Exeter Times, 1909-12-16, Page 1%act HURON &N11 DDL 'SEX GAZET1 N Ours. £I TY -SEVENTH YB,AB-No 1888 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. 16th 1809, $1.00 per year in advance •••••••••••l••••••••••••••••. •••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••r•i••NN•••••• JONES & CLARK'S Phone No. 32. Christmas is Coming Are you Ready let it? Only one week more to Buy your Xmas. Presents for your Friends. Shop Early and Often. Come in the morning as our Salespeople are not so rushed Look at the array of Suggestive Gifts Collars Belts Handkerchiefs Scarfs Fascinators Comforters Hand Drawn Linen Gloves Hosiery Slippers Furs Parasols Jackets Real Hand Made Doylies, Centre Pieces,' Tray Cloths Scarfs and Runners. A big lot to choose from and very reasonable, Lawn Waists Silk Waists Net Waists Dress Skirts Underskirts Fur Lined Coats Battenburg Work The genuine hand Made Battenburg work of Centre Pieces, Doylies. Tray Cloths and Runners. They make a very suitable Xmas. present • New Lawn Waists Just Arrived for Xmas Some of the daintiest waists we have ever shown. All brand new for the holiday trade. Every Waist a new creation of the 1910 style. Come and have one for your Lady Friend. Xmas. Gifts for Men and Boys We are always in a good position to look af- ter the Men and Boys This year we are better th anever with our large stock of Gents Furnish- ings. We can give you anything yon may require. A Few Good Suggestions New Neck Ties The best yet. all the new colors are shown here. New Gloves Kid, Mocha and Dogskin. Fur lin- ed, lined. and un- lined. New Scarfs Fancy Vests In the new shap- es; colors Black Green, Gray, Red or 9lrown. Something nif- ty and very swell for the boys. New Shirts New Clothing A new lot of our popular W. G. & R. shirts for Xmas. Just in 'for the holiday. Some- thing new a nd natty. Don't Forget the Men and Boys for Xmas. They are not Bad Fellows Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Given Away Fr A Beautiful Calendar with every $2.00 worth of • ss � • s ii iz i ••tt i tz 0.•. t: •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • • • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• e Christmas Goods Remember that Colle'm Drug Store is headquarters fur Beautiful Xmas Gifts The present yon want is unloul)te•ily in our stock. Before purchasing look over our complete stock of choice and desirable presents. Exceedingly Low Prices will Surprise You. REMEMBER THE PLACE COLE'S DRUG STORE • 20 Per Cgpl. Discount Sale on Clothing until Christmas The Best Will qo First, Get Yours XMAS (LIFTS FOR MEN Swell New Mufflers, Tion, Swrarer l',•,te. (::eves. Slitrpeis. 11,.m kerchiefs, Fancy Sox. Ifuu-e ('...t•,. l'anev rests. Etc. BUY EARLY AND OCT YOUR CHOICE. SANDY BAWDEN A beautiful watch or Clock given away to customers. A • 1 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Usborne Man Killed in New Ontario The daily papers of Saturday con- tained the account of the murder of Percy l'arkinson, son of Mrs. Parkin- son. %rho lives a few miles south of Elimville, by a man named Walter Ross nt Englehart. Ontario. on De- cember Oth. Parkinson, ,who was about 26 years of age, left his home in Usborne n year ago last October to go to Cobalt as prospector, and with Ross, a man 33 years of age. who conies from Yorkshire, Eng., and another man erected a three roomed shack just of the T. and \1 0. line near Raymer. seven miles from Engle- hert. They were digging on what appeared to he a `good tnining pros- pect. Ross, who did ,the shooting. says that he and Parkinson had words over a ruiner ltoss had heard .that Parkinson and the other man were trying to freeze him out of the claim. A quarrel ensued, but nothing ser- ious happened. Next morning after breakfast Ross got up, and picked up a rifle and started to go out of the shack to explore. Ross says that be- fore he could reach the door Parkin- son secured a short axe in the cabin and stood between him and the exit. Moss backed up and finally got hem- med in between the table and the stove and according to his story Par- kinson then started to swing the axe and Ross fired just as be saw the axe descending. The bullet struck Par- kinson on the temple nearly tearing the top of his head off. Ross lifted the victim up and putting him on his bunk closed the shack and went to the railway station. When a train carne along he gave himself up to A. E. Rowell, a provincial constable, w•bo was on the train and told him what had happened. They returned to the cabin next day and there was Parkin- son's body frozen stiff. Young Parkinson was well known in and around Usborne and bore an excellent reputation. Ross his slay - .1. \V. IBIRODERRICK DEAD, • S. 8. No. 3 USBOItNS The following is the report of H. S. The sad news was received here Fri- No. 8 Usborne for the mouth of No - day morning that Mr. J. W. Broder- vember. V. total 200. lteta Shier 131. ick had died at his horse in London, IV. total 300, Eleanor Doupe 223: aged 71 years. The late Mr. Broder- Leonard Barris 2u9; Arlow Coleus ick has been a familiar fig:ere in the 157; Oliver ,McCurdy. absent. 111. mercantile interests of , Exeter for Sr. total 300. Reggie Dome. 166, Ida the last half century, having during Irvine 160. 111. Jr. total 300, Don - that time at various intervals con- ald Balfour 193; May llodgert 182; ducted the sale of bankrupt stocks. Fern Francis 179 ; Tena McCurdy 176 About thirty six years ago he erected Oscar Copeland 148. 11. Jr. total 200, the store building now occupied by Veber Shute 131: Lester McCurdy 117.1 Samuel Martin. Dr. Browning erect- Roy Fletcher 105 ; Gordon Copeland ing his portion of the building at the 89: George Ilarah 5B. Pt. IL total same time. He was married to Miss 290, Howard Shier 128 : Bella McCurdy Sarah Collingwood, whose father for- 113. I't. I. Sr. total 200. Maggie merly owned the property on the Lake McCurdy 119. Primary Class, Ira Road, now owned by Henry Smith. McCurdy, Marguerite Doone. No. en - For a number of years the family rolled 22, average attendance 19. lived in Exeter, and later moved to E. Al. Cresson. teacher. London to reside. Mr. Broderick was --�- a member of the Main Street Metho- ro YEARS EXPERIENCE OF AN dist church of long standing. and OLD NURSE. many years ago was the choir leader, Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup Is and on frequent occasions during the the prescription o[ one of the best Past few years has assisted the choir female physicians and nurses to the of the church. Two years ago. after United States, and has been treed for closing up his business in Goderich, he opened up a bankrupt stock in Exe- ter, which, with the exception of a few. months he conducted up to the titne of his death. Although in feeble health for some time, he oftimes made the remark that he would like to die in harness and his wish was gratified. On Nov. 25th be announced that he in- tended going to London to spend his birthday, which event he celebrated the next day Nov. 26th, but he found his health would not permit of his return here. He 'was a 'enan who made a success of his business. IIs paid cash for everything he got and asked the same in return and in con- sequence did not have to keep books. Ile was held in the highest esteem by everyone in Exeter, was ..perfectly honest in all his dealings, and had ,t host of friends. He took an active interest in outdoor sports, and was a member of the Exeter bowling and curling clubs and during ,the past summer devoted considerable of his spare time to playing .the former game. The funeral tt•as held in Lon - fifty years with never -failing success by tnillions of mothers for their children. It relieves the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In the bowels and wind colic. Ily giving health to the child, it rests the Who wouldn't appreciate Butter tttr-� Xuidssug�estlons Our stork- iti fuel of suitable Gifts for Father, \totter, Brother and Sister. Every girl an I buy u, :'<t haft SKATES Spring Skates from 50e. to $1.Otj Hockey Skates from 50e. to r"•3.OG Hockey Sticks from 10e. to 500. Reg. hockey Pucks from 15e. to 25n. Heavy Ankle Supports 3:,e. pair. Table Knives and Forks from $1.00 $1.00 up. Carvers in .pair and cases Irom up to $10.00 dozen. Tea, Dess and Table Spoons from 50e. to $3.00 dozen. Dess and Table Forks from $2.00 to 115.00. and Sugar Sheila pie Knives and Merry Knives Carpet Sweepers A most useful gift for children, 25c. and 350.; Reg. size from f2.7 to $1.00. mother. Twenty-five cents n bottle. • A Range, a heater, a Washing by using Carter's Iron Pills, which Machine, a Flour Bin, a Bread Ilox. aro made for the blood, nerves and( a Lamp. The Biggest stock in town complexion. to selest from. Women with pale etiIorago faces wil HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE who [eel weak and discouraged, will receive bot h trent al and bodily vigor Spoons it. BISSELI:S lv>Ew `Cvco'• BALL BEARING CARPET SWEEPER - MAKES A SENSIBLE • SUITABLE CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR MOTHER,WIFE,515TER OR FRIEND - AT ALL PRICES • E er, has been committed for trial. The don on Monday and was of a private ( �• Y �� body of the unfortunate young man nature. Ile is survived by his widow _ sets was shipped here for burial and ar- end two daughters. Mrs. E. U. .M. rived yesterday morning, the funer- Flock and Mrs. Cowan. of London. -` ��t s- al taking place yesterday afternoon His store here, under the management _ _''"'�"0.'r� from Rowe Sc At!cinson's undertak- of Mr. II.. W, F. Ileavers. was closed ing rooms for inter;vent in Exeter from Friday until Tuesday morning. cemetery. e -- A private church weddin •EllmvtllA than b of more Gifts worth giving Articles Beautiful and Useful. Sure to be appreciated. The passing interest to a large Mr. Everet Skinner went to Toronto circle of friends was solemnized in t! • on Saturday with a car load of c.tttie Main St. Methodist church. on Ti: . - for Mr. Byron hicks. stock of Speeiat Holiday (,roods at Hawkia s Hardware makes it easy fi• t, 'c ssa NOTE CUR OTHER CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS - SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY Suggestionselpful for Eve-ybody 1 day afternoon, Dec. 14th. 1909, when Mrs. Thomas Heywood had a bad to solve the Harriet L., (Mattie) eldest daughter bad fall one (lay last week and b:ack- of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Follick. and ened her face and hurt her chest. and )rev. C. W. linker, 0. 1)., of Arkona,. up to the present time is no better. were united in marriage. The bride Miss Addie Turnbull, of Farquhar, entered the church escorted by her father. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Win. Godwin. of Park- hill. a former pastor of Main Street church. and a close personal friend of both bride and bridegroom. Rev. E spent Sunday with Alma Johns. There will be no service held in Elimville church next Sunday evening on account of christrnas services at Sunshine. Poor old *Billy is dead and the dogs ■ car, the present pastor of the church of the village are having their christ- assisted in the ceremony. The bride mas feasts. teas unattended save by her nephew,( Garnet Miners who is in the west Master Joe Follick, who served her sends home word that it is very cold as ring bearer. The music for ,the 'out there twenty below and more. and lots of snow. We most have had the tail end of it here last week. ns it was very cold and stormy for a start. Miss Mabel Johns is spen•ling a few days in Exeter tvith her father and mot her. Mrs. Thomas Srnale, while eating oysters on Monday morning had n piece of an oyster shell lodge in her throat. Dr. Bright. of Exeter was telephoned for and it. took him some and the officiating ministers and their time to dislodge it. wives, Rev. and Mrs. Baker left on! Al r. George Kerslake is moving to the fife o'clock train. and after n1 his new horse north of Elimville. short visit with friends will make - - their home in Arkona. The presents' Whalen were nameroes,mostly costly andnil1 useful. and gave evidence of the pelt-' Mr and Airs. George Sgii res visited 111arity of the bride. who bas been a I with friends in London the former valued member of the Main St. choir' part of this week. for ninny years. Ifev. Mr. Baker is' Miss Hilda Gunning has returned a promising young member of the' home after spending it few days t he Methodist ministry and is now in Ws guest of Miss Lu'a Gudbolt of Win 1 third year in Arkona. i Chelsea, Mr. Frank Squires is learning the occasion consisted of Cantor's ''Oh Fair, Oh Sweet and holy"' very ac- ceptably rendered by the bride's neje! Miss Edna Follick and the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin and Mendel- ssohn's Wedding \larch by the church organist, Mrs. J. lltatchford► The ushers were Messrs. J. M. Southcott, L. ('0Hltis, It. Wilcox and W. May. After the ceremony luncheon was ser ved at the home of the bride's parents to the families of the bride and groom - All kinds of nuts for the Xmas t hnrness making wilt 111 r. W. C'lark at buyers at Wilson Ilros. ; (lraulon. •-- - 1 Mr. Lloyd Hodgson is al lending the What looked like a tragedy occur-1 Business College at Stratford. re 1 in the township of McKillop. aborti' Me. Walter Guunin{( and stater 1fd- a mile and a half from Iirodhagen . na visite(! friends ur St. and sister Ftt- anrl about nine miles front Motrkton; (lay of Inst week. the other day. when Bertha. the forte- blies (ietttude Flulht•rty ie home }• it -old daughter of Henry Zeigler, ;with Ser mother for the holidays. an old man living on the 12th conccs-' Messrs. Delbert and Wilson Morey ~ions was found inn mud hole with visited with their brot her Oscar on her face buried deeply. On her fon,- Snday. head was a bruise• to nil appearances' Mr. \\'m. Brooks attended the Win - only by some dull weapotr• The ter Fair at Guelph. and reports a fine only other member of the family at outing. horse when the tragedy occurred %%as Our }oun> people are making wady the father, an old man who gets a good program for the Christmas) around with the aid of canes. It was trey. Arr:uugenu'nta have hien made Carvers in Silk lined Poxes only last a 'i'k the facts were rnad ttilh Santa Claus to be here on Thum -i \'e cr.tty- r.i,ty 1L • 1•(•-t• known to Crown Attorney Seager, and (lay evening of next week and distil -i Price $1 b.) unto t(3 tU hr rightly thinks some one was dere- bate to thr children his annual stnas 1 ------- he in their duty. No official inquiry Presents• %Vou:dn't it lie Iovriv to was mode, and the supposition is that' Mr. Frank (:Honing is preparing the 1deligirt. mothers' tweet. ti.., deceased fell and struck her head! material to raise his barn next sum -1 yenr wit. t! et ,et i,f ,1-1 e,. against n venter trough. dying from °1Pf tee Sad Iv., M -he has went. ,i the blow and exposure. Mr..lohn Ogden is finishing the' ..till tea a h. r ! .t 1 sn Its V. \l' L stabling in the new Karn of Mr.' happy ibe when. vent- 11.1 d Samuel (:innings. Air. Gunning row• Ilk tvnold 1,.. Ole crew! tI' t Mr. and Mrs. E. 1 . M. Flock. of has n splendid building 40x70 with a •1gift,. 1'r'c, pee re. $_'t.n London. were visitors in tow n "ed- cement block wall Leautifu:ly faced ; � nes lay. a well cgnipcd stable with the ;Wiest conveniences, also a Large and spas - CHRISTMAS AND NEW ''r,\it; ions barn where he can bestow all 1 EXCURSIONS. -The Grand Trunk the products of his splendid farm. nailunr 8 sttni wiab to nnnonnce that return tickets will he issued be-; Dit. OVENS EYE AND RA It 81•it-; ` twveen all stations in Canada. also to geon, will be at the Commercial Detroit and Port iluron. Alich.. Rut-! note'. /inure 9 a. is. to 1 p. r, puzzle: "What to Give. ,p skates Brake glad the hearts of young People. Our great variety of style and price will allow you tochoose a pair of heautifnl "STARS' for the toy who plays hockey. A light and graceful pair for a young lady, or the more inexpensive kind which please the young.ters just as well. Price all the way from goc. to $4•oO. Gerry Xmas and 365 Good Mornings Of clean Shaves and Comfort. From "?" Father secretly ravels one of those Gillettes Safety Razors, the best razor yet discover- ed. Other reliable brands iu stock guaranteed. Ail razors given on trial. Wiss Razor $2.2.1 to $2:10. Engstrom $1.25 to $2 00 Edelweiss $1.25 to $1.30. Strops 59c. to $2 00, \Ve can give you expert advice in chcutirg. A Rifle • We have the real 'Stevens" and "\N int heater' Prices $2.03 to $1. 50 are always welcomed by the children No need to let theta go unhappy when you cto get .1 nice elect from 75c up to $I 110. Cutlery Any brother or sister would he made happy by n gift (tom nur excellent Cutlery Depart- ment. Just for example, a pair of Embroidery and Button tole Scissors 25c tip. Or a Pen or Jack Knife 15e up. Ca rvers ANOT I I?0N ;=r a";i ale, Black Roel.. and Suspension m. Glasses properly fitted an! dig- ) Bridge. N. Y.. nt the following re-' Paseo of ere eat ati'1 nogg treated / ) �' (lured rates: Single fare. good goinc Next visit Monday, 1),c. 20th. ell ,Zr;'" 1)ee.21th and 25th. 190'1. returning on day. or lee., Dec. 2;th. 19)9. nlro goodp go ing f)ee.:11st. 1609 an 1 Jan. 1st.. 1910 -- • returning on or before Jan 3rd. 1910, MARRIED .\t fare and one-third. good gointr on BAKEI{-F'OLLiC1:.-At the Main St.; Dee. •2Ist to 25th inlc'risve, or from Method,at church. Exeter. Tuesday. Dec. 2inh. 19'1:1 to Jan 1st. 1910. in- • December 14. by Rev. Wm. Godwin.' cursive. or trotn Dec. 'Seth. 1911!1, to' of Parkhill. assisted by Rev. F:. A.'•Ihe 0:.1 li1'h.1i►�t' ifarrlwar' Store. Jen. 1st. 1910; ret•trninc not Tater Fear. Harriet L. Follick to Per. C.1 than .Ian. 5th. 1910. W. Maker. 11. U., of Arkona. 1 I A COLD //11 NDLE , These n:•e h•it a few ne:e, tions from our extet sive lines of heautifnl articles for ('hristine:I giving. in hoping rnir holiday goods WP Laveendeavored to tee that every- thing will he of set vice, something to be prized and used the entire y( ar. Thete is no '•11ash" in the whole stot k. The cheap articlt a ate also -good" ones. \Ve have gifts to .11it ,ill 1.,teot;s, and all I ursen. SP ate h, re :o a'se5,t yon. No Lt( Ode to show the e(, .1-. Army tin to he of service. Drake ynnr ('111 Win'. Shopping Inadquartets at our store. 1.••nve your tinsels or tweet your If, it iids t ht r• . T. HAWKINS & SOLA