HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-12-16, Page 51 ) CENTRAL id#1.41.i 42f..i 4TRA7iOMR owl-. STRATFORD. ONT. WINTER TEItM FROM JAN 3111) The beat practical training school of Ontario. We offer advantages not offered else- where in Canada. Our teach- ers are experienced, courses 4WrQugh and practical, and -assist graduates to good positions. The demand at present greatly exceeds the supply. We prepare teach- ers for Business College work Write for our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, Principals. 1 •••• Manure Litters Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions can be installed as cheap as lumber and last. forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder These three things are gr ea labor -savers for farmers and necessities cn a farm. For sale by W. T. Gillespie 0/4 Phone 51. Exeter )/ ik-1•■�� ' +-1-1-4-1-4-4-144-1-1-44+ +++++++++++ + X962 W c Now he is earning at the rate t» of 11902 per year. awe = Six months' training at our oe Business College made the dif- ference. Was it a good investment? He thinks so. era-- His address is New Osgoode, Sask. One year ago. Mr. George Wakeman was earning about $100 per year as farm laborer. ,F Four courses: PREPARATORY, COMMERCIAL STENOORAPAY, TELEOnAPHY time. Individual Enter any tlnidual v instruction. Write for par- ticulars. Clinton Business College Crediton THE EXETER TIMES, DEC. loth 1909 Mr. George II. Bedford. returned Tuesday from Denfield. where he operated a thresher during the past few months. Ile will remain here until the first of the year when be expects to resume Ilia position with the Goodison !Com•, at Sarnia. Having acid out my florae -shoeing and Blacksmith business 'I desire to thank the public and surrounding country 'for the large patronage which has 'been given me those many years I have been doing business with you. I will lstill be found with my old friend Thomas rl'revethick handling our celebrated cutters and sleighs. Our htock will be complete In • few days. 'It will be a pleasure Ito us to have you call at lour 'stow rooms and inspect our stock. We have Lever abown a finer assortment, no trouble to show you ithc•m whether you buy or not. A call solicited. Yours Sincerely Alonzo Ilodgins. CREDITON SCHOOL 'ItEI'UltT The following is the report of the Crediton School for November. Con- tinuation Classes. subjects, Arithme- tic or French. Composition. Junior Teachers. M Brown $4; G. (Short 78 : E. Gainer eft ; E. Truemner 75; R. 'Kenzie 70. Matriculation, 'R. Hill 64; E. CMcMurray 11. Class 1f. -•')- • � , �' :; r. tin•_. .\•. •. ' c Co r o_Itton 1 }c t n 1 f uretic, Grammar. L. Geiser 71; L. Finkbeiner 73 ; 11. Sullivan 69 ; A. Finkbeiner 65 ; M. Oestreicher 54. Class I. Hodgins 63; Mabel Wen- zel 56; E. Sites 61; H. Finkbeiner 37; L. Schroeder :36; L. Brown C. K. J3luett, Teacher. In the following only those who ob- fained 60per cent. or over are naw,d. Ilonors 75 per cent. Division 1II Class SIV IIonors. V. IIYltzman 79, E. J3luett 73. Pass IL IIoltzman 74, W. Heist 70, I1, llaist 70. M. Brown 67, P. Fanner 64r. Class 111 Sr. Honors. S. Wein 75 E. ,}leaver 75. Pass \'. Motz 72, II. Brown 71, F:. Freitz 70. Class 111 Jr. C. Uestreicher 66, li. Smith 69. Miss C. Knnzle, Teacher. Division 11 Class 3.fr. Honors L. llaist K2, G. Bluett 78, li. Sweitzer 77, M. Nicholson -46. l'ass V. Nestle 72, G. Lamport 70, 1. Wolfe e*9.A. Sambrook 66, L. Bean. Class II Sr. Honors. E. Wt;erth 77. A. Gaiser 75, l'ass, L. Holtzman 74, V. Redden 71, E. Gaiser 61. M. Brown 62, N. Sambrook 61. E. Sweitzer 61.. Class 11. Jr. It. Clark 64 ; L. Beaver 62 ; H. hill 60. i'4. II. Ilonors, M. Benedict 83 ; M. /ling 77. Pass. D. English 61; W. Bean 63. Miss Love. teacher. Division I. Class 11. Jr. Ilonors. C. llaist 75. Pass. A. Holtzman 71; V. Huffman 68; M. Zawson 61. Pt'. I11( IIonors. L. f :Lawson 76. ('ass. 11 - Heist 69 ; 11. 'Menten 69 ; L. Brown 61. Pt. I, fir. IIonors, It. •Brown ; L. Sambrook. Pass. \V. /Appleton : L. IIedden. Pt. 1. Sr. (a) ('ass. N. Gais- er ; L. ?tlbcr. Weiner. l't I Jr. Honors, 1i. Ilowald ; F. Short : L. Lawson. Pass. E. Hist ; E. Guen- ther ; W. Snell. I't. 1. (a) Jr. IIonors. A. Sweitzer; 1', Lawson. l'ass. G. Sires. Miss Stothers. teacher. Miss Gladys Essery returned to her home in Centralia. after spending a few weeks the guest of Miss Ella Beaver. Miss Wolfe spent Monday in Exeter visiting friends. Mrs. Sam. Braun left for Bertin on Saturday to visit her mother. who is seriously i11. Mr. Michael Finkbeiner spent Mon - Geo. Spotton, Principal. 4. (lay in London on business. e. Dr, and Mrs. Orrne. of Centralia. 1•,lf,t•,i••i.•i••I.4-1--;••++},+4--:.,•:,•,•{-+o,--1-•t- spent Tuesday in town visiting friends and relatives. Mr. Albert Wolfe returned house rafter spending a few weeks in Sar- nia hauling freight. Miss Inman spent Friday in London visiting friends. The children are busy practising the c for is riles o h t tma entertainments. The question is asked on all sides whether we are going to have :r municipal election or not. \We understand that Mr. John Fink- bciner bought 51r. Ed. \Warm"s house for n hoed figure while Ed. is taking charge of the livery in Zurich. Mr. Win. Braun returned horse from l'oint Eche arts where tip was em- ployed for a month unloading boats. Mr. Albert Wolfe left for Dorches- ter where he has necepti d a position as blacksmith. We are glad to report that Mr. Fred Finkbeiner is feeling better and ••••••••••••••••09•000.0•• hope to see hint around again. Christmas will soon be here. just ❑tweek from Saturday. Mrs. Albert 51orlock spent Monday in Exeter visiting friends. \\'s' are glad to report that 'Ira. Christi in Felber is aide to be up again after a short illness. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •Girls wanted for the new- • est, brightest. cleanest and most rap to date blouse and whitew ear factory in Canada Work consists of sewing lad- • ics' Waists. Girls experienc- ed on power seeing machines preferred. but beginners will be taught. Comfortable quer- tern, steady work, Good wag- - es( WANTED THE STAIR WRITE\\'EAR t MFG. CO. • • Berlin - - - - Ontario 12-9 0.1-4 • • liensall Dr. tennis Smith %%tin graduated from Toronto University this year. is In Philadelphia takine a post grad- uate course in tlt• \Vo:n:lies Hospi- tal in that city. ( 11iss elaergie 'fho:apron returned re- cently from the e • A. t•. herr she has been for some mon: hs. 51rs. Thomas Siuil•son has been vis- iting her sister in London for the past week or en. hir. 1.31in itich irdson. of this vil- lage reframed from Saskatoon recent- ly and has taken a goof position in a hardnnre store in St. Marys. Miss Annie •\ onill. w ho is teach- ing in Alberta. is spending a few weeks with her parents. Winchelsea 51r. and 51rs. Win. Lenderhouse. of l, Ns l.. :ire spending •y111001 with Hr. and etre. r aderhm,s• her, this week, r Mr. ('ow ,e . was in London on Wednesday on busnl se. Miss .lieeie is bavin^ n concert in the school Image on Tues- day ever in:r. Dee. 2lst. Silver col'ec- tioti taken 111, in :lid of th, sick cl ild- ri•n Iia°pit at A WINDSOR LADY'$ APPEAL To All Women : I will send free, with foil instructions, my hotne treat - Ment which positively cures Leucorr- Jttrn, l'Icerntion, Displarenients, I•'ali- lng of th•• Weenie Painful or Irregular Teriede. Uterine and Ovarian 'rumors or growths. nlso IIot flushes, Nerv- ousness, Melancholy. Pains in tho /Tend, hark, !towels, Kidney and Iiilndder troubles where caused by it -silences peculinr to our sex. You can continuo treatment at home at a cost of only neout 12 cents n week, 31y hook, " Woman's Own Wheal At iscr," also sent free on request. Write to -day. Address Mrs. 51. Sum. were, Box sit Windsor, Ont. Have ou !Seen (Them 7 r We have alt'. ails turned out ninny sumo t \\ ;•itee Suits. II .\vii von sent them? HAVE you noticed the new faarics we :()e displaying;: HAVE you noticed the Ch irtctet we are potting int() our \Violet• Suite? HAVE you noticed hots well they (It? When some if y" Ir• friends tell you their Suits were to:tile by Holtzman. ex- amine their clothes closely. Nisi, e every detain about them. The st t le, the lit. the linings, the finish is tlitT,•r- ent. Our et:storuere rare proud of the clothes we titin out fer there, they like to compare our cloth! s with other makes. If you ale not a'ready se .Iitnint.'d with Our Clothes ask polite of your friends about them, they will ;sadly "put yeti wise" first. we KNOW HOW to ni•ike clothes at re,ison:rl.le prices. J. H. Holtzmann CltE DITON. STEPHEN The council of the Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall, Cred- iton on Monday. Dec. 6th. All mem- bers were present. The rninut:es of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The clerk informed the council that on October 23rd, a peti- tion addressed to t he Municipal Coun nil of the Township of Stephen, was tiled with him at his office, praying that the council submit to the elec- tors of the municipality. a by-law for prohibiting the sale by retail of spirituous fermented or other man- ufactured liquors in any tavern, inn or other houses or place of ,public entertainment and for prohibiting the sale thereof, except by wholesale, ete. The petition was laid on the table by the clerk, who informed the council that he had carefully examined the same and that it was signed by more than twenty-five per cent. of the to- tal number of persons appearing on the last revised voters' list of the municipality to be qualified to vote at municipal elections and that he, the clerk. had prepared .a by-laws which had been approved o[ by the solicitor. 1 - Anderson -Yearly, that the by law be taken into consideration and be read twice and that the clerk be and is hereby instructed and authorized to publish the said by-law in the liyeter Advocate. A by-law appointing the deputy u t} re- turning officers was passed, signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the corpor- ate seal attached. Love -Yearly, that by-law No. 156, to prohibit certain cattle from run- ing on the public highway and illy- lntt' No. 157 being a by-law to define what shall constitute a lawful fence having each been read the third time be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the corporation attached thereto. Carried. Orders to the amount of $1998.33 were passed and paid. The council adjourned to meet on Ilecember 15th at the Town Hall. Zurich Dl r. Conrad Schitbe's eldest son had the misfortune to break his leg, on Wednesday, while trying to get into a 'buggy., The Hay council held a special tweeting on Monday to pass the by-law to raise $10,000 for snaking cement culverts and bridges. Mr. Ed, \Nunn, of Crediton, an old Zurich boy, has purchased Mr. J. H. Ilayter's livery business, and has taken possession. We welcome Mr, Worm into the business circle of the town. McBRIDF-DATARS. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Datars on Wednesday. the 1st of I)ecernber, at 1 o'clock, when their youngest daughter. Miss Ethel became the bride of Mr. John McBride. of Stanley. 'rh•• ceremony was performed beneath an evergreen 6 en arch by the Rev. C. C.•,T; Maass. of 'Zurich. in the presence of only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. To the strains of the wedding march. the bride en- tered the parlor. leaning on the arra of her father, who gave her away. She wore a gown of white silk and carried a shower of white chrysan- themums. caught with white . ;Ik rib- bon. They were unattended. After receiving congratulations the I::rty repaired to the dining room where a pretty wedding dinner was serve;l, amid decorations of smilax and white chrysantheninnrs. The bride's tra- velling costume was of dark brown ladies' cloth. with hat to match. Nu- merous beautiful wedding gifts were received. testifying to the popularity of the young couple. (Ia r nd Bend Mr. M. R. Edgar, of Montrefil visited at the homer of W. 'r. Amos a' few, days last week. The weather has got some milder. Ware Oliver Jr.. visited at his uncle .ice Oliver's over Sandsly. Wm. Devine arrived home from Exe- ter un Saturday intending to stay home for a few weeks. 'liss Mattie I'ollick. of Exeter, was married on Tuesday lath, to the Rev. Mr. Baker. of A rkota. 51rs, ,Joseph Oliver continues on the salt list. McGregor who underwent an operation nt Victoria hospital. Lon- don. on the 7t1i. Inst. is not improv- inlr as rapidly as hope•( for. The Stephen ('onneil had an auc- tion stele of some standin: limber on the River Itoaul on ,Monday realizing a very high prier for t same. Reeve \Villert acted as auctioneer. \ir'. Maria kill is visiting in ENe- ter for a few weeks. Ilarvey Itossenhrrry visited his brother in IIrurefield on friday. \V. T. Amos is laid up with the La Grippe. Mrs. Abner Mallard is rxp•'cto(1 home front London Hospital in a few days. TO\VNSI(l1' OF USIIOIINE NOMINATION ANI) ELi:CTION 1 Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Iaectots of the Town -hill of Unborn^ will he held in th• To•tnship Iial!, lilitnv1111a on '(OND:\V. DF:CI•:51Itl:It, 27th. 19't!) At the hour of one o"clock in the ` '1fterainfn. For the purpose of making and r.'- eeit•in:r nominations for Reeve and ('o'•ncilmcn. 3- :rlh^r notice is h'reby given that in the event of more eendidates b - _n:; promo=^d for any partic':ler of - fie, than ►•eetnireil to he elect d. the proceedings will be ndjoorn• d until Monday. .1arolsry 3rd. A. 1),, 1909. when eol's «i': he opened at 9 e. m. at the for nwine places as fixed by Town..h:p icy-Telev. vis• Div. No. 1. 'I'own'hip Hell. Faitn- ville, Sidney Andrew. I). R. 0.: Geo. Ket!et. Po!! ('3.•i k. Div. No. 2, Geo. ('ornish's house. tot 6 N. T. 11.. John WI' Harney. D. 13. l).. leen Dew. i'oll Clerk. Div. No. 3. \V. 11. I'enwar- den's house. lot S 1 3, ('on. 10. \Vashhurn. D. It. O , 11, Berry. Poll Clerk. Die. No. 4. Public 11.111. i'ar- geher. .10)11 Duncan jr., U. 11. 0„ Silas N. Shier. Poll C:crk. And nil ale•et or: ere her, by re- questcd to to take notice and govern themselves accordineiy. FIte1i:\- itctNCTSurning ()ffi'iOilLcer 1 Whalen. December 14th. 1909. BY-LAW NO A By-law authorizing the payment annually, for a period of ten years of the sum of three hundred dollars to the Jackson Manufacturing Company of Clinton. for the rent of a factory premises in the Village of Exeter, granting the said Company Exemption from Municipal taxation (except for certain purposes) and free water ser- vice for a period of ten years, and authorizing the payment to the said Company of the suer of Two hundred and twenty-five dollars for a gaso- line engine. WHEREAS, .the said Jackson Man- ufacturing Company ore desirous of opening a branch of their .Clot hint; manufacturing business in the Vil- lage of Exeter, and for that purpose have applied to t Municipal Coun- cil of the said Village of Exeter for certain payments, exemptions and con- cessions which are set out and detail- ed in an Indenture of Agreement bearing date of sixth day of Decem- ber 1909, made and entered into by and between the said Company and the said Municipal Council and which is in the words and figures following, that is to say :- THIS AGREEMENT made and en- tered into this sixth day of December c A.1) .,•�' TheJacksonMan- ufacturing I.O. between an- ufacturing Company, of Clinton, On- tario, (hereinafter called the Com pany) of the first part and The Mun icipal Council of the Village of Exe ter, (hereinafter called the Corpora tion) of the second part. WHEREAS the above named Com pany is an 'Industrial Company. hav- ing aving an established business in the Town of Clinton for the manufacture of clothing and being desirous of opening a branch of their said bus mess in the said Village of Exeter, have applied to the said Corporation for the payment to the said Company annually for the period of ten years of a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars as the 'Company shall be re quired to pay as a rental for pre raises. to be used and occupied by them as a factory. in t he said Vil lake of Exeter, and further have tip plied to the said Corporation for ex eruption from Municipal taxation, ex cept for certain rates hereinafter specified for a period of ten ,years. and for free water service for the same period and for the payment to theca of the slim of two hundred and 1\venty five dollars for the purchase of a gasoline engine for their said factory. AND WHEREAS. the said Corpor- ation is desirous of securing the said (Industry for their Municipality and for that purpose have consented to grant th" application of the said Com- pany. si:bject of course to the sanc- tion an.1 approval of ratepayers. NOW TIIEIREFORE THIS AGREE - 51 ENT W 1TNESSEi'H that t he said Corporation he eh} agreesrres to Iay to the Company annually for the period of ten years such sum as the Company shall expend an011111:}• for rental of pr_mises us_d and occupied by them as a factory (such annual payment not to exceed three hundred dollars single year)and to grant them in any tnglc exemption from Municipal ,taxation, except for school purposes and special frontage taxes, for a period of ,ten years, and free' water service for a like period, and to pay to there t he said sum of two hundred and tlyenty- five dollars for the purchase of a gasoline engine for their said factory upon the following terms and condi- tions: 1 The said Company agree to es- tablish a branch of t heir said Manu- facturing bi:sincss in the said Village of Exeter in 1he premises known as •'l'he R. Pickard Co. Store" situate on part of Lot Number Twenty-five. on the East side of Main Street, or such other suitably premises as the Company may be nhle to obtain a satisfactory lease of. and to have the same fully equipped as a factory for the manufacture of clothitrz and to have said factory in operation riot lat- er than the first day of February, 1910. and by 1 h close of the year to have not less than twenty-five em- ployers at wort: therein. 2 The said Company agrees to in- stall in the premises within eighteen months from the first day o1 Febru- ary P410. machinery, plant ant equip- ment to the value of at least two thousand dollars. :1 'rhe said Company agree to op- erate and continue in operation their said factory for a period of ten years commencing on the first day of Feb- r':cry. 1910. 4 The said Company agree to em- ploy and keep employed in 1heir said factory and upon the premises occu- p:el by them for and during the first year of th•• said Cerin. at least twenty five employees, aril for :and during the second and each subsequent year :ul avera;rr of at bast forty employ- ee.+, ronipitntion of such average in any year to be based on the number of employers of the Oonapany at said factory uurine Ow years that shall have rl:ipseil excepting the first. 5 The said ('only:i►1y agree ,t hat they '.111 at any time during the said 1••rn1 at the request of the said Cor- { urat:on f ra•9 satisfactoryevidence as to th• number of employees cngag• ed by them in the said factory. 6 9t is hereby further agreed by and between the parties hereto that the said yearly s11rn of three hundred dollars so to be paid by the said Cor- por.11:' I to the said Company. shall be 1.1.(1 as fol:oma;-Thr first year- ly payment on the first day o` Feb- ruary. A. l).. 1911, and ,9itbsegnent payments v.arly thereafter. but the said Corporation shall be and are here- by cnlpotte'r.d to withhold payment of the avid yearly surras. or any of them. if the Yate Company fail in the performance of any part of this a- greement on their part to he perform- ed, 7 It is 1 ereby fnrthsr agreed that the said '' •mptic.n from Menicipel lexation ,shy granted by th.• said Corporation to the said Company anal!. with the exceptions nforesaid extend to nna include taxation on their Manlfnetur'•.z hnsineee. (or hnsinese 8YYesni 1. tie :r Ptoek and the Miildings and land so to he need and occupied by then' as nforesaid. but such exemption shall erase if the Paid ('ornpany fail in the performance of any part of this agreement. in their part to be performed. The said exemption shall date from the first day of February 1910. 8 .It is further ngreed that the free meter service SO to be supplied the said Company shall be such ser- vice as the said Corporation shall be enabled to supply by their system of water works now being installed, the said Company to make all necessary and proper connections with the Cor- poration's said system and to pay for such connections line the mainten- ance thereof. 'J And it is turd: •r agreed -that the sutra of two hue ::ed and (teuty- five dollars so to be maid by the said Corporation to the said Company for the purchase of a gasoline engine for their said factory shall become due and be paid on the fifteenth day of May, 1910, 1U The said Company further ag res to deposit with the said Corpora- tion the sum of seventy-five dollars, which sum is to defray the expenses of submitting a by-law to the rate- payers of the said Corporation here- inafter mentioned, should such by- law carry and the said Company Lail to carry out the terms of this con- tract, But should the said by -taw be carried and the said Company carry out the conditions of this agreement or should the said by-law he defeated then the said sura is to be returned to the said Company. 11 This agreement is entered into upon the understanding that the said Corporation wi11 submit to the rate- payers of the said Village of Exeter t a by-law n authorizing the said Cor- poration to snake the said payments and to grant the said exemptions; and this agreement is therefore sub- ject to the said by-law being carried h}• the said ratepayers in accordance frith the provisions of the Ontario Municipal Act. 12 And it is also agreed and pro- vided that any cessation of operations due to any cause not in the control of the Company shall not be deemed a breach of the provisions of this a- greement. IN \VITNESS \VIIEREOF the said parties of the first part have hereun- to set their hand and seal and the said Corporation has affixed .their Cor- porate Seal and the hand of their Iteeve and Clerk. The Jackson Manufacturing Co., per \V. Jackson ; '1'. II. illcCallurn, Reeve, Per .1. S.; Jos. Senior. Clerk ; 'Signed, sealed and delivered its the presence of .1. \Nitta. as to execution by The Jackson Manufacturing Company ; .L. H. Dickson, as to execution by the Corporation of the R•illage of ,Exe- ter. AND WHEREAS for the purpose of making the said payments to the said Company as set forth in the said Agreement, it will be necessary to raise by special rate on all rateab:e property in the 'Village of ,Exeter during the year 1910, the suer of Five hundred and twenty-five dollars and and during the second and each sub- crquetit year of the said period of ten years. the suer of Three hundred dol- lars. AND WHEREAS the whole rate- nble property of the said Village of Exeter according to the last revised \sscssmrnt Itoll being for the year 11101). is 7 673,513. ANi) \VIIEitEAS the amount of the Debenture debt of the said Vil- lage of Exeter. rsctusive of local im- provement debts, secured by special rates and assessment is :;'34,861;21, and no part of the principal or interest thereon is in arrears. TIII?ItEFORF. the Municipal Coun- cil of the Vil:Sgt• of Exeter enacts as fo"'otvs:- 1 That for the purposes in the foregoing recitals and agreement Intentioned there shall be raised an- nually by special rate on a:l the rate- able property of t he 'Municipality of t he Village of Exeter the following suds for and during the following years. For the year 19.10 the sunt of $525. For the year 1911, the sutra of 300 l'or the year 1912. the sunt of 300 r .l • 91 For the1 14 e t f 300 o hyear the r n n For the year 1911, the sum of 300 For the year 1915. the sum of 300 For the year 1916. the sunt of 300 For the year 1917. the sura of 300 For the year 1918. the sum of 300 For the year 1919, the sutra of 300 1'or the year 1929, the sura of 300 2 'chat the said. The Jackson Man- ufacturing Company shall (subject to the terms and conditions of the said n,recment) be exempt front munici- pal taxation upon and in respect of their manufacturing business and stork. nn(1 upon and in respect of the land and )•nildings occupied by them as n far,• in the said Village of Exeter, dur.lig the period of ten years computed from the First day of Feb- ruary ) 1 r nr• A. I 1,10 1 exemption S but this cxcm{ tion shall not extend to or include school taxes. nor to any rspecial frontage tax. 3 The said Jackson Manufacturing Company shnll have free water ser- vice for their said factory as provid- ent in the said agreement for a period of ten years to be computed from the date of the completion of the water works system now tieing installed by the said 511nicipalit}•. 4 T i9 w That this by-law shall hall come in- to force and take effect on the day of the finnl passing thereof. 5 'Phut the votes of the electors of the said Village of Exeter quali- fir 1 to vote on this By-law• shall be tall; •ii on Monday. the 3rd dray of January. 1910, commencing at nine o'clock in t he forenoon and continm- ing lentil five o'clock in the afternoon of th• sante day at the following 30lhntt 1'':Ices within the said Wi:inge of Exeter by the following Deputy Returning 1)f ricers ;- Poring rl:b-division No. 1. at Sil- as ilandlord's nes:denc•', Edward Tre- ble. Deputy Itetlirnin•., Officer. iter- bert Ford. Poll C'erk. Polling sub -division No. 2,, Weekes' Marble Shop. W. 1). Weekes, i)eputy Re.:ening (Wirer an 1 Jaynes Weekes 1'011 (':erk. Polling sat,-tiivision No. 3, John Mitchell's office. It. (;. Seldon . De- puty Returning Officer and Alex. G. Dyer. Poll Clerk. Polling sub -division No. 4. Tow n 11'11. Joseph Davis, Dep0ty Bet urn- ipl; Officer and it. N. Taylor f'oll Clerk. 6 '('hat Thursday the 30th slay of December, 1909. at Eleven o'c'ocl: A. M. shill be the day and hour and the Clerk's office in the Town (fall shall be the place where that Reeve shall nttenl to nppoint persons to nttenl et the various polling places afore- said and at the fine! summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of persons interestee in promoting or op - At Siebert's is the Place to do Your Christmas Shopping, where you can get New ltaisil.3, Currants, Figs, Dates New Lemon, Citron, and Orange Peel New Almonds, Walnuts and Brazils. (We handle no cold storage goods) If you want a nice present for your wife, or for your hus- band, son or daughter we have them to shit And young man, if you want a nice present for your Sweetheart we can help you out of your trouble. Our store will be open every night until Xmas. Bring along your trade and you will go away happy. Siebert & Co. Hartleib Block. DASHWOOD 1 GrallO Bcud DcfldrtIdntdI store Christmas Announcement Christmas Goods arriving Daily Wo are busy dressing our store for the holiday trade. We are headquar- ters for all kinds of Xnas goods. Our stock is better selected this year than ever. We ask you to call often and see the new arrivals. We have spared no pains this year to have for your inspection one of the best assorted Christmas Stocka that it has been our privilege to show you. Xmas Cake and Plum Pudding We have everything that is required All new and of the choicest quality. Finest selected Raisins 3 lhs for 25e. Finest recleaned Currants 3 lbs for '2', Finest Hallowee dates in 1 lb pkgs 10c Choice layer Figs 10e lb. Choicest Mat Figs 5c lh. Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels Purest Spices, Cloves, Allspice, Cassia 2 oz. 5c. Purest Extracts in all Flavorings 10e bottle; 3 for Yrac, Nuts of all kinds at 20c a lb. Toys! Toys! Toys! Toys! An eudless variety of Toys for the children. Your choice from ie :.p, Clearing Prices on Mantles and Millinery All Millinery et. half price, all Cloth Mantles at cut !niece. Ready -Made Clothing Special cut prices will be given in Men's Clothing in order to reduce our stock. So bring along your cash and reap the benefit. Produce of all kinds wanted at highest prices. W. T. AMOS, - GRAND BEND BOOMING Having added a considerable stock in all lines of Groceries, Canned Goods, Confectionery Staple Goods and Rubbers We are now able to supply with good fresh goods at Sacrifice prices. Come along and give us a call. No trouble to show goods. Ilighest Prices paid for Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples. JOHN CAMPBELL, Farquhar -The Best Flour - If it is the best flour you want there is but one place in town to get it -that is from us. The brands are: JE WELL (Ontario Blended) PURITY (Western Canada Flour Mills) Leave your orders or cull up Phone 2. R. G. SELDON, Exeter. MaMINMEIMIIIMMENV urchased Blacksmith Business Having purchased thc Blacksmith business from Mr. Alonzo Hodgins, 1 am prepared to do all kinds of Black- smith Work for the General Public and respectfully solicit the patronage of the Old Customers of thc shop and many new ones. I am sure wc can give you entire satisfaction. "Horse Shoeing a Specialty" Dan lVlaclsaao. CREI)tTON, ONTARIO, posing the passing of this By-law re. spectively. 7 That the Clerk of the Corpora- tion of the Village of Exeter shall attend at his office in the said Vil- lage of Exeter. at twelve o'clock. noon, on Tuesday the 4th dray of Jan - eery 1910, to surm up flies number of votes given for and against this BY- law. Iy- 1att•. NOTICE The nhove is a true copy of the proposal Icy -law w hick has been tak- en into consideration and which will I e finally passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter in the event of the assent of Ihr• electors being obtained thereto after one month from the first pub- lication in the Exeter Advocate and Exeter Times Nee simpers. which first publication is on the 9th day of Dec- ember, 1909. and take notice that the votes of the duly qualified electors of the said Municipality will 3m taken thereon at the hour, day and places fixed and by the Deputy Returning Officers and f'oIl Clerks named , in Ihr preceding icy -law. F:very leaseholder entitled by law to vote on the proposed Ily-law shall at least ten days next preceding the day of polling: file in the office 01 the Clerk of t he said Municipality, le statutory declaration stating that his lease nteets the requirements bei law entitling hint t0 vote in such iii. Ino arae th • names of Leaseholder/ nrglcctint; to file such a declnratloa shall not he paced on the .Voterth List for sack voting. Dated at Exeter this 7th day of Do. cernher. A. 1). 1909. ,IOMEi'Ii SEN1IOIt, Clens of the Village of Exeter. The car fel ry Marquette and 1)cs50, mer No. 2. plying between fort Stan• ley rind Conneaut. Ohio IS IOst 01/ lake Erie Wednesday 1 . ging of fall week during the sever orm iehleh prevailed. tlerly eight s being loIe Sunday n 33111 from • ill-fated ferry was (wind on th !to by the state fish lal. Car :are Perry! The 3:a"I contained • men, all OC w horn \, ere frozen still. For any case of nervousness, shut lessnree, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspopsie, 1 ry Carter's Little Livetd Pills. Relief is sure. The only nem medicine in market,