HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-12-16, Page 4Ism
(II .IIu11111!JI:III:1111 I11111111ii1K1iOI11131i.11 11'.III'Ihlsiltit1111!!1IrII1It
Parlor Suit Parlor Tables
Easy Chair Odd Chairs
Music Cabinet Couches
Sideboards Hall Racks
Buffets Kitchen Cabinets
Dining -room Tables Dining Chairs
Dainty, well -made and at reasonable prices.
Bed Room Suits Bed Couches Mattresses
Springs, Brass and Iron Beds
Newest styles and all at popular prices
The Fading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
e r�-.
111f111I�I''- 11 -3 �f.''1 `Ilwa::l li. ` diff!
A.HE EXETER TIMES, DEC. 16th 1909.
is to a rat d ilea covers a wide range
of ,..1:1) j, c; \Ve are going to forget
the oth •r.., and cleire your attention
as tet tell about
We verify !hi; by our stock of well JAMES BEVERL P1!
selected piece good,, as ,well as by
old -tints patrons.
Ty Us If You Like Atistic
\\'e •tt ill surely please you.
Our Stock is the
Favorite of
Christmas Shoppers
TALK AS YOU LiKE there is nothing can take the place of Furniture in
the esteem of gift givers. Nothing else is tee serviceable -nothing else
reminds one of the giver every day in the year as Furniture does.
For reason of newness and variety and alround goodness we ask you to
du your cheesir.g from this stock of ours. You can't buy under our prices
for our goods.
In all respects this t tore stands ready to offer you furniture certainties.
Christmas t:hoppers are requested to make it a point to at least see how
well we are prepared to make their shopping satisfactory.
To -day isn't a bit too soon
to get interested.
Mei chant Tailor.
Leading Undertaker and Embalmer
Miss Psoric Anderson is visiting at
Harrisburg for a few weeks.
IIerbcrt Walter this week moved
.as..into the house on Huron street for-
merly occupied by Mrs. Southcott.
Hon. Sidney Fisher announced in
the house of Commons Monday that
the dcecnnial census of Canada will
not be taken until 1911.
Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Follick, ,who
have been visiting here for several
r' ear//sir, weeks, returned yesterday for their
home at Grand Forks, R. C.
' '"��' '� ! Mr. and Mrs. J McMahon, of Hay,
have moved to Sea[ortb where they
intend residing for the winter, to al-
low their son to attend school.
The Misses Annie and Lizzie Goss -
Irian, Tillie and Mac Vincent and
Bertha Guenther, of Dashwood, who
spent several weeks here returned to
their homes on Tuesday evening.
It is usually supposed to be holly At a recent meeting of the exe-
cutive committee of the West Huron
Teachers' Association it was decided
to hold the next meeting at Goderich
on May 20th and 21st next.
The action brought by Absolom Mer-
ner, of Alliston against Senator Itatz
PUDDING BE jclaiming $1,400 for influence used in
securing bis father"s resignation as
without ite For the best results in senator and the appointment of Mr.
all kinds of baking use only the STA It Rate as his successor, came up at :Der -
brand. as it combines nutritive value lin last week. The case was dropped
with quality and appearance. Merner admitting he bad no case.
• -Manufactured by- Miss Olive Gould. daughter of
Richard Gould. Carling street bad
the misfortune to sustain a fracture
of her ankle, Tuesday evening. She
was crossing the street in front of
her home, intending to go to the post -
office, when she slipped and falling
___ftcausing the injury. The break is
what is termed a Potts fracture.
The firm of Hill & Co., of Mitchell,
bridge contractors have brought an
action against Wilbert - Martin. of
Exeter for (300. damages for the loss
of their horse which was killed at
Crediton bridge last summer and for
damage to wagon and harness. It
will be remembered that the team of
horses were standing on the road and
becoming frightened at the approach
of the auto jumped over the bank
into the river. The trial is before
a jury at Stratford this week. 1?. III
Thompson. X. C. for plffs and J: G.
Stanbury for deft.
A meeting of the hockey enthusi-
asts was held in Sandy .nawden's
store last Friday evening. when it
was decided to have two teams this
year instead of one. a senior and a
junior team. The following were the
officers elected: -Hon. Pres. It E.
'landlord ; llon. Vice -Pres. G. \\t
Harrison : Pres. Dr. McGillicuddy :
Vice -fres. R. N. Creech ; Secy:-
Treas. Bruce Anderson; Manager and
Captain. Sandy Bawden; Committee.
1t. Southcott, T. Carling, II. .Elliott
1 and alert slivers. Monday. \Vednes-
+ day and Friday evenings were ar-
ranged for the practice nights.
Old Case Ended. -We notice by .the
reports of the Assizes recently held
at Goderich that a case whose origin
dates back some 23 years and in which
some respected residents of Hensel!
are interested has at last been tried
and decided. It.seems that Mrs.
Hugh McMartin. f Hcnsall. who rat
j the time referred to lived at Brusselsw• - -- �� got word of a small fortune having
been Zeit to her in Scotland but it
was not payable until the death of the
widow of the testator. Mrs. McMar-
tin however was induced by one Sin-
clair. a solicitor of I3russels to assign
one-half her legacy to bim in con-
sideration of his looking after the
matter. Neither party knew at that
Emil) Schroeder. (iort•e .\V,egand. lime what her share was worth but
Flora I:lienfe:cit. Edwin Hartman. it newturn:+ out to be of consider-
Truci+ncr. Theo.'ore Miller. Ida able size. Two years ago she con-
Measner. 11. CharlieBarthian.Verasuttee a lawyer here and action was
W'legend. Lillie lirodcrich, I:mnln commenced ngain't Sinclair. Justice
Messner. Ethel IKlienfe!dt. Norman McGee who hoard the case entered
(I Iicnfel.lt. .Inness 11"iunproy. 1't, II.
judgment for the plaintiff's ordering
Nora Miller. iienh'a \Vieentel. Cara Sinclair to re -assign the legacy to
'Kuntz. henry Recker, Christina Beck. Mrs. 111^Martin. .1. G. Stanbury ap-
er. Herbert Messner. 1't. 1. ,Tillie reared for the plaintiffs and W.
Messner. Ilea art! Trncnurer, Erni0
Miller. Edward Messner. \Vi1:ie Ziler.
Agnes Hartman. \ a lent ice Hecker.
C. Milligan. teacher.
and mistletoe. but when you think of
the Xmas dinner 1 guess it is the
other kind. that the miller grinds.
that you consider.
Wheat and Oats wanted.
All Good Kinds of
Flour and Feed
kept on hand
l;r.;ll and Shorts
Sults by the Ton.
11'hcat taken in exchange
for Fleur anti Oats taken in
exchange for Oatmeal.
W. Etivers
-- O\ PARI(
8. 11. No. 8 H A Y
Iterort of H. S. No. 8 Ilay for the
month of November. Names in order
of merit. Ti suelda Truetnncr, (Wee
Trne,nurr, itheaihold Miller. Lae:la
1Kunt r. tsueie I: Cenfeldt. 11011 Over-
holt. T.:tlie eles.ncr• 111. Tillie IKnnt7.
A ,treat offer to new subscribers
The Times and F.nni'y herald and
%reek:y Star from now till Jen 1010
fer''1:'I'N 11- I'IV I. CENTS. This of-
fer is good to I•c.in1' in (Mir -all on:y.
Oranges from 10c. to 60c. a dozen at
Wilson Bros.
The wife of Mr. Eli. Cosh, of Gan-
artoque, and a former resident of
Exeter, died at that place on Monday
of last week.
The Lumley school concert and box
social will be held Friday evening De-
cember 17th, when an excellent pro-
gram will be given.
Mixed candies and nuts of all kinds
at W. J. Statham"s
,The regular meeting of the South
Huron Farmers" Institute will be
held in 'Brucefield on Monday Jan.
10th and in Town Hall, Exeter on
Tuesday, Jan. llth.
The Times this year is presenting
to paid up subscribers a handsome
calendar, entitled "A Rift in the
Clouds." It is the prettiest we have
yet gotten out and is worthy .01
Teams representing Usborne and
Stephen will clash on the bowling
alleys Thursday night for the cham-
pionship of South Iruron. three games,
total pins to count. The Usborne
line-ui; will be composed of stalwart
bowlers like Fred Elterington, Tom
Ilt•1l. Bob. Sellery. Jack Snell and Ed.
\Vestcott, while the following gentle-
men will represent the western town-
ship. Henry John Kestle, Il3illy Tay-
lor. Jack Ford, Frank Trcibner, jr.
and another one to be selected. As
the foul line is to he respected the
same as in any regulation profession-
al genic, there promises to be lots of
fun, and incidentally come good
Following is the report of the ex-
aminations held at S. S. No: I. Us -
borne for the month of November.
Names in order of merit. V. George
Blatchford, John Strang. Gordon Oke,
Cecil Down. IV. Tena Dougall, ltos-
ena Down, Earl Bell, James Douga:l,
Roy White. 111. Sr. Elva Irarvey,Il..
Down. Olive Bowcliffe, Wilfrid Dou-
gall, Willie Strang. Ili. Jr. Flossie
Neil, Cecil Harris. Ross Dick, Gladys
Moir, Harvey Neil. 11. Sr. Maggie
Strang. John Dougall, Frank Jarrott,
Elgin Rowcli'ffc. 11. Jr. Mira Dew.
Vera ]tell, Katy Sanders. Pt. 11.
Alice Dick. Clifford Moir, Ile Mit-
chell. May Neil. Lorne Ol:e. I't. J.
Clara Neil. Rosie Moir, Malcoltn Dou-
gall. Iris Moir.
.1. A. I;: itatnell, teacher.
Rev. L. K. Eidt occupied the pul-
pit in the Evangelical church on the
l-ltlt concession on Sunday afternoon.
and in Zurich on Sunday evening.
Rev. A. D. Gishler's family being
ill with scarlet fever. Rev. Tie.bo:d.
o[ Wallace. took ltev. Eidt's charge
at. Dashwood.
Mr. 0. W. Graybeil returned to his
home here on Monday.
Mr. W. S. Sielert spent Sunday with
his mother in Berlin.
Mrs. C, Miller is spending a few
days with her sister. Mrs. ltavelle.at
Grand Bend.
Miss Dunn returned to her l:a:; ' on
Mr. J. IKellermann returned to his
home here on Friday.
Mrs. L. E. Eidt, who has been vis-
iting her father rat Lisbon. returned
home on Friday last.
ing part of lot, 5 and 6, on south
aide of North Street, and frame
house, containing six rooms. Lot
501[13, well fenced and only a few
rods from Main Street. Cellar un•
der whole house. with parlor. din-
ing room. kitchen and wash room.
three bed rooms and two clothes'
closets upstairs. This is a veryde-
sirable property. the house having
only been built two years. Reason
for selling proprietor is going west
For terms and further particulars
enquire of the proprietor on the
premises. A. E. Pym, or to B. 8,
Phillips. Auctioneer, Exeter.
Proudfoot b. C. for the defendants AUCTION SALE. -Auction Sale of
25 cattle rind 4 horses at the seirds in
S tibipka rat one o'clock p. m.'rhurs.
Cut Price Sale of all day. Dec. 23rd. 1909. Ii, I3ossenbe•rry,
Auctioneer. J. I). Jackson. i'ro-
i-aincy (mods at ,1'rictor.
Come Thn Dllni
r1 having resew(' business in the
vI' old stand north f e Metropolitan
M I t o th
Bete'. 1 will be p:eased to have nil
my old customers call. ns we'l as
hundreds of others who have not yet
paid me a visit. if skillful workman-
ship and courteous treatment are cri-
terions to go by. 1 hope to merit n
share of the public patron:ere. I
have also excellent .facili!ies for
cleaning. pressing and r iwiri,l ;
clothes on the shortest notice
1 :"'Cls
petsanrren-..: ,.►cr <, . .._. .aa-arrr_amw tizn-_
Ayer's I -lair Vugor
ingrcdienis : Sulphur. Glycerin. Qu'nfn. ' mtr,n Chtneld.
Capsicum. ease. Akchol. v. etc.-. i'crfume-
Anything injurious here?
Anything of merit here?
Will it stop falling hair?
Will it destroy dandruff?
Ask your doctor.
Ask yo'wr doctor.
Ask your doctor.
Ask your (betor.
D.s not Color theriel.gr
.). 1. ALTA e'.m 1p.sr. f.,.-, •t, ?s....
ase. • 7: . r At_s i{i.it!-._.....111i...
IING! ...� .
You Take No Chances
When You Det Your
Fall and Winter Suits
from an old established and reliable house
ike ours.
Time -tried Reputation is what ensures you
Merchant Tailor - Exeter, Ontario
ME 1 1 114 11 1 1 s`1<i;iliil1 IM11111110M =ZUMEMI
Publio notice is hereby given that
a meeting of the Electors of the
Village of Exeter will be held in the
Town Hall, Exeter, on
MONDAY, DECEMBER, 27th, 1909
At the hour ot 12 o'clock, noon.
For the purpose of making and
receiving nominations for Reeve,
Councillors and Public School Trus-
tees. The Municipal Council of the Vil-
lage notice is hereby given that
in the event of more candidates be- sage o[ Exeter hereby rnacta as Pol-
ing proposed for any particular of- lows:
Tice than required to be elected, the That the sale by ,retail of spirit -
proceedings will be adjourned until nous, fermented, or other manufac-
tured liquors is and shall be prohib-
ited in every tavern, inn or other
house or place of public entertainment
in the said municipality, and the sale
thereof, except by wholesale, is and
shall be prohibited in every shop or
place other than a house of public)
entertainment in the said municipal-
2. That the vote of the electors of
the said Village of Exeter will be
taken on this By-law by the deputy -
returning officers hereinafter named
on Monday, the Third day of January.
One thousand nine hundred and ten.
commencing at Nine o'clock in the
morning and continuing until Five
o'clock in the afternoon at the under-
mentioned places:
To .prohibit the sale by Retail
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 18.515
CAP TAL (paid up)
$3 500.000.00
)fes ;f16 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dlckson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,0
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,
I 1 1
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and Englin
COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farmers
others for the transaction ot
banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collectio
BANKING BY MAIL Accounts many be opened by majl tit
monies deposited or withdrawn in
way with equal facility.
Exeter Branch-G.W Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
S. 1 No. 51 USJIORNE
Sr. IV Honors, Rufus Kestle, Vera
Moodie. Pass Emma Fisher. Fred
Perkins, Elmer McFalls. Jr. - IV.
Honors, Lila ,Moir. Pass, Gertic
Johns. Jr. III. Honors, Maggie
Moodie. Pass, Garnet McFalls, Clar-
ence Johns. Sr. II. Honors, Thelma
Forda.s, F, Hearold1H'
ro Moirgtns.J, Orbyr. Kestle.
I's II li
Albert J3oulter. Pass, Gordon Per -
Of S irituous, Fermented, kins, Charlie Prout. Pt. 1. Honors.
DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8,
D. D. 8., Dentist. Member et
R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate •of Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling',
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors
DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D
D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto
Charlie Fisher, Mae Ford. Pass,
or of er Manufactured Li- Amy Fisher. Number on roll 29, aver- Dental Surgeon
quors in the Municipality age 244 , i . i . , Office over Gladman & Stanbury
E. L. McPherson, teacher. Main street-Externs.of the Village of Exeter.
Monday, January 3rd, A. D., 1909,
when polls will be opened at 9 a. m.,
at the following places as fixed by
Village By -Law, viz;
Polling Sub -Division No. 1, at Sal-
es I(andford's residence, Mails street.
by Edward Treble, D. 11. 0., and
Herbert Ford, Poll Clerk. Polling
Sub -Division No. 2 at Weekes Oros.'
Marble Works, Main Street, by W. D.
Weekes, D. R. 0., and James Weekes,
Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -Division No.
3, at Jno. Mitchell's Office Corner
of Main and Wellington Streets by
Richard G. Seldon. D. R. 0., and
Alex. G." Dyer. Poll Clerk. Polling
Sub -Division No. 4, at the Town Hall,
by Joseph Davis, i). 11. 0., and R, N.
Taylor, Poll Clerk.
And all c!cbturs are hereby re -
Polling Subdivision No. 1 at Silas
quested to to take notice and govern Ilandford's residence Main Street by
themselves accordingly. Edward Treble, Deputy Returning Of-
ficer. SENIOR, ficer, and Herbert Ford, Poll Clerk.
Returning Officer
Exeter. December 13th. 1909. I'olling Subdivision No. 2 at Weekes'
Tiros., Marble Shop, Main Street, by
\Vm. D. Weekes, Deputy .Returning
Officer and James Weekes, Po11 Clerk.
Every farmer should know that the I'olling Subdivision No. 3 at Jno.
Mitchell, office, corner of Main and
Wellington Streets by Richard G.
Seldon, Deputy Returning Officer, nod
Alexander G. Dyer, Poll Clerk.
Polling Subdivision No. 4 at . The
Town Hall. Main Street by Joseph
Davis, Depuly Returning Officer, and
It. 'Nelson Taylor, I'oll Clerk.
:3 That on Monday the twenty-seven-
th day of December A. D. 1909 at the
Clerk's office in the Town Hall in the
Village of Exeter, at the hour of Two
o'clock in the afternoon the Reeve
shall appoint in writing. signed by
- himself. ttvo persons to attend at the
final summing up of the votes by the
clerk. and one person to attend at
each polling place on behalf of the
per:.ons interested in and desirous of
promoting the passing of this Ry -Law,
and a like number on behalf of the
persons interested in and desirous of
O ,21 os:nu.he passing of this liy.Law.
4. That the Clerk of the said Muni-
cipal Council of the Village of Exeter
shall attend at his office in the Town
Hall in the said Village of Exeter at
the hour of Ten o'clock in the fore-
noon on the Fourth day of January A.
D. 11910. to sunt up the number of
votes given for and against this By -
• w.
S. Th's Jt)• -Law shall come into
fore^ an.l take effect as front the
First day of May next after the final
passing thereof.
Council Chamber. :,t• !. December.
11 0!,.
(1.. S.) Jog. Seri or. f'l••rk.
price offered by the dealers for cattle,
Logs, ete., is a falr one. Trow can be
know this if he does not take a farm
business paper? What doctor er law-
Ider or business man would be without
s businet:s paper? There is but one
farmers' business and market paper, that
is The Weekly Sun. Start 1910 right by
t, r -Zee ,tINSLFiA)
Buy a Piano For
Srarely Mete is nothing better for
Xmas than n pians'. It ie some-
thing the whole family can enjoy
Semethina that will last, a life lime
and if Fought tight can he handed
down for three generations. You do
net take any chances nn any piano NOTICE.
you get here. The standirg of this es-
tat.lishment is it surety that you will Take notice that the above is a true
get your money's worth tt good resin -
copy of a proposed Ily-Law which has
hle piano. copy
• taken into consideration by the
Then on the top of this yon have our Alnnicipal Council of the Village of
ris4? .: 50 r. by ,Could you lake Exeter and whit h will be finally pass-
ed by the said Council (in the event
(:,',n here and pick one an inetru_ of the assent of the electors being oh-
nunl dint p1":i-'von in appearmnce twined thereto. as provided by -The
loud tone Yon will find our price's 1."gran, Licence Act". and antend-
►etronnhle anti the terrane of pea -talent
rtrntA thereto) ails, one month from
tan e,sily b• n,r:u„fe,l („ yam► ratio_ the first publication thereof in the
faction and the institutioOilwill be ah• 1tiny
Times news paper 111' date 01
solute y ,ilial le in every respect. • hich first publication was Therm -
We are note displaving an unusual ray the Ninth day of December A. D.
('hri.lntav tat, el, the 1'1n"st lint' of 1'i- and that at the hour. dny and
M. VINCENT. Prop places therein fixed for taking the
nnm.tn the twir►.e' votes of the electors the polls will he
Ir f..
1, 10 $200. 111)Aheld.
\'rat" Cir
N t: . UJTIf OR , Org.tn. Iron, *ea nn y,.
W 1:91' TMV: 1`;T1:1:: l A selretMurk of ChristronsStatinnery (L. F+.) Toa tr,er. ('l, rk.
Nnw• ie In-• t m . to plan your nrip Mitran - bank w, nib] e+,Sleighs. Doll -cots
;n i:cl'for:I':,, 1'•1: aico I- o•id1 or the an.l al musical merchandise. P.ilpitntinn of the heart, ner-
Satiny :'oti'1'. ('orioilt r :.r,• -t 0. T. - fii n tousners, trenl.i:nes, netvous head•'
It. A(l'I t• rc.. I/. tg low told. Il rates, �s �arV�l, foil ,rhe, role) other •or fr p,in in the
or add":+4 .t. 1). '�rCih,tntld. li;gtrct hick noel ot her forms of weakness •
1'n'' neer A,\ it`. To- vivo, Ont. I • sue relieved by Carter's Iran P111• i nwelw'Meotbs Peel to
Philip, aged four, is in the habit • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Ira
of going across the street to a neigh- rersltr. ontoe and restdenence. D0=1111011
bor's house for milk. One day in De-
cember he returned home with an Associate Coroner of Hurots.
empty bucket and a grave face.
"We can't get any more milk." he an-
nounced in a tone weighty with the
importance of his message. "The
cow's dried up." And. ns we stared
in surprise at him, be suddenly
clinched the matter with an observa-
tion, evidently of .his own -"They
don't think that she'll thaw out till
Spring." -The Delineator for .Janu-
t16rcs Good News
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is
The Old Reliable Firm
M. Jackson & Son
one door south of the Metropoli-
tan. Just look at the following
prices (no trade, and no truck)
all cash.
Rags 75 c, per hundred
Iron from We to 75e. per hun.
Old rubber boots & shoes 7c. lb.
Copper and brass Sc. per Ib.
Harse hair 30c. per Ib.
Lead and zinc 2 1/2c. per Ib.
Bring your goods here and get
the worth of your money.
A great variety of .IRON
I PIPEalways on hand at a rea-
sonable price, suitable for fence
posts, bracing boulevarding.
MJackson &sons
:ii 4A
sya0pSi3 01 the g0D0dIoo NOM WeSI
Any person who is the sole head
of a Tamil,/, or any male over 11
yearn old may hdmeatead a 'parte"
seotoni of available Dominion land it
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Albert-
The applicant must appear in persot
at the Dominion Lands Agency o+
Sub-agenoy for the district. Entry be
proxy may be had at the agenoy, or
certain conditions, by father. mother
,on, daughter, brother, or sister of
mending homesteader.
Duties :-Six months residence upot
awl cultivation of the land in eaot
of three years. A homesteader ms)
live within nine miles of his home-
stead on a ,farm of at least 80 Rec.,
solely owned and oceup;ed by him of
Itis father, mother, son, daughter
brother or sister.
In certain distriotl a bornestea.l'-t
it rro.rl standing may pec-nmpt e
gn.lt.tcr section alongside his home-
stead. Price $3. per lore. Duties-
'Iust res:do Aix months ineaoh of set
Trit R. Bright, hl. D., M.C. P. and
•8., Honor Graduate Toronto Un.
iyersity. Two years resident physician=
Royal Arexandra Hospital, etc. Office
and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand
Andrew Street, Exeter.
We have unlimited private funds for !raped
en1 upon farm or village iroper$y of Lowest
rAlues of inberese.
Barristers, Solicitors Notaries. (oays ,ls
Commissioner'. Saw
Solicitors tar the *o
Bank. Eto.
honer to Loan ab lowest rates of Iatlsrvek
a OARLIA D. A. t. o. SKEW
We have a large amount of prtvale fuels
ciao on farm and village properties M lemma
Barristers Solicitors. )►) sin 11. sheriff
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
mONSY to loan et lowest rates.
North West Lander for Sale.
Office. Main Street. Exeter
Inc Usborne and Ribbon
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President -J. L. RUSSELL.
Vice -President -W. 11. PA88iijORQ
WN. ROY, BonNijoLY P.
Wm. Bnocic WINCIlr.L8RA P. O.
JOHN EMERY. Exeter, agent
Usborne and Iliildulph.
OLiVEdt HARRIS, Munro. a
for Hibbert, Full trton and Loges.
8ecv.Treas. Farquh
OLADMAN & STANBITRY. 9:,lioltsrlf
Christmas an ew
Year Excursions.
Between all etntions in Canada, a
to Detroit, Poi Huron, ,Mich,
fate, Black hock, Niag:,ta Fal;s
t3uepeesion Bridge, N. Y.
year, from date of trnneetead eat r ► i (food going thee:ace 21t11 at d '
fine:uding the tuna rcrynired to tart . Ludt, teturuing until 1)-c.Ville 1
homestead patent) and co 'tivte. Alio good going Dec. :31x, 111111 an
fifty acres extra. Jan. 1st. 1910, Returning ut.ttl Jan,
A home.tea ler w ho tins exhau".•d ':3rd, 11)10.
his homestead right and cannot O. AT 1':\i{ E AND ONE THIRD
titin a pre-emption may take a per- G,r•,d going Dec. _'1st to Dec. 2.5th
clrnw•d hntnestead ill certain dist, e►, R K •
Pr;o,• $3. per more. Deities. -Mum i inclusive. Iteleliit ( 110,1 .fan• bth
r+•s'lc +' 1100! ha :n each of thre. 11)10.i), Also gond gou,g /)cc. :Nth,
tear,, e 3 x tirrtn (.fry ncrc� at►d erect' INuto.lan. let 1t)It1. it. tlr, ireg Mb.
, hotly., ,. nr,w
W. w, eh R ')'r1RTf► ni, 111l Jan.:Ali, Imo.N. R. -- Unsathorited pnliteetiose of tale s trestle)
Full infortn.n1 ion (tom
Deputy of the Miniver of the Wed It
J. J. KNIGHT, 1). 11 t Agent.
or write J. D. MCDoNALit Union
' Depot. Toronto. Ont.