animals, so The heavy run imparted a slightly have the honeymoons, in it way, for ea-sier tone to prices, but not sutli- on nearly every occasion the lion- ciently as to in any way change the tamer has continued his perfornn- cptot1tions. There were few gcw(l'anc(•4. 1411(1 011 more than 000 00 - tie ollering, 1nde•ri the best o►1 casion the bride has entered the the Market brought about 84.25, ul-!cage a8 well for several days after though really good cattle are nom -'the wedging, sit as to attract crowds Malty quotable up to $4.50. 'Jho to the shote. - range of quotations is unchanged. Many years ago, when officers in Good to choice butchers' are quoted his Majesty's Navy had more Intl - at 84 to $4.50, fair to good at, $:3. tulle, it was not an infrequent oc- 50 to 84, mixed lots, nlediune, at $3 to $3.50; (emitter' at $1.75 to $2.50, cows at $3 to $3.40, and bulls at $2 to $2.75. cur'e„•e for the captain of n ship to marry anti sail away on his ship the smuts day 10 spend the honeymoon. Stockern and Fetelers—Trade is a Tho regulations respecting the pre - little quiet, although 801110 cattle s(•nce of la(1108 on warships is much soli about steady with quotations. more stringent noes, how•eser. and it Feeders are quoted at 52.50 to $3.- wax in consequence of this that the ere and stockers at $1.50 to 8:3.40, newspapers devoted n greet deal of Milch Coes—:1 fair 1.er were space recently to the marriage of a offering and the range of prices is Young nasal 0fincer, who was married unchanged at 8:30 to $6O each. at one of the naval ports in Eng- Calves—A good number were offer- /and. and obtained permission to take his bride on the voyage he had to make in n warship. 1n largo gar rieon towns It often happens that 8 soldier marries the tiny before his regiment depart s for a foreign station, and the honey- moon is spent 0n board a troopship if the patient stealer has obtained permission to marry, so that his wife can be placed "on the stren_th." ir(g. but trade was steady, and quo- tations are firm in tone at arc to 540 per lir. and 82 to Sin each. Sheep and Lambs—Despite n fairly heavy run, the market hal 0 firm 1011e 01111 trade was ie•tive. Export sheep are quoted unehaige•(1 nt 53 eo 81.50; culls are firm at $2.50 til 8:1.50, and lambs are nteIYly at $5.- 25 to 86. llogs—'rhe market i8 fairly steady, and Is quoted unchnnees1 n1 84.80 for selects ail $4.55 for lights and fate. SEN'I'I':N('t' SERMONS. Opposition cures apathy. Faith creates the future. out of they can be hung over the lint with- it is given. firers of the law. sons nt Boston, for the lost Inll:ley. NIONTItleAte MiARKi7TS, luny would rather "1 arrest you, Catherine Wilson, I The si *salutes, it was proved, were out burning for a length 01 tlmo� b 1nulficient to boil the water. One ket-' 0ut of sty11. ml Suspicion of your having murder- forgeries! \tontrenl, .inn. 10.--{.rein—i.ittl0Preying lips cannot ed Mrs. ,Win Atkinson, of Kirkby 111 October, 1860. Mrs. Atkinsme or no 05pn1•1 business In tvhent, as t1e can be so used about eightI tr'lny• 11 i s l.onsdah', Westmorland. by poison,' of Kirby Lonadnle, Westmorland. shippers clean that the bids they aro tunes, and the cost is only two 1 f• • in Oct tater, 1860!" sni(1 the (•lief , came to visil waste' at Kennington, 'getting from the other gide are nwav cents. The ch1ef edvell1Atm in favor Manufacturing sorrow is one of the detective 1811(1 diel n few11(1'ks later, and a out of line. 'There was no chnngo in of the unique reeptael4 is that they wen at of Si"' And the newly released eonside•able sum of money she had the market for tette on spot, the d(- are much lighter to curry that! any- A (lenity longue seldom has n prisonerI thing else yet devised. chance to get. rusty. + Von contra do (nod's work and DECLINE 1N WIi1:A1' CiROP. walk your own way. once route Grund herself in durance, i brought with her, r,ettn up in the mated Nene s slew 1 ew nrsl prices un The invest ignt ion let Mrs. Atkin- , corner of her stnys, was missing. (hanged nt :341Je for No. 2 white and 80','s death extended over several! In 1861, a man named Tae lor,'at 381e for No. 3 per bushel, ex I 1'hnrac•ter is the only cosh t hat weeks, and (luring that time the 1111001 Wilmer visited, was seised with store. A preliminary statement compiled is current in heaven. • police becnme nesunint ee 111114 a all the usual symptuuls following Flourseetnnilohn spring wheat pat- by the iloa•d of Agriculture shows Nature y snake some fools, but good deal more of Catherine Wilson's , the ndsinislrat ion of !Wilson's fav- eats, $5.60; shone (takers', $5.30; that there Inn decline in the Itritish all the, fops make themiselves. career. There stere sinister rumors (trite poison. Fortunately, through winterwhcnt potents, $570 to $5.- wheat acreage from 1.581.587 ncrcv 'Throwing millstones at men is not. about her connection with a Mrs, nccidemtal circumstances, the at- 8o; et sait:ht rollers, en to $5.- in 1908 to 1,875,281 in 194)4. This giving them flour. 1 tempt failed!. Lastly came the al- , the same thingns g !maner+, n widow, who tine need in p 411. nett in hied. x2..,11 f0 52.6n, is little more than a third of the Bedford Square, London, and wills legal attempt eon Mrs. Cornell. 1'4'0'I—Minna at I,rnn, in !sire, $17 acreage under wheat. in 18641. The /114111 who has no mind of his had died un.!er Strange circum-� Catherine Wilson listened to the , own often has most of it to give i to $1A: shorts. R20 trey ton: Ontario atvn etnfees. natml (history of her crimes unmoved. Y• winter vh,•n( bran, In hulk, tt17 In It is n good deal easier to Con - Arc one 01 the deleel ites expressed iter fico tris perfectly calm. Whe 1 SCII001. FOit f'AititOTS. it nitro the trial in conversation K p ) ounlncel ft1R; p►,nrft, Ref) to $'111: m,eenille, the jud a fiiishcvl, aptt a denun n new idea than It is to c4nt- with one of the counsel: the awful tworrls which comlemne1 $21 to R24 nor ton, ns to Minnie/. A school for parrots has been op- prolene! It. '•'rine woman sc'evmeel to have left her to the fate which she so well 1f• nl--'11e.•r,• tenet no clinker in the 0110(1 In 1'hiln((clphin. ;reins a Tho ftreal t coward i8 the ono a frail of Sudden nntl sUnnge deaths merited, She Lowest, turner, awlIn irk t 1. r e ell,•,1 Oats noel busineee (lime's school, th•• professor being a who Is errand of being charge(( with he i,fdd her twh,'re er she hail bee n!'• I wnik('rt firmly from the dock, 1''r'1' ' s e 1 i t at 52 07! I n $1.12; Indy, and the birds are taught to tear. `;o terrible were Ib', facts they dis-! She made no confession, an(( wvue) I''' t,a.- r•,,;•,e• rel was eerie, and speak by n phonograph repeating The church service that does not covered that the authorities resoly- to the gallows as (111111 and --elf- ` ' ' `t4" el i' Per has the same words mid phrases for stretch out on to the street ung c81 to charge her with the death of ` poss(sse(I as set. bed beet: tt,r, r,eh- I: 1-l ``•' '" se :'t' No. 2, hours till they pick them up, cotes the devil. Mts Sonnm•s. as well as with that out.—en? IAoe'.1% , , . - - e1 e re v,.l. g7 to ---�.__ Many a inan thinks h0 is getting of Nra. AtkinQcrn. ! ee e',e pe ., 1' ,' :' reer, $r, -.n to Ste- Hotel Proprietor—"What'd that corner lot in glory when he puts a I __.♦_.. _ s^e• 1 i'4 ' r '"t`, you have there?" (Best—"That's a dime in the collection that he 11. 1'nt herr---'' Ate! e 'n' 1'1 tion, - 1'•• '‘ I . 11, .. ‘ t 7' ,fl::'ii;lrl short Inane. It tinny aaVe my life in C tae couldn't pass on the Street Car. It was nt ('hrisnlns. 1555, some ry el r. tir•.wn, +r-. .1. • it ell. new, :re' 1e.,' 1•;.,'i-'1., 517.',41: ileht the hotel calehee fire in the night." ---�— years before. that Catherine 11i1/(rn (!u you Genii 1 - , le e,1ir s, holt c••t J', a `'1'. 1m•tlenh Proprietor—••11'tn! Very con(( 1((e41: "Mr. Smith had a hard time to Aar) Male 10 lodge at Ile s Snnnlex s d'lst i , 1'. h'. 1!.'- . ' ' ('.nnehter c1. or f. t ,. r r•l but 1 think guest. who cnrry around get hie daughters off his hands." house in Redbird Stn e. 11rr ill, 1rt1:1. h•' (el:,,( r•.•,:r1r• I,„r•-• n„_);' 1 ' , , 4'808x's had better ray in nil- "fent, and 1 hear he has •lnuating nlainel, (prickly 5eire•t for n north 1 ” 7;v: ,.i• , •,,.;s!'' 1 tc, E@@p their husbands on (heir feet.”