HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1905-01-05, Page 7• -
r — —
Seidler's Outfit Taken to Eng- , While Submerged the Occupants .1;:.As.x.i.o....
land in Behalf of Red Cross Suffer no Physical In- MAN CURED LY
Society. convenience.
Miss 11cCaul, elo saw much )f; The subinivine is not beautiful, and
O British soldier on service in is e..en more intricate in its vitals
uth Attica, and of the working of than the torpedo boat, which till ro-
medical department of the Brit- cooly was the salealteet natal unit.
nay, was recently commissioned but when one watehes a submarine
tUe Queen to go to Japan to in- going through its i aces one forgets
Giroux, Man., Jan. 2.--(SPecial)—
II" the wurlatig tit the Jap- the mochunisto which has made "is Mr. Philias Normandeau. a well -
e. eec lied Cross Society. According oeietetme
Possible- (inc reallies °It'Y known resident of this place, is one
to the British Medical J ournal, she wi. _
that here are ce doeen men cheerfully : 0.
I thousands of Manitobanm
s %te
brought back th her to England risin
the complete outfit of a soldier A their lives in order that the have found relief from the pains itml
the Javanese Imperial Guard, which
91 merits of the newest engine of war aches of Kidney Disease in Dodd s
was presented to her by Genmay eral Ter- be thoroughly proved. 'the Kidney Pills. Mr. Norinandeau is al-
auchi, the Minister of War, together crews of the submarines would be the ways ready to say a good word for
with temples of the food supplied to last Ivo, le in the world to admit the remedy that brought back his
the soldier on active service. that there is anything of the "thin be„ith.
1' les° t arioise ar ie. es. which. i -cid 'ero:' a'miit them. The commeti- "'Yes, I can tell you Dodds Hid -
tion torsertice in the boats 19 CX- nee. Pills made a cure of me, he
been inspected by the King, who has
expressed great interest in the many traorclinarily keen, and the crews aro, says, "I had Kidney Disease for
ingenious deviees they present, „At therefore, all eic ed BIM. The spirit three years. At. times I got so ond
shortly be exhibited at the Royal of adventure, wlich has been among I could hardly attend to my eorle.
United Service Institution, White- the greatest assets of our navy for I took just five boxes of Domi's testi-
hall. They are worthy of the most centuries past, luxe not been found ney Pills and my pains and aches
careful study by all military officers wanting in this its latest develop -1 are all gorse and I can work es well
and afford a striking example of the mcnt. as anybody. 'I'I, anybody who has
care and strong common sense with , The submarines of the latest type, trouble with their Kidneys all I. can
which the health and comfort of the of which the unfortunate Al was the say is 'use Doeld's Kidney Pills.' "
soldier are considered by those re- first, have only recently been deliver- Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure
sponsible for his outfit and the min- ed by the contractors, and during the sick Kidneys. With well Kidnee-s
uto attention to detail which is late mn000uvros wore still on their You can't have Bright's Disease,
characteristic of the Japanese army. Wats. Consequently they did not on Diabetes, Dropsy. Rheumatism or
1 THE COMPLETE OUTFIT i any occasion go ferther toward t le
-. comprises both winter and summer i open sea than the Dale Rends, a mu -
t uniforms anti underclothing, over -10e of miles from the mouth of Mil -
coats, puttees and boots, gloves and ford Haven, where they were daily at
hoods. knapsack, haversack, water practice, returning at dusk to their
He Echoes a. Stet 'meat lilacie by
thousanos—ot the .ceople of tue
any of those other fearful and Will
diseases that spring from sick Mil-
At night they wear dark clothes and
black their facag, SO t hat they may
Unless the soap you
use has this brand you
are not getting the best
ask for the octagon Ear. fa
it butcher narrated the other day a
story illustrative of the intelligence
of dogs.
"A patron of mine," he said, "had
a collie that came to rue ono morn-
ing with a slip of paper in his
" 'Hattori, doggie!' said I, and the
enilto eagged his tail and dropped
the paper on the floor at my feet. I
opened it. It was a signed order
from his master for a piece of saus-
age. I gave the sausage. Ho
ate it and went home.
; "Time after time the collie came
I with these orders to me, and finally
I stop:vet reading them. Each, I
preienneil, was for a sausage, and
each procured a sausage. I suppose.
all told, the dog got as many as
twenty pounds of sausages from me
I the master, when I presented
my hill, kicked. Ile said he had only
given the dog about a dozen orders,
whet eas I must have honored nearly
hu d ed
bottle, mess tin and canteen, a grass, mother ship, the torpedo gunboat
not be a mark for roiing search- 1 elven, the upshot was that the
. two of us got, together and did a lit-
tle detective work. Wo watched the
dog. And do you know what we
found? trhy, we found that this
cunning dog, whenever a sausage
hunger seieed himwould grab up A
piece of uhite paper—any piece he
could lintl—and bring it to me.
"I had ileen careless. you see, nev-
er looking at the paper, and through
my carelessness the collie had fooled
me for two months."
woven case to contain the ration of Thames, at Penbro e
lights such as guard our harbors and
lee; blanket, portable tent. mosqui-j TILE FIRST LYPRIISSION the harbors of foreign sorts; they art
to net for the head, housewife., ban -1 that an A boat cruising up and down easity able to escape detection by
dage wrapper, and itientitecation the Ha‘ea made upon the mind was dt,ing.
label. There is even a tin box con- , 4,,
tabling creosote pills, which each, ...a.4
one had seen a sea -serpent. At
a distance of half a mile or so the
soldier must carry and is expected
;slight disturbance. of the water which
to take ae a prophylactic against
dysentery. laaubmarine of this type causes, the
Ono notable feature of all the dimly visible turret and the conspicu-
clothing is that it is apparently lous, white exhaust pipe, whieh forms
made of the best material. The ma- Ito arc abwe the submerged stern, all
terial for winter clothing appears to I combine to give the imagination rein.
be all wool, and in color and ,Perhaps the main %%due of the sub -
warmth reminds one of the brownish marine, as far as our experience has
Jaeger clothing. !gone, is its moral value. A bloc -
In the neat blue parade uniform, 'ing fleet or any port within striking undrum each trip. It always corn -
jacket or tunic, plain fiat brass but- distills 0 of a fort 'mown to possess 'mewed and ended the same.
tonn are used, but in the working ' submarines among its weapons of Nfoving his hand along the side
kit buttons are done away with as ofience and defence must normaPY be of the pilot -house, and examining
far as possible, fastenings being in in a "jumpy" condition. 1,1ten the the woodwork minutely, lie would
nearly all instances carried out by steady nerves with which all our na- look up mysteriously and remark:—
means of flat hooks and es es. The val commanders are crelited are not "I say, stranger, do you know
Buettner jacket and trousers are of , proof against this Insidious and what this boat is made of?"
khaki drill, the jacket is PerfeetlY mysterious weapon. So it keeps all "Stade of? Why, pine and oak,
\ plain and there are no buttons
, '11 Vmsels oeen to submarine attack al- isn't shee"
any of the garments. A strip of ways on the qui vive, and the best "No, sir."
ehite linen is issued to wind round' Protection against disaster for a "1 fernlock?"
the nee* as a collar inside the tunic. bleeiarling force is constant move- "No."
' A mosquito net, "helmet," or head ' mentwidth weakens its efficiency bet " "'isn't cedar, is it?"
covering, in addition to Its value as Fare Ing its coal endurance. Of the "Oli, no!"
a preventive of malaria, is a great
Holland hoets it is not necessary to And then the old pflors eyes
comfort in summer, when there are
many flies. That issued to the Jap-
, say anything; they aro good of their twinkled end his mouth whistled a
aneso soldier is made ogreen net - kind' but they have already been sii- crave, tune.
f 1
ting, stretched on two circles of cane perseded by the A type. whose super- "Well—iron, perhaps?"
so as to make a long drum with onetw - -
i itv in Con-truction Is credited to "N.o "
' . -
end B ,
knocked out, into which Captain
acon. three of them, be eighat in thunder is she
sides the ill-fated Al, are now cone
tnissioned, and the future of the sub -
The two rings of cane are kept apart marine, as far as the British navy
by a wire spring, which allows the is concerned, will largely depend up -
drum to be flattened and buttoned ,
1 on tho results of the exhaustive ex-
• down for carriage. periments now being carried out. If
The winter tunic and trousers are a big vessel has to "find herself" be-
-, made plain, like the khaki suit, but.
are of good woollen cloth.
; fore her captain one crew have be-
I come accustonwd to her eccentricities,
k- The "cold proof" winter overcoat , A . i
this s even truer of a craft which has mm
erits some description. for it sees
1 mechanism as delicate as that of a
`elo be devised to insure warmth In
watch Constant practice, coupled
• the most severe climate. Made of , • i
thick woollen cloth, it has a large with the most intininte acquaintance
collar covered with fur, which is of with e..ery bolt, and bar, and valve,
Is the only chance of making it an
- course Inside wizen the collar is
. raised. From the middle of the.effective weneon
edge of this collar a cotton cap or A PICTURESQUE FIGHT.
hood can bo pulled out so as to i
1 There is something extraordinarily
cover the head, and over this can be elcturesque in the spectacle of a sub -
worn the amide detached woolen, marine moving through the water
"cold proof" hood, which from its ;awash. A slender support of man -
shape and long ends to wrap round,
chinos and rails roirrounde the striped
the stack recalls the hoods of Chau -I
•gray and white turret. limit a dozen
cer's time. Hanging by cords from
Infers and men, all dressed in the
the nee.it are large gloves or mittens ,cb
—ono division for all the fingers and same uniform of white sweaters,
one for the thumb; they can thus be
thrown off when the hand is requir-
ed for firing or any other purpose,
Without being lost. A sheepskin
Waistcoat with the wool outside is
o issued for severe weather. It
tens at ono side.
-of similar good material to that
the miter garments, a cotton
ehirt and drawers for summer and
a thick knitted woollen jersey, or
ater, and pants for winter. 'The
woollen stockings aro made
tbout heels, and warm too caps
-Issued in the coldest weather to
over the stockings to prevent
These too caps are made
wool footprint like very
the coft Surface being in-
The old pilot of the little steamer
Maid of the Mist, which used to
carry passengers quite up to the foot
of the Fails of Niasara until the
mist from the falling waters drench-
ed the clothing of everyone on board
used to perpetrate one solitary con -
ide. A ou of fine striped flannel of stowed on board, the two smell ten
ve,7 good quality and about it yard
and is half long is issued to be wound 111eter-9 are et ruck. Tien the con
tower ie (logo!, aril the two
retitled the nielomen, and takes thei 11414
°dims an! nine men wl'o form the
Prt:is° belt.choiera
mterasting to note that the 'complement of nn A hoat betake
themselves to the severed compart-
woollen cloth and blankets arc madel
in the Japatieee military woollen intuits in whIci, they are wedged until
cloth fattory. while hemp cloth, cot- the submnrine earnin comes to the
ten cloth and leather are made orlsertice. Although in di Ing trim, a
prepared In prit ate fat -Girlie; in .lap-:liont carnot sink instantanconely —
an and eot out and sewn in the mil- that Is a cetiesel of perfection whieh
ttary clothing depot. , has not yet been achieved. On this
The ordinary nrine• bootie give th o .1 /1,1011 AP too' Feriven minutes to
imp:widen of comfort end durabil- erform the oeeretion. which Is
Ity In general appenrnvice they re -
ecintile the boot issued to the British!
soleier, but on close inspection they , Ing the Coo Unit of several
are seen to be far superior. tanks as well as the manipulation of
the melee?, reel te le was considered
white trousers. Red knee boots, are
grouped within this protection;
though at a bun -teed yards distance
It loo' s as if they were balancing
theinselte•s on the hull of the sub-
marine, in much the Immo way as St.
do Roueemont convineed himself that
he would he able to ride it turtle. The
pace le last for fetch a smell craft;
the A's do their eleven and a half
1 nots, and are this quite effective
for the newest purpose for which
Caetain Bacon has employed them—
es torpedo boats.
Directly they reach the clear, deep
water of Dale !toads a Risme, is given
for the torpedo boat, which alwaye
acconwanies them. Willi the rapidity
with whit', everything is done by the
handy man, the rails are removed and
by the experts to be n retuarl ably
goml record. The weather was fair,
e nd the range of 11,1on through the
perks ope was reported by the coin -
men 'Die °Meer to be 500 yenta. Fin-
al's' A2 withdrew her rsoriSOOtn, an I
went completely under the !mane., to
a depth of it couple of fathoms. leav-
ing erarrely 'n ripple on the matinee
to meld, her vicinity. Crider these
condition*: elw was able to maintain
a /Weed of seven and a half knots.
rind tai.iest hearleirs before ehe was
wholly sulonerged to rise to the sur-
face swain nt an rigreed Knot nboot
• ott.Irter ef a113110 awny.
None of the inn eneneed with star-
eno• ,ne, with whoto 1 st,o' e would
a,11,,It that they Suftered any physical
11 0"/stleo frntn their confinement.
Pat, then, they are all enthusiasts.
niade of,
The latest novelty in watches has
jest been coin; feted by a watchmak-
er in Paris, who hits made a set. of
three gold shirt studs, in one of
ele(t) is a watch that keeps excellent
Hine, this dial beirg about three-
eielits of an Inch in diameter. The
steles are connected by a strip of
sil er Decide the shirt. The watch
contained in the niiddle one is wound
bv the ternine of the stud above. and
the h .n 's are set by turnMg the
50- tt below. The most still ine thing
nt-nt to minitte timeline is that it
woe' s with n pendulum Ulm a clock,
and the pendulem will net with erten
awl necurney in whatever position
the timepiece is placed.
Agitation in (ho world ef homeo-
pathic medicine has been the very
then?" soul of progress, as in politics and
"She's Maid of the Mist, stranger religion—the difficulties of opinion
1 arid the individualities of men have
teen patent to the disagreements by
• which the standard of these bodies
.have been elevated. So with most of
1011r famous preparations—foremost
re. Osier thrtei veava lin illustretion of which truth stands
the world-famous remedy to general
lir-. Woreay e Sci,ornino semis it, hvs, list ... debility and languor, "Quinine
velum .er metiers for tbeis e.^.114ren wlo ...whitt/. wine.- and which when obtainable in
I i son. hes the filly!, softens th.• rims. al . sy • pain, taint .
'indent's...Ts/Mates tbeetuniss li and ',mein, smile tis I 1 S genuine strength, is a miraculous
by st r•iiardy f•yr II sr, h.rs. Tw•oty -to v C. olis • '.‘1,111 creator of
solil by druggistatbruu/bout the sairid. lts !sire istat appetite. vitality and
sisfur"litn..WiesLua s3uorutsu4saue. 'AA -tli stimulant to the general fertility of
;system. Quinine Wine, and its im-
provement. has, from the first dis-
"Wasn't the play pathetic, Jack?" .covery of the great virtues of Quin -
"Rather! Why, the seats were in
Inc as a medicinal agent, been ono
of the most thoroughly discussed re-
enediee ever offered to the public. It
WOW'S LInImtot Cures Bums, etc, ie one of the great tonics and na-
- Iteral life-giving stimulants which the
.0,meilical profession have been com-
Old Greybeard—"It's a pity t ...,,I. a to recognize and prescribe.
skieelse. suicioli nsiprio_. ott.ybird in a cage." i'''''.. ' ,
hm.t it a shamorMesars, Nerthrop & Lyman, of To -
How perfectly exiimmitely lovely it, rent°. have given to the preparation
of their pure Quinine Wino the great
would look on a hat!"
care due to their importance, and
—Maid of the Mist." Then the pilot
accepted his morning cignr.
The brindle° sometimes grows a
foot in twenty-four hours
ANA••••=1 •••••••••••=••••••••=0, I MEM
.0a IA
AL, f CZniett4_alit46
ga, a
Minairfa liniment Cures Ontuti,
Boarder (warmly)—"Oh, I know
every one of the trieks of your
trade. Du you thilik I have lived
in hoarding -houses twenty years for
nothing?" Landlady (frigidly)—"I
hhottilltl't be at all surprised."
Coorl Digeetion Should Wait on Appe-
tite.—To hal-ti the storiou...i well in to
have the nervous eyelet(' well. ‘er3
(Whetter are the digestive organs. 11
some so eensit I ve are they that atmos-
pheric chalices effect them. M heo they
become thearrongeil .10 -.4 r•-su at•
is procurable than Parmelee's Vert/tat;
Pills. They will assist the viie,
that the hearty enter Vrill P111101 110 in-
convenience anti will derhe all the bene-
fits ril Ids frond.
Mrs. Goodsmil—Se you are going
to he married? Have you made all
arrangements? Dinnli--No, missy;
I ain't dun made all de •rangements.
I only get ter buy de ring, get de
furniture. refit Ile flat, bey Imo some
clothes, git nieh hushand SO1110
things, an' git him a jowl); but dem
is only tie least important.
A Pill fnr (lenernu. Entere.—There are
Many persons of healthy •ppet am
poor difiestion who, after It hearty meal
h tweeting. The
are subJect to
food of which they have partaken lies
like Imo! In their rttornache. Heartache,
depremsion. ft eniotfierdig feeling cotton
rill.ks?IlarriZilti:::1 "It trtirtn"1741;7111On
Partnelee'n Vegetable 11.11si Will twine
tele 1 They wilt nierivt the ay., odiatint,
of the ailment, and used acroriltng tO
direction will reistore healthy digestion.
'Co disces n isolt des; immediately sillto
Cetuves and oYerconio them. rather than
to bottle with effects after the ditrea.0
has secured a Ititigment. Is the chief
aim of the medical man. and Iiirkle's
A ateroaeieeptiye Syrup le the result
of patient study. sloop( this particular
line At the first api•carance of a row
the Serup will he rowel a most efficient
remedy. fin ing eeveiopmen 1 and
Weedily henliiig ttP affected parts. P0
that the ailment ....cl_ienppeare.
"nether, what's the difference be-
tween a lunch and a hineheon?"
"About a dollar and 0 quarter, my
the standard excellence of the article
which they offer to the public comes
into the msrket purged of all the de-
fects %filch obeervation ann
stietittfle opinion has pointed out In
the lees perfect preparations of the
past. All druggists sell it.
We can handle your poultry ettlhas
alive or drcesied to best advantage.
Also your butter, eggs. !wear sad
other produce.
She—"What Is it papa said that
hurt ynu so?" Ile—"Nothing."
She—"Why, you told me as soon as
you began to speak to him last
night hi. hurt you dreadfully." He --
"Yes, but he didn't say anything."
I MIS Cured of Acute Bronchitis
Bay of !slam's.
I wse Cured of Facial Neu-ralgia
Springhill, N. S.
1 was Cured of Chronic Rheuma-
tism by MINARDE
N. II.
Albert Co..
Father—"tever thing I Say to you
goes in at one ear and out at " the
other." Etic—"la that what little
boys has tuo ears for, papa?"
Wash grensy dishes, pots or pans
with Lever's Dry :emit) a powder. It
will remove the grease with the
I greatest ease.
"I see that a London doctor has
discosered that the serudform appen-
dix is tisefill after all." "Sure it is
—to the doctors."
II To prove te yell lase IR
Chase's Ointment is s certain
an4 aboolute mire for
end ever, fo-m of itching.
Ibleed I rut mut protrnd leg Olen.
ela manntsetarers hay. inters r,t eed le go.a
imeniree tre the daily 1.res. and ask 70111neljtv,
tors what thnr think 0,11. YoeeetnoenzebiLai
Minaid's Llnimint for sale everpnere Dr. Chase's Olntm.nl
Oer. West allareet and Clotaerwa Its, TORONTO.
II '
Do you want to add
$320 to your income?
It will only require a few minutes of Your time everyday to earn fisse a yea- e. You CID
earn it u ith a Chatham Incubator. A No. s Chatham Incubator will bold from you to tso
eggs—according to size of eggs. Eighty chickens*. a L.ossavera.ge hatch- users of Chathom
Inrubatorv v. ill tell you so. Chickens are always in demand and the supply is always short.
so fifty centsi the average price secured. If you only takeoff eight hatches in a year. that
gives you an income of $3ao.00. Wouldn't that extra amount be useful to you? ¶ Beat ef
all, you can buy a
Chatham Incubator without one cent
of cash until October. 1905
The machine pays for itself runny times over before that time. There couldn't be • fairer
offer than this, l'Y'e ship a Lhatham incubator to you at once. freight pnepaid by it., and
your first payment is not due until October. inos. Write us to -day for full particulars. he
Chatham lucubaturs and Brooders have every new improvement worth *Mfg in an incubator
or brooder. The incubators
are evade with two walla,
case a ithin case, of dry ars-
tcrial that bas been seauroired
in our lumber yanks. 7Isey
are built solid as a rock and
lieu stand any •mciant of
usage for years. The sooner
you accept our offset the soon-
er will the Chatham I *cu.
bator be earuing profits for
We sell for Cash
or on time eat
you desire
Ntanufacturcrs of Chatham
t ors a od Brooders,
Campbell ranniag
and Chatham Farce Scales
rma r;butirrLWarehouses at
Nt,int lta Que. tlraadon,
Man.. Calgary, Alta.. New
N. S.
• AP
Between ST. PAUL AND PORTLAND through Fargo, Bis-
marck, Billings, Helena, Butte, Spokane, Seattle, Taco-
ma, run the punctual, magnificently appointed trains of
Remember this when going to the
Lewis and Clark .Exposition
at Portland In 1905.
W. 0. MASON, Dist. Pas. Agt., 215 Ellicott Sq,. Buffalo N. Y.
Send four cents for Lewis & Clark Booklet to
A. M. CLELAND, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn.
The thoughtful little boy with tho!
high forehead tied an oblong rm-
tacle niadb of tin to the dog's"Ilbil
and watched the animal go tearing
down the ally. "For a Scotch col -
Ile," the boy explained to the by-
standers, "I thought he wasn't quite
as canny as he ought to be,'t
"Darling," exclaimed the happy
husband after tho minister had pro -
flounced the fatal words, "I am not
worthy of you." "Of course you
are not," she replied; "but after a
girl has celebrated her twenty-fifth
birthday for five consecutive years
she can't afford to be too particu-
T 111 S Nolte Cu?, Wiest Nile In les Merl
T& U MyrhNavy tflo plug; fee MI/ *VW',
tilltrIgUteyte 1111.1tre SON steroid
"A Nilltn • Skate.'
4 -
The British Admiralty's new move-
ment to ensure the thorough effi-
ciency of the nay is to be even
more drastic than was expected. All
obsolete warships are to be with-
drawn from the fleets abroad. Be-
tween twenty and thirty ships will
be recalled. and 8,000 men will thus
be released for service on new and
effective statue There n -ill be a great
Raving of money that hes been swat-
lewed up hitherto in patching prac-
tically useless craft. The Pacific and
North American squadrons aro af-
fected to the greatest extent by the
reform], and in future the units of a
fleet will be concentrated so that
should war come outlying ships will
not be cut off. No more square-
rigged vessels will be peen In the
training service, and such old ships
as the Pallas, Calliope, Cleopatra,
and Northampton nre doomed.
''Mr Deeply," paid the hostess,
ewon't you oblige me with one more
some" "Oh, really," replied the
eminent basso, "the hour hi so late.
I'm afrniri my singing will disturb
the nelehbore." "Never mind that'
They've got a dog whose howling at
night disturbs ear=
Artist—"Now give me your candid
opinion of this picture." Critic—" It
is utterly worthless." Artist—" Yes,
I know your opinion is worthless.
but I am curious to hear it, never-
Dora—"How many times did you
refuse Jack before you accepted
him?" Ethel—"Only once. lie
seemed so discouraged I was afraid
to try It again." .
Death Comes to All.—Ilut it need not
come prematurely if proper precautions
are taken. "An ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure," and to have
prevention at hand and allow a disease
to work Its will le wickedness. Pr.
T1100111I1' reT10.111 iC (111 not rioty ,atiay•
pains when applied externally, hut will
prevent iting troubles resulting from
colds and cougas. Try it ale) ee con-
Fair Artist—"flow do c)%, like my
painting?" Her Uacle---"Pretty
well; only you've got a little too
much under your left ear."
Minard's Liniment Believes NeuralRia
Tramp --"It is unnecessaiy to ask
the question, lady. You kreov what
I want," Lady—"Yes; I know .ery
well what you want; but I've riely
one piece of soap in the home.. and
the servant is using it. Come again
some other tline!"
Worry went cure a cough. When
you find a cough holding on—
when everything else has failed—
Cure ThArg
It li guaranteed to core. If it
doesn't, we'll refund your n300ey.
$.C.Wswi& Co. sqa
tio.sek.V. Lefter,N.Y..:Teronte.Cen.
MST= *O. 53-04