Exeter Advocate, 1905-01-12, Page 5THE
Oxetex abuorate,
published every Thursday Morning at the Office.
—By the
jrOne Dollar per annum if paid in advance, 11111.80// it nut so paid.
aAiasttalag 'sato. ora SyPlic�-
No paper discontinued until all arrearage Are paid
Advertisements without specified slarections will Le i
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal di*.bunt made for trailslent advertisements .
Inserted for long periods. Eteq 1eaeription ol_JUIt
PRINTING turned out in flie finest style, ITN at
moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, A.•., for
advertising, sulscriptions, et.•., to be wade payable
Sanders & Creech,
mutqu i:701;s
Pretessleaal cards.
Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College; Ilan-
orsry Fellow in Ontario Veterinary Association. All
diseases of domestic animals scientifically treated.
Milk lever treated by the latest oxygen treatment.
OFFICE: One door south of Town Hall.
RESIDENCE: Second house north of Presbyterian
ithDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S.,
Honor graduate of Toronto Uuhleristy.
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
Otfiee in Fanson's Block, west side Main street,
Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also I'ost
Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery
(with honorable anention.)
Alluminuua, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the
neatest manner possible. A perfectly harniless an•
aesthetic used for painless extra. -tion of teeth.
Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
t College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Dash-
wood, Ont.
BROWN, Winchelsea. Lieeued Auctioneer
H s for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.
also for the township of Uelorne. Sales promptly
attended to and tenni reasonable. Sales arranged
at Post Office Winchelsea.
That Have to be Sold.
We have in stock THREE PIANOS
which have been in use for a ahoy t
time only, and wanting to make room
for new goods, we are going to sell
these Pianos at a price that they will
have to go.
Intending purchasers would do well
to call and inspect these bargains be-
fore buying.
Violins and Violin Sund-
ries Always in Stock.
Headquarters flit Stationery.
on Hand.
at Exeter and Centralia.
The Beat Cement in Can-
ada—National Brand.
prices low enough to suit everybody.
Jos. Cobbledick
Mooney's Crackers are as
easy to digest as pure milk,
and as nutritious as home-
made bread. Let the bide
folk's supper be
Cream Sodas
and see how sound they sleep
and how plump and rosy
they grow.
Air -tight
packages b
them to your
table as crisp
and inviting
as f fresh
frena the
Ai yam
/ um
Windsor. Ont., Jan. 11.—Fire d-•-
stroye:I the hardware store of James
Nelson & Bros., on Sandwich street
west. It started in the cellar about
11.15. The \I'alkerville tire brigade
was called. and the Detroit fire tug ar-
rived at 11.55. The building co stained
paints, oils and powder. whicburn-
ed fiercely. The building and business
are owned by the estate of James
Nelson, who died here two we ks fig••.
The loss on the building will be $18,1X:0,
and on stock $35,000. Insurance will
cover the loss,
It's the best.
—TII E--
Iticrcpagis Bad of 0a118118
capital Paid Up - 6,000,000
Rest & Undivided Profits 3.218,959
interest at unn,t favorable current rates from date
deposited allowed o. Sating, Bank accounts and De.
posit Receipts.
Commercial Letters of Crwilt issued, available Ir
China, Japan sad other foreign countries.
Teaselling Letters of Credit issue) to traveller. lb
all parts of the world,
A general Ranking Amines" lran,aeted.
THo» FYSIIE, OxxaaAL lI ncaOaa.
r IIEBUEN, Sen or i:r.A.euas s C uiar Iaaracrt a
W. S. CHISHOL.M, Manager.
Always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color ft used
10 have. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all
dandruff disappears. An elegant dressing. "Peer Ana.~' , ri' •b
Gregg Shorthand.
Shorthand, like all other inventions and di.,-overies,
is continually improving.
The latest, fastest to write and most easily transcribed
system is the Gregg-- over 400 lcatlin:, bu'ir.e.s schools
have adopted this system and discarded the older ones.
The Forest City Rosiness and Shorthand College
teachts Gregg Shorthand and 'Touch Typewriting. And
every otjler department is up to the sank high standard
of efficiency.
Students may enter any time dur ing term. Booklet free.
.,FJr4%: e,
J. W. Westervelt, Principal, Y.M.C.A. Building, London.
Brumfield Around About is
Parkhill: Miss McKenzie, daughter
It • of W. R. McKenzie, of East Williams,
wits married on Monday, Dec. 211, to
11 1 Mr. Miller, of Cleveland. The cere-
mony was performed at the tuanse
til here by Rev, Mr. Gra hall'.
s Nairn: The death occurred on Sun -
I DK.uTH.—Our t illitge: lel C0111 ival1111
WAS satlde11e4 uu N'tditestlay when i
11, 0,11110 known that Miss Lillie (Lunt
hell, second daughter of Mr. 1)anit
Campbell had leen called away to in'
Ole celrsti+ 1 c aa'ie al oee. I)ec•easevl
who had re c:►ed the age of 19 year
mid 5 wont lis, was stricken a fete day
pie•viou•. to her death with a so -veer at-
tack of inflammation of the bowels.
Her paIrlils, si.tel anti kind friends
hovered around her bed and ad iii in is
►geed to her every wish,and for a 11111
it was 1 h•'urht she would recover hu
early 'fiftieth), et ening a change cant
of el her and it, was at mice seen tha
her hours011e:1t011 were numbered ant
at 9..'e o k the pit n.t 1 fe way ('o
:hart, She WAS It member of the Pres
1y1ert:ul choir and by her pine life,
kind dish.o.itiuu and winning ways.
-he formed the acquaintance of a num-
ber r f friends, who to clay are mourn-
ing her departure. She will be pau•tic-
Wally missed in his home where she
was always a dutiful daughter and a
tering sister. To the bereaved pus
ent8, brothers and sister we extend out
deepest sympathy.
News of the Week. •
I1. P. (i nsly, who represented East
fork in ttie first Ontario Legislature.
is dead.
Torte) to Juno ' ratepayers gave n
to • jori t v of :- X) in favor of annexation
to the city.
Miss Kate Brislev, T-tronto, stran-
gled herself to death while despondeut
through illness.
It is reported that Jap iii las scut an
ultimatum to Chili, threatening to
bombard hrr• ports should the propos-
ed sale of Chilean warships to Russia
b. effected.
Isnaperor 11'illia111 has conferred on
(h neral Stoessel and Geiseraal N••gi 1 ha
close of "Pour Le Merits•," in rec'•gni-
tion of the 111•11v00y of themselves acid
their troops at Pott Action..
!> apIC Sprsad of Plants.
It Is marvelous how rapidly some
plants will spread themselves over
wide stretches of land. The writer
was struck with the way in which the
yellow ebarlock took possession of the
line when the Meon Valle v railway
was being made. The very next spring
after the embankments were thrown
up their sides were clothed with this
rampant and conspicuous cructfier. A
line of yellow across the country mark-
ed In Many places the course of the
railway. Poppies, too, for some un-
known reason, will occ:Atonally appear
in strange and wonderful profusion.
The striking instance related by Lord
Macaulay may be quoted by way of
Illustration. After the battle of Lea-
den the ground, h. tells us, "during
many months was strewn with skulls
and bones of men and horses and with
fragments of hats and shoes, saddles
and bolsters. The next summer the
soil, fertilized by 20,000 corpses, broke
forth into millions of poppies. The
traveler who, on the road from St.
Tron to Tirlemont, saw that vast sheet
of rich scarlet spreading from Lander,
to Neerwinder could hardly help fancy-
ing that the figurative gftiction of the
Hebrew prophet was literally accom-
plished—thrt the earth was disclosing
her blood and refusing to cover the
A !n'11 Nab,.
The Zuni child spends hlntaarly days
In a cradle. But a cradle in Zuniland
does not mean down pillows, silken
coverlets and fluffy Inces; It is only a
flat board, just the length of the baby,
with a hood Ilke a doll's buggy top
over the head. L'pon this hard bed
the baby 1s bound like a mummy, the
coverings wound round and round him
until the little fellow cannot move ex-
cept to open his mouth and eyes. Some-
times he Is unrolled and looks out Into
the bare whitewashed roots, blinks at
the fire burning on the hearth and Axes
his eyes earnestly on the wolf and cou-
gar skins that serve as chairs and beds
and carpets in the Zuni hone. By the
time he is two or three years old he has
grown Into a plump little bronze crea-
ture, with the straightest of coarse
black hair and the biggest and round-
est of black eyes. Ifs Is now out of
the cradle and trots about the house
and the village. When the weather is
bad he wears a small coarse shirt and
always a necklace of beads or tur-
quoise.—St. Nicholas.
♦ Thousand Ways sf Lyle..
There are a thousand ways of lying,
but ■11 lead to the same end. it does
not matter whether you wear lies, tell
lies, act Iles or live Iles, your character
is ruined all the same.
There is no more demoralizing in-
fluence in modern life than the unnat-
ural straining to seem other than we
are. Nothing else so quickly lowers
Self respect, takes the fine edge off
honor and blunts tae conscience as the
sense of being a sham, a glided fraud
or an unreality. It cheapens stand-
ards, lowers Ideals, saps ambition
and takes the spring and Joy out of
living. No man can make the most
and the best of himself until he Is ab-
solutely behest with bis own soul and
unfalteringly tfue to his highest
ideals, and this Is Impossible while be
1. living a lie.—Success.
Tho lleertsb Woman at pleas..
When not Axed up for visitors the
Moorish woman Is always en disha-
bille, lounging about all day In a loose
cotton or muslin nightgown, rose or
yellow being her favorite shade, her
bar. feet thrust Into slippers very
mu( h down at the heel and a Cower
erne k ir1 her wisp of uncombed hair,
wll h. from a continual use of henna
dye, 1, apt to break out in patches of
yellow, grceu or gray. Ilairbrushes
are unknowis, a very coarse comb
atone le.ng used, which may account
for the fact that the hair Is never
gl,•ssv or well kept. She has a de•
vowing passion for paints, powders
anti perfumes, attar of roses and san-
deI••a Al being In special demand.—
day of David Sutherland, an old resi-
dent of this place atthe age of 133. De-
ce:tst'J was seized with a stroke of pa-
ralysis while attending the annual
school Ineeting and never rallied,
Grey: Tho home of Mr. and Mrs. .1.
K. Baker, was the scene of a harpy
event on Wednesday, Dec. 28, when
their eldest daughter, Irene, became
the bride of Luke Speiran, a prosper-
ous young farmer of the sauce town-
Fullarton: The horse of Mr. and
Mrs. Lionel Turner was the scene of a
very pretty wedding on Dec. 21, when
their youngest daughter, Mary A. C..
was married to Geo. S. Baker, of Ful-
Ltrton. The ceremony was performed
'1y the Rev. Mr. Knowles,
Blansbard: On Wednesday, Dec. 28.
a pretty home wedding took place at
.,Hill Farm," river road, at the resi-
dence of the bride's father, Henry- At-
kinson, when his daughter, Miss Fran-
cis Adeline, was united in marriage to
Robert Lytle, of Tralee, the Rev. T.
Manning officiating.
Ailea Craig: Kenneth Rose, of East
1Villiame, for au unprovoked assault
and battery committed upon Jno. Levi
on Saturday was on Tuesday, at the
town hall, fined $20 and $3.75 consta-
bles costs by P.M. Smith, and bound
over in 5200 to keep the peace, for the
ensuing twelve months.
Clinton. The members of Loyalty
Council R.T. of T., recently tendered
a reception to Mr. and Mrs. William
Townsend, two valued members of the
council, whose marriage took place a
Month ago. During the evening
they were presented with an ad-
dress and ►t handsome silver tea ser-
See that the
Is on Both Bottle
And Wrapper.
Paine's Celery Compound is the won-
der of the age; its marvellous virtues
astonish physicians; its cures are talk-
ed of in tens of thousands of homes.
As a health giver in the winter sea-
son, Paine's Celery ce2mpotind has no
equal in the world; 1t sttids far attend
of tall other medicina s.
If you are a victim of rheumatism,
neuralgia. nervousness, sleeplessness,
liver troubles or dyspepsitt and have
failed with other medlein.•s, we ask
you to give Paine's Celery Compound
a trial this month. One bottle will
surety convince you of its mighty heal-
'. powers. Ask your druggist for
.rte's Celery Compound. .See that
ne name PAINE:S is on bottle and
w'ra ppei : other celery medicines are
fraud -I. Never be induced to take the
something just as good, that 801110
dealers would offer you.
Makes Sick
People Well.
Two flues in the huteware store of
Gauthier ah Company, al. Woodstock,
did $10,000 damage this morning. At
•lite tinge it th11811ened to spread to
other 1111,111088 placers.
Sir Wilfred Laurier has definitely
informed Senator Fairbanks that it is
useless to hope for the reassembling of
the Joint High Coniiniseion to discuss
reciprocity at this time.
Forecasts of losses and gains by Lib-
erals and Conservatives Indicate a
keen struggle in many constituencies
in Ontario.
Port Colborne is unnble to ge'tran-
:I daces to 1111 the elective municipal
The libel action of Hon. F. R. Lnteh-
ford against The Ottawa Free Press
W05 withdrawn at the Ottawa Assizes.
The Boston Chamber of ('onuIIerc•e
has passed at resolution favoring reci-
proeily with Canada.
1 huts far placing electrical power in
the Sarnia Tunnel have been submit-
ted to the Grand Trunk Railway.
Red Rose
Because it is tested lsy skilled tea tasters.
Tea tasting can well be called one of the fine arts.
A man who can taste several hundred cups of tea a day,
and, by his keen senses, detect the slightest difference
between them, and who, blindfolded, can tell where
each and every tea was grown, not only the country,
but the particular district, and often the very plantation
—such a man is the professional tea taster.
The head man in my tea room, Mr. W. R. Miles,
is a master in his profession. He learned the business
in Loudon, Eng., and is a tea taster by right of birth, as
both his Father and Grandfather were tea tasters. It
came natural to hits and he is recognized as one of the
best judges of tea in America.
He and his assistants do nothing but taste the teas,
and superintend the blending.
RED ROSE TEA is the result.
T. ti. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B.
Twenty members of the Metropolit-
an Opera Company in New York wale
injured by the collapse of a bridge in
a street scene.
Blyth: On Wednesday the home of
Mr. and Mrs. NV. J. Newcombe was
the scene of a happy and pleasing
event, when, in the presence of about
(10 guests, aha 1- daughter. Bertha J.,
was united in marritage to II. D. Morris
an employee of the G.T.R. The cere-
mony was performed by the Itev. J.
Blanshar'd; An exceedingly pretty
wedding took place at the horse a.f
M►•. and 111x. George Hudson,
of the Baso Line, on Wednesday, Dec.
28. when their youngest d;lighter,
Mabel Catharine, was united in mat
tinge to J. Wilbert JohlSton. Tho
ceremony was perforated by the Rev.
C.C. Cousins. Of Woodham.
Ailsa Craig: Duncan Gray, lvlio hat
conducted a grocery business here for• n
number of years (for the past three in
e.impany with II. McKichan) has dis
posed of his share in the business toNV.E. Clothier•, publisher of the Ban
ner, who will conduct the busine-s
with Ml'. McKichnn under the firm
name of McKichan & Clothier.
Goderich: On Sunday Mrs. John
Brophey passed away tit, her home,
death being the rest a of a stroke of
paralysis received the•uevious Friday.
Deceased hail suffered from 'imitate.
ti81t1 for vca•8lut 11101 nut been con-
fined to Ind only a few days. owing to
a fall which she received, hurting her
spine and resulting in the stroke.
Parkhill: On Wedne day evening as
pretty and interest ing event took place
at "Fairholnse" the beautiful residence
of Mr. and yrs. John Wooley, Ennis-
killen, the eccaasion being the marriage
of their daughters, Tillie and Susie E..
to Geo. Nicholson, of Parkhill, and
Herbert C. Dyke. of Enniskillen, re-
spectively. Rev. R. 1). Hamilton offi-
Syl jen: David Patton and Fred
13rewer were working together in the
bush on Siturdaty when the latter de-
ceived a severe inJ11IV. it npp••at8
Unit they were splitting wood and D. •
yid was wedding till' axe when lied.
unthinkinglyy laid his hand on the
stick and the axe carne down on it
lengthwise, full force. it required sev-
eral stitches to close the wound.
St. Marys: Mrs. Heald died sudden-
ly of heart failure at her home �Ved-
nesday, Jan. 4. She had been in pour
health for scone months but her death
was unexpected. Her husband pre-
deceased her someears at Winnipeg.
Mhe, with ber two daughters. who sur-
vive, moved here from Toronto nlout
four years ago. Her retrains were tae -
ken to Toronto for interment.
Hallett: "Medow Lee" the homy of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hriekenden,con.
2, wn9 the tiCe01' of n very Isitppy event
on Wednesday Dec. 2S, when their
youngest daughter. Minnie. was unit-
ed in marriage to 1V. A. hale•, 1e pros-
pemus farmer of the same ('oneession.
The ceremony rens pet formed by Rev,
Dr. Cook. Miss M. Matheson and Jnhtl
Dale supported the happy couple.
Might Rev. Datil Williams was c '►1
secreted Bishop of Huron by AreLs
bishop 130114 at London.
Busineosass Ac-
Each pupil is given in-
dividual instruction.
The Shorthand System
taught is that used by all
newspaper and court re-
Best systems of Book•
keeping, Penmanship, Arith-
metic, etc., thoroughly
Situations guaranteed
to every Graduate.
Wm. C. C o o,
I IO'.Yus C.S.Fi
Off" iClAt�v2T_TIftQ NGPq�
�S 6rtAvr+E�+
Newspaper Clubbing Rales.
The ADt'oeATE will be clubbed willi
the following palpers at the price set
Advocate and 51ai1 & Empire SI 73
Advocate and Globe 1 (15
Advocate and Fa mile Herald 81)
Advocate 1111(1 Free )'rest'. .... 1 *e
Advucaale a 11d Advertiser..... 1 00
ltd (('011 tt' and Wit twos 1 65
Advocate and Weekly Sin 1 130
Advocate end FaI-,nears Advocafe.'l 30
Advocate and Deily News 1 110
Advocate and Daily Advertiser .. 2 33
/Advocate and Uaily Stair, Toronto. 1 85
Subsc►-iptions for all foreign pal et
Diktat at this office at t'vduced rates.
1Ve specially reeonunend our readers
to sill,scrila• to the Pelmets Advocate
and Home SL[gazine.
wO 3.0NO11/NONOQCOOace!!6)
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill.
London's Big Fur Sale.
Ladies' Astrachan, Bokharen, Russian Lamb and
Electric Seal Jackets
Men's Bro ; Imitation } Buffalo, Black Dog, Russ-
ian Calf and Silver Wombat Coats
Ladies' Fur Ruffs, Caperines, Gauntlets & Stoles.
Children's Grey Lamb Caps and Gauntlets.
This will he one of the biggest fur sales that London has ever
known, as our stock has to hie i' diced by Feb 1st. '\'(Ill Will be
more than repaid if you come to London arta_) see for y(mrselves.
Spittal, Sabine & Co., 152 Dundas St., London