HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-12-16, Page 2111 Ullexpeeted €oofessioo;
Or, The Story of Miss Percival's Early Life.
How lovely she was, as she cir-
cled round and round in her rich,
shimmering robes, her jewels flash-
ing hack in a thousand rays, the
lights above, her fair face slightly
flushed, her eyes dazzingly brilli-
ant with the pleasurable excitement
of the moment, keeping graceful
step to the languorous rhythm of
the music and evidently enjoying
t3 the utmost this, almost her first,
taste of social life and its triumphs.
Donald Lancaster's heart was
heavier than it had ever been be-
fore, during his whole life, as, with
fascinated gaze, he watched her
every movement, for he believed her
the happy wife of another -for no
one could look upon that smiling,
care -free face and not feel that she
was happy.
Then it suddenly occurred to him
that it w•as somewhat singular that
she should be there without her
husband, and mingling so freely
with young people.
"If she is really my Lady Irving-
ton, where is my Lord Irvington?'
he mentally questioned. "Surely
any man should bo proud of such
a wife to wish to attend her in so-
oioty, and participate in her social
triumphs. Perhaps, however," he
added, with curling lips, "that she
bas sold her beauty to some old
man in his dotage -as my mother
suggested -for his money and a
coronet, and that is why she is
hero without him, so gay and light-
Then he almost as quickly repu-
diated the thought as utterly impro-
"No," he said, "I will not be-
lieve it ; she was always too true,
too conscientious, to be guilty of
an act so mercenary. But 'solve
this tantalizing mystery I must be-
fore I leave this place," ho con-
cluded, with an air of resolution.
Presently he saw her leave the
ballroom with her partner, and to-
gether they bent their steps toward
a marble court in the midst of which
there played a beautiful fountain
surrounded by paling, ferns and
other potted plants.
Tho young duke conducted Esther
t) a seat beneath a great feathery
palm, after consulting with 1 er for
a few moments, he bowed ane) dis-
appeared in the direction of the
supper room.
Now was Donald's opportunity
With a quick, clastic step, he
crossed the space between them
and presented himself before the
woman he loved.
"Ani I mistaken, or are you real-
ly my old friend, Esther?" he in-
quired, in a low tone, that was tre-
mulous from emotions which he
could not wholly control as he bent
down to look into her face.
Esther started as the first sound
of his voice fell upon her ears; a
soft flush crept over her neck and
arms and deepened the tint in her
The next moment she had risen
and bowed courteously, though
somewhat distantly, to the man
whom she still loved mall all the
purest affection of her true and
loyal heart.
"Yes, Mr. Lancaster, I am Es-
lher," she gravely replied, yet
without offering hint her band -it
was trembling so she dare not.
"slave I changed so much that you
dict not know enc 1„
"No -oh, no; I should know you
anywhere," he answered, with a
quick indrawn breath; "but I could
not understand i could not recon-
cil. your being here, with—"
"With what you know of my
past," she supplemented. as he
faltered, hardly knowing how to
proceed. "Ah, yes, these has been
a great change in my circumstances.
Have you been long abroad, Mr.
Lancaster?" she inquired, now hav-
ing entirely recovered her self-pos-
"And you n re really Lady 7 rving-
ton-you aro married?" the young
than eagerly queetiuned, and ig-
nored her query, which, indeed. he
hardly heard.
"Yes," she responded, smiling
slightly, "I am married- it is true
that I am Lady Irvington."
"How long is it since yon were
nwrried, Esther?" demanded Don-
ald, and utterly unable to repress
the note of anguish that rang
through his tones.
And looking him steadily in the
sec she slowly replied:
"Three Ceara ago the twentieth
ef last February, Mr. Lancaster."
Her companion started as if some
one hnd smitten him a terrific blow.
"(food Heaven!" he exelnintwd.
aghast, "that WAS tiie very day that
1 believed -the very dnv that I met
roti uptown, in New York, and -
"les," Esther quietly interpos-
ed ; "it. was the very clay that I
!veined of your engagement to Vies
Dexter. Alt! you lent a returned,
my lord, ' she continued, address -
lag the young duke, who appeared
at that moment, followed by a ser-
vant bearing a tray of ices. "Allow
me to introduce a countryman of
mine : Mr. Lancaster --his grace,
the Duke of York."
Donald had been nearly paralyz-
e.' by the astounding deelsrntion
which Esther had made but a mo-
ment before, but with a painful ef-
fort. he recovered his equanimity
and returned his lordship's saluta-
tion with more composure than one
would have supposed possible.
But of course he could not con-
tinue any conversation of a per-
sonal nature, with Esther, in the
presence of a third party ; there-
fore, after exchanging a few courte-
ous sentences with her and her
posed. '`You will surely attract
attention, and you are hurting my
I He instantly released his hold
upon her; but his face was terrible
in its sternness and pallor.
"If I ever discover that you did
make mischief between us I will
• never forgive you," he whispered,
bending his lips close to her car.
".Esther 11'cllington was all the
world to ole, and in losing her 1
have lost all --henceforth life will
he but a blank to ole."
"Hush, Donald; here comes Mar-
jorie. Have you asked her to dance
yeti" questioned his mother, in an
anxious tone.
"No, and I do not intend to; I
am going home," he curtly return-
ed ; and, turning his back upon
both uomen, he walked away.
But Ire did not go home. Some
magnetic influence drew hi►n back
to the ballroom, where, hiding him-
self in a cornier, he continued to
watch the movements of the woman
he loved.
He was not hidden, however, for
Esther saw hien. She seemed, in-
tuitively, to know that he was
there; but, woman-like, she made
no sign to betray the fact, or that
his. presence produced the slight-
est effect upon her. Instead, she
appeared 'only the more brilliant
companion, he excused himself, and I and completely absorbed in Iter
left them to enjoy their ices by i pleasure of the hour.
themselves. I The sight of her beauty, her
He was wretched, however, and, grace, her enjoyment, drove hint
he hnd really learned nothing more!tt•ild, and finally, as she stopped to
than he already knew, beyond the
date of Esther's marriage. He was
perplexed beyond expression.
She had learned of his "engage-
ment to Miss Dexter" on the very
day when he had virtually declar-
ed his love for herself 1
Who could have reported such a
falsehood, and how could she have
learned of it, on that day of all
days ? How could she have believ-
ed hien so base, so lost to honor
and capable of such double dealing?
He had been so sure that she re-
turned his love at that time that
had no misunderstanding arisen,
she would havo become his wife,
even though a prince of royal blood
had sued for her hand.
But how, when, where could she
have met this lord whom she had
married! How could the union
have been consummated so sudden-
ly -and who could have so turned
her against him, and wrought up-
on her proud, sensitive spirit in
such a way as to drive her into de-
ciding so vital a question upon the
impulse of a moment, as it were?
Some one must have wrought this
mischief with willful and deliber-
ate intent, and before she had given
him the cut direct that night at the
theatre when she had seen him
with Miss Dexter. Good Heaven!
she must have been married, oven
then! and oh! it had never occur-
red to him before -the man with
whom he had seen her was perhaps
her husband.
These intensely perplexing and
harassing thoughts flashed through
his mind after he had left Esther
while he
her companion, and 1 e
and c p ,
was slowly making his way from
the marble court and trying to
solve the problem which so troubled
Suddenly he stopped short, a light
breaking in upon him, as he re-
membered that his mother and Mar-
jorie had passed him and Esther
upon the street, that day, in New
York. He remembered their rude
stere and look of displeasure, and
now, putting this, that and other
together, he now felt sure that his
mother had been the mischief mak-
"She surely lost no time in trying
to carry out her wretched plot, and
she has ruined my whole life," he
muttered, with exceeding bitter-
ness, as he paused beneath an arch-
way and glanced back to see Es-
ther gracefully entertaining her
companion and apparently uncen
scions of aught sate the present,
and her immediate surroundings.
She was so bright, so full of vi-
vacity and apparently so care -free,
he could not juidge her anything but
happy, and he groaned in spirit
over his irreparable loss and the
belief that another possessed the
treasure he so coveted. As he was
crossing the spacious hall in search
of his own party. he met his mother
coring to fend him.
"Donald'. what is it 1" she ex-
claimed, in dismay, as she caught
sight of his white. drown face.
His heart was full of bitterness
---he was desperate and reckless,
and he retorted, sharply :
"I have seen her --Lady Irving-
ton ; I have spoken with her, and
rhe is Esther."
"Well, yes. 1 supines' it is true.•'
Mrs. Lancaster admitted, her eyes
shifting restlessly beneath his sul-
len. accusing gaze. "But liow did
it happen? Who and what is this
'lord' that he could stoop so low-"
"Stop!" commanded Donald,
with angry authority ; "you shall
not speak of her like that, for a
lovelier. purer, or more innately
refined girl than Esther 1Ccllingtoen
does not live. I do not know how
is happened, merely know that the
only woman I ever loved, whom 1
ever shall love, is lost to me. 1fo-
ther," he continued, in a fierce un-
dert.ene, as lie caught her wrist in
a viselike grasp, "did you meddle
between her and me? You told me
nnee that you would move heaven
and earth to prevent my marrying
"Donald, how wildly you arc talk-
ing:" Mrs. Lancaster here inter -
rest after an inspiring galop, he
1 made his way, in a fit of despera-
tion, straight to her.
"Lady Irvington," he said, bow-
ing before her, "will you favor an
old friend with one of the coming
Something in his tone smote Es-
ther's heart with sudden pain. She
glanced searchingly into his cloud -
el eyes and white, set face, and
what she raw there well-nigh de-
stroyed her presence of hind for
the moment.
She read there grief, regret, al-
most despair, and knew that the
man loved her still, in spite of ev-
Her heart bounded with a thrill
of exultation at the knowledge; and
then there came a terrible reaction
as she remembered the bautiful wo-
man whom she had seen driving with
him only a few days previous.
But, recovering herself aln:ost
immediately, she responded, with
a polite smile of regret:
"Thanks, Mr. Lancaster; but, my
tablet is full," and ahc held it up
before hint, that ho might see for
Even in his pain he noticed what
a beautiful little toy it was - com-
posed of a couple of leaves of carv-
ed ivory set in a frame of gold and
suspended from her girdle by an
exquisite chain.
"It is a delightful ball, isn't it?"
Esther continued, brightly, to con-
ceal the rapid beating of her heart.
"Is Mrs. Lancaster present with
you, to -night?"
"Ives," Donald unwittingly an-
swered, without a suspicion that
she referred to his supposed wife.
rather than to his mother.
Then, determined that he would
have an interview with her at any
cost, he began to frame a rcgnc: t
that he might call upon her, when
her partner for the next figure ap-
peared, and interrupted him.
"Excuse me. please," Esther
said, with a smile and bow as she
allowed the newcomer to lead her
i eeaid could endure no more,
and,• tiuietly leaving the house, he
returned at once to his hotel, where
he passed a sleepless, wretched
The next morning he disappeared
before breakfast, and was absorb-
ed all day, much to the annoyance
of his mother and the mortification
of Mites Dexter, who began to have
a suspicion of how matters stood.
Her chagrin was, however, suc-
ceeded by a sense of exultation in
tine he lief that her rival could no
longer interfere with her own
schemes for the future.
"Thank goodness that she is
mnarried, Rud beyond Don's reach!"
she muttered, while brooding over
the situation. "He may be upset
for a while, but he will get over
it in time, and perhaps he will be
so piqued that he will be ready to
do the fair thing to Inc at last."
This way of reasoning was ra-
ther sorry comfort to her, but, like
a drowning than. she was really to
grasp at any strawof hope which
she could find floating upon her
troubled sCA.
(To be continued.)
Waiting for the Late male.- Life.
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Steam and Electric Railroad Shares, paying f 41: to 514 per rent.
Manufacturing and Industrasl Stocks, paying front 7 per cent. up.
Bonds vs. Industrial Stocks.
Bonds bear only a stated low
rate of interest, usually from
4 to 6 per cent., do not increase
in value, and at the end of a
stated number of years return
you only the money in-
Industrial Stocks always yield
7 per cent. or over, with extra
dividends as the business prosper,
increasing in value as the business
grows, and after a term of years can
be sold for more than the original
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You are too late to reap the bene-
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ginning January, 1910, a dividend of
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Taxicab Stock is a good buy Li $6.00 per share, par vv.lue
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Eee L'nglish TOROiYTO
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The nutritive substances in hay
or feud may he divided into two
classes -flesh -formers and fuel or
energy • producing substances.
When the proper amount of these
two classes of substances is fctl the
ration is said to be balanced. If
an unbalanced ration is fed, as one
containing more fuel or energy-
produeing substances than are
needed and less flesh -forming ma-
terial, the ration is partially %vast
cd, and such unwise feeding will
not bring as good results as the
feeding of. the same amount of a
balanced ration. Each class of sub-
stance line different offices to per-
form in the body. If not enough
flesh -forming substanee is fed, the
body suflers, because it is absolute-
ly necessary to keep the body in
good condition. 'Thousands of hers -
es are fed all they can cat, yet are
poorly nourished because the food
contains little except fuel sub-
The flesh -forming substances are
used to replace the waste that goes
on in all living tissue. Energy -pro-
ducing substances are used to fur-
nish the energy required for tee
nervous and muscular activities of
the body, and when fed in excess
tl•cy may to a certain extent bo
stored up in the forth of fat for use
later, when needed fat either en-
ergy or heat.
One of the most important sub-
etanccs in nny foodstuffs is protein.
All nutritive substances which con-
tnin nitrogen are classed under the
general term of protein. Pro-
tein is composed of nitrogen car-
bon. hydrogen, oxygen. sulphur
and phosphorus. Protein is the sub-
stance which builds up the body.
The muscles, tendons, ligament•,
connective tissues, skin, hair, hoofs,
part of the bone, and in fact every
part of the body but fat are i nude
tin of protein, together with min-
eral hatter and water.
The next irnpnrtnnt t•lnss of sub-
stances is the carbohydrates, which
contain carbon, hydrogen and oxy-
gen but no nitrogen, sulphur, or
1.hnsphorus : they include starch,
sugar, ete. These are used for prac-
tically the tame purpose for which
0091 or wood is used in the steam
engine, namely to furnish rnergy
and heat.
The third important constituent
liere DISTEMPER PShPltPO.1x,7,,
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Sure cure and t,•nairc preventive. no matter hoar ''ones at am age are
Infected cr "exp sed." I.ieluid, given on the tongue; acts on the mood and
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La Grippe among human beings and is a tine Kldnty rem.vey. S)c and +1 a
bottle: t•4an•11 1 1 a dozen. Cut this out. Keep it. Show to your druggist.
n' willL. yon. Booklet. Distemper. 'auses.e Cures.
who tit r Pres Bou t. D, m C and
get y Ire'
SPOI(N MEDICAL CO., Chemists sod Dacluiotesists, GOSRE!f, IND.. U.S.A.
of hay is its oils. Small quantities
o` oil arc present in all kinds of
hay. These oils serve the same pur-
pose as the carbohydrates. A
hound of these, however, will fur-
nish two and one-fourth tinges as
much energy or heat as the same
quantity of carbohydrates. It „a'1
readily be seen when the chentice'
analysis of hsy is considered, wily
the price of the different grades or
kinds of hay should depend, first
upon the amount of digestible nu-
trients contained, and second, upon
tee purpose for which the hay is
fe 1. If the concentrated feed-i.e.
the grain in the ration --lacks pro-
le in, then the luny that is high in
this substance is more valuable
than one which contains little but
ea rbohydrat OS and vice -versa
There is quite n range in the
amount of the different classes Of
nutrients in the various kinds )f
On an average, in 100 pounds of
alfalfa hay the digestive protein
amoants to 10.58 pounds; in cow -
pea hay, 10.79 pounds; in alsike
clover 7.33 pounds; in redtop hay,
4,80 pounds; and in timothy hay,
2.89 pounds.
In 100 pounds of rcdtop hay the
digestible carbohydrates amount
to 47 pounds. in timothy hay, 93.72
pounds, in alsike clover hay, 41.70
pounds, in alfalfa hay, 37.33
pounds : in ccwpca hay, 39.40
pound? ; in red clover bay, 30.15
When fend for protein, timothy
hay ranks last, but when fed for
carbohydrates it stands next to
rcdtop, which heads the list. If the
total nutrients are considered there
are a number of different kinds of
hay which are equal. if not super-
ier, to timeet!ly hay for feeding
---- - --'I'- --
Procrastination is the thief of
many a good time.
(live the etngster a dish of Kel;spi's
Toasted ('ern flakes whenever lie wishes. It
will put his litt t le Llnnlacb in prune conditiva
fur other foods.
The Lt) per cent. fond value in Kellogg's
'J'oasled f'orn i'lakea builds up the tissurs, in-
creases the binod.power and general nutrition
tit the body, and wonderfully aids digestion.
Ti;elle 's Toasted ('ern !'lakes is a (1a?nt-
ily crisp• delicious cereal. Ent Kellogg's for
breakfast and supper every day -it's n• good
for grown up fc•lks as it is for youngsters.
Just add milk or cream and serve.
WHEN IT Itl•'.11.1. It%INS 111H:1
IN J.1‘1-t1t'.t.
Traveller '{'ells of itis Experience
in 1!i: Ilurrieanc of
1903.., Ape
"Have you ever been through a
11.c! t Indian hurricane 1" said :s
u►eutber of a party discusi ing the
recent. storm in Jamaica. "Do you
want to know what the experience
is e't
".tliklnirricane will leap out of s
deal sky, swoop doe n On a (•sly,
blow everything pi its path flat ares
pass on. Then follows the tail at
t he hurricane, a steady breeze
blowing in the same direction but
at a hutch lower velocity. This is
likely to continue for many hours,
sometimes for many (Jaya, .and is
always accompanied by a terl•cn-
tial downpour of rain.
`•I was in Kingston, J+.ruaica, at
the time of the hurricane of 1303.
At 3 o'clock in the afternoon 1 was
ie my orrice on the top floor of a
rickety wooden building. Am sud-
denly as a clap of thunder
''1 had a pretty good idea e4
what was about to happen, tired go
ing to the window looked out acro
the roofs. A black cloud was
whirled .up out of Inc southwest,
obscuring the sun, but still golden
with light.
'In less than a quarter of an
hour the wind reached us. The
first structure that went was a
wooden watch tower, about two
hundred feet high, that ha'Ll,,
used in the old days to locate s ups
approaching the harbor. It had
weathered all previous hurricanes,
but this time it went down like a
house of cards. Spar's of lumber
from that tower were carried as
far as twenty block before they
came to the ground.
"Then the spire of a church went,
the roofs of a good many residences
tverc torn off and some fine palm
trees in the public gardena snapped
off about half way from the ground.
Buildings in Kingston. however, aro
calculated to stand a pretty severe
blow. They are built only a few
stories high and the roofs pleeent
a broad and comparatively fiat sur-
face to the wind. _'onidering th
velocity at which that hurrican
was travelling the
even my crazy office buildi ig -
stood it; but the tail of t u. ing
followed, with a heavier rain than
I have ever seen before or °ince. '1'o
say that it came down in bucketfuls
would be mild. It was as if the
clerk of the weather had taken t
)ping out of tome huge vat augpe
ed above our heads and alio*
the water to plump straight do
"ln three hours the macadam.
the streets had been washed in
the harbor. The street outside my
window was a rushing river as much
as four feet deep in platen. 1 PAW
a cart try to cross it, but with the
water above the axle of the vh
and the horse's legs being was
away fro;n under it is was an iin
possible task and the driver turned
back. Big casks and packing eases
were dancing on the surface like
"As you can imagine, I (1:(i not
get home to supper that evening.
It was 8 o'clock before the rain
stopped and the water in the streets
had drained into the harbor. live
then traffic had not begun to reor
ganize itself.
"The trolley car tracks had be
washed out and no care were ru
ning. Cabs, however, were dein
and eventually i got. a cabman
drive me home for three tines
customary charge.
"The damage to property.
Kingston mounted up t•e huntlr
of thousands of dollars, beet the r
destruction was wrougght in
country districts. flood', will
out many o negra village a
the flimsy houses flouting down the
rivers. The railroad!, were tic,l op
for nearly a week. livery inmate'
tree in the path of the hurricane
was uprooted. Oh, yes. a West In-
dian hurricane can do a lot ef dam-
age ellen it gets busy.
"Loss of life, (lid you A»v ? Of
course there was. Nearly two I in-
dred people were killed throughimt
the island on that oe 'o cul 1,
Fens• accustomed 16 t la
\Celt Indies. 'We c ser i -
cane every once in a while nil ve
knew that it will take its toll of 1 n-
tnan life when it cornea. If you 1 ad
here telling the story yon oz
probably hay( mentioned Iii:,t ,est
of all, but eudd('n death i• r,(
mon below the tropic , f 1 •ilea r
we fC2t callous, 1 sn3 t•o•r•.
Irate Doctor (finding hot
gnaek medicine) ' Why di'In
tell me you were taking thio
shed stuff?"
Patient "Well, it aa: my
tt.s. sirs She says, I'll ileac'
v ill, this, and (loe:r,r he'll 1
stir' and we'll ere trhie>'t•ll
you first "